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United States Regulations
Title 50: Wildlife and Fisheries
Authority: 46 U.S.C. 1177.
Joint Tax Regulations
§ 259.1 Execution of agreements and deposits made in a Capital Construction Fund.
In the case of a taxable year of a taxpayer beginning after December 31, 1969, and before January 1, 1972, the rules governing the execution of agreements and deposits under such agreements shall be as follows:
(a) A capital construction fund agreement executed and entered into by the taxpayer on or prior to the due date, with extensions, for the filing of his Federal income tax return for such taxable year or years will be deemed to be effective on the date of the execution of such agreement or as of the close of business of the last regular business day of each such taxable year or years to which such deposit relates, whichever day is earlier.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this section, where:
(1) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1969, and prior to January 1, 1971, an application for a capital construction fund agreement is filed by a taxpayer prior to January 1, 1972, and a capital construction fund agreement is executed and entered into by the taxpayer prior to March 1, 1972, and
(2) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1970, and prior to January 1, 1972, an application for a capital construction fund agreement is filed by a taxpayer prior to January 1, 1973, and a capital construction fund agreement is executed and entered into by the taxpayer prior to March 1, 1973 (or, if earlier, 60 days after the publication of final joint regulations under section 607 of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended); then such a capital construction fund agreement will be deemed to be effective as of the close of business of the last regular business day of each such taxable year or years to which such deposit related.
(c)(1) Deposits made in a capital construction fund pursuant to such an agreement within 60 days after the date of execution of the agreement, or on or prior to the due date, with extensions, for the filing of his Federal income tax return for such taxable year or years, whichever date shall be later, shall be deemed to have been made on the date of the actual deposit or as of the close of business of the last regular business day of each such taxable year or years to which such deposit relates, whichever day is earlier.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(1) of this section, for taxable years beginning after December 31, 1970, and ending prior to January 1, 1972, deposits made later than the last date permitted under paragraph (c)(1) of this section but on or before January 9, 1973, in a capital construction fund pursuant to an agreement with the Secretary of Commerce, acting by and through the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, shall be deemed to have been made on the date of the actual deposit or as of the close of business of the last regular business day of such taxable year, whichever is earlier.
(d) Nothing in this section shall alter the rules and regulations governing the timing of deposits with respect to existing capital and special reserve funds or with respect to the treatment of deposits for any taxable year or years other than a taxable year or years beginning after December 31, 1969, and before January 1, 1972. 1
1 The phrase “existing capital and special reserve funds” does not refer to the Capital Construction Fund program but rather to funds established with the Maritime Administration prior to the amendment of the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, which authorized the Capital Construction Fund program.
[37 FR 25025, Nov. 25, 1972, as amended at 38 FR 8163, Mar. 29, 1973]
Capital Construction Fund Agreement
Source: Sections 259.30 to 259.38 appear at 39 FR 33675, Sept. 19, 1974, unless otherwise noted.
§ 259.30 Application for Interim Capital Construction Fund Agreement (“Interim CCF Agreement”).
(a) General qualifications. To be eligible to enter into an Interim CCF Agreement an applicant must:
(1) Be a citizen of the United States (citizenship requirements are those for documenting vessels in the coastwise trade within the meaning of section 2 of the Shipping Act, 1916, as amended);
(2) Own or lease one or more eligible vessels (as defined in section 607(k)(1) of the Act) operating in the foreign or domestic commerce of the United States.
(3) Have an acceptable program for the acquisition, construction, or reconstruction of one or more qualified vessels (as defined in section 607(k)(2) of the Act). Qualified vessels must be for commercial operation in the fisheries of the United States. If the qualified vessel is 5 net tons or over, it must be documented in the fisheries of the United States. Dual documentation in both the fisheries and the coastwise trade of the United States is permissible. Any vessel which will carry fishing parties for hire must be inspected and certified (under 46 CFR part 176) by the U.S. Coast Guard as qualified to carry more than six passengers or demonstrate to the Secretary's satisfaction that the carrying of fishing parties for hire will constitute its primary activity. The program must be a firm representation of the applicant's actual intentions. Vague or contingent objectives will not be acceptable.
(b) Content of application. Applicants seeking an Interim CCF Agreement may make application by letter providing the following information:
(1) Proof of U.S. citizenship;
(2) The first taxable year for which the Interim CCF Agreement is to apply (see §259.33 for the latest time at which applications for an Interim CCF Agreement relating to a previous taxable year may be received);
(3) The following information regarding each “eligible vessel” which is to be incorporated in Schedule A of the Interim CCF Agreement for purposes of making deposits into a CCF pursuant to section 607 of the Act:
(i) Name of vessel,
(ii) Official number, or, in the case of vessels under 5 net tons, the State registration number where required,
(iii) Type of vessel (i.e., catching vessel, processing vessel, transporting vessel, charter vessel, barge, passenger carrying fishing vessel, etc.),
(iv) General characteristic (i.e., net tonnage, fish-carrying capacity, age, length, type of fishing gear, number of passengers carried or in the case of vessels operating in the foreign or domestic commerce the various uses of the vessel, etc.),
(v) Whether owned or leased and, if leased, the name of the owner, and a copy of the lease,
(vi) Date and place of construction,
(vii) If reconstructed, date of redelivery and place of reconstruction,
(viii) Trade (or trades) in which vessel is documented and date last documented,
(ix) If a fishing vessel, the fishery of operation (which in this section means each species or group of species—each species must be specifically identified by acceptable common names—of fish, shellfish, or other living marine resources which each vessel catches, processes, or transports or will catch, process, or transport for commercial purposes such as marketing or processing the catch),
(x) If a fishing vessel, the area of operation (which for fishing vessels means the general geographic areas in which each vessel will catch, process, or transport, or charter for each species or group of species of fish, shellfish, or other living marine resources).
(4) The specific objectives to be achieved by the accumulation of assets in a Capital Construction Fund (to be incorporated in Schedule B of the Interim CCF Agreement) including:
(i) Number of vessels,
(ii) Type of vessel (i.e., catching, processing, transporting, or passenger carrying fishing vessel),
(iii) General characteristics (i.e., net tonnage, fish-carrying capacity, age, length, type of fishing gear, number of passengers carried),
(iv) Cost of projects,
(v) Amount of indebtedness to be paid for vessels to be constructed, acquired, or reconstructed (all notes, mortgages, or other evidences of the indebtedness must be submitted as soon as available, together with sufficient additional evidence to establish that full proceeds of the indebtedness to be paid from a CCF under an Interim CCF Agreement, were used solely for the purpose of the construction, acquisition, or reconstruction of Schedule B vessels),
(vi) Date of construction, acquisition, or reconstruction,
(vii) Fishery of operation (which in this section means each species or group of species—each species must be specifically identified by acceptable common name—of fish, shellfish, or other living marine resources),
(viii) Area of operation (which in this section means the general geographic areas in which each vessel will will operate for each species or group of species of fish, shellfish, or other living marine resources).
(c) Filing. The application must be signed and submitted in duplicate to the Regional Office of the National Marine Fisheries Service's Financial Assistance Division corresponding to the region in which the party conducts its business. As a general rule, the Interim CCF Agreement must be executed and entered into by the taxpayer on or prior to the due date, with extensions, for the filing of the Federal tax return in order to be effective for the tax year to which that return relates. It is manifestly in the Applicant's best interest to file at least 45 days in advance of such date.
[39 FR 33675, Sept. 19, 1974, as amended at 42 FR 65185, Dec. 30, 1978]
§ 259.31 Acquisition, construction, or reconstruction.
(a) Acquisition. No vessel having previously been operated in a fishery of the United States prior to its acquisition by the party seeking CCF withdrawal therefor shall be a qualified vessel for the purpose of acquisition, except in the cases specified in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section:
(1) A vessel not more than 5 years old, at the time of its acquisition by the party seeking CCF withdrawal therefor may be a qualified vessel for the purpose of acquisition, but only if each acquisition in this category becomes a Schedule A vessel and there exists for each acquisition in this category (on a one-for-one basis) an additional Schedule B construction or reconstruction. The sole consideration for permitting an acquisition in this category is that it will enable the party (but the Secretary will not attempt to predetermine such an ability) to accelerate accomplishment of the additional Schedule B construction or reconstruction. Should this consideration materially fail, the Secretary shall, at his discretion, disqualify previously qualified withdrawals in this category, seek liquidated damages as provided for in paragraph (a)(4) of this section and/or terminate the Interim CCF Agreement.
(2) A vessel more than 5 years old, but not more than 25 years old (special showing required if more than 25 years old, see paragraph (b) of this section), at the time of acquisition by the party seeking CCF withdrawal therefor may be a qualified vessel for the purpose of acquisition, but only if that same vessel becomes a Schedule A vessel and (in addition to being a Schedule B vessel for the purpose of its acquisition) becomes a Schedule B vessel for the purpose of that same vessel's reconstruction to be accomplished ordinarily within 7 years from the date of acquisition. The sole consideration for permitting an acquisition in this category is that it will enable a party (but the Secretary will not attempt to predetermine such an ability) to accelerate accomplishment of the Schedule B reconstruction of the vessel so acquired. Should this consideration materially fail, the same penalty prescribed in paragraph (a)(1) of this section applies.
(3) Reserved for minimum deposits under this section.
(4) Reserved for liquidated damages.
(b) Reconstruction. No reconstruction project costing less than $100,000 shall qualify a vessel for reconstruction, unless the reconstruction project costs, or will cost, 20 percent or more of the reconstructed vessel's acquisition cost (in its unreconstructed state) to the party seeking CCF withdrawal therefor. If the reconstruction project meets the $100,000 test, then the 20 percent test does not apply. Conversely, if the reconstruction project does not meet the $100,000 test, then the 20 percent test applies.
(1) Reconstruction may include rebuilding, replacing, reconditioning, converting and/or improving any portion of a vessel. A reconstruction project must, however, substantially prolong the useful life of the reconstructed vessel, increase its value, or adapt it to a different commercial use in the fishing trade or industry.
(2) All, or the major portion (ordinarily, not less than 80 percent), of a reconstruction project's actual cost must (for the purpose of meeting the above dollar or percentage tests) be classifiable as a capital expenditure for Internal Revenue Service (IRS) purposes. That otherwise allowable (i.e., for the purpose of meeting the above dollar or percentage tests) portion of a reconstruction project's actual cost which is not classifiable as a capital expenditure shall, however, be excluded from the amount qualified for withdrawal as a result of the reconstruction project.
(3) No vessel more than 25 years old at the time of withdrawal or request for withdrawal shall be a qualified vessel for the purpose of reconstruction unless a special showing is made, to the Secretary's discretionary satisfaction, that the type and degree of reconstruction intended will result in an efficient and productive vessel with an economically useful life at least 10 years beyond the date reconstruction is completed.
(c) Time permitted for construction or reconstruction. Construction or reconstruction must be completed within 18 months from the date construction or reconstruction first commences, unless otherwise consented to by the Secretary.
(d) Energy saving improvements. An improvement made to a vessel to conserve energy shall, regardless of cost, be treated as a reconstruction for the purpose of qualifying a CCF withdrawal for such expenditure and shall be exempted from having to meet conditional fishery requirements for reconstruction as set forth in §259.32 and from all qualifying tests for reconstruction set forth in paragraph (b) of this section with the following exceptions:
(1) An energy saving improvement shall be required to meet both conditional fishery requirements and the qualifying tests for reconstruction if it serves the dual purpose of saving energy and meeting the reconstruction requirement of paragraph (a) of this section for qualifying a withdrawal for the acquisition of a used vessel.
(2) That portion of the actual cost of an energy saving improvement which is to be paid for from the CCF must be classifiable and treated as a capital expenditure for Internal Revenue Service purposes.
(e) Safety projects. The acquisition and installation of safety equipment for a qualified vessel and vessel modifications whose central purpose is materially increasing the safety of a qualified vessel or the acquisition and installation of equipment required by law or regulation that materially increases the safety of a qualified vessel shall, regardless of cost, be treated as reconstruction for the purpose of qualifying a CCF withdrawal for such expenditure, shall be exempt from having to meet conditional fishery requirements for reconstruction as set forth in §259.32, and shall be exempt from all qualifying tests for reconstruction set forth in paragraph (b) of this section, with the following exceptions:
(1) A safety improvement shall be required to meet both conditional fishery requirements and all qualifying tests for reconstruction if it serves the dual purpose of safety and meeting the reconstruction requirement of paragraph (a) of this section for qualifying a withdrawal for the acquisition of a used vessel;
(2) That portion of the actual cost of a safety improvement that is to be paid for from the CCF must be classifiable and treated as a capital expenditure for Internal Revenue Service purposes;
(3) Safety improvement projects whose clear and central purpose is restricted to complying with the requirements of the Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Safety Act of 1988 (Public Law 100–424 Sec. 1, 102 stat. 1585 (1988) (codified in scattered sections of 46 U.S.C.)) shall, without further documentation, be considered to fall within this paragraph (e). Satisfactory documentation will be required for all other projects proposed to be considered as falling within this paragraph (e). Projects not required by law or regulation whose central purpose clearly involves something other than an improvement that materially increases the safety of a vessel will not be considered to fall within this paragraph (e).
[39 FR 33675, Sept. 19, 1974, as amended at 46 FR 54563, Nov. 3, 1981; 62 FR 331, Jan. 3, 1997]
§ 259.32 Conditional fisheries.
(a) The Secretary may from time-to-time establish certain fisheries in which CCF benefits will be restricted. The regulatory mechanism for so doing is part 251 of this chapter. Each fishery so restricted is termed a “conditional fishery”. Subpart A of part 251 of this chapter establishes the procedure to be used by the Secretary in proposing and adopting a fishery as a conditional fishery. Subpart B of part 251 of this chapter enumerates each fishery actually adopted as a conditional fishery (part 251 of this chapter should be referred to for details). The purpose of this §259.32 is to establish the effect of conditional fishery adoption upon Interim CCF Agreements.
(b) If a written request for an otherwise permissible action under an Interim CCF Agreement is submitted prior to the date upon which conditional fishery adoption occurs, then the Secretary will act, in an otherwise normal manner, upon so much of the action then applied for as is then permissible without regard to the subsequent adoption of a conditional fishery (even, if that adoption occurs before the Secretary gives his consent or issues an Interim CCF Agreement or amendment thereto, all as the case may be). Nevertheless, the conditions as set forth in paragraph (d) of this section shall apply.
(c) If a written request for an otherwise permissible action under an Interim CCF Agreement, or an application for an Interim CCF Agreement, is submitted after the date upon which conditional fishery adoption occurs, then the Secretary will act, in an otherwise normal manner, upon so much of the action then applied for as is then permissible without regard to the previous adoption of a conditional fishery provided, however, that this paragraph shall apply only to construction or reconstruction for which a binding contract has been reduced to writing prior to the date upon which conditional fishery adoption occurred. Nevertheless, the conditions as set forth in paragraph (d) of this section shall apply.
(d) Conditional fishery adoption shall have no effect whatsoever upon a Schedule B objective whose qualification for withdrawal (which may be in an amount equal to the total cost over time of a Schedule B objective, i.e., a series of withdrawals) has been, prior to the date of conditional fishery adoption, either consented to by the Secretary or requested in accordance with paragraph (b) or (c) of this section. This extends to past, present, and future withdrawals in an amount representing up to 100 percent of the cost of a Schedule B objective. Commencement of any project in these categories shall, however, be started not later than 6 months from the date of conditional fishery adoption and shall be completed within 24 months from the date of conditional fishery adoption, unless for good and sufficient cause shown the Secretary, at his discretion, consents to a longer period for either project commencement or completion. Consent to the qualification of withdrawal for any project in these categories not commenced or completed within the periods allowed shall be revoked at the end of the periods allowed.
(e) Conditional fishery adoption shall have no effect whatsoever upon Schedule B objectives which will not result in significantly increasing harvesting capacity in a fishery adopted as a conditional fishery.
(1) Construction of a new vessel (vessel “Y”) for operation in an adopted conditional fishery shall be deemed to significantly increase harvesting capacity in that fishery unless the party causing the “Y” vessel to be constructed causes (within 1 year after the delivery of vessel “Y”) to be permanently removed from all fishing, or placed permanently in a fishery not then adopted as a conditional fishery, under such conditions as the Secretary may deem necessary or desirable, a vessel (vessel “Z”) which has during the previous 18 months operated substantially in the same fishery as the “Y” vessel and which has a fishing capacity substantially equivalent to the “Y” vessel. Failure to remove a vessel could subject all withdrawals to be treated as nonqualified and may be cause for termination of the CCF. What constitutes substantially equivalent fishing capacity shall be a matter for the Secretary's discretion. Ordinarily, in exercising his discretion about what does or does not constitute substantially equivalent fishing capacity, the Secretary will take into consideration (i) the average size of vessels constructed for the adopted conditional fishery in question at the time vessel “Z” was constructed (or, if constructed for a different fishery, the average size of vessels in the adopted conditional fishery at the time vessel “Z” entered it), (ii) the average size of vessels constructed for the adopted conditional fishery at the time vessel “Y” was or will be constructed, and (iii) such other factors as the Secretary may deem material and equitable, including the length of time the party had owned or leased vessel “Z” and the length of time the vessel has operated in the conditional fishery. The Secretary will consider these factors, and exercise his discretion, in such a way as to encourage use of this program by established fishermen who have owned or leased for substantial periods vessels which need to be replaced, even though a “Z” vessel may have been constructed at a time which dictated a lesser fishing capacity than dictated for a “Y” vessel at the time of its construction.
(2) Acquisition and/or reconstruction of a used vessel for operation in an adopted conditional fishery shall be deemed to significantly increase harvesting capacity in that fishery unless the vessel to be acquired and/or reconstructed had during the previous 3 years operated substantially in the same fishery as the adopted conditional fishery in which it will operate after acquisition and/or reconstruction. If less than 3 years, then acquisition and/or reconstruction of a used vessel for operation in an adopted conditional fishery shall be deemed to significantly increase harvesting capacity in that fishery unless there occurs vessel removal or permanent placement elsewhere under the same conditions specified for construction in paragraph (e)(1) of this section.
(3) Construction of a new vessel or the acquisition and/or reconstruction of a used vessel for operation in an adopted conditional fishery shall not be deemed to significantly increase the harvesting capacity where the vessel constructed, acquired and/or reconstructed replaces another vessel which was lost or destroyed and which had, immediately prior to the loss or destruction, operated in the same fishery as the adopted conditional fishery, provided, however, that the fishing capacity of the replacement vessel has a fishing capacity substantially equivalent to the vessel lost or destroyed and that the construction, acquisition and/or reconstruction is completed within 2 years after the close of the taxable year in which the loss or destruction occurred. The Secretary may, at his discretion, and for good and sufficient cause shown, extend the replacement period, provided that the request for extension of time to replace is timely filed with the Secretary
(f) Conditional fishery adoption shall have the following effect on all Schedule B objectives (whether for acquisition, construction, or reconstruction) which the Secretary deems to significantly increase harvesting capacity in that fishery, excluding those circumstances specifically exempted by paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section (which shall be governed by the provisions of paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section).
(1) The Secretary may nevertheless consent to the qualification of withdrawal, but only up to an amount not exceeding the total of eligible ceilings actually deposited during tax years other than the taxable year in which conditional fishery adoption occurs plus a pro-rata portion of eligible ceilings generated in the tax year in which conditional fishery adoption occurs. Pro-ration shall be according to the number of months or any part thereof in a party's tax year which elapse before the adoption of the conditional fishery occurs. For example, if a party's tax year runs from January 1, 1974, to December 31, 1974, and conditional fishery adoption occurs on August 15, 1974, (i.e., during the 8th month of the party's tax year), then the pro-rata portion for that year is eight-twelfths of the total eligible ceilings generated during that year.
(2) Qualified withdrawals in excess of the amount specified in paragraph (f)(1) of this section shall not, during the continuance of the adopted conditional fishery, be consented to. Parties at this point shall have the following option:
(i) Make, with the Secretary's consent, a nonqualified withdrawal of the excess and discontinue the future deposit of eligible ceilings (which may effect termination of the Interim CCF Agreement).
(ii) Reserve the excess, as well as the future deposit of eligible ceilings, for a Schedule B objective not then involving an adopted conditional fishery. If amendment of an Interim CCF Agreement is necessary in order to include a Schedule B objective not then involving an adopted conditional fishery, the party may, with the Secretary's consent, make the necessary amendment.
(iii) Reserve the excess, as well as the future deposit of eligible ceilings, for a Schedule B objective involving a then adopted conditional fishery in anticipation that the then adopted conditional fishery will eventually be disadopted, in which case all deposits of eligible ceilings will once again be eligible for the Secretary's consent as qualified withdrawals. If the adoption of a conditional fishery continues for a substantial length of time and there is no forseeable prospect of disadoption, then the Secretary, in his discretion, may require paragraph (f)(2)(i) or (ii) of this section to be effected.
(g) The Secretary shall neither enter into a new Interim CCF Agreement, nor permit amendment of an existing one, which involves a Schedule B objective in a then adopted conditional fishery unless paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of this §259.32 applies or unless the Schedule B objective is expressly conditioned upon acquisition construction, or reconstruction of the type permitted under paragraph (e) of this §259.32. Such an express condition would not survive beyond the time at which conditional fishery status is removed.
§ 259.33 Constructive deposits and withdrawals; ratification of withdrawals (as qualified) made without first having obtained Secretary's consent; first tax year for which Interim CCF Agreement is effective.
(a) Periods controlling permissibility. For the purpose of this §259.33, the period between the beginning and the end of a party's tax year is designated “Period (aa)”; the period between the end of a party's tax year and the party's tax due date for that tax year is designated “Period (bb)”; the period between the party's tax due date and the date on which ends the party's last extension (if any) of that tax due date is designated “Period (cc)”.
(b) Constructive deposits and withdrawals (before Interim CCF Agreement effectiveness date). Constructive deposits and withdrawals shall be permissible only during the Period (aa) during which a written application for an interim CCF Agreement is submitted to the Secretary and so much of the next succeeding Period (aa), if any, which occurs before the Secretary executes the Interim CCF Agreement previously applied for. All otherwise qualified expenditures of eligible ceilings during Period (aa) may be consented to by the Secretary as constructive deposits and withdrawals: Provided, The applicant's application for an Interim CCF Agreement and for consent to constructive deposit and withdrawal qualification (together with sufficient supporting data to enable the Secretary's execution or issuance of consent) is submitted to the Secretary either before the end of Period (bb) or, if extension was requested and received, before the end of Period (cc). If, however, the Secretary receives the completed application in proper form so close to the latest permissible period that the Interim CCF Agreement cannot be executed and/or the consent given before the end of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the burden is entirely upon the applicant to negotiate with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for such relief as may be available (e.g., filing an amended tax return, if appropriate). The Secretary willl nevertheless execute the Interim CCF Agreement and issue his consent however long past the applicant's Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, the Secretary's administrative workload requires. Should IRS relief be, for any reason, unavailable, the Secretary shall regard the same as merely due to the applicant's having failed to apply in a more timely fashion.
(c) Constructive deposits (after Interim CCF Agreement effectiveness date). The Secretary shall not permit constructive deposits or withdrawals after the effective date of an Interim CCF Agreement. Eligible ceilings must, after the effective date of an interim CCF Agreement, be physically deposited in money or kind in scheduled depositories before the last date eligible ceilings for any Period (aa) of any party become ineligible for deposit (the last date being Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies).
(d) Ratification of withdrawals (as qualified) made without first having obtained Secretary's consent. The Secretary may ratify as qualified any withdrawal made without first having obtained the Secretary's consent therefor, provided the withdrawal was such as would have resulted in the Secretary's consent had it been requested before withdrawal, and provided further that the party's request for consent (together with sufficient supporting data to enable issuance of the Secretary's consent) is submitted to the Secretary either before the end of Period (bb) or, if extension was requested and received, before the end of Period (cc).
(1) If, however, the Secretary receives the request in proper form so close to the latest permissible period that the consent cannot be given before expiration of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the burden is entirely upon the party to negotiate with IRS for such relief as may be available (e.g., filing an amended tax return, if appropriate). The Secretary will nevertheless issue his consent however long past the party's Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, the Secretary's administrative workload requires. Should IRS relief be, for any reason, unavailable, the Secretary shall regard the same as merely due to the party's having failed to apply in a more timely fashion.
(2) All parties shall be counseled that it is manifestly in their best interest to request the Secretary's consent 45 days in advance of the expected date of withdrawal. Withdrawals made without the Secretary's consent, in reliance on obtaining the Secretary's consent, are made purely at a party's own risk. Should any withdrawal made without the Secretary's consent prove, for any reason, to be one to which the Secretary will not or cannot consent by ratification, then the result will be either, or both, at the Secretary's discretion, an unqualified withdrawal or an involuntary termination of the Interim CCF Agreement.
(3) Should the withdrawal made without having first obtained the Secretary's consent be made in pursuance of a project not then an eligible Schedule B objective, then the Secretary may entertain an application to amend the Interim CCF Agreement's Schedule B objectives as the prerequisite to consenting by ratification to the withdrawal, all under the same time constraints and conditions as otherwise specified herein.
(4) Any withdrawals made, after the effective date of an Interim CCF Agreement, without the Secretary's consent are automatically non-qualified withdrawals unless the Secretary subsequently consents to them by ratification as otherwise specified herein.
(5) Redeposit of that portion of the ceiling withdrawn without the Secretary's consent, and for which such consent is not subsequently given (either by ratification or otherwise), shall not be permitted. If such a non-qualified withdrawal adversely affects the Interim CCF Agreement's general status in any wise deemed by the Secretary, at his discretion, to be significant and material, the Secretary may involuntarily terminate the Interim CCF Agreement.
(e) First tax year for which Interim CCF Agreement is effective. An Agreement, to be effective for any party's Period (aa), must be executed and entered into by the party, and submitted to the Secretary, before the end of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, for such Period (aa). If executed and entered into by the party, and/or received by the Secretary, after the end of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the Agreement will be first effective for the next succeeding Period (aa).
(1) If, however, the Secretary receives an Agreement executed and entered into by the party in proper form so close to the latest permissible period that the Secretary cannot execute the Agreement before expiration of Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, then the burden is entirely upon the party to negotiate with IRS for such relief as may be available (e.g., filing an amended tax return, if appropriate). The Secretary will nevertheless execute the Agreement however long past the party's Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, the Secretary's administrative workload requires. Should IRS relief be, for any reason, unavailable, the Secretary shall regard the same as merely due to the party's having failed to apply in a more timely manner.
(2) All parties shall be counseled that it is manifestly in their best interest to enter into and execute an Agreement, and submit the same to the Secretary, at least 45 days in advance of the Period (bb) or Period (cc), whichever applies, for the Period (aa) for which the Agreement is first intended to be effective.
§ 259.34 Minimum and maximum deposits; maximum time to deposit.
(a) Minimum annual deposit. The minimum annual (based on each party's taxable year) deposit required by the Secretary in order to maintain an Interim CCF Agreement shall be an amount equal to 2 percent of the total anticipated cost of all Schedule B objectives unless such 2 percent exceeds during any tax year 50 percent of a party's Schedule A taxable income, in which case the minimum deposit for that year shall be 50 percent of the party's Schedule A taxable income.
(1) Minimum annual deposit compliance shall be audited at the end of each party's taxable year unless any one or more of the Schedule B objectives is scheduled for commencement more than 3 taxable years in advance of the taxable year in which the agreement is effected, in which case minimum annual deposit compliance shall be audited at the end of each 3 year taxable period. In any taxable year, a Party may apply any eligible amount in excess of the 2 percent minimum annual deposit toward meeting the party's minimum annual deposit requirement in past or future years: Provided, however, At the end of each 3 year period, the aggregate amount in the fund must be in compliance with 2 percent minimum annual deposit rule (unless the 50 percent of taxable income situation applies).
(2) The Secretary may, at his discretion and for good and sufficient cause shown, consent to minimum annual deposits in any given tax year or combination of tax years in an amount lower than prescribed herein: Provided, The party demonstrates to the Secretary's satisfaction the availability of sufficient funds from any combination of sources to accomplish Schedule B objectives at the time they are scheduled for accomplishment.
(b) Maximum deposits. Other than the maximum annual ceilings established by the Act, the Secretary shall not establish a maximum annual ceiling: Provided, however, That deposits can no longer be made once a party has deposited 100 percent of the anticipated cost of all Schedule B objectives, unless the Interim CCF Agreement is then amended to establish additional Schedule B objectives.
(c) Maximum time to deposit. Ten years shall ordinarily be the maximum time the Secretary shall permit in which to accumulate deposits prior to commencement of any given Schedule B objective. A time longer than 10 years, either by original scheduling or by subsequent extension through amendment, may, however, be permitted at the Secretary's discretion and for good and sufficient cause shown.
§ 259.35 Annual deposit and withdrawal reports required.
(a) The Secretary will require from each Interim CCF Agreement holder (Party) the following annual deposit and withdrawal reports. Failure to submit such reports may be cause for involuntary termination of CCF Agreements.
(1) A preliminary deposit and withdrawal report at the end of each calendar year, which must be submitted not later than 45 days after the close of the calendar year. The report must give the amounts withdrawn from and deposited into the party's CCF during the subject year, and be in letter form showing the agreement holder's name, FVCCF identification number, and taxpayer identification number. Each report must bear certification that the deposit and withdrawal information given includes all deposit and withdrawal activity for the year and the account reported. Negative reports must be submitted in those cases where there is no deposit and/or withdrawal activity. If the party's tax year is the same as the calendar year, and if the final deposit and withdrawal report required under paragraph (a)(2) of this section is submitted before the due date for this preliminary report, then this report is not required.
(2) A final deposit and withdrawal report at the end of the tax year, which shall be submitted not later than 30 days after expiration of the due date, with extensions (if any), for filing the party's Federal income tax return. The report must be made on a form prescribed by the Secretary using a separate form for each FVCCF depository. Each report must bear certification that the deposit and withdrawal information given includes all deposit and withdrawal activity for the year and account reported. Negative reports must be submitted in those cases where there is no deposit and/or withdrawal activity.
(b) Failure to submit the required annual deposit and withdrawal reports shall be cause after due notice for either, or both, disqualification of withdrawals or involuntary termination of the Interim CCF Agreement, at the Secretary's discretion.
(c) Additionally, the Secretary shall require from each Interim CCF Agreement holder, not later than 30 days after expiration of the party's tax due date, with extensions (if any), a copy of the party's Federal Income Tax Return filed with IRS for the preceding tax year. Failure to submit shall after due notice be cause for the same adverse action specified in the paragraph above.
[39 FR 33675, Sept. 19, 1974, as amended at 48 FR 57302, Dec. 29, 1983; 53 FR 35203, Sept. 12, 1988]
§ 259.36 CCF accounts.
(a) General: Each CCF account in each scheduled depository shall have an account number, which must be reflected on the reports required by §259.35. All CCF accounts shall be reserved only for CCF transactions. There shall be no intermingling of CCF and non-CCF transactions and there shall be no pooling of 2 or more CCF accounts without prior consent of the Secretary. Safe deposit boxes, safes, or the like shall not be eligible CCF depositories without the Secretary's consent and then only under such conditions as the Secretary, in his discretion, prescribes.
(b) Assignment: The use of Fund assets for transactions in the nature of a countervailing balance, compensating balance, pledge, assignment, or similar security arrangement shall constitute a material breach of the Agreement unless prior written consent of the Secretary is obtained.
(c) Depositories: (1) Section 607(c) of the Act provides that amounts in a CCF must be kept in the depository or depositories specified in the Agreements and be subject to such trustee or other fiduciary requirements as the Secretary may specify.
(2) Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, the party may select the type or types of accounts in which the assets of the Fund may be deposited.
(3) Non-cash deposits or investments of the Fund should be placed in control of a trustee under the following conditions:
(i) The trustee should be specified in the Agreement;
(ii) The trust instrument should provide that all investment restrictions stated in section 607(c) of the Act will be observed;
(iii) The trust instrument should provide that the trustee will give consideration to the party's withdrawal requirements under the Agreement when investing the Fund;
(iv) The trustee must agree to be bound by all rules and regulations which have been or will be promulgated governing the investment or management of the Fund.
§ 259.37 Conditional consents to withdrawal qualification.
The Secretary may conditionally consent to the qualification of withdrawal, such consent being conditional upon the timely submission to the Secretary of such further proofs, assurances, and advices as the Secretary, in his discretion, may require. Failure of a party to comply with the conditions of such a consent within a reasonable time and after due notice shall, at the Secretary's discretion, be cause for either, or both, nonqualification of withdrawal or involuntary Interim CCF Agreement termination.
§ 259.38 Miscellaneous.
(a) Wherever the Secretary prescribes time constraints herein for the submission of any CCF transactions, the postmark date shall control if mailed or, if personally delivered, the actual date of submission. All required materials may be submitted to any Financial Assistance Division office of the National Marine Fisheries Service.
(b) All CCF information received by the Secretary shall be held strictly confidential, except that it may be published or disclosed in statistical form provided such publication does not disclose, directly or indirectly, the identity of any fundholder.
(c) While recognizing that precise regulations are necessary in order to treat similarly situated parties similarly, the Secretary also realizes that precision in regulations can often cause inequitable effects to result from unavoidable, unintended, or minor discrepancies between the regulations and the circumstances they attempt to govern. The Secretary will, consequently, at his discretion, as a matter of privilege and not as a matter of right, attempt to afford relief to parties where literal application of the purely procedural, as opposed to substantive, aspects of these regulations would otherwise work an inequitable hardship. This privilege will be sparingly granted and no party should before the fact attempt to act in reliance on its being granted after the fact.
(d) These §§259.30 through 259.38 are applicable absolutely to all Interim CCF Agreements first entered into (or the amendment of all then existing Interim CCF Agreements, which amendment is first entered into) on or after the date these §§259.30 through 259.38 are adopted. These §§259.30 through 259.38 are applicable to all Interim CCF Agreements entered into before the date these §§259.30 through 259.38 are adopted, with the following exceptions only:
(1) The vessel age limitations imposed by §259.31 shall not apply to already scheduled Schedule B objectives.
(2) The minimum deposits imposed by §259.34 shall not apply to any party's tax year before that party's tax year next following the one in which these §§259.30 through 259.38 are adopted.
(e) These §§259.30 through 259.38 are specifically incorporated in all past, present, and future Interim CCF Agreements by reference thereto made in Whereas Clause number 2 of all such Interim CCF Agreements.
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