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(12) Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)
(A)Chorizanthe howellii(Howell's spineflower)
(13) Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)
(A)Castilleja affinisspp.neglecta (Tiburon Indian paintbrush) (Tiburon Indian paintbrush)
(14) Verbenaceae (Vervain Family)
(A)Verbena californica (California vervain)
(c) Rare:
(1) Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllis Family)
(A)Allium yosemitense(Yosemite onion)
(B)Bloomeria humilis(dwarf goldenstar)
(2) Apiaceae (Carrot Family)
(A)Lilaeopsis masonii(Mason's lilaeopsis)
(B)Sanicula maritima(adobe sanicle)
(C)Sanicula saxatilis(rock sanicle)
(3) Asteraceae (Sunflower Family)
(A)Blennosperma nanumvar.robustum(Point Reyes blennosperma)
(B)Eriophyllum congdonii(Congdon's woolly sunflower)
(C)Deinandra arida(Red Rock tarplant)
(D)Deinandra minthornii(Santa Susanna tarplant)
(E)Dieteria asteroides var.lagunensis(Mount Laguna aster)
(F)Packera ganderi(Gander's ragwort)
(G)Packera layneae(Layne's ragwort)
(4) Boraginaceae (Borage Family)
(A)Cryptantha roosiorum(bristlecone cryptantha)
(5) Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)
(A)Caulanthus stenocarpus(slender-pod jewel-flower)
(6) Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family)
(A)Nemacladus twisselmannii(Twisselmann's nemacladus)
(7) Crassulaceae (Stonecrop Family)
(A)Dudleya cymosassp.marcescens(marcescent dudleya)
(B)Dudleya nesiotica(Santa Cruz Island dudleya)
(8) Cyperaceae (Sedge Family)
(A)Carex tompkinsii(Tompkins's sedge)
(9) Ericaceae (Heath Family)
(A)Arctostaphylos bakeri(Baker's manzanita)
(B)Arctostaphylos edmundsiivar.parvifolia(Hanging Gardens manzanita)
(10) Euphorbiaceae (Spurge Family)
(A)Croton wigginsii(Wiggins's croton)
(11) Fabaceae (Pea Family)
(A)Astragalus johannis-howellii(Long Valley milk-vetch)
(B)Astragalus monoensis(Mono milk-vetch)(Mono milk-vetch)
(C)Astragalus traskiae(Trask's milk-vetch)
(D)Lupinus padre-crowleyi(Father Crowley's lupine)
(E)Thermopsis macrophyllavar.agnina(Santa Ynez false lupine)
(F)Trifolium polyodon(Pacific Grove clover)
(12) Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf Family)
(A)Eriodictyon capitatum(Lompoc yerba santa)
(13) Liliaceae (Lily Family)
(A)Calochortus dunnii(Dunn's mariposa lily)
(B)Calochortus persistens(Siskiyou mariposa lily)
(C)Chlorogalum purpureumvar.reductum(Camatta Canyon amole)
(14) Limnanthaceae (False Mermaid Family)
(A)Limnanthes bakeri(Baker's meadowfoam)
(15) Malvaceae (Mallow Family)
(A)Sidalcea hickmaniissp.anomala(Cuesta Pass checkerbloom)
(B)Sidalcea hickmaniissp.parishii(Parish's checkerbloom)
(16) Onagraceae (Evening-primrose Family)
(A)Clarkia speciosassp.immaculata(Pismo clarkia)
(B)Oenothera californicassp.eurekensis(Eureka Dunes evening-primrose)
(17) Poaceae (Grass Family)
(A)Agrostis blasdaleivar.marinensis(Marin bent grass)
(B)Calamagrostis foliosa(leafy reed grass)
(C)Swallenia alexandrae(Eureka Valley dune grass)
(D)Tuctoria greenei(Greene's tuctoria)
(18) Polemoniaceae (Phlox Family)
(A)Eriastrum tracyi(Tracy's eriastrum)
(19) Polygonaceae (Buckwheat Family)
(A)Dedeckera eurekensis(July gold)
(B)Eriogonum butterworthianum(Butterworth's buckwheat)
(C)Eriogonum crocatum(Conejo buckwheat)
(D)Eriogonum giganteumvar.compactum(Santa Barbara Island buckwheat)
(E)Eriogonum twisselmannii(Twisselmann's buckwheat)
(20) Portulacaceae (Purslane Family)
(A)Lewisia congdonii(Congdon's lewisia)
(21) Ranunculaceae (Buttercup Family)
(A)Delphinium bakeri(Baker's larkspur)
(B)Delphinium hesperiumssp.cuyamacae(Cuyamaca larkspur)
(C)Delphinium luteum(yellow larkspur)
(22) Rhamnaceae (Buckthorn Family)
(A)Ceanothus hearstiorum(Hearst's ceanothus)
(B)Ceanothus maritimus(maritime ceanothus)
(C)Ceanothus masonii(Mason's ceanothus)
(D)Ceanothus roderickii(Pine Hill ceanothus)
(23) Rosaceae (Rose Family)
(A)Ivesia callida(Tahquitz ivesia)
(24) Rubiaceae (Madder Family)
(A)Galium angustifoliumssp.borregoense(Borrego bedstraw)
(B)Galium buxifolium(box bedstraw)
(C)Galium californicumssp.sierrae(El Dorado bedstraw)
(25) Saxifragaceae (Saxifrage Family)
(A)Bensoniella oregona(bensoniella)
(26) Scrophulariaceae (Figwort Family)
(A)Castilleja gleasonii(Mt. Gleason Indian paintbrush)
(B)Cordylanthus mollisssp.mollis(soft bird's-beak)
(C)Cordylanthus nidularius(Mt. Diablo birds-beak)
(D)Cordylanthus tenuisssp.capillaris(Pennell's bird's-beak)
(E)Holmgrenanthe petrophila(rock lady)
(F)Pedicularis dudleyi(Dudley's lousewort)
(27) Sterculiaceae (Cacao Family)
(A)Fremontodendron decumbens(Pine Hill flannelbush)
(B)Fremontodendron mexicanum(Mexican flannelbush)
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1904 and 2070, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 1755, 1904, 2062, 2067, 2070, 2072.7 and 2075.5, Fish and Game Code.
s 670.5. Animals of California Declared To Be Endangered or Threatened.
The following species and subspecies are hereby declared to be endangered or threatened, as indicated:
(a) Endangered:
(1) Crustaceans:
(A) California freshwater shrimp (Syncaris pacifica)
(B) Shasta crayfish (Pacifastacus fortis)
(2) Fishes:
(A) Bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus)
(B) Mohave tui chub (Gila bicolor mohavensis)
(C) Owens tui chub (Gila bicolor snyderi)
(D) Bonytail (Gila elegans)
(E) Colorado squawfish (Ptychocheilus lucius)
(F) Lost River sucker (Deltistes luxatus)
(G) Modoc sucker (Catostomus microps)
(H) Shortnose sucker (Chasmistes brevirostris)
(I) Razorback sucker (Xyrauchen texanus)
(J) Desert pupfish (Cyprinodon macularius)
(K) Owens pupfish (Cyprinodon radiosus)
(L) Unarmored threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus william soni)
(M) Winter run chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)
(N) Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) south of Punta Gorda (Humboldt County), California.
(3) Amphibians:
(A) Santa Cruz long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylumcroceum)
(B) Desert slender salamander (Batrachoseps aridus)
(4) Reptiles:
(A) Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard (Uma inornata)
(B) Blunt-nosed leopard lizard (Gambelia silus)
(C) San Francisco garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia)
(5) Birds:
(A) California brown pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis californicus)
(B) California condor (Gymnogyps californianus)
(C) Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)
(D) American peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus anatum)
(E) California clapper rail (Rallus longirostris obsoletus)
(F) Light-footed clapper rail (Rallus longirostris levipes)
(G) California least tern (Sterna antillarum browni)
(H) Western yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus occidentalis)
(I) Elf owl (Micrathene whitneyi)
(J) Great gray owl (Strix nebulosa)
(K) Least Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus)
(L) Inyo California towhee (Pipilo crissalis eremophilus)
(M) Willow flycatcher (Empidonax traillii)
(N) Arizona Bell's vireo (Vireo bellii arizonae)
(O) Gila woodpecker (Melanerpes uropygialis)
(P) Gilded northern flicker (Colaptes auratus chrysoides)
(Q) Belding's savannah sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis beldingii)
(R) Marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus)
(6) Mammals:
(A) Riparian brush rabbit (Sylvilagus bachmani riparius)
(B) Morro Bay kangaroo rat (Dipodomys heermanni morroensis)
(C) Giant kangaroo rat (Dipodomys ingens)
(D) Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitritoides nitratoides)
(E) Fresno kangaroo rat (Dipodomys nitritoides exilis)
(F) Salt-marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris)
(G) Amargosa vole (Microtus californicus scirpensis)
(H) California bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana)
(b) Threatened:
(1) Gastropods:
(A) Trinity bristle snail (Monadenia setosa)
(2) Fishes:
(A) Delta smelt (Hypomesus transpacificus)
(B) Cottonball Marsh pupfish (Cyprinodon salinus milleri)
(C) Rough sculpin (Cottus asperrimus)
(D) Spring-run chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) of the Sacramento River drainage.
(E) Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) from Punta Gorda (Humboldt County), California to the northern border of California.
(3) Amphibians:
(A) Siskiyou mountain salamander (Plethodon stormi)
(B) Kern Canyon slender salamander (Batrachoseps simatus)
(C) Tehachapi slender salamander (Batrachoseps stebbinsi)
(D) Limestone salamander (Hydromantes brunus)
(E) Shasta salamander (Hydromantes shastae)
(F) Black toad (Bufo exsul)
(4) Reptiles:
(A) Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizzi)
(B) Barefoot banded gecko (Coleonyx switaki)
(C) Southern rubber boa (Charina bottae umbratica)
(D) Alameda whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus)
(E) Giant garter snake (Thamnophis couchi gigas)
(5) Birds:
(A) Swainson's hawk (Buteo swainsoni)
(B) California black rail (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus)
(C) Yuma clapper rail (Rallus longirostris yumanensis)
(D) Greater sandhill crane (Grus canadensis tabida)
(E) Bank swallow (Riparia riparia)
(F) Xantus's murrelet (Synthliboramphus hypoleucus)
(6) Mammals:
(A) Mohave ground squirrel (Spermohilus mohavensis)
(B) San Joaquin antelope squirrel (Ammospermophilus nelsoni)
(C) Stephens' kangaroo rat (Dipodomys stephensi)
(D) Sierra Nevada red fox (Vulpes vulpes necator)
(E) San Joaquin kit fox (Vulpes macrotis mutica)
(F) Island fox (Urocyon littoralis)
(G) Wolverine (Gulo gulo)
(H) Guadalupe fur seal (Arctocephalus townsendi)
(I) Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis cremnobates)
Note: Authority cited: Sections 2070 and 2075.5, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 1755, 2055, 2062, 2067, 2070, 2072.7, 2075.5 and 2077, Fish and Game Code.
s 670.6. Commission Policy on Monitored Species.
It is the policy of the commission that the department shall monitor and report on the impact of ongoing management efforts for and the status of species or subspecies listed herein that were previously considered for candidacy or listing by the commission. The commission may reconsider listing any of these species or subspecies at any time based upon a new petition submitted pursuant to sections 2071 or 2072.7 of the Fish and Game Code. Any petition implemented pursuant to this section will be considered by the commission in accordance with procedures set forth in Article 2, Chapter 1.5, of the Fish and Game Code (California Endangered Species Act).
(a) Monitored Species and Subspecies. Note: There are no species currently listed.
Note: Authority cited: Section 703, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 703, 2071 and 2072.7, Fish and Game Code.
s 670.7. Permits to Take Fully Protected Animals for Scientific Purposes.
The department may issue revocable permits to take fully protected species for scientific purposes under the following conditions:
(a) Permits may be issued only to members of the faculty or professional staff of a scientific or educational institution; professional wildlife staff of a government agency or private institution; or others who are deemed qualified by the department.
(b) Requests for permits to take fully protected species shall be submitted to the department in writing, and shall include the following information:
(1) Name and address of applicant.
(2) Species and number to be collected.
(3) Scientific background and research experience of principal investigator and assistants.
(4) Description of proposed study, with reference to the literature, including purpose, methods of capture, materials, expected result, and intended disposition of animals collected or handled.
(5) Duration of study; locality and periods of sampling or capture.
(c) Revocable permits issued by the department shall be in the form of a memorandum of understanding. This memorandum shall include the conditions under which taking of animals may be permitted, beginning and termination dates, and requirements for periodic reports to the department, which shall be at least yearly. The memorandum, and any addenda to it, shall be signed by the director of the department and by the applicant or the applicant's executive supervisor.
(d) The department shall notify the commission prior to the issuance of any memorandums and prepare a report annually regarding any memorandums issued pursuant to this section.
(e) Commission approval shall be required prior to the issuance by the department of any memorandum for a fully protected species listed in subsection (f). Such memorandums shall be subject to conditions established by the commission.
(f) Commission approval shall be required for studies involving the take for scientific purposes of the following fully protected species:
(1) California condor ( Gymnogyps californianus).
(2) Southern sea otter ( Enhydra lutris nereis).
(3) Bighorn sheep ( Ovis canadensis).
(g) Permits for the taking of fully protected species that are also declared to be rare or endangered by the commission pursuant to Section 670.5, or federally designated as endangered or threatened by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be subject to conditions of State-Federal Cooperative Agreements relating to these species.
(h) Any permit issued pursuant to these regulations may be cancelled or suspended at any time by the director of the department when, in his judgment, permittee is acting or has acted contrary to the terms and conditions of subject permit, or if, in his judgment, the safety or welfare of the species authorized to be taken by subject permit is or may be jeopardized by the actions of permittee.
Note: Authority cited: Section 1002, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 3511, 4700, 5050 and 5515, Fish and Game Code.
s 671. Importation, Transportation and Possession of Live Restricted Animals.
(a) It shall be unlawful to import, transport, or possess alive animals restricted in subsection (c) below except under permit issued by the Department of Fish and Game. Permits may be issued by the department as specified herein and for purposes designated in Section 671.1 subject to the conditions and restrictions designated by the department. Except for mammals listed in Fish and Game Code Section 3950 or live aquatic animals requiring a permit pursuant to Fish and Game Code Section 2271, no permit is required by this section for any animal being imported, transported, or possessed pursuant to any other permit issued by the department. Cities and counties may also prohibit possession or require a permit for these and other species not requiring a state permit.
(b) The commission has determined the below listed animals are not normally domesticated in this state. Mammals listed to prevent the depletion of wild populations and to provide for animal welfare are termed "welfare animals", and are designated by the letter "W". Those species listed because they pose a threat to native wildlife, the agriculture interests of the state or to public health or safety are termed "detrimental animals" and are designated by the letter "D". The department shall include the list of welfare and detrimental wild animals as part of DFG MANUAL NO. 671 (2/25/92) IMPORTATION, TRANSPORTATION AND POSSESSION OF RESTRICTED SPECIES, to be made available to all permittees and other interested individuals.
(c) Restricted species include:
(1) Class Aves -Birds
(A) Family Alaudidae -Larks
Alauda arvensis(Skylark) (D).
(B) Family Cuculidae -Cuckoos
All species (D).
(C) Family Corvidae -Crows, Ravens, Rooks, Jackdaws
All species (D).
(D) Family Turdidae -Thrushes, Blackbirds, Fieldfare
1. Turdus merula(European blackbird) (D).
2. Turdus viscivorus(Missel thrush) (D).
3. Turdus pilaris(Fieldfare) (D).
4. Turdus musicus(Song thrush) (D).
(E) Family Sturnidae -Starlings, Mynahs
All species (D), except Sturnus vulgaris(Starling), Gracula religiosaor Eulabes religiosa(Hill mynahs), and Leucopsar rothschildi(Rothchild's mynah) are not restricted.
(F) Family Ploceidae -Sparrows, Weavers, Queleas
1. Genus Passer(Sparrow)
All species (D), except Passer domesticus(English house sparrow) is not restricted.
2. Foudia madagascariensis(Madagascar weaver) (D).
3. Ploceus baya(Baya weaver) (D).
4. Genus Quelea(Queleas) -All species (D).
(G) Family Estrildidae -Waxbills, Munias, Ricebirds
1. Padda oryzivora(Java sparrow) (D).
(H) Family Emberizidae -Yellowhammer
Emberiza citrinella(Yellowhammer) (D).
(I) Order Falconiformes -Falcons, Eagles, Hawks, Vultures
1. Vultures All species (D)
2. Falcons, Eagles, Hawks (D)
(J) Order Strigiformes -Owls
All species (D)
(K) Family Pyconotidae -Bulbuls or Fruit Thrushes
Pycnonotus jocosus(Red-whiskered bulbul) (D).
(L) Family Zosteropidae -Whiteeyes
Genus Zosterops(Whiteeyes) -All species (D).
(M) Family Psittacidae -Parrots, Parakeets
Myiopsitta monachus(Monk or Quaker parakeet) (D).
(2) Class Mammalia -Mammals
(A) Order Primates -Monkeys, Apes
All species (W), except Family Hominidae -not restricted.
(B) Order Edendata -Sloths, Anteaters, Armadillos, etc.
All species:
1. Family Dasypodidae -Armadillos -All Species (D).
2. Family Bradypodidae -Sloths -(W).
3. Family Myrmecophagidae -Anteaters -(W).
(C) Order Marsupialia -Marsupials or Pouched Animals
All species (W).
(D) Order Insectivora -Shrews, Moles, Hedgehogs, etc.
All species (D).
(E) Order Dermoptera -Gliding Lemurs
All species (D).
(F) Order Chiroptera -Bats
All species (D).
(G) Order Monotremata -Spiny Anteaters, Platypuses
All Species (W).
(H) Order Pholidota -Pangolins or Scaly Anteaters
All species (W).
(I) Order Lagomorpha -Pikas, Rabbits, and Hares
All species, (D), except domesticated races of rabbits and hares of the Family Leporidae -not restricted.
(J) Order Rodentia -Hamsters, Field Mice, Voles, Muskrats, Gerbils, Squirrels, Chipmunks, Woodchucks, and Prairie Dogs
1. All species (D), except:
a. Ondatra zibethica(Muskrats) -Not restricted under conditions set forth in Fish and Game Code Section 2250;
b. Domesticated races of golden hamsters of the species Mesocricetus auratusand domesticated races of dwarf hamsters of the Genus Phodopusnot restricted;
c. Domesticated races of rats or mice (white or albino; trained, dancing or spinning, laboratory-reared) not restricted;
d. Domesticated races of guinea pigs of the species Cavia porcellusnot restricted; and
e. Domesticated races of chinchillas of the species Chinchilla lanigernot restricted.
(K) Order Carnivora -Raccoons, Ringtailed Cats, Kinkajous, Coatis, Cacomistles, Weasels, Ferrets, Skunks, Polecats, Stoats, Mongoose, Civets, Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes, Lions, Tigers, Ocelots, Bobcats, Servals, Leopards, Jaguars, Cheetahs, Bears, etc.
1. Family Felidae -All species (W) except:
a. Acinonyx jubatus(cheetahs) -(D).
b. Domestic cats and hybrids of domestic cats are not restricted.
2. Family Canidae -All species (W).
a. Wolf hybrids Canis familiaris(domestic dog) x Canis lupus(wolf).
i. Any F1 (first) generation wolf hybrid whelped on or before February 4, 1988 may be possessed under permit from the department.
ii. No state permit is required to possess the progeny of F1 generation wolf hybrids, but cities and counties may prohibit possession or require a permit.
b. Domesticated dogs are not restricted.
3. Family Viverridae -All species (D).
4. Family Procyonidae -All species -(D), except:
a. Ailuris fulgens(Lesser Panda) -(W).
b. Aiuropoda melanoleuca(Giant panda) -(W).
c. Bassariscus astutus(Ringtail or Ringtailed cat) -(W).
d. Jentinkia sumichrasti(Mexican and Central American Cacomistle) -(W).
5. Family Mustelidae -All species (D), except:.
a. Ambloynx cinerea(Oriental small-clawed otter) -(W).
b. Aonyx capensis(African clawless otter) -(W).
c. Pteronura brasiliensis(Giant otter) -(W).
d. All species of Genus Lutra(River otters) -(W).
6. All others -(W).
(L) Order Tubulidentata -Aardvarks
All species -(W).
(M) Order Proboscidae -Elephants
All species -(W).
(N) Order Hyracoidae -Hyraxes
All species -(W).
(O) Order Sirenia -Dugongs, Manatees
All species -(W).
(P) Order Perissodactyla -Horses, Zebras, Tapirs, Rhinoceroses, etc.
All species (W), except Family Equidae is not restricted.
(Q) Order Artiodactyla -Swine, Peccaries, Camels, Deer, Elk, Moose, Antelopes, Cattle, Goats, Sheep, etc.
All species (D) except:
1. Bos taurusand Bos indicus(Domestic cattle); Bos grunniens(Yak); Bubalus bulalis(Asian water buffalo); Ovis aries(Domestic sheep); Capra hircus(Domestic goat); Sus scrofa domestica(Domestic swine); Llama glama(Llama); Llama pacos(Alpaca); Llama guanicoe(Guanaco); Hybrids of llama, alpaca and guanacos; Camelus bactrianusand Camelus dromedarius(Camels); and Bison bison(American bison), are not restricted.
2. Permits may be issued for species of Elk (Genus Cervus) which are already maintained within California; and
3. Permits may be issued pursuant to Section 676, Title 14, CCR, for importing, breeding, slaughter and sale of the meat and other parts of fallow deer (Dama dama) for commercial purposes.
(3) Class Amphibia -Frogs, Toads, Salamanders
(A) Family Bufonidae -Toads
Bufo marinus, Bufo paracnemis, Bufo horribilis(Giant toad or marine toad group) and all other large toads from Mexico and Central and South America-(D).
(B) Family Pipidae -Tongueless Toads
All species of the Genus Xenopus-(D).
(C) Family Ambystomatidae-Mole Salamanders
All species of the genus Ambystoma(tiger salamanders)-D
(4) Class Agnatha -Jawless Fishes
(A) Family Petromyzontidae -Lampreys
All nonnative species (D).
(5) Class Osteichthyes -Bony Fishes
(A) Family Percichthyidae -Temperate Basses
1. The species Morone americana(White perch) (D).
2. The species Morone chrysops(White bass) (D).
(B) Family Clupeidae -Herrings
Dorosoma cepedianum(Gizzard shad) (D).
(C) Family Sciaenidae -Drums
Aplodinotus grunniens(freshwater drum) (D).
(D) Family Characidae -Characins
1. Astyanax fasciatus(Banded tetra) (D).
2. All species of the genera Serrasalmus, Serrasalmo, Pygocentrus, Taddyella, Rooseveltiella, and Pygopristis(Piranhas) (D).
3. Hoplias malabaricus(Tiger fish) (D).
(E) Family Salmonidae -Trouts
Salmo salar(Atlantic salmon) -Restricted in the Smith River watershed (D).
(F) Family Lepisosteidae -Gars
All species (D).
(G) Family Amiidae -Bowfins
All species (D).
(H) Family Poeciliidae -Livebearers
Belonesox belizanus(Pike killifish) (D).
(I) Family Channidae -Snakeheads
All species (D).
(J) Family Cyprinidae -Carps and Minnows
1. Leuciscus idus (ide)(D).
2. Ctenopharyngodon idellus(Grass carp) (D), except that permits may be issued to a person, organization or agency for possession of triploid grass carp, under conditions set forth in Section 238.6.
3. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix(Silver carp) (D).
4. Aristichthys nobilis(Bighead carp) (D).
(K) Family Trichomycteridae (Pygidiidae) -Parasitic Catfishes.
All species (D).
(L) Family Cetopsidae -Whalelike Catfishes.
All species (D).
(M) Family Clariidae -Labyrinth Catfishes
All species of the genera Clarias, Dinotopterus, and Heterobranchus(D).
(N) Family Heteropneustidae (Saccobranchidae) -Airsac Catfishes
All species (D).
(O) Family Cichlidae -Cichlids
1. Tilapia sparrmani(Banded Tilapia) (D).
2. Tilapia zilli(Redbelly tilapia) (D), except permits may be issued to a person or agency for importation, transportation, or possession in the counties of San Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial.
3. Tilapia aurea(Blue tilapia) (D).
4. Tilapia nilotica(Nile tilapia) (D).
(P) Family Anguillidae -Freshwater Eels.
All species of genus Anguilla(D).
(Q) Family Esocidae -Pikes all species (D).
(R) Family Percidae -Perches
1. Perca flavescens(Yellow perch) (D).
2. Stizostedion vitreum(Walleye) (D).
(S) Family Catostomidae -Suckers
All members of the genus Ictiobus(Buffalos) (D).
(T) Family Cyprinodontidae-Killifishes
Cyprinodon variegatus(Sheepshead minnow) (D).
(6) Class Elasmobranchiomorphi -Cartilaginous Fishes
(A) Family Carcharhinidae -Requiem Sharks
All species of genus Carcharhinus(Freshwater sharks) (D).
(B) Family Potamotrygonidae -River stingrays
All species (D).
(7) Class Reptilia -Reptiles
(A) Order Crocodilia -Crocodiles, Caimans, Alligators and Gavials
All species (D).
(B) Family Chelyridae -Snapping Turtles
All species (D).
(C) Family Elapidae -Cobras, Coral Snakes, Mambas, Kraits, etc.
All species (D).
(D) Family Viperidae -Adders and Vipers
All species (D).
(E) Family Crotalidae -Pit Vipers
All species (D), except Crotalus viridis(Western rattlesnake), Crotalus atrox(Western diamondback rattlesnake), Crotalus ruber(red diamondback rattlesnake), Crotalus scutulatus(Mojave rattlesnake), Crotalus mitchelli(speckled rattlesnake) and Crotalus cerastes(Sidewinder) not restricted.
(F) Family Colubridae -Colubrids
1. Dispholidus typus(Boomslang) (D).
2. Theoltornis kitlandii(Bird or vine snake) (D).
(G) Family Helodermatidae
1. Heloderma suspectum suspectum(reticulate Gila monster) (D).
(8) Class Crustacea -Crustaceans
(A) All species of Family Cambaridae -Crayfish, etc. (D), except Procambarus clarkiiand Orconectes virilisnot restricted.
(B) All species of genus Eriocheir(D).
(9) Class Gastropoda -Slugs, Snails
(A) Potamopyrgus antipodarum(New Zealand mudsnail)
(B) All nonnative species of slugs and land snails (D), except:
1. Rumina decollata(decollate snail) in the counties of San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial, Orange, San Diego, Los Angeles, Ventura, Kern, Fresno, Madera, Tulare and Santa Barbara not restricted with the concurrence of the appropriate county agricultural commissioners.
2. Helix aspersa(brown garden snail) not prohibited.
(10) Class Bivalvia-Bivalves
All members of the genus Dreissena(zebra mussels) -(D).
(11) Transgenic Aquatic Animals.
Includes freshwater and marine fishes, invertebrates, crustaceans, mollusks, amphibians, and reptiles (D). Note:Unpermitted transgenic aquatic animals are determined to be detrimental to native wildlife, therefore the exemption provided for in Fish and Game Code Section 2150(e) is not applicable.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 2118 and 2120, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 1002, 2116, 2118, 2118.2, 2118.4, 2119-2155, 2190, 2271, 3005.9 and 3005.92, Fish and Game Code.
s 671.1. Permits for Restricted Species.
(a) General. It is unlawful for any person to import, export, transport, maintain, dispose of, or use for any purpose any animal restricted by Section 671 except as authorized in a permit issued by the department.
(1) Limited Scope. A permit issued pursuant to this Section 671.1 does not supersede any Federal, State, or local law regulating or prohibiting the animals or the activities authorized in the permit.
(2) Inspections. The department may approve an application prior to facilities being inspected and approved. A permit shall not be issued unless the applicant's facilities have been inspected and approved by the department or persons designated by the department.
The department may enter any facility at a reasonable hour, where restricted species are kept or may be kept to inspect animals, facilities, animal equipment, or to inspect, audit, or copy any permit, book or record required to be kept by these regulations or federal regulations relating to such species.
(3) Change of Address or Name. The permittee must notify the Department's License and Revenue Division, 3211 S Street, Sacramento, California 95816, in writing of any change of address or name related to the permit within fourteen (14) days of the change.
(4) Records. Any record, log, invoice, or other document required by this Section 671.1 shall be maintained by the permittee for at least three years from the date issued, and be made available to the department immediately upon demand.
(5) Transportation Records Required of Broker/Dealer. The permittee shall prepare and sign an invoice in duplicate prior to any animals leaving their facility. The invoice shall contain the name and address of the Broker/Dealer, a phone number where the Broker/Dealer and the consignee can be reached 24 hours, the name and address of the consignee, the date of the shipment, and the number and scientific name of each animal. The invoice shall accompany the animals being shipped. The consignee shall sign and date the invoice receipt of the shipment and retain a copy.
(6) Permits for Business. A person (as defined in Fish and Game Code Section 67) other than a natural person can qualify for and be issued a permit, only by employing at least one full time employee who possesses the requirements for obtaining a permit. The permittee must continue to employ such qualified persons as long as the animals are possessed in California.
(7) Financial Responsibility. The department may require an applicant for a nonresident permit to provide proof he/she will immediately cover all expenses incurred by the department for personnel, equipment, and facilities used to locate, capture, house, care for, and transport animals that escape or that are released or abandoned. The written proof must be in the form of an insurance bond or other financial guarantee payable to the department, local government agency, or entity contracting for the animals.
(8) Health Certificates. The department may require as a condition on any permit that restricted animals be approved for interstate shipment pursuant to applicable federal or state agency standards for diseases such as but not limited to tuberculosis, brucellosis, and pseudo rabies. Permit conditions may be more restrictive than federal standards.
(9) Transgenic Aquatic Animals. The department may issue permits for importation, possession, transportation or rearing of, or research on, transgenic aquatic animals pursuant to the following terms and conditions:
(A) All transgenic aquatic animals shall be held, raised, and transported in a closed-water system or in a system which treats effluent discharge from the facility with a disinfection system adequate to ensure against the inadvertent release of live animals. A closed-water system means that there is no discharge to waters of the state. Municipal treated sewage systems are not considered waters of the state. The Commission may grant an exception to subsection (a)(9)(A) of this regulation if it is determined that doing so shall not pose a significant risk to the waters or wildlife of the state.
(B) Access to facilities containing transgenic aquatic animals must be restricted through means determined to be adequate by the Department to assure against unauthorized removal of animals.
(C) Movement of live transgenic aquatic animals from facilities is prohibited unless specifically permitted by the Department.
(D) Release of transgenic aquatic animals or their progeny into waters of the state is prohibited.
(E) If transgenic aquatic animals are held with non-transgenic animals of the same species, all such animals that commingle with transgenic animals shall be treated as transgenic for the purposes of regulation and may not be introduced into waters of the state. Nontransgenic individuals that can be individually identified as nontransgenic may be exempt from this provision with prior department approval.
(F) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, any unauthorized release of transgenic aquatic animals or their progeny into the waters of the state may be subject to the penalties provided for under Fish and Game Code Sections 2125, 12007, and/or 12023.
(G) A university, college, governmental research agency or other bona fide scientific institution, as determined by the department, may apply for an expedited permit review under 671.1(b)(6) of this section by demonstrating that they meet or exceed the requirements stipulated in subsections (A) through (F) as part of a federal program or permit, for example, National Institute of Health guidelines administered by an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Such institutions shall have 120 calendar days from May 14, 2003 to submit supporting documentation for an initial permit.
(H) The Department shall provide written notice of the filing of all permit applications to any interested party who submits a written request for such notice. The Department shall consider all written comments regarding a permit application that are received from any interested party prior to approval of that application. All approved applications shall be reviewed by the Fish and Game Commission during a regularly scheduled public meeting; and the Commission, following public comment, may deny the issuance of a permit if it finds that an applicant is or will be unable to meet all regulatory requirements for importation, transportation, possession, and confinement of transgenic aquatic animals.
(I) The regulations under subsection 671.1(a)(9) shall be reviewed by the Department and other interested parties no later than one year after their effective date of May 14, 2003. A summary of the review shall be reported to the Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting within 90 days of May 14, 2004.
(b) Permits and Fees. The following fees will be adjusted annually pursuant to Section 699, Title 14, CCR. The department may issue permits with the conditions it determines are necessary to protect native wildlife, agriculture interests, animal welfare, and/or human health and safety to:
(1) Animal Care. A person who is a resident and who has the demonstrated experience and ability to house an animal, and who legally possessed the animal in California prior to January 1992. The permittee may only possess and provide care for the animal(s) specifically listed on their department approved permit inventory. No other activity is authorized except that which is medically necessary for the care of the animal. The base permit fees for this activity in 1998 are $34.75 for Welfare species and $289.50 for Detrimental species.
(2) Exhibiting. A person who is a resident or nonresident who is in the business of exhibiting animals and who possesses the qualifications listed in 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the department approved permit inventory for commercial exhibition purposes. The base permit fee for this activity in 1998 is $289.50 for residents and $579.00 for nonresidents.
(3) Single Event Breeding for Exhibitor. A person who is a resident and permitted pursuant to Section 671.1(b)(2) to conduct a one time, single breeding of an animal which is listed on the department approved permit inventory. The permit may be renewed annually, but only upon written verification by a veterinarian accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that the breeding authorized by the former permit was not successful. The base permit fee for this activity in 1998 is $34.75.
(4) Breeding. A person who is a resident and who possesses the qualifications listed in Section 671.1(c)(1) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the department approved permit inventory for breeding, but only if the department determines the breeding will not result in unneeded or uncared for animals or the species is threatened or endangered. The base permit fee for this activity in 1998 is $289.50.
(5) AZA. A person accredited by the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the department approved permit inventory for breeding, exhibition, or for bona fide scientific or public health research. The base permit fee for this activity in 1998 is $289.50.
(6) Research. A university, college, governmental research agency, or other bona fide scientific institution, as determined by the department, engaging in scientific or public health research to import, transport, and possess only those species listed on the department approved permit inventory for breeding, or for bona fide scientific or public health research. The base permit fee for this activity in 1998 is $289.50.
(7) Broker/Dealer. A person who is a resident or nonresident to act as a broker or dealer in a transaction involving the buying and/or selling of restricted species, or who is the business of transporting restricted species within the state between permittees. The base permit fee for this activity in 1998 is $289.50 for residents and $579.00 for nonresidents.
(A) Special Restrictions.
(1) Minimum Caging Period. Animals may be kept in transport caging for a period not to exceed 48 hours. An additional 48 hours may be approved by an enforcing officer or a veterinarian accredited by the USDA.
(2) Nonresident Restriction. The nonresident dealer shall only transport animals between permittees authorized by this Section or between AZA accredited institutions and permittees or ship them out of state in compliance with Federal guidelines.
(8) Shelter. A person who is a resident, who possesses the qualifications listed in Section 671.1(c)(1), and who has a statement in writing signed by the department's regional manager verifying the need for a shelter or similar facility in the area, to transport and possess restricted species for humane purposes only. The base permit fee for this activity in 1998 is $34.75. The permit fee may be waived upon recommendation of the regional manager when he/she determines it is in the best interest of the public, the animal, or the department to do so.
(A) Special Authorizations.
(1) A permittee may exhibit animals at its facility for fund-raising purposes.
(2) The department may authorize a permittee to import restricted species upon receipt of written verification that appropriate facilities outside of California were contacted and no housing was available, and that these specific animals would be euthanized if they cannot be imported into California.
(Note: Deer Farming Permits. See Section 676.)
(c) Qualifications, Application Fees, and Permit Information.
(1) Qualifications. Applicants shall be at least 18 years of age and possess at least two years, full-time, paid or volunteer, hands-on experience caring for restricted species at a facility(ies) engaged in a similar or directly related activity to the permit requested. Applicants shall have at least one year full-time hands-on professional experience working with prohibited species in the same family or closely related taxonomic family as each species being requested. Experience will be considered only for the periods the applicant was directly involved in and responsible for the animals while engaged in the activity requested on the permit. Applicants must be residents of California, except permits for an exhibiting permit or a broker/dealer permit may be issued to nonresidents.
Persons or facilities accredited by the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums (AZA), universities, colleges, governmental research agencies or other bona fide scientific institutions, as determined by the department, engaging in scientific or public health research are exempt from meeting these qualifications.
(2) Application. Completed applications and all fees shall be submitted to the Department of Fish and Game, License and Revenue Branch, Sacramento (see Section 671.1(a)(3) above for address) for each permit, permit amendment, or renewal. Application fees are nonrefundable and are in addition to permit fees.
The following information and documents shall accompany an application for each permit, amendment, or renewal:
(A) An inventory of each animal requested including the common and scientific name, sex, and age of each animal;
(B) Written certification from a veterinarian accredited by the USDA, that he/she has observed each of the permittee's animals at least twice during the prior year, that the animals have been appropriately immunized and are being housed and cared for as required by law. The certification must be signed by the veterinarian and must include the veterinarian's printed name, address and license number. In the case of animals to be acquired by the permittee, the certification shall include the future dates the animals will be inspected by the veterinarian;
(C) A resume which provides the dates and description of the applicant's experience. The resume is required only when applying for the original permit or when applying to add new species to the inventory.
(D) A copy of current license or registration document required by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and a copy of the most recent USDA facility inspection form completed for the facility.
(E) A letter of recommendation on letterhead stationary signed in ink by the owner or operator of a facility where the applicant gained his/her experience. The letter must provide the printed name of the owner or operator and detailed information regarding the quality and extent of the applicant's knowledge and experience related to the permit requested.
(F) Applicants for a breeding permit shall include a statement describing why the progeny are necessary. The statement must be in writing on letterhead stationary from a university, research facility, exhibitor, breeder, zoological garden or other authorized recipient. The statement must contain the printed name and be signed in ink by an official representative of the organization providing the statement. The statement is required only with the original application and when applying to add new species to the breeding inventory.
(3) Term of Permit. Permits issued under the provisions of this Section 671.1 shall be valid for a term of one year from the date of issue.
(4) Denial. The department may deny the issuance of a permit if the conditions of Section 671.1(b) are not met, or the failure to comply with terms and conditions of a permit or the provisions of sections 671-671.6. Any person denied a permit under these regulations may request a hearing before the commission to show cause why their permit request should not be denied.
(5) Revocation. Any permit issued pursuant to these regulations may be canceled or suspended at any time by the commission for failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit or for failure to comply with sections 671-671.6, after notice and opportunity to be heard, or without a hearing upon conviction of a violation of these regulations by a court of competent jurisdiction.
(6) Fees. The following fees will be adjusted annually pursuant to Section 699, Title 14, CCR.
(A) Application. A nonrefundable application fee for new permit, amending or renewing existing permit: $30.
(B) Inspection. The applicant shall pay $100.00 for two inspections each year. If an inspection requires more than two hours, or additional inspections are required to verify corrections of facilities or for compliance with these regulations an additional $25.00 per hour shall be charged. The inspection fee shall be waived if a person submits an annual statement from a veterinarian accredited by the USDA certifying that the animals have been inspected at least twice during the year, at six month intervals, and that the animals are being cared for and housed in accordance with applicable requirements in sections 671.2 through 671.4, Title 14, CCR. In the case of animals to be acquired, the inspection fee shall be waived if a veterinarian accredited by the USDA will certify that the facilities meet the minimum requirements of Section 671.2, Title 14, CCR, and that the animals will be inspected at least twice during the next year as required.
Note: Authority cited: Sections 1002, 2118, 2120, 2122, 2150 and 2150.2, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 2116-2118, 2190 and 2271, Fish and Game Code.
s 671.2. Humane Care and Treatment Standards.
(a) Care and Treatment. Except as provided by subsection (c) below, every person who imports, transports, or possesses a restricted species shall comply with the following provisions:
(1) Food. Food shall be wholesome, palatable and free from contamination and shall be supplied in sufficient quantity and nutritive value to maintain the animal in good health. The diet shall be prepared with consideration for the age, species, condition, and size of each animal.
(2) Feeding. Animals not in hibernation shall be fed at least once a day. Food receptacles shall be clean and sanitary. Food shall be accessible to all animals in the enclosure and placed to prevent contamination. If self-feeders are used, adequate measures shall be taken to prevent mold, contamination, deterioration or caking of food.
(3) Water. Potable water must be accessible to the animals at all times or provided as often as necessary for the health and comfort of the animal as directed by a licensed veterinarian. All water receptacles shall be clean and sanitary.
(4) Cleaning of enclosures. Excrement shall be removed from enclosures at least once per day or in the case of large pasture areas, large flight cages, breeding chambers or large natural habitat enclosures, as often as necessary to maintain animals in a healthy condition. When enclosures are cleaned by hosing or flushing, adequate measures shall be taken to protect confined animals from the direct spray.
(5) Disinfection of enclosures. After an animal with an infectious or transmissible disease is removed from a cage, room, or pen/run, that enclosure shall be disinfected in compliance with the directions of a licensed veterinarian.
(6) Pest control. Programs of disease prevention and parasite control, euthanasia and adequate veterinary care shall be established and maintained under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian. The pest control program shall be reviewed annually by the veterinarian for the safe use of materials and methods.
(7) Daily observation. Animals shall be observed every day by the person in charge of the care of the animals or by someone working under his or her direct supervision. Sick or diseased, stressed, injured, or lame animals shall be provided with veterinary care or humanely destroyed.
(8) Handling. Animals shall be handled expeditiously and carefully so as not to cause unnecessary discomfort, behavioral stress, or physical harm to the animal. Except as provided below, an animal may be placed on a chain and collar only when being transported by an attendant between areas on a permittee's premises or between a mode of conveyance and a worksite or veterinarian's office, or when the handler is working or exercising the animal(s) within the compound. Care shall be exercised to avoid harm to the handler or the general public. Animals shall be kept under control at all times and shall not be allowed to roam free outside of a compound, except when under the control of the handler during filming or exhibition.
Exceptions: Elephants chained pursuant to subsection 671.3(b)(2)(M)4. (see Department of Fish and Game Manual No. 671- 2/25/92). Raptors may be jessed and tethered.
(9) Chaining/staking. Animal(s) shall not be chained or otherwise tethered to a stake, post, tree, building or other anchorage, except during filming, training or exhibition, in an emergency situation or when repairs are being made to the cage. The animal(s) shall be under the direct supervision of the handler or his designee at all times.
Exceptions: Elephants chained pursuant to subsection 671.3(b)(2)(M)4. (see Department of Fish and Game Manual No. 671- 2/25/92). Raptors may be jessed and tethered.
(10) Public display. Animals shall be publicly displayed only for periods of time and under conditions consistent with the animal's health and comfort. The animal must be handled so there is no perceived risk to the public in the judgement of the department's enforcement officer, with sufficient distance allowed between animal acts and the viewing public to assure safety to both the public and the animals. Animals on display shall be contained within an escape-proof area or enclosure at all times when not under the immediate control of a handler. Circus or traveling show animals shall be allowed a rest period of at least 4 hours per day within an enclosure as directed by a licensed veterinarian.
(b) Log Requirement. Permittees shall maintain a written log in the English language for each animal in their possession which documents each animal's health care. The log shall contain the following information: date of acquisition, name and address of person from whom the animal was acquired, identifying marks or characteristics, date and description of illness and/or injury, health care treatment provided, name and signature of the person treating the animal, if applicable. This log shall be made available to department officers or its authorized agent on demand.
(c) Alternative Care and Treatment Authorized by Veterinarian. When specifically directed in writing by a licensed veterinarian, a person may provide alternative care and treatment. The veterinarian's written instructions for long-term care of the animals held under the permit shall be presented to the inspector at the time of inspection. The implementation of any short-term exceptions to the veterinarian's long-term instructions or to the provisions of subsections 671.2(a)(1) through (10) above shall be verified in writing in the animal's log by the permittee within 10 working days from the date of the action. Such exception shall not exceed two weeks without written concurrence from a licensed veterinarian.
Note: Authority cited: Section 2120, Fish and Game Code. Reference: Sections 2116.5, 2118 and 2120, Fish and Game Code.
s 671.3. Minimum Facility and Caging Standards for Wild Animals Housed at Permanent Facilities.
(a) General Housing Requirements and Specifications.
(1) All cages or enclosures shall be completely enclosed unless otherwise specified.
(2) Compatible animals may be held in the same enclosure if the required floor space is provided.
(3) Common walls between noncompatible animals shall be constructed so that animals cannot gain access to each other.
(4) If the ambient air temperature falls below that necessary to maintain the animal in a healthy condition, an artificial heat source that is sufficient to maintain that minimum ambient air temperature shall be provided.
(5) If a pool of water is required, the floor space occupied by the pool shall be in addition to the minimum floor space requirement unless otherwise specified.
(6) Night quarters, holding pens and nesting boxes may not be used as primary housing.
(7) Except as provided in subsection (b) below, all animals listed shall be housed in facilities that have double doors or,if individual cages do not have double doors, then a perimeter fence shall enclose the entire facility to prevent escape. (continued)