CCLME.ORG - BPC § 17550.1 et. seq.
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(continued) istered
seller of travel, the information required by this section may be
verified by the chief executive officer of a corporation, managing
partner of a partnership, or manager of a limited liability company.

17550.22. No registration application shall be accepted for filing
if it is incomplete or contains false information.

17550.23. (a) The Travel Consumer Restitution Corporation shall
notify the office of the Attorney General whenever a seller of travel
with its principal place of business in California, which does
business with persons located in California, is in compliance with
Article 2.7 (commencing with Section 17550.35).
(b) A registration application for a seller of travel who does not
or intends not to comply with the requirements of Section 17550.15
because the seller of travel claims to meet the requirements of
subdivision (b) of Section 17550.16 shall be accompanied by evidence
that the seller of travel is a participant in a Consumer Protection
Deposit Plan that meets the criteria set forth in subdivision (b) of
Section 17550.16.
(c) A registration application for a seller of travel who does not
or intends not to comply with the requirements of Section 17550.15
because the seller of travel claims to meet the requirements of
subdivision (c) of Section 17550.16 shall be accompanied by evidence
that the seller of travel is a participant in a Consumer Protection
Escrow Plan that meets the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of
Section 17550.16.

17550.24. (a) The Attorney General or his or her delegate shall
issue a separate registration number to each registrant whose
registration is accepted. That registration number shall be valid
for the period specified in subdivision (b) of Section 17550.20,
unless revoked or suspended by the Attorney General or his or her
delegate. Grounds for suspension or revocation include material
misrepresentation in a registration application, or a failure to
amend a registration as provided in subdivision (c) of Section
(b) Any registration issued to a seller of travel who is required
to comply with the provisions of Section 17550.15 shall set forth the
number and location of the required trust account.
(c) Any registration issued to a seller of travel who has complied
with the requirements of subdivision (b) of Section 17550.23 shall
state that the seller of travel claims an exemption from the
requirements of Section 17550.15 pursuant to subdivision (b) of
Section 17550.16.
(d) Any registration issued to a seller of travel who has complied
with the requirements of subdivision (c) of Section 17550.23 shall
state that the seller of travel claims an exemption from the
requirements of Section 17550.15 pursuant to subdivision (c) of
Section 17550.16.
(e) A registered seller of travel shall display a copy of its
current registration certificate in a manner and place easily
accessible to the public, in each location in which the seller of
travel conducts its business, and shall provide a copy of its current
registration upon request to any other registered seller of travel
from whom it receives passenger funds in payment for transportation
or travel services.
(f) The registration number of the seller of travel shall be
clearly and conspicuously displayed on all advertising materials
offering for sale or soliciting the purchase of any air or sea
transportation or travel services, including, but not limited to, any
writings, or promotional materials of any kind which are advertised,
displayed, or disseminated in any manner to any persons in
California, or from California to any person elsewhere. A registered
seller of travel that does business in California from one or more
locations in California and that meets the requirements of paragraph
(16) of subdivision (e) of Section 17511.1 shall display its
registration number only on advertising materials that are produced
or placed by its business locations within California or that make
reference to specific business locations offering air or sea
transportation or travel services. Wherever seller of travel,
registered seller of travel, or similar terms are used in any
advertising materials, they shall be accompanied by a statement which
discloses, at least as prominently, that "registration as a seller
of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California."

17550.25. (a) All sellers of travel who are participants shall
comply with Article 2.7 (commencing with Section 17550.35) prior to
engaging in those sales.
(b) Any seller of travel that is not a participant who is doing
business with persons located in California shall make a clear and
conspicuous disclosure, both orally and in writing, that the seller
of travel is not a participant in the Travel Consumer Restitution
Fund. Any seller of travel doing business from any location in
California with persons located outside California shall make a clear
and conspicuous disclosure, both orally and in writing, that the
transaction is not covered by the Travel Consumer Restitution Fund.
Any seller of travel required by the provisions of this article to
have a trust account or bond shall make a clear and conspicuous
disclosure of the existence of the trust account or of the issuer and
amount of the bond.

17550.30. (a) The Travel Seller Fund is hereby created in the State
Treasury. All fines, penalties, and fees, including late fees,
collected pursuant to this article, and any moneys collected for a
violation of this article or Article 2.7 (commencing with Section
17550.35), shall be deposited in the fund, and the moneys in the fund
may be expended only for the purposes specified in this article.
(b) All moneys paid into the State Treasury and credited to the
Travel Seller Fund shall be used by the Department of Justice in
carrying out and enforcing the provisions of this article, including,
but not limited to, the payment of salaries of Department of Justice
personnel, contractors, or consultants, and the dissemination of
information, including consumer education regarding this article and
Article 2.7 (commencing with Section 17550.35).
(c) The sum of three hundred ninety-five thousand dollars
($395,000) is hereby appropriated from the Travel Seller Fund to the
Department of Justice for purposes of the Sellers of Travel Program
established pursuant to Article 2.6 (commencing with Section 17550).