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Oregon Regulations

The Oregon Administrative Rules contain OARs filed through July 14, 2006





The following definitions will be used in addition to those in ORS 196.600, 196.800, 196.815, 196.830, 196.860 and 196.905

(1) "Activities Customarily Associated with Agriculture" (ORS 196.810(1)(b)) applies only to fill or removal of less than 50 cubic yards in essential indigenous anadromous salmonid habitat (see OAR 141-102-0020(1)). "Activities customarily associated with agriculture" include maintenance of an existing irrigation structure at an existing point of diversion (as defined in OAR 690-015-0005) to maintain previously constructed agricultural drainage or irrigation channels, or to maintain or replace any associated and necessary pumps, tide gates, levees, groins and/or other drainage or irrigation-related devices. Exempt activities also include maintaining existing culverts under farm or ranch roads by removing debris.

(2) "Adverse Effect" means the same as "reasonably expected adverse impacts".

(3) "Applicant" means a landowner or person authorized by a landowner seeking a permit or authorization to conduct a removal-fill under ORS 196.800 to 196.990 and who has authority to fully execute the terms and conditions of the authorization as evidenced by their signature on the application.

(4) "Department" means the Oregon Department of State Lands and the Director or designee.

(5) "Aquatic Life and Habitats" means the aquatic environment including fish, wildlife and plant-species dependent upon environments created and supported by the waters of this state. Aquatic life includes communities and species populations that are adapted to aquatic habitats for at least a portion of their life.

(6) "Artificially Created" means constructed by artificial means.

(7) "Artificial Means" means the purposeful movement or placement of material by humans and/or their machines.

(8) "Authorization" means an individual permit, letter of authorization issued under a General Authorization, or emergency authorization as required by these rules and ORS 196.810 and ORS 196.850.

(9) "Authorization Holder" or "permittee" means the person holding a valid authorization from the Department.

(10) "Bank" means: (a) for perennial streams, that portion of a waterway that is exposed at low water and lies below the ordinary high water line or bankfull stage; and (b) for intermittent streams, the bank extends to the ordinary high water line; the line between the bed and bank may be indistinguishable during dry months.

(11) "Bankfull Stage" means the two-year recurrence interval flood elevation.

(12) "Baseline Conditions" means the ecological conditions, wetland functional attributes, and the vegetative, soils, and hydrological characteristics present at a site before any change by the applicant is made.

(13) "Basin" means one of the eighteen (18) Oregon drainage basins identified by the Oregon Water Resources Department as shown on maps published by that agency.

(14) "Beds" means: (a) for the purpose of OAR 141-089-0245 to OAR 141-089-0275, the land within the wet perimeter and any adjacent nonvegetated dry gravel bar; (b) for all other purposes, "beds" means that portion of a waterway that is always covered by water; or, on intermittent streams, the area that carries water when water is present.

(15) "Beds or Banks" means the physical container of the waters of this state, bounded on freshwater bodies by the ordinary high water line or bankful stage, and on bays and estuaries by the limits of the highest measured tide.

(16) "Bio-Engineering" means construction methods which use live woody material or a combination of live vegetation material (usually woody) and rock to stabilize a stream bank.

(17) "Borrowed Material" means excavated earth or rock that is removed from one location (e.g. streambed) and used at another location.

(18) "Buffer" means an upland area immediately adjacent to or surrounding a wetland or other water that protects the functioning of that wetland or water.

(19) "Bulkhead" means a vertical or nearly vertical bank protection structure placed parallel to the shoreline consisting of concrete, timber, steel, rock, or other permanent material not readily subject to erosion.

(20) "Cease and Desist Order" means a legally binding order compelling a party to cease removal or fill activities in waters of the state.

(21) "Certified Credit" as used in compensatory wetland mitigation banking, results when the wetland mitigation bank has met or exceeded the performance standards established in its Mitigation Bank Instrument. Once credits are certified, they are available for sale or exchange.

(22) "Channel" means a natural (perennial or intermittent stream) or human made (e.g., drainage ditch) waterway of perceptible extent that periodically or continuously contains moving water and has a definite bed and banks that serve to confine the water.

(23) "Channel Relocation" means a type of removal in which a new channel is dug and the flow of the stream is diverted from the old channel into the new channel.

(24) "Channelized or Relocated Stream" means a natural stream that has been diverted, dredged, straightened or diked. Channelized or relocated streams can be characterized by the following:

(a) Have headwaters and may transport water from a spring or natural drainage;

(b) Is an integral part of a natural drainage;

(c) Have straight channels which may show signs of natural channel processes (e.g. meandering, pool and raffle development) if left undisturbed for a number of years;

(d) Typically flow along property or field boundaries; and

(e) May be perennial or intermittent.

(25) "Coastal Zone" means the area lying between the Washington border on the north to the California border on the south, bounded on the west by the extent of the state's jurisdiction as recognized by federal law, and the east by the crest of the coastal mountain range, excepting:

(a) The Umpqua River basin, where the coastal zone extends to Scottsburg;

(b) The Rogue River basin, where the coastal zone extends to Agness; and

(c) The Columbia river basin, where the coastal zone extends to the downstream end of Puget Island.

(26) "Coastal Zone Certification Statement" means a signed statement by the applicant or an authorized agent indicating that the proposed project will be undertaken in a manner consistent with the applicable enforceable policies of the Oregon Coastal Management Program.

(27) "Cofferdam" means a temporary enclosure used to keep water from a work area.

(28) "Commercial Aggregate Removal" means excavating sand, gravel or rock for the purposes of exchanging or reselling as a marketable commodity.

(29) "Commercial Operator" means any person undertaking a project having financial profit as a goal.

(30)"Compensatory Mitigation" means replacement of water resources that are damaged or destroyed by an authorized activity.

(31) "Compensatory Mitigation Goal" means a broad statement(s) that describes the intent or purpose of the compensatory mitigation proposal. An example of a mitigation goal is "to establish a 10-acre diverse wetland habitat with four Cowardin wetland classes."

(32) "Compensatory Mitigation Objective" means the specific direct actions necessary to achieve the compensatory mitigation goals. Mitigation objectives are performance based and measurable; they describe water regimes, vegetation structure, soil morphology, and/or habitat features that will be restored, enhanced, or created as a part of the compensatory mitigation plan. An example of an objective is "the vegetated areas will have 3 (three) acres each of emergent, scrub-shrub and forested wetland."

(33) "Compensatory Wetland Mitigation" means activities conducted by an authorization holder, permittee or third party to create, restore or enhance wetland functional attributes to compensate for the adverse effects of project development or to resolve violations of ORS 196.800 to 196.905 or these rules.

(34) "Compensatory Wetland Mitigation (CWM) Plan" means a document that describes in detail proposed compensatory wetland mitigation.

(35) "Comprehensive Plan" means a generalized, coordinated land use map and policy statement of the governing body of a local government that interrelates all functional and natural systems and activities relating to the use of lands, including but not limited to sewer and water systems, transportation systems, educational facilities, recreational facilities, and natural resources and air and water quality management programs and as further defined under ORS 197.015(5).

(36) "Completed Application" means a signed application form that contains all necessary information as described in OAR 141-085-0025 and as determined to be complete under OAR 141-085-0027.

(37) "Concentrator" means a device used to physically or mechanically separate and enrich the valuable mineral content of aggregate. Pans, sluice boxes and mini-rocker boxes are examples of concentrators.

(38) "Consent Agreement" means an informal legally binding agreement between the Department and the violator that is signed by both parties, where the violator voluntarily agrees to resolve a removal-fill violation.

(39) "Consent Order" means a formal, legally binding agreement between the Department and the violator that is signed by both parties, where the violator voluntarily agrees to resolve a removal-fill violation. A Consent Order may not be contested by the violator.

(40) "Converted Wetland" means, for the purposes of OAR 141-085-0020(4),

(a) Wetlands that on or before June 30, 1989, have been diked, drained, dredged, filled, leveled or otherwise manipulated to impair or reduce the flow, circulation or reach of water for the purpose of enabling production of an agricultural commodity and are managed for that purpose; and

(b) Includes land that the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, or its successor agency, certifies as prior converted cropland or farmed wetland, so long as agricultural management of the land has not been abandoned for five or more years.

(41) "Cowardin Classification" means the comprehensive classification system of wetlands and deepwater habitats that was developed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Cowardin et al. 1979).

(42) "Creation" means to convert an area that has never been a wetland to a jurisdictional wetland.

(43) "Creation of an Estuarine Area" means to convert an upland area into a shallow subtidal or an intertidal or tidal marsh area by land surface alteration. The area to be converted must be an upland area lying above the line of nonaquatic vegetation when alteration work begins.

(45) "Culvert" means a conduit designed and functioning to convey stream flows under an obstacle, such as, a corrugated metal pipe used to pass stream flow under a road.

(47) "Dam" means a structure or barrier constructed across a waterway to control the flow of the water.

(48) "Day of Violation" means the first day and each day thereafter on which there is a failure to comply with any provision of the removal-fill law, these rules (OAR 141-085), any rule adopted pursuant to these rules (OAR 141-085), any order adopted in accordance with these rules (OAR 141-085) or any authorization issued in accordance with these rules (OAR 141-085).

(49) "Deep Ripping, Tiling and Moling" refer to certain specific mechanical methods used to promote subsurface drainage of agricultural wetlands.

(50) "Degraded Wetland" refers to a wetland with diminished functional attributes resulting from hydrologic manipulation (such as diking, draining and filling) or other human caused actions or events that demonstrably interfere with the normal functioning of wetland processes.

(51) "Dewatering" is the removal of water from a defined area (e.g., from within a cofferdam) using gravity or mechanical means (e.g. pumping).

(52) "Dike" means any embankment, usually earthen, constructed to control or confine water.

(53) "Directly Connected" as used in connection with exempt forest management practices means conducted as part of a commercial activity relating to the establishment, management or harvest of forest tree species. These activities include reforestation; road construction and maintenance; harvesting of forest tree species; application of chemicals; disposal of slash; site preparation; pre-commercial thinning; pruning; development of rock pits for forest road use; collecting cones and seeds; tree protection such as bud capping; and harvesting of minor forest products. These activities also include riparian and aquatic habitat restoration done as part of a forest management practice. Directly connected does not include fill and removal activities conducted as part of a land use change, even though commercial harvesting of forest tree species may be part of the land use change process.

(54) "Drainage Ditch" means channels excavated from the surface of the ground designed to remove surface or shallow ground waters. Drainage ditches can be characterized by the following:

(a) Typically have no headwaters;

(b) Carry water from local surface areas or subsurface drains;

(c) May be permanently or intermittently wet;

(d) Primarily constructed to remove excess water

(e) Dry ditches are typically dry in summer or early fall and are constructed primarily to carry away water during winter storm events;

(f) Wet ditches are wet all year round and carry water for drainage or irrigation purposes.

(55) "Dolphin" is a cluster of piles or piling which is bound together.

(56) "Drained" means a condition in which ground or surface water has been reduced or eliminated by artificial means.

(57) "Dredge Material Disposal Sites" or "DMD" means geographic locations identified as pre-approved by local government for the stockpiling or disposal of materials dredged from a waterway.

(58) "Dredging" means removal of bed material using other than hand held tools.

(59) "Emergency" means natural or human-caused circumstances that pose an immediate threat to public health, safety or substantial property including crop or farmland.

(60) "Emergency Letter of Authorization" is an expedited authorization that the Department may issue for the removal of material from the beds or banks or filling of any waters of the state in an emergency, for the purpose of making repairs or for the purpose of preventing irreparable harm, injury or damage to persons or property (ORS 196.810(4)).

(61) "Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986" means the federal legislation adopted as Public Law 99-645.

(62) "Enhancement" refers to a human activity that increases the function of an existing degraded wetland.

(63) "Enhancement of an Estuarine Area" means a long-term improvement of existing estuarine functional characteristics and processes that is not the result of a creation or restoration action.

(64) "Environmentally Preferable" means having a higher likelihood of replacing wetland functional attributes or of improving water resources of the state.

(65) "Erosion-Flood Repair" means the placement of riprap or any other work necessary to preserve existing structures, facilities and land from flood and high stream flows.

(66) "Estuarine Resource Replacement" means the creation, the restoration or enhancement of an estuarine area to maintain the functional characteristics and processes of the estuary, such as its natural biological productivity, habitats and diversity of native species, unique features, and water quality.

(67) "Estuary" means a body of water semi-enclosed by land and connected with the open ocean within which salt water is usually diluted by fresh water derived from the land. "Estuary" includes all estuarine waters, tidelands, tidal marshes and submerged lands extending upstream to the head of tidewater. However, for the purposes of these rules, the Columbia River Estuary extends to the western edge of Puget Island.

(68) "Expiration Date" means the date the authorization to conduct the removal-fill specified in the authorization has ended. The authorization holder's obligation to comply with the Department's rules and authorization conditions continues indefinitely.

For example, compensatory wetland mitigation requirements, including monitoring, extend until such requirements are fully satisfied according to the general and specific conditions attached to the authorization.

(69) "Extreme Low Tide" means the lowest estimated tide that can occur. The elevation of Extreme Low Tide under these rules is established at -3.5 feet Mean Lower Low Water.

(70) "Farm or Stock Pond" means a confined water body located on a working farm or ranch, created by human activity and used predominately for agricultural purposes.

(71) "Farm Road" means a road on a working farm and that is used predominantly for agricultural purposes.

(72) "Farm Use" means the current employment of land for the primary purpose of obtaining a profit in money by raising, harvesting and selling crops or the feeding, breeding, management and sale of, or the production of, livestock, poultry, fur-bearing animals or honeybees or for dairying and the sale of dairy products or any other agricultural or horticultural use or animal husbandry or any combination thereof. "Farm Use" includes the preparation, storage and disposal by marketing or otherwise of the products or by-products raised on such land for human or animal use. "Farm Use" also includes the current employment of land for the primary purpose of obtaining a profit in money by stabling or training equines including but not limited to providing riding lessons, training clinics and schooling shows. "Farm Use" also includes the propagation, cultivation, maintenance and harvesting of aquatic species and bird and animal species to the extent allowed by the rules adopted by the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission. "Farm Use" includes the on-site construction and maintenance of equipment and facilities used for the activities described in this subsection. "Farm Use" does not include the use of land subject to the provisions of ORS Chapter 321, except land used exclusively for growing cultured Christmas trees.

(73) "Farmed Wetland" means land that the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture certifies as farmed wetland.

(74) "Federal Endangered Species Act" or "ESA" means 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq., administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS).

(75) "Fen" means a type of wetland that accumulates peat, receives some drainage from surrounding mineral soil and supports a wide range of vegetation types including sedge and moss-dominated communities and coniferous forests.

(76) "Fill" means the total of deposits of material, including pilings, by artificial means equal to or greater than 50 cubic yards at one location in any waters of this state. However, in designated Essential Indigenous Anadromous Salmonid Habitat (ESH) areas (OAR 141-102-0000 to 141-102-0045) and in designated Scenic Waterways (OAR 141-100-0000 to 141-100-0090) "fill" means any deposit by artificial means.

(77) "Financial Assurance(s)" means the money or other form of financial instrument (for example, surety bonds, trust funds, escrow accounts, proof of stable revenue sources for public agencies) required of the sponsor to ensure that the functions of the subject bank are achieved and maintained over the long-term pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Mitigation Bank Instrument.

(78) "Financial Security Instrument" means a Surety Bond, Certificate of Deposit, irrevocable letter of credit or other instrument to guarantee performance.

(79) "Fish Habitat Enhancement" means a project with the sole purpose of improving habitat conditions for fish.

(80) "Fish Passage/Fish Screening Structures" mean devices specifically designed to manage/direct the movement of fish.

(81) "Fishway" means any structure, facility or device that is designed to enable fish to effectively pass around or through an obstruction.

(82) "Floodplain" is that portion of a river valley, adjacent to the channel, which is built of sediments, deposited during the present regimen of the stream and is covered with water when the waterway overflows its banks at flood stage.

(83) "Food and Game Fish" means those species listed under either ORS 506.011 or 496.009.

(84) "Food-Producing Areas for Food and Game Fish" (as used in ORS 196.800 and these rules) are those stream reaches that flow during a portion of every year, that contain food and game fish and all tributaries one stream order classification upstream. For example, if food and game fish are present in a second order stream, then all its first order upstream tributaries would be classified under this definition.

(85) "Forest Management Practices" means commercial activity conducted on forestlands connected with growing and harvesting forest tree species, including but not limited to:

(a) Reforestation;

(b) Road construction and maintenance;

(c) Harvesting of forest tree species;

(d) Application of chemicals; and

(e) Disposal of slash.

(86) "Forestland" means the same as used in the Forest Practices Act and rules (ORS 527.610 to 527.992 and OAR 629-024-0101(26)) as land which is used for the commercial growing and harvesting of forest tree species, regardless of how the land is zoned or taxed or how any state or local statutes, ordinances, rules or regulations are applied.

(87) "Free and Open Connection" as used in OAR 141-085-0015(2) means a connection by any means, including, but not limited to, culverts, to or between natural waterways and other bodies of water that allows the interchange of surface flow at bankful stage or ordinary high water, or at or below mean higher high tide between tidal waterways.

(88) "Functional Attributes" are those ecological characteristics or processes associated with a wetland and the societal benefits derived from those characteristics. These ecological characteristics are widely known as "functions," whereas the associated societal benefits are widely known as "values." For example, wetland functions include, but are not limited to the following: providing habitat areas for fish and wildlife; nutrient breakdown, retention and/or assimilation; stormwater retention and controlled release. Values associated with those functions, respectively, might include: protecting listed species; water quality improvement; and flood attenuation and floodwater storage.

(89) "General Authorization" means a rule adopted by the Department authorizing, without an individual removal-fill permit, a category of activities involving removal or fill, or both, on a statewide or other geographic basis. (OAR 141-085-0070).

(90) "Geographic Region" for the purposes of the payment to provide option of a compensatory wetland mitigation plan, means one of the eighteen (18) Oregon drainage basins identified by the Oregon Water Resources Department (WRD) as shown on maps published by WRD.

(91) "Governmental Body" includes the federal government when operating in any capacity other than navigational servitude, the State of Oregon and every political subdivision therein.

(92) "Gravel" is loose rounded rock, particle size between 2 and 64 mm in diameter.

(93) "Groins" is a general category of structures that are designed to directly influence stream hydraulics, and may include barbs and vanes. The primary function of a groin is to provide roughness, dissipate energy, and reduce velocities near the bank. They may be oriented downstream, perpendicular, or upstream to the flow.

(94) "Habitat Enhancement" means to improve habitat areas through habitat manipulation and management.

(95) "Harvesting" means, for the purposes of OAR 141-085-0020(4), physically removing farm or ranch crops.

(96) "Hatchery" means any water impoundment or facility used for the captive spawning, hatching, or rearing of fish and shellfish.

(97) "Headwater" means the source of a stream or river (e.g. a spring).

(98) "Hearing Officer Panel" means the group established within the Employment Department, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2 to 21, Chapter 849, Oregon Laws, 1999 (later codified within ORS 183.310 to 183.550), to provide hearing officers to conduct contested case proceedings.

(99) "Herbaceous Plants" are non-woody vegetation including forbs, grasses, rushes and sedges.

(100) "Highbanker" means a stationary concentrator capable of being operated outside the wetted perimeter of the water body from which water is removed, and which is used to separate gold and other minerals from aggregate with the use of water supplied by hand or pumping, and consisting of a sluice box, hopper, and water supply. Aggregate is supplied to the highbanker by means other than suction dredging. This definition excludes mini-rocker boxes.

(101) "Highbanking" means the use of a highbanker for the recovery of minerals.

(102) "Highest Measured Tide" means the highest tide projected from actual observations of a tide staff within an estuary or tidal bay.

(103) "Hydraulicing" means the use of water spray or water under pressure to dislodge minerals and other material from placer deposits.

(104) "Hydric Soil" is a soil that is formed under conditions of saturation, flooding or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part.

(105) "Hydrophytic Vegetation" means macrophytic plant life growing in water or on a substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of excessive water content.

(106) "Hydrogeomorphic Method" or "HGM" is a method of wetland classification and functional assessment based on a wetland's location in the landscape and the sources and duration of water flow. The HGM approach identifies the wetland classes present in each region, defines the functions that each class of wetlands performs, and establishes reference sites to define the range of functioning of each wetland class.

(107) "Impact" or "Effect" means the actual, expected or predictable results of an activity upon waters of the state including water resources, navigation, fishing and public recreation uses.

(108) "Impounded Waters," means waters behind dams, weirs or other structures as measured to the maximum pool or top of the spillway, whichever is lower.

(109) "Individual Removal-Fill Permit" is a permit issued to a person for a specific removal and/or fill activity that is not subject to a General Authorization or Emergency Authorization as defined in these rules.

(110) "Intergovernmental Agreement" means a memorandum of agreement (MOA), memorandum of understanding (MOU), intergovernmental agreement (IGA), or other forms of agreement between government entities.

(111) "Intermittent Stream" means any stream that flows during a portion of every year and which provides spawning, rearing or food-producing areas for food and game fish.

(112) "Intertidal or Tidal Marsh Area of an Estuary" means those lands lying between extreme low tide and the line of nonaquatic vegetation (Figure 1, Estuarine Mitigation The Oregon Process, Department of State Lands, April 1984, p 8).

(113) "Invasive Plants" mean non-native plants that aggressively compete with native species. For example, invasive plants include English ivy, reed canary grass and Himalayan blackberry.

(114) "Irrigation Ditches" are channels excavated on the surface of the ground designed to convey water for the purpose of irrigating crops or pasture.

(115) "Jetty or Jetties" means a pier or other structure projecting into a body of water to influence the current or tide or protect a harbor or shoreline.

(116) "Land and Water Conservation Fund Act" means the federal legislation adopted as Public Law 88-578, as amended. (16 U.S.C. Section 460-L et seq.)

(117) "Large Woody Material" means trees or tree parts larger than ten inches in diameter at the smallest end and longer than six feet, including rootwads.

(118) "Legally Protected Interest" means a claim, right, share, or other entitlement that is protected under state or federal law. A legally protected interest includes, but is not limited to, an interest in property.

(119) "Letter of Authorization" is issued to a person confirming that the activity described in an application meets the requirements of a specific General Authorization adopted in accordance with these rules.

(120) "Levee" means a human-made feature that restricts movement of water into or through an area.

(121) "Line of Nonaquatic Vegetation" means the upper limit of wetland vegetation, or, the point at which characteristic upland species become established in the vegetation, or, if not discernible, the line of Highest Measured Tide which is a projection from the highest tide actually observed on a tide staff within the estuary.

(122) "Listed Species" means any species listed as endangered or threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) and/or any species listed as endangered, threatened or sensitive under the Oregon Endangered Species Act (OESA).

(123) "Location" as used in OAR 141-084-0010(76) means a physical place where a project is proposed, authorized or conducted.

(124) "Maintenance" means the periodic repair or upkeep of a structure in order to maintain its original function. Maintenance does not include any modification that changes the use of the structure. Maintenance includes expansion of a structure by not more than (20) twenty percent of its original footprint within the waters of the state.

(125) "Maintenance Dredging" means dredging to maintain the serviceability of an existing dredged channel to the previously authorized depths and areas for a previously defined project.

(126) "Material" means rock, gravel, sand, silt and other inorganic substances removed from waters of the state and any materials, organic or inorganic, used to fill waters of the state.

(127) "Maximum Pool Elevation" means the highest operating level of a reservoir.

(128) "Mining Access Road" means a road constructed for the sole purpose of serving a commercial gravel, placer or lode operation.

(129) "Mitigation" means the reduction of adverse effects of a proposed project by considering, in the following order:

(a) Avoiding the impact altogether by not taking a certain action or parts of an action;

(b) Minimizing impacts by limiting the degree or magnitude of the action and its implementation;

(c) Rectifying the impact by repairing, rehabilitating or restoring the affected environment;

(d) Reducing or eliminating the impact over time by preservation and maintenance operations during the life of the action by monitoring and taking appropriate corrective measures; and

(e) Compensating for the impact by replacing or providing comparable substitute wetlands or other waters.

(130) "Mitigation Bank" or "Bank" means wetland(s) and any associated buffer(s) restored, enhanced, created, or protected, whose credits may be sold or exchanged to compensate for unavoidable future wetland losses due to removal, fill, or alteration activities. ORS 196.600(2) further defines this term.

(131) "Mitigation Bank Credit" or "Credit" means the measure of the increase in wetland functional attributes achieved at a mitigation bank site. Wetland credits are the unit of exchange for compensatory wetland mitigation. ORS 196.600 (2) further defines this term.

(132) "Mitigation Bank Instrument" or "Instrument" means the legally binding and enforceable agreement between the Director and a mitigation bank sponsor that formally establishes the wetland mitigation bank and stipulates the terms and conditions of its construction, operation, and long-term management. The Instrument is usually in the form of a memorandum of agreement signed by members of the Mitigation Bank Review Team (MBRT), but an order from the Department makes the Instrument legally binding and enforceable if a removal-fill permit is not required to construct the bank.

(133) "Mitigation Bank Prospectus" or "Prospectus" is a preliminary document prepared by a mitigation bank sponsor describing a proposed bank in detail sufficient to enable initial review by the Department. The Department uses the Prospectus to initially determine whether the proposed bank would be technically feasible, whether the bank is likely to be needed, and whether the bank can meet the policies stated in these rules.

(134) "Mitigation Bank Review Team" or "MBRT" is an advisory committee to the Department and the Corps on wetland mitigation bank projects.

(135) "Mitigation Bank Sponsor" or "Sponsor" is a person who is proposing, or has established and/or is maintaining a mitigation bank. The sponsor is the entity that assumes all legal responsibilities for carrying out the terms of the Instrument unless specified otherwise explicitly in the Instrument.

(136) "Movement by Artificial Means," means to excavate, alter or otherwise displace material such as, but not limited to: mechanically moving gravel within a streambed, suction dredging for recreational or placer mining, blasting, plowing, and land clearing activities such as grading, scraping and displacing of inorganic material associated with stump removal (except as otherwise allowed by OAR 141-085-0020 for normal farming and ranching activities and other exempted actions).

(137) "Native Vegetation" means plant species that occurred or are documented to have occurred within the State of Oregon prior to Euro-American settlement.

(138) "Natural Biological Productivity" means the sum of all biomass production in an estuary including biological production at all trophic levels under, on, and above the land surface within the waters of the state.

(139) "Natural Resources In and Under the Waters of this State" means aquatic life and habitats and includes resources such as shellfish beds, spawning and rearing areas for anadromous fish, gravel and minerals, and other sites and avenues for public recreation, navigation and public commerce within the waters of this state.

(140) "Natural Waterways," as used in ORS 196.800(14), means waterways created naturally by geological and hydrological processes, waterways that would be natural but for human-caused disturbances (e.g., channelized or culverted streams, impounded waters, partially drained wetlands or ponds created in wetlands) and that otherwise meet the definition of waters of the state, and certain artificially created waterways as described in "Other Bodies of Water" (OAR 141-085-0015 (2)(e)).

(141) "Navigational Servitude" means activities of the Federal Government that directly result in the construction or maintenance of Congressionally authorized navigation channels.

(142) "Normal Farming and Ranching Activities" for the purpose of the exemption on converted wetlands (OAR 141-085-0020) are activities that directly adapt or use the land for the growing of crops or the raising of livestock and are unique to agriculture.

(143) "Non-Motorized Methods or Activities" are those removal-fill activities within Essential Indigenous Anadromous Salmonid Habitat that are completed by hand and are not powered by internal combustion, hydraulics, pneumatics, or electricity. Hand-held tools such as wheelbarrows, shovels, rakes, hammers, pry bars and cable winches are examples of common non-motorized methods.

(144) "Non-Navigable" means a waterway that is not navigable for title purposes or where title navigability has not been determined by the State Land Board in accordance with ORS 274. Contact the Department for the latest listing of navigable waterways.

(145) "Non-Water Dependent Uses" means uses which do not require location on or near a waterway to fulfill their basic purpose.

(146) "Non-Wetland" means an area that does not meet the wetland definition and criteria.

(147) "Ocean Shore" means the land lying between extreme low tide of the Pacific Ocean and the statutory vegetation line as described by ORS 390.770 or the line of established upland shore vegetation, whichever is farther inland. "Ocean shore" does not include an estuary as defined in ORS 196.800. The "Ocean shore" is regulated by the Oregon Department of Parks and Recreation.

(148) "Off-site compensatory wetland mitigation" or "off-site CWM" means activities conducted away from the project site to restore, create or enhance wetland function attributes in order to compensate for the adverse impacts to wetlands from project development.

(149) "On-site compensatory wetland mitigation" or "on-site CWM" means activities conducted at the project site to restore, create or enhance wetland functional attributes in order to compensate for the adverse impacts to wetlands from project development.

(150) "Ordinary High Water Line" (OHWL) means the line on the bank or shore to which the high water ordinarily rises annually in season (ORS 274.005). The OHWL excludes exceptionally high water levels caused by large flood events (e.g. 100 year events). OHWL is indicated in the field by the following physical characteristics:

(a) Clear, natural line impressed on the shore;

(b) Change in vegetation (riparian (e.g. willows) to upland (e.g. oak, fir) dominated);

(c) Textural change of depositional sediment or changes in the character of the soil (e.g. from sand, sand and cobble, cobble and gravel to upland soils);

(d) Elevation below which no fine debris (needles, leaves, cones, seeds) occurs;

(e) Presence of litter and debris, water-stained leaves, water lines on tree trunks; and/or

(f) Other appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas.

(151) "Oregon Endangered Species Act" or "OESA" means ORS 496.171 to ORS 496.192, administered by ODFW, and ORS 564.010 to ORS 564.994 administered by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA).

(152) "Oregon Scenic Waterway" means a river or segment of river or lake that has been designated as such in accordance with ORS 390.805 to 390.925.

(153) "Oregon Wetlands Priority Plan" or "Plan" means a plan developed pursuant to these rules and approved by the State Land Board that establishes a procedure for setting priorities and creates a list of wetlands and interests therein for possible acquisition in accordance with the federal Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-645).

(154) "Other Waters" means waters of the state other than wetlands.

(155) "Passive Revegetation" means a strategy allowing the re-establishment of non-invasive vegetation without planting or seeding.

(156) "Payment to Provide Mitigation" means compensatory wetland mitigation performed using cash paid to the Department or by agreement of the Department to an approved third party.

(157) "Perennial Stream" means a stream with flow that lasts throughout the year.

(158) "Person" is an individual, a political subdivision or government agency, or any corporation, association, firm, partnership, joint stock company, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or quasi-public corporation registered to do business in the State of Oregon.

(159) "Piles/Piling" is a wood, steel or concrete beam placed, driven or jetted into the beds or banks of a water of the state.

(160) "Placer" includes a glacial or alluvial deposit of gravel or sand containing eroded particles of minerals, eroded hard rock vein material (residual placer) and clay.

(161) "Plan View" means a drawing of the project site drawn as if the viewer were seeing the area from overhead.

(162) "Plant Community" is an assemblage of plants that repeat across the landscape in a similar environment. Plant communities are named according to the dominant plant in each of the layers that are present, either shrub, tree or forb.

(163) "Plowing" means, for the purposes of OAR 141-085-0020(4), all forms of primary tillage, including moldboard, chisel, or wide-blade plowing, discing, harrowing, and similar physical means for the breaking up, cutting, turning over, or stirring of soil to prepare it for the planting of crops. Plowing does not include the redistribution of soil, rock, sand, or other surface materials in a manner that changes any areas of the water of the state to dryland. For example, the redistribution of surface materials by blading, grading, or other means to fill in wetlands areas is not plowing. Plowing, as described above, will never involve filling.

(164) "Pond" means an artificially confined body of water.

(165) "Pool" means a portion of the stream with reduced current velocity, often with water deeper than the surrounding areas.

(166) "Practicable" means capable of being accomplished after taking into consideration cost, existing technology, and logistics with respect to the overall project purpose.

(167) "Prior Converted Cropland" means land that the Natural Resource Conservation Service of the United States Department of Agriculture, or its successor agency, certifies as prior converted cropland.

(168) "Private Operator" means any person undertaking a project for exclusively a nonincome-producing and nonprofit purpose;

(169) "Project" means the primary development or use intended to be accomplished (e.g. retail shopping complex, residential development) .

(170) "Project Area" means the physical space in which the removal-fill takes place including any on site or off-site mitigation site. "Project Area" includes the entire area of ground disturbance, even though not within waters of the state, including all staging areas and access ways, both temporary and permanent.

(171) "Proposed Enforcement Order" means a notice of civil penalty, proposed restoration order or any other proposed order issued by the Department to enforce the requirements of the Removal-Fill Law. The proposed order contains provisions allowing the alleged violator to request a contest case hearing. If the alleged violator does not elect this option, then a final order is issued.

(172) "Prospecting" means searching or exploring for samples of gold, silver or other precious minerals, using nonmotorized methods from among small quantities of aggregate.

(173) "Protection" means to prevent human activities from destroying or degrading functions of waters of state.

(174) "Public Body" means federal, state, and local governmental bodies, unless specifically exempted by law, engaged in projects for the purpose of providing free public services (ORS 196.815(3)(d)(B));

(175) "Public Use" means a publicly owned project or a privately owned project that is available for use by the public.

(176) "Push-up Dam" is a berm of streambed material that is excavated or bulldozed (i.e. pushed-up) from within the streambed itself and positioned in the stream in such a way as to hold or divert water in an active flowing stream (i.e. a 'removal'). The push-up dam may extend part way or all the way across the stream. Push-up dams are most frequently used to divert water for irrigation purposes associated with agricultural production including livestock watering. Push-up dams are re-constructed each water use season; high water usually flattens or breaches them or equipment is used to breach or flatten them at the close of the water use season.

(177) "Rare Plant Communities" means plant community types ranked by the Oregon Natural Heritage program as either S1 or S2. Rare plant communities are threatened by either natural or human-made causes.

(178) "Reasonably Expected Adverse Impacts" means the direct or indirect damaging or injurious impacts or effects of an activity that is likely to occur to waters of the state including water resources and navigation, fishing and public recreation uses.

(179) "Recreational and Small Scale Placer Mining" includes, but is not limited to, the use of non-motorized equipment and motorized surface dredges having an intake nozzle with an inside diameter not exceeding four (4) inches, and a muffler meeting or exceeding factory-installed noise reduction standards. This phrase does not include "prospecting" as defined by OAR 141-085-0010 above, which does not require a permit or letter authorization from the Department.

(180) "Reconstruction" means to rebuild; to construct again.

(181) "Reference Site" means a site or sites that have similar characteristics as those proposed for direct compensatory wetland mitigation. A reference site represents the desired future successful condition of a particular compensatory wetland mitigation plan.

(182) "Removal" means the taking of more than 50 cubic yards of material (or its equivalent weight in tons) in any waters of this state in any calendar year; or the movement by artificial means of an equivalent amount of material on or within the bed of such waters, including channel relocation. However, in designated Essential Indigenous Anadromous Salmonid Habitat (ESH) areas (OAR 141-102) and in designated Scenic Waterways (OAR 141-100) the 50-cubic-yard minimum threshold does not apply.

(183) "Removal-Fill Law" means the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 196.800 to 196.990 and 196.600 to 196.692 relating to the filling and/or the removal of material in the waters of this state including wetlands.

(184) "Restoration" means to reestablish wetland hydrology to a former wetland sufficient to support wetland characteristics.

(185) "Restoration of an Estuarine Area" means to revitalize or re-establish functional characteristics and processes of the estuary diminished or lost by past alterations, activities, or catastrophic events. A restored area must be a shallow subtidal or an intertidal or tidal marsh area after alteration work is performed, and may not have been a functioning part of the estuarine system when alteration work begins.

NOTE: Mitigation credit may be given for enhancement of areas that are already a functioning part of the estuarine system.

(186) "Restoration Order" means a legally binding order that requires a violator to restore water resources of the state or provide compensatory mitigation, and in addition may include payment of a civil penalty to the Common School Fund.

(187) "Revetment" is a blanket of hard material placed to form a structure designed to protect a bank from erosion. It is normally composed of rock riprap, but can be constructed of poured concrete or preformed concrete blocks.

(188) "Riparian" means a zone of transition from an aquatic ecosystem to a terrestrial ecosystem, as defined in ORS 541.351(10).

(189) "Riprap" means facing a streambank with rock or similar substance to control erosion in accordance with these regulations.

(190) "Road Prism" means the excavation and embankment areas of roadbed within the waters of the state.

(191) "Scenic Waterway" means a river or segment of river or lake that has been designated as such in accordance with Oregon Scenic Waterway Law ORS 390.805 to 390.925.

(192) "Sediment" is material that originated from the weathering of rocks and decomposition of organic material that is transported by, suspended in, and eventually deposited by water, air or is accumulated in beds by other natural phenomena (e.g. sand, silt).

(193) "Seeding" means, for the purpose of OAR 141-085-0020(4), the sowing of seed and placement of seedlings to produce farm or ranch crops.

(194) "Serviceable" means capable of being used for its intended purpose. For example, a serviceable road is one upon which vehicles can be safely driven.

(195) "Service Area" means the boundaries set forth in a mitigation bank instrument that include one or more watersheds identified on the United States Geological Survey, Hydrologic Unit Map, 1794, State of Oregon, for which a mitigation bank provides credits to compensate for adverse effects from project development. Service areas for mitigation banks are not mutually exclusive.

(196) "Shellfish" are saltwater and freshwater invertebrates with a shell, including but not limited to clams, crabs, mussels, oysters, piddocks, scallops and shrimp.

(197) "Showing Before the Department " means to prove, make apparent, or make clear by presenting evidence to the Director of the Department of State Lands or designee.

(198) "Siltation/Deposition" means the settlement or accumulation of material out of the water column and into the streambed of the waterway. It occurs when the energy of flowing water is unable to support the load of the suspended sediment.

(199) "Sluice Box" means a trough equipped with riffles across its bottom, used to recover gold and other minerals with the use of water.

(200) "Sluicing" means the use of a sluice box for the recovery of gold and other minerals.

(201) "Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan" means the plan created by the State Parks and Recreation Department pursuant to the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, as amended (16 U.S.C.460-L et seq.) ORS 196.635.

(202) "Stormwater" means storm water runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage.

(203) "Stream" means a body of running water moving over the surface of the land in a channel or bed including stream types classified as perennial, intermittent and channelized or relocated streams.

(204) "Stream Order Classification" means a system to categorize streams. A small unbranched headwater tributary is a first order stream. Two first order streams join to make a second order stream. A third order stream has only first and second order tributaries and so forth. (continued)