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2.3 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Design Criteria for SLAMS. The spatial scales for SO2 SLAMS monitoring are the middle, neighborhood, urban, and regional scales. Because of the nature of SO2 distributions over urban areas, the middle scale is the most likely scale to be represented by a single measurement in an urban area, but only if the undue effects from local sources (minor or major point sources) can be eliminated. Neighborhood scales would be those most likely to be represented by single measurements in suburban areas where the concentration gradients are less steep. Urban scales would represent areas where the concentrations are uniform over a larger geographical area. Regional scale measurements would be associated with rural areas.
Middle Scale—Some data uses associated with middle scale measurements for SO2 include assessing the effects of control strategies to reduce urban concentrations (especially for the 3-hour and 24-hour averaging times) and monitoring air pollution episodes.
Neighborhood Scale—This scale applies in areas where the SO2 concentration gradient is relatively flat (mainly suburban areas surrounding the urban center) or in large sections of small cities and towns. In general, these areas are quite homogeneous in terms of SO2 emission rates and population density. Thus, neighborhood scale measurements may be associated with baseline concentrations in areas of projected growth and in studies of population responses to exposure to SO2. Also concentration maxima associated with air pollution episodes may be uniformly distributed over areas of neighborhood scale, and measurements taken within such an area would represent neighborhood, and to a limited extent, middle scale concentrations.
Urban Scale—Data from this scale could be used for the assessment of air quality trends and the effect of control strategies on urban scale air quality.
Regional Scale—These measurements would be applicable to large homogeneous areas, particularly those which are sparsely populated. Such measurements could provide information on background air quality and interregional pollutant transport.
After the spatial scale has been selected to meet the monitoring objectives for each station location, the procedures found in reference 2 should be used to evaluate the adequacy of each existing SO2 station and must be used to relocate an existing station or to locate any new SLAMS stations. The background material for these procedures should consist of emission inventories, meteorological data, wind roses, and maps for population and topographical characteristics of specific areas of interest. Isopleth maps of SO2 air quality as generated by diffusion models 5 are useful for the general determination of a prospective area within which the station is eventually placed.
2.4 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Design Criteria for SLAMS. Micro, middle, and neighborhood scale measurements are necessary station classifications for SLAMS since most people are exposed to CO concentrations in these scales. Carbon monoxide maxima occur primarily in areas near major roadways and intersections with high traffic density and poor atmospheric ventilation. As these maxima can be predicted by ambient air quality modeling, a large fixed network of CO monitors is not required. Long-term CO monitoring should be confined to a limited number of micro and neighborhood scale stations in large metropolitan areas to measure maximum pollution levels and to determine the effectiveness of control strategies.
Microscale—Measurements on this scale would represent distributions within street canyons, over sidewalks, and near major roadways. The measurements at a particular location in a street canyon would be typical of one high concentration area which can be shown to be a representation of many more areas throughout the street canyon or other similar locations in a city. This is a scale of measurement that would provide valuable information for devising and evaluating “hot spot” control measures.
Middle Scale—This category covers dimensions from 100 meters to 0.5 kilometer. In certain cases discussed below, it may apply to regions that have a total length of several kilometers. In many cases of interest, sources and land use may be reasonably homogeneous for long distances along a street, but very inhomogeneous normal to the street. This is the case with strip development and freeway corridors. Included in this category are measurements to characterize the CO concentrations along the urban features just enumerated. When a location is chosen to represent conditions in a block of street development, then the characteristic dimensions of this scale are tens of meters by hundreds of meters. If an attempt is made to characterize street-side conditions throughout the downtown area or along an extended stretch of freeway, the dimensions may be tens of meters by kilometer.
The middle scale would also include the parking lots and feeder streets associated with indirect sources which attract significant numbers of pollutant emitters, particularly autos. Shopping centers, stadia, and office buildings are examples of indirect sources.
Neighborhood Scale—Measurements in this category would represent conditions throughout some reasonably homogeneous urban subregions, with dimensions of a few kilometers and generally more regularly shaped than the middle scale. Homogeneity refers to CO concentration, but it probably also applies to land use. In some cases, a location carefully chosen to provide neighborhood scale data, might represent not only the immediate neighborhood, but also neighborhoods of the same type in other parts of the city. These kinds of stations would provide information relating to health effects because they would represent conditions in areas where people live and work. Neighborhood scale data would provide valuable information for developing, testing, and revising concepts and models that describe the larger scale concentration patterns, especially those models relying on spatially smoothed emission fields for inputs. These types of measurements could also be used for interneighborhood comparisons within or between cities.
After the spatial scale has been determined to meet the monitoring objectives for each location, the location selection procedures, as shown in reference 3 should be used to evaluate the adequacy of each existing CO station and must be used to relocate an existing station or to locate any new SLAMS stations. The background material necessary for these procedures may include the average daily traffic on all streets in the area, wind roses for different hours of the day, and maps showing one-way streets, street widths, and building heights. If the station is to typify the area with the highest concentrations, the streets with the greatest daily traffic should be identified. If some streets are one-way, those streets that have the greatest traffic during the afternoon and evening hours should be selected as tentative locations, because the periods of high traffic volume are usually of greatest duration through the evening hours. However, the strength of the morning inversion has to be considered along with the traffic volume and pattern when seeking areas with the highest concentrations. Traffic counters near the stations will provide valuable data for interpreting the observed CO Concentrations.
Monitors should not be placed in the vicinity of possible anomalous source areas. Examples of such areas include toll gates on turnpikes, metered freeway ramps, and drawbridge approaches. Additional information on network design may be found in reference 3.
2.5 Ozone (O3) Design Criteria for SLAMS. Ozone is not directly emitted into the atmosphere but results from complex photochemical reactions involving organic compounds, oxides of nitrogen, and solar radiation.
The relationships between primary emissions (precursors) and secondary pollutants (O3) tend to produce large separations spatially and temporally between the major sources and the areas of high oxidant pollution. This suggests that the meteorological transport process and the relationships between sources and sinks need to be considered in the development of the network design criteria and placement of monitoring stations, especially in measuring peak concentration levels.
The principal spatial scales for SLAMS purposes based on the monitoring objectives are neighborhood, urban, regional, and to a lesser extent, middle scale. Since ozone requires appreciable formation time, the mixing of reactants and products occurs over large volumes of air, and this reduces the importance of monitoring small scale spatial variability.
Middle Scale—Measurement in this scale would represent conditions close to sources of NOX such as roads where it would be expected that suppression of O3 concentrations would occur. Trees also may have a strong scavenging effect on O3 and may tend to suppress O3 concentrations in their immediate vicinity. Measurements at these stations would represent conditions over relatively small portions of the urban area.
Neighborhood Scale—Measurements in this category represent conditions throughout some reasonably homogeneous urban subregion, with dimensions of a few kilometers. Homogeneity refers to pollutant concentrations. Neighborhood scale data will provide valuable information for developing, testing, and revising concepts and models that describe urban/regional concentration patterns. They will be useful to the understanding and definition of processes that take periods of hours to occur and hence involve considerable mixing and transport. Under stagnation conditions, a station located in the neighborhood scale may also experience peak concentration levels within the urban areas.
Urban Scale—Measurement in this scale will be used to estimate concentrations over large portions of an urban area with dimensions of several kilometers to 50 or more kilometers. Such measurements will be used for determining trends, and designing area-wide control strategies. The urban scale stations would also be used to measure high concentrations downwind of the area having the highest precursor emissions.
Regional Scale—This scale of measurement will be used to typify concentrations over large portions of a metropolitan area and even larger areas with dimensions of as much as hundreds of kilometers. Such measurements will be useful for assessing the ozone that is transported into an urban area. Data from such stations may be useful in accounting for the ozone that cannot be reduced by control strategies in that urban area.
The location selection procedure continues after the spatial scale is selected based on the monitoring objectives. The appropriate network design procedures as found in reference 4, should be used to evaluate the adequacy of each existing O3 monitor and must be used to relocate an existing station or to locate any new O3 SLAMS stations. The first step in the siting procedure would be to collect the necessary background material, which may consist of maps, emission inventories for nonmethane hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen (NOX), climatological data, and existing air quality data for ozone, nonmethane hydrocarbons, and NO2/NO.
For locating a neighborhood scale station to measure typical city concentrations, a reasonably homogeneous geographical area near the center of the region should be selected which is also removed from the influence of major NOX sources. For an urban scale station to measure the high concentration areas, the emission inventories should be used to define the extent of the area of important nonmethane hydrocarbons and NOX emissions. The most frequent wind speed and direction for periods of important photochemical activity should be determined. Then the prospective monitoring area should be selected in a direction from the city that is most frequently downwind during periods of photochemical activity. The distance from the station to the upwind edge of the city should be about equal to the distance traveled by air moving for 5 to 7 hours at wind speeds prevailing during periods of photochemical activity. Prospective areas for locating O3 monitors should always be outside the area of major NOX.
In locating a neighborhood scale station which is to measure high concentrations, the same procedures used for the urban scale are followed except that the station should be located closer to the areas bordering on the center city or slightly further downwind in an area of high density population.
For regional scale background monitoring stations, the most frequent wind associated with important photochemical activity should be determined. The prospective monitoring area should be upwind for the most frequent direction and outside the area of city influence.
Since ozone levels decrease significantly in the colder parts of the year in many areas, ozone is required to be monitored at NAMS and SLAMS monitoring sites only during the “ozone season” as designated in the AIRS files on a State by State basis and described below:
Ozone Monitoring Season By State
State Begin month End month
Alabama......................... March............. October.
Alaska.......................... April............. October.
Arizona......................... January........... December.
Arkansas........................ March............. November.
California...................... January........... December.
Colorado........................ March............. September.
Connecticut..................... April............. September.
Delaware........................ April............. October.
District of Columbia............ April............. October.
Florida......................... March............. October.
Georgia......................... March............. October.
Hawaii.......................... January........... December.
Idaho........................... May............... September.
Illinois........................ April............. October.
Indiana......................... April............. September.
Iowa............................ April............. October.
Kansas.......................... April............. October.
Kentucky........................ March............. October.
Louisiana AQCRs 019, 022........ March............. October.
Louisiana AQCR 106.............. January........... December.
Maine........................... April............. September.
Maryland........................ April............. October.
Massachusetts................... April............. September.
Michigan........................ April............. September.
Minnesota....................... April............. October.
Mississippi..................... March............. October.
Missouri........................ April............. October.
Montana......................... June.............. September.
Nebraska........................ April............. October.
Nevada.......................... January........... December.
New Hampshire................... April............. September.
New Jersey...................... April............. October.
New Mexico...................... January........... December.
New York........................ April............. October.
North Carolina.................. April............. October.
North Dakota.................... May............... September.
Ohio............................ April............. October.
Oklahoma........................ March............. November.
Oregon.......................... May............... September.
Pennsylvania.................... April............. October.
Puerto Rico..................... January........... December.
Rhode Island.................... April............. September.
South Carolina.................. April............. October.
South Dakota.................... June.............. September.
Tennessee....................... March............. October.
Texas AQCR 4,5,7,10,11.......... January........... December
Texas AQCR 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12. March............. October
Utah............................ May............... September.
Vermont......................... April............. September.
Virginia........................ April............. October.
Washington...................... May............... September.
West Virginia................... April............. October.
Wisconsin....................... April 15.......... October 15.
Wyoming......................... April............. October.
American Samoa.................. January........... December.
Guam............................ January........... December.
Virgin Islands.................. January........... December.
Additional discussion on the procedures for siting ozone stations may be found in reference 4.
2.6 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) Design Criteria for SLAMS. The typical spatial scales of representativeness associated with nitrogen dioxide monitoring based on monitoring objectives are middle, neighborhood, and urban. Since nitrogen dioxide is primarily formed in the atmosphere from the oxidation of NO, large volumes of air and mixing times usually reduce the importance of monitoring on small scale spatial variability especially for long averaging times. However, there may be some situations where NO2 measurements would be made on the middle scale for both long- and short-term averages.
Middle Scale—Measurements on this scale would cover dimensions from about 100 meters to 0.5 kilometer. These measurements would characterize the public exposure to NO2 in populated areas. Also monitors that are located closer to roadways than the minimum distances specified in table 3 of appendix E of this part, would be represented by measurements on this scale.
Neighborhood and Urban Scales—The same considerations as discussed in section 2.5 for O3 would also apply to NO2.
After the spatial scale is selected based on the monitoring objectives, then the siting procedures as found in reference 4 should be used to evaluate the adequacy of each existing NO2 station and must be used to relocate an existing station or to locate any new NO2 SLAMS stations. The siting procedures begin with collecting the background material. This background information may include the characteristics of the area and its sources under study, climatological data to determine where concentration maxima are most likely to be found, and any existing monitoring data for NO2.
For neighborhood or urban scales, the emphasis in site selection will be in finding those areas where long-term averages are expected to be the highest. Nevertheless, it should be expected that the maximum NO2 concentrations will occur in approximately the same locations as the maximum total oxides of nitrogen concentrations. The best course would be to locate the station somewhat further downwind beyond the expected point of maximum total oxides of nitrogen to allow more time for the formation of NO2. The dilution of the emissions further downwind from the source should be considered along with the need for reaction time for NO2 formation in locating stations to measure peak concentration. If dispersion is favorable, maximum concentrations may occur closer to the emission sources than the locations predicted from oxidation of NO to NO2 alone. This will occur downwind of sources based on winter wind direction or in areas where there are high ozone concentrations and high density NO2 emissions such as on the fringe of the central business district or further downwind. The distance and direction downwind would be based on ozone season wind patterns.
Once the major emissions areas and wind patterns are known, areas of potential maximum NO2 levels can be determined. Nitrogen dioxide concentrations are likely to decline rather rapidly outside the urban area. Therefore, the best location for measuring NO2 concentrations will be in neighborhoods near the edge of the city.
2.7 Lead (Pb) Design Criteria for SLAMS. Presently, less than 1 percent of the Nation's Pb air pollution emissions originate from on-road mobile source exhaust. The majority of Pb emissions come from point sources, such as metals processing facilities, waste disposal and recycling, and fuel combustion (reference 19 of this appendix). The SLAMS networks are used to assess the air quality impacts of Pb point sources, and to determine the broad population exposure from any Pb source. The most important spatial scales to effectively characterize the emissions from point sources are the micro, middle, and neighborhood scales. For purposes of establishing monitoring stations to represent large homogeneous areas other than the above scales of representativeness, urban or regional scale stations may also be needed.
Microscale—This scale would typify areas in close proximity to lead point sources. Emissions from point sources such as primary and secondary lead smelters, and primary copper smelters may under fumigation conditions likewise result in high ground level concentrations at the microscale. In the latter case, the microscale would represent an area impacted by the plume with dimensions extending up to approximately 100 meters. Data collected at microscale stations provide information for evaluating and developing “hot-spot” control measures.
Middle Scale—This scale generally represents Pb air quality levels in areas up to several city blocks in size with dimensions on the order of approximately 100 meters to 500 meters. The middle scale may for example, include schools and playgrounds in center city areas which are close to major Pb point sources. Pb monitors in such areas are desirable because of the higher sensitivity of children to exposures of elevated Pb concentrations (reference 7 of this appendix). Emissions from point sources frequently impact on areas at which single sites may be located to measure concentrations representing middle spatial scales.
Neighborhood Scale—The neighborhood scale would characterize air quality conditions throughout some relatively uniform land use areas with dimensions in the 0.5 to 4.0 kilometer range. Stations of this scale would provide monitoring data in areas representing conditions where children live and play. Monitoring in such areas is important since this segment of the population is more susceptible to the effects of Pb. Where a neighborhood site is located away from immediate Pb sources, the site may be very useful in representing typical air quality values for a larger residential area, and therefore suitable for population exposure and trends analyses.
Urban Scale—Such stations would be used to present ambient Pb concentrations over an entire metropolitan area with dimensions in the 4 to 50 kilometer range. An urban scale station would be useful for assessing trends in citywide air quality and the effectiveness of larger scale air pollution control strategies.
Regional Scale—Measurements from these stations would characterize air quality levels over areas having dimensions of 50 to hundreds of kilometers. This large scale of representativeness, rarely used in Pb monitoring, would be most applicable to sparsely populated areas and could provide information on background air quality and inter-regional pollutant transport.
Monitoring for ambient Pb levels is required for all major urbanized areas where Pb levels have been shown or are expected to be of concern due to the proximity of Pb point source emissions. Sources emitting five tons per year or more of actual point and fugitive Pb emissions would generally be candidates for lead ambient air monitoring. Modeling may be needed to determine if a source has the potential to exceed the quarterly lead National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The total number and type of stations for SLAMS are not prescribed but must be determined on a case-by-case basis. As a minimum, there must be two stations in any area where Pb concentrations currently exceed or have exceeded the Pb NAAQS during any one quarter of the most recent eight quarters. Where the Pb air quality violations are widespread or the emissions density, topography, or population locations are complex and varied, there may be a need to establish more than two Pb ambient air monitoring stations. The EPA Regional Administrator may specify more than two monitoring stations if it is found that two stations are insufficient to adequately determine if the Pb standard is being attained and maintained. The Regional Administrator may also specify that stations be located in areas outside the boundaries of the urbanized areas.
Concerning the previously discussed required minimum of two stations, at least one of the stations must be a category (a) type station and the second may be either category (a) or (b) depending upon the extent of the point source's impact and the existence of residential neighborhoods surrounding the source. When the source is located in an area that is subject to NAMS requirements as in Section 3 of this Appendix, it is preferred that the NAMS site be used to describe the population's exposure and the second SLAMS site be used as a category (a) site. Both of these categories of stations are defined in section 3.
To locate monitoring stations, it will be necessary to obtain background information such as point source emissions inventories, climatological summaries, and local geographical characteristics. Such information should be used to identify areas that are most suitable to the particular monitoring objective and spatial scale of representativeness desired. References 9 & 10 of this appendix provide additional guidance on locating sites to meet specific urban area monitoring objectives and should be used in locating new stations or evaluating the adequacy of existing stations.
After locating each Pb station and, to the extent practicable, taking into consideration the collective impact of all Pb sources and surrounding physical characteristics of the siting area, a spatial scale of representativeness must be assigned to each station.
2.8 Particulate Matter Design Criteria for SLAMS.
As with other pollutants measured in the SLAMS network, the first step in designing the particulate matter network is to collect the necessary background information. Various studies in references 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 of section 6 of this appendix have documented the major source categories of particulate matter and their contribution to ambient levels in various locations throughout the country. Sources of background information would be regional and traffic maps, and aerial photographs showing topography, settlements, major industries and highways. These maps and photographs would be used to identify areas of the type that are of concern to the particular monitoring objective. After potentially suitable monitoring areas for particulate matter have been identified on a map, modeling may be used to provide an estimate of particulate matter concentrations throughout the area of interest. After completing the first step, existing particulate matter stations should be evaluated to determine their potential as candidates for SLAMS designation. Stations meeting one or more of the six basic monitoring objectives described in section 1 of this appendix must be classified into one of the five scales of representativeness (micro, middle, neighborhood, urban and regional) if the stations are to become SLAMS. In siting and classifying particulate matter stations, the procedures in references 17 and 18 of section 6 of this appendix should be used. The most important spatial scales to effectively characterize the emissions of particulate matter from both mobile and stationary sources are the middle scales for PM10 and neighborhood scales for both PM10 and PM2.5. For purposes of establishing monitoring stations to represent large homogenous areas other than the above scales of representativeness and to characterize regional transport, urban or regional scale stations would also be needed. Most PM2.5 monitoring in urban areas should be representative of a neighborhood scale. Microscale—This scale would typify areas such as downtown street canyons and traffic corridors where the general public would be exposed to maximum concentrations from mobile sources. In some circumstances, the microscale is appropriate for particulate stations; core SLAMS on the microscale should, however, be limited to urban sites that are representative of long-term human exposure and of many such microenvironments in the area. In general, microscale particulate matter sites should be located near inhabited buildings or locations where the general public can be expected to be exposed to the concentration measured. Emissions from stationary sources such as primary and secondary smelters, power plants, and other large industrial processes may, under certain plume conditions, likewise result in high ground level concentrations at the microscale. In the latter case, the microscale would represent an area impacted by the plume with dimensions extending up to approximately 100 meters. Data collected at microscale stations provide information for evaluating and developing hot spot control measures. Unless these sites are indicative of population-oriented monitoring, they may be more appropriately classified as SPMs. Middle Scale—Much of the measurement of short-term public exposure to coarse fraction particles (PM10) is on this scale and on the neighborhood scale; for fine particulate, much of the measurement is on the neighborhood scale. People moving through downtown areas, or living near major roadways, encounter particles that would be adequately characterized by measurements of this spatial scale. Thus, measurements of this type would be appropriate for the evaluation of possible short-term exposure public health effects of particulate matter pollution. In many situations, monitoring sites that are representative of micro-scale or middle-scale impacts are not unique and are representative of many similar situations. This can occur along traffic corridors or other locations in a residential district. In this case, one location is representative of a neighborhood of small scale sites and is appropriate for evaluation of long-term or chronic effects. This scale also includes the characteristic concentrations for other areas with dimensions of a few hundred meters such as the parking lot and feeder streets associated with shopping centers, stadia, and office buildings. In the case of PM10, unpaved or seldom swept parking lots associated with these sources could be an important source in addition to the vehicular emissions themselves. Neighborhood Scale—Measurements in this category would represent conditions throughout some reasonably homogeneous urban subregion with dimensions of a few kilometers and of generally more regular shape than the middle scale. Homogeneity refers to the particulate matter concentrations, as well as the land use and land surface characteristics. Much of the PM2.5 exposures are expected to be associated with this scale of measurement. In some cases, a location carefully chosen to provide neighborhood scale data would represent not only the immediate neighborhood but also neighborhoods of the same type in other parts of the city. Stations of this kind provide good information about trends and compliance with standards because they often represent conditions in areas where people commonly live and work for periods comparable to those specified in the NAAQS. In general, most PM2.5 monitoring in urban areas should have this scale. A PM2.5 monitoring location is assumed to be representative of a neighborhood scale unless the monitor is adjacent to a recognized PM2.5 emissions source or is otherwise demonstrated to be representative of a smaller spatial scale by an intensive monitoring study. This category also may include industrial and commercial neighborhoods especially in districts of diverse land use where residences are interspersed. Neighborhood scale data could provide valuable information for developing, testing, and revising models that describe the larger-scale concentration patterns, especially those models relying on spatially smoothed emission fields for inputs. The neighborhood scale measurements could also be used for neighborhood comparisons within or between cities. This is the most likely scale of measurements to meet the needs of planners. Urban Scale—This class of measurement would be made to characterize the particulate matter concentration over an entire metropolitan or rural area ranging in size from 4 to 50 km. Such measurements would be useful for assessing trends in area-wide air quality, and hence, the effectiveness of large scale air pollution control strategies. Core PM2.5 SLAMS may have this scale. Regional Scale—These measurements would characterize conditions over areas with dimensions of as much as hundreds of kilometers. As noted earlier, using representative conditions for an area implies some degree of homogeneity in that area. For this reason, regional scale measurements would be most applicable to sparsely populated areas with reasonably uniform ground cover. Data characteristics of this scale would provide information about larger scale processes of particulate matter emissions, losses and transport. Especially in the case of PM2.5, transport contributes to particulate concentrations and may affect multiple urban and State entities with large populations such as in the Eastern United States. Development of effective pollution control strategies requires an understanding at regional geographical scales of the emission sources and atmospheric processes that are responsible for elevated PM2.5 levels and may also be associated with elevated ozone and regional haze.
2.8.1 Specific Design Criteria for PM2.5. Monitoring Planning Areas.
Monitoring planning areas (MPAs) shall be used to conform to the community-oriented monitoring approach used for the PM2.5 NAAQS given in part 50 of this chapter. MPAs are required to correspond to all metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) with population greater than 200,000, and all other areas determined to be in violation of the PM2.5 NAAQS.1 MPAs for other designated parts of the State are optional. All MPAs shall be defined on the basis of existing, delineated mapping data such as State boundaries, county boundaries, zip codes, census blocks, or census block groups.
1The boundaries of MPAs do not have to necessarily correspond to those of MSAs and existing intra or interstate air pollution planning districts may be utilized. PM2.5 Monitoring Sites within the State's PM Monitoring Network Description. The minimum required number, type of monitoring sites, and sampling requirements for PM2.5 are based on monitoring planning areas described in the PM monitoring network description and proposed by the State in accordance with §58.20. Comparisons to the PM2.5 NAAQS may be based on data from SPMs in addition to SLAMS (including NAMS, core SLAMS and collocated PM2.5 sites at PAMS), that meet the requirements of §58.13 and Appendices A, C and E of this part, that are included in the PM monitoring network description. For comparison to the annual NAAQS, the monitors should be neighborhood scale community-oriented locations. Special purpose monitors that meet part 58 requirements will be exempt from NAAQS comparisons with the PM2.5 NAAQS for the first 2 calendar years of their operation to encourage PM2.5 monitoring initially. After this time, however, any SPM that records a violation of the PM2.5 NAAQS must be seriously considered as a potential SLAMS site during the annual SLAMS network review in accordance with §58.25. If such SPMs are not established as a SLAMS, the agency must document in its annual report the technical basis for excluding it as a SLAMS. The health-effects data base that served as the basis for selecting the new PM2.5 standards relied on a spatial average approach that reflects average community-oriented area-wide PM exposure levels. Under this approach, the most effective way to reduce total population risk is by lowering the annual distributions of ambient 24-hour PM2.5 concentrations, as opposed to controlling peak 24-hour concentrations on individual days. The annual standard selected by EPA will generally be the controlling standard for lowering both short- and long-term PM2.5 concentrations on an area-wide basis and will achieve this result. In order to be consistent with this rationale, therefore, PM2.5 data collected from SLAMS and special purpose monitors that are representative, not of area-wide but rather, of relatively unique population-oriented microscale, or localized hot spot, or unique population-oriented middle-scale impact sites are only eligible for comparison only to the 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS. However, in instances where certain population-oriented micro- or middle-scale PM2.5 monitoring sites are determined by the EPA Regional Administrator to collectively identify a larger region of localized high ambient PM2.5 concentrations, data from these population-oriented sites would be eligible for comparison to the annual NAAQS. Within each MPA, the responsible air pollution control agency shall install core SLAMS, other required SLAMS and as many PM2.5 stations judged necessary to satisfy the SLAMS requirements and monitoring objectives of this appendix. Core Monitoring Stations for PM2.5.
Core monitoring stations or sites are a subset of the SLAMS network for PM2.5 that are sited to represent community-wide air quality. These core sites include sites to be collocated at PAMS. Within each monitoring planning area, the responsible air pollution control agency shall install the following core PM2.5 SLAMS:
(a) At least two core PM2.5 SLAMS per MSA with population greater than 500,000 sampling everyday, unless exempted by the Regional Administrator, including at least one station in a population-oriented area of expected maximum concentration and at least one station in an area of poor air quality and at least one additional core monitor collocated at a PAMS site in each PAMS area2 .
2The core monitor to be collocated at a PAMS site shall not be considered a part of the PAMS as described in section 4 of this appendix, but shall instead be considered to be a component of the particular MPA PM2.5 network.
(b) At least one core PM2.5 SLAMS per MSA with population greater than 200,000 and less than or equal to 500,000 sampling every third day.
(c) Additional core PM2.5 SLAMS per MSA with population greater than 1 million, sampling every third day, as specified in the following table:
Table 1_Required Number of Core SLAMS According to MSA Population
Minimum Required No. of Core Sites
MSA Population \1\
>1 M 3
>2 M 4
>4 M 6
>6 M 8
>8 M 10
\1\Core SLAMS at PAMS are in addition to these numbers. The site situated in the area of expected maximum concentration is analogous to NAMS “category a.” 3 This will henceforth be termed a category a core SLAMS site. The site located in the area of poor air quality with high population density or representative of maximum population impact is analogous to NAMS, “category b.” This second site will be called a category b core SLAMS site.
3 The measured maximum concentrations at core population-oriented sites should be consistent with the averaging time of the NAAQS. Therefore, sites only with high concentrations for shorter averaging times (say 1-hour) should not be category “a” core SLAMS monitors. Those MPAs that are substantially impacted by several different and geographically disjoint local sources of fine particulate should have separate core sites to monitor each influencing source region. Within each monitoring planning area, one or more required core SLAMS may be exempted by the Regional Administrator. This may be appropriate in areas where the highest concentration is expected to occur at the same location as the area of maximum or sensitive population impact, or areas with low concentrations (e.g., highest concentrations are less than 80 percent of the NAAQS). When only one core monitor for PM2.5 is included in a MPA or optional CMZ, however, a “category a” core site is strongly preferred to determine community-oriented PM2.5 concentrations in areas of high average PM2.5 concentration. More than the minimum number of core SLAMS should be deployed as necessary in all MPAs. Except for the core SLAMS described in section of this appendix, the additional core SLAMS must only comply with the minimum sampling frequency for SLAMS specified in §58.13(e). A subset of the core PM2.5 SLAMS shall be designated NAMS as discussed in section 3.7 of this appendix. The selection of core monitoring sites in relation to MPAs and CMZs is discussed further in section 2.8.3 of this appendix. Core monitoring sites shall represent neighborhood or larger spatial scales. A monitor that is established in the ambient air that is in or near a populated area, and meets appropriate 40 CFR part 58 criteria (i.e., meets the requirements of §58.13 and §58.14, Appendices A, C, and E of this part) can be presumed to be representative of at least a neighborhood scale, is eligible to be called a core site and shall produce data that are eligible for comparison to both the 24-hour and annual PM2.5 NAAQS. If the site is adjacent to a dominating local source or can be shown to have average 24-hour concentrations representative of a smaller spatial scale, then the site would only be compared to the 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS. Continuous fine particulate monitoring at core SLAMS. At least one continuous fine particulate analyzer (e.g., beta attenuation analyzer; tapered-element, oscillating microbalance (TEOM); transmissometer; nephelometer; or other acceptable continuous fine particulate monitor) shall be located at a core monitoring PM2.5 site in each metropolitan area with a population greater than 1 million. These analyzers shall be used to provide improved temporal resolution to better understand the processes and causes of elevated PM2.5 concentrations and to facilitate public reporting of PM2.5 air quality and will be in accordance with appropriate methodologies and QA/QC procedures approved by the Regional Administrator. Other PM2.5 SLAMS Locations.
In addition to the required core sites described in section of this appendix, the State shall also install and operate on an every third day sampling schedule at least one SLAMS to monitor for regional background and at least one SLAMS to monitor regional transport. These monitoring stations may be at a community-oriented site and their requirement may be satisfied by a corresponding SLAMS monitor in an area having similar air quality in another State. The State shall also be required to establish additional SLAMS sites based on the total population outside the MSA(s) associated with monitoring planning areas that contain required core SLAMS. There shall be one such additional SLAMS for each 200,000 people. The minimum number of SLAMS may be deployed anywhere in the State to satisfy the SLAMS monitoring objectives including monitoring of small scale impacts which may not be community-oriented or for regional transport as described in section 1 of this appendix. Other SLAMS may also be established and are encouraged in a State PM2.5 network. Additional PM2.5 Analysis Requirements.
(a) Within 1 year after September 16, 1997, chemical speciation will be required at approximately 25 PM2.5 core sites collocated at PAMS sites (1 type 2 site per PAMS area) and at approximately 25 other core sites for a total of approximately 50 sites. The selection of these sites will be performed by the Administrator in consultation with the Regional Administrator and the States. Chemical speciation is encouraged at additional sites. At a minimum, chemical speciation to be conducted will include analysis for elements, selected anions and cations, and carbon. Samples for required speciation will be collected using appropriate monitoring methods and sampling schedule in accordance with procedures approved by the Administrator.
(b) Air pollution control agencies shall archive PM2.5 filters from all other SLAMS sites for a minimum of one year after collection. These filters shall be made available for supplemental analyses at the request of EPA or to provide information to State and local agencies on the composition for PM2.5. The filters shall be archived in accordance with procedures approved by the Administrator. Community Monitoring Zones. The CMZs describe areas within which two or more core monitors may be averaged for comparison with the annual PM2.5 NAAQS. This averaging approach as specified in 40 CFR part 50, appendix N, is directly related to epidemiological studies used as the basis for the PM2.5 NAAQS. A CMZ should characterize an area of relatively similar annual average air quality (i.e., the average concentrations at individual sites shall not exceed the spatial average by more than 20 percent) and exhibit similar day to day variability (e.g., the monitoring sites should not have low correlations, say less than 0.6). Moreover, the entire CMZ should principally be affected by the same major emission sources of PM2.5 . Each monitoring planning area may have at least one CMZ, that may or may not cover the entire MPA. In metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) for which MPAs are required, the CMZs may completely cover the entire MSA. When more than one CMZ is described within an MPA, CMZs shall not overlap in their geographical coverage. All areas in the ambient air may become a CMZ. As PM2.5 networks are first established, core sites would be used individually for making comparisons to the annual PM2.5 NAAQS. As these networks evolve, individual monitors may not be adequate by themselves to characterize the annual average community wide air quality. This is especially true for areas with sharp gradients in annual average air quality. Therefore, CMZs with multiple core SLAMS or other eligible sites as described in accordance with section to this appendix, may be established for the purposes of providing improved estimates of community wide air quality and for making comparisons to the annual NAAQS. This CMZ approach is subject to the constraints of section to this appendix. The spatial representativeness of individual monitoring sites should be considered in the design of the network and in establishing the boundaries of CMZs. Communities within the MPA with the highest PM2.5 concentrations must have a high priority for PM2.5 monitoring. Until a sufficient number of monitoring stations or CMZs are established, however, the monitored air quality in all parts of the MPA may not be precisely known. It would be desirable, however, to design the placement of monitors so that those portions of the MPAs without monitors could be characterized as having average concentrations less than the monitored portions of the network. Selection of Monitoring Locations Within MPAs or CMZs. Figure 1 of this appendix illustrates a hypothetical monitoring planning area and shows the location of monitors in relation to population and areas of poor air quality. Figure 2 of this appendix shows the same hypothetical MPA as Figure 1 of this appendix and illustrates potential community monitoring zones and the location of core monitoring sites within them. In Figure 1 of this appendix, a hypothetical monitoring planning area is shown representing a typical Eastern US urban areas. The ellipses represent zones with relatively high population and poor air quality, respectively. Concentration isopleths are also depicted. The highest population density is indicated by the urban icons, while the area of worst air quality is presumed to be near the industrial symbols. The monitoring area should have at least one core monitor to represent community wide air quality in each sub-area affected by different emission sources. Each monitoring planning area with population greater than 500,000 is required to have at least two core population-oriented monitors that will sample everyday (with PAMS areas requiring three) and may have as many other core SLAMS, other SLAMS, and SPMs as necessary. All SLAMS should generally bepopulation-oriented, while the SPMs can focus more on other monitoring objectives, e.g., identifying source impacts and the area boundaries with maximum concentration. Ca denotes “category a” core SLAMS site (community-oriented site in area of expected maximum concentration); it is shown within the populated area and closest to the area with highest concentration. Cb denotes a “category b” core SLAMS site (area of poor air quality with high population density or representative of maximum population impact); it is shown in the area of poor air quality, closest to highest population density. All other core SLAMS in this MPA are denoted by “C.” S denotes other SLAMS sites (monitoring for any objective: Max concentration, population exposure, source-oriented, background, or regional transport or in support of secondary NAAQS). P denotes a Special Purpose Monitor (a specialized monitor that, for example, may use a non-reference sampler). Finally, note that all SPMs would be subject to the 2-year moratorium against data comparison to the NAAQS for the first 2 complete calendar years of its operation. (continued)