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(b) If a proceeding is heard by a hearing panel or a hearing officer, the panel or hearing officer shall prepare a proposed decision in such form that it may be adopted by the Board as the decision in the proceeding. The proposed decision shall be a public record and a copy of the proposed decision shall be served by the Standards Board on each party. The Board may adopt the proposed decision or decide the case itself as provided in subdivision (c) below.
(c) If the proposed decision is not adopted as provided in subdivision (b), the Standards Board itself may decide the case upon the record, with or without taking additional evidence, or may refer the case to a hearing panel or hearing officer to take additional evidence.
(1) If the case is assigned to a hearing panel or hearing officer, the hearing panel or hearing officer shall prepare a proposed decision as provided in subdivision (b) based on the additional evidence and the record of the prior hearing. A copy of the proposed decision shall be furnished to each party as prescribed in subdivision (b).
(2) If the case is heard by the Standards Board itself, and the Board chooses to take additional evidence, the parties shall be afforded the opportunity to present either oral or written argument before the Board itself. If additional oral evidence is introduced before the Board itself, no Board member may vote unless the member heard the additional oral evidence.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code; and Section 11400.20, Government Code. Reference: Sections 143, 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code; and 11425.10, Government Code.
s 426.1. Form of Decision.
(a) The decision shall be in writing and shall contain findings of fact, the reasons for decision, and the decision. A copy of the decision shall be mailed to or served on each party or his/her representative.
(b) Any decision in a variance proceeding may be made subject to any reasonable conditions.
(c) After a decision or proposed decision has been mailed or served it shall not be changed except to correct clerical errors, in which case a corrected decision or proposed decision shall be prepared and mailed or served.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143, 143.2, 146 and 6457, Labor Code.
s 426.2. Notice of the Granting of a Permanent Variance or Variance Appeal.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143, 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code.
s 427. Petitions for Re-Hearing.
(a) Petition for re-hearing may be filed by any party with the Standards Board within twenty (20) days after service of the decision upon the following grounds and no other:
(1) that the Standards Board acted without or in excess of its power;
(2) that the decision was not supported by substantial evidence; or,
(3) that the decision was contrary to law.
(b) Failure to file a petition for re-hearing within twenty days shall constitute valid grounds for denying the petition.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143.1, 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code.
s 427.1. Form of Petition for Re-Hearing.
(a) The petition for re-hearing shall state in detail the factual or legal basis for granting the petition for re-hearing.
(b) The petition for re-hearing shall be denied if it only states the permissible grounds for re-hearing contained in Rule 427, unsupported by specific references to the record and an explanation of the petitioner's position.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143.1, 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code.
s 427.2. Service of Petition for Re-Hearing.
The Board shall serve copies of the petition for re-hearing on all parties and interveners who have joined in the proceeding at the time that the petition is filed with the Standards Board.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143.1, 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code.
s 427.3. Re-Hearing.
(a) If a petition for re-hearing is submitted to the Board in a timely fashion, the Board may;
(1) grant the petition;
(2) affirm the Board initial decision on the variance;
(3) take no action on the petition, in which case it is deemed denied 30 days after receipt by the Board; or
(4) deny the petition and explain its basis for doing so.
(b) If the Board acts under subsection (a)(3), the Board shall notify the Employer of the denial after the 30 days have passed.
(c) If a re-hearing is granted, the Board may review the petition itself, or refer it to a hearing panel or hearing officer.
(d) The re-hearing may be based on the existing record, or the Board, hearing panel or hearing officer that hears the matter may request that additional testimony and/or written evidence be submitted.
(1) If further hearing is ordered, the Board shall issue a notice of hearing, and the Employer shall comply with the notification requirements contained in Rules 411.2(a)(3) and (b)(3).
(2) If the decision is to be based on the existing record, the Board may decide the matter without notice and without affording the parties further opportunity to testify or submit information.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143.1, 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code.
s 427.4. Decision on Petition for Re-Hearing.
A decision issued on a re-hearing petition, shall be in the same manner and form as prescribed in Rule 426.1.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143.1, 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code.
s 428. Modifications to a Permanent Variance.
(a) A variance is valid only for the Employer to whom it is issued and only for the locations specified in the variance. If an Employer transfers ownership of the business to a different entity, the variance does not transfer to the new Employer.
(b) An Employer must seek to modify a variance if:
(1) the Employer wants to change the terms or conditions of an existing variance;
(2) the Employer wants to acquire the variance from the Employer to whom it was issued; or
(3) the Employer wants to add to or change the locations listed in the existing variance.
(c) Employers seeking to modify a permanent variance must comply with Rules 411-411.2 and must include the docket number of the variance to be modified in the application. An Employer may satisfy 411(b)(3) and (4) by stating that it will comply with the conditions contained in the existing permanent variance that is subject to modification.
Note: Authority cited: Section 143.2, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 143(d), 143.2 and 6457, Labor Code.
<<(Subchapter Originally Printed 4-20-45)>>
These Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders were promulgated and adopted by the
Industrial Safety Board for inclusion in Title 8, California Administrative
Code, as Safety Regulations as authorized by Division 5, Chapter 3, Section
6500 of the California Labor Code.
It has been determined that certain of these orders are also applicable as
Building Standards and those Sections approved by the State Building Standards
Commission have been included in Title 24, California Administrative Code.
Those regulations that have been designated as Building Standards have been
printed in italics.
s 450. Application of the Unfired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders.
(a) These Orders apply to places of employment in California, and establish minimum standards for:
(1) The design, construction, and installation of LP-Gas containers, including the storage and handling of LP-Gas. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 58, LP-Gas Code, 1998 Edition, is hereby incorporated by reference. Supplementing NFPA 58 are these Safety Orders, beginning with Sections 470 through 494, which are determined necessary for the protection of the safety and health of employees.
(2) The design and construction of all other non-LP-Gas unfired pressure vessels.
(3) The installation, use, repair, and alteration of air tanks, LP-Gas and NH3 tanks and systems.
(4) The inspection of and issuance of permits to operate for air and LP-Gas tanks.
(5) The design, construction, installation, use, repair, and alteration of pressure vessels for the storage and dispensing of natural gas as a motor fuel, except in vehicles that are licensed to travel on highways.
(6) The design, construction, repair and alteration of LNG, LPG and NH3 storage tanks for operation at 15 psig or less.
(b) After the date on which these Orders become effective, all installations and equipment shall conform to these Orders, except as noted in Section 451.
Exception: Existing installations and equipment which were and remain in compliance with the Safety Orders, or variances therefrom, in effect at the time of manufacture or installation.
(c) When any provision of these Safety Orders conflicts with NFPA 58 and is more stringent than the corresponding Section of NFPA 58, the Safety Order shall take precedence.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3 Labor Code; and Section 13241, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
s 451. Unfired Pressure Vessels Not Subject to These Safety Orders.
(a) Pressure vessels that are under the jurisdiction and inspection of the United States Government or are specifically exempted by the Labor Code.
(b) Pressure vessels subject to an internal or external pressure of not more than 15 psig except for those listed in Section 450(a)(5), with no limitation on size, and vessels having an inside diameter not exceeding 6 inches with no limitation on pressure. However, vessels excluded in this section shall be designed and constructed in accordance with recognized standards when applicable, or in accordance with good engineering practices for pressure vessel design using a factor of safety of at least 4, and shall be fitted with necessary controls and safety devices to permit safe operation.
(c) Natural gas vessels and installations and air brake tanks subject to the jurisdiction and inspection of the Public Utilities Commission, the Department of Transportation, or the Department of the California Highway Patrol, except as provided in Article 7 of these Orders.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 142.3 and 7624, Labor Code; and Section 13241, Health and Safety Code.
s 452. Variances.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
s 453. Definitions.
The following definitions shall apply in the application and interpretation of these Orders.
For definitions directly relevant to LP-Gas, see 1998 Edition of NFPA 58, Section 1-6.
49 CFR: Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 100-199.
Acceptable: Capable of performing the particular function specified in the Order with safety.
Air Brake Tank: An air tank 10 inches or less in diameter, having a capacity of 1 1/2 cubic feet or less, and operating at 150 psig or less, and used exclusively to supply air to the braking systems of automotive vehicles and other air-operated auxiliaries used in the operation of such vehicles. The 150 psig limitation need not apply to tanks less than 6 inches in inside diameter.
Air Tank: A pressure vessel used for the storage or accumulation of air under pressure. This definition is not intended to include utilization equipment, including such devices as grease tanks, fire extinguishers, paint sprayers, etc., where the tank is partly filled with a product and the air pressure is used only for a cushion or to eject the product from the tank, or such devices as strainers, scrubbers, separators, etc., that are a part of the piping system.
Alteration: A change in any item described on the original Manufacturer's Data Report which affects the pressure capability of the pressure vessel.
ANSI Standards: Standards approved by the American National Standards Institute, Inc.
(A) Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, ANSI B31.3 (except non-metallic pipe such as plastic is not acceptable unless permitted by specific safety orders).
(B) Refrigeration Piping, ANSI B31.5.
Applicator Tank: A service tank used in agriculture for applying anhydrous ammonia to the soil, or for other agricultural uses.
Approved: See Section 3206, General Industry Safety Order.
Appurtenance: A device installed on and used in the normal operation of the vessel. This includes, but is not limited to, safety relief devices, liquid level gauging devices, valves, and pressure gauges.
Artificial Heat: Any heat other than solar or atmospheric heat.
ASME Code: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
(1) Power Boilers, Section I.
(2) Materials Specifications, Section II.
(3) Nuclear Power Plant Components, Section III, Division 1 and 2.
(4) Heating Boilers, Section IV.
(5) Non-destructive Examination, Section V.
(6) Recommended Rules for Care and Operation of Heating Boilers, Section VI.
(7) Recommended Rules for Care of Power Boilers, Section VII.
(8) Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, Division 1 and 2.
(9) Welding and Brazing Qualifications, Section IX.
(10) Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic Pressure Vessels, Section X.
(11) Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components, Section XI.
(12) Power Piping, ASME B31.1 (except non-metallic pipe such as plastic is not acceptable unless permitted by specific safety orders).
(13) Pressure Vessel for Human Occupancy (PVHO), Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels for Human Occupancy.
ASTM: American Society for Testing Materials.
Brittle Failure: A pipe failure mode which exhibits no visible (to the naked eye) material deformation (stretching, elongation, or necking down) in the area of the break.
Bulk Plant:
NH3 , CNG, and LNG: An installation other than a dispensing unit, used to store the product for further transfer.
Bulk Storage: Storage in vessels other than DOT cylinders.
California Standard Tank: A tank built in accordance with the requirements for California standard tanks as set forth in the Air Pressure Tank Safety Orders in force at the time the tank was constructed.
Capacity: The gross capacity of a pressure vessel in U.S. Gallons. See "Water Capacity."
Certificate of Competency: Certification issued by the Division to persons who have satisfactorily passed the written boiler and pressure vessel inspector's examination prescribed by the Division.
Certificate of Resale Inspection: A certificate issued after a resale inspection and designating the maximum allowable working pressure for the tank when it is installed in compliance with these Orders. This certificate is not a permit to operate. This certificate shall expire not more than 5 years from date of inspection or when the tank is returned to service, whichever occurs first.
Certified Inspector: A person holding a valid certificate of competency issued by the Division in accordance with the Boiler and Fired Pressure Vessel Safety Orders.
CNG: Compressed natural gas. Natural gas that has been compressed for storage in containers.
Container Assembly: An assembly consisting essentially of the container and fittings for all container openings, including shutoff valves, excess flow valves, liquid-level gauging devices, safety relief devices, and protective housing.
Container: Any vessel, including tanks, cylinders, tubes, portable tanks and cargo tanks, used for transporting or storing any liquid or gas.
Dike: A concrete, metal, or compacted earth structure used to confine an accidental spill within an impounding area.
Dispensing Unit:
Natural Gas: A stationary natural gas installation other than a bulk plant from which CNG or LNG is dispensed into fuel tanks or portable cylinders from a storage tank, bank of cylinders, compressor, or a distribution gas pipeline.
Division: Division of Occupational Safety and Health.
DOT Service: Service in which a pressure vessel is used, inspected and maintained in accordance with DOT regulations.
DOT Specifications: Regulations of the Federal Department of Transportation published in 49 CFR Parts 100-199.
Ductile Failure: A pipe failure mode which exhibits material deformation (stretching, elongation, or necking down) in the area of the break.
Ductile Plastic Materials: Plastic materials able to withstand external impact from both blunt and sharp objects, while charged with compressed gas under the full rated pressure of the piping system, without brittle failure.
Existing Installations: All pressure vessels installed in California prior to the adoption date of these Orders and in compliance with applicable Safety Orders of the Division in effect at that time and that have not changed ownership and location since the adoption date of these Orders.
External Inspection: An inspection of all visible external surfaces and appurtenances of an installed pressure vessel.
Farm Cart: A vehicle for use on a farm on which is mounted a container of not over 1,200 gallons water capacity.
Field Inspection: An internal and/or external inspection of installed pressure vessels.
Fill, Filling:
(A) Filled by Pressure: A means of filling a pressure vessel whereby the quantity of compressed gas in the vessel at normal temperature is determined by a pressure gauge or gauges.
(B) Filled by Volume: A means of filling a tank or cylinder whereby the volume of liquid in the vessel is determined by measuring the liquid level.
(C) Filled by Weight: A means of filling a tank or cylinder whereby the amount of the product in the vessel is determined by weight.
Flammable Gas: A flammable gas is one with either of the following properties:
(A) At atmospheric pressure and temperature forms a flammable mixture with air when present at a concentration of 13 percent or less (by volume) or which forms a range of flammable mixtures with air wider than 12 percent regardless of the lower limit, or
(B) projects a flame more than 18 inches beyond the ignition source with valve opened fully, or the flame flashes back and burns at the valve with any degree of valve opening, when tested in the Bureau of Explosives' Flame Projection Apparatus.
Flammable Liquid: A flammable liquid is one that has a flash point above 20 degrees Fahrenheit to and including 80 degrees Fahrenheit as determined by Tagliabue's Open-Cup-Method. When the flash point is 20 degrees Fahrenheit or less it is termed an Extremely Flammable Liquid.
Gas: A form of matter having extreme molecular mobility and capable of diffusing and expanding rapidly in all directions.
Gas-Air Mixer: A device, or system of piping and controls, which mixes LNG vapor with air to produce a mixed gas of a lower heating value than the LNG.
GISO: Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Chapter 4, Subchapter 7, The General Industry Safety Orders.
Hazardous: A substance or circumstance which by reason of being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, or otherwise harmful is likely to cause injury.
Important Building: A building in which there may be a source of ignition under normal operating conditions.
Impounding Area: An area used to contain an accidental liquid spill through the use of dikes and/or topography.
(A) CNG and LNG: Includes natural gas pressure vessels, liquefiers, pumps, compressors and all attached valves, piping and appurtenances affecting the safety of the employment or place of employment. When filling directly from distribution lines by means of a compressor, the installation includes the compressor and all piping and piping components beyond the shutoff valve between the distribution system and the compressor.
(B) NH3 : Includes the pressure vessel and all attached valves and other appurtenances affecting the safety of the employment or place of employment.
Labeled: See "Approved."
Listed: See "Approved."
LNG: Liquefied Natural Gas. A fluid in the liquid state composed predominantly of methane and which may contain minor quantities of ethane, propane, nitrogen, or other components normally found in natural gas and in a cryogenic state.
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure: The pressure for which a tank was constructed, or if conditions have changed, the maximum pressure permitted at the last inspection by a certified inspector or qualified safety engineer.
Maximum Filling Density: The percent ratio of the weight of gas in the tank to the weight of water that the tank will hold. For determining the water capacity of the tank in pounds, the weight of a gallon (231 cubic inches) of water at 60 degrees Fahrenheit in air shall be 8.32828 pounds.
Metallic Hose: A hose in which the strength of the hose depends primarily upon the strength of metallic parts but it may have non-metallic liners and/or covers.
Mobile Fuel Tank: A vessel mounted on a vehicle or other readily portable device and used only to supply fuel to an internal-combustion engine or other equipment secured to the vehicle or device.
Mobile Storage Module: Assembly of a multiple number of tubes securely fastened within a framework structure and used in DOT service.
Mobile Storage Tank, MST: A tank installed on a trailer or semitrailer, and used temporarily to receive and store anhydrous ammonia. "Temporarily" means not more than 120 days.
Motor Fuel Tank: See Mobile Fuel Tank.
Natural Gas: Naturally occurring mixtures of hydrocarbon gases and vapors consisting principally of methane, either in gaseous or liquid form.
New Installations: All pressure vessels, other than existing installations, installed or reinstalled in a new location after the effective date of these Orders.
NH3 : The chemical notation of anhydrous ammonia, a chemical compound composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. It is normally stored and transported as a liquid under pressure. However, in some large storage facilities it is refrigerated and stored at atmospheric pressure.
Nurse Tank: A tank used in agriculture for off-highway service to deliver NH3 from a transportation tank or storage tank to an applicator tank in the field.
Outage: That space required to be left in the vessel to provide for expansion of the liquid by an increase of temperature. For LNG outage is that space required to be left in vessels filled by volume to provide for separation of the vapors resulting from boil-off of the liquid and also to provide for the expansion of the liquid with increase of temperature.
Poison: A substance which when taken in small quantities or low concentrations by mouth, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin rapidly jeopardizes life by other than mechanical or physical action.
Portable Air Tank: An air tank mounted with an air compressor on a towed vehicle.
Portable LNG Tank: A service tank not exceeding 2,000-gallon water capacity used to transport LNG.
Portable NH3 Tank: A service tank not exceeding 1200-gallons capacity used to transport anhydrous ammonia.
Pressure Vessel: An unfired container, including cylinders, used for the storage or accumulation of any gas or liquid under pressure. This definition is not intended to include pressure chambers that are integral parts of such devices as pumps, motors, engines, clothes presses, flatwork ironers, tire molds, etc., where the pressure-containing part is subjected to severe mechanical stresses.
Property Line: A line, imaginary or otherwise, separating a property from adjoining property of public or private ownership.
Pull Away Device: A device installed and anchored so that any tension exceeding the manufacturer's rating on the hose will cause the device to separate and prevent the LP-Gas to escape from both the upstream and downstream lines.
Qualified Person, Attendant, or Operator. A person designated by an employer who by reason of training and experience has demonstrated the ability to safely perform his/her duties and, where required, is properly licensed in accordance with federal, state or local laws and regulations. Reference G.I.S.O. 3207.
Qualified Inspector: Either a certified inspector or a qualified safety engineer.
Qualified Safety Engineer: A person who is qualified to make inspections or examinations of boilers or tanks according to the rules under which the vessel was constructed, and who holds a valid certificate of competency issued by the Division.
Receiving Vessel: A tank or cylinder into which a product is being charged.
Resale Inspection: The inspection of any used vessel to determine its allowable working pressure when reinstalled in accordance with these Orders.
Respiratory Protective Device (RPD): A breathing device designed to protect the wearer from a hazardous atmosphere.
SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers.
Second-hand Pressure Vessel: A used pressure vessel that has changed both ownership and location.
Service Valve: A valve connected directly to a vessel outlet not larger than 3/4-inch pipe size and having an inlet diameter not exceeding the internal diameter of 1/2-inch Schedule 80 pipe for applications other than LP-Gas.
Shop Inspection: Inspection of tanks in a fabricator's shop, or at the job site during erection, as required by the ASME Code.
Standard Dimension Ratios (SDR): A specific ratio of the average specified outside diameter to the minimum specified wall thickness (Do/t) for outside diameter-controlled plastic pipe, the value of which is derived by adding one to the pertinent number selected from the ANSI Preferred Number Series 10 contained in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Designation No. F412-87a (1987), Standard Definitions of Terms Relating to Plastic Piping Systems which is herein incorporated by reference.
Storage Tank: A tank permanently located and used to store a product or to supply a product to utilization equipment.
Suitable: See "Acceptable."
Surge Tank: See "Gas-Air Mixer."
Systems: An assembly of equipment and appurtenances consisting essentially of the container or containers, major devices such as vaporizers, safety relief valves, excess flow valves, regulators, and connecting piping.
Tank: A container, other than a cylinder in DOT service, used for the storage or accumulation of any liquid or gas under pressure. This definition is not intended to include pressure chambers that are integral parts of such devices as pumps, motors, engines, clothes presses, flatwork ironers, tire molds, etc., where the pressure-containing part is subjected to severe mechanical stresses.
Transportation Tank: A tank permanently installed on a truck, trailer, or semi-trailer used to transport a product over the highway.
Trap Tank (Trap Wagon): A tank mounted on wheels for off-highway use and having a capacity of 1200 gallons or less and used to transport LP-Gas from a storage tank to a mobile fuel tank.
Tube: A hollow product of round or any other cross-section having a continuous periphery.
Note: For CNG service, a tube is a seamless, cylindrical-shaped pressure container used in DOT service such as transport trailers.
UM: Unfired Miniature, as Defined in ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1.
Vapor Pressure: The pressure of the vapor (psig) in equilibrium with the liquid at a temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
LNG Vaporizer: A device used to convert LNG from the liquid to the gaseous state by means of artificial or atmospheric heat.
Ventilation-Adequate: When specified for the prevention of fire during normal operation, ventilation shall be considered adequate when the concentration of the gas in a gas-air mixture does not exceed 25 percent of the lower flammable limit.
Volumetric Filling: The amount of water, in either lb. or gal., at 60 << degrees>> F (15.6 <> C) required to fill a container full of water.
Weight FIlling: See "Filled by Weight."
WOG: Water, oil, or gas rating (as applied to valves and fittings).
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 142.3 and 7622, Labor Code; and Section 13241, Health and Safety Code.
s 454. Design and Construction of Air Tanks.
(a) Except as permitted in Section 454 (b) all air tanks for new installations shall be constructed, inspected and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code (unless the design, material, and construction of the air tank are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code) and, except for "UM" vessels, registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The stamping on all new air tanks or on nameplates attached thereto shall show the head and shell thickness in addition to the stamping required by the ASME Code.
(b) Air tanks used for self-contained breathing apparatus may be constructed in accordance with the ASME Code or DOT specifications provided they are inspected and maintained as required by DOT specifications and do not exceed a volumetric capacity of 1 cubic foot.
(c) The allowable working pressure of any existing air tank shall be determined by the provisions of the ASME Code effective when the tank was manufactured and upon its condition; provided, however, that tanks constructed to other than ASME Code standards for air pressure service shall be calculated with a factor of safety of not less than 5.
(d) Air brake tanks shall be constructed in accordance with the ASME Code or SAE standard J-10b, 1981 Edition.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
s 455. Design and Construction of CNG and LNG Tanks.
(a) All CNG and LNG tanks for new installations over 15 psig shall be constructed, inspected, and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code (unless the design, material, and construction of the tank are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code) and, except for "UM" vessels, registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The stamping on all new tanks or on nameplates attached thereto shall include, in addition to the stamping required by the ASME Code or the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, the following:
(1) CNG Tanks:
(A) The volumetric capacity in standard cubic feet of natural gas when filled to the limits provided by these regulations.
(B) The words "For CNG."
(C) The head and shell thicknesses.
(2) LNG Tanks:
(A) The net volumetric capacity in U.S. Gallons.
(B) The words "for LNG."
(C) The head and shell thicknesses.
(D) The minimum safety relief valve capacity in CFM air. (See 541 (c)(1) and (2)).
(b) Tanks of brazed construction are prohibited.
(c) The outer shell of a double wall cryogenic vessel shall be designed for the full range of pressure and/or vacuum to which it will be subjected, and provide for adequate structural support of the inner tank and insulation under all imposed loadings.
(d) Welding to the shell, head, or any other part of the container subject to internal pressure, shall be done in compliance with the ASME Code under which the tank was fabricated. Other welding is permitted only on saddle plates, lugs, or brackets attached to the container by the tank manufacturer.
(e) All LNG tanks for new installations for low temperature storage at 15 psig or less, shall, as a minimum, be designed, constructed, inspected, and certified in accordance with API "Standard, 620, Recommended Rules for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low-Pressure Storage Tanks" and the following additional requirements which will supersede where there is any conflict, or to the ASME Code.
Note: The references following in parentheses refers to specific paragraphs in API 620, 1978 Edition.
(1) The edges of the weld shall merge smoothly with the surface of the plate without a sharp angle. In making fillet welds, the weld metal shall be deposited in such a way that adequate penetration into the base metal at the root of the weld is secured. Although the provisions of 4.13 apply for horizontal butt joints, visible undercuts are not permitted for vertical butt joints. (4.13)
(2) The inspector shall have a valid certificate of competency issued by the Division. (5.02.1)
(3) The manufacturer shall have, and demonstrate, a quality control system to establish that all requirements including material, design, fabrication, examination (by manufacturer) and inspection (by the inspector) will be met. The written description of the quality control system shall, as a minimum, be in accordance with Appendix 10 of ASME Section VIII, Division 1. (5.02.3)
(4) Safety relief device and relieving capacities shall be in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet 59A and Appendix A, 1978 Edition.
(5) The manufacturer's report, or attachments, shall show for inner and outer tanks as a minimum:
(A) Manufacturer's name.
(B) Manufacturer's serial number for the tank.
(C) Nominal capacity.
(D) Design pressure for vapor space at the top.
(E) Design temperature.
(F) Maximum permissible specific gravity of liquid contents to be stored.
(G) Maximum level to which tank may be filled with liquid of that gravity, with full design pressure above the surfaces.
(H) Maximum level to which the tank may be filled with water for test or for purging purposes.
(I) Shell, head and other pressure boundary materials.
(J) Material thicknesses.
(K) Support and attachment materials.
(L) Nozzles, number and diameter.
(M) Year built. (5.27.2)
(6) The openings and/or connections between the tank and the pressure relief devices shall have an area at least equal to the combined areas of all the pressure relief inlets on that connection. The size of any discharge line shall be such that any pressure that may exist or develop will not reduce the relief capacity of the relieving devices below that required to properly protect the vessel. (N.3)
Where stop valves are used between the pressure relief devices and the tank, a written procedure shall be used to govern the use of the valves. Remote indicators shall be provided that will alert operating personnel when the stop valves are not in the fully open position or, alternately, reliable interlocks shall be provided to assure that minimum required relief capacity is always available. (N.8.)
(7) Design calculations shall be certified to be correct and complete by one or more currently registered professional engineers competent in the applicable field of design of LNG storage. The provisions of NFPA Pamphlet 59A, 1975, Section 4-1.3 shall be used for seismic loadings. For public utilities, the provisions of General Order 112(D) of the California Public Utilities Commission shall also be considered for all live loadings including Part III, Subpart B, Sections 193.115, 117 and 119, for seismic loadings, and shall be acceptable to the Commission.
(8) When butt joints are used in outer tanks, they shall be double welded and designed with a joint efficiency of 70% as a minimum in accordance with table UW-12 of ASME Section VIII, Division 1. (Q.6)
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code; and Section 13241, Health and Safety Code.
s 456. Design and Construction of CNG Cylinders.
All CNG cylinders shall be constructed according to DOT specifications.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code; and Section 13241, Health and Safety Code.
s 457. Design and Construction of LNG Vaporizers.
(a) LNG Vaporizers:
(1) Vaporizers having a volumetric capacity in excess of 1 U.S. gallon shall be either:
(A) Constructed, inspected and stamped in accordance with the ASME Code unless the design and construction of the vaporizer are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code, or;
(B) Fabricated and tested in accordance with ANSI B-31.3 when artificial heat is not used for vaporization and when of welded construction consisting of continuous pipe or tubing and fittings not exceeding 6 inches inside diameter, or;
(C) Made of threaded piping and pipe fittings and built to good engineering practice with a factor of safety of not less than 4, taking into account all imposed loadings.
(2) Vaporizers and any part thereof, including carbureting devices, shall be designed for minimum as well as maximum temperatures and the maximum pressure that can be imposed with a safety factor of at least 4.
(3) Vaporizers having a volumetric capacity in excess of 1 U.S. gallon shall be stamped with the information required by the ASME Code and shall also include:
(A) Head and shell thicknesses.
(B) The words "For LNG."
(C) Heat exchange surface in square feet.
(D) The vaporizer capacity per hour in U.S. gallons.
(E) Minimum safety relief valve capacity in CFM air. (See Section 540 (c).)
(b) Vaporizers made of pipe or tubing shall have a nominal diameter of 2 inches or less and shall have the information required in (C), (D) and (E) above stamped on a nameplate which shall be permanently attached to the vaporizer. This nameplate shall also show the manufacturer's name, year built and maximum allowable working pressure.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code; and Section 13241, Health and Safety Code.
s 458. Design and Construction of NH sub3 Tanks.
(a) All NH sub3 tanks for new installations shall be constructed, inspected, and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code (unless the design, material, and construction of the tank are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code) and registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. The stamping on all new NH sub3 tanks or on nameplates attached thereto shall include the following, in addition to the stamping required by the ASME Code:
(1) The head and shell thicknesses.
(2) The gross volumetric capacity in U. S. gallons.
(3) Total outside surface area of the container in square feet.
(b) The allowable working pressure of any existing NH sub3 tank shall be determined by the provisions of the ASME Code effective when the tank was manufactured and upon its condition determined upon inspection. Containers once installed under ground shall not later be reinstalled above ground unless they successfully withstand hydrostatic pressure retests at the pressure specified for the original hydrostatic test as required by the ASME Code under which constructed and show no evidence of serious corrosion.
(c) Any tank used in refrigeration systems or for the refrigerated storage or transportation of NH sub3 shall be designed and constructed for an allowable working pressure which takes into consideration the temperature anticipated in the vessel and other appropriate design data.
(d) Except for tanks used in refrigeration systems, any tank used for the unrefrigerated storage, transportation, or utilization of NH sub3 shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME Code for an allowable working pressure of at least 265 psig.
(e) All cold formed heads of ferrous material used on NH sub3 tanks shall be heat treated, either before or after welding to the tank, in accordance with paragraph UCS-56 of the ASME Code, regardless of the thickness of the metal when the tanks are to be used for the transportation of anhydrous ammonia or for the storage of anhydrous ammonia.
(f) Portable tanks or cylinders of 25 water gallons water capacity or less, that are transported inside service trucks for servicing NH sub3 refrigeration systems, shall be built either to the ASME Code or to the DOT specifications but must have a stamped pressure of at least 420 psig.
(g) Spot-radiography, partial radiography or 100% radiography shall be required for all vessels except DOT cylinders.
(h) Nonrefrigerated containers, and system nameplates, when required, shall be permanently attached to the system so as to be readily accessible for inspection and shall be marked as specified in the following:
(1) With the name and address of the supplier of the system or the trade name of the system and with the date of fabrication.
(2) With a notation "Anhydrous Ammonia."
(3) With marking indicating the maximum level to which the container may be filled with liquid anhydrous ammonia at temperatures between 20 degrees F and 130 degrees F except on containers provided with fixed level indicators, such as fixed length dip tubes, or containers that are filled by weight. Markings shall be in increments of not more than 20 degrees F.
(i) Marking refrigerated containers except in refrigeration plants where ammonia is used solely as a refrigerant. Each refrigerated container shall be marked with a nameplate on the outer covering in an accessible place as specified in the following:
(1) The maximum allowable water level to which the container may be filled for test purposes.
(2) With the density of the product in pounds per cubic foot for which the container was designed.
(3) With the maximum level to which the container may be filled with liquid anhydrous ammonia.
(4) With a notation "Anhydrous Ammonia."
(j) All NH sub3 tanks for new installations with a design pressure of 15 psig or less shall be designed, constructed, inspected and certified in accordance with API Standard 620, 1978 Edition, with the additional requirements listed in Section 455(h)(1)-(8) of these Orders, which will supersede where there is any conflict, or they may be built to the ASME Code.
(k) The shell or head thickness of any container shall not be less than three-sixteenth inch.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
s 459. Liquefied Natural Gas Tanks.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
s 460. Design and Construction of Pressure Vessels for Other Than Compressed Air, LPG, NH sub3 and Natural Gas.
(a) All new pressure vessels for pressures exceeding 15 psig used for the transportation, storage, or use of any poisonous, corrosive, or flammable substance, or other products at temperatures above their boiling points at atmospheric pressures, or in which the pressure is generated by means of a compressor, shall be constructed, inspected, and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code, unless the design, material and construction of the vessel are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code. Except for "UM" vessels, all such vessels shall be registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
(b) All secondhand pressure vessels defined in (a) above shall have been constructed, inspected, and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code (or DOT specifications, if in DOT service) unless the design, material, and construction of the vessel are accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code.
(c) The allowable working pressure of all existing pressure vessels defined in Section 460(a) shall be calculated in accordance with the ASME Code; or in the case of non-ASME Code pressure vessels, the working pressure shall be determined by the standards of the ASME Code with a factor of safety of not less than 4.
(d) All pressure vessels not otherwise covered herein shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the ASME Code or in accordance with good engineering practice for the pressure and service in which they are to be used.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Section 142.3, Labor Code.
s 461. Permits to Operate.
(a) Except during the time that a request for a permit remains unacted upon or as permitted in Section 461 (f), no air tank shall be operated unless a permit to operate has been issued.
(b) Except during the time that a request for a permit remains unacted upon, every person owning or having the custody, management, or operation of an air tank which requires a permit to operate who operates it without a permit is guilty of a misdemeanor. Operating an air tank without a permit constitutes a separate offense for each day that it is so operated.
(c) The permit shall be posted under glass in a conspicuous place on or near the air tank or in a weatherproof container secured to the unit, and shall be available at all times to any qualified inspector.
(d) Except as provided in Subsection 461(h), the permit for portable air tanks shall expire not more than three years from the date of inspection and for all other air tanks not more than 5 years from the date of inspection or upon the alteration of, or damage to, the air tank or installation, or upon change of ownership and location, whichever occurs first.
Note: The permit shall not expire upon change of ownership and location for portable tanks.
(e) A temporary permit to operate may be issued for not more than 30 days to allow a reasonable time for required changes to be made.
(f) Air tanks having a volume of 1 1/2 cubic feet or less which have safety valves set to open at not more than 150 psi do not require permits to operate, but shall comply with all other provisions of these Orders, including construction. Air tanks used for self-contained breathing apparatus and having a volumetric capacity of 1 cubic foot or less and constructed, inspected, and maintained in accordance with DOT regulations do not require permits to operate.
(g) No person, firm, or company shall rent or offer for rent for use in a place of employment any air tank requiring a permit to operate unless the required permit has been issued by or in behalf of the Division.
(h) Air tanks subject to a maximum allowable working pressure not exceeding 150 psi., as shown by the required code marking, and having a volume of 25 cubic feet or less shall be inspected when placed into service. An indefinite permit shall be issued provided that the tank has been constructed, inspected and stamped in compliance with the ASME Code, or the design, material, and construction of the tank is accepted by the Division as equivalent to the ASME Code and the tank is in compliance with the applicable provisions of these orders. A new inspection and permit for operation shall be required whenever there is a change of ownership and permanent location of the tank or there is an alteration or change in the tank which affects the tank's safety.
Note: Authority cited: Section 142.3, Labor Code. Reference: Sections 142.3, 7681 and 7683, Labor Code.
s 462. Field Inspections and Reports.
(a) All air tanks requiring a permit to operate shall be inspected internally and externally at least once every 3 years for portable tanks and once every 5 years for all other tanks by a qualified inspector.
This subsection shall not be applicable for air tanks which fulfill the requirements for an indefinite permit as provided in Section 461(h).
Exception: The internal inspection of tanks less than 2 years old may be waived at the discretion of the inspector, provided all other requirements of Section 462(c) are met.
(1) Ultrasonic thickness determination shall be permitted in lieu of, or in conjunction with, internal inspection for air tanks of 36 " diameter or less. Thickness determinations shall be made in at least eight areas: two on each head and two on both the top (upper) and bottom (lower) portions of the shell.
Thickness determinations indicating significant reduction in the material thickness over a general area (National Board Inspection Code Par. U-107 may be used as a guide) shall be shown on the inspection report as well as the calculations for the reduction in the allowable working pressure.
The qualified inspector's employer shall be responsible for the inspector's or ultrasonic examiner's competency in the use of the ultrasonic thickness gage, and the examiner's signed report shall be attached to the qualified inspector's inspection report.
(2) Air tanks shall be installed so that all drains, handholes, inspection plugs and manholes therein are easily accessible. Air tanks shall be supported with sufficient clearance to permit a complete external inspection and to avoid corrosion of external surfaces. Under no circumstances shall an air tank be buried underground or located in an inaccessible place.
(b) The owner or user of any air tank shall prepare it for inspection and make provisions to permit the required inspections to be made safely when requested to do so by the Division or a qualified inspector.
(1) Preparation for an internal inspection shall include the removal of such inspection plugs or plates as are deemed necessary by the qualified inspector.
(2) The qualified inspector shall decide whether a hydrostatic pressure test is necessary and if it is ordered, the owner or user shall make the necessary preparations for such tests by blanking off connections and filling the tanks with water and pressurizing the tank.
(3) If the owner or user finds the date set for inspection not convenient, the owner or user shall immediately ask the Division for a postponement and give good cause,in which case the inspection shall be permitted to be postponed for a period of not more than 30 days from the date first set for inspection.
(c) All air tanks subject to inspection under these Orders and regularly inspected by qualified inspectors not employed by the Division shall be exempt from periodic inspection by the Division if the tanks and systems conform to these Safety Orders and:
(1) Reports of all air tank inspections are submitted to the Division within 21 days of inspection;
(2) Reports indicate whether internal inspection or external inspection under pressure, or both, have been made.
(3) Reports give the reasons for any refusal to issue a permit and for any change in the allowable working pressure;
(4) Reports specify in detail the condition of the air tank and any changes or repairs ordered. If changes or repairs are ordered, a written report shall be furnished to the owner or user of the tank by the inspecting agency. (continued)