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Prohibited Land Uses and Activities

The following land uses and activities shall not be allowed within the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area:

(1) Solid waste disposal sites or sanitary landfills within the Special Management Area.

(2) New industrial development in the Scenic Area outside of the Urban Areas.

(3) Except for uses allowed outright and review uses, new uses shall be prohibited on lands designated Agriculture-Special. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to:

(a) Cultivation, including plowing, harrowing, leveling, tilling, or any activity that prepares land for raising crops by turning, breaking up, or loosening soil.

(b) Removal or clearing of native grasses, shrubs, and trees.

(c) Single-family dwellings and accessory structures, other than non-agricultural dwellings allowed as a review use.

(d) Barns, silos, and other agricultural buildings.

(e) Irrigation systems.

(f) Exploration, development, and production of mineral resources.

(g) Utility facilities, public use facilities, and roads.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150; RCW 43.97.015; 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-1993 (Temp), f. 5-6-93, cert. ef. 6-1-93; CRGC 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 8-4-93; CRGC 5-1994, f. 12-27-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; CRGC 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-25-95


Existing Uses

Except as otherwise provided below, existing uses in the Scenic Area may continue, notwithstanding the provisions of Commission Rule 350-080.

(1) Except as otherwise provided, any use or structure existing on the effective date of the Management Plan, may continue so long as it is used in the same manner and for the same purpose as on that date.

(2) Any use or structure damaged or destroyed by disaster or an emergency event shall be treated as an existing use or structure if an application for replacement in kind and in the same location is filed within 2 years. Such uses shall be subject to compliance with guidelines for protection of scenic resources involving color, reflectivity, and landscaping. Replacement of an existing use or structure, including those damaged or destroyed by disaster or an emergency event, the same type of use or structure in a different location or with a different size shall be subject to the policies and guidelines in the Management Plan to minimize adverse effects on scenic, cultural, natural and recreation resources. The applicant shall be responsible for providing necessary information to demonstrate that the replacement structure is in-kind as defined by guideline -0040(71). This may include photos and building plans.

(3) Replacement or reestablishment of a use or structure discontinued for more than one year shall be subject to Commission Rule 350-080. Except as otherwise provided, an existing use or structure may be replaced within one year of discontinuation if used for the same purpose at the same location. This includes replacing an existing mobile home with a framed residence.

(4) In the Special Management Area, existing commercial and multi-family residential uses may expand as necessary for successful operation on the dedicated site, subject to Commission Rule 350-080-0520 through 350-080-0620 to minimize adverse effects on scenic, cultural, natural and recreation resources. Expansion beyond the dedicated site is prohibited. Commercial uses discontinued for 1 year or more shall no longer be considered as an existing use and shall no longer be permitted, in accordance with the provisions this rule.

(5) Existing industrial uses in the General Management Area may expand as necessary for successful operation on the dedicated site. Expansion beyond the dedicated site is prohibited.

(6) In the General Management Area, existing industrial uses may convert to less intensive uses. A less intensive use is a commercial, recreation or residential use with fewer adverse effects upon scenic, cultural, natural and recreation resources.

(7) In the General Management Area, existing development or production of mineral resources may continue unless the Gorge Commission determines that the uses adversely affect the scenic, cultural, natural or recreation resources of the Scenic Area. These uses will be considered discontinued and subject to Commission Rule 350-080 if any of the following conditions exist:

(a) The mined land has been reclaimed naturally or artificially to a point where it is revegetated to 50 percent of its original cover (considering both basal and canopy) or has reverted to another beneficial use, such as grazing. Mined land shall not include terrain which was merely leveled or cleared of vegetation.

(b) The site has not maintained a required state permit.

(c) The site has not operated legally within 5 years before the date of adoption of the Management Plan.

(8) Uses involving the exploration, development or production of sand, gravel or crushed rock in the Special Management Area may continue when:

(a) The sand, gravel, or crushed rock is used for construction or maintenance of roads used to manage or harvest forest products in the Special Management Area.

(b) A determination by the Forest Service finds that the use does not adversely affect the scenic, cultural, natural or recreation resources.

(9) Except as otherwise provided, whether a use has a vested right to continue will be determined by the law on vested rights in the appropriate state.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150, RCW 43.97.015 & 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-1993 (Temp), f. 5-6-93, cert. ef. 6-1-93; CRGC 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 8-4-93; CRGC 5-1994, f. 12-27-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; CRGC 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-25-95; CRGC 2-2000, f. 8-18-00, cert. ef. 9-29-00


Emergency/Disaster Response Actions

(1) General Guidelines for Emergency/Disaster Response Actions

(a) Actions taken in response to an emergency/disaster event (as defined above) are allowed in all GMA/SMA land use designations, subject to the notification requirements of Commission Rule 350-080-0075(2).

(b) Following emergency/disaster response actions, best management practices (BMPs) to prevent sedimentation and provide erosion control shall be utilized whenever disaster response actions necessitate vegetation removal, excavation, and/or grading. BMPs may include but are not limited to: use of straw bales, slash windrows, filter fabric fences, sandbags, straw cover, jute netting, etc.

(c) Structures or development installed or erected for a temporary use (e.g. sandbags, check dams, plastic sheeting, chain link fences, debris walls, etc.) shall be removed within one year following an emergency event. If it can be demonstrated that the continued use of these devices is necessary to protect life property, public services or the environment, an extension of no more than two years may be granted by the development review officer.

(d) The new exploration, development (extraction or excavation), and production of mineral resources, used for commercial, private or public works projects, shall not be conducted as an emergency/disaster response activity.

(e) No spoils resulting from grading or excavation activities shall be deliberately deposited into a wetland, stream, pond, lake or riparian area within the National Scenic Area (NSA) as a part of an emergency/disaster response action. The only exception to this is for construction of a fire line during a wildfire, where avoiding the aquatic area or its buffer zone has been considered and determine to not be possible without further jeopardizing life or property.

(2) Notification Requirements for Emergency/Disaster Response Actions:

(a) Actions taken in response to an emergency/disaster event, as defined in Commission Rule 350-080-0040, are allowed in all GMA and SMA land use designations, subject to the following notification requirements.

(A) Notification of an emergency/disaster response activity shall be submitted either within 48 hours of the commencement of a response action, or by the next business day following the start of such an action, whichever is sooner. Notification shall be submitted by the party conducting an emergency/disaster response activity or their representatives. In the case of multiple responding parties, the first party to respond shall provide the required notification, unless, upon mutual agreement of responding parties, another responder elects to assume this responsibility.

(B) Notification shall be submitted by mail, fax, telephone, e-mail or in person. If notification occurs by telephone, a hard copy of the notification shall be submitted by mail or in person within 7 days.

(C) Notification shall be furnished to the Gorge Commission.

(D) At a minimum, the following information shall be required at the time of notification:

(i) Nature of emergency/disaster event.

(ii) Description of emergency/disaster response activities and magnitude of response actions to be taken, if applicable (such as extent of earth movement, erection of structures, etc.).

(iii) Location of emergency/disaster response activities.

(iv) Estimated start and duration of emergency/disaster response activities.

(v) Contact person and phone number for the parties conducting emergency/disaster response actions.

(E) Repair and maintenance of an existing serviceable structure to its previously authorized and undamaged condition are not subject to the above referenced notification requirements.

(b) Upon notification of an emergency/disaster response action, the Gorge Commission shall, as soon as possible:

(A) Review its natural resource inventory data and notify the contact person for the emergency/disaster response actions of all inventoried natural resource sites and their buffers, that are within or adjacent to the response area or that may be adversely affected by response activities;

(B) Notify the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife of all noticed emergency/disaster response actions, to provide that agency an opportunity to consult with responding agencies during the event; and

(C) Notify the Forest Service, the Washington Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, and the Tribal governments of all emergency/disaster response activities. The Forest Service will review their cultural resource inventory data and notify the contact person for the emergency/disaster response action as soon as possible of all inventoried cultural resource sites, or their buffers, that are within, or adjacent to, emergency/disaster response areas.

(c) Upon notification of a response action, the Forest Service shall, as soon as possible, offer the services of a resource advisor to the agency(ies) conducting the response action. The resource advisor will provide on-site advice to minimize impacts to resources from emergency/disaster response actions.

(3) Post-Emergency/Disaster Response Development Review Application Requirements.

(a) Within 30 days following notification, a post-emergency/disaster response application shall be submitted by the party conducting the response action to the Gorge Commission. In the case of an event with multiple responding parties, the agency providing initial notification as required herein shall submit the application. An exception to this may occur if another responding party, by mutual agreement with the other respondents, elects to submit the application. Requests to extend this submittal deadline may be made in writing and shall include the reason why an extension is necessary. Extensions shall not exceed 30 days in duration and not more than two (2) extensions shall be granted.

(b) Post-emergency/disaster response applications shall only address development activities conducted during an emergency/disaster response. Applications shall specify if development placed during an emergency/disaster event is permanent or temporary. Applicants shall be responsible for operations under their control and that of other responders, upon mutual agreement. Responders not agreeing to have another responder address their actions shall be responsible to submit an application for those actions.

(c) Emergency/disaster response actions not involving structural development or ground disturbance with mechanized equipment are exempt from these requirements, except for those actions within 500 feet of a known cultural resource (as determined in the notification process).

(d) Applications shall include the following information:

(A) Applicants name and address.

(B) Location of emergency/disaster response.

(C) A written description of the emergency/disaster response, including any structures erected, excavation or other grading activities, or vegetation removal.

(D) A map of the project area drawn to scale, at a scale of 1"=200' or a scale providing greater detail. The map shall include:

(i) North arrow and scale.

(ii) Boundaries, dimensions and size of subject parcel(s).

(iii) Bodies of water, watercourses, and significant landforms.

(iv) Existing roads and structures.

(v) New structures placed and any vegetation removal, excavation or grading resulting from the response actions.

(E) An exception to the scale requirements of Commission Rule 350-080-0075(2)(d)(D) for an event encompassing an area greater than one square mile. In such cases, a clear sketch map of the entire response action area shall be provided. In addition, a map of 1"=200' or a scale providing greater detail shall be provided that shows a section of the response area exemplifying the specific actions taken.

(e) Applications for post-emergency/disaster response development shall be subject to the following requirements:

(A) Provisions of Commission Rule 350-080-0100, except for section 3.

(B) Notice of the application to landowners, except for section 3, within 200' of the perimeter of t he subject parcel, the Forest Service, Gorge Commission, the four Tribal governments and interested parties.

(C) Provisions of Commission Rule 350-080-0110, except section (4), substituting the phrase "post emergency/disaster response action development review" for the phrase "proposed action."

(D) Provisions of Commission Rule 350-080-0130(1) through (5).

(E) Interested persons shall have 21 days from the date which the notice is sent to submit written comments to the Gorge Commission relative to the consistency of the post-emergency/disaster actions with applicable guidelines in Commission Rule 350-080.

(4) Post-emergency/Disaster response Development Review: GMA/SMA Guidelines. Actions taken in all land use designations within the GMA/SMA that are in response to an emergency/disaster event, as defined in Commission Rule 350-080-0040.

(a) Scenic Resources:

(A) Impacts of emergency/disaster response actions shall be evaluated to ensure that scenic resources are not adversely affected. Such actions shall be rendered visually subordinate in their landscape setting as seen from key viewing areas to the greatest extent practicable, except for actions located in areas exempted from visual subordinance requirements, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0520(3)(k).

(B) Vegetation shall be used to screen or cover road cuts, structural development, landform alteration, and areas denuded of vegetation, as a result of emergency/disaster response actions.

(C) Areas denuded of vegetation as a result of emergency/disaster response actions shall be revegetated with native plant species, or species commonly found within the applicable landscape setting, to restore the affected areas to its pre-response condition to the greatest extent practicable. Revegetation shall occur as soon as practicable, but no later than one year after the emergency/disaster event. An exception to the one-year requirement may be granted upon demonstration of just cause, with an extension up to one year.

(D) The painting, staining or use of other materials on new structural development shall be used to ensure that the structures are non-reflective, or of low reflectivity, and visually subordinate in their landscape setting as seen from key viewing areas, unless the structure is fully screened from key viewing areas by existing topographic features.

(E) Additions to existing structures, resulting from an emergency/disaster response action, which are smaller in total height, bulk or area than the existing structures may be the same color as the existing development. Additions larger than the existing development shall be visually subordinate in their landscape setting as seen from key viewing areas to the greatest extent practicable.

(F) Spoil materials associated with grading, excavation and slide debris removal activities in relation to an emergency/disaster response action, shall either be:

(i) Removed from the NSA or deposited at a site within the NSA permitted by the agency administering a Scenic Area land use ordinance; or

(ii) (Re)contoured, to the greatest extent practicable, to retain the natural topography, or a topography which emulates that of the surrounding landscape.

(b) Cultural Resources and Treaty Rights:

(A) To the greatest extent practicable, emergency/disaster response actions shall not adversely affect cultural resources. Emergency/disaster response actions shall not affect Tribal treaty rights.

(B) The USDA Forest Service shall determine if a reconnaissance survey or historic survey is necessary within three days after receiving notice that a post-emergency land use application has been received by the Gorge Commission.

(i) Reconnaissance surveys shall be conducted by the USDA Forest Service and comply with the standards of Commission Rule 350-080-0540(1)(c)(d). Reconnaissance survey reports shall comply with the standards of Commission Rule 350-080-0540 (1)(c)(E).

(ii) Historic surveys shall be conducted by the USDA Forest Service and shall describe any adverse effects to historic resources resulting from an emergency/disaster response action. Historic surveys shall document the location, form, style, integrity, and physical condition of historic buildings and structures. Such surveys shall also include original photographs, if available, and maps, and should use archival research, blueprints, and drawings as necessary.

(C) Following the submittal of a post-emergency land use application, in addition to other public notice requirements that may exist, the Tribal governments shall be notified by the development review offer when:

(i) a reconnaissance survey is required; or

(ii) cultural resources exist in the project area. Notices shall include a site plan. Tribal governments shall have 15 calendar days from the date a notice is sent to submit written comments. Written comments should describe the nature and extent of any cultural resources that exist in the project area or treaty rights that exist in the project area and how they have been affected, and identify individuals with specific knowledge about them.

(D) When written comments are submitted in compliance with Guideline (3) above, the project applicant shall offer to meet within five calendar days with the interested persons. The five day consultation period may be extended upon agreement between the project applicant and the interested persons. A report shall be prepared by the development review officer following the consultation meeting. Consultation meetings and reports shall comply with the standards established in Commission Rule 350-080-0540(2)(a) and Commission Rule 350-080-0150(8)(b)(A) and (B).

(E) If cultural resources are discovered within the area disturbed by emergency response actions, the project applicant shall have a qualified professional conduct a survey to gather enough information to evaluate the significance of the cultural resources and what effects the action had on such resources. The survey and evaluation shall be documented in a report that generally follows the guidelines in Commission Rule 350-080-0540(5)(a).

(F) The development review officer shall submit a copy of all reconnaissance and historic survey reports and treaty rights protection plans to the SHPO and the Tribal governments. Survey reports shall include measures to mitigate adverse effects to cultural resources resulting from emergency/disaster response actions. The SHPO and Tribal governments shall have 15 calendar days from the date a survey report is mailed to submit written comments to the Gorge Commission. The development review officer shall record and address all written comments in the development review order.

(G) The development review officer shall make a final decision on whether the emergency/disaster response actions are consistent with the applicable cultural resource goals, policies, and guidelines. If the final decision contradicts the comments submitted by the SHPO, or those submitted by a Tribal government regarding treaty rights, the development review officer shall justify how it reached an opposing conclusion.

(H) The cultural resource protection process may conclude when it has been determined that Tribal treaty rights have not been not affected and one of the following conditions exists:

(i) The emergency/disaster response action does not require a reconnaissance or historic survey, or a reconnaissance survey demonstrates that no cultural resources are known to exist in the project area, and no substantiated concerns were voiced by interested persons within 15 calendar days of the date that a notice was mailed.

(ii) The emergency/disaster response action avoided cultural resources that exist in the project area.

(iii) Adequate mitigation measures to affected cultural resources have been developed and will be implemented.

(iv) A historic survey demonstrates that emergency/disaster response actions, and associated development, had no effect on historic buildings or structures because:

(I) The SHPO concluded that the historic buildings or structures are clearly not eligible, as determined by using the criteria in the "National Register Criteria for Evaluation" (36 CFR 60.4); or

(II) The emergency/disaster response actions did not compromise the historic or architectural character of the affected buildings or structures, or compromise features of the site that are important in defining the overall historic character of the affected buildings or structures, as determined y the guidelines and standards in The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation (U.S. Department of the Interior 1990) and The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Historic Preservation Projects (U.S. Department of the Interior 1983).

(c) Natural Resources:

(A) To the greatest extent practicable, emergency/disaster response actions shall not adversely affect natural resources.

(B) Buffer zones for wetlands, streams, ponds, riparian areas, sensitive wildlife sites or areas, and sites containing rare plants, shall be the same as those established in Commission Rule 350-080-0560 through 0600.

(C) Wetlands, Streams, Ponds, Lakes, Riparian Areas:

(i) Emergency/disaster response actions occurring within a buffer zone of wetlands, streams, pond, lakes or riparian areas shall be reviewed by the Washington department of Fish and Wildlife. These areas are also referred to in this section as aquatic areas. State biologists will help determine if emergency/disaster response actions have affected or have a potential to affect these aquatic areas or their bigger zones. State biologists shall respond within 15 days of the date the application is mailed.

(ii) When emergency/disaster response activities occur within wetlands, streams, ponds, lakes, riparian areas, or the buffer zones of these areas, the applicant shall demonstrate the following:

(I) All reasonable measures have been applied to ensure that the response actions have resulted in the minimum feasible alteration or destruction of the functions, existing contours, vegetation, fish and wildlife resources, and hydrology of wetlands, streams, ponds, lakes or riparian areas.

(II) Areas disturbed by response activities and associated development will be rehabilitated to the maximum extent practicable.

(iii) Impacts to wetlands, streams, ponds, lakes and riparian areas, and t heir buffers will be offset through mitigation and restoration to the greatest extent practicable. Mitigation and restoration efforts shall use native vegetation, and restore natural functions, contours, vegetation patterns, hydrology and fish and wildlife resources to the maximum extent practicable.

(iv) If the development review officer, in consultation with the state wildlife agency, determines that the emergency/disaster response actions had minor effects on the aquatic area or its buffer zone that could be eliminated with simple modifications, a letter shall be sent to the project applicant that describes the effects and measures that need to be taken to eliminate them. The state biologist, or a Forest Service natural resource advisor (as available) in conclusion with the state biologist, shall visit the site in order to make this determination. If the project applicant accepts these recommendations, the Gorge Commission shall incorporate them into its development review order and the aquatic area protection process may conclude.

(v) Unless addressed through guideline 4 of this section, mitigation and restoration efforts shall be delineated in a Rehabilitation Plan. Rehabilitation Plans shall satisfy Commission Rule 350-080-0570(8)(a) and (b). Rehabilitation plans shall also satisfy the following:

(I) Plans shall include a plan view and cross-sectional drawing at a scale that adequately depicts site rehabilitation efforts. Plans will illustrate final site topographic contours that emulate the surrounding natural landscape.

(II) Planting plans shall be included that specify native plant species to be used, specimen quantities and plant locations.

(III) The project applicant shall be responsible for the successful rehabilitation of all areas disturbed by emergency/disaster response activities.

(D) Wildlife Habitat:

(i) Emergency/disaster response actions occurring within 1,000 feet of a sensitive wildlife area or site, shall be reviewed by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. State wildlife biologists will help determine if emergency/disaster response actions have affected or have a potential to affect a sensitive wildlife area or site.

(ii) Site plans for emergency/disaster response sites shall be submitted by the development review officer to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for review as prescribed in Commission Rule 350-080-0580(5). The wildlife agency shall respond within 15 days of the date the application is mailed.

(iii) The wildlife protection process may terminate if the development review officer, in consultation with the state wildlife agency, determines (1) the sensitive wildlife area or site was not active, or (2) the emergency/disaster response did not compromise the integrity of the wildlife area or site or occurred at a time when wildlife species are not sensitive to disturbance.

(iv) If the development review officer, in consultation with the state wildlife agency, determines that the emergency/disaster response activities had minor effects on the wildlife area or site that could be eliminated with simple modifications, a letter shall be sent to the project applicant that describes the effects and measures that need to be taken to eliminate them. The state wildlife biologist, or a Forest Service natural resource advisor (as available) in consultation with the state wildlife biologist, shall visit the site in order to make this determination. If the project applicant accepts these recommendations, the Gorge Commission shall incorporate them into its development review order and the wildlife protection process may conclude.

(v) If the development review officer, in consultation with the state wildlife agency, determines that the emergency/disaster response activities had adverse effect on a sensitive wildlife area or site, the project applicant shall prepare a Wildlife Management Plan. Wildlife Management Plans shall comply with Commission Rule 350-080-0580(6). Upon completion of the Wildlife Management Plan, the development review offer shall:

(I) Submit a copy of the Wildlife Management Plan to the state wildlife agency for review. The state wildlife agency will have 15 days from the date that a management plan is mailed to submit written comments to the gorge commission;

(II) Record any written comments submitted by the state wildlife agency in its development review order. Based on these comments, the development review officer shall make a final decision on whether the proposed use would be consistent with the wildlife policies and guidelines. If the final decision contradicts the comments submitted by the state wildlife agency, the development review officer shall justify how it reached an opposing conclusion.

(III) Require the project applicant to revise the wildlife management plan as necessary to ensure that the proposed use would not adversely affect a sensitive wildlife area or site.

(E) Deer and Elk Winter Range:Any fencing permanently erected within deer and elk winter range, as a result of an emergency/disaster response, shall comply with Commission Rule 350-080-0580(7).

(F) Rare Plants:

(i) Emergency/disaster response actions occurring within 1,000 feet of a sensitive plant, shall be reviewed by the Washington Natural Heritage Program. State heritage staff will help determine if emergency/disaster response actions have occurred within the buffer zone of a rare plant.

(ii) Site plans for emergency/disaster response sites shall be submitted to the Washington Natural Heritage Program by the development review officer. State natural heritage staff will, within 15 days from the date the application is mailed, identify the location of the affected plants and delineate a 200 foot buffer zone on the applicant's site plan.

(iii) The rare plant protection process may conclude if the development review officer, in consultation with the state natural heritage program, determines that emergency/disaster response activities occurred outside of a rare plan buffer zone.

(iv) If the development review officer, in consultation with the state natural heritage program, determines that the emergency/disaster response activities had minor effects on rare plants or the rare plant buffer zone, a letter shall be sent to the project applicant that describes the effects and measure that need to be taken to eliminate them. The state natural heritage staff, or a forest Service natural resources advisor (as available) in consultation with the state natural heritage staff, shall visit the site in order to make this determination. If the project applicant accepts these recommendations, the Gorge Commission shall incorporate them into its development review order and the rare plant protection process may conclude.

(v) If emergency/disaster response activities occurred within a rare plant buffer zone that had adverse affects on rare plants or their buffer zone, the project applicant shall prepare a protection and rehabilitation plan, that meets the requirements provided in Commission rule 350-080-0590(b)

(vi) The development review officer shall submit a copy of all protection and rehabilitation plans to the state heritage program for review. The state natural heritage program will have 15 days from the date the protection and rehabilitation plan is mailed to submit written comments to the development review officer.

(vii) The development review officer shall record any written comments submitted by the state natural heritage program in its development review order. Based on these comments, the development review officer shall make a final decision on whether the proposed use would be consistent with the rare plant policies and guidelines. If the final decision contradicts the comments submitted by the state natural heritage program, the development review officer conducting the post-emergency development review shall justify how it reached an opposing conclusion.

(viii) The development review officer shall require the project applicant to revise the protection and rehabilitation plan as necessary to ensure that the proposed use would not adversely affect a rate plant site.

(d) Recreational Resources:

(A) To the greatest extent practicable, emergency/disaster response actions shall not aversely affect recreational resources.

(B) Mitigation measures shall be implemented to mitigate any adverse effects on existing recreation resources caused by emergency/disaster response activities to the maximum extent practicable.

(5) Post-Emergency Construction: The following review uses are allowed in all land use designations subject to compliance with Commission rules 350-080-0100 through 0130 and Commission Rule 350-080-0520 through 0620: Placement of structures necessary for continued public safety and the protection of private property and essential public services damaged during an emergency/disaster event. This includes replacement of temporary structures erected during such events with permanent structures performing an identical or related function. Land use applications shall be submitted within 12 months following an emergency/disaster event.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150, RCW 43.97 & 16 USC 544 et. seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-2000, f. 8-18-00, cert. ef. 9-29-00


Application for Review and Approval

(1) Prior to initiating any use or development which requires review and approval by the Development Review Officer, an application shall be completed pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0080. The Development Review Officer shall accept and review the application pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0100 through 350-080-0170 for consistency with the appropriate guidelines of this rule. Review of a proposed use or development shall commence upon the acceptance of an application by the Development Review Officer. The Commission may charge a fee for review of applications.

(2) Standard application forms shall be available at county and city planning offices, the offices of the Columbia River Gorge Commission and the Forest Service.

(3) Applications for the review and approval of a proposed use or development shall provide the following information:

(a) The applicant's name, address and telephone number;

(b) The land owner's name, address and telephone number (if different from applicant's);

(c) The county in which the proposed use or development would be located;

(d) The section, quarter section, township and range in which the proposed development would be located;

(e) The street address of the proposed use or development;

(f) The tax lot number(s) and size in acres of the parcel(s) involved;

(g) A description of the current land use for the parcel(s) involved and adjoining lands;

(h) A written description of the proposed use or development, including details on the height, exterior color(s), and construction materials of the proposed structures.

(i) A list of Key Viewing Areas from which the proposed use would be visible.

(j) A map of the project area. The map shall be drawn to scale. The scale of the map shall be large enough to allow the Development Review Officer to determine the location and extent of the proposed use or development and evaluate its effects on scenic, cultural, natural, and recreation resources. The map shall be prepared at a scale of 1 inch equals 200 feet (1:2,400), or a scale providing greater detail. If a parcel is very large, the map does not need to show the entire parcel. Rather, it can show only those portions of the parcel affected by the proposed use. The map shall include the following elements:

(A) North arrow.

(B) Map scale.

(C) Boundaries, dimensions, and size of the subject parcel.

(D) Significant terrain features or landforms.

(E) Groupings and species of trees or other vegetation on the parcel.

(F) Location and species of vegetation that would be removed or planted.

(G) Bodies of water and watercourses.

(H) Location and width of existing and proposed roads, driveways, and trails.

(I) Location and size of existing and proposed structures.

(J) Location of existing and proposed services including wells or other water supplies, sewage disposal systems, power and telephone poles and lines, and outdoor lighting.

(K) Location and depth of all proposed grading and ditching.

(k) In the Special Management Area, applications and/or site plans shall contain the natural resources information required in Commission Rule 350-080-0600(2).

(l) Any additional information which the applicant feels will assist in the evaluation of the proposal including, but not limited to, maps, drawings, and development plans.

(m) The signature of the applicant and property owner or a statement from the property owner indicating that he is aware of the application being made on his property.

(n) The signature of the property owner on a statement that authorizes the Development Review Officer or the Development Review Officer's designee reasonable access to the site in order to evaluate the application.

(4) Applications for the following uses or developments shall include additional information as required by the appropriate guidelines in Commission Rule 350-080 or by the Development Review Officer:

(a) All buildings, roads, or mining and associated activities proposed on lands visible from Key Viewing Areas, pursuant to 350-080-0520(2)(d).

(b) In the General Management Area, production and/or development of mineral resources and expansion of existing quarries pursuant to 350-080-0520(1)(e), 350-080-0520(2)(d), (2)(e), (2)(v), and (2)(w).

(c) In the General Management Area, any structural development involving more than 100 cubic yards of grading on sites visible from key viewing areas and which slope is between 10 and 30 percent, pursuant to 350-080-0520(2)(u).

(d) In the General Management Area, vegetation management projects in public rights of way along Scenic Travel Corridors, pursuant to 350-080-0520(4)(d).

(e) Large-scale uses as defined by guideline 350-080-0540(1)(c)(C) shall include reconnaissance survey reports, pursuant to 350-080-0540(1)(c)(F), and (G).

(f) Proposed uses that would alter the exterior architectural appearance of buildings and structures that are 50 years old or older, or would compromise features of the surrounding area that are important in defining the historic or architectural character of buildings that are 50 years old or older, pursuant to 350-080-540(1)(c)(H)(iii).

(g) In the General Management Area, new uses located in, or providing recreational access to the Columbia River or its fishbearing tributaries, pursuant to 350-080-0150(8)(a)(A).

(h) In the General Management Area, any review use in a wetland or within a wetland buffer zone, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0560(1)(b).

(i) In the General Management Area, any review use in a stream, pond, lake, or within their buffer zones, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0570(1)(b).

(j) In the General Management Area, any review use within 1000 feet of a sensitive wildlife area or site, pursuant to 350-080-0580(1)(b). Large-scale uses as defined by 350-080-0580(3) shall also include field survey information, pursuant to 350-080-0580(3)(e).

(k) In the General Management Area, any review use within 1000 feet of a sensitive plant, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0590(b). Large-scale uses as defined by 350-080-0590(3) shall also include field survey information, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0590(3)(e).

(l) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Large-Scale Agriculture, a single-family dwelling in conjunction with agricultural use, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0190(1)(e), and if applicable, 350-080-0190(1)(f).

(m) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Large-Scale Agriculture, a single-family dwelling not in conjunction with agricultural use, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0190(1)(n).

(n) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Large-Scale Agriculture, a single-family dwelling for an agricultural operator's relative, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0190(1)(h).

(o) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Large-Woodland, a single- family dwelling, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0270(1)(a), (c), and (l).

(p) In the Special Management Area, on lands designated Forest, a single-family dwelling, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0270(2)(j).

(q) In the Special Management Area, on lands designated Forest, forest practices, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0270(2)(b).

(r) In the Special Management Area, on lands designated Open Space, any new use or development, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0340(11).

(s) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Agriculture-Special, a single-family dwelling pursuant to 350-080-0190(1)(h).

(t) In the Special Management Area, on lands designated Agriculture, a single-family dwelling necessary and accessory to agricultural use, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0190(2)(b).

(u) In the Special Management Area, on lands designated Agriculture, farm labor housing and agricultural buildings, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0190(2)(d).

(v) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Small Woodland, a single- family dwelling pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0270(1)(b).

(w) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Commercial Forest, Large Woodland, or Small Woodland, a single-family dwelling in conjunction with agricultural use pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0190(1)(e).

(x) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Commercial Forest, Large Woodland, or Small Woodland, agricultural labor housing, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0270(1)(o).

(y) In the General Management Area, on lands designated Agriculture-Special, new livestock grazing, new fences, livestock watering facilities, and corrals; or soil, water, and vegetation conservation activities, pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0240.

(z) Other uses as deemed necessary by the Development Review Officer.

(5) Completed application forms shall be submitted directly to the office of the Columbia River Gorge Commission.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150; RCW 43.97.015; 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-1993 (Temp), f. 5-6-93, cert. ef. 6-1-93; CRGC 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 8-4-93; CRGC 5-1994, f. 12-27-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; CRGC 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-25-95


Pre-Application Conference

An applicant may request a pre-application conference prior to submitting an application for development review. The purposes of the conference shall be to acquaint the applicant with the substantive and procedural requirements of Commission Rule 350-080, to discuss the principle elements of the proposed action, and to identify guidelines that create opportunities or pose constraints for the proposed action.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150; RCW 43.97.015; 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-1993 (Temp), f. 5-6-93, cert. ef. 6-1-93; CRGC 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 8-4-93; CRGC 5-1994, f. 12-27-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; CRGC 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-25-95


Acceptance of Application

Within 14 days of the receipt of an application, the Development Review Officer shall review the application for completeness and adequacy. The Development Review Officer shall accept a complete and adequate application within 14 days of receipt of the application.

(1) No application shall be accepted until all documented omissions and deficiencies have been corrected by the applicant. The Development Review Officer shall notify the applicant of all omissions and deficiencies in writing within 14 days of receipt of the application.

(2) No application shall be accepted which the Development Review Officer deems cannot be acted upon reasonably within 72 days, pursuant to 350-080-0130(3), except when the applicant consents to a longer period for action.

(3) No application shall be accepted unless accompanied by a list of names and addresses of the adjacent property owners within a distance of the subject parcel as determined in Commission Rule 350-080-0630. A statement from the County Assessor or appropriate agency confirming the accuracy of the list shall accompany the list.

(4) No application for a proposed use which is explicitly prohibited by Commission Rule 350-080-0060 shall be accepted.

(a) The application shall be returned to the applicant.

(b) A letter, signed by the Development Review Officer, stating that the proposed use is prohibited and citing the guideline which explicitly prohibits the proposed use, shall be sent to the applicant.

(c) Issuance of this letter shall not prohibit the applicant from appealing the decision pursuant to 350-070.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150; RCW 43.97.015; 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-1993 (Temp), f. 5-6-93, cert. ef. 6-1-93; CRGC 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 8-4-93; CRGC 5-1994, f. 12-27-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; CRGC 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-25-95


Notice of Development Review

(1) Within 7 days of the acceptance of an application, the Development Review Officer shall issue notice of a proposed development review. The notice shall provide the following information:

(a) The name of the applicant;

(b) The general and specific location of the subject property;

(c) A brief description of the proposed action;

(d) The deadline for rendering a decision; and

(e) The deadline for filing comments on the proposed action.

(2) The notice shall state that the application and supporting documents are available for inspection at the Commission office during normal working hours.

(3) The notice shall state the applicant must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

(4) The notice shall be mailed to:

(a) The Forest Service, the applicable state, Indian Tribes and the applicable county and/or city; and

(b) Owners of property within a radius of the subject parcel(s) as determined by 350-080-0630; and

(c) Other agencies and interested parties which request a notice or which the Development Review Officer determines should be notified.

(5) The notice shall be posted at the Commission and Forest Service offices and shall be made available for posting at the applicable county or city planning office(s) and applicable library or libraries.

(6) For all development, notice shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation nearest to the site of the proposed action.

(7) A copy of the notice shall be filed in the records of the Commission.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150; RCW 43.97.015; 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-1993 (Temp), f. 5-6-93, cert. ef. 6-1-93; CRGC 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 8-4-93; CRGC 5-1994, f. 12-27-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; CRGC 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-25-95


Comment Period

Interested persons shall have 21 days from the date which the notice is sent to submit written comments to the Development Review Officer relative to the consistency of the proposed actions with the guidelines of Commission Rule 350-080:

(1) Within 7 days of the close of the comment period, the Development Review Officer shall determine if a wildlife management plan pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0580(6), or a rare plant protection and rehabilitation plan pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0590(6) is required.

(2) For proposed uses or developments where a cultural resources survey (reconnaissance or historic) is required and where the Commission is performing the survey, the survey shall be completed by the close of the comment period. Upon receipt of the completed survey, the Development Review Officer shall forward the survey to the applicable State Historic Preservation Officer, and Indian Tribes pursuant to Commission Rules 350-080-0540(1)(b) and (2)(b)(A).

(3) Within 7 days of the close of the 30 day reconnaissance survey comment period for State Historic Preservation Officers and Indian Tribes, the Development Review Officer shall determine if an evaluation of significance pursuant to Commission Rules 350-080-0540(3) is required.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 196.150
Stats. Implemented: ORS 196.150; RCW 43.97.015; 16 U.S.C. § 544 et seq.
Hist.: CRGC 2-1993 (Temp), f. 5-6-93, cert. ef. 6-1-93; CRGC 4-1993, f. & cert. ef. 8-4-93; CRGC 5-1994, f. 12-27-94, cert. ef. 2-1-95; CRGC 1-1995(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-25-95


Decision of the Development Review Officer

(1) In making a decision on a proposed use or development the Development Review Officer shall:

(a) Consult with the applicant and such agencies as the Development Review Officer deems appropriate;

(b) Consider information submitted by the applicant and all other relevant information available;

(c) Consider all comments submitted pursuant to Commission Rule 350-080-0120; and

(d) Solicit and consider the comments of the Forest Service.

(2) The Development Review Officer shall approve a proposed use or development only if it is consistent with the standards of section 6 and the purposes of P.L. 99-663 and Commission Rule 350-080. In approving a proposed development action, the Development Review Officer may impose conditions as necessary to ensure consistency with the guidelines of Commission Rule 350-080.

(3) The Development Review Officer shall issue a decision on a proposed use or development including findings of fact and conclusions of law and any conditions to ensure consistency with the standards of section 6 and the purposes of P.L. 99-663 and Commission Rule 350-080 within 72 days after acceptance of the application except in one or more of the following situations: (continued)