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c. In all regulatory analyses, especially if other-than-preferred models are selected for use, early discussions among Regional Office staff, State and local control agencies, industry representatives, and where appropriate, the Federal Land Manager, are invaluable and are encouraged. Agreement on the data base(s) to be used, modeling techniques to be applied and the overall technical approach, prior to the actual analyses, helps avoid misunderstandings concerning the final results and may reduce the later need for additional analyses. The use of an air quality analysis checklist, such as is posted on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site (subsection 2.3), and the preparation of a written protocol help to keep misunderstandings at a minimum.
d. It should not be construed that the preferred models identified here are to be permanently used to the exclusion of all others or that they are the only models available for relating emissions to air quality. The model that most accurately estimates concentrations in the area of interest is always sought. However, designation of specific models is needed to promote consistency in model selection and application.
e. The 1980 solicitation of new or different models from the technical community 6 and the program whereby these models were evaluated, established a means by which new models are identified, reviewed and made available in the Guideline. There is a pressing need for the development of models for a wide range of regulatory applications. Refined models that more realistically simulate the physical and chemical process in the atmosphere and that more reliably estimate pollutant concentrations are needed.
3.1 Preferred Modeling Techniques
3.1.1 Discussion
a. EPA has developed models suitable for regulatory application. Other models have been submitted by private developers for possible inclusion in the Guideline. Refined models which are preferred and recommended by EPA have undergone evaluation exercises 7,8,9,10 that include statistical measures of model performance in comparison with measured air quality data as suggested by the American Meteorological Society 11 and, where possible, peer scientific reviews. 12,13,14
b. When a single model is found to perform better than others, it is recommended for application as a preferred model and listed in Appendix A. If no one model is found to clearly perform better through the evaluation exercise, then the preferred model listed in Appendix A may be selected on the basis of other factors such as past use, public familiarity, cost or resource requirements, and availability. Accordingly, dispersion models listed in Appendix A meet these conditions:
i. The model must be written in a common programming language, and the executable(s) must run on a common computer platform.
ii. The model must be documented in a user's guide which identifies the mathematics of the model, data requirements and program operating characteristics at a level of detail comparable to that available for other recommended models in Appendix A.
iii. The model must be accompanied by a complete test data set including input parameters and output results. The test data must be packaged with the model in computer-readable form.
iv. The model must be useful to typical users, e.g., State air pollution control agencies, for specific air quality control problems. Such users should be able to operate the computer program(s) from available documentation.
v. The model documentation must include a comparison with air quality data (and/or tracer measurements) or with other well-established analytical techniques.
vi. The developer must be willing to make the model and source code available to users at reasonable cost or make them available for public access through the Internet or National Technical Information Service: The model and its code cannot be proprietary.
c. The evaluation process includes a determination of technical merit, in accordance with the above six items including the practicality of the model for use in ongoing regulatory programs. Each model will also be subjected to a performance evaluation for an appropriate data base and to a peer scientific review. Models for wide use (not just an isolated case) that are found to perform better will be proposed for inclusion as preferred models in future Guideline revisions.
d. No further evaluation of a preferred model is required for a particular application if the EPA recommendations for regulatory use specified for the model in the Guideline are followed. Alternative models to those listed in Appendix A should generally be compared with measured air quality data when they are used for regulatory applications consistent with recommendations in subsection 3.2.
3.1.2 Recommendations
a. Appendix A identifies refined models that are preferred for use in regulatory applications. If a model is required for a particular application, the user should select a model from that appendix. These models may be used without a formal demonstration of applicability as long as they are used as indicated in each model summary of Appendix A. Further recommendations for the application of these models to specific source problems are found in subsequent sections of the Guideline.
b. If changes are made to a preferred model without affecting the concentration estimates, the preferred status of the model is unchanged. Examples of modifications that do not affect concentrations are those made to enable use of a different computer platform or those that affect only the format or averaging time of the model results. However, when any changes are made, the Regional Administrator should require a test case example to demonstrate that the concentration estimates are not affected.
c. A preferred model should be operated with the options listed in Appendix A as “Recommendations for Regulatory Use.” If other options are exercised, the model is no longer “preferred.” Any other modification to a preferred model that would result in a change in the concentration estimates likewise alters its status as a preferred model. Use of the model must then be justified on a case-by-case basis.
3.2 Use of Alternative Models
3.2.1 Discussion
a. Selection of the best techniques for each individual air quality analysis is always encouraged, but the selection should be done in a consistent manner. A simple listing of models in this Guideline cannot alone achieve that consistency nor can it necessarily provide the best model for all possible situations. An EPA reference 15 provides a statistical technique for evaluating model performance for predicting peak concentration values, as might be observed at individual monitoring locations. This protocol is available to assist in developing a consistent approach when justifying the use of other-than-preferred modeling techniques recommended in the Guideline. The procedures in this protocol provide a general framework for objective decision-making on the acceptability of an alternative model for a given regulatory application. These objective procedures may be used for conducting both the technical evaluation of the model and the field test or performance evaluation. An ASTM reference 16 provides a general philosophy for developing and implementing advanced statistical evaluations of atmospheric dispersion models, and provides an example statistical technique to illustrate the application of this philosophy.
b. This section discusses the use of alternate modeling techniques and defines three situations when alternative models may be used.
3.2.2 Recommendations
a. Determination of acceptability of a model is a Regional Office responsibility. Where the Regional Administrator finds that an alternative model is more appropriate than a preferred model, that model may be used subject to the recommendations of this subsection. This finding will normally result from a determination that (1) a preferred air quality model is not appropriate for the particular application; or (2) a more appropriate model or analytical procedure is available and applicable.
b. An alternative model should be evaluated from both a theoretical and a performance perspective before it is selected for use. There are three separate conditions under which such a model may normally be approved for use: (1) If a demonstration can be made that the model produces concentration estimates equivalent to the estimates obtained using a preferred model; (2) if a statistical performance evaluation has been conducted using measured air quality data and the results of that evaluation indicate the alternative model performs better for the given application than a comparable model in Appendix A; or (3) if the preferred model is less appropriate for the specific application, or there is no preferred model. Any one of these three separate conditions may make use of an alternative model acceptable. Some known alternative models that are applicable for selected situations are listed on EPA's SCRAM Internet Web site (subsection 2.3). However, inclusion there does not confer any unique status relative to other alternative models that are being or will be developed in the future.
c. Equivalency, condition (1) in paragraph (b) of this subsection, is established by demonstrating that the maximum or highest, second highest concentrations are within 2 percent of the estimates obtained from the preferred model. The option to show equivalency is intended as a simple demonstration of acceptability for an alternative model that is so nearly identical (or contains options that can make it identical) to a preferred model that it can be treated for practical purposes as the preferred model. Two percent was selected as the basis for equivalency since it is a rough approximation of the fraction that PSD Class I increments are of the NAAQS for SO2, i.e., the difference in concentrations that is judged to be significant. However, notwithstanding this demonstration, models that are not equivalent may be used when one of the two other conditions described in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this subsection are satisfied.
d. For condition (2) in paragraph (b) of this subsection, established procedures and techniques 15,16 for determining the acceptability of a model for an individual case based on superior performance should be followed, as appropriate. Preparation and implementation of an evaluation protocol which is acceptable to both control agencies and regulated industry is an important element in such an evaluation.
e. Finally, for condition (3) in paragraph (b) of this subsection, an alternative refined model may be used provided that:
i. The model has received a scientific peer review;
ii. The model can be demonstrated to be applicable to the problem on a theoretical basis;
iii. The data bases which are necessary to perform the analysis are available and adequate;
iv. Appropriate performance evaluations of the model have shown that the model is not biased toward underestimates; and
v. A protocol on methods and procedures to be followed has been established.
3.3 Availability of Supplementary Modeling Guidance
a. The Regional Administrator has the authority to select models that are appropriate for use in a given situation. However, there is a need for assistance and guidance in the selection process so that fairness and consistency in modeling decisions is fostered among the various Regional Offices and the States. To satisfy that need, EPA established the Model Clearinghouse 5 and also holds periodic workshops with headquarters, Regional Office, State, and local agency modeling representatives.
b. The Regional Office should always be consulted for information and guidance concerning modeling methods and interpretations of modeling guidance, and to ensure that the air quality model user has available the latest most up-to-date policy and procedures. As appropriate, the Regional Office may request assistance from the Model Clearinghouse after an initial evaluation and decision has been reached concerning the application of a model, analytical technique or data base in a particular regulatory action.
4.0 Traditional Stationary Source Models
4.1 Discussion
a. Guidance in this section applies to modeling analyses for which the predominant meteorological conditions that control the design concentration are steady state and for which the transport distances are nominally 50km or less. The models recommended in this section are generally used in the air quality impact analysis of stationary sources for most criteria pollutants. The averaging time of the concentration estimates produced by these models ranges from 1 hour to an annual average.
b. Simple terrain, as used here, is considered to be an area where terrain features are all lower in elevation than the top of the stack of the source(s) in question. Complex terrain is defined as terrain exceeding the height of the stack being modeled.
c. In the early 1980s, model evaluation exercises were conducted to determine the “best, most appropriate point source model” for use in simple terrain. 12 No one model was found to be clearly superior and, based on past use, public familiarity, and availability, ISC (predecessor to ISC3 17 ) became the recommended model for a wide range of regulatory applications. Other refined models which also employed the same basic Gaussian kernel as in ISC, i.e., BLP, CALINE3 and OCD, were developed for specialized applications (Appendix A). Performance evaluations were also made for these models, which are identified below.
d. Encouraged by the development of pragmatic methods for better characterization of plume dispersion 18,19,20,21 the AMS/EPA Regulatory Model Improvement Committee (AERMIC) developed AERMOD. 22 AERMOD employs best state-of-practice parameterizations for characterizing the meteorological influences and dispersion. The model utilizes a probability density function (pdf) and the superposition of several Gaussian plumes to characterize the distinctly non-Gaussian nature of the vertical pollutant distribution for elevated plumes during convective conditions; otherwise the distribution is Gaussian. Also, nighttime urban boundary layers (and plumes within them) have the turbulence enhanced by AERMOD to simulate the influence of the urban heat island. AERMOD has been evaluated using a variety of data sets and has been found to perform better than ISC3 for many applications, and as well or better than CTDMPLUS for several complex terrain data sets (Section A.1; subsection n). The current version of AERMOD has been modified to include an algorithm for dry and wet deposition for both gases and particles. Note that when deposition is invoked, mass in the plume is depleted. Availability of this version is described in Section A.1, and is subject to applicable guidance published in the Guideline.
e. A new building downwash algorithm 23 was developed and tested within AERMOD. The PRIME algorithm has been evaluated using a variety of data sets and has been found to perform better than the downwash algorithm that is in ISC3, and has been shown to perform acceptably in tests within AERMOD (Section A.1; subsection n).
4.2 Recommendations
4.2.1 Screening Techniques Simple Terrain
a. Where a preliminary or conservative estimate is desired, point source screening techniques are an acceptable approach to air quality analyses. EPA has published guidance for screening procedures. 24,25
b. All screening procedures should be adjusted to the site and problem at hand. Close attention should be paid to whether the area should be classified urban or rural in accordance with Section 7.2.3. The climatology of the area should be studied to help define the worst-case meteorological conditions. Agreement should be reached between the model user and the appropriate reviewing authority on the choice of the screening model for each analysis, and on the input data as well as the ultimate use of the results. Complex Terrain
a. CTSCREEN 26 can be used to obtain conservative, yet realistic, worst-case estimates for receptors located on terrain above stack height. CTSCREEN accounts for the three-dimensional nature of plume and terrain interaction and requires detailed terrain data representative of the modeling domain. The model description and user's instructions are contained in the user's guide. 26 The terrain data must be digitized in the same manner as for CTDMPLUS and a terrain processor is available. 27 A discussion of the model's performance characteristics is provided in a technical paper. 28 CTSCREEN is designed to execute a fixed matrix of meteorological values for wind speed (u), standard deviation of horizontal and vertical wind speeds (sv, sw), vertical potential temperature gradient (dT/dz), friction velocity (u*), Monin-Obukhov length (L), mixing height (zi) as a function of terrain height, and wind directions for both neutral/stable conditions and unstable convective conditions. Table 4–1 contains the matrix of meteorological variables that is used for each CTSCREEN analysis. There are 96 combinations, including exceptions, for each wind direction for the neutral/stable case, and 108 combinations for the unstable case. The specification of wind direction, however, is handled internally, based on the source and terrain geometry. Although CTSCREEN is designed to address a single source scenario, there are a number of options that can be selected on a case-by-case basis to address multi-source situations. However, the appropriate reviewing authority should be consulted, and concurrence obtained, on the protocol for modeling multiple sources with CTSCREEN to ensure that the worst case is identified and assessed. The maximum concentration output from CTSCREEN represents a worst-case 1-hour concentration. Time-scaling factors of 0.7 for 3-hour, 0.15 for 24-hour and 0.03 for annual concentration averages are applied internally by CTSCREEN to the highest 1-hour concentration calculated by the model.
b. Placement of receptors requires very careful attention when modeling in complex terrain. Often the highest concentrations are predicted to occur under very stable conditions, when the plume is near, or impinges on, the terrain. The plume under such conditions may be quite narrow in the vertical, so that even relatively small changes in a receptor's location may substantially affect the predicted concentration. Receptors within about a kilometer of the source may be even more sensitive to location. Thus, a dense array of receptors may be required in some cases. In order to avoid excessively large computer runs due to such a large array of receptors, it is often desirable to model the area twice. The first model run would use a moderate number of receptors carefully located over the area of interest. The second model run would use a more dense array of receptors in areas showing potential for high concentrations, as indicated by the results of the first model run.
c. As mentioned above, digitized contour data must be preprocessed 27 to provide hill shape parameters in suitable input format. The user then supplies receptors either through an interactive program that is part of the model or directly, by using a text editor; using both methods to select receptors will generally be necessary to assure that the maximum concentrations are estimated by either model. In cases where a terrain feature may “appear to the plume” as smaller, multiple hills, it may be necessary to model the terrain both as a single feature and as multiple hills to determine design concentrations.
d. Other screening techniques 17,25,29 may be acceptable for complex terrain cases where established procedures are used. The user is encouraged to confer with the appropriate reviewing authority if any unresolvable problems are encountered, e.g., applicability, meteorological data, receptor siting, or terrain contour processing issues.
4.2.2 Refined Analytical Techniques
a. A brief description of each preferred model for refined applications is found in Appendix A. Also listed in that appendix are availability, the model input requirements, the standard options that should be selected when running the program, and output options.
b. For a wide range of regulatory applications in all types of terrain, the recommended model is AERMOD. This recommendation is based on extensive developmental and performance evaluation (Section A.1; subsection n). Differentiation of simple versus complex terrain is unnecessary with AERMOD. In complex terrain, AERMOD employs the well-known dividing-streamline concept in a simplified simulation of the effects of plume-terrain interactions.
c. If aerodynamic building downwash is important for the modeling analysis, e.g., paragraph 6.2.2(b), then the recommended model is AERMOD. The state-of-the-science for modeling atmospheric deposition is evolving and the best techniques are currently being assessed and their results are being compared with observations. Consequently, while deposition treatment is available in AERMOD, the approach taken for any purpose should be coordinated with the appropriate reviewing authority. Line sources can be simulated with AERMOD if point or volume sources are appropriately combined. If buoyant plume rise from line sources is important for the modeling analysis, the recommended model is BLP. For other special modeling applications, CALINE3 (or CAL3QHCR on a case-by-case basis), OCD, and EDMS are available as described in Sections 5 and 6.
d. If the modeling application involves a well defined hill or ridge and a detailed dispersion analysis of the spatial pattern of plume impacts is of interest, CTDMPLUS, listed in Appendix A, is available. CDTMPLUS provides greater resolution of concentrations about the contour of the hill feature than does AERMOD through a different plume-terrain interaction algorithm.
Table 4-1a._Neutral/Stable Meteorological Matrix for CTSCREEN
Variable Specific
U (m/s).................................... 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
sv (m/s)............................. 0.3 0.75
sw (m/s)............................. 0.08 0.15 0.30 0.75
?T/?z (K/m)............. 0.01 0.02 0.035
WD......................................... (Wind
direction is
for each
(1) If U = 2 m/s and sv = 0.3 m/s, then include sw = 0.04 m/s.
(2) If sw = 0.75 m/s and U = 3.0 m/s, then ?T/?z is limited to = 0.01 K/m.
(3) If U = 4 m/s, then sw = 0.15 m/s.
(4) sw = sv
Table 4-1b._Unstable/Convective Meteorological Matrix for CTSCREEN
Variable Specific
U (m/s)..................................... 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
U* (m/s).................................... 0.1 0.3 0.5
L (m)....................................... -10 -50 -90
?T/?z (K/m).............. 0.030 (potential
above Zi)
Zi (m)...................................... 0.5h 1.0h 1.5h (h =
5.0 Models for Ozone, Particulate Matter, Carbon Monoxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, and Lead
5.1 Discussion
a. This section identifies modeling approaches or models appropriate for addressing ozone (O3) a , carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), particulates (PM–2.5 a and PM–10), and lead. These pollutants are often associated with emissions from numerous sources. Generally, mobile sources contribute significantly to emissions of these pollutants or their precursors. For cases where it is of interest to estimate concentrations of CO or NO2 near a single or small group of stationary sources, refer to Section 4. (Modeling approaches for SO2 are discussed in Section 4.)
a Modeling for attainment demonstrations for O3 and PM–2.5 should be conducted in time to meet required SIP submission dates as provided for in the respective implementation rules. Information on implementation of the 8-hr O3 and PM–2.5 standards is available at: http://www.epa.gov/ttn/naags/.
b. Several of the pollutants mentioned in the preceding paragraph are closely related to each other in that they share common sources of emissions and/or are subject to chemical transformations of similar precursors. 30,31 For example, strategies designed to reduce ozone could have an effect on the secondary component of PM–2.5 and vice versa. Thus, it makes sense to use models which take into account the chemical coupling between O3 and PM–2.5, when feasible. This should promote consistency among methods used to evaluate strategies for reducing different pollutants as well as consistency among the strategies themselves. Regulatory requirements for the different pollutants are likely to be due at different times. Thus, the following paragraphs identify appropriate modeling approaches for pollutants individually.
c. The NAAQS for ozone was revised on July 18, 1997 and is now based on an 8-hour averaging period. Models for ozone are needed primarily to guide choice of strategies to correct an observed ozone problem in an area not attaining the NAAQS for ozone. Use of photochemical grid models is the recommended means for identifying strategies needed to correct high ozone concentrations in such areas. Such models need to consider emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC), nitrogen oxides (NOX) and carbon monoxide (CO), as well as means for generating meteorological data governing transport and dispersion of ozone and its precursors. Other approaches, such as Lagrangian or observational models may be used to guide choice of appropriate strategies to consider with a photochemical grid model. These other approaches may be sufficient to address ozone in an area where observed concentrations are near the NAAQS or only slightly above it. Such a decision needs to be made on a case-by-case basis in concert with the Regional Office.
d. A control agency with jurisdiction over one or more areas with significant ozone problems should review available ambient air quality data to assess whether the problem is likely to be significantly impacted by regional transport. 32 Choice of a modeling approach depends on the outcome of this review. In cases where transport is considered significant, use of a nested regional model may be the preferred approach. If the observed problem is believed to be primarily of local origin, use of a model with a single horizontal grid resolution and geographical coverage that is less than that of a regional model may suffice.
e. The fine particulate matter NAAQS, promulgated on July 18, 1997, includes particles with an aerodynamic diameter nominally less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers (PM–2.5). Models for PM–2.5 are needed to assess adequacy of a proposed strategy for meeting annual and/or 24-hour NAAQS for PM–2.5. PM–2.5 is a mixture consisting of several diverse components. Because chemical/physical properties and origins of each component differ, it may be appropriate to use either a single model capable of addressing several of the important components or to model primary and secondary components using different models. Effects of a control strategy on PM–2.5 is estimated from the sum of the effects on the components composing PM–2.5. Model users may refer to guidance 33 for further details concerning appropriate modeling approaches.
f. A control agency with jurisdiction over one or more areas with PM–2.5 problems should review available ambient air quality data to assess which components of PM–2.5 are likely to be major contributors to the problem. If it is determined that regional transport of secondary particulates, such as sulfates or nitrates, is likely to contribute significantly to the problem, use of a regional model may be the preferred approach. Otherwise, coverage may be limited to a domain that is urban scale or less. Special care should be taken to select appropriate geographical coverage for a modeling application. 33
g. The NAAQS for PM–10 was promulgated in July 1987 (40 CFR 50.6). A SIP development guide 34 is available to assist in PM–10 analyses and control strategy development. EPA promulgated regulations for PSD increments measured as PM–10 in a notice published on June 3, 1993 (40 CFR 51.166(c)). As an aid to assessing the impact on ambient air quality of particulate matter generated from prescribed burning activities, a reference 35 is available.
h. Models for assessing the impacts of particulate matter may involve dispersion models or receptor models, or a combination (depending on the circumstances). Receptor models focus on the behavior of the ambient environment at the point of impact as opposed to source-oriented dispersion models, which focus on the transport, diffusion, and transformation that begin at the source and continue to the receptor site. Receptor models attempt to identify and apportion sources by relating known sample compositions at receptors to measured or inferred compositions of source emissions. When complete and accurate emission inventories or meteorological characterization are unavailable, or unknown pollutant sources exist, receptor modeling may be necessary.
i. Models for assessing the impact of CO emissions are needed for a number of different purposes. Examples include evaluating effects of point sources, congested intersections and highways, as well as the cumulative effect of numerous sources of CO in an urban area.
j. Models for assessing the impact of sources on ambient NO2 concentrations are primarily needed to meet new source review requirements, such as addressing the effect of a proposed source on PSD increments for annual concentrations of NO2. Impact of an individual source on ambient NO2 depends, in part, on the chemical environment into which the source's plume is to be emitted. There are several approaches for estimating effects of an individual source on ambient NO2. One approach is through use of a plume-in-grid algorithm imbedded within a photochemical grid model. However, because of the rigor and complexity involved, and because this approach may not be capable of defining sub-grid concentration gradients, the plume-in-grid approach may be impractical for estimating effects on an annual PSD increment. A second approach which does not have this limitation and accommodates distance-dependent conversion ratios—the Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method (PVMRM) 36 —is currently being tested to determine suitability as a refined method. A third (screening) approach is to develop site specific (domain-wide) conversion factors based on measurements. If it is not possible to develop site specific conversion factors and use of the plume-in-grid algorithm is also not feasible, other screening procedures may be considered.
k. In January 1999 (40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D), EPA gave notice that concern about ambient lead impacts was being shifted away from roadways and toward a focus on stationary point sources. EPA has also issued guidance on siting ambient monitors in the vicinity of such sources. 37 For lead, the SIP should contain an air quality analysis to determine the maximum quarterly lead concentration resulting from major lead point sources, such as smelters, gasoline additive plants, etc. General guidance for lead SIP development is also available. 38
5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 Models for Ozone
a. Choice of Models for Multi-source Applications. Simulation of ozone formation and transport is a highly complex and resource intensive exercise. Control agencies with jurisdiction over areas with ozone problems are encouraged to use photochemical grid models, such as the Models-3/Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system, 39 to evaluate the relationship between precursor species and ozone. Judgement on the suitability of a model for a given application should consider factors that include use of the model in an attainment test, development of emissions and meteorological inputs to the model and choice of episodes to model. 32 Similar models for the 8-hour NAAQS and for the 1-hour NAAQS are appropriate.
b. Choice of Models to Complement Photochemical Grid Models. As previously noted, observational models, Lagrangian models, or the refined version of the Ozone Isopleth Plotting Program (OZIPR) 40 may be used to help guide choice of strategies to simulate with a photochemical grid model and to corroborate results obtained with a grid model. Receptor models have also been used to apportion sources of ozone precursors (e.g., VOC) in urban domains. EPA has issued guidance 32 in selecting appropriate techniques.
c. Estimating the Impact of Individual Sources. Choice of methods used to assess the impact of an individual source depends on the nature of the source and its emissions. Thus, model users should consult with the Regional Office to determine the most suitable approach on a case-by-case basis (subsection 3.2.2).
5.2.2 Models for Particulate Matter PM–2.5
a. Choice of Models for Multi-source Applications. Simulation of phenomena resulting in high ambient PM–2.5 can be a multi-faceted and complex problem resulting from PM–2.5's existence as an aerosol mixture. Treating secondary components of PM–2.5, such as sulfates and nitrates, can be a highly complex and resource-intensive exercise. Control agencies with jurisdiction over areas with secondary PM–2.5 problems are encouraged to use models which integrate chemical and physical processes important in the formation, decay and transport of these species (e.g., Models-3/CMAQ 38 or REMSAD 41 ). Primary components can be simulated using less resource-intensive techniques. Suitability of a modeling approach or mix of modeling approaches for a given application requires technical judgement, 33 as well as professional experience in choice of models, use of the model(s) in an attainment test, development of emissions and meteorological inputs to the model and selection of days to model.
b. Choice of Analysis Techniques to Complement Air Quality Simulation Models. Receptor models may be used to corroborate predictions obtained with one or more air quality simulation models. They may also be potentially useful in helping to define specific source categories contributing to major components of PM–2.5. 33
c. Estimating the Impact of Individual Sources. Choice of methods used to assess the impact of an individual source depends on the nature of the source and its emissions. Thus, model users should consult with the Regional Office to determine the most suitable approach on a case-by-case basis (subsection 3.2.2). PM–10
a. Screening techniques like those identified in subsection 4.2.1 are applicable to PM–10. Conservative assumptions which do not allow removal or transformation are suggested for screening. Thus, it is recommended that subjectively determined values for “half-life” or pollutant decay not be used as a surrogate for particle removal. Proportional models (rollback/forward) may not be applied for screening analysis, unless such techniques are used in conjunction with receptor modeling. 34
b. Refined models such as those discussed in subsection 4.2.2 are recommended for PM–10. However, where possible, particle size, gas-to-particle formation, and their effect on ambient concentrations may be considered. For point sources of small particles and for source-specific analyses of complicated sources, use the appropriate recommended steady-state plume dispersion model (subsection 4.2.2).
c. Receptor models have proven useful for helping validate emission inventories and for corroborating source-specific impacts estimated by dispersion models. The Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) model is useful for apportioning impacts from localized sources. 42,43,44 Other receptor models, e.g., the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model 45 and Unmix, 46 which don't share some of CMB's constraints, have also been applied. In regulatory applications, dispersion models have been used in conjunction with receptor models to attribute source (or source category) contributions. Guidance is available for PM–10 sampling and analysis applicable to receptor modeling. 47
d. Under certain conditions, recommended dispersion models may not be reliable. In such circumstances, the modeling approach should be approved by the Regional Office on a case-by-case basis. Analyses involving model calculations for stagnation conditions should also be justified on a case-by-case basis (subsection 7.2.8).
e. Fugitive dust usually refers to dust put into the atmosphere by the wind blowing over plowed fields, dirt roads or desert or sandy areas with little or no vegetation. Reentrained dust is that which is put into the air by reason of vehicles driving over dirt roads (or dirty roads) and dusty areas. Such sources can be characterized as line, area or volume sources. Emission rates may be based on site specific data or values from the general literature. Fugitive emissions include the emissions resulting from the industrial process that are not captured and vented through a stack but may be released from various locations within the complex. In some unique cases a model developed specifically for the situation may be needed. Due to the difficult nature of characterizing and modeling fugitive dust and fugitive emissions, it is recommended that the proposed procedure be cleared by the Regional Office for each specific situation before the modeling exercise is begun.
5.2.3 Models for Carbon Monoxide
a. Guidance is available for analyzing CO impacts at roadway intersections. 48 The recommended screening model for such analyses is CAL3QHC. 49,50 This model combines CALINE3 (listed in Appendix A) with a traffic model to calculate delays and queues that occur at signalized intersections. The screening approach is described in reference 48; a refined approach may be considered on a case-by-case basis with CAL3QHCR. 51 The latest version of the MOBILE (mobile source emission factor) model should be used for emissions input to intersection models.
b. For analyses of highways characterized by uninterrupted traffic flows, CALINE3 is recommended, with emissions input from the latest version of the MOBILE model. A scientific review article for line source models is available. 52
c. For urban area wide analyses of CO, an Eulerian grid model should be used. Information on SIP development and requirements for using such models can be found in several references. 48,53,54,55
d. Where point sources of CO are of concern, they should be treated using the screening and refined techniques described in Section 4.
5.2.4 Models for Nitrogen Dioxide (Annual Average)
a. A tiered screening approach is recommended to obtain annual average estimates of NO2 from point sources for New Source Review analysis, including PSD, and for SIP planning purposes. This multi-tiered approach is conceptually shown in Figure 5–1 and described in paragraphs b through d of this subsection:
Figure 5–1
Multi-tiered screening approach for Estimating Annual NO2 Concentrations from Point Sources
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b. For Tier 1 (the initial screen), use an appropriate model in subsection 4.2.2 to estimate the maximum annual average concentration and assume a total conversion of NO to NO2. If the concentration exceeds the NAAQS and/or PSD increments for NO2, proceed to the 2nd level screen.
c. For Tier 2 (2nd level) screening analysis, multiply the Tier 1 estimate(s) by an empirically derived NO2/NOX value of 0.75 (annual national default). 56 The reviewing agency may establish an alternative default NO2/NOX ratio based on ambient annual average NO2 and annual average NOX data representative of area wide quasi-equilibrium conditions. Alternative default NO2/NOX ratios should be based on data satisfying quality assurance procedures that ensure data accuracy for both NO2 and NOX within the typical range of measured values. In areas with relatively low NOX concentrations, the quality assurance procedures used to determine compliance with the NO2 national ambient air quality standard may not be adequate. In addition, default NO2/NOX ratios, including the 0.75 national default value, can underestimate long range NO2 impacts and should be used with caution in long range transport scenarios.
d. For Tier 3 (3rd level) analysis, a detailed screening method may be selected on a case-by-case basis. For point source modeling, detailed screening techniques such as the Ozone Limiting Method 57 may also be considered. Also, a site specific NO2/NOX ratio may be used as a detailed screening method if it meets the same restrictions as described for alternative default NO2/NOX ratios. Ambient NOX monitors used to develop a site specific ratio should be sited to obtain the NO2 and NOX concentrations under quasi-equilibrium conditions. Data obtained from monitors sited at the maximum NOX impact site, as may be required in a PSD pre-construction monitoring program, likely reflect transitional NOX conditions. Therefore, NOX data from maximum impact sites may not be suitable for determining a site specific NO2/NOX ratio that is applicable for the entire modeling analysis. A site specific ratio derived from maximum impact data can only be used to estimate NO2 impacts at receptors located within the same distance of the source as the source-to-monitor distance.
e. In urban areas (subsection 7.2.3), a proportional model may be used as a preliminary assessment to evaluate control strategies to meet the NAAQS for multiple minor sources, i.e., minor point, area and mobile sources of NOX; concentrations resulting from major point sources should be estimated separately as discussed above, then added to the impact of the minor sources. An acceptable screening technique for urban complexes is to assume that all NOX is emitted in the form of NO2 and to use a model from Appendix A for nonreactive pollutants to estimate NO2 concentrations. A more accurate estimate can be obtained by: (1) Calculating the annual average concentrations of NOX with an urban model, and (2) converting these estimates to NO2 concentrations using an empirically derived annual NO2/NOX ratio. A value of 0.75 is recommended for this ratio. However, a spatially averaged alternative default annual NO2/NOX ratio may be determined from an existing air quality monitoring network and used in lieu of the 0.75 value if it is determined to be representative of prevailing ratios in the urban area by the reviewing agency. To ensure use of appropriate locally derived annual average NO2/NOX ratios, monitoring data under consideration should be limited to those collected at monitors meeting siting criteria defined in 40 CFR Part 58, Appendix D as representative of “neighborhood”, “urban”, or “regional” scales. Furthermore, the highest annual spatially averaged NO2/NOX ratio from the most recent 3 years of complete data should be used to foster conservatism in estimated impacts.
f. To demonstrate compliance with NO2 PSD increments in urban areas, emissions from major and minor sources should be included in the modeling analysis. Point and area source emissions should be modeled as discussed above. If mobile source emissions do not contribute to localized areas of high ambient NO2 concentrations, they should be modeled as area sources. When modeled as area sources, mobile source emissions should be assumed uniform over the entire highway link and allocated to each area source grid square based on the portion of highway link within each grid square. If localized areas of high concentrations are likely, then mobile sources should be modeled as line sources using an appropriate steady-state plume dispersion model (e.g., CAL3QHCR; subsection 5.2.3).
g. More refined techniques to handle special circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis and agreement with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) should be obtained. Such techniques should consider individual quantities of NO and NO2 emissions, atmospheric transport and dispersion, and atmospheric transformation of NO to NO2. Where they are available, site specific data on the conversion of NO to NO2 may be used. Photochemical dispersion models, if used for other pollutants in the area, may also be applied to the NOX problem.
5.2.5 Models for Lead
a. For major lead point sources, such as smelters, which contribute fugitive emissions and for which deposition is important, professional judgement should be used, and there should be coordination with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). To model an entire major urban area or to model areas without significant sources of lead emissions, as a minimum a proportional (rollback) model may be used for air quality analysis. The rollback philosophy assumes that measured pollutant concentrations are proportional to emissions. However, urban or other dispersion models are encouraged in these circumstances where the use of such models is feasible.
b. In modeling the effect of traditional line sources (such as a specific roadway or highway) on lead air quality, dispersion models applied for other pollutants can be used. Dispersion models such as CALINE3 and CAL3QHCR have been used for modeling carbon monoxide emissions from highways and intersections (subsection 5.2.3). Where there is a point source in the middle of a substantial road network, the lead concentrations that result from the road network should be treated as background (subsection 8.2); the point source and any nearby major roadways should be modeled separately using the appropriate recommended steady-state plume dispersion model (subsection 4.2.2).
6.0 Other Model Requirements
6.1 Discussion
a. This section covers those cases where specific techniques have been developed for special regulatory programs. Most of the programs have, or will have when fully developed, separate guidance documents that cover the program and a discussion of the tools that are needed. The following paragraphs reference those guidance documents, when they are available. No attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive discussion of each topic since the reference documents were designed to do that. This section will undergo periodic revision as new programs are added and new techniques are developed.
b. Other Federal agencies have also developed specific modeling approaches for their own regulatory or other requirements. 58 Although such regulatory requirements and manuals may have come about because of EPA rules or standards, the implementation of such regulations and the use of the modeling techniques is under the jurisdiction of the agency issuing the manual or directive.
c. The need to estimate impacts at distances greater than 50km (the nominal distance to which EPA considers most steady-state Gaussian plume models are applicable) is an important one especially when considering the effects from secondary pollutants. Unfortunately, models originally available to EPA had not undergone sufficient field evaluation to be recommended for general use. Data bases from field studies at mesoscale and long range transport distances were limited in detail. This limitation was a result of the expense to perform the field studies required to verify and improve mesoscale and long range transport models. Meteorological data adequate for generating three-dimensional wind fields were particularly sparse. Application of models to complicated terrain compounds the difficulty of making good assessments of long range transport impacts. EPA completed limited evaluation of several long range transport (LRT) models against two sets of field data and evaluated results. 59 Based on the results, EPA concluded that long range and mesoscale transport models were limited for regulatory use to a case-by-case basis. However a more recent series of comparisons has been completed for a new model, CALPUFF (Section A.3). Several of these field studies involved three-to-four hour releases of tracer gas sampled along arcs of receptors at distances greater than 50km downwind. In some cases, short-term concentration sampling was available, such that the transport of the tracer puff as it passed the arc could be monitored. Differences on the order of 10 to 20 degrees were found between the location of the simulated and observed center of mass of the tracer puff. Most of the simulated centerline concentration maxima along each arc were within a factor of two of those observed. It was concluded from these case studies that the CALPUFF dispersion model had performed in a reasonable manner, and had no apparent bias toward over or under prediction, so long as the transport distance was limited to less than 300km. 60 (continued)