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FGC Sec 6300-6306 Generally INFECTED OR DISEASED FISH (Fish)

SECTION 6300-6306

6300. This chapter applies to all fish and amphibia, including, but
not limited to, fish and amphibia being imported or transported.
This chapter does not apply to activities governed by Division 12
(commencing with Section 15000).

6301. The department is authorized to enter at any time any car,
warehouse, depot, ship, or growing area where any fish, amphibia, or
aquatic plants are held or stored, for the purpose of making an
examination to ascertain whether such fish, amphibia, or aquatic
plants are infected, diseased, or parasitized.

6302. Except as otherwise provided in Division 12 (commencing with
Section 15000), all fish, amphibia, or aquatic plants found to be
infected, diseased, or parasitized are a public nuisance and shall be
summarily destroyed by the department.

6303. All fish, amphibia, or aquatic plants which the department
determines are merely deleterious to fish, amphibia, aquatic plants,
or aquatic animal life, shall be destroyed by the department, unless
the owner or person in charge of the fish, amphibia, or aquatic
plants ships them out of the State within a period of time to be
specified by the department.

6304. If the department finds any infected, diseased, or
parasitized fish, amphibia, or aquatic plants within this State, the
department shall post notices describing, as nearly as possible, the
boundaries of the area within which the fish, amphibia, or aquatic
plants are found, and shall state the period during which the taking,
carrying, and transportation of the fish, amphibia, or aquatic
plants from the area shall be unlawful. The fact of posting the
notices shall be published once a week for four successive weeks in
some newspaper of general circulation in the county in which the
infected area is situated, and, if there is no such newspaper in that
county, then in a newspaper of general circulation published in an
adjoining county.

6305. It is unlawful to carry or cause to be carried from one point
in this State which has been posted according to the provisions of
this article, to any other point in this State, any infected,
diseased, or parasitized fish, amphibia, or aquatic plant.

6306. The expense of any examination made necessary by the
provisions of this code, shall be borne by the owner of the fish,
amphibia, or aquatic plants, or the person or persons importing them
into this State; provided, that the department may assume such
expense in the case of fish imported to provide fishing under the
authority of a sport fishing license in the public waters of this