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(b) Proof of Service. Within five days after service of any "stop-sale" order, the person making the service shall forward to the Director a copy of the order together with an acknowledgment of service signed by the person served, or an affidavit stating the time and place of service upon the person named in the order.
(c) Release. Upon notification that the law has been complied with, the Commissioner or the Director shall examine the evidence of compliance, and if satisfied that the law has been complied with, shall immediately cause the "stop-sale" order to be removed. When a new test is required, evidence of compliance shall include a copy of the record of the new test, indicating that the seed held under the "stop-sale" order has been sampled and tested.
(d) Disposal Permits. Permission to move or otherwise dispose of a lot of seed held under "stop-sale" order shall be in the form provided by the Department, and shall specify the purpose for which the permit is given. No permit shall be issued for movement to another county except with the approval of the Commissioner of the county of destination.
(e) Demand for Hearing. Demand for hearing as to justification of a "stop-sale" order shall be in writing and shall be filed with the Director or Commissioner who issued the order. Such demand may be filed at any time before the "stop-sale" order is removed.
(f) Notice of Hearing. Within fifteen days after receipt of a demand for a hearing as to the justification of a "stop-sale" order, the Director or the Commissioner upon whom demand has been made shall fix a time and place for such hearing, and shall so notify the person making the demand.
(g) Hearing. Hearings as to justification of "stop-sale" orders shall be private and shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by Section 3887.
(h) Record. The original record of the proceedings shall be filed in the office of the Director; one copy shall be filed in the office of the Commissioner, if the hearing was called by a Commissioner; and one copy shall be mailed to the person on whose demand the hearing was called.
(i) Findings. If the hearing officer, upon the facts shown at the hearing, finds that the "stop-sale" order is justified, the hearing officer shall make an order dismissing the proceedings. If the hearing officer finds that the "stop-sale" order is not justified, the hearing officer shall cause the "stop-sale" order to be removed forthwith.
(j) Appeal. Appeals shall be made in writing and filed in the office of the Director. Hearings on appeal shall be conducted in like manner and with like effect as hearings on the original cause.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 52391, 52392 and 52393, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3890. Designation of Origin Inspected Warehouse.
An origin inspected warehouse shall:
(a) Maintain complete records of all lots of seed subject to Article 8 of the California Seed Law, Sections 52451-52454, Food and Agricultural Code, and have such records available to an enforcing officer.
(b) Maintain a compliance level for lots of seed officially sampled at origin as indicated in Section 3891. A lot of seed is deemed to comply if
(1) found free of the seed of a "noxious weed" as defined under the provisions of Section 52256, Food and Agricultural Code and
(2) found in compliance with Sections 52452 or 52453, Food and Agricultural Code.
A premise shipping seed complying with these standards may apply t the director for designation as an "Origin Inspected Warehouse" and if approved in accordance with Section 3892, shall be assigned a designation which may be used on all labeling.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52333, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52333, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3891. Sampling.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 52331 and 52333, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3892. Designation and Reinstatement As an "Origin Inspected Warehouse."
Before issuing an official designation to an establishment, the responsible party shall show the Director technical competence, responsibility and good faith in seeking to hold said designation. The Director may refuse to issue an official designation to a responsible party who fails to make such a showing and may refuse to reissue a designation to a party whose designation has been revoked until such a showing is made.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52333, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3893. Revocation of Designation As "Origin Inspected Warehouse."

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52333, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3899. Schedule I
(a) Agricultural Seeds [FNa1]
Common name [FNaa1] Botanical name
Alfalfa Medicago sativaL.
Alfilaria: Filaree
Alyceclover Alysicarpus vaginalis(L.) DC.
Amaranth Amaranths spp.
Bahiagrass Paspalum Notatum Fluegge
Barley Hordeum vulgareL.
Bean [FNa1] as follows:
Adzuki bean Vigna angularis (wild)ohwi and Ohashi
Bean (field) Phaseolus vulgarisL.
Bell bean:Horsebean, small seeded
Blackeye bean: Cowpea
Garbanzo bean:Chickpea
Lima bean P. lunatusL.
Mat bean Vigna acontifolia(Jacq.) Marechal
Moth bean: Mat bean
Mung bean V. radiata(L.) Wilczek var.radiata
Rice bean V. umbellata(Thunb.) ohwi and Ohashi
Tepary bean Phaseolus acutifoliusA. Gray var.latif
Windsor bean: Horsebean
See also:
Beet [FNa1] as follows:
Field beet:Mangel wurzel Beta vulgaris L.
Sugar beet Beta vulgaris L.
Bentgrass as follows:
Colonial bentgrass, Agrostis tenuisSibth.
including all cultivar
Creeping bentgrass A. stoloniferaL. var.palustris(Huds.)
Seaside bentgrass: Creeping
Velvet bentgrass A. caninaL.
Bermudagrass as follows:
Bermudagrass Cynodon dactylon(L.) Pers. var.dactyl on
Giant bermudagrass Cynodon dactylonvar.aridusHarlan and
Bluegrass as follows:
Annual bluegrass Poa annuaL.
Big bluegrass P. ampla Merr.
Bulbous bluegrass P. bulbosaL.
Canada bluegrass P. compressaL.
Kentucky bluegrass P. pratensisL.
Nevada bluegrass P. nevadensisVasey
Rough bluegrass P. trivialisL.
Texas bluegrass P. arachniferaTorr.
Winter bluegrass: Bulbous bluegrass
Wood bluegrass P. nemoralisL.
Bluestem as follows:
Big bluestem Andropogon gerardiVitman
Little bluestem Schizachyrium scopariumMichx.
Sand bluestem Andropogon HalliiHack.
Yellow bluestem Bothriuchloa ischaemum(L.) Keng
Bluestem wheatgrass:see wheatgrass
Broomcorn millet:Proso millet
Brome as follows:
Blando brome: Soft chess Bromus mollisL.
California brome B. carinatusHook and Arn.
Harlan brome B.stamineus(L.) Desv.
Mountain brome B. marginatusSteudel
Prairie brome: Rescuegrass B. catharticsVahl.
Smooth brome B. inermisLeyss
Buckhorn plantain:see plantain
Common buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentumMoench.
Tartary buckwheat F. tataricumGaertn.
Buffalograss Buchloe dactyloides(Nutt.) Engl.
Buffelgrass Cenchrus ciliarisL.
Burclover as follows:
California burclover Medicago polymorphaL.
Spotted burclover M. arabica(L.) Huds.
Burnet, little Sanguisorba minorScop.
Canarygrass Phalaris canariensisL.
Canarygrass Reed P. arundinaceaL.
Carpetgrass Axonopus affinisChase
Castorbean Ricinus communisL.
Charlock:Field mustard
Chess, soft: Blando brome Bromus mollisL.
Chickpea Cicer arietinumL.
Clover as follows:
Alsike clover Trifolium hybridumL.
Berseem clover T. alexandrinumL.
Cluster clover T. glomeratumL.
Crimson clover T. incarnatumL.
Egyptian clover:Berseem clover
Hop clover
Large hop clover T. campestrisSchreb.
Low hop clover:Large hop clover
Small hop clover:Suckling clover
Ladino clover T. repensL.
Lappa clover T. lappaceumL.
Persian clover T. resupinatumL.
Red clover T. pratenseL.
Rose clover T. hirtumAll.
Strawberry clover T. fragiferumL.
Subclover T. subterraneumL.
Suckling clover T. dubiumSibth.
White clover T. repensL.
See also:
Corn [FNa1] as follows:
Corn Zea maysL.
Popcorn Z. maysL.
Egyptian corn:Sorghum
Kafir corn:Sorghum
Cotton Gossypium spp.
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp. subsp.un
Dallisgrass Paspalum dilatatumPoir.
Dichondra Dichondra repensForst.
Dogtail, crested Cynosurus cristatusL.
Dropseed, sand Sporobolus cryptandrus(Torr). A. Gray
Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecumL.
Fescue as follows:
Chewings fescue Festuca rubra L. subsp. commutata Gaud.
Creeping fescue: Red fescue,
Hard fescue F. longifoliaThuill
Meadow fescue F. pratensisHuds.
Red fescue F. rubraL.subsp.rubra
Sheep fescue F. ovinaL. var.ovina
Tall fescue F. arundinaceaSchreb.
Filaree as follows:
Broadleaf filaree Erodium botrysBertol.
Redstem filaree E. cicutarium(L.) Aiton
Whitestem filaree E. moschatum(Burm. f.) L'Her.
Flax Linum usitatissimumL.
Foxtail, Meadow Alopecurus pratensisL.
Foxtail millet: See Millet
Grama as follows:
Blue grama Bouteloua gracilis(H.B.K.) Stendel
Side-oats grama B. curtipendula(Michx.) Torr.
Grasspea Lathyrus sativusL.
Guar Cyamopsis tetragonoloba(L.) Taub.
Guayule Parthemium argentatumGray
Guineagrass Panicum maximumJacq. var.maximum
Hardinggrass Phalaris stenopteraHack.
Horsebean [FNa1] Vicia FabaL.
Horsebean, small seeded V. fabaL.
Indiangrass Sorghastrum nutans(L.) Nash
Jojoba Simmondsia chinensisGray
Lespedeza as follows:
Chinese lespedeza; Lespedeza cuneataG. (Don)
sericea lespedeza
Common lespedeza; L. striata(J. A. Murray) Hook and Arn.
striate lespedeza
Korean lespedeza L. stipulaceaMaxim.
Lovegrass as follows:
Boer lovegrass Eragrostis chloromelasSteud.
Lehmann lovegrass E. LehmannianaNees
Sand lovegrass E. trichodes(Nutt.) Wood
Weeping lovegrass E. curvula(Schrad.) Nees
Lupine [FNa1] as follows:
Blue lupine Lupinus augustifoliusL.
White lupine L. albusL.
Yellow lupine L. luteusL.
Mallow, little Malva parvifloraL.
Mangel wurzel: Beet
Medick as follows:
Black medick Medicago lupulinaL.
Spotted medick:Spotted burclover
Millet as follows:
Broomcorn millet:Proso millet
Foxtail millet Setaria italica(L.) Beauv.
Hog millet:Proso millet
Japanese millet Echinochloa crusgallivar.frumentacea
Pearl millet Pennisetum americanum(L.) Schum.
Proso millet Panicum miliaceumL.
Ragi millet Eleusine coracana(L.) Gaertn.
Milo maize:Sorghum
Molassesgrass Melinis minutifloraBeauv.
Mustard [FNa1] as follows:
Black mustard Brassica nigra(L.) Koch.
Field mustard B. kaber(DC) L.C. Wheeler
India mustard B. juncea(L.) Coss.
White mustard B. hirtaMoench
Napiergrass Pennisetum purpureumSchum.
Natalgrass Rhynchelytrum repens(Willd.) C.E. Hubb
Oatgrass, tall Arrhenatherum elatiusKoch. J. S. & K.B.
Oat as follows:
Common oat Avena sativaL.
Red oat Avena byzantinaE. Koch
Orchardgrass Dactylis glomerataL.
Panicgrass as follows:
Blue panicgrass Panicum antidotalRetz.
Green panicgrass Panicum maximumvar.trichoglume Eyles
Pea as follows:
Field pea Pisum sativum(L.)
Wedge pea:Grasspea
See also: Chickpea
Peanut Arachis hypogaeaL.
Pigeonpea Cajanus CajanMillsp.
Plantain, buckhorn Plantago lanceolataL.
Popcorn: See Corn
Proso millet: See Millet
Rape as follows:
Annual rape Brassica napusL.annuaKoch.
Bird rape: Annual turniprape B. RapaL.
Turniprape, Biennial B. RapaL.
Winter rape B. napusvar.biennis(Schubl. and Mart.)
Redtop Agrostis giganteaRoch
Rescuegrass Bromus unioloidesKunth.
Rhodesgrass Chloris gayanaKunth.
Rice Oryza sativaL.
See also:
Ricegrass, Indian Oryzopsis hymenoides(Roem. and Schultz.)
Roughpea Lathyrus hirsutusL.
Rye Secale cerealeL.
Ryegrass as follows:
Annual ryegrass Lolium multiflorumLam.
Perennial ryegrass L. perenneL.
Wimmera ryegrass L. rigidumGaud.
Safflower Carthamus tinctoriusL.
Sainfoin Onobrychis viciifoliaScopoli
Sesame Sesamum indicumL.
Sesbania Sesbania exaltata(Raf.) Rybd
Smilograss Oryzopsis miliacea(L.) Asch &
Sorghum Sorghum bicolor(L.) Moench.
Sourclover Melilotus indica(L.) All.
Soybean Glycine maxL.
Stipa as follows:
Nodding stipa Stipa cernuaStebbins & Love
Purple stipa S. pulchraHitchc.
Sudangrass Sorghum sudanese(Piper) Stopf.
Sulla Hedysarum coronariumL.
Sunflower [FNa1] Helianthus annuusL.
Sweetclover as follows:
White sweetclover Melilotus albaDesr.
Yellow sweetclover M. officinalis(L.) Lam.
Switchgrass Panicum virgatumL.
Tangier-pea Lathyrus tingitanusL.
Timothy Phleum pratenseL.
Tobacco Nicotiana tabacumL.
Trefoil as follows:
Big trefoil Lotus uliginosusSchkuhr
Birdsfoot trefoil L. cornicuatusL.
Triticale X Triticosecale(Secale X Triticum)
Vaseygrass Paspalum urvilleiSteud.
Veldtgrass Ehrhartia calycinaSm.
Velvetgrass Holcus lanatusL.
Vernalgrass as follows:
Annual vernalgrass Anthoxanthum aristatumBoiss.
Sweet vernalgrass A. odoratumL.
Velvetbean Mucuna deeringiana(Bort.) Merr.
Vetch as follows:
Bard vetch Vicia calcarataDesf.
Calcarata vetch:Bard vetch
Common vetch V. sativaL. subsp.sativa
Hairy vetch V. villosaR. subsp.villosa
Hungarian vetch V. pannonicaGrantz
Monantha vetch V. articulataHornem.
Narrowleaf vetch; Blackpod vetch V. sativaL. subsp. (L.)Ehrh.
Oneflower vetch:Monantha vetch
Purple vetch V. benghalensisL.
Winter vetch:Hairy vetch
Woollypod vetch; Winter pod vetch V. villosaR. subsp.varia(Host) Corb.
Wheat Triticum aestivumL.
Wheatgrass as follows:
Beardless wheatgrass Agropyron spicatum(Pursh) Scribner &
Smith f.inerme(Scribner & Smith)
Bluestem wheatgrass:Western
Crested or fairway crested
wheatgrass A. cristatum(L.) Gaertn.
Crested or standard crested
wheatgrass A. desertorum(Link) Schult.
Intermediate wheatgrass A. intermedium(Host) Beauv.
Pubescent wheatgrass A. intermedium(Host) Beauv. var.tri
chohorum(Link) Halacsy
Siberian wheatgrass A. sibiricum(Willd.) Beauv.
Slender wheatgrass A. trachycaulum(Link) H. F. Lewis
Streambank wheatgrass A. ripariumSchribn. and Smith
Tall wheatgrass A. elongatum(Host) Beauv.
Western wheatgrass A. smithiiRydb.
Wildrice, annual Zizania aquaticaL.
Wildrye as follows:
Canada wildrye Elymus canadensisL.
Russian wildrye E. junceusFisch.
Schedule I
(b) Vegetable Seeds [FNa1]
Anise Pimpinella anisumL.
Anise, sweet Foeniculum vulgareMill.
Artichoke Cynara scolymusL.
Asparagus Asparagus officinalisL.
Balm; lemon Melissa officinalisL.
Basil, sweet Ocinum basilicumL.
Bean [FNa1]
Asparagus bean:Yardlong cowpea
Blackeye bean:Cowpea
Broadbean:Horsebean Vicia fabaL.
Garden bean Phaseolus vulgarisL.
Lima bean P. lunatusL.
Runner bean, scarlet P. coccineusL.
Snap bean: Garden bean
String bean: Garden bean
See also:
Beet [FNa1] Beta vulgarisL.
Borage Borago officinalisL.
Broccoli Brassica oleraceaL.BotrytisGroup
Brussels sprouts Brassica oleraceaL.GemmiferaGroup
Burdock, great Arctium lappaL.
Cabbage Brassica oleraceaL.CapitataGroup
Cabbage, celery -(Pak-choi) Brassica chinensisL.
Cabbage, Chinese -(pe-tsai) Brassica pekinensis(Lour.) Rupr.
Cabbage, Tronchuda Brassica oleraceaL.TronchudaGroup
Caraway Carum carviL.
Cardoon Cynara cardunculusL.
Carrot Daucus carotaL.
Catnip Nepeta catariaL.
Cauliflower Brassica oleraceaL.BotrytisGroup
Celeriac Apium graveolensvar.rapaceum (Mill.)
Celery Apium graveolensvar.dulce(Mill.) Pers.
Chard, Swiss Beta vulgarisvar.ciclaL.
Chervil as follows:
Salad chervil Anthriscus cerefoliumHoffm.
Turnip-rooted chervil Chaerophyllum bulbosumL.
Chicory Cichorium intybusL.
Chives Allium schoenoprasumL.
Citron Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.) Matsum & Nakai
var.citroides(Bailey) Mansf.
Collards Brassica oleraceaL.AcephalaGroup
Coriander Coriandrum sativumL.
Corn Zea maysL.
Cornsalad as follows:
European cornsalad Valerianella locusta(L.) Laterrade
Italian cornsalad Valerianella eriocarpaDesv.
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp.subsp.un
Cowpea, Yardlong V. unguiculata(L.) Walp. subsp.sesqui
Cress, garden Lepidium sativumL.
Cress, upland Barbarea verna(Mill.) Aschers.
Cucumber Cucumis sativusL.
Cumin Cuminum cyninumL.
Dandelion Taraxacum officinaleWiggers
Dill Anethum graveolensL.
Eggplant Solanum melongenaL.
Endive Cichorium endiviaL.
Fennel Foeniculum vulgareMill.
Fennel, Florence Foeniculum vulgareMill.
Finnocchio:Florence Fennel
Gherkin Cucumis anguriaL.
Kale as follows:
Kale Brassica oleraceaL.AcephalaGroup
Chinese kale B. oleraceaL.AlboglabraGroup
Sea kale Crambe maritimaL.
Siberian kale Brassica napusL.PabulariaGroup
Kohlrabi Brassica oleraceaL.Gongylodes
Leek Allium ampeloprasumL.
Lettuce Lactuca sativaL.
Marjoram, sweet Origanum majoranaL.
Marjoram, wild Origanum vulgareL.
See: Muskmelon
Muskmelon Cucumis meloL.
Mustard as follows:
Mustard, India Brassica juncea(L.) Czernajew
Mustard, spinach B. RapaL.PerviridisGroup
Napa:Chinese cabbage
Okra Abelmoschus esculentus(L.) Moench
Onion Allium cepaL.
Onion, Welsh Allium fistulosumL.
Parsley Petroselinum crispum(Mill.) W.W. Hill
Parsnip Pastinaca sativaL.
Pea Pisum sativumL.
Pepper Capsicum spp.
Pe-tsai:Chinese cabbage
Pumpkin Cucurbita spp.
Radish Raphanus sativusL.
Rhubarb Rheum spp.
Roquette Eruca vesicaraL. Cav. subsp.sativa
(Mill.) Thell
Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalisL.
Rutabaga Brassica napusL.NapobrassicaGroup
Sage Salvia officinalisL.
Salsify Tragopogon porrifoliusL.
Savory, summer Satureja hortensisL.
Savory, winter Satureja montanaL.
Sorrel Rumex acetosaL.
Soybean [FNa1] Glycine max(L.) Merrill
Spinach Spinacia oleraceaL.
Spinach, New Zealand Tetragonia tetragonioides(Pall.) Ktze.
Squash Cucurbita spp.
Thyme Thymus vulgarisL.
Tomato Lycopersicon esculentumMill.
Tomato, husk Physalis pubescensL.
Turnip Brassica rapaL.
Watercress Nasturtium officinaleR. Br.
Watermelon Citrullus lanatus(Thunb.) Mansf. Mat sum
and Makai
[FNa1] Species marked with asterisk are included as agricultural seeds in
Schedule I(a) only as to varieties other than those generally known and sold
as flowerseeds or vegetable seeds.
[FNa2] The alternative names are in boldface.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3900. Schedule II. Vegetable Seed Germination Standards.
Percent Percent
Artichoke................. 60 Kale.................... 75
Asparagus................. 70 Kale, Chinese........... 75
Asparagus bean............ 75 Kohlrabi................ 75
Bean, Lima................ 70 Leek.................... 60
Bean, runner.............. 75 Lettuce................. 80
Beans, garden............. 70 Muskmelon............... 75
Beet...................... 65 Mustard................. 75
Broadbean................. 75 Mustard, Spinach........ 75
Broccoli.................. 75 Okra.................... 50
Brussels sprouts.......... 70 Onion................... 70
Cabbage................... 75 Onion, Welsh............ 70
Cantaloupe (see Muskmelon) Pak-choi................ 75
Cardoon................... 60 Parsley................. 60
Carrot.................... 55 Parsnip................. 60
Cauliflower............... 75 Pea..................... 80
Celeriac.................. 55 Pepper.................. 55
Celery.................... 55 Pumpkin................. 75
Chard, Swiss.............. 65 Radish.................. 75
Chicory................... 65 Rhubarb................. 60
Chinese Cabbage........... 75 Rutabaga................ 75
Citron.................... 65 Salsify................. 75
Collards.................. 80 Sorrel.................. 60
Corn, sweet............... 75 Soybean................. 75
Cornsalad................. 70 Spinach................. 60
Cowpea.................... 75 Spinach, New Zealand.... 40
Cress, garden............. 60 Squash.................. 75
Cress, water.............. 40 Tomato.................. 75
Cucumber.................. 80 Tomato, husk............ 50
Dandelion................. 45 Turnip.................. 80
Eggplant.................. 60 Watermelon.............. 70
Endive.................... 70
All other vegetable seed not listed above.................... 50

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52331, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3901. Schedule III. Agricultural and Vegetable Seeds Classed As Weed Seeds When Occurring Incidentally in Agricultural Seeds. [FNa1]
Common Name Botanical Name
Amaranth Amaranthsspp
Buckwheat, tartary Fagopyrum tataricumGaertn.
Carrot Daucus carotaL.
Chess, soft Bromus mollisL
Chicory Cichorium intybusL.
Dandelion Taraxacum officinaleWeber
Filaree Erodiumspp.
Annual bluegrass Poa annuaL.
Bermuda grass Cynodonspp.
Blue panicgrass Panicum antidotal Retz
Sand dropseed Sporobolus cryptandrus
(Torr.) A. Gray
Velvetgrass Holcus lanatusL.
Mallow, little Malva parvifloraL.
Black mustard Brassica nigra(L.) Koch
Common yellow mustard B. RapaL.
Field mustard B. Kaber(DC.) L. C. Wheeler
India mustard B. juncea(L.) Coss.
Plantain, buckhorn Plantago lanceolataL.
Radish Raphanus sativusL.
Sesbania Sesbania exaltata(Raf.) Rydb.
Sunflower Helianthus annuusL.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3902. Schedule IV. Fees for Sampling and Testing.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52331, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3903. Schedule V. Specimen Labels.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 52451-52454, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3906. Assessment Fees.
The Secretary pursuant to sections 52331, 52354, and 52354.5 of the Food and Agricultural Code, hereby establishes an annual assessment of $0.15 per one-hundred dollars ($100) gross annual dollar volume sales of agricultural and/or vegetable seed in this State for the preceding fiscal year as defined in section 52352 of the Food and Agricultural Code. Such assessment shall be paid to the Secretary within one calendar month of July 1 for the preceding fiscal year. If not paid within the time allotted, a penalty of 10% of the assessment fee due shall be added.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407, 52331 and 52354.5, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 52331, 52352 and 52354, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3907. Identity of Lot.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52354, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3915. Mediation of Complaints Required.
Use and completion of the complaint meditation procedures set forth in this article is a prerequisite to pursuing other dispute resolution mechanisms against a seed labeler when seed planted in California fails to conform to the label statements required by Sections 52452 and 52453 of the Food and Agricultural Code. Only those completing the complaint process are eligible to pursue other dispute resolution mechanisms except as otherwise provided.
(a) The complaint process requires the filing of a complaint followed by an investigation by the Secretary. At the conclusion of the investigation, mediation may be requested.
(b) Mediation as used in this article shall mean an alternative dispute resolution process which utilizes a neutral third party who facilitates the resolution of a dispute between parties. The mediator does not make a decision or an award. Resolution of a dispute that is mediated occurs when an agreement is reached between the complainant and the respondent.
(c) The Secretary may terminate the complaint mediation procedure and issue an Order of the Secretary stating that the requirement of Section 52332(f) of the Food and Agricultural Code has not been met if the person alleging damage to a crop (designated herein as complainant):
(1) fails to maintain the crop until notification of release;
(2) withdraws the complaint at any time;
(3) refuses to cooperate in the investigation;
(4) fails to request mediation after receipt of the report of investigation; or
(5) fails to appear at the mediation hearing without reasonable cause.
(d) The Secretary may release the complainant to pursue other dispute resolution mechanisms by issuing an Order of the Secretary stating that the requirement of Section 52332(f) has been met if the seller or labeler of the seed (designated herein as respondent):
(1) fails to file an answer;
(2) refuses to cooperate in the investigation procedure;
(3) fails to agree to mediation; or
(4) fails to appear at the mediation hearing without reasonable cause.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3915.1. Mediation Notice.
The following notice shall appear upon every label of agricultural or vegetable seed except as provided in Section 3867:
Notice arbitration/conciliation/mediation required by several states

Under the seed laws of several states, arbitration, mediation or conciliation is required as a prerequisite to maintaining a legal action based upon the failure of seed to which this notice is attached to produce as represented. The consumer shall file a complaint (sworn for AR, FL, IN, MS, SC, TX, WA; signed only CA, ID, ND, SD) along with the required filing fee (where applicable) with the Commissioner/Director/Secretary of Agriculture, Seed Commissioner, or Chief Agricultural Officer within such time as to permit inspection of the crops, plants or trees by the designated agency and the seedman from whom the seed was purchased. A copy of the complaint shall be sent to the seller by certified or registered mail or as otherwise provided by state statute.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3916. Complaint Procedures.
In order to make a formal complaint and seek mediation of a dispute as required by Section 3915, the complainant shall file a complaint within such time as to permit inspection of the crop by the Secretary and the respondent.
(a) To file a complaint, the complainant shall:
(1) File a written complaint with the Secretary giving the following information:
(A) the complainant's name, address and telephone number;
(B) the nature of the complaint and the alleged causes thereof;
(C) evidence of purchase and the label of the seed used to plant the affected crop (copies are acceptable, but originals must be presented upon demand by the Secretary during the investigation or mediation); and
(D) accurate and complete directions to locate the affected crop;
(2) forward a copy of the written complaint to the respondent by certified or registered mail, at the time of filing;
(3) pay to the Department of Food and Agriculture a nonrefundable filing fee of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250), at the time of filing in accordance with Section 52321 of the Food and Agricultural Code; and
(4) maintain the crop alleged to be damaged in the field until notified of release by the Secretary. The Secretary may require the complainant to maintain a representative portion of the crop. Designation of a representative portion by the Secretary shall be made within seven (7) days after receipt of the complaint.
(b) Within seven (7) calendar days after receipt of the copy of the written, filed complaint, the respondent shall file with the Secretary a written answer to the complaint and send a copy of the answer to the complainant by certified mail.
(c) The Secretary shall review the complaint to determine if the complaint is within the scope of Section 52332(f) of the Food and Agricultural Code and has been filed in accordance with this section. Within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the respondent's written answer, the Secretary shall notify both parties in writing of the acceptance or the reason for rejection of the complaint.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3916.1. Respondent's Rights.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3916.2. Establishing Dates.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3916.3. Appointment of Investigational Committee.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3917. Investigation Procedures.
Upon review and acceptance of a complaint, the Secretary shall initiate an investigation of the complaint.
(a) Within seven (7) calendar days, the Secretary shall appoint an investigational committee whose purpose is to assist the Secretary in conducting the investigation, make recommendations, offer opinions, and file an investigational report with the Secretary. Each investigational committee shall be composed of four disinterested members as follows: one member shall be the Secretary's designee, who shall serve as chairperson of all investigational committees and who shall make and maintain the file of each committee's investigations and opinions; one member, plus an alternate, shall be a County Agricultural Commissioner in whose county there is production of the kind of crop under consideration; one member, plus an alternate, shall be engaged primarily in the production and/or sale of the kind of seed cited in the complaint; and one member, plus an alternate, shall be a user of such seed.
(1) Members of each investigational committee shall serve until dismissed by the Secretary or until the report of investigation is filed with the Secretary, whichever occurs first. Alternates shall serve only in the absence of their respective members.
(2) Committee members shall receive no compensation for the performance of their duties but may receive per diem and mileage as authorized by law.
(3) Each committee may be called into session by the chairperson to consider matters referred to it. The chairperson shall conduct all meetings and deliberations held by the committee.
(b) The Secretary shall make a full and complete investigation of the matters complained of, including, but not limited to, an inspection of the crop in the field. The investigation shall be completed within sixty (60) days of the receipt of the complaint unless the investigation requires a growout or other procedure which cannot be completed within that time; in such case, the Secretary shall notify the complainant and respondent in writing stating the reasons for the extension.
(c) In conducting the investigation, the Secretary may:
(1) require the parties to provide pertinent records;
(2) require testimony under oath or statements under penalty of perjury;
(3) cause to be tested or grown to production a representative sample of seed under the supervision of the Secretary;
(4) obtain assistance from qualified experts; and
(5) investigate any other matters relative to the complaint.
(d) The chairperson shall file with the Secretary the committee's written report of investigation along with the investigation file within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the investigation of the complaint. The Secretary shall transmit the report by certified mail to the complainant and to the respondent. The file, including the report of investigation, shall be maintained by the Secretary for a period of five (5) years.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3918. Mediation Procedures.
If, during the course of the investigation, the complainant and respondent have not resolved the disputed complaint, the complainant may request mediation.
(a) To request mediation of the disputed complaint the complainant shall:
(1) file a written request for mediation with the Secretary within ten (10) days after the receipt of the investigation report; and
(2) forward a copy of the request for mediation to the respondent by certified mail.
(b) Within seven (7) days after receipt of the request for mediation, the Secretary shall:
(1) appoint a mediator from within the Department or by contract with outside mediation services; and
(2) set a time and place for the mediation hearing. The mediation hearing shall begin within thirty (30) days after the request for mediation and shall take place in the county in which the crop alleged to be damaged was grown unless other arrangements are agreed to by the complainant and the respondent.
(c) The Secretary may declare an impasse if the mediator determines that either party fails to be responsive to the mediation process during the mediation hearing.
(d) The mediator shall file a report with the Secretary within seven (7) days after completion of the mediation hearing and transmit same by certified mail to the complainant and respondent.
(e) Within seven (7) days after receipt of the mediator's report, the complainant and respondent shall file with the Secretary written notice of acceptance or rejection of the mediation. Upon completion of mediation or declared impasse, the prerequisite requirement as specified in Section 52332(f) of the Food and Agricultural Code shall be satisfied.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3919. Investigational Committees' Duties and Findings.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3920. Authorization of Investigational Committees to Obtain Information.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52332, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3921. Compensation of Investigational Committee Members.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 52331, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Section 52332, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3940. Assessment Fee for Vertebrate Pest Control Material.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 6027, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 6025 - 6209, Food and Agricultural Code.

<<(Chapter Originally Printed 7-25-45)>>

Note: Authority cited: Sections 7201-7204, Food and Agricultural Code.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 7205, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 7201 and 7202, Food and Agricultural Code.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 7205, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 7201 and 7202, Food and Agricultural Code.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 7205, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 7201 and 7202, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3960. Alligatorweed Eradication Areas.
(a) Those portions of the State of California described as follows, within which a certain pest, alligatorweed Alternanthera philoxeroides, is known to exist, are hereby proclaimed to be an eradication area with respect to said pest:
The entire counties of Riverside, Tulare, Kings and Los Angeles.
(b) Possible Carriers.
Any and all premises, soil, stream or channel water and any other articles or things which are infested or exposed to infestation by alligatorweed, within said area.
(c) Means and Methods.
The following means and methods are to be used in the eradication of said pest within said area.
(1) Repeated timely application of sterilants or herbicidal sprays to properties, water channels and other places or things that are infested or are exposed to infestation by alligatorweed.
(2) The placement of screens in infested water channels or ditches to prevent the spread or reinfestation of alligatorweed.
(3) The visual inspection of properties, streams, water channels and other places and things for the presence of alligatorweed.
(4) In addition to the other means and methods described in this subsection (c) eradication of alligatorweed in Los Angeles County may be accomplished by excavation, removal or burial within Los Angeles County after on-site destruction of above ground portions.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 5322, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 5322 and 5761-5763, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3961. Dudaim Melon Eradication Area Regulation.
(a) Proclamation of Eradication Area. The portion of the State of California described as follows, within which a certain pest, Cucumis melo var. dudaim, is known to exist, is hereby proclaimed to be an eradication area with respect to said pest:
(1) The entire county of Imperial.
(b) Possible Carriers. Any and all premises, soil, equipment, containers and any other articles or things which are infested or exposed to infestation by dudaim melon, within said area.
(c) Methods and Means. The following means and methods are to be used in the eradication of said pest within said area:
(1) Repeated timely applications of herbicides to crops, ditch banks, roadsides and other areas that are infested by dudaim melon.
(2) Thoroughly cleaning machinery and harvesting equipment after use in infested fields before moving into uninfested fields.
(3) The visual inspection of properties, roadsides, ditch banks and other places and things for the presence of dudaim melon.
(4) Picking, removing and burning fruits of the dudaim melon, which escape control.

Note: Authority cited: Sections 407 and 5322, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 5322 and 5761-5763, Food and Agricultural Code.

s 3962. Hydrilla Eradication Area.
(a) Proclamation of Eradication Area. The portions of the State of California described as follows, within which a certain pest, Hydrilla verticillata, is known to exist, are hereby proclaimed to be eradication areas with respect to said pest:
(1) The entire counties of Calaveras, Imperial, Lake, Madera, Mariposa, Nevada, Shasta, Tulare and Yuba.
(b) Possible Carriers. Any and all premises, soil, streams, lakes, ponds, water channels, and any other articles or things which are infested or exposed to infestation by hydrilla, within said area.
(c) Means and Methods. The following means and methods may be used in the eradication of said pest within said area.
(1) Repeated timely application of herbicides to lakes, ponds, water channels and other places that are infested with hydrilla.
(2) The placement of screens in infested water channels or ditches to prevent the spread or reinfestation of hydrilla.
(3) The visual inspection of lakes, ponds, water channels, streams, and other places and things for the presence of hydrilla.
(4) Thorough cleaning of any machinery or equipment afteruse in infested areas before moving equipment to an uninfested location. (continued)