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California Regulations

database is current through 09/29/06, Register 2006, No. 39

s 19001. Program Description.
(a) Pursuant to SB 959 (Division 25 (commencing with Section 35000) of the Public Resources Code) the Coastal Resources and Energy Assistance Act (Public Resources Code (PRC), Section 35000 et seq.), the Secretary of Environmental Affairs (SEA) shall award grants totalling $10.5 million and on a competitive basis to coastal cities for planning, assessment, mitigation, permitting, monitoring and enforcement, public services and facilities, and for other activities related to offshore energy development. These city activities shall be consistent with requirements of the State's Coastal Management Program as defined in the California Coastal Act, PRC Division 20 commencing with Section 3000.
(b) In awarding grants, SEA will give priority to projects which address existing and/or future impacts of offshore oil and gas activities and any related onshore facilities, in accordance with PRC Section 35040. In accordance with PRC Section 35040.5, any remaining funds may be awarded to coastal cities with approved local coastal programs to assist them in improving the management of the State's coastal resources. At such time that funds become available for allocation under Section 35040.5, the appropriate application procedures will be issued by SEA.
(c) Grants provided to coastal cities shall not exceed 80 percent of the cost of carrying out the project. Block grant funds provided pursuant to the Coastal County Offshore Energy Assistance Program as defined in the Coastal Resources and Energy Assistance Act must not be used as the matching share under this program. In accordance with PRC Section 35081, grant funds shall be used only to augment and not be used to replace state funds allocated for the same eligible activities.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Sections 35040, 35040.5, 35042 and 35081, Public Resources Code.

s 19002. Eligible Applicants and Projects.
(a) Any coastal city is eligible to apply for grant funds. For purposes of this program, "coastal cities" are considered as those cities whose city boundaries are located wholly or partially within the coastal zone as defined in the California Coastal Act, as amended (Public Resources Code, Division 20, commencing with Section 30000). Projects addressing existing and/or future impacts of offshore energy development will first be considered. Upon determination of unused funds, SEA will invite applications to consider funding other projects pursuant to PRC Section 35040.5.
(b) Offshore energy development includes activities such as exploration, production, processing, transportation, and refining of offshore oil and gas from State and federal waters off California. Projects which address impacts of these activities may be eligible for funding. The following are examples of potentially eligible projects:
(1) Planning and Assessment.
(A) Develop local policies, regulations, or ordinances regulating offshore energy related developments.
(B) Conduct studies to identify environmental and/or socioeconomic impacts and mitigation measures associated with offshore energy development.
(C) Develop local plans or mitigation programs to address offshore energy related impacts.
(D) Conduct siting studies for onshore energy facilities for processing, transportation, and refining of offshore oil and gas.
(E) Develop an offshore energy planning process that is consistent with requirements of the State's Coastal Management Program.
(F) Analyze offshore leasing, exploration, and development proposals for purposes of commenting pursuant to the OCS Lands Act,(43 USC 1331-1356, 1801-1866), Coastal Zone Management Act, (16 USC 1451-1464), National Environmental Policy Act,(42 USC 4321 -4347), California Environmental Quality Act,(PRC Sections 2100 et seq.), or similar statutes.
(2) Permitting, Monitoring and Enforcement.
(A) Develop a permitting, monitoring, and/or enforcement program for purposes of implementing state or local plans, policies, permit conditions, or regulations related to offshore energy development.
(B) Carry out monitoring and/or enforcement to ensure State or local environmental goals are attained and maintained.
(C) Conduct socioeconomic monitoring.
(3) Mitigations.
(A) Provide new or improved public facilities and/or services required to accommodate direct or indirect impacts of offshore energy development.
(B) Prevent, reduce or mitigate losses of valuable environmental or recreational resources when such losses are a result of offshore energy development.
(C) Capitalize revolving loan funds to provide low cost loans to coastal-dependent industries impacted by offshore energy development.
(D) Implement public information programs.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 35040, Public Resources Code.

s 19003. Grant Process and Timetable.
(a) The schedule and key steps of this grant program are provided in Table 1. The application process consists of two stages.
(1) Stage One is pre-application. After informal consultation with the Office of Offshore Development, coastal cities will prepare and submit to SEA pre-applications for the projects which they believe should be funded. Pre-applications shall be prepared in conformance with the information requirements of Section 19004(a) below. SEA will screen the pre-applications based on the criteria in Section 19004(b). Projects meeting all criteria will advance to Stage Two.
(2) In Stage Two, coastal cities will prepare draft applications for the qualified projects. The application shall contain all information requested in Section 19005(a). In accordance with Section 35040(b), the drafts must be circulated locally and to the State Clearinghouse for public comments. At least one public hearing must be held by the applicant during the public comment period pursuant to Section 35040(b). Ten copies of each draft shall also be submitted to the State Clearing House 30 days prior to the public hearing, for review and comments by State agencies.
(b) Three copies of the final application shall then be submitted to SEA. The applications will be reviewed, and eligible applications shall be given a preliminary ranking according to the criteria in Section 19005(b). The preliminary rankings will be reviewed by SEA's Local Government OCS Advisory Committee. The Secretary will then approve the final rankings, and a notice of intent to award will be issued. As certification of compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), in accordance with Public Resources Code sections 21000 et seq. is completed by each applicant, the notice of intent to award will be issued on individual projects. Note that compliance with CEQA must be completed prior to the actual allocations of grant funds, in accordance with Public Resources Code section 21150.
(c) Following the Secretary's decision, issue of the notice of intent to award, a seven day protest period will be provided for filing a written appeal to the Secretary. Reasons why an application should be reconsidered shall be clearly stated. SEA shall determine whether or not to reconsider a project. Findings will be provided for projects which have received reconsideration. The decision of SEA shall be final. Rankings will be evaluated semi-annually in accordance with the ranking criteria described in Section 19005(b).
(d) Work on the approved projects shall not be initiated until the grant agreement is signed by SEA and the grantee. The agreement will include the following:
(1) Work statement contained in the grantee's application (or as amended per SEA evaluation);
(2) Schedule contained in the grantee's application (or as amended per SEA evaluation);
(3) Description of work products as contained in the grantee's application (or as amended per SEA evaluation);
(4) Written certification of compliance with the reporting and fiscal accounting requirements in Sections 19007 and 19008, below;
(5) Written certification of compliance with special conditions (if any);
(6) Written certification of compliance with CEQA, in accordance with PRC Sections 21000 et seq., and other applicable rules and regulations;
(7) Written certification of compliance with the State Coastal Management Program as constituted in Section 30008 of the California Coastal Act, PRC Division 20.
(e) The grantee shall obtain prior written approval from SEA before making changes to the grant agreement. All requests should include a description of the proposed change and reasons for the change. Such change may include budget line item revisions, task modifications, and schedule changes.
(f) SEA may terminate any grant in whole, or in part, at anytime before the date of completion, whenever SEA determines that the grantee has failed to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant. SEA shall promptly notify the grantee in writing of the determination, reasons for termination, and appeal process. Payment made to the grantee or recoveries by SEA under grants terminated for cause shall be in accord with the legal rights and liabilities of the parties.
(g) Projects funded under this grant program must be completed by May 1989 unless otherwise approved by SEA. Exceptions will be evaluated and granted on a case-by-case basis at the application stage in accordance with the ranking criteria described in Section 19005(b) below. Progress reports shall be submitted to SEA semi-annually, and a final report shall be submitted within 30 days after the end of the grant term.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 3500, Public Resources Code.

1986: 8/1 SEA disseminates program information and begins informal
consultation with coastal cities
10/1 Coastal cities submit pre-applications to SEA
11/1 SEA releases pre-application screening results
12/15 Coastal cities release draft applications for public comment and
submit ten copies of each draft applications to the State
Clearing House for circulation among the agencies 30 days prior
to the dates of the required public hearings. Each applicant
announce public hearing date(s)
1987: 1/15 Public comments due to coastal cities
2/15 Coastal cities submit final applications to SEA
4/1 SEA submits preliminary rankings for review by the Local
Government OCS Advisory Committee
5/1 SEA approves final ranking. SEA issues notice of intent to award
grant for individual projects on completion of certification of
compliance with CEQA.
5/8 Protest period ends
5/15 SEA will issue notice of grant award after seven day protest
10/31 Quarterly Financial Report
1988: 1/31 Semi-annual Progress Report and Quarterly Financial Report
4/30 Quarterly Financial Report
7/31 Semi-annual Progress Report and Quarterly Financial Report 10/31
Quarterly Financial Report
1989: 1/31 Semi-annual Progress Report and Quarterly Financial
4/30 Quarterly Financial Report
5/31 Maximum Grant Term
6/30 Final Report

s 19004. Pre-Application.
(a) Information Requirements.
(1) Name of coastal city.
(2) Mailing address.
(3) Name and title of the person in charge of the project.
(4) Name and title of the person responsible for fiscal management of the grant.
(5) Brief (2-3 pages) project narrative including:
(A) Project description;
(B) Project objectives;
(C) Past and future offshore energy activities; potential impact or planning needs for the city and region (including size, severity, and likelihood of impacts); estimate of the resources and populations affected; extent to which the project will address the impacts or planning needs;
(D) Products;
(E) Expected benefits to the city and region;
(F) Description of current local planning, assessment, mitigation, permitting, monitoring and enforcement, and public services and facilities related to offshore energy activities; and the relationship of the proposed project to these existing capabilities;
(G) Other funding sources pursued;
(H) Alternative means to accomplish the objectives of the proposed project.
(6) Estimate of project costs and documentation of the required matching funds (submit Exhibit 1).
(7) Work statement describing the major tasks.
(b) Pre-application Screening Criteria.
(1) Documentation of existing and/or future offshore energy impacts on city.
(2) Cost effectiveness of the proposed project to address these impacts.
(3) Demonstration of local needs.
(4) Consistency with the purposes and allowable activities of Public Resources Code Sections 35000 et seq.
(5) Extent to which the requested grant amount is used to leverage other funding sources, with a minimum matching share requirement of 20 percent of the total project cost as required under Section 35042, Public Resources Code.
(6) Conformance with requirements of the State's Coastal Management Program.
(7) Use of innovative approaches to address offshore energy issues.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 35040, Public Resources Code.

s 19005. Application.
(a) Information Requirements.
(1) Name of coastal city.
(2) Name and title of person in charge of the project.
(3) Name and title of person responsible for fiscal management of the grant.
(4) Detailed project narrative (should follow the same format required in the pre-application, as required in Section 19004(a)).
(5) Work statement describing tasks and products in detail.
(6) Description of needed resources with a completed fiscal application attached (Exhibit 2).
(7) Project schedule to present the relationship between work tasks and the amount of time required.
(8) Identification of applicable laws and regulations, including CEQA and the State Coastal Management Program, and evidence of compliance.
(9) Letters of commitment for matching funds.
(10) Summary of public comments and hearing held in compliance with Section 19003(a)(2).
(b) Application Ranking Criteria.
(1) Documentation of existing and/or future offshore energy impacts on city, including:
(A) type, extent, severity and duration of impacts.
(2) Comparison of project to alternatives, including cost effectiveness.
(3) Demonstration of need.
(A) Offshore energy impacts or planning issues which will be addressed by the proposed project.
(B) Urgency of the needs.
(4) Consistency with the purposes and allowable activities of Public Resources Code Section 35000 et seq.
(5) Extent to which the requested grant amount is used to leverage other funding sources, with a minimum matching share requirement of 20 percent of the total project cost.
(6) Conformance with requirements of the State's Coastal Management Program.
(7) Use of innovative approaches to address offshore energy issues.
(8) Timeliness of the project to address the issue or problem.
(9) Availability of alternative sources of funding.
(10) Likelihood that the project objectives will be achieved.
(11) Evidence of compliance with CEQA and other applicable laws and regulations.
(12) Other overriding factors not reflected in the above criteria, but consistent with the intent and purposes of Public Resources Code Sections 35000 et seq.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 35040, Public Resources Code.

s 19006. Payment of Grant Funds.
Payment of funds will be made on a quarterly basis. The grantee may request payment of funds in advance of or as reimbursement for work undertaken during a given quarter. The grantee must indicate the option in the financial application (Exhibit 2) and quarterly financial status form (Exhibit 3). The grantee opting for advance payment must also complete the financial status report as a part of the grant application.
(a) Advance Payment Method.
(1) Grant funds may be paid in advance. In order to receive an advance payment, the grantee must submit to SEA a completed financial status form and a narrative statement justifying the anticipated expenditures, 45 days prior to the start of each 90 day funding period. For example, a payment request must be submitted by February 15 for the April-June quarter.
(2) For the first 90 day period of the grant, a request for advance payment will be based on the estimated first quarter expenditures as detailed in the initial quarterly financial report. Subsequent payments will be based on the submitted quarterly report, projected needs, and expenditures for the previous quarter.
(3) SEA will not authorize payment for:
(A) any request submitted without the narrative justification or
(B) any single advance payment request for most or all of the grant funds.
Exceptions may be considered when it can be conclusively demonstrated by the grantee that expenditures will occur at the requested level in any one calendar quarter.
(4) The grantee is required to keep track of expenditures and make accurate estimates of cash needs for each quarter. A grantee neglecting to document expenditures and keep cash balances to a minimum will be required to switch to the reimbursement method.
(b) Reimbursement Method.
A grantee choosing to receive funds as reimbursement must submit a quarterly financial status report to SEA within 20 days following the end of each quarter. All reimbursement requests must be accompanied by documentation of expenditures. SEA will not authorize payment for any expenses not identified on the quarterly report.
(c) Release of Funds.
(1) After SEA receives the appropriate reports, it will take approximately 45 days before the funds are released to the grantee. During the 45 day period, SEA will review all submitted reports and authorize the accounting unit to file a claim with the State Controller's Office. When the State Controller receives the claim, he will process it and issue a warrant to the grantee.
(2) SEA will not release funds if any of the agreements or terms of the grant has not been kept. SEA will impose other prepayment conditions as circumstances require.
(d) Retention.
SEA will retain 10 percent of each payment request. SEA will review the grantee's final reports within 45 days after their submission. If SEA determines that the terms of the grant have been met, the funds held in retention will be authorized for release.
(e) Matching Share.
(1) Any financial assistance provided to coastal cities will not exceed 80 percent of the cost of the project. Grant funds provided to coastal counties pursuant to Section 35030 will not be used as the city's matching share.
(2) As grant expenditures occur, the grantee's matching funds must be used concurrently with state grant fund and not be held in reserve.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 35042, Public Resources Code.

s 19007. Fiscal Requirements for Grants.
(a) Standards for Accounting and Financial Systems.
(1) The grantee shall establish a separate ledger account for receipt and expenditures of grant funds. The expenditures will be for items contained in the approved budget.
(2) Grantee financial management systems shall:
(A) Provide separate accountability for grant activities;
(B) Ensure that grant funds are not commingled with other funds;
(C) Include cash flow management procedures to minimize cash balances; and
(D) Feature accounting records that are supported by source documents.
(b) Budget Revisions.
The grantee may revise and expend original line item allotments up to 10 percent without approval of SEA. The grantee must request prior approval in writing from SEA for budget revisions in excess of 10 percent of any line item. Petition for variance to this requirement may be approved when it is submitted with the application package. Budget revisions include transfer of funds between line items or an increase or decrease in expenditures within a line item. When requesting approval for a budget revision, the grantee shall use the budget format used in the original grant application and attach a description of the proposed change, including reasons for the charge, and references to specific sections of the original grant agreement impacted by the change. Requests for budget revisions must be sent under a separate cover to SEA. SEA will respond in writing to such requests within 30 days.
(c) Retention of Records.
Grant records, including financial records, performance reports, and requests for advance payments, shall be retained for a period of four years after the date of the final financial status report unless otherwise specified in the grant agreement.
(d) Audits.
SEA or authorized designee reserves the right to make on-site inspections and audits of the grantee's records. Further, the grantee agrees to incorporate an audit of this program within their scheduled agency audits when requested by SEA. The grantee will inform SEA when audits are scheduled. Upon written request from SEA, the grantee shall provide detailed documentation of all expenses any time during the project.
(e) Financial Reports.
The grantee shall submit to SEA a quarterly financial report including a narrative of the status and a completed financial status form (Exhibit 3). The report shall contain projected and/or actual expenditures and receipts, and a payment request. This report shall also be submitted as a part of the semi-annual progress reports and grant closeout.
(f) Program Income.
(1) Interest earned on advances must be reported on the financial status report. Interest income must be disposed of in one of the following manners:
(A) With prior approval from SEA, use to supplement grant funds to offset eligible grant expenditures;
(B) With prior approval from SEA, use to offset grant funds required, or;
(C) Submit a check payable to SEA for the full amount of the interest.
(2) All other income earned during the grant period shall be subject to the same procedures used for interest income.
(g) Revisions.
These fiscal requirements are subject to revision as a result of changes in state grant procedures. The grantee will be sent copies of revisions.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 35041, Public Resources Code.

s 19008. Program Reports.
(a) Semi-annual Progress Report.
(1) The grantee shall submit to SEA a progress report by July 31 and January 31 of each year during the grant period. Each report shall include, but not be limited to:
(A) A discussion on whether the project tasks are on schedule;
(B) A discussion of any difficulties or problems encountered in accomplishing the work statement;
(C) Corrective actions that have been and/or will be taken the grantee must obtain prior written approval from SEA before making changes to the terms or conditions of the grant agreement;
(D) A financial report (see Section 19007(e)).
(b) Final Report.
(1) The grantee shall submit a final report within 30 days after the end of the grant term. This report shall include, but not be limited to:
(A) A discussion of existing or projected offshore energy impacts faced by the city, and the extent to which the project has addressed these impacts;
(B) A statement of the objectives of the project and how these objectives were accomplished;
(C) A summary of all products, with a copy of all reports associated with the project attached;
(D) A financial report (See Section 19007(e)).

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 35041, Public Resources Code.

s 19009. Grant Closeout Procedure.
In the grant closeout process, the grantee will refund all unexpended grant funds, unused income, and credits to SEA unless other prior negotiated arrangements have been made. A check made payable to SEA, along with a final report, will be due 30 days after the end of the grant term. Upon approval of the final report, SEA will release the funds held in retention.

Note: Authority cited: Section 35041, Public Resources Code. Reference: Section 35041, Public Resources Code.

Secretary of Environmental Affairs

Fiscal Application For Grant Funds From The

Local Government Coastal Management Improvement Program Preapplication

1. Applicant/Payee: Name _______________________________________
Street Adress_______________________________
2. Contract Person: Name________________________________________
Phone Number________________________________
3. Proposed Grant Period from________________ to _______________
4. Proposed Budget:
Line Item Dollars
A. Salaries and Wages $________________
B. Operating Expenses $________________
C. Consulting Services $________________
D. Construction Expenses $________________
E. Fixed Assets $________________
Total, Proposed Expenditures $________________
A. Matching Funds: $_______________
B. Grant Funds $________________
Total Proposed Funding $________________
5. Funding Method (check one) _____Advance ____Reimbursement
6. Certification:
I certiry to the best of my knowledge and belief, under penalty of perjury,
that data in this application are true and correct.
Grantee Signature: ___________________________ Date: ______________
Name and Title: ___________________________________________________
7. Grant Manager Approval:
8. Secretary of Environmental Affairs Approval:
9. Chief, Air Resources Board Fiscal Branch Approval:

Instructions for the Local Government Coastal Management Improvement Program
Fiscal Application Form

1 Applicant/Payee: Indicate organization the warrant should be made out to and include the appropriate address.
2 Contact Person: Individual who can respond to questions regarding information contained in this application.
3 Proposed Grant Period: The proposed calendar period for this grant.
4 Proposed Budget: Expenditures:
4A Salaries and Wages: Costs include salaries, retirement, workers compensation, employee benefits, group insurance, overtime, etc.
4B Operating Expenses: Identify the total costs for communications, insurance, laboratory supplies, maintenance of equipment, structures, and grounds, memberships, office expenses, publications and legal notices, rents and leases, tools, travel, utilities, and any other expenses necessary for routine office operations.
4C Consulting Services: Identify the total costs for contracted outside services.
4D Construction Expenses: Identify the total costs related to construction activities.
4E Fixed Assets: Expenditures for assets exceeding $500 in value that have a useful life of more than one year. Total, Proposed Expenditures: Total the amounts for Expenditures A-E.
4 Proposed Budget: Funding:
4A Matching Funds: Identify the amount of matching funds the grantee is going to contribute. This amount must be at least 20% of the proposed expenditures pursuant to Section 35042 of the Public Resources Code.
4B Grant Funds: Identify the requested level of grant funds. This amount must be less than or equal to 80% of the proposed expenditures pursuant to Section 35042 of the Public Resources Code. Total, Proposed Funding: Total of the amounts for Funding A-B. This total will match or exceed the total proposed expenditures.
5 Funding Method: Identify which method of payment the grantee desires. See Item 6 of the procedures for definition of methods.
6 Certification: Sign signature line and date it. Type in the name and title.
7 Grant Manager Approval: Self explanatory.
8 Secretary of Environmental Affairs Approval: Self explanatory.
9 Chief, Air Resources Board Fiscal Branch Approval: The Air Resources Board provides fiscal support to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs.

1. New Exhibit 1 filed 7-22-86 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 86, No. 31). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 11-19-86.
2. Repealed by operation of Government Code Section 11346.1(g) (Register 87, No. 2).
3. New Exhibit filed 1-8-87; effective upon filing pursuant to Government Code Section 11346.2(d) (Register 87, No. 2).
19005 and 1006)

4. Proposed Budget:
Line Item Dollars
A. Salaries and Wages $________________
B. Operating Expenses $________________
C. Consulting Services $________________
D. Construction Expenses $________________
E. Fixed Assets $________________
Total, Proposed Expenditures $________________
A. Matching Funds: $_______________
B. Grant Funds $_______________
Total Proposed Funding $_______________
5. Funding Method (check one) _____Advance ____Reimbursement
6. Certification:
I certiry to the best of my knowledge adn belief, under penalty of perjury,
that data in this application are true and correct.
Grantee Signature: ___________________________ Date: ______________
Name and Title: ___________________________________________________
7. Grant Manager Approval:
8. Secretary of Environmental Affairs Approval:
9. Chief, Air Resources Board Fiscal Branch Approval:

Instructions for the Local Government Coastal Management Improvement Program
Fiscal Application Form

1 Applicant/Payee: Indicate organization the warrant should be made out to and include the appropriate address.
2 Contact Person: Individual who can respond to questions regarding information contained in this application.
3 Proposed Grant Period: The proposed calendar period for this grant.
4 Proposed Budget: Expenditures:
4A Salaries and Wages: Costs include salaries, retirement, workers compensation, employee benefits, group insurance, overtime, etc.
4B Operating Expenses: Identify the total costs for communications, insurance, laboratory supplies, maintenance of equipment, structures, and grounds, memberships, office expenses, publications and legal notices, rents and leases, tools, travel, utilities, and any other expenses necessary for routine office operations.
4C Consulting Services: Identify the total costs for contracted outside services.
4D Construction Expenses: Identify the total costs related to construction activities.
4E Fixed Assets: Expenditures for assets exceeding $500 in value that have a useful life of more than one year.
Total, Proposed Expenditures: Total the amounts for Expenditures A-E.
4 Proposed Budget: Funding:
4A Matching Funds: Identify the amount of matching funds the grantee is going to contribute. This amount must be at least 20% of the proposed expenditures pursuant to Section 35042 of the Public Resources Code.
4B Grant Funds: Identify the requested level of grant funds. This amount must be less than or equal to 80% of the proposed expenditures pursuant to Section 35042 of the Public Resources Code. Total, Proposed Funding: Total of the amounts for Funding A-B. This total will match or exceed the total proposed expenditures.
5 Funding Method: Identify which method of payment the grantee desires. See Item 6 of the procedures for definition of methods.
6 Certification: Sign signature line and date it. Type in the name and title.
7 Grant Manager Approval: Self explanatory.
8 Secretary of Environmental Affairs Approval: Self explanatory.
9 Chief, Air Resources Board Fiscal Branch Approval: The Air Resources Board provides fiscal support to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs.

1. New Exhibit 2 filed 7-22-86 as an emergency; effective upon filing (Register 86, No. 31). A Certificate of Compliance must be transmitted to OAL within 120 days or emergency language will be repealed on 11-19-86.
2. Repealed by operation of Government Code Section 11346.1(g) (Register 87, No. 2).
3. New Exhibit filed 1-8-87; effective upon filing pursuant to Government Code Section 11346.2(d) (Register 87, No. 2).
Secretary of Environmental Affairs

Local Government Coastal Management Improvement Program

Financial Status Form

Page 1 of 2
1a. Grantee Name and Address: 2. Grant No.__________________
_________________________ 3. Grant Period from_______ to ______
________________________ 4. Type of Report:
____________________ ____Initial
1b. Contract Person: ____Quarterly
Name____________ ____Final
This quarter is quarter
____________ of______________
Phone No. _________________ from_____________ to ___________
5. Expenditure and Funding Statement

Expenditures: Unliqui- Unen-
Line Total This To dated cumbered
Item Budget Quarter Date Obligations Balance
A. Salaries and
Wages $_____ $______ $______ $______ $______
B. Operating
Expenses ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
C. Consulting
Services ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
D. Construction
Expenses ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
E. Fixed
Total Expenditure ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
6. Funding:
A. Matching $______ $______ $______ $______ $______
B. Other ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
C. Grant Funds $______ $______ $______ $______ $______
Total Funds $______ $______ $______ $______ $______

7. Cash on Habd Status Statement
A. Cash on hand at end of this quarter $____________
8. Interest Statement
B. Interest earned on grant funds during this quarter $_______
Total of interest expended this quarter $___________
C. Total interest earned to date $____________
D. Total interest expended to date $____________
9. Funding Method (check one) ___Advance ___Reimbursement
10. Grant Funds Requested $_____________
12. Certification:
I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, under penalty, that these
reports are correct and complete and that all information provided is in
accordance with the grant agreement.
Signature: __________________ Date_______________
Name and Title: _________________________________________
(printed or typed)
13. Grant Manager Approval:
Signature: _____________________ Date ______________
14. Chief, Office of Offshore Development Approval:
Signature: _____________________ Date ______________
15. Accounting Use Only:
SEA Retention:___% $_______
Scheduled Amount: $_______
Date: _______

Instructions for the Financial Status Report

1a Grantee Name and Address: Self explanatory.
1b Contact Person: Individual who can respond to questions regarding information contained in this report.
2 Grant No.: Assigned by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs upon approval of the Grant Application.
3 Grant Period: Calendar period for this grant.
4 Type of Report: The initial report will be used by a grantee requesting an advance prior to start up of the project. All other types of reports are self explanatory. Include the appropriate reporting period.
5 Expenditure and Funding Statement (Use whole dollars only) Total Budget: This column must reflect the budget as shown in the Grant Agreement. Refer to the guidelines for instructions regarding budget revisions. This Quarter: Appropriate expenditure totals for line items during the period of this report. A grantee using the advance payment method should include actual and anticipated expenditures. Anticipated expenditures should be detailed in the Comments section.
To Date: Appropriate cumulative expenditure totals for line items from the beginning of the project up to the ending date of this report period.
Unliquidated Obligations: All funds obligated on purchase orders, contracts, etc., but not expended.
Unencumbered Balance: All funds available for expenditure or obligation. (Total Budget less To Date and Unliquidated Obligations equals Unencumbered Balance.)
5A Salaries and Wages: Salaries, retirement, workers compensation, employee benefits, group insurance, overtime, etc.
5B Operating Expenses: Communications, insurance, laboratory supplies, maintenance of equipment, structure, and grounds, memberships, office expenses, publications and legal notices, rents and leases, tools, travel, utilities, and any other expenses necessary for routine office operations.
5C Consulting Services: Contracts for outside services.
5D Construction Expenses: All costs for related construction activities.
5E Fixed Assets: Expenditures for assets exceeding $500 in value that have a useful life of more than one year.
6 Funding:
6A Matching Interest, and other funds: Each of these items will be identified on their respective line. District matching funds must total at least 20% of the total grant funds expended pursuant to Section 35042 of the Public Resources Code.
6B Other: Enter all funds accounted for in the project's total budget not identified as grant funds or matching funds.
6B Grant Funds: This is the amount requested from grant funds. This amount must be less than or equal to 80% of the expenditures pursuant to Section 35042 of the Public Resources Code.
7 Cash on Hand Status Statement:
7A Cash on hand at end of quarter. Enter the grant cash on hand at the end of quarter including funds on deposit, funds on hand, and undeposited checks/warrants.
8 Interest Statement:
8A Enter only the amount of interest earned from grant funds during this quarter.
8B Itemize all activities funded this quarter with interest earned this quarter or previous quarters.
8C Enter the total of all interest earned from grant funds up to end of this quarter.
8D Enter the total of all expenditures of interest earned from grant funds up to the end of this quarter.
9 Funding Method: Indicate the chosen method for funding. See guidelines for detailed description of the advance and reimbursement methods available to grantees.
10 Grant Funds Requested: Indicate the dollar amount requested for the subsequent current quarter.
11 Comments: Space to describe special circumstances and situations impacting this report. Attach addition sheets if necessary
12 Certification: Self explanatory.
13 Grant Manager Approval: Self explanatory.
14 Chief, Office of Offshore Development Approval: Self explana- tory.
15 Accounting Use Only: Space used by the Secretary of Environmental Affairs' accounting services to indicate payment information.

s 19020. Information Required to Appear on Permit Applications.
The following information shall be placed on the application forms for all permits subject to the Permit Reform Act of 1981 which are issued by the Air Resources Board or the Water Resources Control Board (hereinafter referred to as "board" or "boards"):
"The [name of board] has adopted regulations establishing time periods for the processing of permit applications in compliance with the Permit Reform Act of 1981 (Government Code section 15374 et seq.). Violations of these time periods may be appealed directly to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs, P.O. Box 2815, Sacramento, CA 95812, pursuant to regulations set forth in Title 14, California Administrative Code, sections 19020-19025. Under certain circumstances, the Secretary may order that the applicant receive a reimbursement of filing fees."

Note: Authority cited: Section 15378, Government Code. Reference: Sections 15374-15378, Government Code.

s 19021. Appeals to the Secretary; Contents.
An applicant whose application for a permit, as defined in Government Code section 15375(a), has not been processed by a board within the time periods established by the regulations of the board adopted pursuant to the Permit Reform Act of 1981 may appeal in writing to the Secretary of Environmental Affairs ( "Secretary"). The applicant shall set forth the time periods applicable to the permit application and a concise statement of facts and chronology of events regarding the applications.

Note: Authority cited: Section 15378, Government Code. Reference: Sections 15374-15378, Government Code.

s 19022. Deadline for Appeals.
An appeal concerning a permit application on which a final decision has been made, must be filed within 30 days of the date the applicant was notified of the decision.

Note: Authority cited: Section 15378, Government Code. Reference: Sections 15374-15378, Government Code.

s 19023. Review by the Secretary.
The Secretary shall promptly review an appeal filed under sections 19021 and 19022 and, shall issue a decision within 30 days after conducting any investigation of the matter which she or he deems appropriate.

Note: Authority cited: Section 15378, Government Code. Reference: Sections 15374-15378, Government Code.

s 19024. Violations; Failure to Notify Whether Application Is Complete or Deficient.
If the Secretary finds that a board exceeded the time limit for informing the permit applicant whether an application is complete or is deficient and requires additional information to be processed, the Secretary shall direct the board to make its determination by a specified date and so inform the applicant. A complete application shall be considered to be filed on the date it is received, commencing the time period within which the board must issue or deny the permit.

Note: Authority cited: Section 15378, Government Code. Reference: Sections 15374-15378, Government Code.

s 19025. Violations; Refunds of Filing Fees; Final Action Required.
If the Secretary finds that a board exceeded the time period for acting on a completed application without the good cause defined by Government Code section 15376(h), all filing fees paid by the permit applicant will be refunded. The Secretary shall direct that the board take final action on the permit application no later than 30 days from the Secretary's decision.

Note: Authority cited: Section 15378, Government Code. Reference: Sections 15374-15378, Government Code.

s 19030. Definitions.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19031. REA I Qualifications and Application Procedures.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19032. REA I Registration, Renewal and Disqualification.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3, 59004 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19033. REA II Criteria for Registration.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19034. REA II Application for Registration.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19035. OEHHA's Review of Application.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19036. REA II Denial of Registration.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19037. REA II Renewal of Registration.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19038. REA II Rescission of Registration.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19039. REA II Appeal Procedures.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19040. REA II Audits.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19041. Performance Standards.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19042. State Licensing Match System.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code; section 11350.6, Welfare and Institutions Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.

s 19043. Limitations on Registration for Aliens.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code; 8 U.S.C. Sections 1621, 1641 and 1642.

s 19044. Sunset Review.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 25570.3 and 59012, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 25570-25570.4, Health and Safety Code.