Loading (50 kb)...'

The above limitations shall be applicable to each fume scrubber associated with a hydrochloric acid pickling operation.

(5) Acid regeneration (absorber vent scrubber).

Subpart I
BCT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per day
TSS............................................ 38.2 16.3
O&G \1\.................................... 16.3 5.45
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for oil and grease shall be applicable when acid
pickling wastewaters are treated with cold rolling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

The above limitations shall be applicable to the absorber vent scrubber wastewater associated with hydrochloric acid regeneration plants.

(c) Combination acid pickling (spent acid solution and rinse waters)—(1) Rod, wire, and coil.

Subpart I
BCT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
TSS............................................ 0.149 0.0638
O&G \1\.................................... 0.0638 0.0213
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for oil and grease shall be applicable when acid
pickling wastewaters are treated with cold rolling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(2) Bar, billet, and bloom.

Subpart I
BCT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for values for
any 1 day 30
(pounds per
1,000 lb)
of product
TSS........................................... 0.0672 0.0288
O&G \1\................................... 0.0288 0.00960
pH............................................ (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for oil and grease shall be applicable when acid
pickling wastewaters are treated with cold rolling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(3) Strip, sheet, and plate—continuous.

Subpart I
BCT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
TSS............................................ 0.438 0.188
O&G \1\.................................... 0.188 0.0626
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for oil and grease shall be applicable when acid
pickling wastewaters are treated with cold rolling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(4) Strip, sheet and plate—batch.

Subpart I
BCT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
TSS............................................ 0.134 0.0576
O&G \1\.................................... 0.0576 0.0192
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for oil and grease shall be applicable when acid
pickling wastewaters are treated with cold rolling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(5) Pipe, tube, and other products.

Subpart I
BCT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
TSS............................................ 0.225 0.0964
O&G \1\.................................... 0.0964 0.0321
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for oil and grease shall be applicable when acid
pickling wastewaters are treated with cold rolling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(6) Fume scrubbers.

Subpart I
BCT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per day
TSS............................................ 5.72 2.45
O&G\1\..................................... 2.45 0.819
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for oil and grease shall be applicable when acid
pickling wastewaters are treated with cold rolling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

The above limitations shall be applicable to each fume scrubber associated with a combination acid pickling operation.

[47 FR 23284, May 27, 1982; 47 FR 41739, Sept. 22, 1982]

Subpart J—Cold Forming Subcategory
§ 420.100 Applicability; description of the cold forming subcategory.
(a) The provisions of this subpart are applicable to discharges and to the introduction of pollutants into publicly owned treatment works from cold rolling and cold working pipe and tube operations in which unheated steel is passed through rolls or otherwise processed to reduce its thickness, to produce a smooth surface, or to develop controlled mechanical properties in the steel.

(b) The limitations and standards set out below for cold worked pipe and tube operations shall be applicable only where cold worked pipe and tube wastewaters are discharged at steel plant sites. No limitations are applicable or allowable where these wastewaters are hauled off-site for disposal or are otherwise not discharged at steel plant sites. The limitations and standards set out below for cold worked pipe and tube operations shall be applicable only to the blowdown of soluble oil or water solutions used in cold worked pipe and tube forming operations. Limitations for other wastewater sources from these operations must be established on a site-specific basis.

[47 FR 23284, May 27, 1982, as amended at 49 FR 21034, May 17, 1984]

§ 420.101 Specialized definitions.
(a) The term recirculation means those cold rolling operations which include recirculation of rolling solutions at all mill stands.

(b) The term combination means those cold rolling operations which include recirculation of rolling solutions at one or more mill stands, and once-through use of rolling solutions at the remaining stand or stands.

(c) The term direct application means those cold rolling operations which include once-through use of rolling solutions at all mill stands.

(d) The term single stand means those recirculation or direct application cold rolling mills which include only one stand of work rolls.

(e) The term multiple stands means those recirculation or direct application cold rolling mills which include more than one stand of work rolls.

(f) The term cold worked pipe and tube means those cold forming operations that process unheated pipe and tube products using either water or oil solutions for cooling and lubrication.

§ 420.102 Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available (BPT).
Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart must achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best practicable control technology currently available.

(a) Cold rolling mills—(1) Recirculation—single stand.

Subpart J
BPT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.00125 0.000626
O&G..................................... 0.000522 0.000209
Chromium \1\................................ 0.0000209 0.0000084
Lead........................................ 0.0000094 0.0000031
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.0000188 0.0000063
Zinc........................................ 0.0000063 0.0000021
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000021 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000031 ............
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(2) Recirculation—multiple stands.

Subpart J
BPT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.00626 0.00313
O&G..................................... 0.00261 0.00104
Chromium \1\................................ 0.000104 0.0000418
Lead........................................ 0.0000469 0.0000156
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.0000939 0.0000313
Zinc........................................ 0.0000313 0.0000104
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000104 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000156 ............
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(3) Combination.

Subpart J
BPT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
TSS............................................ 0.0751 0.0376
O&G........................................ 0.0313 0.0125
Chromium \1\................................... 0.00125 0.000501
Lead........................................... 0.000563 0.000188
Nickel \1\..................................... 0.00113 0.000376
Zinc........................................... 0.000376 0.000125
Naphthalene.................................... 0.000125 ...........
Tetrachloroethylene............................ 0.000188 ...........
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are cotreated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(4) Direct application—single stand.

Subpart J
BPT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.0225 0.0113
O&G..................................... 0.00939 0.00376
Chromium \1\................................ 0.000376 0.000150
Lead........................................ 0.000169 0.0000563
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.000338 0.000113
Zinc........................................ 0.000113 0.0000376
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000376 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000563 ............
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(5) Direct application—multiple stands.

Subpart J
BPT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
TSS............................................ 0.100 0.0501
O&G........................................ 0.0417 0.0167
Chromium \1\................................... 0.00167 0.000668
Lead........................................... 0.000751 0.000250
Nickel \1\..................................... 0.00150 0.000501
Zinc........................................... 0.000501 0.000167
Naphthalene.................................... 0.000167 ...........
Tetrachloroethylene............................ 0.000250 ...........
pH............................................. (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(b) Cold worked pipe and tube—(1) Using water.

Subpart J
BPT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant of pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.00125 0.000626
O&G..................................... 0.000522 0.000209
Chromium \1\................................ 0.0000209 0.0000084
Lead........................................ 0.0000094 0.0000031
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.0000188 0.0000063
Zinc........................................ 0.0000063 0.0000021
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold forming wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(2) Using oil solutions.

Subpart J
BPT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.00125 0.000626
O&G..................................... 0.000522 0.000209
Chromium \1\................................ 0.0000209 0.0000084
Lead........................................ 0.0000094 0.0000031
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.0000188 0.0000063
Zinc........................................ 0.0000063 0.0000021
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000021 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000031 ............
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold forming wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

[47 FR 23284, May 27, 1982, as amended at 49 FR 21034, May 17, 1984; 49 FR 24726, June 15, 1984]

§ 420.103 Effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable (BAT).
Except as provided in 40 CFR 125.30 through 125.32, any existing point source subject to this subpart must achieve the following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the application of the best available technology economically achievable.

(a) Cold rolling mills—(1) Recirculation—single stand.

Subpart J
BAT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for values for
any 1 day 30
(pounds per
1,000 lb)
of product
Chromium \1\.................................. 0.0000209 0.0000084
Lead.......................................... 0.0000094 0.0000031
Nickel \1\.................................... 0.0000188 0.0000063
Zinc.......................................... 0.0000063 0.0000021
Naphthalene................................... 0.0000021 ...........
Tetrachloroethylene........................... 0.0000031 ...........
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.

(2) Recirculation—multiple stands.

Subpart J
BAT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for values for
any 1 day 30
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
Chromium \1\................................. 0.000104 0.0000418
Lead......................................... 0.0000469 0.0000156
Nickel\1\.................................... 0.0000939 0.0000313
Zinc......................................... 0.0000313 0.0000104
Naphthalene.................................. 0.0000104 ...........
Tetrachloroethylene.......................... 0.0000156 ...........
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.

(3) Combination.

Subpart J
BAT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
Chromium \1\................................... 0.00125 0.000501
Lead........................................... 0.000563 0.000188
Nickel \1\..................................... 0.00113 0.000376
Zinc........................................... 0.000376 0.000125
Naphthalene.................................... 0.000125 ...........
Tetrachloroethylene............................ 0.000188 ...........
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are cotreated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.

(4) Direct application—single stand.

Subpart J
BAT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
Chromium \1\................................ 0.000376 0.000150
Lead........................................ 0.000169 0.0000563
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.000338 0.000113
Zinc........................................ 0.000113 0.0000376
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000376 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000563 ............
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.

(5) Direct application—multiple stands.

Subpart J
BAT effluent
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily
Maximum values for
for any 1 30
day consecutive
per 1,000
lb) of
Chromium \1\................................... 0.00167 0.000668
Lead........................................... 0.000751 0.000250
Nickel \1\..................................... 0.00150 0.000501
Zinc........................................... 0.000501 0.000167
Naphthalene.................................... 0.000167 ...........
Tetrachloroethylene............................ 0.000250 ...........
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.

(b) Cold worked pipe and tube—(1) Using water.

Subpart J
BAT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for values for
any 1 day 30
(pounds per
1,000 lb)
of product
Chromium \1\.................................. 0.0000209 0.0000084
Lead.......................................... 0.0000094 0.0000031
Nickel \1\.................................... 0.0000188 0.0000063
Zinc.......................................... 0.0000063 0.0000021
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold forming wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.

(2) Using oil solutions.

Subpart J
BAT effluent limitations
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property Maximum for values for
any 1 day 30
(pounds per
1,000 lb)
of product
Chromium \1\.................................. 0.0000209 0.0000084
Lead.......................................... 0.0000094 0.0000031
Nickel \1\.................................... 0.0000188 0.0000063
Zinc.......................................... 0.0000063 0.0000021
Naphthalene................................... 0.0000021 ...........
Tetrachloroethylene........................... 0.0000031 ...........
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold forming wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.

[47 FR 23284, May 27, 1982, as amended at 49 FR 21035, May 17, 1984]

§ 420.104 New source performance standards (NSPS).
The discharge of wastewater pollutants from any new source subject to this subpart shall not exceed the standards set forth below.

(a) Cold rolling mills—(1) Recirculation—single stand.

Subpart J
New source performance
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.00125 0.000626
O&G..................................... 0.000522 0.000209
Chromium \1\................................ 0.0000209 0.0000084
Lead........................................ 0.0000094 0.0000031
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.0000188 0.0000063
Zinc........................................ 0.0000063 0.0000021
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000021 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000031 ............
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are cotreated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(2) Recirculation—multiple stands.

Subpart J
New source performance
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.00250 0.00125
O&G..................................... 0.00104 0.000417
Chromium \1\................................ 0.0000418 0.0000167
Lead........................................ 0.0000188 0.0000063
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.0000376 0.0000125
Zinc........................................ 0.0000125 0.0000042
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000042 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000063 ............
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastewaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(3) Combination.

Subpart J
New source performance
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.0326 0.0163
O&G..................................... 0.0136 0.00543
Chromium \1\................................ 0.000543 0.000217
Lead........................................ 0.000244 0.0000814
Nickel \1\.................................. 0.000488 0.000163
Zinc........................................ 0.000163 0.0000542
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000542 ............
Tetrachloroethylene......................... 0.0000813 ............
pH.......................................... (\2\) (\2\)
\1\ The limitations for chromium and nickel shall be applicable in lieu
of those for lead and zinc when cold rolling wastwaters are treated
with descaling or combination acid pickling wastewaters.
\2\ Within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

(4) Direct application—single stand.

Subpart J
New source performance
Average of
Pollutant or pollutant property daily values
Maximum for for 30
any 1 day consecutive
(pounds per
1,000 lb) of
TSS......................................... 0.00626 0.00313
O&G..................................... 0.00261 0.00104
Chromium\1\................................. 0.000104 0.0000418
Lead........................................ 0.0000469 0.0000156
Nickel\1\................................... 0.0000939 0.0000313
Zinc........................................ 0.0000313 0.0000104
Naphthalene................................. 0.0000104 ............
Tetrachloro-ethylene........................0.0000156 ............ (continued)