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(1) What-If;

(2) Checklist;

(3) What-If/Checklist;

(4) Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP);

(5) Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA);

(6) Fault Tree Analysis; or

(7) An appropriate equivalent methodology.

(c) The process hazard analysis shall address:

(1) The hazards of the process;

(2) The identification of any previous incident which had a likely potential for catastrophic consequences.

(3) Engineering and administrative controls applicable to the hazards and their interrelationships such as appropriate application of detection methodologies to provide early warning of releases. (Acceptable detection methods might include process monitoring and control instrumentation with alarms, and detection hardware such as hydrocarbon sensors.);

(4) Consequences of failure of engineering and administrative controls;

(5) Stationary source siting;

(6) Human factors; and

(7) A qualitative evaluation of a range of the possible safety and health effects of failure of controls.

(d) The process hazard analysis shall be performed by a team with expertise in engineering and process operations, and the team shall include at least one employee who has experience and knowledge specific to the process being evaluated. Also, one member of the team must be knowledgeable in the specific process hazard analysis methodology being used.

(e) The owner or operator shall establish a system to promptly address the team's findings and recommendations; assure that the recommendations are resolved in a timely manner and that the resolution is documented; document what actions are to be taken; complete actions as soon as possible; develop a written schedule of when these actions are to be completed; communicate the actions to operating, maintenance and other employees whose work assignments are in the process and who may be affected by the recommendations or actions.

(f) At least every five (5) years after the completion of the initial process hazard analysis, the process hazard analysis shall be updated and revalidated by a team meeting the requirements in paragraph (d) of this section, to assure that the process hazard analysis is consistent with the current process. Updated and revalidated process hazard analyses completed to comply with 29 CFR 1910.119(e) are acceptable to meet the requirements of this paragraph.

(g) The owner or operator shall retain process hazards analyses and updates or revalidations for each process covered by this section, as well as the documented resolution of recommendations described in paragraph (e) of this section for the life of the process.

§ 68.69 Operating procedures.
(a) The owner or operator shall develop and implement written operating procedures that provide clear instructions for safely conducting activities involved in each covered process consistent with the process safety information and shall address at least the following elements.

(1) Steps for each operating phase:

(i) Initial startup;

(ii) Normal operations;

(iii) Temporary operations;

(iv) Emergency shutdown including the conditions under which emergency shutdown is required, and the assignment of shutdown responsibility to qualified operators to ensure that emergency shutdown is executed in a safe and timely manner.

(v) Emergency operations;

(vi) Normal shutdown; and,

(vii) Startup following a turnaround, or after an emergency shutdown.

(2) Operating limits:

(i) Consequences of deviation; and

(ii) Steps required to correct or avoid deviation.

(3) Safety and health considerations:

(i) Properties of, and hazards presented by, the chemicals used in the process;

(ii) Precautions necessary to prevent exposure, including engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment;

(iii) Control measures to be taken if physical contact or airborne exposure occurs;

(iv) Quality control for raw materials and control of hazardous chemical inventory levels; and,

(v) Any special or unique hazards.

(4) Safety systems and their functions.

(b) Operating procedures shall be readily accessible to employees who work in or maintain a process.

(c) The operating procedures shall be reviewed as often as necessary to assure that they reflect current operating practice, including changes that result from changes in process chemicals, technology, and equipment, and changes to stationary sources. The owner or operator shall certify annually that these operating procedures are current and accurate.

(d) The owner or operator shall develop and implement safe work practices to provide for the control of hazards during operations such as lockout/tagout; confined space entry; opening process equipment or piping; and control over entrance into a stationary source by maintenance, contractor, laboratory, or other support personnel. These safe work practices shall apply to employees and contractor employees.

§ 68.71 Training.
(a) Initial training. (1) Each employee presently involved in operating a process, and each employee before being involved in operating a newly assigned process, shall be trained in an overview of the process and in the operating procedures as specified in §68.69. The training shall include emphasis on the specific safety and health hazards, emergency operations including shutdown, and safe work practices applicable to the employee's job tasks.

(2) In lieu of initial training for those employees already involved in operating a process on June 21, 1999 an owner or operator may certify in writing that the employee has the required knowledge, skills, and abilities to safely carry out the duties and responsibilities as specified in the operating procedures.

(b) Refresher training. Refresher training shall be provided at least every three years, and more often if necessary, to each employee involved in operating a process to assure that the employee understands and adheres to the current operating procedures of the process. The owner or operator, in consultation with the employees involved in operating the process, shall determine the appropriate frequency of refresher training.

(c) Training documentation. The owner or operator shall ascertain that each employee involved in operating a process has received and understood the training required by this paragraph. The owner or operator shall prepare a record which contains the identity of the employee, the date of training, and the means used to verify that the employee understood the training.

§ 68.73 Mechanical integrity.
(a) Application. Paragraphs (b) through (f) of this section apply to the following process equipment:

(1) Pressure vessels and storage tanks;

(2) Piping systems (including piping components such as valves);

(3) Relief and vent systems and devices;

(4) Emergency shutdown systems;

(5) Controls (including monitoring devices and sensors, alarms, and interlocks) and,

(6) Pumps.

(b) Written procedures. The owner or operator shall establish and implement written procedures to maintain the on-going integrity of process equipment.

(c) Training for process maintenance activities. The owner or operator shall train each employee involved in maintaining the on-going integrity of process equipment in an overview of that process and its hazards and in the procedures applicable to the employee's job tasks to assure that the employee can perform the job tasks in a safe manner.

(d) Inspection and testing. (1) Inspections and tests shall be performed on process equipment.

(2) Inspection and testing procedures shall follow recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices.

(3) The frequency of inspections and tests of process equipment shall be consistent with applicable manufacturers' recommendations and good engineering practices, and more frequently if determined to be necessary by prior operating experience.

(4) The owner or operator shall document each inspection and test that has been performed on process equipment. The documentation shall identify the date of the inspection or test, the name of the person who performed the inspection or test, the serial number or other identifier of the equipment on which the inspection or test was performed, a description of the inspection or test performed, and the results of the inspection or test.

(e) Equipment deficiencies. The owner or operator shall correct deficiencies in equipment that are outside acceptable limits (defined by the process safety information in §68.65) before further use or in a safe and timely manner when necessary means are taken to assure safe operation.

(f) Quality assurance. (1) In the construction of new plants and equipment, the owner or operator shall assure that equipment as it is fabricated is suitable for the process application for which they will be used.

(2) Appropriate checks and inspections shall be performed to assure that equipment is installed properly and consistent with design specifications and the manufacturer's instructions.

(3) The owner or operator shall assure that maintenance materials, spare parts and equipment are suitable for the process application for which they will be used.

§ 68.75 Management of change.
(a) The owner or operator shall establish and implement written procedures to manage changes (except for “replacements in kind”) to process chemicals, technology, equipment, and procedures; and, changes to stationary sources that affect a covered process.

(b) The procedures shall assure that the following considerations are addressed prior to any change:

(1) The technical basis for the proposed change;

(2) Impact of change on safety and health;

(3) Modifications to operating procedures;

(4) Necessary time period for the change; and,

(5) Authorization requirements for the proposed change.

(c) Employees involved in operating a process and maintenance and contract employees whose job tasks will be affected by a change in the process shall be informed of, and trained in, the change prior to start-up of the process or affected part of the process.

(d) If a change covered by this paragraph results in a change in the process safety information required by §68.65 of this part, such information shall be updated accordingly.

(e) If a change covered by this paragraph results in a change in the operating procedures or practices required by §68.69, such procedures or practices shall be updated accordingly.

§ 68.77 Pre-startup review.
(a) The owner or operator shall perform a pre-startup safety review for new stationary sources and for modified stationary sources when the modification is significant enough to require a change in the process safety information.

(b) The pre-startup safety review shall confirm that prior to the introduction of regulated substances to a process:

(1) Construction and equipment is in accordance with design specifications;

(2) Safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place and are adequate;

(3) For new stationary sources, a process hazard analysis has been performed and recommendations have been resolved or implemented before startup; and modified stationary sources meet the requirements contained in management of change, §68.75.

(4) Training of each employee involved in operating a process has been completed.

§ 68.79 Compliance audits.
(a) The owner or operator shall certify that they have evaluated compliance with the provisions of this subpart at least every three years to verify that procedures and practices developed under this subpart are adequate and are being followed.

(b) The compliance audit shall be conducted by at least one person knowledgeable in the process.

(c) A report of the findings of the audit shall be developed.

(d) The owner or operator shall promptly determine and document an appropriate response to each of the findings of the compliance audit, and document that deficiencies have been corrected.

(e) The owner or operator shall retain the two (2) most recent compliance audit reports.

[61 FR 31722, June 20, 1996, as amended at 64 FR 979, Jan. 6, 1999]

§ 68.81 Incident investigation.
(a) The owner or operator shall investigate each incident which resulted in, or could reasonably have resulted in a catastrophic release of a regulated substance.

(b) An incident investigation shall be initiated as promptly as possible, but not later than 48 hours following the incident.

(c) An incident investigation team shall be established and consist of at least one person knowledgeable in the process involved, including a contract employee if the incident involved work of the contractor, and other persons with appropriate knowledge and experience to thoroughly investigate and analyze the incident.

(d) A report shall be prepared at the conclusion of the investigation which includes at a minimum:

(1) Date of incident;

(2) Date investigation began;

(3) A description of the incident;

(4) The factors that contributed to the incident; and,

(5) Any recommendations resulting from the investigation.

(e) The owner or operator shall establish a system to promptly address and resolve the incident report findings and recommendations. Resolutions and corrective actions shall be documented.

(f) The report shall be reviewed with all affected personnel whose job tasks are relevant to the incident findings including contract employees where applicable.

(g) Incident investigation reports shall be retained for five years.

§ 68.83 Employee participation.
(a) The owner or operator shall develop a written plan of action regarding the implementation of the employee participation required by this section.

(b) The owner or operator shall consult with employees and their representatives on the conduct and development of process hazards analyses and on the development of the other elements of process safety management in this rule.

(c) The owner or operator shall provide to employees and their representatives access to process hazard analyses and to all other information required to be developed under this rule.

§ 68.85 Hot work permit.
(a) The owner or operator shall issue a hot work permit for hot work operations conducted on or near a covered process.

(b) The permit shall document that the fire prevention and protection requirements in 29 CFR 1910.252(a) have been implemented prior to beginning the hot work operations; it shall indicate the date(s) authorized for hot work; and identify the object on which hot work is to be performed. The permit shall be kept on file until completion of the hot work operations.

§ 68.87 Contractors.
(a) Application. This section applies to contractors performing maintenance or repair, turnaround, major renovation, or specialty work on or adjacent to a covered process. It does not apply to contractors providing incidental services which do not influence process safety, such as janitorial work, food and drink services, laundry, delivery or other supply services.

(b) Owner or operator responsibilities. (1) The owner or operator, when selecting a contractor, shall obtain and evaluate information regarding the contract owner or operator's safety performance and programs.

(2) The owner or operator shall inform contract owner or operator of the known potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to the contractor's work and the process.

(3) The owner or operator shall explain to the contract owner or operator the applicable provisions of subpart E of this part.

(4) The owner or operator shall develop and implement safe work practices consistent with §68.69(d), to control the entrance, presence, and exit of the contract owner or operator and contract employees in covered process areas.

(5) The owner or operator shall periodically evaluate the performance of the contract owner or operator in fulfilling their obligations as specified in paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) Contract owner or operator responsibilities. (1) The contract owner or operator shall assure that each contract employee is trained in the work practices necessary to safely perform his/her job.

(2) The contract owner or operator shall assure that each contract employee is instructed in the known potential fire, explosion, or toxic release hazards related to his/her job and the process, and the applicable provisions of the emergency action plan.

(3) The contract owner or operator shall document that each contract employee has received and understood the training required by this section. The contract owner or operator shall prepare a record which contains the identity of the contract employee, the date of training, and the means used to verify that the employee understood the training.

(4) The contract owner or operator shall assure that each contract employee follows the safety rules of the stationary source including the safe work practices required by §68.69(d).

(5) The contract owner or operator shall advise the owner or operator of any unique hazards presented by the contract owner or operator's work, or of any hazards found by the contract owner or operator's work.

Subpart E—Emergency Response
Source: 61 FR 31725, June 20, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

§ 68.90 Applicability.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the owner or operator of a stationary source with Program 2 and Program 3 processes shall comply with the requirements of §68.95.

(b) The owner or operator of stationary source whose employees will not respond to accidental releases of regulated substances need not comply with §68.95 of this part provided that they meet the following:

(1) For stationary sources with any regulated toxic substance held in a process above the threshold quantity, the stationary source is included in the community emergency response plan developed under 42 U.S.C. 11003;

(2) For stationary sources with only regulated flammable substances held in a process above the threshold quantity, the owner or operator has coordinated response actions with the local fire department; and

(3) Appropriate mechanisms are in place to notify emergency responders when there is a need for a response.

§ 68.95 Emergency response program.
(a) The owner or operator shall develop and implement an emergency response program for the purpose of protecting public health and the environment. Such program shall include the following elements:

(1) An emergency response plan, which shall be maintained at the stationary source and contain at least the following elements:

(i) Procedures for informing the public and local emergency response agencies about accidental releases;

(ii) Documentation of proper first-aid and emergency medical treatment necessary to treat accidental human exposures; and

(iii) Procedures and measures for emergency response after an accidental release of a regulated substance;

(2) Procedures for the use of emergency response equipment and for its inspection, testing, and maintenance;

(3) Training for all employees in relevant procedures; and

(4) Procedures to review and update, as appropriate, the emergency response plan to reflect changes at the stationary source and ensure that employees are informed of changes.

(b) A written plan that complies with other Federal contingency plan regulations or is consistent with the approach in the National Response Team's Integrated Contingency Plan Guidance (“One Plan”) and that, among other matters, includes the elements provided in paragraph (a) of this section, shall satisfy the requirements of this section if the owner or operator also complies with paragraph (c) of this section.

(c) The emergency response plan developed under paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall be coordinated with the community emergency response plan developed under 42 U.S.C. 11003. Upon request of the local emergency planning committee or emergency response officials, the owner or operator shall promptly provide to the local emergency response officials information necessary for developing and implementing the community emergency response plan.

Subpart F—Regulated Substances for Accidental Release Prevention
Source: 59 FR 4493, Jan. 31, 1994, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 61 FR 31717, June 20, 1996.

§ 68.100 Purpose.
This subpart designates substances to be listed under section 112(r)(3), (4), and (5) of the Clean Air Act, as amended, identifies their threshold quantities, and establishes the requirements for petitioning to add or delete substances from the list.

§ 68.115 Threshold determination.
(a) A threshold quantity of a regulated substance listed in §68.130 is present at a stationary source if the total quantity of the regulated substance contained in a process exceeds the threshold.

(b) For the purposes of determining whether more than a threshold quantity of a regulated substance is present at the stationary source, the following exemptions apply:

(1) Concentrations of a regulated toxic substance in a mixture. If a regulated substance is present in a mixture and the concentration of the substance is below one percent by weight of the mixture, the amount of the substance in the mixture need not be considered when determining whether more than a threshold quantity is present at the stationary source. Except for oleum, toluene 2,4-diisocyanate, toluene 2,6-diisocyanate, and toluene diisocyanate (unspecified isomer), if the concentration of the regulated substance in the mixture is one percent or greater by weight, but the owner or operator can demonstrate that the partial pressure of the regulated substance in the mixture (solution) under handling or storage conditions in any portion of the process is less than 10 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), the amount of the substance in the mixture in that portion of the process need not be considered when determining whether more than a threshold quantity is present at the stationary source. The owner or operator shall document this partial pressure measurement or estimate.

(2) Concentrations of a regulated flammable substance in a mixture. (i) General provision. If a regulated substance is present in a mixture and the concentration of the substance is below one percent by weight of the mixture, the mixture need not be considered when determining whether more than a threshold quantity of the regulated substance is present at the stationary source. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) (ii) and (iii) of this section, if the concentration of the substance is one percent or greater by weight of the mixture, then, for purposes of determining whether a threshold quantity is present at the stationary source, the entire weight of the mixture shall be treated as the regulated substance unless the owner or operator can demonstrate that the mixture itself does not have a National Fire Protection Association flammability hazard rating of 4. The demonstration shall be in accordance with the definition of flammability hazard rating 4 in the NFPA 704, Standard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Response, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 1996. Available from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269–9101. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency Air Docket (6102), Attn: Docket No. A–96–O8, Waterside Mall, 401 M. St. SW., Washington DC; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: Boiling point and flash point shall be defined and determined in accordance with NFPA 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA, 1996. Available from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269–9101. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be inspected at the Environmental Protection Agency Air Docket (6102), Attn: Docket No. A–96–O8, Waterside Mall, 401 M. St. SW., Washington DC; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: The owner or operator shall document the National Fire Protection Association flammability hazard rating.

(ii) Gasoline. Regulated substances in gasoline, when in distribution or related storage for use as fuel for internal combustion engines, need not be considered when determining whether more than a threshold quantity is present at a stationary source.

(iii) Naturally occurring hydrocarbon mixtures. Prior to entry into a natural gas processing plant or a petroleum refining process unit, regulated substances in naturally occurring hydrocarbon mixtures need not be considered when determining whether more than a threshold quantity is present at a stationary source. Naturally occurring hydrocarbon mixtures include any combination of the following: condensate, crude oil, field gas, and produced water, each as defined in §68.3 of this part.

(3) Articles. Regulated substances contained in articles need not be considered when determining whether more than a threshold quantity is present at the stationary source.

(4) Uses. Regulated substances, when in use for the following purposes, need not be included in determining whether more than a threshold quantity is present at the stationary source:

(i) Use as a structural component of the stationary source;

(ii) Use of products for routine janitorial maintenance;

(iii) Use by employees of foods, drugs, cosmetics, or other personal items containing the regulated substance; and

(iv) Use of regulated substances present in process water or non-contact cooling water as drawn from the environment or municipal sources, or use of regulated substances present in air used either as compressed air or as part of combustion.

(5) Activities in laboratories. If a regulated substance is manufactured, processed, or used in a laboratory at a stationary source under the supervision of a technically qualified individual as defined in §720.3(ee) of this chapter, the quantity of the substance need not be considered in determining whether a threshold quantity is present. This exemption does not apply to:

(i) Specialty chemical production;

(ii) Manufacture, processing, or use of substances in pilot plant scale operations; and

(iii) Activities conducted outside the laboratory.

[59 FR 4493, Jan. 31, 1994. Redesignated at 61 FR 31717, June 20, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 645, Jan. 6, 1998; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004]

§ 68.120 Petition process.
(a) Any person may petition the Administrator to modify, by addition or deletion, the list of regulated substances identified in §68.130. Based on the information presented by the petitioner, the Administrator may grant or deny a petition.

(b) A substance may be added to the list if, in the case of an accidental release, it is known to cause or may be reasonably anticipated to cause death, injury, or serious adverse effects to human health or the environment.

(c) A substance may be deleted from the list if adequate data on the health and environmental effects of the substance are available to determine that the substance, in the case of an accidental release, is not known to cause and may not be reasonably anticipated to cause death, injury, or serious adverse effects to human health or the environment.

(d) No substance for which a national primary ambient air quality standard has been established shall be added to the list. No substance regulated under title VI of the Clean Air Act, as amended, shall be added to the list.

(e) The burden of proof is on the petitioner to demonstrate that the criteria for addition and deletion are met. A petition will be denied if this demonstration is not made.

(f) The Administrator will not accept additional petitions on the same substance following publication of a final notice of the decision to grant or deny a petition, unless new data becomes available that could significantly affect the basis for the decision.

(g) Petitions to modify the list of regulated substances must contain the following:

(1) Name and address of the petitioner and a brief description of the organization(s) that the petitioner represents, if applicable;

(2) Name, address, and telephone number of a contact person for the petition;

(3) Common chemical name(s), common synonym(s), Chemical Abstracts Service number, and chemical formula and structure;

(4) Action requested (add or delete a substance);

(5) Rationale supporting the petitioner's position; that is, how the substance meets the criteria for addition and deletion. A short summary of the rationale must be submitted along with a more detailed narrative; and

(6) Supporting data; that is, the petition must include sufficient information to scientifically support the request to modify the list. Such information shall include:

(i) A list of all support documents;

(ii) Documentation of literature searches conducted, including, but not limited to, identification of the database(s) searched, the search strategy, dates covered, and printed results;

(iii) Effects data (animal, human, and environmental test data) indicating the potential for death, injury, or serious adverse human and environmental impacts from acute exposure following an accidental release; printed copies of the data sources, in English, should be provided; and

(iv) Exposure data or previous accident history data, indicating the potential for serious adverse human health or environmental effects from an accidental release. These data may include, but are not limited to, physical and chemical properties of the substance, such as vapor pressure; modeling results, including data and assumptions used and model documentation; and historical accident data, citing data sources.

(h) Within 18 months of receipt of a petition, the Administrator shall publish in the Federal Register a notice either denying the petition or granting the petition and proposing a listing.

§ 68.125 Exemptions.
Agricultural nutrients. Ammonia used as an agricultural nutrient, when held by farmers, is exempt from all provisions of this part.

§ 68.126 Exclusion.
Flammable Substances Used as Fuel or Held for Sale as Fuel at Retail Facilities. A flammable substance listed in Tables 3 and 4 of §68.130 is nevertheless excluded from all provisions of this part when the substance is used as a fuel or held for sale as a fuel at a retail facility.

[65 FR 13250, Mar. 13, 2000]

§ 68.130 List of substances.
(a) Regulated toxic and flammable substances under section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act are the substances listed in Tables 1, 2, 3, and 4. Threshold quantities for listed toxic and flammable substances are specified in the tables.

(b) The basis for placing toxic and flammable substances on the list of regulated substances are explained in the notes to the list.

Table 1 to § 68.130_List of Regulated Toxic Substances and
Threshold Quantities for Accidental Release Prevention
[Alphabetical Order_77 Substances]
Chemical name CAS No. quantity Basis for
(lbs) listing
Acrolein [2-Propenal].......... 107-02-8 5,000 b
Acrylonitrile [2- 107-13-1 20,000 b
Acrylyl chloride [2-Propenoyl 814-68-6 5,000 b
Allyl alcohol [2-Propen-l-ol].. 107-18-61 15,000 b
Allylamine [2-Propen-l-amine].. 107-11-9 10,000 b
Ammonia (anhydrous)............ 7664-41-7 10,000 a, b
Ammonia (conc 20% or greater).. 7664-41-7 20,000 a, b
Arsenous trichloride........... 7784-34-1 15,000 b
Arsine......................... 7784-42-1 1,000 b
Boron trichloride [Borane, 10294-34-5 5,000 b
Boron trifluoride [Borane, 7637-07-2 5,000 b
Boron trifluoride compound with 353-42-4 15,000 b
methyl ether (1:1) [Boron,
trifluoro [oxybis [metane]]-,
Bromine........................ 7726-95-6 10,000 a, b
Carbon disulfide............... 75-15-0 20,000 b
Chlorine....................... 7782-50-5 2,500 a, b
Chlorine dioxide [Chlorine 10049-04-4 1,000 c
oxide (ClO2)].
Chloroform [Methane, trichloro- 67-66-3 20,000 b
Chloromethyl ether [Methane, 542-88-1 1,000 b
Chloromethyl methyl ether 107-30-2 5,000 b
[Methane, chloromethoxy-].
Crotonaldehyde [2-Butenal]..... 4170-30-3 20,000 b
Crotonaldehyde, (E)- [2- 123-73-9 20,000 b
Butenal, (E)-].
Cyanogen chloride.............. 506-77-4 10,000 c
Cyclohexylamine 108-91-8 15,000 b
Diborane....................... 19287-45-7 2,500 b
Dimethyldichlorosilane [Silane, 75-78-5 5,000 b
1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 57-14-7 15,000 b
[Hydrazine, 1,1-dimethyl-].
Epichlorohydrin [Oxirane, 106-89-8 20,000 b
Ethylenediamine [1,2- 107-15-3 20,000 b
Ethyleneimine [Aziridine]...... 151-56-4 10,000 b
Ethylene oxide [Oxirane]....... 75-21-8 10,000 a, b
Fluorine....................... 7782-41-4 1,000 b
Formaldehyde (solution)........ 50-00-0 15,000 b
Furan.......................... 110-00-9 5,000 b
Hydrazine...................... 302-01-2 15,000 b
Hydrochloric acid (conc 37% or 7647-01-0 15,000 d
Hydrocyanic acid............... 74-90-8 2,500 a, b
Hydrogen chloride (anhydrous) 7647-01-0 5,000 a
[Hydrochloric acid].
Hydrogen fluoride/Hydrofluoric 7664-39-3 1,000 a, b
acid (conc 50% or greater)
[Hydrofluoric acid].
Hydrogen selenide.............. 7783-07-5 500 b
Hydrogen sulfide............... 7783-06-4 10,000 a, b
Iron, pentacarbonyl- [Iron 13463-40-6 2,500 b
carbonyl (Fe(CO)5), (TB-5-11)-
Isobutyronitrile 78-82-0 20,000 b
[Propanenitrile, 2-methyl-].
Isopropyl chloroformate 108-23-6 15,000 b
[Carbonochloridic acid, 1-
methylethyl ester].
Methacrylonitrile [2- 126-98-7 10,000 b
Propenenitrile, 2-methyl-].
Methyl chloride [Methane, 74-87-3 10,000 a
Methyl chloroformate 79-22-1 5,000 b
[Carbonochloridic acid,
Methyl hydrazine [Hydrazine, 60-34-4 15,000 b
Methyl isocyanate [Methane, 624-83-9 10,000 a, b
Methyl mercaptan [Methanethiol] 74-93-1 10,000 b
Methyl thiocyanate [Thiocyanic 556-64-9 20,000 b
acid, methyl ester].
Methyltrichlorosilane [Silane, 75-79-6 5,000 b
Nickel carbonyl................ 13463-39-3 1,000 b
Nitric acid (conc 80% or 7697-37-2 15,000 b
Nitric oxide [Nitrogen oxide 10102-43-9 10,000 b
Oleum (Fuming Sulfuric acid) 8014-95-7 10,000 e
[Sulfuric acid, mixture with
sulfur trioxide] \1\.
Peracetic acid [Ethaneperoxoic 79-21-0 10,000 b
Perchloromethylmercaptan 594-42-3 10,000 b
[Methanesulfenyl chloride,
Phosgene [Carbonic dichloride]. 75-44-5 500 a, b
Phosphine...................... 7803-51-2 5,000 b
Phosphorus oxychloride 10025-87-3 5,000 b
[Phosphoryl chloride].
Phosphorus trichloride 7719-12-2 15,000 b
[Phosphorous trichloride].
Piperidine..................... 110-89-4 15,000 b
Propionitrile [Propanenitrile]. 107-12-0 10,000 b
Propyl chloroformate 109-61-5 15,000 b
[Carbonochloridic acid,
Propyleneimine [Aziridine, 2- 75-55-8 10,000 b
Propylene oxide [Oxirane, 75-56-9 10,000 b
Sulfur dioxide (anhydrous)..... 7446-09-5 5,000 a, b
Sulfur tetrafluoride [Sulfur 7783-60-0 2,500 b
fluoride (SF4), (T-4)-].
Sulfur trioxide................ 7446-11-9 10,000 a, b
Tetramethyllead [Plumbane, 75-74-1 10,000 b
Tetranitromethane [Methane, 509-14-8 10,000 b
Titanium tetrachloride 7550-45-0 2,500 b
[Titanium chloride (TiCl4) (T-
Toluene 2,4-diisocyanate 584-84-9 10,000 a
[Benzene, 2,4-diisocyanato-1-
methyl-] \1\.
Toluene 2,6-diisocyanate 91-08-7 10,000 a
[Benzene, 1,3-diisocyanato-2-
methyl-] \1\.
Toluene diisocyanate 26471-62-5 10,000 a
(unspecified isomer) [Benzene,
1,3-diisocyanatomethyl-] \1\.
Trimethylchlorosilane [Silane, 75-77-4 10,000 b
Vinyl acetate monomer [Acetic 108-05-4 15,000 b
acid ethenyl ester].
\1\ The mixture exemption in § 68.115(b)(1) does not apply to the
Note: Basis for Listing:
a Mandated for listing by Congress.
b On EHS list, vapor pressure 10 mmHg or greater.
c Toxic gas.
d Toxicity of hydrogen chloride, potential to release hydrogen chloride,
and history of accidents.
e Toxicity of sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid, potential to release
sulfur trioxide, and history of accidents.

Table 2 to § 68.130_List of Regulated Toxic Substances and
Threshold Quantities for Accidental Release Prevention
[CAS Number Order_77 Substances]
CAS No. Chemical name quantity Basis for
(lbs) listing
50-00-0................ Formaldehyde 15,000 b
57-14-7................ 1,1-Dimethylhydrazine 15,000 b
[Hydrazine, 1,1-
60-34-4................ Methyl hydrazine 15,000 b
[Hydrazine, methyl-].
67-66-3................ Chloroform [Methane, 20,000 b
74-87-3................ Methyl chloride 10,000 a
[Methane, chloro-].
74-90-8................ Hydrocyanic acid...... 2,500 a, b
74-93-1................ Methyl mercaptan 10,000 b
75-15-0................ Carbon disulfide...... 20,000 b
75-21-8................ Ethylene oxide 10,000 a, b
75-44-5................ Phosgene [Carbonic 500 a, b
75-55-8................ Propyleneimine 10,000 b
[Aziridine, 2-methyl-
75-56-9................ Propylene oxide 10,000 b
[Oxirane, methyl-].
75-74-1................ Tetramethyllead 10,000 b
75-77-4................ Trimethylchlorosilane 10,000 b
75-78-5................ Dimethyldichlorosilane 5,000 b
75-79-6................ Methyltrichlorosilane 5,000 b
78-82-0................ Isobutyronitrile 20,000 b
[Propanenitrile, 2-
79-21-0................ Peracetic acid 10,000 b
[Ethaneperoxoic acid].
79-22-1................ Methyl chloroformate 5,000 b
acid, methylester].
91-08-7................ Toluene 2,6- 10,000 a
[Benzene, 1,3-
106-89-8............... Epichlorohydrin 20,000 b
107-02-8............... Acrolein [2-Propenal]. 5,000 b
107-11-9............... Allylamine [2-Propen-1- 10,000 b
107-12-0............... Propionitrile 10,000 b
107-13-1............... Acrylonitrile [2- 20,000 b
107-15-3............... Ethylenediamine [1,2- 20,000 b
107-18-6............... Allyl alcohol [2- 15,000 b
107-30-2............... Chloromethyl methyl 5,000 b
ether [Methane,
108-05-4............... Vinyl acetate monomer 15,000 b
[Acetic acid ethenyl
108-23-6............... Isopropyl 15,000 b
acid, 1-methylethyl
108-91-8............... Cyclohexylamine 15,000 b
109-61-5............... Propyl chloroformate 15,000 b
acid, propylester].
110-00-9............... Furan................. 5,000 b
110-89-4............... Piperidine............ 15,000 b
123-73-9............... Crotonaldehyde, (E)- 20,000 b
[2-Butenal, (E)-].
126-98-7............... Methacrylonitrile [2- 10,000 b
Propenenitrile, 2-
151-56-4............... Ethyleneimine 10,000 b
302-01-2............... Hydrazine............. 15,000 b
353-42-4............... Boron trifluoride 15,000 b
compound with methyl
ether (1:1) [Boron,
ane]]-, T-4-.
506-77-4............... Cyanogen chloride..... 10,000 c
509-14-8............... Tetranitromethane 10,000 b
[Methane, tetranitro-
542-88-1............... Chloromethyl ether 1,000 b
556-64-9............... Methyl thiocyanate 20,000 b
[Thiocyanic acid,
methyl ester].
584-84-9............... Toluene 2,4- 10,000 a
[Benzene, 2,4-
594-42-3............... Perchloromethylmercapt 10,000 b
an [Methanesulfenyl
chloride, trichloro-].
624-83-9............... Methyl isocyanate 10,000 a, b
[Methane, isocyanato-
814-68-6............... Acrylyl chloride [2- 5,000 b
Propenoyl chloride].
4170-30-3.............. Crotonaldehyde [2- 20,000 b
7446-09-5.............. Sulfur dioxide 5,000 a, b
7446-11-9.............. Sulfur trioxide....... 10,000 a, b
7550-45-0.............. Titanium tetrachloride 2,500 b
[Titanium chloride
(TiCl4) (T-4)-].
7637-07-2.............. Boron trifluoride 5,000 b
[Borane, trifluoro-].
7647-01-0.............. Hydrochloric acid 15,000 d
(conc 37% or greater).
7647-01-0.............. Hydrogen chloride 5,000 a
[Hydrochloric acid].
7664-39-3.............. Hydrogen fluoride/ 1,000 a, b
Hydrofluoric acid
(conc 50% or greater)
[Hydrofluoric acid].
7664-41-7.............. Ammonia (anhydrous)... 10,000 a, b
7664-41-7.............. Ammonia (conc 20% or 20,000 a, b
7697-37-2.............. Nitric acid (conc 80% 15,000 b
or greater).
7719-12-2.............. Phosphorus trichloride 15,000 b
7726-95-6.............. Bromine............... 10,000 a, b
7782-41-4.............. Fluorine.............. 1,000 b
7782-50-5.............. Chlorine.............. 2,500 a, b
7783-06-4.............. Hydrogen sulfide...... 10,000 a, b
7783-07-5.............. Hydrogen selenide..... 500 b
7783-60-0.............. Sulfur tetrafluoride 2,500 b
[Sulfur fluoride
(SF4), (T-4)-].
7784-34-1.............. Arsenous trichloride.. 15,000 b
7784-42-1.............. Arsine................ 1,000 b
7803-51-2.............. Phosphine............. 5,000 b
8014-95-7.............. Oleum (Fuming Sulfuric 10,000 e
acid) [Sulfuric acid,
mixture with sulfur
10025-87-3............. Phosphorus oxychloride 5,000 b
[Phosphoryl chloride].
10049-04-4............. Chlorine dioxide 1,000 c
[Chlorine oxide
10102-43-9............. Nitric oxide [Nitrogen 10,000 b
oxide (NO)].
10294-34-5............. Boron trichloride 5,000 b
[Borane, trichloro-].
13463-39-3............. Nickel carbonyl....... 1,000 b
13463-40-6............. Iron, pentacarbonyl- 2,500 b
[Iron carbonyl
(Fe(CO)5), (TB-5-11)-
19287-45-7............. Diborane.............. 2,500 b
26471-62-5............. Toluene diisocyanate 10,000 a
(unspecified isomer)
[Benzene, 1,3-
\1\ The mixture exemption in § 68.115(b)(1) does not apply to the
Note: Basis for Listing:
a Mandated for listing by Congress.
b On EHS list, vapor pressure 10 mmHg or greater.
c Toxic gas.
d Toxicity of hydrogen chloride, potential to release hydrogen chloride,
and history of accidents.
e Toxicity of sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid, potential to release
sulfur trioxide, and history of accidents.

Table 3 to § 68.130_List of Regulated Flammable Substances \1\ and
Threshold Quantities for Accidental Release Prevention
[Alphabetical Order_63 Substances]
Chemical name CAS No. quantity Basis for
(lbs) listing
Acetaldehyde................... 75-07-0 10,000 g
Acetylene [Ethyne]............. 74-86-2 10,000 f
Bromotrifluorethylene [Ethene, 598-73-2 10,000 f
1,3-Butadiene.................. 106-99-0 10,000 f
Butane......................... 106-97-8 10,000 f
1-Butene....................... 106-98-9 10,000 f
2-Butene....................... 107-01-7 10,000 f
Butene......................... 25167-67-3 10,000 f
2-Butene-cis................... 590-18-1 10,000 f (continued)