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6.2 Recommendations
6.2.1 Visibility
a. Visibility in important natural areas (e.g., Federal Class I areas) is protected under a number of provisions of the Clean Air Act, including Sections 169A and 169B (addressing impacts primarily from existing sources) and Section 165 (new source review). Visibility impairment is caused by light scattering and light absorption associated with particles and gases in the atmosphere. In most areas of the country, light scattering by PM–2.5 is the most significant component of visibility impairment. The key components of PM–2.5 contributing to visibility impairment include sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon, elemental carbon, and crustal material.
b. The visibility regulations as promulgated in December 1980 (40 CFR 51.300–307) require States to mitigate visibility impairment, in any of the 156 mandatory Federal Class I areas, that is found to be “reasonably attributable” to a single source or a small group of sources. In 1985, EPA promulgated Federal Implementation Plans (FIPs) for several States without approved visibility provisions in their SIPs. The IMPROVE (Interagency Monitoring for Protected Visual Environments) monitoring network, a cooperative effort between EPA, the States, and Federal land management agencies, was established to implement the monitoring requirements in these FIPs. Data has been collected by the IMPROVE network since 1988.
c. In 1999, EPA issued revisions to the 1980 regulations to address visibility impairment in the form of regional haze, which is caused by numerous, diverse sources (e.g., stationary, mobile, and area sources) located across a broad region (40 CFR 51.308–309). The state of relevant scientific knowledge has expanded significantly since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1977. A number of studies and reports 61,62 have concluded that long range transport (e.g., up to hundreds of kilometers) of fine particulate matter plays a significant role in visibility impairment across the country. Section 169A of the Act requires states to develop SIPs containing long-term strategies for remedying existing and preventing future visibility impairment in 156 mandatory Class I federal areas. In order to develop long-term strategies to address regional haze, many States will need to conduct regional-scale modeling of fine particulate concentrations and associated visibility impairment (e.g., light extinction and deciview metrics).
d. To calculate the potential impact of a plume of specified emissions for specific transport and dispersion conditions (“plume blight”), a screening model, VISCREEN, and guidance are available. 63 If a more comprehensive analysis is required, a refined model should be selected . The model selection (VISCREEN vs. PLUVUE II or some other refined model), procedures, and analyses should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected Federal Land Manager (FLM). FLMs are responsible for determining whether there is an adverse effect by a plume on a Class I area.
e. CALPUFF (Section A.3) may be applied when assessment is needed of reasonably attributable haze impairment or atmospheric deposition due to one or a small group of sources. This situation may involve more sources and larger modeling domains than that to which VISCREEN ideally may be applied. The procedures and analyses should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected FLM(s).
f. Regional scale models are used by EPA to develop and evaluate national policy and assist State and local control agencies. Two such models which can be used to assess visibility impacts from source emissions are Models-3/CMAQ 38 and REMSAD. 41 Model users should consult with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)), which in this instance would include FLMs.
6.2.2 Good Engineering Practice Stack Height
a. The use of stack height credit in excess of Good Engineering Practice (GEP) stack height or credit resulting from any other dispersion technique is prohibited in the development of emission limitations by 40 CFR 51.118 and 40 CFR 51.164. The definitions of GEP stack height and dispersion technique are contained in 40 CFR 51.100. Methods and procedures for making the appropriate stack height calculations, determining stack height credits and an example of applying those techniques are found in several references 64,65,66,67 , which provide a great deal of additional information for evaluating and describing building cavity and wake effects.
b. If stacks for new or existing major sources are found to be less than the height defined by EPA's refined formula for determining GEP height, then air quality impacts associated with cavity or wake effects due to the nearby building structures should be determined. The EPA refined formula height is defined as H + 1.5L (see reference 66). Detailed downwash screening procedures 24 for both the cavity and wake regions should be followed. If more refined concentration estimates are required, the recommended steady-state plume dispersion model in subsection 4.2.2 contains algorithms for building wake calculations and should be used.
6.2.3 Long Range Transport (LRT) (i.e., Beyond 50km)
a. Section 165(d) of the Clean Air Act requires that suspected adverse impacts on PSD Class I areas be determined. However, 50km is the useful distance to which most steady-state Gaussian plume models are considered accurate for setting emission limits. Since in many cases PSD analyses show that Class I areas may be threatened at distances greater than 50km from new sources, some procedure is needed to (1) determine if an adverse impact will occur, and (2) identify the model to be used in setting an emission limit if the Class I increments are threatened. In addition to the situations just described, there are certain applications containing a mixture of both long range and short range source-receptor relationships in a large modeled domain (e.g., several industrialized areas located along a river or valley). Historically, these applications have presented considerable difficulty to an analyst if impacts from sources having transport distances greater than 50km significantly contributed to the design concentrations. To properly analyze applications of this type, a modeling approach is needed which has the capability of combining, in a consistent manner, impacts involving both short and long range transport. The CALPUFF modeling system, listed in Appendix A, has been designed to accommodate both the Class I area LRT situation and the large modeling domain situation. Given the judgement and refinement involved, conducting a LRT modeling assessment will require significant consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected FLM(s). The FLM has an affirmative responsibility to protect air quality related values (AQRVs) that may be affected, and to provide the appropriate procedures and analysis techniques. Where there is no increment violation, the ultimate decision on whether a Class I area is adversely affected is the responsibility of the appropriate reviewing authority (Section 165(d)(2)(C)(ii) of the Clean Air Act), taking into consideration any information on the impacts on AQRVs provided by the FLM. According to Section 165(d)(2)(C)(iii) of the Clean Air Act, if there is a Class I increment violation, the source must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the FLM that the emissions from the source will have no adverse impact on the AQRVs.
b. If LRT is determined to be important, then refined estimates utilizing the CALPUFF modeling system should be obtained. A screening approach 60,68 is also available for use on a case-by-case basis that generally provides concentrations that are higher than those obtained using refined characterizations of the meteorological conditions. The meteorological input data requirements for developing the time and space varying three-dimensional winds and dispersion meteorology for refined analyses are discussed in paragraph Additional information on applying this model is contained in Appendix A. To facilitate use of complex air quality and meteorological modeling systems, a written protocol approved by the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected FLM(s) may be considered for developing consensus in the methods and procedures to be followed.
6.2.4 Modeling Guidance for Other Governmental Programs
a. When using the models recommended or discussed in the Guideline in support of programmatic requirements not specifically covered by EPA regulations, the model user should consult the appropriate Federal or State agency to ensure the proper application and use of the models. For modeling associated with PSD permit applications that involve a Class I area, the appropriate Federal Land Manager should be consulted on all modeling questions.
b. The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) model, described in Appendix A, was developed by the Minerals Management Service and is recommended for estimating air quality impact from offshore sources on onshore, flat terrain areas. The OCD model is not recommended for use in air quality impact assessments for onshore sources. Sources located on or just inland of a shoreline where fumigation is expected should be treated in accordance with subsection 7.2.8.
c. The latest version of the Emissions and Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS), was developed and is supported by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and is appropriate for air quality assessment of primary pollutant impacts at airports or air bases. EDMS has adopted AERMOD for treating dispersion. Application of EDMS is intended for estimating the collective impact of changes in aircraft operations, point source, and mobile source emissions on pollutant concentrations. It is not intended for PSD, SIP, or other regulatory air quality analyses of point or mobile sources at or peripheral to airport property that are unrelated to airport operations. If changes in other than aircraft operations are associated with analyses, a model recommended in Chapter 4 or 5 should be used. The latest version of EDMS may be obtained from FAA at its Web site: http://www.aee.faa.gov/emissions/edms/edmshome.htm.
7.0 General Modeling Considerations
7.1 Discussion
a. This section contains recommendations concerning a number of different issues not explicitly covered in other sections of this guide. The topics covered here are not specific to any one program or modeling area but are common to nearly all modeling analyses for criteria pollutants.
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 Design Concentrations (See Also Subsection Design Concentrations for SO2, PM–10, CO, Pb, and NO2
a. An air quality analysis for SO2, PM–10, CO, Pb, and NO2 is required to determine if the source will (1) cause a violation of the NAAQS, or (2) cause or contribute to air quality deterioration greater than the specified allowable PSD increment. For the former, background concentration (subsection 8.2) should be added to the estimated impact of the source to determine the design concentration. For the latter, the design concentration includes impact from all increment consuming sources.
b. If the air quality analyses are conducted using the period of meteorological input data recommended in subsection (e.g., 5 years of National Weather Service (NWS) data or at least 1 year of site specific data; subsection 8.3.3), then the design concentration based on the highest, second-highest short term concentration over the entire receptor network for each year modeled or the highest long term average (whichever is controlling) should be used to determine emission limitations to assess compliance with the NAAQS and PSD increments. For the 24-hour PM–10 NAAQS (which is a probabilistic standard)—when multiple years are modeled, they collectively represent a single period. Thus, if 5 years of NWS data are modeled, then the highest sixth highest concentration for the whole period becomes the design value. And in general, when n years are modeled, the (n+1)th highest concentration over the n-year period is the design value, since this represents an average or expected exceedance rate of one per year.
c. When sufficient and representative data exist for less than a 5-year period from a nearby NWS site, or when site specific data have been collected for less than a full continuous year, or when it has been determined that the site specific data may not be temporally representative (subsection 8.3.3), then the highest concentration estimate should be considered the design value. This is because the length of the data record may be too short to assure that the conditions producing worst-case estimates have been adequately sampled. The highest value is then a surrogate for the concentration that is not to be exceeded more than once per year (the wording of the deterministic standards). Also, the highest concentration should be used whenever selected worst-case conditions are input to a screening technique, as described in EPA guidance. 24
d. If the controlling concentration is an annual average value and multiple years of data (site specific or NWS) are used, then the design value is the highest of the annual averages calculated for the individual years. If the controlling concentration is a quarterly average and multiple years are used, then the highest individual quarterly average should be considered the design value.
e. As long a period of record as possible should be used in making estimates to determine design values and PSD increments. If more than 1 year of site specific data is available, it should be used. Design Concentrations for O3 and PM–2.5
a. Guidance and specific instructions for the determination of the 1-hr and 8-hr design concentrations for ozone are provided in Appendix H and I (respectively) of reference 4. Appendix H explains how to determine when the expected number of days per calendar year with maximum hourly concentrations above the NAAQS is equal to or less than 1. Appendix I explains the data handling conventions and computations necessary for determining whether the 8-hour primary and secondary NAAQS are met at an ambient monitoring site. For PM–2.5, Appendix N of reference 4, and supplementary guidance, 69 explain the data handling conventions and computations necessary for determining when the annual and 24-hour primary and secondary NAAQS are met. For all SIP revisions the user should check with the Regional Office to obtain the most recent guidance documents and policy memoranda concerning the pollutant in question. There are currently no PSD increments for O3 and PM–2.5.
7.2.2 Critical Receptor Sites
a. Receptor sites for refined modeling should be utilized in sufficient detail to estimate the highest concentrations and possible violations of a NAAQS or a PSD increment. In designing a receptor network, the emphasis should be placed on receptor resolution and location, not total number of receptors. The selection of receptor sites should be a case-by-case determination taking into consideration the topography, the climatology, monitor sites, and the results of the initial screening procedure.
7.2.3 Dispersion Coefficients
a. Steady-state Gaussian plume models used in most applications should employ dispersion coefficients consistent with those contained in the preferred models in Appendix A. Factors such as averaging time, urban/rural surroundings (see paragraphs (b)—(f) of this subsection), and type of source (point vs. line) may dictate the selection of specific coefficients. Coefficients used in some Appendix A models are identical to, or at least based on, Pasquill-Gifford coefficients 70 in rural areas and McElroy-Pooler 71 coefficients in urban areas. A key feature of AERMOD's formulation is the use of directly observed variables of the boundary layer to parameterize dispersion. 22
b. The selection of either rural or urban dispersion coefficients in a specific application should follow one of the procedures suggested by Irwin 72 and briefly described in paragraphs (c)—(f) of this subsection. These include a land use classification procedure or a population based procedure to determine whether the character of an area is primarily urban or rural.
c. Land Use Procedure: (1) Classify the land use within the total area, Ao, circumscribed by a 3km radius circle about the source using the meteorological land use typing scheme proposed by Auer 73 ; (2) if land use types I1, I2, C1, R2, and R3 account for 50 percent or more of Ao, use urban dispersion coefficients; otherwise, use appropriate rural dispersion coefficients.
d. Population Density Procedure: (1) Compute the average population density, p per square kilometer with Ao as defined above; (2) If p is greater than 750 people/km2, use urban dispersion coefficients; otherwise use appropriate rural dispersion coefficients.
e. Of the two methods, the land use procedure is considered more definitive. Population density should be used with caution and should not be applied to highly industrialized areas where the population density may be low and thus a rural classification would be indicated, but the area is sufficiently built-up so that the urban land use criteria would be satisfied. In this case, the classification should already be “urban” and urban dispersion parameters should be used.
f. Sources located in an area defined as urban should be modeled using urban dispersion parameters. Sources located in areas defined as rural should be modeled using the rural dispersion parameters. For analyses of whole urban complexes, the entire area should be modeled as an urban region if most of the sources are located in areas classified as urban.
g. Buoyancy-induced dispersion (BID), as identified by Pasquill 74 , is included in the preferred models and should be used where buoyant sources, e.g., those involving fuel combustion, are involved.
7.2.4 Stability Categories
a. The Pasquill approach to classifying stability is commonly used in preferred models (Appendix A). The Pasquill method, as modified by Turner 75 , was developed for use with commonly observed meteorological data from the National Weather Service and is based on cloud cover, insolation and wind speed.
b. Procedures to determine Pasquill stability categories from other than NWS data are found in subsection 8.3. Any other method to determine Pasquill stability categories must be justified on a case-by-case basis.
c. For a given model application where stability categories are the basis for selecting dispersion coefficients, both sy and sz should be determined from the same stability category. “Split sigmas” in that instance are not recommended. Sector averaging, which eliminates the sy term, is commonly acceptable in complex terrain screening methods.
d. AERMOD, also a preferred model in Appendix A, uses a planetary boundary layer scaling parameter to characterize stability. 22 This approach represents a departure from the discrete, hourly stability categories estimated under the Pasquill-Gifford-Turner scheme.
7.2.5 Plume Rise
a. The plume rise methods of Briggs 76,77 are incorporated in many of the preferred models and are recommended for use in many modeling applications. In AERMOD, 22 for the stable boundary layer, plume rise is estimated using an iterative approach, similar to that in the CTDMPLUS model. In the convective boundary layer, plume rise is superposed on the displacements by random convective velocities. 78 In AERMOD, plume rise is computed using the methods of Briggs excepting cases involving building downwash, in which a numerical solution of the mass, energy, and momentum conservation laws is performed. 23 No explicit provisions in these models are made for multistack plume rise enhancement or the handling of such special plumes as flares; these problems should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
b. Gradual plume rise is generally recommended where its use is appropriate: (1) In AERMOD; (2) in complex terrain screening procedures to determine close-in impacts and (3) when calculating the effects of building wakes. The building wake algorithm in AERMOD incorporates and exercises the thermodynamically based gradual plume rise calculations as described in (a) above. If the building wake is calculated to affect the plume for any hour, gradual plume rise is also used in downwind dispersion calculations to the distance of final plume rise, after which final plume rise is used. Plumes captured by the near wake are re-emitted to the far wake as a ground-level volume source.
c. Stack tip downwash generally occurs with poorly constructed stacks and when the ratio of the stack exit velocity to wind speed is small. An algorithm developed by Briggs 77 is the recommended technique for this situation and is used in preferred models for point sources.
7.2.6 Chemical Transformation
a. The chemical transformation of SO2 emitted from point sources or single industrial plants in rural areas is generally assumed to be relatively unimportant to the estimation of maximum concentrations when travel time is limited to a few hours. However, in urban areas, where synergistic effects among pollutants are of considerable consequence, chemical transformation rates may be of concern. In urban area applications, a half-life of 4 hours 75 may be applied to the analysis of SO2 emissions. Calculations of transformation coefficients from site specific studies can be used to define a “half-life” to be used in a steady-state Gaussian plume model with any travel time, or in any application, if appropriate documentation is provided. Such conversion factors for pollutant half-life should not be used with screening analyses.
b. Use of models incorporating complex chemical mechanisms should be considered only on a case-by-case basis with proper demonstration of applicability. These are generally regional models not designed for the evaluation of individual sources but used primarily for region-wide evaluations. Visibility models also incorporate chemical transformation mechanisms which are an integral part of the visibility model itself and should be used in visibility assessments.
7.2.7 Gravitational Settling and Deposition
a. An “infinite half-life” should be used for estimates of particle concentrations when steady-state Gaussian plume models containing only exponential decay terms for treating settling and deposition are used.
b. Gravitational settling and deposition may be directly included in a model if either is a significant factor. When particulate matter sources can be quantified and settling and dry deposition are problems, professional judgement should be used, and there should be coordination with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
7.2.8 Complex Winds
a. Inhomogeneous Local Winds. In many parts of the United States, the ground is neither flat nor is the ground cover (or land use) uniform. These geographical variations can generate local winds and circulations, and modify the prevailing ambient winds and circulations. Geographic effects are most apparent when the ambient winds are light or calm. 79 In general these geographically induced wind circulation effects are named after the source location of the winds, e.g., lake and sea breezes, and mountain and valley winds. In very rugged hilly or mountainous terrain, along coastlines, or near large land use variations, the characterization of the winds is a balance of various forces, such that the assumptions of steady-state straight-line transport both in time and space are inappropriate. In the special cases described, the CALPUFF modeling system (described in Appendix A) may be applied on a case-by-case basis for air quality estimates in such complex non-steady-state meteorological conditions. The purpose of choosing a modeling system like CALPUFF is to fully treat the time and space variations of meteorology effects on transport and dispersion. The setup and application of the model should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) consistent with limitations of paragraph 3.2.2(e). The meteorological input data requirements for developing the time and space varying three-dimensional winds and dispersion meteorology for these situations are discussed in paragraphs and Examples of inhomogeneous winds include, but aren't limited to, situations described in the following paragraphs (i)—(iii):
i. Inversion Breakup Fumigation. Inversion breakup fumigation occurs when a plume (or multiple plumes) is emitted into a stable layer of air and that layer is subsequently mixed to the ground through convective transfer of heat from the surface or because of advection to less stable surroundings. Fumigation may cause excessively high concentrations but is usually rather short-lived at a given receptor. There are no recommended refined techniques to model this phenomenon. There are, however, screening procedures 24 that may be used to approximate the concentrations. Considerable care should be exercised in using the results obtained from the screening techniques.
ii. Shoreline Fumigation. Fumigation can be an important phenomenon on and near the shoreline of bodies of water. This can affect both individual plumes and area-wide emissions. When fumigation conditions are expected to occur from a source or sources with tall stacks located on or just inland of a shoreline, this should be addressed in the air quality modeling analysis. The Shoreline Dispersion Model (SDM) listed on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3) may be applied on a case-by-case basis when air quality estimates under shoreline fumigation conditions are needed. 80 Information on the results of EPA's evaluation of this model together with other coastal fumigation models is available. 81 Selection of the appropriate model for applications where shoreline fumigation is of concern should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
iii. Stagnation. Stagnation conditions are characterized by calm or very low wind speeds, and variable wind directions. These stagnant meteorological conditions may persist for several hours to several days. During stagnation conditions, the dispersion of air pollutants, especially those from low-level emissions sources, tends to be minimized, potentially leading to relatively high ground-level concentrations. If point sources are of interest, users should note the guidance provided for CALPUFF in paragraph (a) of this subsection. Selection of the appropriate model for applications where stagnation is of concern should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
7.2.9 Calibration of Models
a. Calibration of models is not common practice and is subject to much error and misunderstanding. There have been attempts by some to compare model estimates and measurements on an event-by-event basis and then to calibrate a model with results of that comparison. This approach is severely limited by uncertainties in both source and meteorological data and therefore it is difficult to precisely estimate the concentration at an exact location for a specific increment of time. Such uncertainties make calibration of models of questionable benefit. Therefore, model calibration is unacceptable.
8.0 Model Input Data
a. Data bases and related procedures for estimating input parameters are an integral part of the modeling procedure. The most appropriate data available should always be selected for use in modeling analyses. Concentrations can vary widely depending on the source data or meteorological data used. Input data are a major source of uncertainties in any modeling analysis. This section attempts to minimize the uncertainty associated with data base selection and use by identifying requirements for data used in modeling. A checklist of input data requirements for modeling analyses is posted on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3). More specific data requirements and the format required for the individual models are described in detail in the users' guide for each model.
8.1 Source Data
8.1.1 Discussion
a. Sources of pollutants can be classified as point, line and area/volume sources. Point sources are defined in terms of size and may vary between regulatory programs. The line sources most frequently considered are roadways and streets along which there are well-defined movements of motor vehicles, but they may be lines of roof vents or stacks such as in aluminum refineries. Area and volume sources are often collections of a multitude of minor sources with individually small emissions that are impractical to consider as separate point or line sources. Large area sources are typically treated as a grid network of square areas, with pollutant emissions distributed uniformly within each grid square.
b. Emission factors are compiled in an EPA publication commonly known as AP–42; 82 an indication of the quality and amount of data on which many of the factors are based is also provided. Other information concerning emissions is available in EPA publications relating to specific source categories. The appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) should be consulted to determine appropriate source definitions and for guidance concerning the determination of emissions from and techniques for modeling the various source types.
8.1.2 Recommendations
a. For point source applications the load or operating condition that causes maximum ground-level concentrations should be established. As a minimum, the source should be modeled using the design capacity (100 percent load). If a source operates at greater than design capacity for periods that could result in violations of the standards or PSD increments, this load) a should be modeled. Where the source operates at substantially less than design capacity, and the changes in the stack parameters associated with the operating conditions could lead to higher ground level concentrations, loads such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled. A range of operating conditions should be considered in screening analyses; the load causing the highest concentration, in addition to the design load, should be included in refined modeling. For a steam power plant, the following (b–h) is typical of the kind of data on source characteristics and operating conditions that may be needed. Generally, input data requirements for air quality models necessitate the use of metric units; where English units are common for engineering usage, a conversion to metric is required.
a Malfunctions which may result in excess emissions are not considered to be a normal operating condition. They generally should not be considered in determining allowable emissions. However, if the excess emissions are the result of poor maintenance, careless operation, or other preventable conditions, it may be necessary to consider them in determining source impact.
b. Plant layout. The connection scheme between boilers and stacks, and the distance and direction between stacks, building parameters (length, width, height, location and orientation relative to stacks) for plant structures which house boilers, control equipment, and surrounding buildings within a distance of approximately five stack heights.
c. Stack parameters. For all stacks, the stack height and inside diameter (meters), and the temperature (K) and volume flow rate (actual cubic meters per second) or exit gas velocity (meters per second) for operation at 100 percent, 75 percent and 50 percent load.
d. Boiler size. For all boilers, the associated megawatts, 10 6 BTU/hr, and pounds of steam per hour, and the design and/or actual fuel consumption rate for 100 percent load for coal (tons/hour), oil (barrels/hour), and natural gas (thousand cubic feet/hour).
e. Boiler parameters. For all boilers, the percent excess air used, the boiler type (e.g., wet bottom, cyclone, etc.), and the type of firing (e.g., pulverized coal, front firing, etc.).
f. Operating conditions. For all boilers, the type, amount and pollutant contents of fuel, the total hours of boiler operation and the boiler capacity factor during the year, and the percent load for peak conditions.
g. Pollution control equipment parameters. For each boiler served and each pollutant affected, the type of emission control equipment, the year of its installation, its design efficiency and mass emission rate, the date of the last test and the tested efficiency, the number of hours of operation during the latest year, and the best engineering estimate of its projected efficiency if used in conjunction with coal combustion; data for any anticipated modifications or additions.
h. Data for new boilers or stacks. For all new boilers and stacks under construction and for all planned modifications to existing boilers or stacks, the scheduled date of completion, and the data or best estimates available for items (b) through (g) of this subsection following completion of construction or modification.
i. In stationary point source applications for compliance with short term ambient standards, SIP control strategies should be tested using the emission input shown on Table 8–1. When using a refined model, sources should be modeled sequentially with these loads for every hour of the year. To evaluate SIPs for compliance with quarterly and annual standards, emission input data shown in Table 8–1 should again be used. Emissions from area sources should generally be based on annual average conditions. The source input information in each model user's guide should be carefully consulted and the checklist (paragraph 8.0(a)) should also be consulted for other possible emission data that could be helpful. NAAQS compliance demonstrations in a PSD analysis should follow the emission input data shown in Table 8–2. For purposes of emissions trading, new source review and demonstrations, refer to current EPA policy and guidance to establish input data.
j. Line source modeling of streets and highways requires data on the width of the roadway and the median strip, the types and amounts of pollutant emissions, the number of lanes, the emissions from each lane and the height of emissions. The location of the ends of the straight roadway segments should be specified by appropriate grid coordinates. Detailed information and data requirements for modeling mobile sources of pollution are provided in the user's manuals for each of the models applicable to mobile sources.
k. The impact of growth on emissions should be considered in all modeling analyses covering existing sources. Increases in emissions due to planned expansion or planned fuel switches should be identified. Increases in emissions at individual sources that may be associated with a general industrial/commercial/residential expansion in multi-source urban areas should also be treated. For new sources the impact of growth on emissions should generally be considered for the period prior to the start-up date for the source. Such changes in emissions should treat increased area source emissions, changes in existing point source emissions which were not subject to preconstruction review, and emissions due to sources with permits to construct that have not yet started operation.
Table 8-1._Model Emission Input Data for Point Sources \1\
Emission limit (#/ Operating level Operating factor
Averaging time MMBtu) \2\ x (MMBtu/hr) \2\ x (e.g., hr/yr, hr/day)
Stationary Point Source(s) Subject to SIP Emission Limit(s) Evaluation for Compliance with Ambient Standards
(Including Areawide Demonstrations)
Annual & quarterly............ Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Actual operating
emission limit or capacity (whichever factor averaged over
federally enforceable is greater), or most recent 2
permit limit. federally years.\3\
enforceable permit
Short term........................ Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or capacity (whichever i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable is greater), or each time period
permit limit. federally under consideration
enforceable permit (for all hours of
condition.\4\ the meteorological
data base). \5\
Nearby Source(s) \6,7\
Same input requirements as for
stationary point source(s) above.
Other Source(s) \7\
If modeled (subsection 8.2.3),
input data requirements are
defined below.
Annual & quarterly............ Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Actual operating
emission limit or actually operating, factor averaged over
federally enforceable averaged over the the most recent 2
permit limit. \6\ most recent 2 years. years. \3\
Short term........................ Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or actually operating, i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable averaged over the each time period
permit limit. \6\ most recent 2 years. under consideration
\3\ (for all hours of
the meteorological
data base). \5\
\1\ The model input data requirements shown on this table apply to stationary source control strategies for
STATE IMPLEMENTATION PLANS. For purposes of emissions trading, new source review, or prevention of significant
deterioration, other model input criteria may apply. Refer to the policy and guidance for these programs to
establish the input data.
\2\ Terminology applicable to fuel burning sources; analogous terminology (e.g., #/throughput) may be used for
other types of sources.
\3\ Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.
\4\ Operating levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load
causing the highest concentration.
\5\ If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24 hours) and the
source operation is constrained by a federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the
modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, only these hours will
be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time
\6\ See paragraph 8.2.3(c).
\7\ See paragraph 8.2.3(d).
TABLE 8-2._Point Source Model Emission Input Data for NAAQS Compliance in PSD Demonstrations
Emission limit (#/ Operating level Operating factor
Averaging time MMBtu) \1\ x (MMBtu/hr) \1\ x (e.g., hr/yr, hr/day)
Proposed Major New or Modified Source
Annual & quarterly............ Maximum allowable .. Design capacity or .. Continuous operation
emission limit or federally (i.e., 8760 hours).
federally enforceable enforceable permit \2\
permit limit. condition.
Short term ([le] 24 hours)........ Maximum allowable .. Design capacity or .. Continuous
emission limit or federally operation, i.e., all
federally enforceable enforceable permit hours of each time
permit limit. condition.\3\ period under
consideration (for
all hours of the
meteorological data
base). \2\
Nearby Source(s) \4,6\
Annual & quarterly............ Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Actual operating
emission limit or capacity (whichever factor averaged over
federally enforceable is greater), or the most recent 2
permit limit. \5\ federally years. 7,8
enforceable permit
Short term ([le] 24 hours)........ Maximum allowable .. Actual or design .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or capacity (whichever i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable is greater), or each time period
permit limit. \5\ federally under consideration
enforceable permit (for all hours of
condition. \3\ the meteorological
data base). \2\
Other Source(s) \6,9\
Annual & quarterly............ Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Actual operating
emission limit or actually operating, factor averaged over
federally enforceable averaged over the the most recent 2
permit limit. \5\ most recent 2 years. years. 7,8
Short term ([le] 24 hours)........ Maximum allowable .. Annual level when .. Continuous operation,
emission limit or actually operating, i.e., all hours of
federally enforceable averaged over the each time period
permit limit. \5\ most recent 2 years. under consideration
\7\ (for all hours of
the meteorological
data base). \2\
\1\ Terminology applicable to fuel burning sources; analogous terminology (e.g., #/throughput) may be used for
other types of sources.
\2\ If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24 hours) and the
source operation is constrained by a federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the
modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, only these hours will
be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time
\3\ Operating levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load
causing the highest concentration.
\4\ Includes existing facility to which modification is proposed if the emissions from the existing facility
will not be affected by the modification. Otherwise use the same parameters as for major modification.
\5\ See paragraph 8.2.3(c).
\6\ See paragraph 8.2.3(d).
\7\ Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.
\8\ For those permitted sources not in operation or that have not established an appropriate factor, continuous
operation (i.e., 8760) should be used.
\9\ Generally, the ambient impacts from non-nearby (background) sources can be represented by air quality data
unless adequate data do not exist.
8.2 Background Concentrations
8.2.1 Discussion
a. Background concentrations are an essential part of the total air quality concentration to be considered in determining source impacts. Background air quality includes pollutant concentrations due to: (1) Natural sources; (2) nearby sources other than the one(s) currently under consideration; and (3) unidentified sources.
b. Typically, air quality data should be used to establish background concentrations in the vicinity of the source(s) under consideration. The monitoring network used for background determinations should conform to the same quality assurance and other requirements as those networks established for PSD purposes. 83 An appropriate data validation procedure should be applied to the data prior to use. (continued)