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Fishery Authorized gear types
I. New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC)
1. Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (FMP):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Hand harvest fishery.............. C. Hand harvest.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Hand harvest.
2. Iceland Scallop Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
3. Atlantic Salmon Fishery (FMP) No harvest or possession in
the EEZ.
4. Striped Bass Fishery (Non-FMP) No harvest or possession in
the EEZ.
5. Northeast (NE) Multispecies Fishery
A. NE multispecies sink gillnet A. Gillnet.
B. North Atlantic bottom trawl B. Trawl.
C. Groundfish hook and line fishery.. C. Longline, handline, rod
and reel.
D. Mixed species trap and pot fishery D. Trap, pot.
E. Dredge fishery.................... E. Dredge.
F. Seine fishery..................... F. Seine.
G. Recreational fishery.............. G. Rod and reel, handline,
6. American Lobster Fishery (FMP):
A. Lobster pot and trap fishery...... A. Pot, trap.
B. North Atlantic bottom trawl B. Trawl.
C. Dredge fishery.................... C. Dredge.
D. Hand harvest fishery.............. D. Hand harvest.
E. Gillnet fishery................... E. Gillnet.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Pot, trap, hand harvest.
7. Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Purse seine fishery............... B. Purse seine.
C. Gillnet fishery................... C. Gillnet.
D. Herring pair trawl fishery........ D. Pair trawl.
E. Dredge fishery.................... E. Dredge.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Hook and line, gillnet.
8. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly
managed by MAFMC and NEFMC):
A. Gillnet fishery................... A. Gillnet.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Hook and line fishery............. C. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Longline fishery.................. E. Longline.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear.
9. Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP
managed by MAFMC):
A. Pelagic longline and hook and line A. Longline, handline.
B. Seine fishery..................... B. Purse seine, seine.
C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery C. Pot, trap.
D. Bluefish, croaker, flounder trawl D. Trawl.
E. Gillnet fishery................... E. Gillnet.
F. Dredge fishery.................... F. Dredge.
G. Recreational fishery.............. G. Rod and reel, handline,
trap, pot, spear.
10. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid and
Butterfish Fishery (FMP managed by the
A. Mackerel, squid, and butterfish A. Trawl.
trawl fishery.
B. Gillnet fishery................... B. Gillnet.
C. Longline and hook-and-line fishery C. Longline, handline, rod
and reel.
D. Purse seine fishery............... D. Purse seine.
E. Mixed species pot and trap fishery E. Pot, trap.
F. Dredge fishery.................... F. Dredge.
G. Dip net fishery................... G. Dip net.
H. Bandit gear fishery............... H. Bandit gear.
I. Recreational fishery.............. I. Rod and reel, handline,
pot, spear.
11. Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery
(FMP managed by the MAFMC):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Dredge, hand harvest.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hand harvest.
12. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Purse seine fishery............... A. Purse seine.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Gillnet fishery................... C. Gillnet.
D. Commercial hook-and-line fishery.. D. Hook and line.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Hook and line, snagging,
cast nets.
13. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hook and line, spear.
14. Atlantic Mussel and Sea Urchin
Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Hand harvest fishery.............. B. Hand harvest.
C. Recreational fishery.............. C. Hand harvest.
15. Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Gillnet fishery................... B. Gillnet.
C. Hook-and-line fishery............. C. Longline and handline.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Rod and reel.
16. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Trap and pot fishery.............. C. Trap, pot.
17. Northern Shrimp Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Shrimp trawl fishery.............. A. Trawl.
B. Shrimp pot fishery................ B. Pot.
18. Monkfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed
by NEFMC and MAFMC):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Gillnet fishery................... B. Gillnet.
C. Longline fishery.................. C. Longline.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Trap and pot fishery.............. E. Trap, pot.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Rod and reel, spear.
19. Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass
Fishery (FMP managed by MAFMC):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Longline and hook and line fishery B. Longline, handline.
C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery C. Pot, trap.
D. Gillnet fishery................... D. Gillnet.
E. Dredge fishery.................... E. Dredge.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Rod and reel, handline,
pot, trap, spear.
20. Hagfish Fishery (Non-FMP) Trap, pot.
21. Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Gillnet fishery................... A. Gillnet.
B. Pot and trap fishery.............. B. Pot, trap.
C. Rod and reel, hook and line C. Rod and reel, handline,
fishery. hook and line.
D. Trawl fishery..................... D. Trawl.
E. Spear fishery..................... E. Spear.
F. Fyke net fishery.................. F. Fyke net.
G. Recreational fishery.............. G. Rod and reel, hook and
line, handline, spear.
22. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Rod and reel, handline,
spear, hook and line, hand
harvest, bandit gear,
powerhead, gillnet, cast
net, pot, trap, dip net,
bully net, snare.
23. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, pot, trap, gillnet,
pound net, dredge, seine,
handline, longline, hook and
line, rod and reel, hand
harvest, purse seine, spear,
bandit gear, powerhead, dip
net, bully net, snare, cast
net, barrier net, slurp gun,
allowable chemicals.
24. Dolphin/wahoo fishery (FMP managed by Automatic reel, bandit gear,
SAFMC) handline, pelagic longline,
rod and reel, spear
(including powerheads).
II. Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC)
1. Summer Flounder, Scup, Black Sea Bass
Fishery (FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Pelagic longline and hook and line B. Longline, handline, rod
fishery. and reel.
C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery C. Pot, trap.
D. Gillnet fishery................... D. Gillnet.
E. Dredge fishery.................... E. Dredge.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Rod and reel, handline,
pot, trap, spear.
2. Atlantic Bluefish Fishery (FMP):
A. Bluefish, croaker, and flounder A. Trawl.
trawl fishery.
B. Pelagic longline and hook and line B. Longline, handline, bandit
fishery. gear, rod and reel.
C. Mixed species pot and trap fishery C. Pot, trap.
D. Gillnet fishery................... D. Gillnet.
E. Seine fishery..................... E. Purse seine, seine.
F. Dredge fishery.................... F. Dredge.
G. Recreational fishery.............. G. Rod and reel, handline,
trap, pot, spear.
3. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and
Butterfish Fishery (FMP):
A. Mackerel, squid, and butterfish A. Trawl.
trawl fishery.
B. Gillnet fishery................... B. Gillnet.
C. Longline and hook-and-line fishery C. Longline, handline, rod
and reel.
D. Purse seine fishery............... D. Purse seine.
E. Mixed species pot and trap fishery E. Pot, trap.
F. Dredge fishery.................... F. Dredge.
G. Dip net fishery................... G. Dip net.
H. Bandit gear fishery............... H. Bandit gear.
I. Recreational fishery.............. I. Rod and reel, handline,
pot, spear.
4. Surf Clam and Ocean Quahog Fishery
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Dredge, hand harvest.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hand harvest.
5. Atlantic Sea Scallop Fishery (FMP
managed by NEFMC):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Hand harvest fishery.............. C. Hand harvest.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Hand harvest.
6. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Purse seine fishery............... A. Purse seine.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Gillnet fishery................... C. Gillnet.
D. Commercial hook-and-line fishery.. D. Hook and line.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Hook and line, snagging,
cast nets.
7. Striped Bass Fishery (Non-FMP) No harvest or possession in
the EEZ.
8. Northern Shrimp Trawl Fishery (Non- Trawl.
9. American Lobster Fishery (FMP managed
by NEFMC):
A. Pot and trap fishery.............. A. Pot, trap.
B. Hand harvest fishery.............. B. Hand harvest.
C. Trawl fishery..................... C. Trawl.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Gillnet fishery................... E. Gillnet.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Pot, trap, hand harvest.
10. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and
line, rod and reel.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hook and line, spear.
11. Whelk Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Pot and trap fishery.............. B. Pot, trap.
C. Dredge............................ C. Dredge.
D. Pound net, gillnet, seine......... D. Pound net, gillnet, seine.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Hand harvest.
12. Monkfish Fishery (FMP jointly managed
by NEFMC and MAFMC):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Longline fishery.................. B. Longline, rod and reel.
C. Gillnet fishery................... C. Gillnet.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Trap and pot fishery.............. E. Trap and pot.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Rod and reel, spear.
13. Tilefish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Groundfish hook-and-line fishery.. A. Longline, handline, rod
and fishery reel.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Recreational fishery.............. C. Rod and reel, spear.
14. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly
managed by MAFMC and NEFMC):
A. Gillnet fishery................... A. Gillnet.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Hook and line fishery............. C. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Longline fishery.................. E. Longline.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear.
15. Tautog Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Gillnet fishery................... A. Gillnet.
B. Pot and trap fishery.............. B. Pot, trap.
C. Rod and reel, hook and line C. Rod and reel, hook and
handline fishery. line, handline.
D. Trawl fishery..................... D. Trawl.
E. Spear fishery..................... E. Spear.
F. Fyke net fishery.................. F. Fyke net.
G. Recreational fishery.............. G. Rod and reel, handline,
hook and line, spear.
16. Coastal Gillnet Fishery (Non-FMP) Gillnet
17. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Rod and reel, handline,
spear, hook and line, hand
harvest, bandit gear,
powerhead, gillnet, cast
18. NE Multispecies Fishery (FMP managed
by NEFMC):
A. NE multispecies sink gillnet A. Gillnet.
B. North Atlantic bottom trawl B. Trawl.
C. Groundfish hook and line.......... C. Longline, handline, rod
and fishery reel.
D. Mixed species trap and pot fishery D. Trap, pot.
E. Dredge fishery.................... E. Dredge.
F. Seine fishery..................... F. Seine.
G. Recreational fishery.............. G. Rod and reel, handline,
19. Atlantic Skate Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Gillnet fishery................... B. Gillnet.
C. Hook-and-line fishery............. C. Longline and handline.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Rod and reel.
20. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Trap and pot fishery.............. C. Trap, pot.
21. Atlantic Herring Fishery (FMP managed
by the NEFMC):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Purse seine fishery............... B. Purse seine.
C. Gillnet fishery................... C. Gillnet.
D. Herring pair trawl fishery........ D. Pair trawl.
E. Dredge fishery.................... E. Dredge.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Hook and line, gillnet.
22. South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper
Fishery (FMP managed by the SAFMC):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Longline, rod and reel,
bandit gear, handline,
spear, powerhead.
B. Black sea bass trap and pot B. Pot, trap.
C. Wreckfish fishery................. C. Rod and reel, bandit gear,
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Handline, rod and reel,
bandit gear, spear,
23. South Atlantic Coastal Migratory
Pelagics Fishery (FMP managed by the
A. Commercial Spanish mackerel A. Handline, rod and reel,
fishery. bandit gear, gillnet, cast
B. Commercial king mackerel fishery.. B. Handline, rod and reel,
bandit gear.
C. Other commercial coastal migratory C. Longline, handline, rod
pelagics fishery. and reel, bandit gear.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Bandit gear, rod and reel,
handline, spear.
24. Calico Scallops Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Dredge fishery.................... B. Dredge.
C. Recreational fishery.............. C. Hand harvest.
25. Sargassum Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl.
26. South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP) Trawl.
27. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, pot, trap, gillnet,
pound net, dredge, seine,
handline, longline, hook and
line, rod and reel, spear.
28. Dolphin/wahoo fishery (FMP managed by Automatic reel, bandit gear,
SAFMC) handline, pelagic longline,
rod and reel, spear
(including powerheads).
III. South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
1. Golden Crab Fishery (FMP) Trap.
2. Crab Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Trap and pot fishery.............. C. Trap, pot.
3. Atlantic Red Drum Fishery (FMP) No harvest or possession in
the EEZ.
4. Coral and Coral Reef Fishery (FMP):
A. Octocoral commercial fishery...... Hand harvest.
B. Live rock aquaculture fishery..... Hand harvest.
5. South Atlantic Shrimp Fishery (FMP) Trawl.
6. South Atlantic Snapper-Grouper
Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Longline, rod and reel,
bandit gear, handline,
spear, powerhead.
B. Black sea bass trap and pot B. Pot, trap.
C. Wreckfish fishery................. C. Rod and reel, bandit gear,
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Handline, rod and reel,
bandit gear, spear,
7. South Atlantic Spiny Lobster Fishery
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Trap, pot, dip net, bully
net, snare, hand harvest.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Trap, pot, dip net, bully
net, snare, hand harvest.
8. South Atlantic Coastal Migratory
Pelagics Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial Spanish mackerel A. Handline, rod and reel,
fishery. bandit gear, gillnet, cast
B. Commercial king mackerel fishery.. B. Handline, rod and reel,
bandit gear.
C. Other commercial coastal migratory C. Longline, handline, rod
pelagics fishery. and reel, bandit gear.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Bandit gear, rod and reel,
handline, spear.
9. Spiny Dogfish Fishery (FMP jointly
managed by NEFMC and SAFMC):
A. Gillnet fishery................... A. Gillnet.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Hook and line fishery............. C. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear, bandit gear.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Longline fishery.................. E. Longline.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear.
10. Smooth Dogfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Gillnet fishery................... A. Gillnet.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Hook and line fishery............. C. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear, bandit gear.
D. Dredge fishery.................... D. Dredge.
E. Longline fishery.................. E. Longline.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear.
11. Atlantic Menhaden Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Purse seine fishery............... A. Purse seine.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Gillnet fishery................... C. Gillnet.
D. Commercial hook-and-line.......... D. Hook and line fishery.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Hook and line, snagging,
cast nets.
12. Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Trawl.
Butterfish Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP)
13. Bait Fisheries (Non-FMP) Purse seine.
14. Weakfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Trawl, gillnet, hook and
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hook and line, spear.
15. Whelk Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Pot and trap fishery.............. B. Pot, trap.
C. Dredge fishery.................... C. Dredge.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Hand harvest.
16. Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (Non- Dip net, slurp gun, barrier
FMP) net, drop net, allowable
chemical, trap, pot, trawl.
17. Calico Scallop Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Dredge fishery.................... A. Dredge.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
C. Recreational fishery.............. C. Hand harvest.
18. Summer Flounder Fishery (FMP managed
by MAFMC):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Trawl, longline, handline,
rod and reel, pot, trap,
gillnet, dredge.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Rod and reel, handline,
pot, trap, spear.
19. Bluefish, Croaker, and Flounder Trawl Trawl, gillnet.
and Gillnet Fishery (Bluefish FMP
managed by MAFMC)
20. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, gillnet, longline,
handline, hook and line, rod
and reel, bandit gear, cast
net, pot, trap, lampara net,
21. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Rod and reel, handline,
spear, hook and line, hand
harvest, bandit gear,
powerhead, gillnet, cast
22. Sargassum Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl.
23. Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP) Trap, pot.
24. Dolphin/wahoo fishery (FMP) Automatic reel, bandit gear,
handline, pelagic longline,
rod and reel, spear
(including powerheads).
IV. Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
1. Gulf of Mexico Red Drum Fishery (FMP) No harvest or possession in
the EEZ.
2. Coral Reef Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Hand harvest.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hand harvest.
3. Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Fishery
A. Snapper-Grouper reef fish longline A. Longline, handline, bandit
and hook and line fishery. gear, rod and reel, buoy
B. Pot and trap reef fish fishery.... B. Pot, trap.
C. Other commercial fishery.......... C. Spear, powerhead, cast
net, trawl.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Spear, powerhead, bandit
gear, handline, rod reel,
cast net.
4. Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery (FMP):
A. Gulf of Mexico commercial fishery. A. Trawl butterfly net,
skimmer, cast net.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Trawl.
5. Gulf of Mexico Coastal Migratory
Pelagics Fishery (FMP):
A. Large pelagics longline fishery... A. Longline.
B. King/Spanish mackerel gillnet B. Gillnet.
C. Pelagic hook and line fishery..... C. Bandit gear, handline, rod
and reel.
D. Pelagic species purse seine D. Purse seine.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Bandit gear, handline, rod
and reel, spear.
Gulf of Mexico Spiny Lobster Fishery
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Trap, pot, dip net, bully
net, hoop net, trawl, snare,
hand harvest.
C. Recreational fishery.............. C. Dip net, bully net, pot,
trap, snare, hand harvest.
6. Stone Crab Fishery (FMP):
A. Trap and pot fishery.............. A. Trap, pot
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Trap, pot, hand harvest.
7. Blue Crab Fishery (Non-FMP) Trap, pot.
8. Golden Crab Fishery (Non-FMP) Trap.
9. Mullet Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Trawl fishery..................... A. Trawl.
B. Gillnet fishery................... B. Gillnet.
C. Pair trawl fishery................ C. Pair trawl.
D. Cast net fishery.................. D. Cast net.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Bandit gear, handline, rod
and reel, spear, cast net.
10. Inshore Coastal Gillnet Fishery (Non- Gillnet.
11. Octopus Fishery (Non-FMP) Trap, pot.
12. Marine Life Aquarium Fishery (Non- Dip net, slurp gun, barrier
FMP) net, drop net, allowable
chemical, trap, pot, trawl.
13. Coastal Herring Trawl Fishery (Non- Trawl.
14. Butterfish Trawl Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl.
15. Gulf of Mexico Groundfish (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Trawl, purse seine,
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hook and line, rod and
reel, spear.
16. Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Purse Seine Purse seine.
Fishery (Non-FMP)
17. Sardine Purse Seine Fishery (Non-FMP) Purse seine.
18. Oyster Fishery (Non-FMP) Dredge, tongs.
19. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, gillnet, hook and
line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear,
cast net, lampara net,
20. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Bandit gear, handline, rod
and reel, spear, bully net,
gillnet, dip net, longline,
powerhead, seine, slurp gun,
trap, trawl, harpoon, cast
net, hoop net, hook and
line, hand harvest.
V. Caribbean Fishery Management Council
1. Caribbean Spiny Lobster Fishery
A. Trap/pot fishery.................. A. Trap/pot.
B. Dip net fishery................... B. Dip net.
C. Hand harvest fishery.............. C. Hand harvest, snare.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Dip net, trap, pot.
2. Caribbean Shallow Water Reef Fish
Fishery (FMP):
A. Longline/hook and line fishery.... A. Longline, hook and line.
B. Trap/pot fishery.................. B. Trap, pot.
C. Recreational fishery.............. C. Dip net, handline, rod and
reel, slurp gun, spear.
3. Coral and Reef Resources Fishery
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Dip net, slurp gun.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Dip net, slurp gun, hand
4. Queen Conch Fishery (FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Hand harvest.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Hand harvest.
5. Caribbean Pelagics Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Pelagics drift gillnet fishery.... A. Gillnet.
B. Pelagics longline/hook and line B. Longline/hook and line.
C. Recreational fishery.............. C. Spear, handline, longline,
rod and reel.
6. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, gillnet, hook and
line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear,
cast net, spear.
7. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Rod and reel, hook and line,
spear, powerhead, handline,
hand harvest, cast net.
VI. Pacific Fishery Management Council
1. Washington, Oregon, and California
Salmon Fisheries (FMP):
A. Salmon set gillnet fishery........ A. Gillnet.
B. Salmon hook and line fishery...... B. Hook and line.
C. Trawl fishery..................... C. Trawl.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Rod and reel.
2. West Coast Groundfish Fisheries
A. Pacific groundfish trawl fishery.. A. Trawl.
B. Set gillnet fishery............... B. Gillnet.
C. Groundfish longline and setline C. Longline.
D. Groundfish handline and hook and D. Handline, hook and line.
line fishery.
E. Groundfish pot and trap fishery... E. Pot, trap.
F. Recreational fishery.............. F. Rod and reel, handline,
spear, hook and line.
3. Northern Anchovy Fishery (FMP) Purse seine, lampara net.
4. Angel Shark, White Croaker, Gillnet.
California Halibut, White Sea Bass,
Pacific Mackerel Large-Mesh Set Net
Fishery (Non-FMP)
5. Thresher Shark and Swordfish Drift Gillnet.
Gillnet Fishery (Non-FMP)
6. Pacific Shrimp and Prawn Fishery (Non-
A. Pot and trap fishery.............. A. Pot, trap.
B. Trawl fishery..................... B. Trawl.
7. Lobster and Rock Crab Pot and Trap Pot, trap.
Fishery (Non-FMP)
8. Pacific Halibut Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Longline and setline fishery...... A. Longline.
B. Hook-and-line fishery............. B. Hook and line.
9. California Halibut Trawl and Trammel Trawl, trammel net.
Net Fishery
10. Shark and Bonito Longline and Setline Longline.
Fishery (Non-FMP)
11. Dungeness Crab Pot and Trap Fishery Pot, trap.
12. Hagfish Pot and Trap Fishery (Non- Pot, trap.
13. Pacific Albacore and Other Tuna Hook- Hook and line.
and-line Fishery (Non-FMP)
14. Pacific Swordfish Harpoon Fishery Harpoon.
15. Pacific Scallop Dredge Fishery (Non- Dredge.
16. Pacific Yellowfin, Skipjack Tuna, Purse seine.
Purse Seine Fishery, (Non-FMP)
17. Market Squid Fishery (Non-FMP) Purse seine, dip net.
18. Pacific Sardine, Pacific Mackerel, Purse seine.
Pacific Saury, Pacific Bonito, and Jack
Mackerel Purse Seine Fishery (Non-FMP)
19. Finfish and Shellfish Live Trap, Hook- Trap, handline, hook and
and-line, and Handline Fishery (Non-FMP) line.
20. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Spear, trap, handline, pot,
hook and line, rod and reel,
hand harvest.
21. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, gillnet, hook and
line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear,
cast net, spear.
VII. North Pacific Fishery Management Council
1. Alaska Scallop Fishery (FMP) Dredge.
2. Bering Sea (BS) and Aleutian Islands
(AI) King and Tanner Crab Fishery (FMP):
Pot fishery.......................... Pot.
3. Bering Sea (BS) and Aleutian Islands
(AI) King and Tanner Crab Fishery (FMP):
Recreational fishery................. Pot.
4. BS and AI Groundfish Fishery (FMP):
A. Groundfish trawl fishery.......... A. Trawl.
B. Bottomfish hook-and-line, and B. Hook and line, handline.
handline fishery.
C. Longline fishery.................. C. Longline.
D. BS and AI pot and trap fishery.... D. Pot, trap.
5. BS and AI Groundfish Recreational Handline, rod and reel, hook
Fishery (Non-FMP) and line, pot, trap.
6. Gulf of Alaska (GOA) Groundfish
Fishery (FMP):
A. Groundfish trawl fishery.......... A. Trawl.
B. Bottomfish hook-and-line and B. Hook and line, handline.
handline fishery.
C. Longline fishery.................. C. Longline.
D. GOA pot and trap fishery.......... D. Pot, trap.
E. Recreational fishery.............. E. Handline, rod and reel,
hook and line, pot, trap.
7. Pacific Halibut Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial (IFQ and CDQ).......... A. Hook and line.
B. Recreational...................... B. Single line with no more
than 2 hooks attached or
C. Subsistence....................... C. Setline gear and hand held
gear of not more than 30
hooks, including longline,
handline, rod and reel,
spear, jig, and hand-troll
8. Alaska High Seas Salmon Hook and Line
(FMP)................................ Hook and line.
9. Alaska Salmon Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Hook-and-line fishery............. A. Hook and line.
B. Gillnet fishery................... B. Gillnet.
C. Purse seine fishery............... C. Purse seine.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Handline, rod and reel,
hook and line.
10. Finfish Purse Seine Fishery (Non-FMP) Purse seine.
11. Octopus/Squid Longline Fishery (Non- Longline.
12. Finfish Handline and Hook-and-line Handline, hook and line.
Fishery (Non-FMP)
13. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Handline, rod and reel, hook
14. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, gillnet, hook and
line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear,
cast net, spear.
VIII. Western Pacific Fishery Management Council
1. Western Pacific Crustacean Fishery Trap, hand harvest, hoop net.
2. Western Pacific Crustacean Fishery
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Gillnet, hand harvest,
hoop net, spear, snare,
trap, trawl.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Gillnet, hand harvest,
hoop net, spear, snare,
C. Charter fishery................... C. Hand harvest, spear.
3. Western Pacific Precious Corals
Fishery (FMP):
A. Tangle net dredge fishery......... A. Tangle net dredge.
B. Submersible fishery............... B. Submersible.
C. Dive fishery...................... C. Hand harvest.
D. Recreational fishery.............. D. Hand harvest.
4. Western Pacific Precious Corals Hand harvest, submersible,
Fishery (Non-FMP) tangle net dredge.
5. Western Pacific Bottomfish and
Seamount Groundfish Fishery (FMP):
A. Bottomfish hook-and-line fishery.. A. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, hook and line, rod
and reel, hand harvest.
B. Seamount groundfish fishery....... B. Longline, trawl.
C. Bottom longline fishery........... C. Longline, hook and line.
D. Trap fishery...................... D. Trap.
E. Spear fishery..................... E. Spear, powerhead.
6. Western Pacific Bottomfish and
Seamount Groundfish Fishery (Non-FMP):
A. Commercial fishery................ A. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
gillnet, handline, hook-and-
line, longline, rod and
reel, spear, trap.
B. Recreational fishery.............. B. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
Gillnet, handline, hook and
line, longline, rod and
reel, spear, trap, slurp
gun, hand harvest.
C. Charter fishery................... C. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, hook-and-line, rod
and reel, spear.
7. Western Pacific Pelagics Fishery
A. Longline Fisher................... A. Longline.
B. Hook and line fishery............. B. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
handline, hook and line, rod
and reel.
C. Purse seine fishery............... C. Lampara net, purse seine.
D. Spear fishery..................... D. Spear, powerhead.
8. Western Pacific Pelagics Fishery (Non-
A. Recreational fishery.............. A. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
dip net, handline, hook and
line, hoop net, powerhead,
rod and real, spear.
B. Commercial fishery................ B. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
dip net, handline, hook and
line, hoop net, powerhead,
rod and reel, spear.
C. Charter fishery................... C. Bandit gear, buoy gear,
dip net, handline, hook and
line, hoop net, powerhead,
rod and reel, spear.
9. Western Pacific Coastal Pelagics Bandit gear, buoy gear, dip
Fishery (Non-FMP) net, gillnet, handline, hook
and line, hoop net, lampara
net, purse seine, rod and
reel, spear.
10. Western Pacific Squid and Octopus Bandit gear, hand harvest,
Fishery (Non-FMP) hook and line, rod and reel,
spear, trap.
11. Western Pacific Coral Reef Fishery Allowable chemical, barrier
(Non-FMP) net, dip net, gillnet, hand
harvest, seine, slurp gun,
trap, spear, rod and reel,
hook and line.
12. Recreational Fishery (Non-FMP) Rod and reel, hook and line,
handline, hand harvest,
13. Commercial Fishery (Non-FMP) Trawl, gillnet, hook and
line, longline, handline,
rod and reel, bandit gear,
cast net, spear.
IX. Secretary of Commerce
1. Atlantic Tunas, Swordfish, and Sharks
Fisheries (FMP):
A. Swordfish handgear fishery........ A. Rod and reel, harpoon,
handline, bandit gear.
B. Pelagic longline fishery.......... B. Longline.
C. Shark gillnet fishery............. C. Gillnet
D. Shark bottom longline fishery..... D. Longline.
E. Shark handgear fishery............ E. Rod and reel, handline,
bandit gear.
F. Shark recreational fishery........ F. Rod and reel, handline.
G. Tuna purse seine fishery.......... G. Purse seine.
H. Tuna recreational fishery......... H. Rod and reel, handline.
I. Tuna handgear fishery............. I. Rod and reel, harpoon,
handline, bandit gear.
J. Tuna harpoon fishery.............. J. Harpoon.
2. Atlantic Billfish Fishery (FMP):
Recreational fishery................. Rod and reel.
3. Commercial Fisheries (Non-FMP) Rod and reel, handline,
longline, gillnet, harpoon,
bandit gear, purse seine.

[61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 7075, Feb. 12, 1998; 63 FR 27217; May 18, 1998; 64 FR 4037, Jan. 27, 1999; 64 FR 29134, May 28, 1999; 64 FR 67516, Dec. 2, 1999; 68 FR 18161, Apr. 15, 2003; 68 FR 26230, May 15, 2003; 68 FR 74784, Dec. 24, 2003; 69 FR 30240, May 27, 2004; 70 FR 62080, Oct. 28, 2005]

§ 600.730 Facilitation of enforcement.
(a) General. The operator of, or any other person aboard, any fishing vessel subject to parts 622 through 699 of this chapter must immediately comply with instructions and signals issued by an authorized officer to stop the vessel and with instructions to facilitate safe boarding and inspection of the vessel, its gear, equipment, fishing record (where applicable), and catch for purposes of enforcing the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any other statute administered by NOAA and this chapter.

(b) Communications. (1) Upon being approached by a USCG vessel or aircraft, or other vessel or aircraft with an authorized officer aboard, the operator of a fishing vessel must be alert for communications conveying enforcement instructions.

(2) VHF-FM radiotelephone is the preferred method for communicating between vessels. If the size of the vessel and the wind, sea, and visibility conditions allow, a loudhailer may be used instead of the radio. Hand signals, placards, high frequency radiotelephone, or voice may be employed by an authorized officer, and message blocks may be dropped from an aircraft.

(3) If other communications are not practicable, visual signals may be transmitted by flashing light directed at the vessel signaled. USCG units will normally use the flashing light signal “L” as the signal to stop. In the International Code of Signals, “L” (.–..) means “you should stop your vessel instantly.” (Period (.) means a short flash of light; dash (–) means a long flash of light.)

(4) Failure of a vessel's operator promptly to stop the vessel when directed to do so by an authorized officer using loudhailer, radiotelephone, flashing light signal, or other means constitutes prima facie evidence of the offense of refusal to permit an authorized officer to board.

(5) The operator of a vessel who does not understand a signal from an enforcement unit and who is unable to obtain clarification by loudhailer or radiotelephone must consider the signal to be a command to stop the vessel instantly.

(c) Boarding. The operator of a vessel directed to stop must:

(1) Guard Channel 16, VHF-FM, if so equipped.

(2) Stop immediately and lay to or maneuver in such a way as to allow the authorized officer and his/her party to come aboard.

(3) Except for those vessels with a freeboard of 4 ft (1.2 m) or less, provide a safe ladder, if needed, for the authorized officer and his/her party to come aboard.

(4) When necessary to facilitate the boarding or when requested by an authorized officer or observer, provide a manrope or safety line, and illumination for the ladder.

(5) Take such other actions as necessary to facilitate boarding and to ensure the safety of the authorized officer and the boarding party.

(d) Signals. The following signals, extracted from the International Code of Signals, may be sent by flashing light by an enforcement unit when conditions do not allow communications by loudhailer or radiotelephone. Knowledge of these signals by vessel operators is not required. However, knowledge of these signals and appropriate action by a vessel operator may preclude the necessity of sending the signal “L” and the necessity for the vessel to stop instantly. (Period (.) means a short flash of light; dash (-) means a long flash of light.)

(1) “AA” repeated (.-.-) is the call to an unknown station. The operator of the signaled vessel should respond by identifying the vessel by radiotelephone or by illuminating the vessel's identification.

(2) “RY-CY” (.-. -.— -.-. -.—) means “you should proceed at slow speed, a boat is coming to you.” This signal is normally employed when conditions allow an enforcement boarding without the necessity of the vessel being boarded coming to a complete stop, or, in some cases, without retrieval of fishing gear which may be in the water.

(3) “SQ3” (... —.- ...—) means “you should stop or heave to; I am going to board you.”

[61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996, as amended at 61 FR 37225, July 17, 1996; 63 FR 7075, Feb. 12, 1998]

§ 600.735 Penalties.
Any person committing, or fishing vessel used in the commission of a violation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act or any other statute administered by NOAA and/or any regulation issued under the Magnuson-Stevens Act, is subject to the civil and criminal penalty provisions and civil forfeiture provisions of the Magnuson-Stevens Act, to this section, to 15 CFR part 904 (Civil Procedures), and to other applicable law.

[61 FR 32540, June 24, 1996, as amended at 63 FR 7075, Feb. 12, 1998]

§ 600.740 Enforcement policy.
(a) The Magnuson-Stevens Act provides four basic enforcement remedies for violations, in ascending order of severity, as follows:

(1) Issuance of a citation (a type of warning), usually at the scene of the offense (see 15 CFR part 904, subpart E).

(2) Assessmentby the Administrator of a civil money penalty. (continued)