CCLME.ORG - DIVISION 89 GENERAL AUTHORIZATIONS (General Authorization for Fish Habitat Enhancement)
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Oregon Regulations

The Oregon Administrative Rules contain OARs filed through July 14, 2006



General Authorization for Fish Habitat Enhancement

141-089-0100 General Authorization for Fish Habitat Enhancement

Purpose and Applicability

(1) This rule sets forth conditions under which an applicant may, without an individual removal-fill permit from the Department place or remove material within waters of the state (including Essential Salmon Habitat as designated in OAR 141-102) for the purposes of fish habitat enhancement as defined by OAR 141-085-0010.

(2) A letter of authorization from the Department is required prior to any person commencing an activity authorized by this general authorization. The term and conditions of issuance shall be stated in the letter of authorization. The term shall not exceed the expiration date of this general authorization. A letter of authorization is transferable to another person in accordance with OAR 141-085-0034.

(3) This general authorization is made pursuant to ORS 196.850 and is based upon the determination that the authorized activities are similar in nature and when conducted in accordance with this general authorization will not result in long term harm to water resources of the state, and will cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts.

(4) This general authorization does not apply to activities or waters exempt from the removal-fill law as described in OAR 141-085-0015 and 141-085-0020.

(5) Unless specified, the terms used in this general authorization (GA) are defined in OAR 141-085-0010.

(6) Other structures, uses or activities included in any application for this general authorization that are subject to another general authorization under OAR 141-089 or individual permit under OAR 141-085 will not be authorized or covered by this general authorization. An application encompassing multiple activities must be processed as an individual removal-fill permit under OAR 141-085 except a single application, for activities eligible for General Authorizations for Fish Enhancement and Wetland Restoration and Enhancement may be used in combination to authorize the same project.

(7) Activities and/or projects, which qualify for this general authorization, are exempt from removal-fill permit fees as described in OAR 141-085-0064.

(8) In the event a dispute arises as to the applicability of this general authorization to any project application, the Department shall make the final determination. The Department shall rely upon the applicant's project application and supporting documentation for its decision.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04


Eligibility Requirements; Ineligible Projects

(1) In order to issue a letter of authorization the Department shall determine that the project is eligible and meets the applicable mandatory requirements as described in this rule. To be eligible a project must:

(a) Be constructed for the sole purpose of improving habitat conditions for fish;

(b) Consist of fill or removal of material as:

(A) Randomly placed rock;

(B) Deflectors;

(C) Rock and log weirs;

(D) Gravel placement;

(E) Pool and pond construction;

(F) Back/side channel construction;

(G) Channel reconstruction;

(H) Barrier removal and placement of fish passage ways;

(I) Woody material.

(2) A project is not eligible for this general authorization if:

(a) The project fails to meet any eligibility or mandatory requirements;

(b) The project is not for the sole purpose of improving habitat conditions for fish or other aquatic habitat restoration in wetlands; or

(c) The project application includes any structure, use or activity subject to another general authorization under OAR 141-089 or individual permit under OAR 141-085; except as provided for in OAR 141-089-0205 Wetland Restoration and Enhancement.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Mandatory Requirements

The Department shall review each application to ensure that a project complies with the following mandatory requirements:

(1) Be consistent with the Oregon Aquatic Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Guide.

(2) Demonstrate consistency with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's requirements under ORS 509.580 to 509.645 for upstream and downstream fish passage.

(3) Fills shall be of a size appropriate to the stream, and not exceed 150 cubic yards per site unless otherwise recommended by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife for purposes of providing or improving fish passage (e.g., a simulated stream bottom or reconstructed channel). For purposes of this general authorization, a site can be a single location of the entire project or a component of a project with multiple elements and geographic locations.

(4) Channel reconstruction projects shall restore pre-channelized morphology to channelized streams by providing for sinuosity and width/depth ratios that emulate the natural stream channel, as practicable.

(5) In order to stabilize deflectors, log weirs and other similar structures, the bed and the bank may be stabilized with nonstructural methods or riprap not more than 15 feet upstream and downstream of the structure. Rock fill shall not exceed 50 cubic yards at each site.

(6) Rock and log weirs and full-spanning boulder weirs may be placed within the bed and banks only if they promote fish passage, prevent streambed degradation and/or recruit spawning gravel and do not require annual reconstruction. Weirs must incorporate a keystone rock or rocks that allow for juvenile fish passage at all flows.

(7) Deflectors may be placed only if they add stream structure and increase habitat complexity.

(8) Clean, river-run gravel used for enhancing or improving spawning areas must come from within the same river system as the placement site and not exceed 100 cubic yards per site.

(9) Pools and ponds shall be designed to allow fish to escape during low water periods. Bed material may be removed to create instream pools and hydrologically connected off-channel ponds, so long as pool depth does not exceed the depth of adjacent pools.

(10) Gravel and bed materials may be removed to create or clear side or back channels.

(11) Artificial barriers to fish passage including but not limited to culverts, tidegates and road crossings (not exempt from the removal-fill law under OAR 141-085-0020) may be removed and fish passage structures may be placed within the bed and banks of waters of the state.

(12) The project may convert wetlands to other waters if the project approximates or restores fish habitat lost by past land use activities. The project shall have only minimal adverse impacts to wetlands.

(13) If the project is within a State Scenic Waterway, a scenic waterway removal-fill permit must have been obtained from the Department (unless exempt) in accordance with OAR 141-100.

(14) When necessary to protect and conserve the water resources of the state, the Department may waive and/or modify any conflicting guidelines, mandatory requirements or conditions in either the Fish Habitat Enhancement or Wetland Restoration and Enhancement General Authorizations.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Application Requirements; Public Notice Review Process

(1) An application for general authorization under this rule shall be submitted on an application form available from the Department. A complete application is one that contains all the information required in the application packet provided by the Department.

(2) The Department shall notify the applicant within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the application if the application is incomplete or ineligible; otherwise the application will be considered complete. If the application is deemed incomplete, the Department shall notify the applicant and identify the missing, inaccurate or insufficient information. The Department will not continue to process an incomplete application. To re-initiate the application review process the applicant may submit an amended application at any time within twelve (12) months of the original application date. The applicant must resubmit an entire amended application for reconsideration, unless instructed by the Department to do otherwise. Submission of an amended application commences a new review period.

(3) Once the application is deemed complete, the Department shall provide notice of the application to the adjacent property owners, the local planning department, the local Soil and Water Conservation District, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, affected Tribal government, the State Historic Preservation Office, the Oregon Water Resources Department, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service. Diking and drainage districts shall also be notified as applicable. If the project is on a federally designated Wild and Scenic River, the Department shall provide notice to the appropriate U.S. Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management office.

(4) The Department shall consider comments received with fifteen (15) calendar days of the notice date. In the event a party fails to comment within the (15) calendar day period, the Department shall assume the party has no objection to the application.

(5) The Department may waive or shorten the comment period described in (4) above upon a showing by the applicant in the application that the interested parties listed in (3) have previously reviewed and approved the project.

(6) Following the comment period and not more than forty (40) calendar days from the receipt of an application, the Department will determine if the project meets the eligibility and mandatory requirements set out in this general authorization and do one of the following:

(a) Approve the application and issue a letter of authorization to the applicant;

(b) Approve the application and issue a letter of authorization, with project specific conditions, to the applicant; or

(c) Deny the application and notify the applicant. If the Department determines that the proposed project is ineligible or otherwise does not qualify for the general authorization the applicant may submit the project for processing and review as an application for an individual removal-fill permit, as provided in OAR 141-085.

(7) The Department may require an individual removal-fill permit for a project that would otherwise be authorized by this general authorization, if the Department determines that the activity might cause more than minimal individual or cumulative environmental impacts or might result in long-term harm to the water resources of the state. The Department may also require an individual removal-fill permit if requested to do so by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality or the affected local land use planning department.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Conditions of Issuance of General Authorization

All holders of a letter of authorization (authorization holder) shall adhere to the conditions of the general authorization.

(1) The authorization holder shall conduct all work in compliance with the comprehensive plan, zoning requirements or other local, state, or federal regulations pertaining to the project. Local land use planning department approval shall be obtained if the project is located within a Federal Emergency Management Agency designated floodway. All other necessary approvals and permits shall be obtained before commencing with the authorized project. All necessary approvals and permits shall be obtained before commencing the project under this general authorization.

(2) The authorization holder shall obtain all necessary access permits or rights-of-way prior to entering lands owned by another for the purposes of completing a project authorized under this general authorization.

(3) The authorization holder shall conduct the activity during the time period recommended by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, unless after consultation with ODFW, a waiver is granted by Department for a longer or alternative time period.

(4) The authorization holder shall demonstrate that the activity will not interfere with fish passage, as required by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

(5) When listed species are present, the authorization holder shall comply with the state and Federal Endangered Species Acts. If previously unknown listed species are encountered during the project, the authorization holder shall contact the Department as soon as possible.

(6) The authorization holder shall not disturb or destroy known archeological sites unless authorized under a permit issued by the State Historic Preservation Office. When previously unknown occurrences of archeological sites are discovered during construction, the authorization holder shall immediately cease work at the discovery site and contact the Department.

(7) The authorization holder shall ensure that the authorized work does not unreasonably interfere with or create a hazard to recreational navigation.

(8) The authorization holder shall ensure that woody vegetation removal is limited to the minimum amount needed to complete the project including construction access and keying in of structures.

(9) The authorization holder shall ensure that areas disturbed in the course of completing the authorized work are revegetated with the same mix of native herbs, shrubs and/or trees in approximately the same numeric proportion as were removed from the site, unless otherwise approved by the Department, except that grass seed mixes of exotics certified free of noxious weeds that will hold the soil and not persist are permitted.

(10) The authorization holder shall ensure that no petroleum products, chemicals or deleterious materials are allowed to enter the waters of the state.

(11) The authorized work shall not cause turbidity of affected waters to exceed natural background turbidity by more than 10 percent, as measured 100 feet downstream from the work area.

(a) If all appropriate erosion/turbidity control measures, as described in the ODEQ Erosion and Sediment Control Manual (April 2005), are in place and functioning properly then this standard may be exceeded, in each 24-hour period, for only:

(A) One 2-hour period in fast moving water (>2% stream bed gradient).

(B) One 4-hour period in slow moving water (<2% stream bed gradient).

(b) Turbidity shall be monitored at least 100 feet up stream of the current work area to obtain a natural background level and 100 feet down stream of the current work area, in the visible plume if one is present, unless otherwise approved by DSL after consulting with DEQ. A turbidimeter is recommended for measuring; however, visual observation is acceptable. If a turbidimeter is not used, turbidity that is visible over background at a distance of 100 feet down stream of the current work area is a violation of the permit conditions.

(c) Monitoring of turbidity shall take place during daylight hours each day of in-water work and every 2 hours in fast moving waters and every 4 hours in slow moving waters as described above in (a). A written record of turbidity monitoring shall be kept.

(d) If the levels of turbidity are elevated at the time of the first compliance-monitoring interval, all practicable erosion control measures should be implemented to reduce the levels of turbidity. If the levels of turbidity are in exceedance during the second monitoring interval, the activity causing the elevated levels of turbidity must cease until the levels of turbidity return to background.

(12) The authorization holder shall ensure that all applicable Department of Environmental Quality water quality requirements are adhered to and permits and certifications are obtained prior to commencing construction activities.

(13) If a 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) is issued by DEQ in conjunction with a US Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit for the same project, the turbidity condition in the 401 WQC will replace the above listed turbidity language (a copy of the 401 Water Quality Certification shall be retained on site).

(14) The authorization holder shall obtain a water right or reservoir permit, if needed, from the Oregon Department of Water Resources if the project involves a water diversion or impoundment.

(15) The authorization holder may use streambed gravels from the trench excavation for a filter blanket.

(16) Upon completion of the project the authorization holder shall report to the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board on Restoration Inventory Report forms provided by the Department.

(17) The authorization holder shall keep a copy of the letter of authorization available at the work site whenever the activity is being conducted.

(18) Employees of the Department and all duly authorized representatives shall be permitted access to the project area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting work performed under this authorization.

(19) The Department makes no representation regarding the quality or adequacy of the project design, materials, construction, or maintenance, except to approve the project's design and materials as satisfying the resource protection, scenic, safety, recreation, and public access requirements of ORS Chapters 196 and related administrative rules.

(20) The State of Oregon, and its officers, agents, and employees shall be held harmless from any claim, suit, or action for property damage or personal injury or death arising out of the design, material, construction, or maintenance of the permitted improvements.

(21) The Department may add other project-specific conditions to the letter of authorization as necessary to meet the requirements of the general authorization. Such additional conditions may be needed to ensure that the project will cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts and will not result in long term harm to water resources of the state.

(22) The Department may, at any time, by notice to affected authorization holders revoke or modify any letter of authorization granted under this general authorization if it determines the conditions of the general authorization are insufficient to minimize individual or cumulative environmental impacts.

(23) The authorization holder is responsible for the activities of all contractors or other operators involved in project work covered by the letter of authorization.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Violation of General Authorization; Enforcement

Violations of the terms and conditions of this general authorization are subject to administrative and/or legal action, which may result in revocation of the authorization. The authorization holder is responsible for the activities of all contractors or other operators involved in work done at the site or under the authorization.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990 & 390.805 - 390.925
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03


Appeals; Expiration; Review of General Authorization

(1) An applicant whose application for the general authorization is determined by the Department to be ineligible or otherwise not qualified for this general authorization may obtain an informal review of the Department's decision through the alternative dispute resolution process resolution process described in OAR 141-085-0075. However, this is only opportunity to review the Department's decision and does not give the person a right to a contested case hearing.

(2) This general authorization shall be reviewed by the Department on or before January 1, 2011, at which time it shall be modified, reissued or rescinded. The review will include public notice and opportunity for public hearing. An approval issued prior to expiration of this General Authorization shall remain in effect until January 1, 2012.

(3) Any activities authorized by a letter of authorization issued prior to January 1, 2006 are authorized until the activity is completed or until January 1, 2012, whichever comes first. All conditions of issuance continue to be in force. Activities authorized by this General Authorization that are not completed by January 1, 2012, shall require the submittal of a new application in order to complete the proposed activities. However, a one time 90 day extension will be allowed by the Department, if the applicant provides the Department with a written Notice that states that the activities authorized by this General Authorization will be completed within 90 days of January 1, 2012. The Department shall acknowledge and approve in writing the one time 90 day extension.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06

General Authorization for Streambank Stabilization

Purpose and Applicability

(1) This rule sets forth conditions under which an applicant may, without an individual removal-fill permit, place or remove material within waters of the state, except estuaries and the Pacific Ocean, for streambank stabilization.

(2) A letter of authorization from the Department is required prior to any person commencing an activity authorized by this general authorization. The term and conditions of issuance shall be stated in the letter of authorization. The term shall not exceed the expiration date of this general authorization. A letter of authorization is transferable to another person in accordance with OAR 141-085-0034.

(3) This general authorization is made pursuant to ORS 196.850 and is based upon the determination that the authorized activities are similar in nature and when conducted in accordance with this general authorization rule will not result in long term harm to water resources of the state, and will cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts.

(4) This general authorization does not apply to activities or waters exempt from the removal-fill law as described in OAR 141-085-0015 and 0020.

(5) Other structures, uses or activities included in any application for this general authorization that are subject to another general authorization under OAR 141-089 or individual permit under OAR 141-085 will not be authorized or covered by this general authorization. An application encompassing multiple activities must be processed as an individual removal-fill permit under OAR 141-085.

(6) Unless otherwise specified, the terms used in this general authorization are defined in OAR 141-085-0010.

(7) Activities and/or projects, which qualify for this general authorization, are exempt from removal-fill permit fees as described in OAR 141-085-0064.

(8) In the event a dispute arises as to the applicability of this general authorization to any project application, the Department shall make the final determination. The Department shall rely upon the applicant's project application and supporting documentation for its decision.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04


Eligibility Requirements; Ineligible Projects

(1) In order to issue a letter of authorization the Department shall determine that the project is eligible and meets the applicable mandatory requirements as described in this rule. To be eligible a project must:

(a) Be an active erosion area.

(b) Involve not more than one thousand (1,000) cubic yards of material placed in a one-quarter mile reach of waters of the state for a single project or more than two thousand (2,000) cubic yards for multiple-related projects within a subbasin.

(2) A project is not eligible for this general authorization if:

(a) The project is not for streambank stabilization;

(b) The project area is not currently subject to active erosion;

(c) The project application includes any structure, use or activity subject to another general authorization under OAR 141-089 or individual permits under OAR 141-085;

(d) The project includes channel relocation and gravel bar alteration;

(e) The project consists entirely of structural streambank stabilization methods (e.g. riprap, bulkheads);

(f) The project involves fill in wetlands exceeding 0.2 (two-tenths) acres; or

(g) The project fails to meet any eligibility or mandatory requirements.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04


Mandatory Requirements

The Department shall review each application to ensure that a project complies with the following mandatory standards:

(1) Where revetments, riprap and/or any other structural techniques are unavoidable, they shall be used in combination with nonstructural approaches to streambank stabilization.

(2) Nonstructural approaches such as slope pull-back, willow mats, rock barbs, revegetation with native plant species, log and boulder deflectors, shall be used to the maximum extent possible and where technically feasible.

(3) Only clean, durable rock shall be used as riprap. Riprap used for the toe material shall be placed in an irregular pattern using large boulders or rock clusters.

(4) No material shall be removed in excess of the amount required to construct a toe trench, key material to the bank, or slope the bank.

(5) If the project is within a State Scenic Waterway, a scenic waterway removal-fill permit must have been obtained from the Department (unless otherwise exempt) in accordance with OAR 141-100.

(6) No material shall be placed in excess of the minimum needed to stabilize the area subject to active erosion.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Application Requirements; Public Notice; Review Process

(1) An application for general authorization under this rule shall be submitted on an application form available from the Department. A complete application is one that contains all the information required in the application packet provided by the Department.

(2) The Department shall notify the applicant within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the application if the application is incomplete; otherwise the application will be considered complete. If the application is deemed incomplete, the Department shall notify the applicant, return the application and identify the missing, inaccurate or insufficient information. The Department will not continue to process an incomplete application. To re-initiate the application review process the applicant may submit an amended application at any time within twelve (12) months of the original application date. The applicant must resubmit an entire amended application for reconsideration, unless instructed by the Department to do otherwise. Submission of an amended application commences a new review period.

(3) Once the application is deemed complete, the Department shall provide notice of the application to the adjacent property owners, the local planning department, the local Soil and Water Conservation District, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, affected Tribal government, the State Historic Preservation Office, the Oregon Water Resources Department, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service. Diking and drainage districts shall also be notified as applicable. If the project is on a federally designated Wild and Scenic River, the Department shall provide notice to the appropriate U.S. Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management office.

(4) The Department shall consider comments received with fifteen (15) calendar days of the notice date. In the event a party fails to comment within the (15) calendar day period, the Department shall assume the party has no objection to the application.

(5) The Department may waive or shorten the comment period described in (4) above upon a showing by the applicant in the application that the interested parties listed in (3) have previously reviewed and approved the project.

(6) Following the comment period and not more than forty (40) calendar days from the receipt of an application, the Department will determine if the project meets the eligibility and mandatory requirements set out in this general authorization and do one of the following:

(a) Approve the application and issue a letter of authorization to the applicant;

(b) Approve the application and issue a letter of authorization, with project specific conditions, to the applicant; or

(c) Deny the application and notify the applicant. If the Department determines that the proposed project is ineligible or otherwise does not qualify for the general authorization, the applicant may submit the project for processing and review as an individual removal-fill permit as provided in OAR 141-085.

(7) The Department may require an individual removal-fill permit for a project that would otherwise be authorized by this general authorization, if the Department determines that the activity might cause more than minimal individual or cumulative environmental impacts or might result in long-term harm to the water resources of the state. The Department may also require an individual removal-fill permit if requested to do so by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality or the affected local land use planning department.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Conditions of Issuance of General Authorization

All holders of a letter of authorization (authorization holder) shall adhere to the conditions of the general authorization.

(1) The authorization holder shall conduct all work in compliance with the comprehensive plan, zoning requirements or other local, state, or federal regulations pertaining to the project. Local land use planning department approval shall be obtained if the project is located within a Federal Emergency Management Agency designated floodway. All other necessary approvals and permits shall be obtained before commencing with the authorized project. All necessary approvals and permits shall be obtained before commencing the project under this general authorization.

(2) The authorization holder shall obtain all necessary access permits or rights-of-way prior to entering lands owned by another for the purposes of completing a project authorized under this general authorization.

(3) The authorization holder shall conduct the activity during the time period recommended by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, unless after consultation with ODFW, a waiver is granted by Department for a longer or alternative time period.

(4) The authorization holder shall ensure that the activity will not interfere with fish passage, as required by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.

(5) When listed species are present, the authorization holder shall comply with the state and Federal Endangered Species Acts. If previously unknown listed species are encountered during the project, the authorization holder shall contact the Department as soon as possible.

(6) The authorization holder shall not disturb or destroy known archeological sites unless authorized under a permit issued by the State Historic Preservation Office. When previously unknown occurrences of archeological sites are discovered during construction, the authorization holder shall immediately cease work at the discovery site and contact the Department.

(7) The authorization holder shall ensure that the authorized work does not unreasonably interfere with or create a hazard to recreational navigation.

(8) The authorization holder shall ensure that woody vegetation removal is limited to the minimum amount needed to complete the project including construction access and keying in of structures.

(9) The authorization holder shall ensure that areas disturbed in the course of completing the authorized work are revegetated with the same mix of native herbs, shrubs and/or trees in approximately the same numeric proportion as were removed from the site, unless otherwise approved by the Department, except that grass seed mixes of exotics certified free of noxious weeds that will hold the soil and not persist are permitted.

(10) The authorization holder shall ensure that no petroleum products, chemicals or deleterious materials are allowed to enter the waters of the state.

(11) The authorized work shall not cause turbidity of affected waters to exceed natural background turbidity by more than 10 percent, as measured 100 feet downstream from the work area.

(a) If all appropriate erosion/turbidity control measures, as described in the ODEQ Erosion and Sediment Control Manual (April 2005), are in place and functioning properly then this standard may be exceeded, in each 24-hour period, for only:

(A) One 2-hour period in fast moving water (>2% slope).

(B) One 4-hour period in slow moving water (<2% slope).

(b) Turbidity shall be monitored at least 100 feet up current of work area to obtain a natural background level and 100 feet down current of work area, in the visible plume if one is present, unless otherwise approved by DSL after consulting with DEQ. A turbidimeter is recommended for measuring; however, visual gauging is acceptable. If a turbidimeter is not used, turbidity that is visible over background at a distance of 100 feet down current of the work area is considered an exceedance of the standard.

(c) Compliance monitoring shall take place during daylight hours each day of in-water activity every 2 hours in fast moving waters and every 4 hours in slow moving waters. A written record of monitoring shall be kept.

(d) If the levels of turbidity are elevated at the time of the first compliance-monitoring interval, all practicable erosion control measures should be implemented to reduce the levels of turbidity. If the levels of turbidity are in exceedance during the second monitoring interval, the activity causing the elevated levels of turbidity must cease until the levels of turbidity return to background.

(12) The authorization holder shall ensure that all applicable Department of Environmental Quality water quality requirements are adhered to and permits and certifications are obtained prior to commencing construction activities.

(13) If a 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) is issued by DEQ in conjunction with a US Army Corps of Engineers 404 permit for the same project, the turbidity condition in the 401 WQC will replace the above listed turbidity language (a copy of the 401 Water Quality Certification shall be retained on site).

(14) The authorization holder shall ensure that all structures are placed in a manner that does not increase the upland surface area.

(15) The authorization holder shall ensure that all structures are constructed using equipment operating outside the waterway or wetland unless otherwise approved by the Department as a part of the project plan.

(16) The authorization holder shall keep a copy of the letter of authorization available at the work site whenever the activity is being conducted.

(17) Employees of the Department and all duly authorized representatives shall be permitted access to the project area at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting work performed under this authorization.

(18) The Department makes no representation regarding the quality or adequacy of the project design, materials, construction, or maintenance, except to approve the project's design and materials as satisfying the resource protection, scenic, safety, recreation, and public access requirements of ORS Chapters 196 and related administrative rules.

(19) The State of Oregon, and its officers, agents, and employees shall be held harmless from any claim, suit, or action for property damage or personal injury or death arising out of the design, material, construction, or maintenance of the permitted improvements.

(20) The Department may add other project-specific conditions to the letter of authorization as necessary to meet the requirements of the general authorization. Such additional conditions may be needed to ensure that the project will cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts and will not result in long term harm to water resources of the state.

(21) The Department may, at any time, by notice to affected authorization holders revoke or modify any letter of authorization granted under this general authorization if it determines the conditions of the general authorization are insufficient to minimize individual or cumulative environmental impacts.

(22) The authorization holder is responsible for the activities of all contractors or other operators involved in project work covered by the letter of authorization.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Violation of General Authorization; Enforcement

Violations of the terms and conditions of any general authorization are subject to administrative and/or legal action, which may result in revocation of the authorization. The authorization holder is responsible for the activities of all contractors or other operators involved in work done at the site or under the authorization.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990 & 390.805 - 390.925
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03


Appeals; Expiration; Review of General Authorization

(1) An applicant whose application for the general authorization is determined by the Department to be ineligible or otherwise not qualified for this general authorization may obtain an informal review of the Department's decision through the alternative dispute resolution process resolution process described in OAR 141-085-0075. However, this is only opportunity to review the Department's decision and does not give the person a right to a contested case hearing.

(2) This general authorization shall be reviewed by the Department on or before January 1, 2011, at which time it shall be modified, reissued or rescinded. The review will include public notice and opportunity for public hearing. An approval issued prior to expiration of this General Authorization shall remain in effect until January 1, 2012.

(3) Any activities authorized by a letter of authorization issued prior to January 1, 2006 are authorized until the activity is completed or until January 1, 2012, whichever comes first. All conditions of issuance continue to be in force. Activities authorized by this General Authorization that are not completed by January 1, 2012, shall require the submittal of a new application in order to complete the proposed activities. However, a one time 90 day extension will be allowed by the Department, if the applicant provides the Department with a written Notice that states that the activities authorized by this General Authorization will be completed within 90 days of January 1, 2012. The Department shall acknowledge and approve in writing the one time 90 day extension.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06

General Authorization for CertainTransportation-Related Structures

Purpose and Applicability

(1) This rule sets forth conditions under which an applicant may, without obtaining an individual removal-fill permit, may place or remove material from waters of the state (as described in OAR 141-085-0016), except within the Pacific Ocean, for certain transportation related structures including roads, railroads, culverts, bridges, bicycle lanes and trails.

(2) A letter of authorization from the Department is required prior to any person commencing an activity authorized by this general authorization. The term and conditions of issuance shall be stated in the letter of authorization. The term shall not exceed the expiration date of this general authorization. A letter of authorization is transferable to another person in accordance with OAR 141-085-0034.

(3) This general authorization is made pursuant to ORS 196.850 and is based upon the determination that the authorized activities are similar in nature and when conducted in accordance with this general authorization rule will not result in long term harm to water resources of the state, and will cause only minimal individual and cumulative environmental impacts.

(4) This general authorization does not apply to activities or waters exempt from the removal-fill law as described in OAR 141-085-0015 and 141-085-0020.

(5) Other structures, uses or activities included in any application for this general authorization that are subject to another general authorization under OAR 141-089 or individual permit under OAR 141-085 will not be authorized or covered by this general authorization. An application encompassing multiple activities must obtain an individual removal-fill permit under OAR 141-085.

(6) Unless otherwise specified, the terms used in this general authorization are defined in OAR 141-085-0010.

(7) Activities and/or projects, which qualify for this general authorization, are exempt from removal-fill permit fees as described in OAR 141-085-0064.

(8) In the event a dispute arises as to the applicability of this general authorization to any project application, the Department shall make the final determination. The Department shall rely upon the applicant's project application and supporting documentation for its decision.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Eligibility Requirements; Ineligible Projects

(1) In order to issue a letter of authorization the Department shall determine that the project is eligible and meets the applicable Mandatory Requirements as described in this rule. To be eligible a project must:

(a) Be for one of the following purposes:

(A) Widening shoulder for new roadside embankment, curbs, trails, sidewalks and rail crossings;

(B) Widening road for additional passing lanes, turn lanes and refuges and travel lanes;

(C) Widening, realigning, replacing, or removing existing railroad beds;

(D) Widening, realigning, replacing, or removing existing roads;

(E) Widening, realigning, replacing, or removing existing bridges or similar structures;

(F) Widening, realigning, replacing, or removing existing bicycle, pedestrian or other lanes or trails;

(G) Widening, realigning, replacing, or removing existing boat ramps.

(H) Constructing new bicycle, pedestrian or other lanes or trails;

(I) Replacement of culverts or similar water conveyance structures along roads and trails that extend beyond the existing road prism;

(J) Construction of new culverts;

(K) Extension of existing culverts beyond the existing road prism;

(L) Streambank stabilization associated with projects listed in (A) through (K); and

(M) Hydraulic scour protection associated with bridges and similar structures including but not limited to: construction of a new trench and stone embankment; construction of new bridge footings; placing new riprap to stabilize a transportation structure foundation.

(b) In waters other than wetlands, no more than a total of five thousand (5000) cubic yards of material filled, removed, or altered in waters of the state for a single and complete project. Exceeding five thousand (5,000) cubic yards may be authorized only where necessary to improve or restore fluvial processes on a project specific basis (i.e. removal of constrictive fill).

(c) Be for streambank stabilization associated with a transportation-related project as listed above, with no more than one thousand (1,000) cubic yards of material placed in a one-quarter mile reach of waters of the state for a single project or two thousand (2,000) cubic yards for multiple-related projects within a subbasin.

(d) Involve fill in wetlands of 0.5 acres or less for projects as described above in (a).

(e) Be for test holes, borings and similar activities associated with planning and design of transportation structures.

(f) Be for an activity that is incidental to the project necessary to provide fish passage or needed for the structural integrity of the project (i.e. compensatory mitigation, relocate or add utilities, etc.).

(2) A project is not eligible for this general authorization if:

(a) The project is not a transportation-related structure as described above;

(b) The project fails to meet any of the requirements of (1) above or the mandatory requirements;

(c) The project is located within the Pacific Ocean.

(d) The project involves stream channel relocation, other than temporary diversions approved by the Department.

(e) The project includes any structure, use or activity subject to another general authorization under OAR 141-089 or individual removal-fill permit under OAR 141-085, unless it is incidental to the project or is necessary to provide compensatory mitigation, compensatory wetland mitigation, fish passage or for the structural integrity of the project.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 1-2003, f. & cert. ef. 7-10-03; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Mandatory Requirements

The Department shall review each application to ensure that a project complies with the following mandatory standards:

(1) If the project is within a State Scenic Waterway, a scenic waterway removal-fill permit must have been obtained from the Department in accordance with OAR 141-100; and,

(2) If wetlands may be affected by the proposed activity, a previously approved, unexpired wetland delineation report, less than five (5) years old, that meets the requirements in OAR 141-090-0005 to 0055 is required for a complete application. If the project and mitigation site, if different do not have a previously approved, unexpired wetland delineation report, a delineation report must be submitted to the Department at least 120 days in advance of the anticipated GA application submittal.

(3) A compensatory mitigation plan or compensatory wetland mitigation plan is required pursuant to OAR 141-085 to mitigate for any reasonably expected adverse impacts to water resources of the state or navigation, fishing and public recreation uses.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.850
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.800 - 196.990
Hist.: DSL 6-2002, f. 11-25-02 cert. ef. 1-15-03; DSL 2-2003(Temp) f. & cert. ef. 11-26-03 thru 5-23-04; DSL 1-2004, f. & cert. ef. 5-21-04; DSL 5-2005, f. 12-30-05, cert. ef.1-3-06


Application Requirements; Public Notice; Review Process

(1) An application for a general authorization under this rule shall be submitted on an application form available from the Department. A complete application is one that contains all the information required in the application packet provided by the Department.

(2) The Department shall notify the applicant within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the application if the application is incomplete or ineligible; otherwise the application will be considered complete. If the application is deemed incomplete, the Department shall notify the applicant and identify the missing, inaccurate or insufficient information. The Department will not process an incomplete application. To re-initiate the application review process the applicant may submit an amended application at any time within twelve (12) months of the original application date. The applicant must resubmit an entire amended application forreconsideration, unless instructed by the Department to do otherwise. Submission of an amended application commences a new review period. (continued)