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(4) At least one washer and dryer accessible for every ten units in the community housing development.
(b) A sponsor of a congregate housing development shall implement supportive services through a plan which provides for supportive services at a maximum feasible level consistent with the size, design and purpose of the proposed congregate housing development. Prior to loan closing, the plan must be approved by the department. At a minimum, the plan shall:

(1) assist each household which requires child care because of employment or to attend employment training programs to find affordable child care;
(2) provide adequate common space to accommodate community purposes such as sharing of meals or child care;
(3) provide at least one washer and dryer in a common space; and
(4) demonstrate that the project provides an outside play area for households with children, or is located in close proximity to a playground, park, or similar facility.
(c) Upon demonstration by a sponsor that a reasonable attempt was made to obtain other funds for the construction of the child care center, the department shall allow program funds to pay for eligible costs associated with the child care center not funded by other sources. A sponsor may demonstrate that a reasonable attempt was made by making application to and receiving responses from three sources who provide construction financing for child care centers other than the department.
(d) For projects that include an on-site child care center, the sponsor shall develop a management plan for the center, subject to department approval, prior to loan closing. The plan shall be consistent with this subchapter and shall include the following:
(1) a description of the role and responsibility of the sponsor in managing a child care center;
(2) a description of the role and responsibility of either the management agent or lessor, if a separate entity will be either managing the child care center or leasing the child care center from the sponsor in order to meet the requirements of (a)(1) above on behalf of the sponsor;
(3) the proposed child care center management agreement or lease, if any;
(4) a description of the age groups, and numbers of children within each age group, for which care will be provided at the center;
(5) a description of the hours of operation at the child care center;
(6) personnel policy and staffing arrangements for the sponsor, any management agent of the child care center, and any leaseholder of the child care center;

(7) plans and procedures for publicizing and achieving early and continued use of the child care spaces;
(8) a description of the placement preferences for children in the child care center, pursuant to (a)(1)(E) above;
(9) child care fee collection policies and procedures, including procedures for annually determining the appropriate child care fee for each household residing in an assisted unit, pursuant to (a)(1)(D) above;
(10) a description of a program for maintaining adequate accounting records and handling necessary forms and vouchers;
(11) complaint procedures;
(12) equal opportunity provisions that apply to hiring staff and placement of children in the child care center;
(13) plans for carrying out an effective maintenance and repair program for the child care center; and

(14) provisions for periodic update of the child care center management plan.
(e) The department shall allow a sponsor to include additional supportive services which are appropriate to the needs of the residents. These may include, but are not limited to the following:
(1) a supportive services needs assessment for each household;
(2) health care;
(3) mental health counseling;
(4) parent education;
(5) classes on living skills, budgeting and money management;
(6) conflict resolution;
(7) recreational programs; and

(8) services appropriate for elderly or handicapped residents.
(f) Participation by tenant in any supportive service program described in this section shall not be a condition of occupancy for residents in rental housing developments.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 50406(n), 50884 and 50895, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 50888.7, 50891.5 and 50893.9(a), Health and Safety Code.

s 8128. Job Training and Placement Program Requirements.
(a) The sponsor shall submit for department approval, as part of the application and again prior to loan closing, a job training and placement program available to eligible households which shall include the following components:
(1) an ongoing effort to assess employment opportunities in the area;

(2) an individual vocational assessment program which will assist a resident in evaluating the types of employment that are available, the types of employment that the resident is interested in pursuing, and the education and skills training appropriate to the employment goals;
(3) training that provides remedial education in English, reading, writing, mathematics, and science, as well as skills development in the types of employment opportunities that are generally available in the area;
(4) training to develop job interview skills, such as resume writing, personal appearance and presentation skills;
(5) a job placement component; and
(6) a detailed timeline indicating full implementation of the program within 18 months of initial occupancy of the first assisted unit in the rental housing development.
(b) The sponsor shall implement the job training and placement program described in subdivision (a) either directly or through a consultant or consultants pursuant to a contract which is subject to the approval of the department. Implementation of the program may involve a system of referrals to other agencies that will provide the services set forth in subsection (a) to the eligible households. Prior to loan closing, the sponsor shall submit evidence of commitments for funding or services necessary to implement the job training and placement program described in subsection (a).
(c) The sponsor of a rental housing development shall propose and implement a program of job training and placement within the rental housing development. Such a program shall include:
(1) an identification of positions available in the management and operation of the rental housing development, including the child care center, the job training and placement program, and the on-site resident manager, if any; and
(2) a program to provide training opportunities to eligible households for the positions identified in (c)(1);
(3) a hiring preference in the positions identified in (c)(1) for eligible households of the rental housing development; and
(4) a detailed timeline indicating full implementation of the program within 18 months of initial occupancy of the first assisted unit in the rental housing development.
(d) Failure to participate in job training and placement programs described in subdivisions (a) and (c) shall not constitute "good cause" for termination of the tenancy of a resident in a rental housing development.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 50406(n), 50884 and 50895, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 50888.5 and 50891.5, Health and Safety Code.

s 8129. Seismic Rehabilitation Improvement.
To be eligible to receive program funds for seismic rehabilitation improvements, a project must either:
(a) involve a structure which is identified as a potentially hazardous building by the local agency in which it is located, pursuant to section 8875.1 of the Government Code; or
(b) involve a structure identified as hazardous in accordance with a previously adopted city or county seismic safety ordinance adopted pursuant to section 19163 of the Health and Safety Code.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 50406(n), 50884 and 50895, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 50881.5(f).

s 8130. Application Process.
(a) The department shall issue a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) which specifies the schedule for rating and ranking applications, and awarding funds at least once every three months; the amount of funds available in each award cycle; application requirements; the allocation of rating points; and the general terms and conditions of funding commitments. Applications in response to each NOFA will be accepted on a continuous basis.
(b) Within 45 days of the receipt of an application, the department shall provide the applicant with written notice indicating whether the application is complete pursuant to section 8131(c) and eligible for rating and ranking pursuant to section 8132(a).
(1) If the application is not complete, but has not been determined to be ineligible for rating and ranking, the notice shall specify the information or documentation necessary to complete the application. Within 15 days of the receipt of any additional information or documentation from the applicant, the department shall provide the applicant with written notice indicating whether the additional information or documentation is sufficient to determine that the application is complete.
(2) If the application is not eligible for rating and ranking, the notice shall provide an explanation of the reasons for this determination.
(c) Funding decisions shall be based on a rating and ranking of applications determined to be complete and eligible for rating and ranking pursuant to subdivision (b).
(1) An application must be received by the department and determined to be complete and eligible for rating and ranking at least 45 days prior to the completion of the next scheduled period of rating and ranking to be assured of consideration in that rating and ranking.
(2) Within 15 days following the completion of each rating and ranking, the department shall provide each applicant with a written notice indicating whether its application has been approved for funding. If an application is not approved, the notice shall include an explanation of the rating and ranking and the reasons for the disapproval.
(d) A project selected for funding shall be approved for a loan in the amount, for the term, and subject to the conditions specified by the department.
(e) At least 20 percent of all program funds loaned by the department shall be allocated to rural areas, to the extent that applications are made from sponsors with projects located in rural areas and such applications receive at least 60 percent of the total possible priority points during rating and ranking.
(f) The department shall award approximately one-half of the available funds to projects located in the southern portion of the state and the balance to projects located in the northern portion of the state.
(1) The southern portion of the state includes the counties Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura.
(2) The northern portion of the state includes the remaining counties of the state.
(g) The department shall award not less than 25 percent, nor more than 35 percent, of the funds to develop congregate housing developments.
(h) If necessary to satisfy the distribution requirements specified in subdivisions (e), (f) and (g), the department shall do one or more of the following:
(1) issue a special NOFA for rural projects, for projects located in the southern or northern portion of the state, or for congregate housing development or for community housing developments;
(2) award bonus points to rural projects, for projects located in the southern or northern portion of the state, or for congregate housing development or for congregate housing developments;
(3) reserve a portion of funds specified in the NOFA for rural projects, for projects located in the southern or northern portion of the state, or for congregate housing development or for community housing developments.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 50406(n), 50884 and 50895, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 50882(c), 50887, 50889.5 and 50891, Health and Safety Code.

s 8131. Application Requirements.
(a) Application shall be made on form HCD 793, dated 6/91, Family Housing Demonstration Program Loan Application as set forth in subsection (b) This form is provided by the department.
(b) Form HCD 793, dated 6/91, Family Housing Demonstration Program Loan Application:



Project Name
Project Location Zip Code
Applicant [FNa1]
Address County
Constact Person
Applicant Telephone ( ) FAX No. (if available): ( )
Consultant/Application Preparer
Consultant Telephone ( ) FAX No. (if available): ( )

[FNa1] The applicant must be a currently organized legal entity.
Introduction: Fill out the application completely. If an attachment is included with the applicaiton, check the 'yes' column in the checklist below. If an attachment is not included, check 'no' and note the reason on the 'comments' line. Please use labeled tabs for all attachments, organized according to this checklist, with attachments placed at the end of the complete application.

A. Project Summary YES NO COMMENTS
No Attachments
B. Applicant
Attachment B1a Partnership
Attachment B1b Financial
Attachment B1c Resolution/Aut-
Attachment B3 Applicant's
Attachment B4 Development
Attachment B5 Property
Attachment B6 Development

Attachment B7 Ownership
Attachment B8 Aplicant's
C. Supportive Services
Attachment C1 Child Care
Attachment C2 Child Care
Attachment C4 Child Care
Attachment C5 Child Care
Attachment C6 Child Care
Attachment C7 Child Care
Attachment C8 Congregate

Child Care
Attachment C9 Other Support
D. Job Training
Attachment D1 Jobs Program
Attachment D2 Jobs
Attachment D3 Jobs
Attachment D4 Proper Jobs
E. Project Cash Flow
Attachment E2 Operating
Attachment E3 Child Care
Attachment E4e Operating

F. Development Budget
No Attachment
G. Project Financing
Attachment G1 Sources &
Attachment G2a Loans
Attachment G2b Grants/Donated
Attachment G2c Contributions
Attachment G2d Syndicaion
H. Site Information
Attachment H3 Site Control
Attachment H4 Preliminary
Title Report
Attachment H5 Site Apraisal
Attachment H6 Building

Attachment H8 Vicinity Map
Attachment H11 Toxics Survey
Attachment H12 Utilities
Attachment H13 Soils Report
Attachment H14 Off-site
I. Local Government
Attachment I1 Zoning
Attachment I2 Conditional Use
Attachment I3 Parcel Map
Attachment I4 Article XXXIV
Attachment I6 Local
J. Relocation
Attachment J1a Occupancy &

Attachment J1b Tenant Notice Amendment J1c
Relocation Plan
Attachment J2a Description
of Condition
Attachment J2b Relocation
K. Design and Construction
Attachment K2 Foreclosure
Attachment K9a Existing
Attachment K9b Inspection
Attachment K9c Proposed Rehab-
Attachment K9d Rehab Estimates
Attachment K9e Seismac Report
Attachment K9f Resume
Attachment K910a Materials
Attachment K910b New

Attachment K910c Schematic
L. Project Timeline
No Attachments
M. Local Need and Local
Attachment M1a Length of Wait
for Units
Attachment M1b Rents and
vacancy Rates
Attachment M1c High Rental
Attachment M2 Financial
Attachment M3 Housing


1. Check all that apply:
Community housing Congregate housing
New construction Acquisition Conversion
General rehabilitation Seismic rehabilitation Reconstruction
Multi-family units Single family unit(s) Includes commercial
2. Proposed FHDP loan amount:
3. Propposed term of loan:
a. Rehabilitation only: ( )20 Years ( ) other:
b. Acqusition/financing & rehabilitation: ( )30
years ( ) other:
c. New construction: ( ) 40 years ( ) other:

4. Proposed term of program regeulatory agreement:
...How many years in addition to the minimum required by Section 8115(b) of the regulations are you committing to maintain rent and occupancy restrictions similar to program restrictions? Note, this answer affects your rating score. Refer to regulation subsection 8132(c)(1)(B).
5. Total units:
...Total assisted units:
...Percentage of assisted units that are very low-income (at least two thirds of assisted units): %
6. Total very low-income assisted units:
... Percentage of units that are assisted (at least 30% of total project units): %
7. Total elderly units:
...Percentage of community housing units that are elderly (20%-30%): %
...Percentage of congregate housing units (households) that are elderly (<50%): %
8. Specify any proposed limits on occupancy, such as a specific type of tenant population, beyond those required by FHDP.
9. If the project includes commercial space, describe:
10. Provide the names of the state legislators for the site location:

1. The applicant is a (check one)
( )public agency ( )cooperative ( )limited equity housing
( )nonprofit corporation ( )joint venture

( )limited paertnership with a nonprofit corporation as its managing genral

a. If applicant is a limited partnership with a nonprofit corporation as its managing general partner or if applicant is a joint venture, list all general partners and attach agreement.
b. Unless applicant is a public agency, attach other (1) audited financial statements or (2) unaudited financial statements and tax returns for the past two years. If applicant is a limited partnership, include the requested information for the nonprofit managing general partner. If applicant is a joint venture, include the requested information for each partner.
c. Attach a resolution authorizing this application. (See the attached SAMPLE RESOLUTION.)
2. Is any syndication or transfer of ownership to another entity planned prior to occupancy? Yes No If yes, describe below. Provide the name of the new ownership entity, if known. If it is a limited partnership, list the general partners and the entities with which they are affiliated.
3. Attach a list of the applicant's staff assigned to the development phase of this project, providing their name, job title, job description, resume, and percentage of time assigned to this project. If applicant is a nonprofit corporation, attach a list of the board of directors and include a description of their related experience.
4. Attach a list of the key members of the project development team including the architect, and contractor, if selected. For each, indicate what their contract or employment status is, and attach a resume or qualifications statement for each. Attach actual or proposed consultant contracts which clearly indicate the scope of work to be performed.
5. Property management will be performed by:
The applicant or an entity affiliated with the applicant.
A currently identified management firm, under contract to the applicant.
A currently unidientified management firm, under contract to the applicant.
If the applicant plans to manage the project or contract with a currently identified management firm, attach a list of projects currently under management. Use the following formal:
Development Name:
Site Address:
Number of units: subsidized: market: total:
Subsidiy program:
6. Development Experience: Attach a description of rental housing projects similar to the proposed development for the applicant or project manager has developed using the following format for each project. The 'project manager' may be a staff person or consultant. They must have clear responsibility for day-to-day project development activities for the proposed project throughout the development period (from proposal to construction completion). Applicant or Project Manager roles typically should be one or more of the following: developer, development consultant, or staff for the prior experience indicated. If claiming experience in staff role, indicate specific responsibilities and job title.
Applicant/Project manager name:__________________________ Applicant/Project Manager_________________________________________
Development name:_____________________________________________
Number of units: subsidized: market: total:
Subsidy program:
Major construction lender: major permanent lender___ ___________________________________________________
Construction completion date: / /
New construction: or rehabilitation: building type
8. In an attachment, briefly describe each program/project that the applicant is currently implementing.
9. List below any program or financial assistance that the applicant has received from HCD.

Program Contract No. Amount Date HCD Contact

1. Attach a resume describing experience of the members of the. project development that will be responsible for assuring that the on-site child care center is developed in accordance with all applicable local, state, and government requirements
2. If FHDP funds are being requested to pay for costs in excess of 50% of the total costs associated with developing the child care center, attach documents that the applicant made a reasonable attempt to obtain other funding for the construction of the child care center. Such documentation should indicate evidence that the applicant made application to and received responses from at least three funding sources other than the department.
3. The on-site child care center will be operated by (check one):
the sponsor
a separate entity contracting with the sponsor to manage the center
a separate entity leasing the center
4. If the sponsor plans to operate the center by having it managed by or leased to a separate entity, attach the following:
a. a description of the legal status and governing structure of the operator;
b. a description of the role and responsibility of the sponsor, leaseholder or management agent. Specifically address the following areas of responsibility: center start-up; financial management, including securing subsidies; personnel; program development;
5. Attach a resume(s) or other information describing the experience of the organization and individual proposed to be responsible for the operation of the child care center. Include details on their experience in operating subsidized child care programs.
6. Attach information on the need in your community for infant, preschool, and school-age child care services. Provide information on market rates in your community for these services. (Note: the local Child Care Resource and Referral Agency will have this infomration.)
7. Attach a description of the staffing lan of the child care center. (Staffing ratios should correspond to the number and type of child care spaces contained in Section E.1.a.) Attach proposed job descriptions, and actual resumes, if available.
8. For congregate housing developments, provide an explanation of why it is not feasible to develop an on-site child care center as part of your project. For developments that are not providing a child care center, attach a detailed description of the alternative plan to assist each household which requires child care.
9. Attach a detailed description of the supportive services, other than child care, which will be provided to the residents. Include a description of the following:
a. Explain who will provide the services, including a description of their previous experience at operating similar supportive services;
b. Explain how the services will be paid for:
c. Evidence the value of the services on an annual basis.
1. Attach a detailed description of how your development's job training and placement program will work. Include in your description the following:
a. an assessment of the employment barriers of prospective FHDP households;
b. the goals of your program;
c. the components of your program, which at a minimum should indicate the following (described in Section 8128 of the FHDP regulations):
i. individual vocational assessment;
ii. remedial education and employment skills development;
iii. job interview skills development;
iv. job placement, including a description of the major employment opportunities in the are that could be available to residents.
d. implementation of your program. Include how these services will be delivered to FHDP households, including marketing, referrals, and follow-up.
2. Describe who will be responsible for each component of your program. For each component include the following:
a. history and experience of program operation (i.e. brochures, annual reports, etc.);
b. letter of interest from program operatiors;
c. estimated value of service to be provided to FHDP households on an annual basis (i.e., JTPA training and related benefits).
3. If your program will employ a project-based coordinator, explain job duties and how the position will be funded. (Funding for position should be reflected in Section E.)
4. Attach a description of all employment opportunities in the management and operation of the rental housing development (including the child care center and the job training program) that will be available to FHDP households. Include the following descriptions:
a. type of job available;
b. how residents will be trained;
c. who will provide training.
1. Monthly Operting Income
a. Child Care Spaces In The Child Care Center:

Affordability Type of Child Monthly No. of Total Monthly
Fee Children Fee
Very Low-Income [FNa1] Infant
School age
VLI Total
Lower-Income [FNa1] Infant

School age
LI Total
Market Spaces Infant
School age
MS Total

[FNa1] To calculate the monthly fee for very low-income and lower- income spaces, use the Family Fee Schedule and assume the following:
Low-income households at 60% of area median income

Very low-income households at 35% of area median income
Incomes below the minimum incme listed on the Family Fee Schedule pay nothing.
b. Assisted Units In A Community Housing Development:

No of Square Gross Utility Net Monthly No.
Assisted Bedrooms Feet Mon. Allowance Rent Units Total
Units Rent
Very SRO $ $
Studio $ $
1 Bdrm $ $

2 Bdrm $ $
3 Bdrm $ $
4 Bdrm $ $
VLI Total
Lower Income SRO $ $
Studio $ $
1 Bdrm $ $
2 Bdrm $ $
3 Bdrm $ $
4 Bdrm $ $
LI Total

Unit Total

c. Nonassisted units In a Community Housing Development:

Gross Net
Nonassisted # of Square Mon. Utility Monthly # of
Units Bedrooms Feet Rent Allowance Rent Units Total
Very Low-Income SRO $ $
Studio $ $
1 Bdrm $ $
2 Bdrm $ $

3 Bdrm $ $
4 Bdrm $ $
VLI Total
Lower Income SRO $ $
Studio $ $
1 Bdrm $ $
2 Bdrm $ $
3 Bdrm $ $
4 Bdrm $ $
LI Total
Market-Rate SRO $

Studio $
1 Bdrm $ $
2 Bdrm $ $
3 Bdrm $ $
4 Bdrm $ $
MR Total
Nonassisted Unit

[FNa1] Very Low-Income nonassisted units are units that have long term rent and occupancy restrictions that equal or exceed those required by the federal tax-credit program. Allowable rents cannot exceed 50% of the area median income, less a reasonable utility allowance. The maximum allowable income for a household occupying a unit is also 50% of the area median income.
[FNa2] Lower income nonassisted units are units that have long term rent and occupancy restrictions that equal or exceed those required by the fedral tax-credit program. Allowable rents cannot exceed 30% of 60% of the area median income, less a reasonable utility allowance. The maximum allowable income for a household occupying a unit is also 60% of the area median income.
d. Congregate House Developments:

Family Income Family Gross Mon. Utility Net No. of Total
Level Size Rent Allowance Monthly Families
Very 1 $ $
2 $ $
3 $ $

4 $ $
5 $ $
6 $ $
Lower Income 1 $ $
2 $ $
3 $ $
4 $ $
5 $ $
6 $ $

LI Total
Nonassisted 1 $
2 $
2 $
3 $
4 $
5 $
6 $
NA Total

e. Commercial Space:

Space Square Monthly Monthly Total Monthly
Designation Feet Rent Surcharge Income


2. Annual Operating Expenses
Provide estimates for the first full year following initial occupancy. On an attached sheet, describe the basis for the estimate for each line item. Except for the on-site child care center show expenses for all supportive services,and for the job training and placement program in the assisted and nonassisted unit columns.For the on-site child care center, show only those expenses in the child care column that the project sponsors pays.

Child Assisted Nonassisted Commercial Total
a. Sponsor Overhead
b. Contract Management
a. Leases
c. Audit
d. Legal
e. Transportation

(vehicle Maintenance)
f. Telephone
g. Business Licenses
h. Misc. Administrative
(include rent discounts)
a. On-Site or Off-Site
b. Assistant Manager
c. Grounds &
Maintenance Personnel

d. Janitorial Personnel
e. Job ----------------------------------------------------
f. Child Care Center
g. Other Supportive
Services Personnel
h. Other (Specify)
a. Supplies

b. Elevator Maintenance
c. Pest Control
d. Grounds Contract
e. Interior Painting &
f. Furniture, Fixtures
& Equipment
g. Other

Child Assisted Nonassisted Commercial Total

a. Trash Removal
b. Electricity
c. Water and Sewer
d. Gas
a. Property & Liability
b. Bonding
c. Other (Specify)

a. Real Estate
a. Tenant Mgmt./training &
b. Food
c. Medical Expenses
(including First Aid
d. Transportation of

e. Job Training &
Employment Program
f. Books and Supplies
g. Other (Specify)
h. Other (Specify)
a. Supplies
b. Elevator Maintenance
c. Pest Control
d. Grounds Contract

e. Interior Painting &
f. Furniture, Fixtures &
g. Other
h. Other

3. Child Care Center Operator's Income and Expenses
Provide estimates on this form for the child care center operator's income and expenses for the first full year of operation, only if the project sponsor will contract with a separate entity to operate the on-site child care center. On an attached sheet, describe the basis for the estimate for each line item.

1. Parent Fees
2. Child Care Food/National Lunch Program
3.. Reimbursement for GAIN children
4. Reimibursement for WIN children
5. Reimbursement for State Dept. of Education
6. Reimbursement for JTPA.
7. Lease Payments

8. Other (Specify)
10. Care and Services
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (continued)