Loading (50 kb)...'
(continued) -1 10,000 f
2-Butene-trans [2-Butene, (E)]. 624-64-6 10,000 f
Carbon oxysulfide [Carbon oxide 463-58-1 10,000 f
sulfide (COS)].
Chlorine monoxide [Chlorine 7791-21-1 10,000 f
2-Chloropropylene [1-Propene, 2- 557-98-2 10,000 g
1-Chloropropylene [1-Propene, 1- 590-21-6 10,000 g
Cyanogen [Ethanedinitrile]..... 460-19-5 10,000 f
Cyclopropane................... 75-19-4 10,000 f
Dichlorosilane [Silane, 4109-96-0 10,000 f
Difluoroethane [Ethane, 1,1- 75-37-6 10,000 f
Dimethylamine [Methanamine, N- 124-40-3 10,000 f
2,2-Dimethylpropane [Propane, 463-82-1 10,000 f
Ethane......................... 74-84-0 10,000 f
Ethyl acetylene [1-Butyne]..... 107-00-6 10,000 f
Ethylamine [Ethanamine]........ 75-04-7 10,000 f
Ethyl chloride [Ethane, chloro- 75-00-3 10,000 f
Ethylene [Ethene].............. 74-85-1 10,000 f
Ethyl ether [Ethane, 1,1[prime]- 60-29-7 10,000 g
Ethyl mercaptan [Ethanethiol].. 75-08-1 10,000 g
Ethyl nitrite [Nitrous acid, 109-95-5 10,000 f
ethyl ester].
Hydrogen....................... 1333-74-0 10,000 f
Isobutane [Propane, 2-methyl].. 75-28-5 10,000 f
Isopentane [Butane, 2-methyl-]. 78-78-4 10,000 g
Isoprene [1,3-Butadinene, 2- 78-79-5 10,000 g
Isopropylamine [2-Propanamine]. 75-31-0 10,000 g
Isopropyl chloride [Propane, 2- 75-29-6 10,000 g
Methane........................ 74-82-8 10,000 f
Methylamine [Methanamine]...... 74-89-5 10,000 f
3-Methyl-1-butene.............. 563-45-1 10,000 f
2-Methyl-1-butene.............. 563-46-2 10,000 g
Methyl ether [Methane, oxybis-] 115-10-6 10,000 f
Methyl formate [Formic acid, 107-31-3 10,000 g
methyl ester].
2-Methylpropene [1-Propene, 2- 115-11-7 10,000 f
1,3-Pentadinene................ 504-60-9 10,000 f
Pentane........................ 109-66-0 10,000 g
1-Pentene...................... 109-67-1 10,000 g
2-Pentene, (E)-................ 646-04-8 10,000 g
2-Pentene, (Z)-................ 627-20-3 10,000 g
Propadiene [1,2-Propadiene].... 463-49-0 10,000 f
Propane........................ 74-98-6 10,000 f
Propylene [1-Propene].......... 115-07-1 10,000 f
Propyne [1-Propyne]............ 74-99-7 10,000 f
Silane......................... 7803-62-5 10,000 f
Tetrafluoroethylene [Ethene, 116-14-3 10,000 f
Tetramethylsilane [Silane, 75-76-3 10,000 g
Trichlorosilane [Silane, 10025-78-2 10,000 g
Trifluorochloroethylene 79-38-9 10,000 f
[Ethene, chlorotrifluoro-].
Trimethylamine [Methanamine, 75-50-3 10,000 f
Vinyl acetylene [1-Buten-3-yne] 689-97-4 10,000 f
Vinyl chloride [Ethene, chloro- 75-01-4 10,000 a, f
Vinyl ethyl ether [Ethene, 109-92-2 10,000 g
Vinyl fluoride [Ethene, fluoro- 75-02-5 10,000 f
Vinylidene chloride [Ethene, 75-35-4 10,000 g
Vinylidene fluoride [Ethene, 75-38-7 10,000 f
Vinyl methyl ether [Ethene, 107-25-5 10,000 f
\1\ A flammable substance when used as a fuel or held for sale as a fuel
at a retail facility is excluded from all provisions of this part (see
§ 68.126).
Note: Basis for Listing:
\a\ Mandated for listing by Congress.
\f\ Flammable gas.
\g\ Volatile flammable liquid.
Table 4 to § 68.130_List of Regulated Flammable Substances \1\ and Threshold Quantities for Accidental
Release Prevention
[CAS Number Order_63 Substances]
CAS No. Chemical name CAS No. quantity Basis for listing
60-29-7........................ Ethyl ether [Ethane, 60-29-7 10,000 g
74-82-8........................ Methane....................... 74-82-8 10,000 f
74-84-0........................ Ethane........................ 74-84-0 10,000 f
74-85-1........................ Ethylene [Ethene]............. 74-85-1 10,000 f
74-86-2........................ Acetylene [Ethyne]............ 74-86-2 10,000 f
74-89-5........................ Methylamine [Methanamine]..... 74-89-5 10,000 f
74-98-6........................ Propane....................... 74-98-6 10,000 f
74-99-7........................ Propyne [1-Propyne]........... 74-99-7 10,000 f
75-00-3........................ Ethyl chloride [Ethane, chloro- 75-00-3 10,000 f
75-01-4........................ Vinyl chloride [Ethene, chloro- 75-01-4 10,000 a, f
75-02-5........................ Vinyl fluoride [Ethene, fluoro- 75-02-5 10,000 f
75-04-7........................ Ethylamine [Ethanamine]....... 75-04-7 10,000 f
75-07-0........................ Acetaldehyde.................. 75-07-0 10,000 g
75-08-1........................ Ethyl mercaptan [Ethanethiol]. 75-08-1 10,000 g
75-19-4........................ Cyclopropane.................. 75-19-4 10,000 f
75-28-5........................ Isobutane [Propane, 2-methyl]. 75-28-5 10,000 f
75-29-6........................ Isopropyl chloride [Propane, 2- 75-29-6 10,000 g
75-31-0........................ Isopropylamine [2-Propanamine] 75-31-0 10,000 g
75-35-4........................ Vinylidene chloride [Ethene, 75-35-4 10,000 g
75-37-6........................ Difluoroethane [Ethane, 1,1- 75-37-6 10,000 f
75-38-7........................ Vinylidene fluoride [Ethene, 75-38-7 10,000 f
75-50-3........................ Trimethylamine [Methanamine, 75-50-3 10,000 f
N, N-dimethyl-].
75-76-3........................ Tetramethylsilane [Silane, 75-76-3 10,000 g
78-78-4........................ Isopentane [Butane, 2-methyl-] 78-78-4 10,000 g
78-79-5........................ Isoprene [1,3,-Butadiene, 2- 78-79-5 10,000 g
79-38-9........................ Trifluorochloroethylene 79-38-9 10,000 f
[Ethene, chlorotrifluoro-].
106-97-8....................... Butane........................ 106-97-8 10,000 f
106-98-9....................... 1-Butene...................... 106-98-9 10,000 f
196-99-0....................... 1,3-Butadiene................. 106-99-0 10,000 f
107-00-6....................... Ethyl acetylene [1-Butyne].... 107-00-6 10,000 f
107-01-7....................... 2-Butene...................... 107-01-7 10,000 f
107-25-5....................... Vinyl methyl ether [Ethene, 107-25-5 10,000 f
107-31-3....................... Methyl formate [Formic acid, 107-31-3 10,000 g
methyl ester].
109-66-0....................... Pentane....................... 109-66-0 10,000 g
109-67-1....................... 1-Pentene..................... 109-67-1 10,000 g
109-92-2....................... Vinyl ethyl ether [Ethene, 109-92-2 10,000 g
109-95-5....................... Ethyl nitrite [Nitrous acid, 109-95-5 10,000 f
ethyl ester].
115-07-1....................... Propylene [1-Propene]......... 115-07-1 10,000 f
115-10-6....................... Methyl ether [Methane, oxybis- 115-10-6 10,000 f
115-11-7....................... 2-Methylpropene [1-Propene, 2- 115-11-7 10,000 f
116-14-3....................... Tetrafluoroethylene [Ethene, 116-14-3 10,000 f
124-40-3....................... Dimethylamine [Methanamine, N- 124-40-3 10,000 f
460-19-5....................... Cyanogen [Ethanedinitrile].... 460-19-5 10,000 f
463-49-0....................... Propadiene [1,2-Propadiene]... 463-49-0 10,000 f
463-58-1....................... Carbon oxysulfide [Carbon 463-58-1 10,000 f
oxide sulfide (COS)].
463-82-1....................... 2,2-Dimethylpropane [Propane, 463-82-1 10,000 f
504-60-9....................... 1,3-Pentadiene................ 504-60-9 10,000 f
557-98-2....................... 2-Chloropropylene [1-Propene, 557-98-2 10,000 g
563-45-1....................... 3-Methyl-1-butene............. 563-45-1 10,000 f
563-46-2....................... 2-Methyl-1-butene............. 563-46-2 10,000 g
590-18-1....................... 2-Butene-cis.................. 590-18-1 10,000 f
590-21-6....................... 1-Chloropropylene [1-Propene, 590-21-6 10,000 g
598-73-2....................... Bromotrifluorethylene [Ethene, 598-73-2 10,000 f
624-64-6....................... 2-Butene-trans [2-Butene, (E)] 624-64-6 10,000 f
627-20-3....................... 2-Pentene, (Z)-............... 627-20-3 10,000 g
646-04-8....................... 2-Pentene, (E)-............... 646-04-8 10,000 g
689-97-4....................... Vinyl acetylene [1-Buten-3- 689-97-4 10,000 f
1333-74-0...................... Hydrogen...................... 1333-74-0 10,000 f
4109-96-0...................... Dichlorosilane [Silane, 4109-96-0 10,000 f
7791-21-1...................... Chlorine monoxide [Chlorine 7791-21-1 10,000 f
7803-62-5...................... Silane........................ 7803-62-5 10,000 f
10025-78-2..................... Trichlorosilane 10025-78-2 10,000 g
25167-67-3..................... Butene........................ 25167-67-3 10,000 f
\1\ A flammable substance when used as a fuel or held for sale as a fuel at a retail facility is excluded from
all provisions of this part (see § 68.126).
Note: Basis for Listing:
\a\ Mandated for listing by Congress.
\f\ Flammable gas.
\g\ Volatile flammable liquid.
[59 FR 4493, Jan. 31, 1994. Redesignated at 61 FR 31717, June 20, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 45132, Aug. 25, 1997; 63 FR 645, Jan. 6, 1998; 65 FR 13250, Mar. 13, 2000]
Subpart G—Risk Management Plan
Source: 61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
§ 68.150 Submission.
(a) The owner or operator shall submit a single RMP that includes the information required by §§68.155 through 68.185 for all covered processes. The RMP shall be submitted in the method and format to the central point specified by EPA as of the date of submission.
(b) The owner or operator shall submit the first RMP no later than the latest of the following dates:
(1) June 21, 1999;
(2) Three years after the date on which a regulated substance is first listed under §68.130; or
(3) The date on which a regulated substance is first present above a threshold quantity in a process.
(c) The owner or operator of any stationary source for which an RMP was submitted before June 21, 2004, shall revise the RMP to include the information required by §68.160(b)(6) and (14) by June 21, 2004 in the manner specified by EPA prior to that date. Any such submission shall also include the information required by §68.160(b)(20) (indicating that the submission is a correction to include the information required by §68.160(b)(6) and (14) or an update under §68.190).
(d) RMPs submitted under this section shall be updated and corrected in accordance with §§68.190 and 68.195.
(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of §§68.155 to 68.190, the RMP shall exclude classified information. Subject to appropriate procedures to protect such information from public disclosure, classified data or information excluded from the RMP may be made available in a classified annex to the RMP for review by Federal and state representatives who have received the appropriate security clearances.
(f) Procedures for asserting that information submitted in the RMP is entitled to protection as confidential business information are set forth in §§68.151 and 68.152.
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 979, Jan. 6, 1999; 69 FR 18831, Apr. 9, 2004]
§ 68.151 Assertion of claims of confidential business information.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, an owner or operator of a stationary source required to report or otherwise provide information under this part may make a claim of confidential business information for any such information that meets the criteria set forth in 40 CFR 2.301.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of 40 CFR part 2, an owner or operator of a stationary source subject to this part may not claim as confidential business information the following information:
(1) Registration data required by §68.160(b)(1) through (b)(6) and (b)(8), (b)(10) through (b)(13) and NAICS code and Program level of the process set forth in §68.160(b)(7);
(2) Offsite consequence analysis data required by §68.165(b)(4), (b)(9), (b)(10), (b)(11), and (b)(12).
(3) Accident history data required by §68.168;
(4) Prevention program data required by §68.170(b), (d), (e)(1), (f) through (k);
(5) Prevention program data required by §68.175(b), (d), (e)(1), (f) through (p); and
(6) Emergency response program data required by §68.180.
(c) Notwithstanding the procedures specified in 40 CFR part 2, an owner or operator asserting a claim of CBI with respect to information contained in its RMP, shall submit to EPA at the time it submits the RMP the following:
(1) The information claimed confidential, provided in a format to be specified by EPA;
(2) A sanitized (redacted) copy of the RMP, with the notation “CBI” substituted for the information claimed confidential, except that a generic category or class name shall be substituted for any chemical name or identity claimed confidential; and
(3) The document or documents substantiating each claim of confidential business information, as described in §68.152.
[64 FR 979, Jan. 6, 1999]
§ 68.152 Substantiating claims of confidential business information.
(a) An owner or operator claiming that information is confidential business information must substantiate that claim by providing documentation that demonstrates that the claim meets the substantive criteria set forth in 40 CFR 2.301.
(b) Information that is submitted as part of the substantiation may be claimed confidential by marking it as confidential business information. Information not so marked will be treated as public and may be disclosed without notice to the submitter. If information that is submitted as part of the substantiation is claimed confidential, the owner or operator must provide a sanitized and unsanitized version of the substantiation.
(c) The owner, operator, or senior official with management responsibility of the stationary source shall sign a certification that the signer has personally examined the information submitted and that based on inquiry of the persons who compiled the information, the information is true, accurate, and complete, and that those portions of the substantiation claimed as confidential business information would, if disclosed, reveal trade secrets or other confidential business information.
[64 FR 980, Jan. 6, 1999]
§ 68.155 Executive summary.
The owner or operator shall provide in the RMP an executive summary that includes a brief description of the following elements:
(a) The accidental release prevention and emergency response policies at the stationary source;
(b) The stationary source and regulated substances handled;
(c) The general accidental release prevention program and chemical-specific prevention steps;
(d) The five-year accident history;
(e) The emergency response program; and
(f) Planned changes to improve safety.
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 18831, Apr. 9, 2004]
§ 68.160 Registration.
(a) The owner or operator shall complete a single registration form and include it in the RMP. The form shall cover all regulated substances handled in covered processes.
(b) The registration shall include the following data:
(1) Stationary source name, street, city, county, state, zip code, latitude and longitude, method for obtaining latitude and longitude, and description of location that latitude and longitude represent;
(2) The stationary source Dun and Bradstreet number;
(3) Name and Dun and Bradstreet number of the corporate parent company;
(4) The name, telephone number, and mailing address of the owner or operator;
(5) The name and title of the person or position with overall responsibility for RMP elements and implementation, and (optional) the e-mail address for that person or position;
(6) The name, title, telephone number, 24-hour telephone number, and, as of June 21, 2004, the e-mail address (if an e-mail address exists) of the emergency contact;
(7) For each covered process, the name and CAS number of each regulated substance held above the threshold quantity in the process, the maximum quantity of each regulated substance or mixture in the process (in pounds) to two significant digits, the five- or six-digit NAICS code that most closely corresponds to the process, and the Program level of the process;
(8) The stationary source EPA identifier;
(9) The number of full-time employees at the stationary source;
(10) Whether the stationary source is subject to 29 CFR 1910.119;
(11) Whether the stationary source is subject to 40 CFR part 355;
(12) If the stationary source has a CAA Title V operating permit, the permit number; and
(13) The date of the last safety inspection of the stationary source by a Federal, state, or local government agency and the identity of the inspecting entity.
(14) As of June 21, 2004, the name, the mailing address, and the telephone number of the contractor who prepared the RMP (if any);
(15) Source or Parent Company E-Mail Address (Optional);
(16) Source Homepage address (Optional)
(17) Phone number at the source for public inquiries (Optional);
(18) Local Emergency Planning Committee (Optional);
(19) OSHA Voluntary Protection Program status (Optional);
(20) As of June 21, 2004, the type of and reason for any changes being made to a previously submitted RMP; the types of changes to RMP are categorized as follows:
(i) Updates and re-submissions required under §68.190(b);
(ii) Corrections under §68.195 or for purposes of correcting minor clerical errors, updating administrative information, providing missing data elements or reflecting facility ownership changes, and which do not require an update and re-submission as specified in §68.190(b);
(iii) De-registrations required under §68.190(c); and
(iv) Withdrawals of an RMP for any facility that was erroneously considered subject to this part 68.
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 980, Jan. 6, 1999; 69 FR 18831, Apr. 9, 2004]
§ 68.165 Offsite consequence analysis.
(a) The owner or operator shall submit in the RMP information:
(1) One worst-case release scenario for each Program 1 process; and
(2) For Program 2 and 3 processes, one worst-case release scenario to represent all regulated toxic substances held above the threshold quantity and one worst-case release scenario to represent all regulated flammable substances held above the threshold quantity. If additional worst-case scenarios for toxics or flammables are required by §68.25(a)(2)(iii), the owner or operator shall submit the same information on the additional scenario(s). The owner or operator of Program 2 and 3 processes shall also submit information on one alternative release scenario for each regulated toxic substance held above the threshold quantity and one alternative release scenario to represent all regulated flammable substances held above the threshold quantity.
(b) The owner or operator shall submit the following data:
(1) Chemical name;
(2) Percentage weight of the chemical in a liquid mixture (toxics only);
(3) Physical state (toxics only);
(4) Basis of results (give model name if used);
(5) Scenario (explosion, fire, toxic gas release, or liquid spill and evaporation);
(6) Quantity released in pounds;
(7) Release rate;
(8) Release duration;
(9) Wind speed and atmospheric stability class (toxics only);
(10) Topography (toxics only);
(11) Distance to endpoint;
(12) Public and environmental receptors within the distance;
(13) Passive mitigation considered; and
(14) Active mitigation considered (alternative releases only);
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 980, Jan. 6, 1999]
§ 68.168 Five-year accident history.
The owner or operator shall submit in the RMP the information provided in §68.42(b) on each accident covered by §68.42(a).
§ 68.170 Prevention program/Program 2.
(a) For each Program 2 process, the owner or operator shall provide in the RMP the information indicated in paragraphs (b) through (k) of this section. If the same information applies to more than one covered process, the owner or operator may provide the information only once, but shall indicate to which processes the information applies.
(b) The five- or six-digit NAICS code that most closely corresponds to the process.
(c) The name(s) of the chemical(s) covered.
(d) The date of the most recent review or revision of the safety information and a list of Federal or state regulations or industry-specific design codes and standards used to demonstrate compliance with the safety information requirement.
(e) The date of completion of the most recent hazard review or update.
(1) The expected date of completion of any changes resulting from the hazard review;
(2) Major hazards identified;
(3) Process controls in use;
(4) Mitigation systems in use;
(5) Monitoring and detection systems in use; and
(6) Changes since the last hazard review.
(f) The date of the most recent review or revision of operating procedures.
(g) The date of the most recent review or revision of training programs;
(1) The type of training provided—classroom, classroom plus on the job, on the job; and
(2) The type of competency testing used.
(h) The date of the most recent review or revision of maintenance procedures and the date of the most recent equipment inspection or test and the equipment inspected or tested.
(i) The date of the most recent compliance audit and the expected date of completion of any changes resulting from the compliance audit.
(j) The date of the most recent incident investigation and the expected date of completion of any changes resulting from the investigation.
(k) The date of the most recent change that triggered a review or revision of safety information, the hazard review, operating or maintenance procedures, or training.
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 980, Jan. 6, 1999]
§ 68.175 Prevention program/Program 3.
(a) For each Program 3 process, the owner or operator shall provide the information indicated in paragraphs (b) through (p) of this section. If the same information applies to more than one covered process, the owner or operator may provide the information only once, but shall indicate to which processes the information applies.
(b) The five- or six-digit NAICS code that most closely corresponds to the process.
(c) The name(s) of the substance(s) covered.
(d) The date on which the safety information was last reviewed or revised.
(e) The date of completion of the most recent PHA or update and the technique used.
(1) The expected date of completion of any changes resulting from the PHA;
(2) Major hazards identified;
(3) Process controls in use;
(4) Mitigation systems in use;
(5) Monitoring and detection systems in use; and
(6) Changes since the last PHA.
(f) The date of the most recent review or revision of operating procedures.
(g) The date of the most recent review or revision of training programs;
(1) The type of training provided—classroom, classroom plus on the job, on the job; and
(2) The type of competency testing used.
(h) The date of the most recent review or revision of maintenance procedures and the date of the most recent equipment inspection or test and the equipment inspected or tested.
(i) The date of the most recent change that triggered management of change procedures and the date of the most recent review or revision of management of change procedures.
(j) The date of the most recent pre-startup review.
(k) The date of the most recent compliance audit and the expected date of completion of any changes resulting from the compliance audit;
(l) The date of the most recent incident investigation and the expected date of completion of any changes resulting from the investigation;
(m) The date of the most recent review or revision of employee participation plans;
(n) The date of the most recent review or revision of hot work permit procedures;
(o) The date of the most recent review or revision of contractor safety procedures; and
(p) The date of the most recent evaluation of contractor safety performance.
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 980, Jan. 6, 1999]
§ 68.180 Emergency response program.
(a) The owner or operator shall provide in the RMP the following information:
(1) Do you have a written emergency response plan?
(2) Does the plan include specific actions to be taken in response to an accidental releases of a regulated substance?
(3) Does the plan include procedures for informing the public and local agencies responsible for responding to accidental releases?
(4) Does the plan include information on emergency health care?
(5) The date of the most recent review or update of the emergency response plan;
(6) The date of the most recent emergency response training for employees.
(b) The owner or operator shall provide the name and telephone number of the local agency with which emergency response activities and the emergency response plan is coordinated.
(c) The owner or operator shall list other Federal or state emergency plan requirements to which the stationary source is subject.
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 980, Jan. 6, 1999]
§ 68.185 Certification.
(a) For Program 1 processes, the owner or operator shall submit in the RMP the certification statement provided in §68.12(b)(4).
(b) For all other covered processes, the owner or operator shall submit in the RMP a single certification that, to the best of the signer's knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the information submitted is true, accurate, and complete.
§ 68.190 Updates.
(a) The owner or operator shall review and update the RMP as specified in paragraph (b) of this section and submit it in the method and format to the central point specified by EPA as of the date of submission.
(b) The owner or operator of a stationary source shall revise and update the RMP submitted under §68.150 as follows:
(1) At least once every five years from the date of its initial submission or most recent update required by paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(7) of this section, whichever is later. For purposes of determining the date of initial submissions, RMPs submitted before June 21, 1999 are considered to have been submitted on that date.
(2) No later than three years after a newly regulated substance is first listed by EPA;
(3) No later than the date on which a new regulated substance is first present in an already covered process above a threshold quantity;
(4) No later than the date on which a regulated substance is first present above a threshold quantity in a new process;
(5) Within six months of a change that requires a revised PHA or hazard review;
(6) Within six months of a change that requires a revised offsite consequence analysis as provided in §68.36; and
(7) Within six months of a change that alters the Program level that applied to any covered process.
(c) If a stationary source is no longer subject to this part, the owner or operator shall submit a de-registration to EPA within six months indicating that the stationary source is no longer covered.
[61 FR 31726, June 20, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 18832, Apr. 9, 2004]
§ 68.195 Required corrections.
The owner or operator of a stationary source for which a RMP was submitted shall correct the RMP as follows:
(a) New accident history information—For any accidental release meeting the five-year accident history reporting criteria of §68.42 and occurring after April 9, 2004, the owner or operator shall submit the data required under §§68.168, 68.170(j), and 68.175(l) with respect to that accident within six months of the release or by the time the RMP is updated under §68.190, whichever is earlier.
(b) Emergency contact information—Beginning June 21, 2004, within one month of any change in the emergency contact information required under §68.160(b)(6), the owner or operator shall submit a correction of that information.
[69 FR 18832, Apr. 9, 2004]
Subpart H—Other Requirements
Source: 61 FR 31728, June 20, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
§ 68.200 Recordkeeping.
The owner or operator shall maintain records supporting the implementation of this part for five years unless otherwise provided in subpart D of this part.
§ 68.210 Availability of information to the public.
(a) The RMP required under subpart G of this part shall be available to the public under 42 U.S.C. 7414(c).
(b) The disclosure of classified information by the Department of Defense or other Federal agencies or contractors of such agencies shall be controlled by applicable laws, regulations, or executive orders concerning the release of classified information.
§ 68.215 Permit content and air permitting authority or designated agency requirements.
(a) These requirements apply to any stationary source subject to this part 68 and parts 70 or 71 of this chapter. The 40 CFR part 70 or part 71 permit for the stationary source shall contain:
(1) A statement listing this part as an applicable requirement;
(2) Conditions that require the source owner or operator to submit:
(i) A compliance schedule for meeting the requirements of this part by the date provided in §68.10(a) or;
(ii) As part of the compliance certification submitted under 40 CFR 70.6(c)(5), a certification statement that the source is in compliance with all requirements of this part, including the registration and submission of the RMP.
(b) The owner or operator shall submit any additional relevant information requested by the air permitting authority or designated agency.
(c) For 40 CFR part 70 or part 71 permits issued prior to the deadline for registering and submitting the RMP and which do not contain permit conditions described in paragraph (a) of this section, the owner or operator or air permitting authority shall initiate permit revision or reopening according to the procedures of 40 CFR 70.7 or 71.7 to incorporate the terms and conditions consistent with paragraph (a) of this section.
(d) The state may delegate the authority to implement and enforce the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section to a state or local agency or agencies other than the air permitting authority. An up-to-date copy of any delegation instrument shall be maintained by the air permitting authority. The state may enter a written agreement with the Administrator under which EPA will implement and enforce the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section.
(e) The air permitting authority or the agency designated by delegation or agreement under paragraph (d) of this section shall, at a minimum:
(1) Verify that the source owner or operator has registered and submitted an RMP or a revised plan when required by this part;
(2) Verify that the source owner or operator has submitted a source certification or in its absence has submitted a compliance schedule consistent with paragraph (a)(2) of this section;
(3) For some or all of the sources subject to this section, use one or more mechanisms such as, but not limited to, a completeness check, source audits, record reviews, or facility inspections to ensure that permitted sources are in compliance with the requirements of this part; and
(4) Initiate enforcement action based on paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section as appropriate.
§ 68.220 Audits.
(a) In addition to inspections for the purpose of regulatory development and enforcement of the Act, the implementing agency shall periodically audit RMPs submitted under subpart G of this part to review the adequacy of such RMPs and require revisions of RMPs when necessary to ensure compliance with subpart G of this part.
(b) The implementing agency shall select stationary sources for audits based on any of the following criteria:
(1) Accident history of the stationary source;
(2) Accident history of other stationary sources in the same industry;
(3) Quantity of regulated substances present at the stationary source;
(4) Location of the stationary source and its proximity to the public and environmental receptors;
(5) The presence of specific regulated substances;
(6) The hazards identified in the RMP; and
(7) A plan providing for neutral, random oversight.
(c) Exemption from audits. A stationary source with a Star or Merit ranking under OSHA's voluntary protection program shall be exempt from audits under paragraph (b)(2) and (b)(7) of this section.
(d) The implementing agency shall have access to the stationary source, supporting documentation, and any area where an accidental release could occur.
(e) Based on the audit, the implementing agency may issue the owner or operator of a stationary source a written preliminary determination of necessary revisions to the stationary source's RMP to ensure that the RMP meets the criteria of subpart G of this part. The preliminary determination shall include an explanation for the basis for the revisions, reflecting industry standards and guidelines (such as AIChE/CCPS guidelines and ASME and API standards) to the extent that such standards and guidelines are applicable, and shall include a timetable for their implementation.
(f) Written response to a preliminary determination. (1) The owner or operator shall respond in writing to a preliminary determination made in accordance with paragraph (e) of this section. The response shall state the owner or operator will implement the revisions contained in the preliminary determination in accordance with the timetable included in the preliminary determination or shall state that the owner or operator rejects the revisions in whole or in part. For each rejected revision, the owner or operator shall explain the basis for rejecting such revision. Such explanation may include substitute revisions.
(2) The written response under paragraph (f)(1) of this section shall be received by the implementing agency within 90 days of the issue of the preliminary determination or a shorter period of time as the implementing agency specifies in the preliminary determination as necessary to protect public health and the environment. Prior to the written response being due and upon written request from the owner or operator, the implementing agency may provide in writing additional time for the response to be received.
(g) After providing the owner or operator an opportunity to respond under paragraph (f) of this section, the implementing agency may issue the owner or operator a written final determination of necessary revisions to the stationary source's RMP. The final determination may adopt or modify the revisions contained in the preliminary determination under paragraph (e) of this section or may adopt or modify the substitute revisions provided in the response under paragraph (f) of this section. A final determination that adopts a revision rejected by the owner or operator shall include an explanation of the basis for the revision. A final determination that fails to adopt a substitute revision provided under paragraph (f) of this section shall include an explanation of the basis for finding such substitute revision unreasonable.
(h) Thirty days after completion of the actions detailed in the implementation schedule set in the final determination under paragraph (g) of this section, the owner or operator shall be in violation of subpart G of this part and this section unless the owner or operator revises the RMP prepared under subpart G of this part as required by the final determination, and submits the revised RMP as required under §68.150.
(i) The public shall have access to the preliminary determinations, responses, and final determinations under this section in a manner consistent with §68.210.
(j) Nothing in this section shall preclude, limit, or interfere in any way with the authority of EPA or the state to exercise its enforcement, investigatory, and information gathering authorities concerning this part under the Act.
Appendix A to Part 68—Table of Toxic Endpoints
[As defined in § 68.22 of this part]
CAS No. Chemical name endpoint (mg/
107-02-8.................. Acrolein [2-Propenal]......... 0.0011
107-13-1.................. Acrylonitrile [2- 0.076
814-68-6.................. Acrylyl chloride [2-Propenoyl 0.00090
107-18-6.................. Allyl alcohol [2-Propen-1-ol]. 0.036
107-11-9.................. Allylamine [2-Propen-1-amine]. 0.0032
7664-41-7................. Ammonia (anhydrous)........... 0.14
7664-41-7................. Ammonia (conc 20% or greater). 0.14
7784-34-1................. Arsenous trichloride.......... 0.010
7784-42-1................. Arsine........................ 0.0019
10294-34-5................ Boron trichloride [Borane, 0.010
7637-07-2................. Boron trifluoride [Borane, 0.028
353-42-4.................. Boron trifluoride compound 0.023
with methyl ether (1:1)
7726-95-6................. Bromine....................... 0.0065
75-15-0................... Carbon disulfide.............. 0.16
7782-50-5................. Chlorine...................... 0.0087
10049-04-4................ Chlorine dioxide [Chlorine 0.0028
oxide (ClO2)].
67-66-3................... Chloroform [Methane, trichloro- 0.49
542-88-1.................. Chloromethyl ether [Methane, 0.00025
107-30-2.................. Chloromethyl methyl ether 0.0018
[Methane, chloromethoxy-].
4170-30-3................. Crotonaldehyde [2-Butenal].... 0.029
123-73-9.................. Crotonaldehyde, (E)-, [2- 0.029
Butenal, (E)-].
506-77-4.................. Cyanogen chloride............. 0.030
108-91-8.................. Cyclohexylamine 0.16
19287-45-7................ Diborane...................... 0.0011
75-78-5................... Dimethyldichlorosilane 0.026
[Silane, dichlorodimethyl-].
57-14-7................... 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 0.012
[Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl-].
106-89-8.................. Epichlorohydrin [Oxirane, 0.076
107-15-3.................. Ethylenediamine [1,2- 0.49
151-56-4.................. Ethyleneimine [Aziridine]..... 0.018
75-21-8................... Ethylene oxide [Oxirane]...... 0.090
7782-41-4................. Fluorine...................... 0.0039
50-00-0................... Formaldehyde (solution)....... 0.012
110-00-9.................. Furan......................... 0.0012
302-01-2.................. Hydrazine..................... 0.011
7647-01-0................. Hydrochloric acid (conc 37% or 0.030
74-90-8................... Hydrocyanic acid.............. 0.011
7647-01-0................. Hydrogen chloride (anhydrous) 0.030
[Hydrochloric acid].
7664-39-3................. Hydrogen fluoride/Hydrofluoric 0.016
acid (conc 50% or greater)
[Hydrofluoric acid].
7783-07-5................. Hydrogen selenide............. 0.00066
7783-06-4................. Hydrogen sulfide.............. 0.042
13463-40-6................ Iron, pentacarbonyl- [Iron 0.00044
carbonyl (Fe(CO)5), (TB-5-11)-
78-82-0................... Isobutyronitrile 0.14
[Propanenitrile, 2-methyl-].
108-23-6.................. Isopropyl chloroformate 0.10
[Carbonochloride acid, 1-
methylethyl ester].
126-98-7.................. Methacrylonitrile [2- 0.0027
Propenenitrile, 2-methyl-].
74-87-3................... Methyl chloride [Methane, 0.82
79-22-1................... Methyl chloroformate 0.0019
[Carbonochloridic acid,
60-34-4................... Methyl hydrazine [Hydrazine, 0.0094
624-83-9.................. Methyl isocyanate [Methane, 0.0012
74-93-1................... Methyl mercaptan 0.049
556-64-9.................. Methyl thiocyanate [Thiocyanic 0.085
acid, methyl ester].
75-79-6................... Methyltrichlorosilane [Silane, 0.018
13463-39-3................ Nickel carbonyl............... 0.00067
7697-37-2................. Nitric acid (conc 80% or 0.026
10102-43-9................ Nitric oxide [Nitrogen oxide 0.031
8014-95-7................. Oleum (Fuming Sulfuric acid) 0.010
[Sulfuric acid, mixture with
sulfur trioxide].
79-21-0................... Peracetic acid [Ethaneperoxoic 0.0045
594-42-3.................. Perchloromethylmercaptan 0.0076
[Methanesulfenyl chloride,
75-44-5................... Phosgene [Carbonic dichloride] 0.00081
7803-51-2................. Phosphine..................... 0.0035
10025-87-3................ Phosphorus oxychloride 0.0030
[Phosphoryl chloride].
7719-12-2................. Phosphorus trichloride 0.028
[Phosphorous trichloride].
110-89-4.................. Piperidine.................... 0.022
107-12-0.................. Propionitrile [Propanenitrile] 0.0037
109-61-5.................. Propyl chloroformate 0.010
[Carbonochloridic acid,
75-55-8................... Propyleneimine [Aziridine, 2- 0.12
75-56-9................... Propylene oxide [Oxirane, 0.59
7446-09-5................. Sulfur dioxide (anhydrous).... 0.0078
7783-60-0................. Sulfur tetrafluoride [Sulfur 0.0092
fluoride (SF4), (T-4)-].
7446-11-9................. Sulfur trioxide............... 0.010
75-74-1................... Tetramethyllead [Plumbane, 0.0040
509-14-8.................. Tetranitromethane [Methane, 0.0040
7750-45-0................. Titanium tetrachloride 0.020
[Titanium chloride (TiCl4) (T-
584-84-9.................. Toluene 2,4-diisocyanate 0.0070
[Benzene, 2,4-diisocyanato-1-
91-08-7................... Toluene 2,6-diisocyanate 0.0070
[Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanato-2-
26471-62-5................ Toluene diisocyanate 0.0070
(unspecified isomer)
[Benzene, 1,3-
75-77-4................... Trimethylchlorosilane [Silane, 0.050
108-05-4.................. Vinyl acetate monomer [Acetic 0.26
acid ethenyl ester].
[61 FR 31729, June 20, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 45132, Aug. 25, 1997]