Loading (50 kb)...'

(c) Years with concentrations greater than the level of the standard shall not be ignored on the ground that they have less than complete data. Thus, in computing the 3-year average fourth maximum concentration, calendar years with less than 75% data completeness shall be included in the computation if the average annual fourth maximum 8-hour concentration is greater than the level of the standard.

(d) Comparisons with the primary and secondary ozone standards are demonstrated by examples 1 and 2 in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d) (2) respectively as follows:

(1) As shown in example 1, the primary and secondary standards are met at this monitoring site because the 3-year average of the annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations (i.e., 0.084 ppm) is less than or equal to 0.08 ppm. The data completeness requirement is also met because the average percent of days with valid ambient monitoring data is greater than 90%, and no single year has less than 75% data completeness.

Example 1. Ambient monitoring site attaining the primary and secondary ozone standards
1st Highest 2nd Highest 3rd Highest 4th Highest 5th Highest
Percent Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8-
Year Valid Days hour Conc. hour Conc. hour Conc. hour Conc. hour Conc.
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
1993.............................. 100% 0.092 0.091 0.090 0.088 0.085
1994.............................. 96% 0.090 0.089 0.086 0.084 0.080
1995.............................. 98% 0.087 0.085 0.083 0.080 0.075
Average....................... 98%

(2) As shown in example 2, the primary and secondary standards are not met at this monitoring site because the 3-year average of the fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentrations (i.e., 0.093 ppm) is greater than 0.08 ppm. Note that the ozone concentration data for 1994 is used in these computations, even though the data capture is less than 75%, because the average fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average concentration is greater than 0.08 ppm.

Example 2. Ambient Monitoring Site Failing to Meet the Primary and Secondary Ozone Standards
1st Highest 2nd Highest 3rd Highest 4th Highest 5th Highest
Percent Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8- Daily Max 8-
Year Valid Days hour Conc. hour Conc. hour Conc. hour Conc. hour Conc.
(ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
1993.............................. 96% 0.105 0.103 0.103 0.102 0.102
1994.............................. 74% 0.090 0.085 0.082 0.080 0.078
1995.............................. 98% 0.103 0.101 0.101 0.097 0.095
Average....................... 89%

3. Design Values for Primary and Secondary Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone. The air quality design value at a monitoring site is defined as that concentration that when reduced to the level of the standard ensures that the site meets the standard. For a concentration-based standard, the air quality design value is simply the standard-related test statistic. Thus, for the primary and secondary ozone standards, the 3-year average annual fourth-highest daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration is also the air quality design value for the site.

[62 FR 38895, July 18, 1997]

Appendix J to Part 50—Reference Method for the Determination of Particulate Matter as PM10 in the Atmosphere
1.0 Applicability.

1.1 This method provides for the measurement of the mass concentration of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers (PM1O) in ambient air over a 24-hour period for purposes of determining attainment and maintenance of the primary and secondary national ambient air quality standards for particulate matter specified in §50.6 of this chapter. The measurement process is nondestructive, and the PM10 sample can be subjected to subsequent physical or chemical analyses. Quality assurance procedures and guidance are provided in part 58, appendices A and B, of this chapter and in References 1 and 2.

2.0 Principle.

2.1 An air sampler draws ambient air at a constant flow rate into a specially shaped inlet where the suspended particulate matter is inertially separated into one or more size fractions within the PM10 size range. Each size fraction in the PM1O size range is then collected on a separate filter over the specified sampling period. The particle size discrimination characteristics (sampling effectiveness and 50 percent cutpoint) of the sampler inlet are prescribed as performance specifications in part 53 of this chapter.

2.2 Each filter is weighed (after moisture equilibration) before and after use to determine the net weight (mass) gain due to collected PM10. The total volume of air sampled, corrected to EPA reference conditions (25 C, 101.3 kPa), is determined from the measured flow rate and the sampling time. The mass concentration of PM10 in the ambient air is computed as the total mass of collected particles in the PM10 size range divided by the volume of air sampled, and is expressed in micrograms per standard cubic meter (µg/std m 3 ). For PM10 samples collected at temperatures and pressures significantly different from EPA reference conditions, these corrected concentrations sometimes differ substantially from actual concentrations (in micrograms per actual cubic meter), particularly at high elevations. Although not required, the actual PM10 concentration can be calculated from the corrected concentration, using the average ambient temperature and barometric pressure during the sampling period.

2.3 A method based on this principle will be considered a reference method only if (a) the associated sampler meets the requirements specified in this appendix and the requirements in part 53 of this chapter, and (b) the method has been designated as a reference method in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.

3.0 Range.

3.1 The lower limit of the mass concentration range is determined by the repeatability of filter tare weights, assuming the nominal air sample volume for the sampler. For samplers having an automatic filter-changing mechanism, there may be no upper limit. For samplers that do not have an automatic filter-changing mechanism, the upper limit is determined by the filter mass loading beyond which the sampler no longer maintains the operating flow rate within specified limits due to increased pressure drop across the loaded filter. This upper limit cannot be specified precisely because it is a complex function of the ambient particle size distribution and type, humidity, filter type, and perhaps other factors. Nevertheless, all samplers should be capable of measuring 24-hour PM10 mass concentrations of at least 300 µg/std m 3 while maintaining the operating flow rate within the specified limits.

4.0 Precision.

4.1 The precision of PM10 samplers must be 5 µg/m 3 for PM10 concentrations below 80 µg/m 3 and 7 percent for PM10 concentrations above 80 µg/m 3 , as required by part 53 of this chapter, which prescribes a test procedure that determines the variation in the PM10 concentration measurements of identical samplers under typical sampling conditions. Continual assessment of precision via collocated samplers is required by part 58 of this chapter for PM10 samplers used in certain monitoring networks.

5.0 Accuracy.

5.1 Because the size of the particles making up ambient particulate matter varies over a wide range and the concentration of particles varies with particle size, it is difficult to define the absolute accuracy of PM10 samplers. Part 53 of this chapter provides a specification for the sampling effectiveness of PM10 samplers. This specification requires that the expected mass concentration calculated for a candidate PM10 sampler, when sampling a specified particle size distribution, be within ±10 percent of that calculated for an ideal sampler whose sampling effectiveness is explicitly specified. Also, the particle size for 50 percent sampling effectivensss is required to be 10 ±0.5 micrometers. Other specifications related to accuracy apply to flow measurement and calibration, filter media, analytical (weighing) procedures, and artifact. The flow rate accuracy of PM10 samplers used in certain monitoring networks is required by part 58 of this chapter to be assessed periodically via flow rate audits.

6.0 Potential Sources of Error.

6.1 Volatile Particles. Volatile particles collected on filters are often lost during shipment and/or storage of the filters prior to the post-sampling weighing 3 . Although shipment or storage of loaded filters is sometimes unavoidable, filters should be reweighed as soon as practical to minimize these losses.

6.2 Artifacts. Positive errors in PM10 concentration measurements may result from retention of gaseous species on filters. 4,5 Such errors include the retention of sulfur dioxide and nitric acid. Retention of sulfur dioxide on filters, followed by oxidation to sulfate, is referred to as artifact sulfate formation, a phenomenon which increases with increasing filter alkalinity. 6 Little or no artifact sulfate formation should occur using filters that meet the alkalinity specification in section 7.2.4. Artifact nitrate formation, resulting primarily from retention of nitric acid, occurs to varying degrees on many filter types, including glass fiber, cellulose ester, and many quartz fiber filters. 5,7,8,9,10 Loss of true atmospheric particulate nitrate during or following sampling may also occur due to dissociation or chemical reaction. This phenomenon has been observed on Teflon® filters 8 and inferred for quartz fiber filters. 11,12 The magnitude of nitrate artifact errors in PM10 mass concentration measurements will vary with location and ambient temperature; however, for most sampling locations, these errors are expected to be small.

6.3 Humidity. The effects of ambient humidity on the sample are unavoidable. The filter equilibration procedure in section 9.0 is designed to minimize the effects of moisture on the filter medium.

6.4 Filter Handling. Careful handling of filters between presampling and postsampling weighings is necessary to avoid errors due to damaged filters or loss of collected particles from the filters. Use of a filter cartridge or cassette may reduce the magnitude of these errors. Filters must also meet the integrity specification in section 7.2.3.

6.5 Flow Rate Variation. Variations in the sampler's operating flow rate may alter the particle size discrimination characteristics of the sampler inlet. The magnitude of this error will depend on the sensitivity of the inlet to variations in flow rate and on the particle distribution in the atmosphere during the sampling period. The use of a flow control device (section 7.1.3) is required to minimize this error.

6.6 Air Volume Determination. Errors in the air volume determination may result from errors in the flow rate and/or sampling time measurements. The flow control device serves to minimize errors in the flow rate determination, and an elapsed time meter (section 7.1.5) is required to minimize the error in the sampling time measurement.

7.0 Apparatus.

7.1 PM10 Sampler.

7.1.1 The sampler shall be designed to:

a. Draw the air sample into the sampler inlet and through the particle collection filter at a uniform face velocity.

b. Hold and seal the filter in a horizontal position so that sample air is drawn downward through the filter.

c. Allow the filter to be installed and removed conveniently.

d. Protect the filter and sampler from precipitation and prevent insects and other debris from being sampled.

e. Minimize air leaks that would cause error in the measurement of the air volume passing through the filter.

f. Discharge exhaust air at a sufficient distance from the sampler inlet to minimize the sampling of exhaust air.

g. Minimize the collection of dust from the supporting surface.

7.1.2 The sampler shall have a sample air inlet system that, when operated within a specified flow rate range, provides particle size discrimination characteristics meeting all of the applicable performance specifications prescribed in part 53 of this chapter. The sampler inlet shall show no significant wind direction dependence. The latter requirement can generally be satisfied by an inlet shape that is circularly symmetrical about a vertical axis.

7.1.3 The sampler shall have a flow control device capable of maintaining the sampler's operating flow rate within the flow rate limits specified for the sampler inlet over normal variations in line voltage and filter pressure drop.

7.1.4 The sampler shall provide a means to measure the total flow rate during the sampling period. A continuous flow recorder is recommended but not required. The flow measurement device shall be accurate to ±2 percent.

7.1.5 A timing/control device capable of starting and stopping the sampler shall be used to obtain a sample collection period of 24 ±1 hr (1,440 ±60 min). An elapsed time meter, accurate to within ±15 minutes, shall be used to measure sampling time. This meter is optional for samplers with continuous flow recorders if the sampling time measurement obtained by means of the recorder meets the ±15 minute accuracy specification.

7.1.6 The sampler shall have an associated operation or instruction manual as required by part 53 of this chapter which includes detailed instructions on the calibration, operation, and maintenance of the sampler.

7.2 Filters.

7.2.1 Filter Medium. No commercially available filter medium is ideal in all respects for all samplers. The user's goals in sampling determine the relative importance of various filter characteristics (e.g., cost, ease of handling, physical and chemical characteristics, etc.) and, consequently, determine the choice among acceptable filters. Furthermore, certain types of filters may not be suitable for use with some samplers, particularly under heavy loading conditions (high mass concentrations), because of high or rapid increase in the filter flow resistance that would exceed the capability of the sampler's flow control device. However, samplers equipped with automatic filter-changing mechanisms may allow use of these types of filters. The specifications given below are minimum requirements to ensure acceptability of the filter medium for measurement of PM10 mass concentrations. Other filter evaluation criteria should be considered to meet individual sampling and analysis objectives.

7.2.2 Collection Efficiency. =99 percent, as measured by the DOP test (ASTM–2986) with 0.3 µm particles at the sampler's operating face velocity.

7.2.3 Integrity. ±5 µg/m 3 (assuming sampler's nominal 24-hour air sample volume). Integrity is measured as the PM10 concentration equivalent corresponding to the average difference between the initial and the final weights of a random sample of test filters that are weighed and handled under actual or simulated sampling conditions, but have no air sample passed through them (i.e., filter blanks). As a minimum, the test procedure must include initial equilibration and weighing, installation on an inoperative sampler, removal from the sampler, and final equilibration and weighing.

7.2.4 Alkalinity. <25 microequivalents/gram of filter, as measured by the procedure given in Reference 13 following at least two months storage in a clean environment (free from contamination by acidic gases) at room temperature and humidity.

7.3 Flow Rate Transfer Standard. The flow rate transfer standard must be suitable for the sampler's operating flow rate and must be calibrated against a primary flow or volume standard that is traceable to the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). The flow rate transfer standard must be capable of measuring the sampler's operating flow rate with an accuracy of ±2 percent.

7.4 Filter Conditioning Environment.

7.4.1 Temperature range: 15 to 30 C.

7.4.2 Temperature control: ±3 C.

7.4.3 Humidity range: 20% to 45% RH.

7.4.4 Humidity control: ±5% RH.

7.5 Analytical Balance. The analytical balance must be suitable for weighing the type and size of filters required by the sampler. The range and sensitivity required will depend on the filter tare weights and mass loadings. Typically, an analytical balance with a sensitivity of 0.1 mg is required for high volume samplers (flow rates >0.5 m 3 /min). Lower volume samplers (flow rates <0.5 m 3 /min) will require a more sensitive balance.

8.0 Calibration.

8.1 General Requirements.

8.1.1 Calibration of the sampler's flow measurement device is required to establish traceability of subsequent flow measurements to a primary standard. A flow rate transfer standard calibrated against a primary flow or volume standard shall be used to calibrate or verify the accuracy of the sampler's flow measurement device.

8.1.2 Particle size discrimination by inertial separation requires that specific air velocities be maintained in the sampler's air inlet system. Therefore, the flow rate through the sampler's inlet must be maintained throughout the sampling period within the design flow rate range specified by the manufacturer. Design flow rates are specified as actual volumetric flow rates, measured at existing conditions of temperature and pressure (Qa). In contrast, mass concentrations of PM10 are computed using flow rates corrected to EPA reference conditions of temperature and pressure (Qstd).

8.2 Flow Rate Calibration Procedure.

8.2.1 PM10 samplers employ various types of flow control and flow measurement devices. The specific procedure used for flow rate calibration or verification will vary depending on the type of flow controller and flow indicator employed. Calibration in terms of actual volumetric flow rates (Qa) is generally recommended, but other measures of flow rate (e.g., Qstd) may be used provided the requirements of section 8.1 are met. The general procedure given here is based on actual volumetric flow units (Qa) and serves to illustrate the steps involved in the calibration of a PM10 sampler. Consult the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual and Reference 2 for specific guidance on calibration. Reference 14 provides additional information on the use of the commonly used measures of flow rate and their interrelationships.

8.2.2 Calibrate the flow rate transfer standard against a primary flow or volume standard traceable to NBS. Establish a calibration relationship (e.g., an equation or family of curves) such that traceability to the primary standard is accurate to within 2 percent over the expected range of ambient conditions (i.e., temperatures and pressures) under which the transfer standard will be used. Recalibrate the transfer standard periodically.

8.2.3 Following the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual, remove the sampler inlet and connect the flow rate transfer standard to the sampler such that the transfer standard accurately measures the sampler's flow rate. Make sure there are no leaks between the transfer standard and the sampler.

8.2.4 Choose a minimum of three flow rates (actual m 3 /min), spaced over the acceptable flow rate range specified for the inlet (see 7.1.2) that can be obtained by suitable adjustment of the sampler flow rate. In accordance with the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual, obtain or verify the calibration relationship between the flow rate (actual m 3 /min) as indicated by the transfer standard and the sampler's flow indicator response. Record the ambient temperature and barometric pressure. Temperature and pressure corrections to subsequent flow indicator readings may be required for certain types of flow measurement devices. When such corrections are necessary, correction on an individual or daily basis is preferable. However, seasonal average temperature and average barometric pressure for the sampling site may be incorporated into the sampler calibration to avoid daily corrections. Consult the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual and Reference 2 for additional guidance.

8.2.5 Following calibration, verify that the sampler is operating at its design flow rate (actual m 3 /min) with a clean filter in place.

8.2.6 Replace the sampler inlet.

9.0 Procedure.

9.1 The sampler shall be operated in accordance with the specific guidance provided in the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual and in Reference 2. The general procedure given here assumes that the sampler's flow rate calibration is based on flow rates at ambient conditions (Qa) and serves to illustrate the steps involved in the operation of a PM10 sampler.

9.2 Inspect each filter for pinholes, particles, and other imperfections. Establish a filter information record and assign an identification number to each filter.

9.3 Equilibrate each filter in the conditioning environment (see 7.4) for at least 24 hours.

9.4 Following equilibration, weigh each filter and record the presampling weight with the filter identification number.

9.5 Install a preweighed filter in the sampler following the instructions provided in the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual.

9.6 Turn on the sampler and allow it to establish run-temperature conditions. Record the flow indicator reading and, if needed, the ambient temperature and barometric pressure. Determine the sampler flow rate (actual m 3 /min) in accordance with the instructions provided in the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual. NOTE.—No onsite temperature or pressure measurements are necessary if the sampler's flow indicator does not require temperature or pressure corrections or if seasonal average temperature and average barometric pressure for the sampling site are incorporated into the sampler calibration (see step 8.2.4). If individual or daily temperature and pressure corrections are required, ambient temperature and barometric pressure can be obtained by on-site measurements or from a nearby weather station. Barometric pressure readings obtained from airports must be station pressure, not corrected to sea level, and may need to be corrected for differences in elevation between the sampling site and the airport.

9.7 If the flow rate is outside the acceptable range specified by the manufacturer, check for leaks, and if necessary, adjust the flow rate to the specified setpoint. Stop the sampler.

9.8 Set the timer to start and stop the sampler at appropriate times. Set the elapsed time meter to zero or record the initial meter reading.

9.9 Record the sample information (site location or identification number, sample date, filter identification number, and sampler model and serial number).

9.10 Sample for 24 ±1 hours.

9.11 Determine and record the average flow rate (Q a) in actual m 3 /min for the sampling period in accordance with the instructions provided in the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual. Record the elapsed time meter final reading and, if needed, the average ambient temperature and barometric pressure for the sampling period (see note following step 9.6).

9.12 Carefully remove the filter from the sampler, following the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual. Touch only the outer edges of the filter.

9.13 Place the filter in a protective holder or container (e.g., petri dish, glassine envelope, or manila folder).

9.14 Record any factors such as meteorological conditions, construction activity, fires or dust storms, etc., that might be pertinent to the measurement on the filter information record.

9.15 Transport the exposed sample filter to the filter conditioning environment as soon as possible for equilibration and subsequent weighing.

9.16 Equilibrate the exposed filter in the conditioning environment for at least 24 hours under the same temperature and humidity conditions used for presampling filter equilibration (see 9.3).

9.17 Immediately after equilibration, reweigh the filter and record the postsampling weight with the filter identification number.

10.0 Sampler Maintenance.

10.1 The PM10 sampler shall be maintained in strict accordance with the maintenance procedures specified in the sampler manufacturer's instruction manual.

11.0 Calculations.

11.1 Calculate the average flow rate over the sampling period corrected to EPA reference conditions as Q std. When the sampler's flow indicator is calibrated in actual volumetric units (Qa), Q std is calculated as:

Q std=Q a×(Pav/Tav)(Tstd/Pstd)


Q std = average flow rate at EPA reference conditions, std m 3 /min;

Q a = average flow rate at ambient conditions, m 3 /min;

Pav = average barometric pressure during the sampling period or average barometric pressure for the sampling site, kPa (or mm Hg);

Tav = average ambient temperature during the sampling period or seasonal average ambient temperature for the sampling site, K;

Tstd = standard temperature, defined as 298 K;

Pstd = standard pressure, defined as 101.3 kPa (or 760 mm Hg).

11.2 Calculate the total volume of air sampled as:

Vstd = Q std×t


Vstd = total air sampled in standard volume units, std m 3 ;

t = sampling time, min.

11.3 Calculate the PM10 concentration as:

PM10 = (Wf-Wi)×10 6 /Vstd


PM10 = mass concentration of PM10, µg/std m 3 ;

Wf, Wi = final and initial weights of filter collecting PM1O particles, g;

10 6 = conversion of g to µg.

Note: If more than one size fraction in the PM10 size range is collected by the sampler, the sum of the net weight gain by each collection filter [S(Wf-Wi)] is used to calculate the PM10 mass concentration.

12.0 References.

1. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume I, Principles. EPA–600/9–76–005, March 1976. Available from CERI, ORD Publications, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 West St. Clair Street, Cincinnati, OH 45268.

2. Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume II, Ambient Air Specific Methods. EPA–600/4–77–027a, May 1977. Available from CERI, ORD Publications, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 26 West St. Clair Street, Cincinnati, OH 45268.

3. Clement, R.E., and F.W. Karasek. Sample Composition Changes in Sampling and Analysis of Organic Compounds in Aerosols. Int. J. Environ. Analyt. Chem., 7:109, 1979.

4. Lee, R.E., Jr., and J. Wagman. A Sampling Anomaly in the Determination of Atmospheric Sulfate Concentration. Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 27:266, 1966.

5. Appel, B.R., S.M. Wall, Y. Tokiwa, and M. Haik. Interference Effects in Sampling Particulate Nitrate in Ambient Air. Atmos. Environ., 13:319, 1979.

6. Coutant, R.W. Effect of Environmental Variables on Collection of Atmospheric Sulfate. Environ. Sci. Technol., 11:873, 1977.

7. Spicer, C.W., and P. Schumacher. Interference in Sampling Atmospheric Particulate Nitrate. Atmos. Environ., 11:873, 1977.

8. Appel, B.R., Y. Tokiwa, and M. Haik. Sampling of Nitrates in Ambient Air. Atmos. Environ., 15:283, 1981.

9. Spicer, C.W., and P.M. Schumacher. Particulate Nitrate: Laboratory and Field Studies of Major Sampling Interferences. Atmos. Environ., 13:543, 1979.

10. Appel, B.R. Letter to Larry Purdue, U.S. EPA, Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory. March 18, 1982, Docket No. A–82–37, II-I-1.

11. Pierson, W.R., W.W. Brachaczek, T.J. Korniski, T.J. Truex, and J.W. Butler. Artifact Formation of Sulfate, Nitrate, and Hydrogen Ion on Backup Filters: Allegheny Mountain Experiment. J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 30:30, 1980.

12. Dunwoody, C.L. Rapid Nitrate Loss From PM10 Filters. J. Air Pollut. Control Assoc., 36:817, 1986.

13. Harrell, R.M. Measuring the Alkalinity of Hi-Vol Air Filters. EMSL/RTP-SOP-QAD-534, October 1985. Available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EMSL/QAD, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711.

14. Smith, F., P.S. Wohlschlegel, R.S.C. Rogers, and D.J. Mulligan. Investigation of Flow Rate Calibration Procedures Associated With the High Volume Method for Determination of Suspended Particulates. EPA–600/4–78–047, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, 1978.

[52 FR 24664, July 1, 1987; 52 FR 29467, Aug. 7, 1987]

Appendix K to Part 50—Interpretation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for PM10
1.0 General.

(a) This appendix explains the computations necessary for analyzing particulate matter data to determine attainment of the 24-hour and annual standards specified in 40 CFR 50.6. For the primary and secondary standards, particulate matter is measured in the ambient air as PM10 (particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers) by a reference method based on appendix J of this part and designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter, or by an equivalent method designated in accordance with part 53 of this chapter. The required frequency of measurements is specified in part 58 of this chapter.

(b) The terms used in this appendix are defined as follows:

Average refers to an arithmetic mean. All particulate matter standards are expressed in terms of expected annual values: Expected number of exceedances per year for the 24-hour standards and expected annual arithmetic mean for the annual standards.

Daily value for PM10 refers to the 24-hour average concentration of PM10 calculated or measured from midnight to midnight (local time).

Exceedance means a daily value that is above the level of the 24-hour standard after rounding to the nearest 10 µg/m 3 (i.e., values ending in 5 or greater are to be rounded up).

Expected annual value is the number approached when the annual values from an increasing number of years are averaged, in the absence of long-term trends in emissions or meteorological conditions.

Year refers to a calendar year.

(c) Although the discussion in this appendix focuses on monitored data, the same principles apply to modeling data, subject to EPA modeling guidelines.

2.0 Attainment Determinations.

2.1 24-Hour Primary and Secondary Standards.

(a) Under 40 CFR 50.6(a) the 24-hour primary and secondary standards are attained when the expected number of exceedances per year at each monitoring site is less than or equal to one. In the simplest case, the number of expected exceedances at a site is determined by recording the number of exceedances in each calendar year and then averaging them over the past 3 calendar years. Situations in which 3 years of data are not available and possible adjustments for unusual events or trends are discussed in sections 2.3 and 2.4 of this appendix. Further, when data for a year are incomplete, it is necessary to compute an estimated number of exceedances for that year by adjusting the observed number of exceedances. This procedure, performed by calendar quarter, is described in section 3.0 of this appendix. The expected number of exceedances is then estimated by averaging the individual annual estimates for the past 3 years.

(b) The comparison with the allowable expected exceedance rate of one per year is made in terms of a number rounded to the nearest tenth (fractional values equal to or greater than 0.05 are to be rounded up; e.g., an exceedance rate of 1.05 would be rounded to 1.1, which is the lowest rate for nonattainment).

2.2 Annual Primary and Secondary Standards. Under 40 CFR 50.6(b), the annual primary and secondary standards are attained when the expected annual arithmetic mean PM10 concentration is less than or equal to the level of the standard. In the simplest case, the expected annual arithmetic mean is determined by averaging the annual arithmetic mean PM10 concentrations for the past 3 calendar years. Because of the potential for incomplete data and the possible seasonality in PM10 concentrations, the annual mean shall be calculated by averaging the four quarterly means of PM10 concentrations within the calendar year. The equations for calculating the annual arithmetic mean are given in section 4.0 of this appendix. Situations in which 3 years of data are not available and possible adjustments for unusual events or trends are discussed in sections 2.3 and 2.4 of this appendix. The expected annual arithmetic mean is rounded to the nearest 1 µg/m 3 before comparison with the annual standards (fractional values equal to or greater than 0.5 are to be rounded up).

2.3 Data Requirements.

(a) 40 CFR 58.13 specifies the required minimum frequency of sampling for PM10. For the purposes of making comparisons with the particulate matter standards, all data produced by National Air Monitoring Stations (NAMS), State and Local Air Monitoring Stations (SLAMS) and other sites submitted to EPA in accordance with the part 58 requirements must be used, and a minimum of 75 percent of the scheduled PM10 samples per quarter are required.

(b) To demonstrate attainment of either the annual or 24-hour standards at a monitoring site, the monitor must provide sufficient data to perform the required calculations of sections 3.0 and 4.0 of this appendix. The amount of data required varies with the sampling frequency, data capture rate and the number of years of record. In all cases, 3 years of representative monitoring data that meet the 75 percent criterion of the previous paragraph should be utilized, if available, and would suffice. More than 3 years may be considered, if all additional representative years of data meeting the 75 percent criterion are utilized. Data not meeting these criteria may also suffice to show attainment; however, such exceptions will have to be approved by the appropriate Regional Administrator in accordance with EPA guidance.

(c) There are less stringent data requirements for showing that a monitor has failed an attainment test and thus has recorded a violation of the particulate matter standards. Although it is generally necessary to meet the minimum 75 percent data capture requirement per quarter to use the computational equations described in sections 3.0 and 4.0 of this appendix, this criterion does not apply when less data is sufficient to unambiguously establish nonattainment. The following examples illustrate how nonattainment can be demonstrated when a site fails to meet the completeness criteria. Nonattainment of the 24-hour primary standards can be established by the observed annual number of exceedances (e.g., four observed exceedances in a single year), or by the estimated number of exceedances derived from the observed number of exceedances and the required number of scheduled samples (e.g., two observed exceedances with every other day sampling). Nonattainment of the annual standards can be demonstrated on the basis of quarterly mean concentrations developed from observed data combined with one-half the minimum detectable concentration substituted for missing values. In both cases, expected annual values must exceed the levels allowed by the standards.

2.4 Adjustment for Exceptional Events and Trends.

(a) An exceptional event is an uncontrollable event caused by natural sources of particulate matter or an event that is not expected to recur at a given location. Inclusion of such a value in the computation of exceedances or averages could result in inappropriate estimates of their respective expected annual values. To reduce the effect of unusual events, more than 3 years of representative data may be used. Alternatively, other techniques, such as the use of statistical models or the use of historical data could be considered so that the event may be discounted or weighted according to the likelihood that it will recur. The use of such techniques is subject to the approval of the appropriate Regional Administrator in accordance with EPA guidance.

(b) In cases where long-term trends in emissions and air quality are evident, mathematical techniques should be applied to account for the trends to ensure that the expected annual values are not inappropriately biased by unrepresentative data. In the simplest case, if 3 years of data are available under stable emission conditions, this data should be used. In the event of a trend or shift in emission patterns, either the most recent representative year(s) could be used or statistical techniques or models could be used in conjunction with previous years of data to adjust for trends. The use of less than 3 years of data, and any adjustments are subject to the approval of the appropriate Regional Administrator in accordance with EPA guidance.

3.0 Computational Equations for the 24-hour Standards.

3.1 Estimating Exceedances for a Year.

(a) If PM10 sampling is scheduled less frequently than every day, or if some scheduled samples are missed, a PM10 value will not be available for each day of the year. To account for the possible effect of incomplete data, an adjustment must be made to the data collected at each monitoring location to estimate the number of exceedances in a calendar year. In this adjustment, the assumption is made that the fraction of missing values that would have exceeded the standard level is identical to the fraction of measured values above this level. This computation is to be made for all sites that are scheduled to monitor throughout the entire year and meet the minimum data requirements of section 2.3 of this appendix. Because of possible seasonal imbalance, this adjustment shall be applied on a quarterly basis. The estimate of the expected number of exceedances for the quarter is equal to the observed number of exceedances plus an increment associated with the missing data. The following equation must be used for these computations:

Equation 1


eq = the estimated number of exceedances for calendar quarter q;

vq = the observed number of exceedances for calendar quarter q;

Nq = the number of days in calendar quarter q;

nq = the number of days in calendar quarter q with PM10 data; and

q = the index for calendar quarter, q=1, 2, 3 or 4.

(b) The estimated number of exceedances for a calendar quarter must be rounded to the nearest hundredth (fractional values equal to or greater than 0.005 must be rounded up).

(c) The estimated number of exceedances for the year, e, is the sum of the estimates for each calendar quarter.

Equation 2

(d) The estimated number of exceedances for a single year must be rounded to one decimal place (fractional values equal to or greater than 0.05 are to be rounded up). The expected number of exceedances is then estimated by averaging the individual annual estimates for the most recent 3 or more representative years of data. The expected number of exceedances must be rounded to one decimal place (fractional values equal to or greater than 0.05 are to be rounded up).

(e) The adjustment for incomplete data will not be necessary for monitoring or modeling data which constitutes a complete record, i.e., 365 days per year.

(f) To reduce the potential for overestimating the number of expected exceedances, the correction for missing data will not be required for a calendar quarter in which the first observed exceedance has occurred if:

(1) There was only one exceedance in the calendar quarter;

(2) Everyday sampling is subsequently initiated and maintained for 4 calendar quarters in accordance with 40 CFR 58.13; and

(3) Data capture of 75 percent is achieved during the required period of everyday sampling. In addition, if the first exceedance is observed in a calendar quarter in which the monitor is already sampling every day, no adjustment for missing data will be made to the first exceedance if a 75 percent data capture rate was achieved in the quarter in which it was observed.

Example 1

a. During a particular calendar quarter, 39 out of a possible 92 samples were recorded, with one observed exceedance of the 24-hour standard. Using Equation 1, the estimated number of exceedances for the quarter is:

eq=1×92/39=2.359 or 2.36.

b. If the estimated exceedances for the other 3 calendar quarters in the year were 2.30, 0.0 and 0.0, then, using Equation 2, the estimated number of exceedances for the year is 2.36=2.30=0.0=0.0 which equals 4.66 or 4.7. If no exceedances were observed for the 2 previous years, then the expected number of exceedances is estimated by: (1/3)×(4.7=0=0)=1.57 or 1.6. Since 1.6 exceeds the allowable number of expected exceedances, this monitoring site would fail the attainment test.

Example 2

In this example, everyday sampling was initiated following the first observed exceedance as required by 40 CFR 58.13. Accordingly, the first observed exceedance would not be adjusted for incomplete sampling. During the next three quarters, 1.2 exceedances were estimated. In this case, the estimated exceedances for the year would be 1.0=1.2=0.0=0.0 which equals 2.2. If, as before, no exceedances were observed for the two previous years, then the estimated exceedances for the 3–year period would then be (1/3)×(2.2=0.0=0.0)=0.7, and the monitoring site would not fail the attainment test.

3.2 Adjustments for Non-Scheduled Sampling Days.

(a) If a systematic sampling schedule is used and sampling is performed on days in addition to the days specified by the systematic sampling schedule, e.g., during episodes of high pollution, then an adjustment must be made in the eqution for the estimation of exceedances. Such an adjustment is needed to eliminate the bias in the estimate of the quarterly and annual number of exceedances that would occur if the chance of an exceedance is different for scheduled than for non-scheduled days, as would be the case with episode sampling.

(b) The required adjustment treats the systematic sampling schedule as a stratified sampling plan. If the period from one scheduled sample until the day preceding the next scheduled sample is defined as a sampling stratum, then there is one stratum for each scheduled sampling day. An average number of observed exceedances is computed for each of these sampling strata. With nonscheduled sampling days, the estimated number of exceedances is defined as:

Equation 3


eq = the estimated number of exceedances for the quarter;

Nq = the number of days in the quarter;

mq = the number of strata with samples during the quarter;

vj = the number of observed exceedances in stratum j; and

kj = the number of actual samples in stratum j.

(c) Note that if only one sample value is recorded in each stratum, then Equation 3 reduces to Equation 1.

Example 3

A monitoring site samples according to a systematic sampling schedule of one sample every 6 days, for a total of 15 scheduled samples in a quarter out of a total of 92 possible samples. During one 6-day period, potential episode levels of PM10 were suspected, so 5 additional samples were taken. One of the regular scheduled samples was missed, so a total of 19 samples in 14 sampling strata were measured. The one 6-day sampling stratum with 6 samples recorded 2 exceedances. The remainder of the quarter with one sample per stratum recorded zero exceedances. Using Equation 3, the estimated number of exceedances for the quarter is:

eq=(92/14)×(2/6=0=. . .=0)=2.19.

4.0 Computational Equations for Annual Standards.

4.1 Calculation of the Annual Arithmetic Mean. (a) An annual arithmetic mean value for PM10 is determined by averaging the quarterly means for the 4 calendar quarters of the year. The following equation is to be used for calculation of the mean for a calendar quarter:

Equation 4


x q = the quarterly mean concentration for quarter q, q=1, 2, 3, or 4,

nq = the number of samples in the quarter, and

xi = the ith concentration value recorded in the quarter.

(b) The quarterly mean, expressed in µg/m 3 , must be rounded to the nearest tenth (fractional values of 0.05 should be rounded up).

(c) The annual mean is calculated by using the following equation:

Equation 5


x = the annual mean; and

x q = the mean for calendar quarter q.

(d) The average of quarterly means must be rounded to the nearest tenth (fractional values of 0.05 should be rounded up).

(e) The use of quarterly averages to compute the annual average will not be necessary for monitoring or modeling data which results in a complete record, i.e., 365 days per year.

(f) The expected annual mean is estimated as the average of three or more annual means. This multi-year estimate, expressed in µg/m 3 , shall be rounded to the nearest integer for comparison with the annual standard (fractional values of 0.5 should be rounded up).

Example 4

Using Equation 4, the quarterly means are calculated for each calendar quarter. If the quarterly means are 52.4, 75.3, 82.1, and 63.2 µg/m 3 , then the annual mean is:

x = (1/4)×(52.4=75.3=82.1=63.2) = 68.25 or 68.3.

4.2 Adjustments for Non-scheduled Sampling Days. (a) An adjustment in the calculation of the annual mean is needed if sampling is performed on days in addition to the days specified by the systematic sampling schedule. For the same reasons given in the discussion of estimated exceedances, under section 3.2 of this appendix, the quarterly averages would be calculated by using the following equation:

Equation 6


x q = the quarterly mean concentration for quarter q, q=1, 2, 3, or 4;

xij = the ith concentration value recorded in stratum j;

kj = the number of actual samples in stratum j; and

mq = the number of strata with data in the quarter.

(b) If one sample value is recorded in each stratum, Equation 6 reduces to a simple arithmetic average of the observed values as described by Equation 4.

Example 5

a. During one calendar quarter, 9 observations were recorded. These samples were distributed among 7 sampling strata, with 3 observations in one stratum. The concentrations of the 3 observations in the single stratum were 202, 242, and 180 µg/m 3 . The remaining 6 observed concentrations were 55, 68, 73, 92, 120, and 155 µg/m 3 . Applying the weighting factors specified in Equation 6, the quarterly mean is:

x q = (1/7) × [(1/3) × (202 = 242 = 180) = 155 = 68 = 73 = 92 = 120 = 155] = 110.1

b. Although 24-hour measurements are rounded to the nearest 10 µg/m 3 for determinations of exceedances of the 24-hour standard, note that these values are rounded to the nearest 1 µg/m 3 for the calculation of means.

[62 FR 38712, July 18, 1997]

Appendix L to Part 50—Reference Method for the Determination of Fine Particulate Matter as PM2.5 in the Atmosphere
1.0 Applicability.

1.1 This method provides for the measurement of the mass concentration of fine particulate matter having an aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to a nominal 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) in ambient air over a 24-hour period for purposes of determining whether the primary and secondary national ambient air quality standards for fine particulate matter specified in §50.7 of this part are met. The measurement process is considered to be nondestructive, and the PM2.5 sample obtained can be subjected to subsequent physical or chemical analyses. Quality assessment procedures are provided in part 58, appendix A of this chapter, and quality assurance guidance are provided in references 1, 2, and 3 in section 13.0 of this appendix.

1.2 This method will be considered a reference method for purposes of part 58 of this chapter only if:

(a) The associated sampler meets the requirements specified in this appendix and the applicable requirements in part 53 of this chapter, and

(b) The method and associated sampler have been designated as a reference method in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.

1.3 PM2.5 samplers that meet nearly all specifications set forth in this method but have minor deviations and/or modifications of the reference method sampler will be designated as “Class I” equivalent methods for PM2.5 in accordance with part 53 of this chapter.

2.0 Principle.

2.1 An electrically powered air sampler draws ambient air at a constant volumetric flow rate into a speciallyshaped inlet and through an inertial particle size separator (impactor) where the suspended particulate matter in the PM2.5 size range is separated for collection on a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filter over the specified sampling period. The air sampler and other aspects of this reference method are specified either explicitly in this appendix or generally with reference to other applicable regulations or quality assurance guidance. (continued)