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Oregon Regulations

The Oregon Administrative Rules contain OARs filed through July 14, 2006





Purpose and Scope

(1) The purpose of division 039 is to provide for management of sport fisheries for marine fish, shellfish, and marine invertebrates in the Pacific Ocean, coastal bays, and beaches over which the State has jurisdiction.

(2) Division 039 incorporates, by reference:

(a) The sport fishing regulations of the State, included in the document entitled 2006 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations. Therefore, persons must consult the 2006 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations in addition to division 011 and division 039 to determine all applicable sport fishing requirements for marine fish, shellfish and marine invertebrates.

(b) The Pacific Council Decisions document dated November 2005 (copy available from agency); and to the extent consistent with that document, Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 300, Subpart E (61FR35550, July 5, 1996); Federal Regulations, Vol. 70, No. 74, dated April 19, 2005; and the annual Pacific Halibut Fishery Regulations to determine regulations applicable to this fishery.

[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Stat. Auth.: ORS 496.138, 496.146 & 506.119
Stats. Implemented: ORS 496.162 & 506.129
Hist.: FWC 82-1993, f. 12-22-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; Renumbered from 635-39-105 - 635-39-135; FWC 22-1995, f. 3-7-95, cert. ef. 3-10-95; FWC 77-1995, f. 9-13-95, cert. ef. 1-1-96; FWC 72-1996, f. 12-31-96, cert. ef. 1-1-97; FWC 25-1997, f. 4-22-97, cert. ef. 5-1-97; FWC 75-1997, f. 12-31-97, cert. ef. 1-1-98; DFW 91-1998, f. & cert. ef. 11-25-98; DFW 96-1999, f. 12-27-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00; DFW 98-1999, f. 12-27-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00; DFW 81-2000, f. 12-22-00, cert. ef. 1-1-01; DFW 118-2001, f. 12-24-01, cert. ef. 1-1-02; DFW 26-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-21-02; DFW 130-2002, f. 11-21-02, cert. ef. 1-1-03; DFW 125-2003, f. 12-11-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04; DFW 117-2004, f. 12-13-04, cert. ef. 1-1-05; DFW 120-2004, f. 12-13-04, cert. ef. 1-1-05; DFW 33-2005(Temp), f. 4-29-05, cert. ef. 5-1-05 thru 10-27-05; DFW 54-2005(Temp), f. 6-10-05, cert. ef. 6-12-05 thru 11-30-05; DFW 56-2005, f. 6-21-05, cert. ef. 7-1-05; DFW 71-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-7-05 thru 11-30-05; DFW 89-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-12-05 thru 12-12-05; DFW 136-2005, f. 12-7-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; DFW 138-2005, f. 12-7-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06


Halibut Seasons

(1) The Pacific halibut sport fishery in Oregon is regulated by the federal government and the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC). OAR chapter 635, division 039 incorporates into Oregon Administrative Rules, by reference, modifications or additions to provisions determined by the Commission and to the extent they are consistent with Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 300, Subpart E (61FR35550, July 5, 1996); Volume 71, Number 42, dated March 3, 2006.

(2) Effective 11:59 p.m., Saturday May 27, 2006 through Thursday August 3, 2006 the Columbia River sub-area (Cape Falcon, OR to Leadbetter Pt., WA) is closed to the retention of Pacific halibut.

[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Stat. Auth.: ORS 496.138, 496.162, 506.036, 506.109, 506.119 & 506.129
Stats. Implemented: ORS 496.162 & 506.129
Hist.: DFW 56-2005, f. 6-21-05, cert. ef. 7-1-05; DFW 89-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-12-05 thru 12-12-05; DFW 107-2005(Temp), f. 9-14-05, cert. ef. 9-15-05 thru 10-31-05; DFW 121-2005(Temp), f. 10-12-05, cert. ef. 10-18-05 thru 12-31-05; Administrative correction 1-19-06; DFW 34-2006(Temp), f. 5-25-06, cert. ef. 5-27-06


Inclusions and Modifications

(1) The 2007 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations provide requirements for sport fisheries for marine fish, shellfish, and marine invertebrates in the Pacific Ocean, coastal bays, and beaches, commonly referred to as the Marine Zone. However, additional regulations may be adopted in this rule division from time to time and to the extent of any inconsistency, they supersede the 2007 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations.

(2) For the purposes of this rule, a "harvest target" is defined as the Oregon share of the regional recreational harvest guideline for yelloweye rockfish, canary rockfish or lingcod that may be harvested by the Oregon sport fishery in a single calendar year.

(a) The regional recreational harvest guidelines for these species in 2007 are specified in the Pacific Council News, and to the extent they are consistent with these rules, in Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 300, Subpart E (61FR35550, July 5, 1996, as amended to incorporate the standards in the Pacific Council News).

(b) Harvest targets for yelloweye rockfish, canary rockfish and lingcod effective at the start of the Oregon sport fishery in 2007 are:

(A) Yelloweye rockfish, 3.2 metric tons.

(B) Canary rockfish, 6.8 metric tons.

(C) Lingcod, 175 metric tons.

(c) Harvest targets for yelloweye rockfish, canary rockfish and lingcod may be revised inseason following consultation with Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife provided that:

(A) Regional recreational harvest guidelines for these species are not projected to be exceeded as a result of any inseason revisions to a harvest target or targets; and

(B) Inseason revisions to the harvest target or targets benefit the Oregon sport fishery.

(3) For the purposes of this rule, the Oregon recreational harvest guideline for widow rockfish is 1.4 metric tons.

(4) For the purposes of this rule a "harvest cap" is defined as the total catch for a given species, or species group, that may be taken in a single calendar year by the ocean boat fishery. For 2007 the sport harvest caps are:

(a) Black rockfish and blue rockfish combined of 365 metric tons, of which no more than 324.5 metric tons may be black rockfish.

(b) Other nearshore rockfish, 15.3 metric tons.

(c) Cabezon, 15.8 metric tons.

(d) Greenling, 5.2 metric tons.

(5) In addition to the regulations for Marine Fish in the 2007 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations, the following apply for the sport fishery in the Marine Zone in 2007:

(a) Lingcod (including green colored lingcod): 2 fish daily catch limit.

(b) Rockfish ("sea bass", "snapper"), greenling ("sea trout"), flounder (excluding Pacific halibut), sole, cabezon and other marine fish species not listed in the 2007 Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations in the Marine Zone, located under the category of Species Name, Marine Fish: 6 fish daily catch limit in aggregate (total sum or number). Retention of yelloweye rockfish and canary rockfish is prohibited.

(c) Retention of all marine fish, except sablefish, herring, anchovy, smelt, sardine, striped bass, hybrid bass, and offshore pelagic species, is prohibited when Pacific halibut is retained on the vessel during open days for the all-depth sport fishery for Pacific halibut north of Humbug Mountain. North of Cape Falcon, retention of Pacific cod also is allowed when Pacific halibut is retained on the vessel during open days for the all-depth sport fishery for Pacific halibut. Persons must also consult the Pacific Council Decisions; Title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 300, Subpart E (61FR35550, July 5, 1996); and the annual Pacific Halibut Fishery Regulations as published by IPHC to determine all rules applicable to the taking of halibut.

(d) Harvest methods and other specifications for marine fish in subsections (5) (a) and (b) including the following:

(A) Minimum length for lingcod, 24 inches.

(B) Minimum length for cabezon, 16 inches.

(C) Minimum length for greenling, 10 inches.

(D) May be taken by angling, hand, bow and arrow, spear, gaff hook, snag hook and herring jigs.

(E) Mutilating the fish so the size or species cannot be determined prior to landing or transporting mutilated fish across state waters is prohibited.

(e) Sport fisheries for species in subsections (5) (a) and (b) are open January 1 through December 31, twenty-four hours per day, except that ocean waters are closed for these species during June 1 through September 30, outside of the 40-fathom curve (defined by latitude and longitude) as shown on Title 50 Code of Federal Regulations Part 660 Section 391 subsection (h). A 20-fathom curve (Table 1) and a 30-fathom curve, as shown on Title 50 Code of Federal Regulations Part 660 Section 391 subsection (h), may be implemented as the management line as in-season modifications necessitate.

(6) Razor clams may be taken by hand, shovel, or cylindrical gun or tube. The opening of the gun/tube must be either circular or elliptical with the circular gun/tube opening having a minimum outside diameter of 4 inches and the elliptical gun/tube opening having minimum outside diameter dimensions of 4 inches long and 3 inches wide.

[ED. NOTE: Tables referenced are available from the agency.]

[Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.]

Stat. Auth.: ORS 496.138, 496.146, 497.121 & 506.119
Stats. Implemented: ORS 496.004, 496.009, 496.162 & 506.129
Hist.: FWC 82-1993, f. 12-22-93, cert. ef. 1-1-94; FWC 22-1994, f. 4-29-94, cert. ef. 5-2-94; FWC 29-1994(Temp), f. 5-20-94, cert. ef. 5-21-94; FWC 31-1994, f. 5-26-94, cert. ef. 6-20-94; FWC 43-1994(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-19-94; FWC 83-1994(Temp), f. 10-28-94, cert. ef. 11-1-94; FWC 95-1994, f. 12-28-94, cert. ef. 1-1-95; FWC 22-1995, f. 3-7-95, cert. ef. 3-10-95; FWC 25-1995, f. 3-29-95, cert. ef. 4-1-95; FWC 26-1995, 3-29-95, cert. ef. 4-2-95; FWC 36-1995, f. 5-3-95, cert. ef. 5-5-95; FWC 43-1995(Temp), f. 5-26-95, cert. ef. 5-28-95; FWC 46-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 6-2-95; FWC 58-1995(Temp), f. 7-3-95, cert. ef. 7-5-95; FWC 77-1995, f. 9-13-95, cert. ef. 1-1-96; FWC 28-1996(Temp) , f. 5-24-96, cert. ef. 5-26-96; FWC 30-1996(Temp), f. 5-31-96, cert. ef. 6-2-96; FWC 72-1996, f. 12-31-96, cert. ef. 1-1-97; FWC 75-1997, f. 12-31-97, cert. ef. 1-1-98; DFW 100-1998, f. 12-23-98, cert. ef. 1-1-99; DFW 68-1999(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 9-17-99 thru 9-30-99; administrative correction 11-17-99; DFW 96-1999, f. 12-27-99, cert. ef. 1-1-00; DFW 83-2000(Temp), f. 12-28-00, cert. ef. 1-1-01 thru 1-31-01; DFW 1-2001, f. 1-25-01, cert. ef. 2-1-01; DFW 118-2001, f. 12-24-01, cert. ef. 1-1-02; DFW 26-2002, f. & cert. ef. 3-21-02; DFW 130-2002, f. 11-21-02, cert. ef. 1-1-03; DFW 35-2003, f. 4-30-03, cert. ef. 5-1-03; DFW 114-2003(Temp), f. 11-18-03, cert. ef. 11-21-03 thru 12-31-03; DFW 125-2003, f. 12-11-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04; DFW 128-2003, f. 12-15-03, cert. ef. 1-1-04; DFW 83-2004(Temp), f. 8-17-04, cert. ef. 8-18-04 thru 12-31-04; DFW 91-2004(Temp), f. 8-31-04, cert. ef. 9-2-04 thru 12-31-04; DFW 97-2004(Temp), f. 9-22-04, cert. ef. 9-30-04 thru 12-31-04; DFW 117-2004, f. 12-13-04, cert. ef. 1-1-05; DFW 34-2005(Temp), f. 4-29-05, cert. ef. 5-1-05 thru 10-27-05; DFW 75-2005(Temp), f. 7-13-05, cert. ef. 7-16-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 87-2005(Temp), f. 8-8-05, cert. ef. 8-11-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 121-2005(Temp), f. 10-12-05, cert. ef. 10-18-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 129-2005(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 11-29-05 thru 12-31-05; DFW 136-2005, f. 12-7-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; DFW 138-2005, f. 12-7-05, cert. ef. 1-1-06; DFW 141-2005(Temp), f. 12-12-05, cert. ef. 12-30-05 thru 12-31-05; Administrative correction 1-19-06; DFW 61-2006, f. 7-13-06, cert. ef. 10-1-06

The official copy of an Oregon Administrative Rule is contained in the Administrative Order filed at the Archives Division, 800 Summer St. NE, Salem, Oregon 97310. Any discrepancies with the published version are satisfied in favor of the Administrative Order. The Oregon Administrative Rules and the Oregon Bulletin are copyrighted by the Oregon Secretary of State. Terms and Conditions of Use
