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(3) The owner or operator of the valve follows a written plan that requires monitoring of the valve at least once per calendar year.

§ 264.1058 Standards: Pumps and valves in heavy liquid service, pressure relief devices in light liquid or heavy liquid service, and flanges and other connectors.
(a) Pumps and valves in heavy liquid service, pressure relief devices in light liquid or heavy liquid service, and flanges and other connectors shall be monitored within 5 days by the method specified in §264.1063(b) if evidence of a potential leak is found by visual, audible, olfactory, or any other detection method.

(b) If an instrument reading of 10,000 ppm or greater is measured, a leak is detected.

(c)(1) When a leak is detected, it shall be repaired as soon as practicable, but not later than 15 calendar days after it is detected. except as provided in §264.1059.

(2) The first attempt at repair shall be made no later than 5 calendar days after each leak is detected.

(d) First attempts at repair include, but are not limited to, the best practices described under §264.1057(e).

(e) Any connector that is inaccessible or is ceramic or ceramic-lined (e.g., porcelain, glass, or glass-lined) is exempt from the monitoring requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and from the recordkeeping requirements of §264.1064 of this subpart.

[55 FR 25501, June 21, 1990, as amended at 61 FR 59952, Nov. 25, 1996]

§ 264.1059 Standards: Delay of repair.
(a) Delay of repair of equipment for which leaks have been detected will be allowed if the repair is technically infeasible without a hazardous waste management unit shutdown. In such a case, repair of this equipment shall occur before the end of the next hazardous waste management unit shutdown.

(b) Delay of repair of equipment for which leaks have been detected will be allowed for equipment that is isolated from the hazardous waste management unit and that does not continue to contain or contact hazardous waste with organic concentrations at least 10 percent by weight.

(c) Delay of repair for valves will be allowed if:

(1) The owner or operator determines that emissions of purged material resulting from immediate repair are greater than the emissions likely to result from delay of repair.

(2) When repair procedures are effected, the purged material is collected and destroyed or recovered in a control device complying with §264.1060.

(d) Delay of repair for pumps will be allowed if:

(1) Repair requires the use of a dual mechanical seal system that includes a barrier fluid system.

(2) Repair is completed as soon as practicable, but not later than 6 months after the leak was detected.

(e) Delay of repair beyond a hazardous waste management unit shutdown will be allowed for a valve if valve assembly replacement is necessary during the hazardous waste management unit shutdown, valve assembly supplies have been depleted, and valve assembly supplies had been sufficiently stocked before the supplies were depleted. Delay of repair beyond the next hazardous waste management unit shutdown will not be allowed unless the next hazardous waste management unit shutdown occurs sooner than 6 months after the first hazardous waste management unit shutdown.

§ 264.1060 Standards: Closed-vent systems and control devices.
(a) Owners and operators of closed-vent systems and control devices subject to this subpart shall comply with the provisions of §264.1033 of this part.

(b)(1) The owner or operator of an existing facility who cannot install a closed-vent system and control device to comply with the provisions of this subpart on the effective date that the facility becomes subject to the provisions of this subpart must prepare an implementation schedule that includes dates by which the closed-vent system and control device will be installed and in operation. The controls must be installed as soon as possible, but the implementation schedule may allow up to 30 months after the effective date that the facility becomes subject to this subpart for installation and startup.

(2) Any unit that begins operation after December 21, 1990, and is subject to the provisions of this subpart when operation begins, must comply with the rules immediately (i.e., must have control devices installed and operating on startup of the affected unit); the 30-month implementation schedule does not apply.

(3) The owner or operator of any facility in existence on the effective date of a statutory or EPA regulatory amendment that renders the facility subject to this subpart shall comply with all requirements of this subpart as soon as practicable but no later than 30 months after the amendment's effective date. When control equipment required by this subpart can not be installed and begin operation by the effective date of the amendment, the facility owner or operator shall prepare an implementation schedule that includes the following information: Specific calendar dates for award or contracts or issuance of purchase orders for the control equipment, initiation of on-site installation of the control equipment, completion of the control equipment installation, and performance of any testing to demonstrate that the installed equipment meets the applicable standards of this subpart. The owner or operator shall enter the implementation schedule in the operating record or in a permanent, readily available file located at the facility.

(4) Owners and operators of facilities and units that become newly subject to the requirements of this subpart after December 8, 1997, due to an action other than those described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section must comply with all applicable requirements immediately (i.e., must have control devices installed and operating on the date the facility or unit becomes subject to this subpart; the 30-month implementation schedule does not apply).

[62 FR 64657, Dec. 8, 1997]

§ 264.1061 Alternative standards for valves in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service: percentage of valves allowed to leak.
Link to an amendment published at 71 FR 16907, Apr. 4, 2006.

(a) An owner or operator subject to the requirements of §264.1057 may elect to have all valves within a hazardous waste management unit comply with an alternative standard that allows no greater than 2 percent of the valves to leak.

(b) The following requirements shall be met if an owner or operator decides to comply with the alternative standard of allowing 2 percent of valves to leak:

(1) An owner or operator must notify the Regional Administrator that the owner or operator has elected to comply with the requirements of this section.

(2) A performance test as specified in paragraph (c) of this section shall be conducted initially upon designation, annually, and at other times requested by the Regional Administrator.

(3) If a valve leak is detected, it shall be repaired in accordance with §264.1057(d) and (e).

(c) Performance tests shall be conducted in the following manner:

(1) All valves subject to the requirements in §264.1057 within the hazardous waste management unit shall be monitored within 1 week by the methods specified in §264.1063(b).

(2) If an instrument reading of 10,000 ppm or greater is measured, a leak is detected.

(3) The leak percentage shall be determined by dividing the number of valves subject to the requirements in §264.1057 for which leaks are detected by the total number of valves subject to the requirements in §264.1057 within the hazardous waste management unit.

(d) If an owner or operator decides to comply with this section no longer, the owner or operator must notify the Regional Administrator in writing that the work practice standard described in §264.1057(a) through (e) will be followed.

§ 264.1062 Alternative standards for valves in gas/vapor service or in light liquid service: skip period leak detection and repair.
Link to an amendment published at 71 FR 16907, Apr. 4, 2006.

(a)(1) An owner or operator subject to the requirements of §264.1057 may elect for all valves within a hazardous waste management unit to comply with one of the alternative work practices specified in paragraphs (b) (2) and (3) of this section.

(2) An owner or operator must notify the Regional Administrator before implementing one of the alternative work practices.

(b)(1) An owner or operator shall comply with the requirements for valves, as described in §264.1057, except as described in paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section.

(2) After two consecutive quarterly leak detection periods with the percentage of valves leaking equal to or less than 2 percent, an owner or operator may begin to skip one of the quarterly leak detection periods (i.e., monitor for leaks once every six months) for the valves subject to the requirements in §264.1057 of this subpart.

(3) After five consecutive quarterly leak detection periods with the percentage of valves leaking equal to or less than 2 percent, an owner or operator may begin to skip three of the quarterly leak detection periods (i.e., monitor for leaks once every year) for the valves subject to the requirements in §264.1057 of this subpart.

(4) If the percentage of valves leaking is greater than 2 percent, the owner or operator shall monitor monthly in compliance with the requirements in §264.1057, but may again elect to use this section after meeting the requirements of §264.1057(c)(1).

[55 FR 25501, June 21, 1990, as amended at 62 FR 64658, Dec. 8, 1997]

§ 264.1063 Test methods and procedures.
(a) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart shall comply with the test methods and procedures requirements provided in this section.

(b) Leak detection monitoring, as required in §§264.1052–264.1062, shall comply with the following requirements:

(1) Monitoring shall comply with Reference Method 21 in 40 CFR part 60.

(2) The detection instrument shall meet the performance criteria of Reference Method 21.

(3) The instrument shall be calibrated before use on each day of its use by the procedures specified in Reference Method 21.

(4) Calibration gases shall be:

(i) Zero air (less than 10 ppm of hydrocarbon in air).

(ii) A mixture of methane or n-hexane and air at a concentration of approximately, but less than, 10,000 ppm methane or n-hexane.

(5) The instrument probe shall be traversed around all potential leak interfaces as close to the interface as possible as described in Reference Method 21.

(c) When equipment is tested for compliance with no detectable emissions, as required in §§264.1052(e), 264.1053(i), 264.1054, and 264.1057(f), the test shall comply with the following requirements:

(1) The requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section shall apply.

(2) The background level shall be determined as set forth in Reference Method 21.

(3) The instrument probe shall be traversed around all potential leak interfaces as close to the interface as possible as described in Reference Method 21.

(4) The arithmetic difference between the maximum concentration indicated by the instrument and the background level is compared with 500 ppm for determining compliance.

(d) In accordance with the waste analysis plan required by §264.13(b), an owner or operator of a facility must determine, for each piece of equipment, whether the equipment contains or contacts a hazardous waste with organic concentration that equals or exceeds 10 percent by weight using the following:

(1) Methods described in ASTM Methods D 2267–88, E 169–87, E 168–88, E 260–85 (incorporated by reference under §260.11);

(2) Method 9060A (incorporated by reference under 40 CFR 260.11) of “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste,” EPA Publication SW–846, for computing total organic concentration of the sample, or analyzed for its individual organic constituents; or

(3) Application of the knowledge of the nature of the hazardous waste stream or the process by which it was produced. Documentation of a waste determination by knowledge is required. Examples of documentation that shall be used to support a determination under this provision include production process information documenting that no organic compounds are used, information that the waste is generated by a process that is identical to a process at the same or another facility that has previously been demonstrated by direct measurement to have a total organic content less than 10 percent, or prior speciation analysis results on the same waste stream where it can also be documented that no process changes have occurred since that analysis that could affect the waste total organic concentration.

(e) If an owner or operator determines that a piece of equipment contains or contacts a hazardous waste with organic concentrations at least 10 percent by weight, the determination can be revised only after following the procedures in paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section.

(f) When an owner or operator and the Regional Administrator do not agree on whether a piece of equipment contains or contacts a hazardous waste with organic concentrations at least 10 percent by weight, the procedures in paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section can be used to resolve the dispute.

(g) Samples used in determining the percent organic content shall be representative of the highest total organic content hazardous waste that is expected to be contained in or contact the equipment.

(h) To determine if pumps or valves are in light liquid service, the vapor pressures of constituents may be obtained from standard reference texts or may be determined by ASTM D–2879–86 (incorporated by reference under §260.11).

(i) Performance tests to determine if a control device achieves 95 weight percent organic emission reduction shall comply with the procedures of §264.1034(c)(1) through (c)(4).

[55 FR 25501, June 21, 1990, as amended at 62 FR 32462, June 13, 1997; 70 FR 34581, June 14, 2005]

§ 264.1064 Recordkeeping requirements.
(a)(1) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this subpart shall comply with the recordkeeping requirements of this section.

(2) An owner or operator of more than one hazardous waste management unit subject to the provisions of this subpart may comply with the recordkeeping requirements for these hazardous waste management units in one recordkeeping system if the system identifies each record by each hazardous waste management unit.

(b) Owners and operators must record the following information in the facility operating record:

(1) For each piece of equipment to which subpart BB of part 264 applies:

(i) Equipment identification number and hazardous waste management unit identification.

(ii) Approximate locations within the facility (e.g., identify the hazardous waste management unit on a facility plot plan).

(iii) Type of equipment (e.g., a pump or pipeline valve).

(iv) Percent-by-weight total organics in the hazardous waste stream at the equipment.

(v) Hazardous waste state at the equipment (e.g., gas/vapor or liquid).

(vi) Method of compliance with the standard (e.g., “monthly leak detection and repair” or “equipped with dual mechanical seals”).

(2) For facilities that comply with the provisions of §264.1033(a)(2), an implementation schedule as specified in §264.1033(a)(2).

(3) Where an owner or operator chooses to use test data to demonstrate the organic removal efficiency or total organic compound concentration achieved by the control device, a performance test plan as specified in §264.1035(b)(3).

(4) Documentation of compliance with §264.1060, including the detailed design documentation or performance test results specified in §264.1035(b)(4).

(c) When each leak is detected as specified in §§264.1052, 264.1053, 264.1057, and 264.1058, the following requirements apply:

(1) A weatherproof and readily visible identification, marked with the equipment identification number, the date evidence of a potential leak was found in accordance with §264.1058(a), and the date the leak was detected, shall be attached to the leaking equipment.

(2) The identification on equipment, except on a valve, may be removed after it has been repaired.

(3) The identification on a valve may be removed after it has been monitored for 2 successive months as specified in §§264.1057(c) and no leak has been detected during those 2 months.

(d) When each leak is detected as specified in §§264.1052, 264.1053, 264.1057, and 264.1058, the following information shall be recorded in an inspection log and shall be kept in the facility operating record:

(1) The instrument and operator identification numbers and the equipment identification number.

(2) The date evidence of a potential leak was found in accordance with §264.1058(a).

(3) The date the leak was detected and the dates of each attempt to repair the leak.

(4) Repair methods applied in each attempt to repair the leak.

(5) “Above 10,000” if the maximum instrument reading measured by the methods specified in §264.1063(b) after each repair attempt is equal to or greater than 10,000 ppm.

(6) “Repair delayed” and the reason for the delay if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak.

(7) Documentation supporting the delay of repair of a valve in compliance with §264.1059(c).

(8) The signature of the owner or operator (or designate) whose decision it was that repair could not be effected without a hazardous waste management unit shutdown.

(9) The expected date of successful repair of the leak if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days.

(10) The date of successful repair of the leak.

(e) Design documentation and monitoring, operating, and inspection information for each closed-vent system and control device required to comply with the provisions of §264.1060 shall be recorded and kept up-to-date in the facility operating record as specified in §264.1035(c). Design documentation is specified in §264.1035 (c)(1) and (c)(2) and monitoring, operating, and inspection information in §264.1035 (c)(3)–(c)(8).

(f) For a control device other than a thermal vapor incinerator, catalytic vapor incinerator, flare, boiler, process heater, condenser, or carbon adsorption system, the Regional Administrator will specify the appropriate recordkeeping requirements.

(g) The following information pertaining to all equipment subject to the requirements in §§264.1052 through 264.1060 shall be recorded in a log that is kept in the facility operating record:

(1) A list of identification numbers for equipment (except welded fittings) subject to the requirements of this subpart.

(2)(i) A list of identification numbers for equipment that the owner or operator elects to designate for no detectable emissions, as indicated by an instrument reading of less than 500 ppm above background, under the provisions of §§264.1052(e), 264.1053(i), and 264.1057(f).

(ii) The designation of this equipment as subject to the requirements of §§264.1052(e), 264.1053(i), or 264.1057(f) shall be signed by the owner or operator.

(3) A list of equipment identification numbers for pressure relief devices required to comply with §264.1054(a).

(4)(i) The dates of each compliance test required in §§264.1052(e), 264.1053(i), 264.1054, and 264.1057(f).

(ii) The background level measured during each compliance test.

(iii) The maximum instrument reading measured at the equipment during each compliance test.

(5) A list of identification numbers for equipment in vacuum service.

(6) Identification, either by list or location (area or group) of equipment that contains or contacts hazardous waste with an organic concentration of at least 10 percent by weight for less than 300 hours per calendar year.

(h) The following information pertaining to all valves subject to the requirements of §264.1057 (g) and (h) shall be recorded in a log that is kept in the facility operating record:

(1) A list of identification numbers for valves that are designated as unsafe to monitor, an explanation for each valve stating why the valve is unsafe to monitor, and the plan for monitoring each valve.

(2) A list of identification numbers for valves that are designated as difficult to monitor, an explanation for each valve stating why the valve is difficult to monitor, and the planned schedule for monitoring each valve.

(i) The following information shall be recorded in the facility operating record for valves complying with §264.1062:

(1) A schedule of monitoring.

(2) The percent of valves found leaking during each monitoring period.

(j) The following information shall be recorded in a log that is kept in the facility operating record:

(1) Criteria required in §264.1052(d)(5)(ii) and §264.1053(e)(2) and an explanation of the design criteria.

(2) Any changes to these criteria and the reasons for the changes.

(k) The following information shall be recorded in a log that is kept in the facility operating record for use in determining exemptions as provided in the applicability section of this subpart and other specific subparts:

(1) An analysis determining the design capacity of the hazardous waste management unit.

(2) A statement listing the hazardous waste influent to and effluent from each hazardous waste management unit subject to the requirements in §§264.1052 through 264.1060 and an analysis determining whether these hazardous wastes are heavy liquids.

(3) An up-to-date analysis and the supporting information and data used to determine whether or not equipment is subject to the requirements in §§264.1052 through 264.1060. The record shall include supporting documentation as required by §264.1063(d)(3) when application of the knowledge of the nature of the hazardous waste stream or the process by which it was produced is used. If the owner or operator takes any action (e.g., changing the process that produced the waste) that could result in an increase in the total organic content of the waste contained in or contacted by equipment determined not to be subject to the requirements in §§264.1052 through 264.1060, then a new determination is required.

(l) Records of the equipment leak information required by paragraph (d) of this section and the operating information required by paragraph (e) of this section need be kept only 3 years.

(m) The owner or operator of a facility with equipment that is subject to this subpart and to regulations at 40 CFR part 60, part 61, or part 63 may elect to determine compliance with this subpart either by documentation pursuant to §264.1064 of this subpart, or by documentation of compliance with the regulations at 40 CFR part 60, part 61, or part 63 pursuant to the relevant provisions of the regulations at 40 part 60, part 61, or part 63. The documentation of compliance under regulations at 40 CFR part 60, part 61, or part 63 shall be kept with or made readily available with the facility operating record.

[55 FR 25501, June 21, 1990, as amended at 61 FR 59952, Nov. 25, 1996; 62 FR 64658, Dec. 8, 1997]

§ 264.1065 Reporting requirements.
(a) A semiannual report shall be submitted by owners and operators subject to the requirements of this subpart to the Regional Administrator by dates specified by the Regional Administrator. The report shall include the following information:

(1) The Environmental Protection Agency identification number, name, and address of the facility.

(2) For each month during the semiannual reporting period:

(i) The equipment identification number of each valve for which a leak was not repaired as required in §264.1057(d).

(ii) The equipment identification number of each pump for which a leak was not repaired as required in §264.1052 (c) and (d)(6).

(iii) The equipment identification number of each compressor for which a leak was not repaired as required in §264.1053(g).

(3) Dates of hazardous waste management unit shutdowns that occurred within the semiannual reporting period.

(4) For each month during the semiannual reporting period, dates when the control device installed as required by §264.1052, 264.1053, 264.1054, or 264.1055 exceeded or operated outside of the design specifications as defined in §264.1064(e) and as indicated by the control device monitoring required by §264.1060 and was not corrected within 24 hours, the duration and cause of each exceedance, and any corrective measures taken.

(b) If, during the semiannual reporting period, leaks from valves, pumps, and compressors are repaired as required in §§264.1057 (d), 264.1052 (c) and (d)(6), and 264.1053 (g), respectively, and the control device does not exceed or operate outside of the design specifications as defined in §264.1064(e) for more than 24 hours, a report to the Regional Administrator is not required.

§§ 264.1066-264.1079 [Reserved]
Subpart CC—Air Emission Standards for Tanks, Surface Impoundments, and Containers
Source: 59 FR 62927, Dec. 6, 1994, unless otherwise noted.

§ 264.1080 Applicability.
(a) The requirements of this subpart apply to owners and operators of all facilities that treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste in tanks, surface impoundments, or containers subject to either subparts I, J, or K of this part except as §264.1 and paragraph (b) of this section provide otherwise.

(b) The requirements of this subpart do not apply to the following waste management units at the facility:

(1) A waste management unit that holds hazardous waste placed in the unit before December 6, 1996, and in which no hazardous waste is added to the unit on or after December 6, 1996.

(2) A container that has a design capacity less than or equal to 0.1 m3.

(3) A tank in which an owner or operator has stopped adding hazardous waste and the owner or operator has begun implementing or completed closure pursuant to an approved closure plan.

(4) A surface impoundment in which an owner or operator has stopped adding hazardous waste (except to implement an approved closure plan) and the owner or operator has begun implementing or completed closure pursuant to an approved closure plan.

(5) A waste management unit that is used solely for on-site treatment or storage of hazardous waste that is placed in the unit as a result of implementing remedial activities required under the corrective action authorities of RCRA sections 3004(u), 3004(v), or 3008(h); CERCLA authorities; or similar Federal or State authorities.

(6) A waste management unit that is used solely for the management of radioactive mixed waste in accordance with all applicable regulations under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act.

(7) A hazardous waste management unit that the owner or operator certifies is equipped with and operating air emission controls in accordance with the requirements of an applicable Clean Air Act regulation codified under 40 CFR part 60, part 61, or part 63. For the purpose of complying with this paragraph, a tank for which the air emission control includes an enclosure, as opposed to a cover, must be in compliance with the enclosure and control device requirements of §264.1084(i), except as provided in §264.1082(c)(5).

(8) A tank that has a process vent as defined in 40 CFR 264.1031.

(c) For the owner and operator of a facility subject to this subpart who received a final permit under RCRA section 3005 prior to December 6, 1996, the requirements of this subpart shall be incorporated into the permit when the permit is reissued in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 124.15 of this chapter or reviewed in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 270.50(d) of this chapter. Until such date when the permit is reissued in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 124.15 or reviewed in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 270.50(d), the owner and operator is subject to the requirements of 40 CFR part 265, subpart CC.

(d) The requirements of this subpart, except for the recordkeeping requirements specified in §264.1089(i) of this subpart, are administratively stayed for a tank or a container used for the management of hazardous waste generated by organic peroxide manufacturing and its associated laboratory operations when the owner or operator of the unit meets all of the following conditions:

(1) The owner or operator identifies that the tank or container receives hazardous waste generated by an organic peroxide manufacturing process producing more than one functional family of organic peroxides or multiple organic peroxides within one functional family, that one or more of these organic peroxides could potentially undergo self-accelerating thermal decomposition at or below ambient temperatures, and that organic peroxides are the predominant products manufactured by the process. For the purpose of meeting the conditions of this paragraph, “organic peroxide” means an organic compound that contains the bivalent —O—O— structure and which may be considered to be a structural derivative of hydrogen peroxide where one or both of the hydrogen atoms has been replaced by an organic radical.

(2) The owner or operator prepares documentation, in accordance with the requirements of §264.1089(i) of this subpart, explaining why an undue safety hazard would be created if air emission controls specified in §§264.1084 through 264.1087 of this subpart are installed and operated on the tanks and containers used at the facility to manage the hazardous waste generated by the organic peroxide manufacturing process or processes meeting the conditions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section.

(3) The owner or operator notifies the Regional Administrator in writing that hazardous waste generated by an organic peroxide manufacturing process or processes meeting the conditions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section are managed at the facility in tanks or containers meeting the conditions of paragraph (d)(2) of this section. The notification shall state the name and address of the facility, and be signed and dated by an authorized representative of the facility owner or operator.

(e)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2) of this section, the requirements of this subpart do not apply to the pharmaceutical manufacturing facility, commonly referred to as the Stonewall Plant, located at Route 340 South, Elkton, Virginia, provided that facility is operated in compliance with the requirements contained in a Clean Air Act permit issued pursuant to 40 CFR 52.2454. The requirements of this subpart shall apply to the facility upon termination of the Clean Air Act permit issued pursuant to 40 CFR 52.2454.

(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (e)(1) of this section, any hazardous waste surface impoundment operated at the Stonewall Plant is subject to:

(i) The standards in §264.1085 and all requirements related to hazardous waste surface impoundments that are referenced in or by §264.1085, including the closed-vent system and control device requirements of §264.1087 and the recordkeeping requirements of §264.1089(c); and

(ii) The reporting requirements of §264.1090 that are applicable to surface impoundments and/or to closed-vent systems and control devices associated with a surface impoundment.

(f) This section applies only to the facility commonly referred to as the OSi Specialties Plant, located on State Route 2, Sistersville, West Virginia (“Sistersville Plant”).

(1)(i) Provided that the Sistersville Plant is in compliance with the requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of this section, the requirements referenced in paragraphs (f)(1)(iii) and (f)(1)(iv) of this section are temporarily deferred, as specified in paragraph (f)(3) of this section, with respect to the two hazardous waste surface impoundments at the Sistersville Plant. Beginning on the date that paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section is first implemented, the temporary deferral of this paragraph shall no longer be effective.

(ii)(A) In the event that a notice of revocation is issued pursuant to paragraph (f)(3)(iv) of this section, the requirements referenced in paragraphs (f)(1)(iii) and (f)(1)(iv) of this section are temporarily deferred, with respect to the two hazardous waste surface impoundments, provided that the Sistersville Plant is in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(ii), (f)(2)(iii), (f)(2)(iv), (f)(2)(v), (f)(2)(vi) and (g) of this section, except as provided under paragraph (f)(1)(ii)(B) of this section. The temporary deferral of the previous sentence shall be effective beginning on the date the Sistersville Plant receives written notification of revocation, and continuing for a maximum period of 18 months from that date, provided that the Sistersville Plant is in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(ii), (f)(2)(iii), (f)(2)(iv), (f)(2)(v), (f)(2)(vi) and (g) of this section at all times during that 18-month period. In no event shall the temporary deferral continue to be effective after the MON Compliance Date.

(B) In the event that a notification of revocation is issued pursuant to paragraph (f)(3)(iv) of this section as a result of the permanent removal of the capper unit from methyl capped polyether production service, the requirements referenced in paragraphs (f)(1)(iii) and (f)(1)(iv) of this section are temporarily deferred, with respect to the two hazardous waste surface impoundments, provided that the Sistersville Plant is in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(vi), and (g) of this section. The temporary deferral of the previous sentence shall be effective beginning on the date the Sistersville Plant receives written notification of revocation, and continuing for a maximum period of 18 months from that date, provided that the Sistersville Plant is in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(vi) and (g) of this section at all times during that 18-month period. In no event shall the temporary deferral continue to be effective after the MON Compliance Date.

(iii) The standards in §264.1085 of this part, and all requirements referenced in or by §264.1085 that otherwise would apply to the two hazardous waste surface impoundments, including the closed-vent system and control device requirements of §264.1087 of this part.

(iv) The reporting requirements of §264.1090 that are applicable to surface impoundments and/or to closed-vent systems and control devices associated with a surface impoundment.

(2) Notwithstanding the effective period and revocation provisions in paragraph (f)(3) of this section, the temporary deferral provided in paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section is effective only if the Sistersville Plant meets the requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of this section.

(i) The Sistersville Plant shall install an air pollution control device on the polyether methyl capper unit (“capper unit”), implement a methanol recovery operation, and implement a waste minimization/pollution prevention (“WMPP”) project. The installation and implementation of these requirements shall be conducted according to the schedule described in paragraphs (f)(2)(i) and (f)(2)(vi) of this section.

(A) The Sistersville Plant shall complete the initial start-up of a thermal incinerator on the capper unit's process vents from the first stage vacuum pump, from the flash pot and surge tank, and from the water stripper, no later than April 1, 1998.

(B) The Sistersville Plant shall provide to the EPA and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection, written notification of the actual date of initial start-up of the thermal incinerator, and commencement of the methanol recovery operation. The Sistersville Plant shall submit this written notification as soon as practicable, but in no event later than 15 days after such events.

(ii) The Sistersville Plant shall install and operate the capper unit process vent thermal incinerator according to the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(ii)(A) through (f)(2)(ii)(D) of this section.

(A) Capper unit process vent thermal incinerator.

(1) Except as provided under paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(D) of this section, the Sistersville Plant shall operate the process vent thermal incinerator such that the incinerator reduces the total organic compounds (“TOC”) from the process vent streams identified in paragraph (f)(2)(i)(A) of this section, by 98 weight-percent, or to a concentration of 20 parts per million by volume, on a dry basis, corrected to 3 percent oxygen, whichever is less stringent.

(i) Prior to conducting the initial performance test required under paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section, the Sistersville Plant shall operate the thermal incinerator at or above a minimum temperature of 1600 Fahrenheit.

(ii) After the initial performance test required under paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section, the Sistersville Plant shall operate the thermal incinerator at or above the minimum temperature established during that initial performance test.

(iii) The Sistersville Plant shall operate the process vent thermal incinerator at all times that the capper unit is being operated to manufacture product.

(2) The Sistersville Plant shall install, calibrate, and maintain all air pollution control and monitoring equipment described in paragraphs (f)(2)(i)(A) and (f)(2)(ii)(B)(3) of this section, according to the manufacturer's specifications, or other written procedures that provide adequate assurance that the equipment can reasonably be expected to control and monitor accurately, and in a manner consistent with good engineering practices during all periods when emissions are routed to the unit.

(B) The Sistersville Plant shall comply with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(ii)(B)(1) through (f)(2)(ii)(B)(3) of this section for performance testing and monitoring of the capper unit process vent thermal incinerator.

(1) Within sixty (120) days after thermal incinerator initial start-up, the Sistersville Plant shall conduct a performance test to determine the minimum temperature at which compliance with the emission reduction requirement specified in paragraph (f)(4) of this section is achieved. This determination shall be made by measuring TOC minus methane and ethane, according to the procedures specified in paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section.

(2) The Sistersville Plant shall conduct the initial performance test in accordance with the standards set forth in paragraph (f)(4) of this section.

(3) Upon initial start-up, the Sistersville Plant shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate, according to manufacturer's specifications and in a manner consistent with good engineering practices, the monitoring equipment described in paragraphs (f)(2)(ii)(B)(3)(i) through (f)(2)(ii)(B)(3)(iii) of this section.

(i) A temperature monitoring device equipped with a continuous recorder. The temperature monitoring device shall be installed in the firebox or in the duct work immediately downstream of the firebox in a position before any substantial heat exchange is encountered.

(ii) A flow indicator that provides a record of vent stream flow to the incinerator at least once every fifteen minutes. The flow indicator shall be installed in the vent stream from the process vent at a point closest to the inlet of the incinerator.

(iii) If the closed-vent system includes bypass devices that could be used to divert the gas or vapor stream to the atmosphere before entering the control device, each bypass device shall be equipped with either a bypass flow indicator or a seal or locking device as specified in this paragraph. For the purpose of complying with this paragraph, low leg drains, high point bleeds, analyzer vents, open-ended valves or lines, spring-loaded pressure relief valves, and other fittings used for safety purposes are not considered to be bypass devices. If a bypass flow indicator is used to comply with this paragraph, the bypass flow indicator shall be installed at the inlet to the bypass line used to divert gases and vapors from the closed-vent system to the atmosphere at a point upstream of the control device inlet. If a seal or locking device (e.g. car-seal or lock-and-key configuration) is used to comply with this paragraph, the device shall be placed on the mechanism by which the bypass device position is controlled (e.g., valve handle, damper levels) when the bypass device is in the closed position such that the bypass device cannot be opened without breaking the seal or removing the lock. The Sistersville Plant shall visually inspect the seal or locking device at least once every month to verify that the bypass mechanism is maintained in the closed position.

(C) The Sistersville Plant shall keep on-site an up-to-date, readily accessible record of the information described in paragraphs (f)(2)(ii)(C)(1) through (f)(2)(ii)(C)(4) of this section.

(1) Data measured during the initial performance test regarding the firebox temperature of the incinerator and the percent reduction of TOC achieved by the incinerator, and/or such other information required in addition to or in lieu of that information by the WVDEP in its approval of equivalent test methods and procedures.

(2) Continuous records of the equipment operating procedures specified to be monitored under paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B)(3) of this section, as well as records of periods of operation during which the firebox temperature falls below the minimum temperature established under paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(A)(1) of this section.

(3) Records of all periods during which the vent stream has no flow rate to the extent that the capper unit is being operated during such period.

(4) Records of all periods during which there is flow through a bypass device.

(D) The Sistersville Plant shall comply with the start-up, shutdown, maintenance and malfunction requirements contained in paragraphs (f)(2)(ii)(D)(1) through (f)(2)(ii)(D)(6) of this section, with respect to the capper unit process vent incinerator.

(1) The Sistersville Plant shall develop and implement a Start-up, Shutdown and Malfunction Plan as required by the provisions set forth in paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(D) of this section. The plan shall describe, in detail, procedures for operating and maintaining the thermal incinerator during periods of start-up, shutdown and malfunction, and a program of corrective action for malfunctions of the thermal incinerator.

(2) The plan shall include a detailed description of the actions the Sistersville Plant will take to perform the functions described in paragraphs (f)(2)(ii)(D)(2)(i) through (f)(2)(ii)(D)(2)(iii) of this section.

(i) Ensure that the thermal incinerator is operated in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices.

(ii) Ensure that the Sistersville Plant is prepared to correct malfunctions as soon as practicable after their occurrence in order to minimize excess emissions.

(iii) Reduce the reporting requirements associated with periods of start-up, shutdown and malfunction.

(3) During periods of start-up, shutdown and malfunction, the Sistersville Plant shall maintain the process unit and the associated thermal incinerator in accordance with the procedures set forth in the plan.

(4) The plan shall contain record keeping requirements relating to periods of start-up, shutdown or malfunction, actions taken during such periods in conformance with the plan, and any failures to act in conformance with the plan during such periods.

(5) During periods of maintenance or malfunction of the thermal incinerator, the Sistersville Plant may continue to operate the capper unit, provided that operation of the capper unit without the thermal incinerator shall be limited to no more than 240 hours each calendar year.

(6) For the purposes of paragraph (f)(2)(iii)(D) of this section, the Sistersville Plant may use its operating procedures manual, or a plan developed for other reasons, provided that plan meets the requirements of paragraph (f)(2)(iii)(D) of this section for the start-up, shutdown and malfunction plan.

(iii) The Sistersville Plant shall operate the closed-vent system in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(iii)(A) through (f)(2)(iii)(D) of this section.

(A) Closed-vent system.

(1) At all times when the process vent thermal incinerator is operating, the Sistersville Plant shall route the vent streams identified in paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section from the capper unit to the thermal incinerator through a closed-vent system.

(2) The closed-vent system will be designed for and operated with no detectable emissions, as defined in paragraph (f)(6) of this section.

(B) The Sistersville Plant will comply with the performance standards set forth in paragraph (f)(2)(iii)(A)(1) of this section on and after the date on which the initial performance test referenced in paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section is completed, but no later than sixty (60) days after the initial start-up date.

(C) The Sistersville Plant shall comply with the monitoring requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(iii)(C)(1) through (f)(2)(iii)(C)(3) of this section, with respect to the closed-vent system.

(1) At the time of the performance test described in paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section, the Sistersville Plant shall inspect the closed-vent system as specified in paragraph (f)(5) of this section.

(2) At the time of the performance test described in paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section, and annually thereafter, the Sistersville Plant shall inspect the closed-vent system for visible, audible, or olfactory indications of leaks.

(3) If at any time a defect or leak is detected in the closed-vent system, the Sistersville Plant shall repair the defect or leak in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(iii)(C)(3)(i) and (f)(2)(iii)(C)(3)(ii) of this section.

(i) The Sistersville Plant shall make first efforts at repair of the defect no later than five (5) calendar days after detection, and repair shall be completed as soon as possible but no later than forty-five (45) calendar days after detection.

(ii) The Sistersville Plant shall maintain a record of the defect repair in accordance with the requirements specified in paragraph (f)(2)(iii)(D) of this section.

(D) The Sistersville Plant shall keep on-site up-to-date, readily accessible records of the inspections and repairs required to be performed by paragraph (f)(2)(iii) of this section.

(iv) The Sistersville Plant shall operate the methanol recovery operation in accordance with paragraphs (f)(2)(iv)(A) through (f)(2)(iv)(C) of this section.

(A) The Sistersville Plant shall operate the condenser associated with the methanol recovery operation at all times during which the capper unit is being operated to manufacture product.

(B) The Sistersville Plant shall comply with the monitoring requirements described in paragraphs (f)(2)(B)(1) through (f)(2)(B)(3) of this section, with respect to the methanol recovery operation.

(1) The Sistersville Plant shall perform measurements necessary to determine the information described in paragraphs (f)(2)(iv)(B)(1)(i) and (f)(2)(iv)(B)(1)(ii) of this section to demonstrate the percentage recovery by weight of the methanol contained in the influent gas stream to the condenser.

(i) Information as is necessary to calculate the annual amount of methanol generated by operating the capper unit.

(ii) The annual amount of methanol recovered by the condenser associated with the methanol recovery operation.

(2) The Sistersville Plant shall install, calibrate, maintain and operate according to manufacturer specifications, a temperature monitoring device with a continuous recorder for the condenser associated with the methanol recovery operation, as an indicator that the condenser is operating.

(3) The Sistersville Plant shall record the dates and times during which the capper unit and the condenser are operating.

(C) The Sistersville Plant shall keep on-site up-to-date, readily-accessible records of the parameters specified to be monitored under paragraph (f)(2)(iv)(B) of this section.

(v) The Sistersville Plant shall comply with the requirements of paragraphs (f)(2)(v)(A) through (f)(2)(v)(C) of this section for the disposition of methanol collected by the methanol recovery operation.

(A) On an annual basis, the Sistersville Plant shall ensure that a minimum of 95% by weight of the methanol collected by the methanol recovery operation (also referred to as the “collected methanol”) is utilized for reuse, recovery, or thermal recovery/treatment. The Sistersville Plant may use the methanol on-site, or may transfer or sell the methanol for reuse, recovery, or thermal recovery/treatment at other facilities.

(1) Reuse. To the extent reuse of all of the collected methanol destined for reuse, recovery, or thermal recovery is not economically feasible, the Sistersville Plant shall ensure the residual portion is sent for recovery, as defined in paragraph (f)(6) of this section, except as provided in paragraph (f)(2)(v)(A)(2) of this section.

(2) Recovery. To the extent that reuse or recovery of all the collected methanol destined for reuse, recovery, or thermal recovery is not economically feasible, the Sistersville Plant shall ensure that the residual portion is sent for thermal recovery/treatment, as defined in paragraph (f)(6) of this section.

(3) The Sistersville Plant shall ensure that, on an annual basis, no more than 5% of the methanol collected by the methanol recovery operation is subject to bio-treatment.

(4) In the event the Sistersville Plant receives written notification of revocation pursuant to paragraph (f)(3)(iv) of this section, the percent limitations set forth under paragraph (f)(2)(v)(A) of this section shall no longer be applicable, beginning on the date of receipt of written notification of revocation.

(B) The Sistersville Plant shall perform suchmeasurements as are necessary to determine the pounds of collected methanol directed to reuse, recovery, thermal recovery/treatment and bio-treatment, respectively, on a monthly basis. (continued)