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Note: Authority cited: Sections 100275 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 116385, 116455, 116555 and 116610, Health and Safety Code.
s 64449.3. Repeat Sampling.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 208, 4021 and 4023.3, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 4017, 4024, 4026.3 and 4026.4, Health and Safety Code.
s 64449.4. Use of Sources that Exceed a Secondary MCL and Do Not Have a Waiver.
A source that exceeds one or more of the secondary MCLs in Table 64449-A and does not have a waiver may be used only if the source meets the requirements in Section 64414, and the community water system:
(a) Meters the source's monthly production and submits the results to the Department by the 10th day of the next month;
(b) Counts any part of a day as a full day for purposes of determining compliance with Section 64414(c);
(c) As a minimum, conducts public notification by including information on the source's use (dates, constituent levels, and reasons) in the Consumer Confidence Report (Sections 64480 through 64483);
(d) Provides public notice prior to use of the source by electronic media, publication in a local newspaper, and/or information in the customer billing, if the situation is such that the water system can anticipate the use of the source (e.g., to perform water system maintenance); and
(e) Takes corrective measures such as flushing after the source is used to minimize any residual levels of the constituent in the water distribution system.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 100275 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 116385, 116555 and 116610, Health and Safety Code.
s 64449.5. Distribution System Physical Water Quality.
(a) The water supplier shall determine the physical water quality in the distribution system. This determination shall be based on one or more of the following:
(1) Main flushing operations and flushing records.
(2) Consumer complaint records showing location, nature and duration of the physical water quality problem.
(3) Other pertinent data relative to physical water quality in the distribution system.
(b) If the Department determines that a water system does not have sufficient data on physical water quality in the distribution system to make the determination required in paragraph (a), the water supplier shall collect samples for the following general physical analyses: color, odor, and turbidity. Samples shall be collected from representative points in the distribution system:
(1) For community water systems with 200 to 1,000 service connections: one sample per month.
(2) For community water systems with greater than 1,000 service connections: one sample for every four bacteriological samples required per month.
(3) For community water systems with less than 200 service connections: as established by the local health officer or the Department.
(c) Odor samples required as a part of general physical analyses may be examined in the field as per Section 64415(b).
(d) The distribution system water of public water systems shall be free from significant amounts of particulate matter.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4023.3, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 4024, Health and Safety Code.
s 64449.7. Exemptions.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 208, 4021 and 4923.3, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 4017, 4024, 4026.3 and 4026.4, Health and Safety Code.
s 64450. Unregulated Chemicals - Monitoring.
(a) Community water systems and nontransient-noncommunity water systems shall monitor for the chemicals in table 64450, pursuant to subsection (b):
Table 64450
Unregulated Chemicals
Chemical Synonyms
(1) Boron
(2) Chromium VI Hexavalent chromium
(3) Dichlorodifluoromethane Diflurorodichloromethane
(4) Ethyl-tert-butyl ether ETBE
(5) Perchlorate
(6) tert-Amyl-methyl ether TAME
(7) tert-Butyl alcohol TBA
(8) 1,2,3-Trichloropropane TCP
(9) Vanadium
(b) All vulnerable community and nontransient-noncommunity water systems shall conduct and complete one round of monitoring for hexavalent chromium by December 31, 2002, and for the other unregulated chemicals in table 64450 by December 31, 2003. Monitoring shall be conducted by collecting source water samples, or samples from the distribution entry points that are representative of typical operating conditions. At least one of the samples shall be collected during the period from May 1 through July 31 (vulnerable time), unless the Department specifies a different vulnerable time for the water system due to seasonal conditions related to use, manufacture and/or weather. Monitoring shall be as follows:
(1) Surface water systems shall collect four quarterly samples at each sample site; the system shall select either the first, second, or third month of a quarter and sample in that same month of each of four consecutive quarters.
(2) Ground water systems shall collect two samples in a single year, five to seven months apart.
(3) The water system shall collect each sample at the same sampling site, unless a change is approved by the Department.
(c) A water system may apply to the Department for a monitoring waiver for one or more of the chemicals on table 64450 in accordance with sections 64445(d)(1) and (2).
(d) If a system serves fewer than 150 service connections, it may be eligible for an exemption from the monitoring requirements of this section, based on a Departmental review of the previous five years of sampling data. To request an exemption, the system operator shall submit a written request to the Department that includes a statement that the system is available for sampling by the Department.
(e) A water system that has monitoring data collected after January 1, 1998, that meets the requirements in subsection (b) may use that data to comply with the monitoring requirements in this section.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 100275, 116350 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 116385 and 116555, Health and Safety Code.
s 64450.1. Monitoring -Unregulated Chemicals.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 100275, 116350 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 116375, 116385, 116400 and 116555, Health and Safety Code.
s 64451. Reporting Requirements.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 100275 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 116385, Health and Safety Code.
s 64453. Record Maintenance.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 208 and 4026, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 4024, Health and Safety Code.
s 64461. Significant Rise in Bacterial Count Notification.
s 64463. General Public Notification Requirements.
(a) Each public (community, nontransient-noncommunity and transient-noncommunity) water system shall give public notice to persons served by the water system pursuant to this article.
(b) Each water system required to give public notice shall submit the notice to the Department for approval prior to distribution or posting, unless otherwise directed by the Department.
(c) Each wholesaler shall give public notice to the owner or operator of each of its retailer systems. A retailer is responsible for providing public notice to the persons it serves. If the retailer arranges for the wholesaler to provide the notification, the retailer shall notify the Department prior to the notice being given.
(d) Each water system that has a violation of any of the regulatory requirements specified in subsections 64463.1(a), 64463.4(a) or 64463.7(a) in a portion of the distribution system that is physically or hydraulically isolated from other parts of the distribution system may limit distribution of the notice to only persons served by that portion of the system that is out of compliance, if the Department has granted written approval on the basis of a review of the water system and the data leading to the violation or occurrence for which notice is being given.
(e) Each water system shall give new customers public notice of any acute violation as specified in subsection 64463.1(a) that occurred within the previous thirty days, any continuing violation, the existence of a variance or exemption, and/or any other ongoing occurrence that the Department has determined poses a potential risk of adverse effects on human health [based on a review of estimated exposures and toxicological data associated with the contaminant(s)] and requires a public notice. Notice to new customers shall be given as follows:
(1) Community water systems shall give a copy of the most recent public notice prior to or at the time service begins; and
(2) Noncommunity water systems shall post the most recent public notice in conspicuous locations for as long as the violation, variance, exemption, or other occurrence continues.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 116325, 116350 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 116450, Health and Safety Code.
s 64463.1. Tier 1 Public Notice.
(a) Each water system shall give public notice pursuant to this section and section 64465 if any of the following occurs:
(1) Violation of the total coliform MCL when:
(A) Fecal coliform or E. coliare present in the distribution system, or
(B) When any repeat sample tests positive for coliform and the water system fails to test for fecal coliforms or E. coliin the repeat sample;
(2) Violation of the MCL for nitrate, nitrite, or total nitrate and nitrite, or when the water system fails to take a confirmation sample within 24 hours of the system's receipt of the first sample showing an exceedance of the nitrate or nitrite MCL;
(3) Violation of a Chapter 17 treatment technique requirement resulting from a single exceedance of a maximum allowable turbidity level if:
(A) The Department determines after consultation with the water system and a review of the data that a Tier 1 public notice is required, or
(B) The consultation between the Department and the water system does not take place within 24 hours after the water system learns of the violation;
(4) Occurrence of a waterborne microbial disease outbreak, as defined in section 64651.91 or other waterborne emergency, a failure or significant interruption in water treatment processes, a natural disaster that disrupts the water supply or distribution system, or a chemical spill or unexpected loading of possible pathogens into the source water that has the potential for adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure; or
(5) Other violation or occurrence that has the potential for adverse effects on human health as a result of short-term exposure, as determined by the Department based on a review of all available toxicological and analytical data.
(b) As soon as possible within 24 hours after learning of any of the violations in subsection (a) or being notified by the Department that it has determined there is a potential for adverse effects on human health [pursuant to paragraph (a)(4) or (5)], the water system shall:
(1) Give public notice pursuant to this section
(2) Initiate consultation with the Department within the same timeframe; and
(3) Comply with any additional public notice requirements that are determined by the consultation to be necessary to protect public health.
(c) Each water system shall deliver the public notice in a manner designed to reach residential, transient, and nontransient users of the water system and shall use, as a minimum, one of the following forms:
(1) Radio or television;
(2) Posting in conspicuous locations throughout the area served by the water system;
(3) Hand delivery to persons served by the water system; or
(4) Other method approved by the Department, based on the method's ability to inform water system users.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 116325, 116350 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 116450, Health and Safety Code.
s 64463.2. Reporting and Notification of Unregulated Organic Chemicals Monitoring.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 208, 4021 and 4023.3, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 4017, 4024 and 4028, Health and Safety Code.
s 64463.4. Tier 2 Public Notice.
(a) Each water system shall give public notice pursuant to this section if any of the following occurs:
(1) Any violation of the MCL and treatment technique requirements, except:
(A) Where a Tier 1 public notice is required under section 64463.1, or
(B) Where the Department determines that a Tier 1 public notice is required, based on potential health impacts and persistence of the violations;
(2) All violations of the monitoring and testing procedure requirements in sections 64421 through 64426.1, article 3 (Primary Standards - Bacteriological Quality), for which the Department determines that a Tier 2 rather than a Tier 3 public notice is required, based on potential health impacts and persistence of the violations;
(3) Other violations of the monitoring and testing procedure requirements in this chapter, and chapters 17 and 17.5, for which the Department determines that a Tier 2 rather than a Tier 3 public notice is required, based on potential health impacts and persistence of the violations; or
(4) Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of any variance or exemption in place.
(b) Each water system shall give the notice as soon as possible within 30 days after it learns of a violation or occurrence specified in subsection (a), except that the water system may request an extension of up to 60 days for providing the notice. This extension would be subject to the Department's written approval based on the violation or occurrence having been resolved and the Department's determination that public health and welfare would in no way be adversely affected. In addition, the water system shall:
(1) Maintain posted notices in place for as long as the violation or occurrence continues, but in no case less than seven days;
(2) Repeat the notice every three months as long as the violation or occurrence continues. Subject to the Department's written approval based on its determination that public health would in no way be adversely affected, the water system may be allowed to notice less frequently but in no case less than once per year. No allowance for reduced frequency of notice shall be given in the case of a total coliform MCL violation or violation of a Chapter 17 treatment technique requirement;
(3) For turbidity violations pursuant to subsections 64652.5(c)(2) and 64653(c), (d) and (f), as applicable, a water system shall consult with the Department as soon as possible within 24 hours after the water system learns of the violation to determine whether a Tier 1 public notice is required. If consultation does not take place within 24 hours, the water system shall give Tier 1 public notice within 48 hours after learning of the violation.
(c) Each water system shall deliver the notice, in a manner designed to reach persons served, within the required time period as follows:
(1) Unless otherwise directed by the Department in writing based on its assessment of the violation or occurrence and the potential for adverse effects on public health and welfare, community water systems shall give public notice by
(A) Mail or direct delivery to each customer receiving a bill including those that provide their drinking water to others (e.g., schools or school systems, apartment building owners, or large private employers), and other service connections to which water is delivered by the water system; and
(B) Use of one or more of the following methods to reach persons not likely to be reached by a mailing or direct delivery (renters, university students, nursing home patients, prison inmates, etc.):
1. Publication in a local newspaper;
2. Posting in conspicuous public places served by the water system, or on the Internet; or
3. Delivery to community organizations.
(2) Unless otherwise directed by the Department in writing based on its assessment of the violation or occurrence and the potential for adverse effects on public health and welfare, noncommunity water systems shall give the public notice by:
(A) Posting in conspicuous locations throughout the area served by the water system; and
(B) Using one or more of the following methods to reach persons not likely to be reached by a public posting:
1. Publication in a local newspaper or newsletter distributed to customers;
2. E-mail message to employees or students;
3. Posting on the Internet or intranet; or
4. Direct delivery to each customer.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 116325, 116350 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 116450, Health and Safety Code.
s 64463.7. Tier 3 Public Notice.
(a) Each water system shall give public notice pursuant to this section if any of the following occurs:
(1) Monitoring violations;
(2) Failure to comply with a testing procedure, except where a Tier 1 public notice is required pursuant to section 64463.1 or the Department determines that a Tier 2 public notice is required pursuant to section 64463.4; or
(3) Operation under a variance or exemption.
(b) Each water system shall give the public notice within one year after it learns of the violation or begins operating under a variance or exemption.
(1) The water system shall repeat the public notice annually for as long as the violation, variance, exemption, or other occurrence continues.
(2) Posted public notices shall remain in place for as long as the violation, variance, exemption, or other occurrence continues, but in no case less than seven days.
(3) Instead of individual Tier 3 public notices, a water system may use an annual report detailing all violations and occurrences for the previous twelve months, as long as the water system meets the frequency requirements specified in this subsection.
(c) Each water system shall deliver the notice in a manner designed to reach persons served within the required time period, as follows:
(1) Unless otherwise directed by the Department in writing based on its assessment of the violation or occurrence and the potential for adverse effects on public health and welfare, community water systems shall give public notice by
(A) Mail or direct delivery to each customer receiving a bill including those that provide their drinking water to others (e.g., schools or school systems, apartment building owners, or large private employers), and other service connections to which water is delivered by the water system; and
(B) Use of one or more of the following methods to reach persons not likely to be reached by a mailing or direct delivery (renters, university students, nursing home patients, prison inmates, etc.):
1. Publication in a local newspaper;
2. Posting in conspicuous public places served by the water system, or on the Internet; or
3. Delivery to community organizations.
(2) Unless otherwise directed by the Department in writing based on its assessment of the violation or occurrence and the potential for adverse effects on public health and welfare, noncommunity water systems shall give the public notice by:
(A) Posting in conspicuous locations throughout the area served by the water system; and
(B) Using one or more of the following methods to reach persons not likely to be reached by a posting:
1. Publication in a local newspaper or newsletter distributed to customers;
2. E-mail message to employees or students;
3. Posting on the Internet or intranet; or
4. Direct delivery to each customer.
(d) Community and nontransient-noncommunity water systems may use the Consumer Confidence Report pursuant to sections 64480 through 64483, to meet the initial and repeat Tier 3 public notice requirements in subsection 64463.7(b), as long as the Report meets the following:
(1) Is given no later than one year after the water system learns of the violation or occurrence;
(2) Includes the content specified in section 64465; and
(3) Is distributed pursuant to paragraph(b)(1) and (2) or subsection (c).
Note: Authority cited: Sections 116325, 116350 and 116375, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 116450, Health and Safety Code.
s 64464.1. Notification Methods.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 208, 4023.3 and 4028, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 4010-4039.6, Health and Safety Code.
s 64464.3. Public Notification -Water Quality Failure.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 100275, 116375 and 116450, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 116270-116751, Health and Safety Code.
s 64464.6. Public Notification -Procedural Failure.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 100275, 116425 and 116450, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 116270-116751, Health and Safety Code.
s 64465. Public Notice Content and Format.
(a) Each public notice given pursuant to this article, except Tier 3 public notices for variances and exemptions pursuant to subsection (b), shall contain the following:
(1) A description of the violation or occurrence, including the contaminant(s) of concern, and (as applicable) the contaminant level(s);
(2) The date(s) of the violation or occurrence;
(3) Any potential adverse health effects from the violation or occurrence, including the appropriate standard health effects language from appendices 64465-A through G;
(4) The population at risk, including subpopulations particularly vulnerable if exposed to the contaminant in drinking water;
(5) Whether alternative water supplies should be used;
(6) What actions consumers should take, including when they should seek medical help, if known;
(7) What the water system is doing to correct the violation or occurrence;
(8) When the water system expects to return to compliance or resolve the occurrence;
(9) The name, business address, and phone number of the water system owner, operator, or designee of the water system as a source of additional information concerning the public notice;
(10) A statement to encourage the public notice recipient to distribute the public notice to other persons served, using the following standard language: "Please share this information with all the other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this public notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this public notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail"; and
(11) For a water system with a monitoring and testing procedure violation, this language shall be included: "We are required to monitor your drinking water for specific contaminants on a regular basis. Results of regular monitoring are an indicator of whether or not your drinking water meets health standards. During [compliance period dates], we ['did not monitor or test'or 'did not complete all monitoring or testing']for [contaminant(s)], and therefore, cannot be sure of the quality of your drinking water during that time."
(b) A Tier 3 public notice for a water system operating under a variance or exemption shall include the elements in this subsection. If a water system has violated its variance or exemption conditions, the public notice shall also include the elements in subsection (a).
(1) An explanation of the reasons for the variance or exemption;
(2) The date on which the variance or exemption was issued;
(3) A brief status report on the steps the water system is taking to install treatment, find alternative sources of water, or otherwise comply with the terms and schedules of the variance or exemption; and
(4) A notice of any opportunity for public input in the review of the variance or exemption.
(c) Each public notice given pursuant to this article shall contain information in Spanish regarding the importance of the notice, or contain a telephone number or address where Spanish-speaking residents may contact the water system to obtain a translated copy of the public notice or assistance in Spanish. For each non-English speaking group other than Spanish-speaking that exceeds 1,000 residents or 10% of the residents in the community served, whichever is less, the public notice shall:
(1) Contain information in the appropriate language(s) regarding the importance of the notice, or
(2) Contain a telephone number or address where such residents may contact the water system to obtain a translated copy of the notice or assistance in the appropriate language.
(d) Each public notice given pursuant to this article shall:
(1) Be displayed such that it catches people's attention when printed or posted and be formatted in such a way that the message in the public notice can be understood at the eighth-grade level;
(2) Not contain technical language beyond an eighth-grade level or print smaller than 12 point; and
(3) Not contain language that minimizes or contradicts the information being given in the public notice.
Appendix 64465-A. Health Effects Language Microbiological Contaminants.
Contaminant Health Effects language
Total Coliform Coliforms are bacteria that are naturally present
in the environment and are used as an indicator
that other, potentially-harmful, bacteria may be
present. Coliforms were found in more samples
than allowed and this was a warning of potential
Fecal coliform/E.Coli Fecal coliforms andE. coliare bacteria whose
presence indicates that the water may be
contaminated with human or animal wastes.
Microbes in these wastes can cause short-term
effects, such as diarrhea, cramps, nausea,
headaches, or other symptoms. They may pose a
special health risk for infants, young children,
some of the elderly, and people with severely
compromised immune systems.
Turbidity Turbidity has no health effects. However, high
levels of turbidity can interfere with disinfection
and provide a medium for microbial growth.
Turbidity may indicate the presence of
disease-causing organisms. These organisms
include bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can
cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps,
diarrhea, and associated headaches.
Appendix 64465-B. Health Effects Language Surface Water Treatment
Contaminant Health Effects language
Giardia lamblia Inadequately treated water may contain
Viruses disease-causing organisms. These organisms
Heterotrophic plate include bacteria, viruses, and parasites that can
count bacteria cause symptoms such as nausea, cramps,
Legionella diarrhea, and associated headaches.
Appendix 64465-C. Health Effects Language Radioactive Contaminants.
Contaminant Health Effects Language
Gross Beta particle activity Certain minerals are radioactive and may emit
forms of radiation known as photons and beta
radiation. Some people who drink water
containing beta and photon emitters in excess of
the MCL over many years may have an increased
risk of getting cancer.
Strontium-90 Some people who drink water containing
strontium-90 in excess of the MCL over many
years may have an increased risk of getting
Tritium Some people who drink water containing tritium
in excess of the MCL over many years may have
an increased risk of getting cancer.
Gross Alpha particle activity Certain minerals are radioactive and may emit a
form of radiation known as alpha radiation. Some
people who drink water containing alpha emitters
in excess of the MCL over many years may have
an increased risk of getting cancer.
Combined Radium 226/228 Some people who drink water containing radium
226 or 228 in excess of the MCL over many years
may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
Uranium Some people who drink water containing
uranium in excess of the MCL over many years
may have kidney problems or an increased risk of
getting cancer.
Appendix 64465-D. Health Effects Language Inorganic Contaminants.
Contaminant Health Effects Language
Aluminum Some people who drink water containing
aluminum in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience short-term gastrointestinal tract
Antimony Some people who drink water containing
antimony in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience increases in blood cholesterol
and decreases in blood sugar.
Arsenic Some people who drink water containing arsenic
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience skin damage or circulatory system
problems, and may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
Asbestos Some people who drink water containing
asbestos in excess of the MCL over many years
may have an increased risk of developing benign
intestinal polyps.
Barium Some people who drink water containing barium
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience an increase in blood pressure.
Beryllium Some people who drink water containing
beryllium in excess of the MCL over many years
may develop intestinal lesions.
Cadmium Some people who drink water containing
cadmium in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience kidney damage.
Chromium Some people who use water containing
chromium in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience allergic
Copper Copper is an essential nutrient, but some people
who drink water containing copper in excess of
the action level over a relatively short amount of
time may experience gastrointestinal distress.
Some people who drink water containing copper
in excess of the action level over many years may
suffer liver or kidney damage. People with
Wilson's Disease should consult their personal
Cyanide Some people who drink water containing cyanide
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience nerve damage or thyroid problems.
Fluoride For the Consumer Confidence Report:Some
people who drink water containing fluoride in
excess of the federal MCL of 4 mg/L over many
years may get bone disease, including pain and
tenderness of the bones. Children who drink
water containing fluoride in excess of the state
MCL of 2 mg/L may get mottled teeth.
For a Public Notice:This is an alert about your
drinking water and a cosmetic dental problem
that might affect At low levels, fluoride can help prevent cavities,
children under nine
years of age.
but children drinking water containing more than
2 milligrams per liter (mg/L) of fluoride may
develop cosmetic discoloration of their
permanent teeth (dental fluorosis). The drinking
water provided by your community water system
[name] has a fluoride concentration of [insert
value] mg/L.
Dental fluorosis may result in a brown staining
and/or pitting of the permanent teeth. This
problem occurs only in developing teeth, before
they erupt from the gums. Children under nine
should be provided with alternative sources of
drinking water or water that has been treated to
remove the fluoride to avoid the possibility of
staining and pitting of their permanent teeth. You
may also want to contact your dentist about
proper use by young children of fluoride-
containing products. Older children and
adults may safely drink the water. Drinking water
containing more than 4 mg/L of fluoride can
increase your risk of developing bone disease.
For more information, please call [water system
contact name] of [water system name] at [phone
number]. Some home water treatment units are
also available to remove fluoride from drinking
water. To learn more about available home water
treatment units, you may call the California
Department of Health Services Water Treatment
Device Unit at (916) 323-6111.
Lead Infants and children who drink water containing
lead in excess of the action level may experience
delays in their physical or mental development.
Children may show slight deficits in attention
span and learning abilities. Adults who drink this
water over many years may develop kidney
problems or high blood pressure.
Mercury Some people who drink water containing
mercury in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience mental disturbances, or impaired
physical coordination, speech and hearing.
Nickel Some people who drink water containing nickel
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience liver and heart effects.
Nitrate Infants below the age of six months who drink
water containing nitrate in excess of the MCL
may quickly become seriously ill and, if
untreated, may die because high nitrate levels can
interfere with the capacity of the infant's blood to
carry oxygen. Symptoms include shortness of
breath and blueness of the skin. High nitrate
levels may also affect the oxygen-carrying
ability of the blood of pregnant women.
Nitrite Infants below the age of six months who drink
water containing nitrite in excess of the MCL
may become seriously ill and, if untreated, may
die. Symptoms include shortness of breath and
blueness of the skin.
Selenium Selenium is an essential nutrient. However, some
people who drink water containing selenium in
excess of the MCL over many years may
experience hair or fingernail losses, numbness in
fingers or toes, or circulation system problems.
Thallium Some people who drink water containing
thallium in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience hair loss, changes in their blood,
or kidney, intestinal, or liver problems.
Appendix 64465-E. Health Effects Language Volatile Organic Contaminants.
Contaminant Health Effects Language
Benzene Some people who use water containing benzene
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience anemia or a decrease in blood
platelets, and may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
Carbon Tetrachloride Some people who use water containing carbon
tetrachloride in excess of the MCL over many
years may experience liver problems and may
have an increased risk of getting cancer.
1,2-Dichlorobenzene Some people who drink water containing
1,2-dichlorobenzene in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver, kidney, or
circulatory system problems.
1,4-Dichlorobenzene Some people who use water containing
1,4-dichlorobenzenein in excess of the MCL
over many years may experience anemia, liver,
kidney, or spleen damage, or changes in their
1,1-Dichloroethane Some people who use water containing
1,1-dichloroethane in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience nervous system or
respiratory problems.
1,2-Dichloroethane Some people who use water containing
1,2- dichloroethane in excess of the MCL over
many years may have an increased risk of getting
1,1-Dichloroethylene Some people who use water containing
1,1-dichloroethylene in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver problems.
cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene Some people who use water containing
cis-1,2-dichloroethylene in excess of the MCL
over many years may experience liver problems.
trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene Some people who drink water containing
trans-1,2-dichloroethylene in excess of the MCL
over many years may experience liver problems.
Dichloromethane Some people who drink water containing
dichloromethane in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver problems and
may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
1,2-Dichloropropane Some people who use water containing
1,2-dichloropropane in excess of the MCL over
many years may have an increased risk of getting
1,3-Dichloropropene Some people who use water containing
1,3-dichloropropene in excess of the MCL over
many years may have an increased risk of getting
Ethylbenzene Some people who use water containing
ethylbenzene in excess of the MCL over many
years may experience liver or kidney problems.
Methyl-tert-butyl ether Some people who use water containing
methyl-tert-butyl ether in excess of the MCL
over many years may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
Monochlorobenzene Some people who use water containing
monochlorobenzene in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver or kidney
Styrene Some people who drink water containing styrene
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience liver, kidney, or circulatory system
1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Some people who drinking water containing
1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane in excess of the MCL
over many years may experience liver or nervous
system problems.
Tetrachloroethylene Some people who use water containing
tetrachloroethylene in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver problems, and
may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Some people who use water containing
1,2,4-trichlorobenzene in excess of the MCL
over many years may experience adrenal gland
1,1,1,-Trichloroethane Some people who use water containing
1,1,1-trichloroethane in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver, nervous
system, or circulatory system problems.
1,1,2-Trichloroethane Some people who use water containing
1,1,2- trichloroethane in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver, kidney, or
immune system problems.
Trichloroethylene (TCE) Some people who use water containing
trichloroethylene in excess of the MCL over
many years may experience liver problems and
may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
Toluene Some people who use water containing toluene in
excess of the MCL over many years may
experience nervous system, kidney, or liver
Trichlorofluoromethane Some people who use water containing
trichlorofluoromethane in excess of the MCL
over many years may experience liver problems.
1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2- Some people who use water containing
trifluoroethane 1,1,2-trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane in
excess of the MCL over many years may
experience liver problems.
Vinyl Chloride Some people who use water containing vinyl
chloride in excess of the MCL over many years
may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
Xylenes Some people who use water containing xylenes
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience nervous system damage.
Appendix 64465-F. Health Effects Language Synthetic Organic Contaminants.
Contaminant Health Effects Language
2,4-D Some people who use water containing the weed
killer 2,4-D in excess of the MCL over many
years may experience kidney, liver, or adrenal
gland problems.
2,4,5-TP (Silvex) Some people who drink water containing Silvex
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience liver problems.
Alachlor Some people who use water containing alachlor
#3in excess of the MCL over experience eye, liver, kidney, or spleen
many years may
problems, or experience anemia, and may have
an increased risk of getting cancer.
Atrazine Some people who use water containing atrazine
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience cardiovascular system problems or
reproductive difficulties.
Bentazon Some people who drink water containing
bentazon in excess of the MCL overy many year
may experience prostate and gastrointestinal
Benzo(a)pyrene [PAH] Some people who use water containing
benzo(a)pyrene in excess of the MCL over many
years may experience reproductive difficulties
and may have an increased risk of getting cancer.
Carbofuran Some people who use water containing carbo-
furan in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience problems with their blood, or nervous
or reproductive system problems.
Chlordane Some people who use water containing
chlordane in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience liver or nervous system
problems, and may have an increased risk of
getting cancer.
Dalapon Some people who drink water containing
dalapon in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience minor kidney changes.
Dibromochloropropane Some people who use water containing DBCP in
(DBCP) excess of the MCL over many years may
experience reproductive difficulties and may
have an increased risk of getting cancer.
Di (2-ethylhexyl) adipate Some people who drink water containing
di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate in excess of the MCL
over many years may experience weight loss,
liver enlargement, or possible reproductive
Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Some people who use water containing
di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate well in excess of the
MCL over many years may experience liver
problems or reproductive difficulties, and may
have an increased risk of getting cancer.
Dinoseb Some people who drink water containing dinoseb
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience reproductive difficulties.
Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD): Some people who use water containing dioxin in
excess of the MCL over many years may
experience reproductive difficulties and may
have an increased risk of getting cancer.
Diquat Some people who drink water containing diquat
in excess of the MCL over many years may get
Endothall Some people who drink water containing
endothall in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience stomach or intestinal problems.
Endrin Some people who drink water containing endrin
in excess of the MCL over many years may
experience liver problems.
Ethylene dibromide (EDB) Some people who use water containing ethylene
dibromide in excess of the MCL over many years
may experience liver, stomach, reproductivesystem, or kidney problems, and may have an (continued)