Loading (50 kb)...'
lead_5; nickel_68; selenium_1;
thallium_0.21; tin_540; zinc_670;
p-cresol_8.5; and
formaldehyde_43. (B) The total
concentrations measured in any
sample may not exceed the
following levels (mg/kg):
chromium_5,300; mercury_7; and
2. Quarterly Verification Testing:
To verify that the waste does not
exceed the specified delisting
levels, GM must collect and
analyze one representative sample
of JTAP's sludge on a quarterly
3. Changes in Operating
Conditions: GM must notify the
EPA in writing if the
manufacturing process, the
chemicals used in the
manufacturing process, the
treatment process, or the
chemicals used in the treatment
process at JTAP significantly
change. GM must handle wastes
generated at JTAP after the
process change as hazardous until
it has demonstrated that the
waste continues to meet the
delisting levels and that no new
hazardous constituents listed in
appendix VIII of part 261 have
been introduced and GM has
received written approval from
4. Data Submittals: GM must submit
the data obtained through
verification testing at JTAP or
as required by other conditions
of this rule to EPA Region 5,
Waste Management Branch (DW-8J),
77 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, IL
60604. The quarterly verification
data and certification of proper
disposal must be submitted
annually upon the anniversary of
the effective date of this
exclusion. GM must compile,
summarize, and maintain at JTAP
records of operating conditions
and analytical data for a minimum
of five years. GM must make these
records available for inspection.
All data must be accompanied by a
signed copy of the certification
statement in 40 CFR
5. Reopener Language_(a) If,
anytime after disposal of the
delisted waste, GM possesses or
is otherwise made aware of any
data (including but not limited
to leachate data or groundwater
monitoring data) relevant to the
delisted waste at JTAP indicating
that any constituent is at a
level in the leachate higher than
the specified delisting level, or
is in the groundwater at a
concentration higher than the
maximum allowable groundwater
concentration in paragraph (e),
then GM must report such data in
writing to the Regional
Administrator within 10 days of
first possessing or being made
aware of that data.
(b) Based on the information
described in paragraph (a) and
any other information received
from any source, the Regional
Administrator will make a
preliminary determination as to
whether the reported information
requires Agency action to protect
human health or the environment.
Further action may include
suspending, or revoking the
exclusion, or other appropriate
response necessary to protect
human health and the environment.
(c) If the Regional Administrator
determines that the reported
information does require Agency
action, the Regional
Administrator will notify GM in
writing of the actions the
Regional Administrator believes
are necessary to protect human
health and the environment. The
notice shall include a statement
of the proposed action and a
statement providing GM with an
opportunity to present
information as to why the
proposed Agency action is not
necessary or to suggest an
alternative action. GM shall have
30 days from the date of the
Regional Administrator's notice
to present the information.
(d) If after 30 days GM presents
no further information, the
Regional Administrator will issue
a final written determination
describing the Agency actions
that are necessary to protect
human health or the environment.
Any required action described in
the Regional Administrator's
determination shall become
effective immediately, unless the
Regional Administrator provides
(e) Maximum Allowable Groundwater
Concentrations (mg/L):;
antimony_0.006; arsenic_0.005;
cadmium_0.005; chromium_0.1;
lead_0.015; nickel_0.750;
selenium_0.050; tin_23; zinc_11;
p-Cresol_0.190; and
General Motors Lansing, Michigan Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP)
Corporation. sludge from the chemical
Lansing Car conversion coating (phosphate
Assembly_Body coating) of aluminum (EPA
Plant. Hazardous Waste No. F019)
generated at a maximum annual
rate of 1,250 cubic yards per
year and disposed of in a
Subtitle D landfill, after May
16, 2000.
1. Delisting Levels:
(A) The constituent
concentrations measured in the
TCLP extract may not exceed the
following levels (mg/L):
Antimony_0.576; Arsenic_4.8;
Barium_100; Beryllium_0.384;
Cadmium_0.48; Chromium
(total)_5; Cobalt_201.6;
Copper_124.8; Lead_1.44;
Mercury_0.192; Nickel_67.2;
Selenium_1; Silver_5;
Thallium_0.192; Tin_2016;
Vanadium_28.8; Zinc_960;
Cyanide_19.2; Fluoride_384;
Acetone_336; m,p_Cresol_19.2;
Formaldehyde_672; Phenol_1920;
(B) The total concentration of
formaldehyde in the waste may
not exceed 2100 mg/kg.
(C) Analysis for determining
reactivity from sulfide must be
added to verification testing
when an EPA-approved method
becomes available.
2. Verification Testing: GM must
implement an annual testing
program to demonstrate that the
constituent concentrations
measured in the TCLP extract (or
OWEP, where appropriate) of the
waste do not exceed the delisting
levels established in Condition
3. Changes in Operating
Conditions: If GM significantly
changes the manufacturing or
treatment process or the
chemicals used in the
manufacturing or treatment
process, GM must notify the EPA
of the changes in writing. GM
must handle wastes generated
after the process change as
hazardous until GM has
demonstrated that the wastes meet
the delisting levels set forth in
Condition (1), that no new
hazardous constituents listed in
Appendix VIII of Part 261 have
been introduced, and GM has
received written approval from
4. Data Submittals: GM must submit
the data obtained through annual
verification testing or as
required by other conditions of
this rule to U.S. EPA Region 5,
77 W. Jackson Blvd. (DW-8J),
Chicago, IL 60604, within 60 days
of sampling. GM must compile,
summarize, and maintain on site
for a minimum of five years
records of operating conditions
and analytical data. GM must make
these records available for
inspection. All data must be
accompanied by a signed copy of
the certification statement in 40
CFR 260.22(i)(12).
5. Reopener Language_(a) If,
anytime after disposal of the
delisted waste, GM possesses or
is otherwise made aware of any
environmental data (including but
not limited to leachate data or
groundwater monitoring data) or
any other data relevant to the
delisted waste indicating that
any constituent identified in
Condition (1) is at a level in
the leachate higher than the
delisting level established in
Condition (1), or is at a level
in the ground water or soil
higher than the level predicted
by the CML model, then GM must
notify the Regional Administrator
in writing within 10 days and
must report the data within 45
days of first possessing or being
made aware of that data.
(b) Based on the information
described in paragraph (a) and
any other information received
from any source, the Regional
Administrator will make a
preliminary determination as to
whether the reported information
requires Agency action to protect
human health or the environment.
Further action may include
suspending, or revoking the
exclusion, or other appropriate
response necessary to protect
human health and the environment.
(c) If the Regional Administrator
determines that the reported
information does require Agency
action, the Regional
Administrator will notify GM in
writing of the actions the
Regional Administrator believes
are necessary to protect human
health and the environment. The
notice shall include a statement
of the proposed action and a
statement providing GM with an
opportunity to present
information as to why the
proposed Agency action is not
necessary or to suggest an
alternative action. GM shall have
10 days from the date of the
Regional Administrator's notice
to present the information.
(d) If after 10 days GM presents
no further information, the
Regional Administrator will issue
a final written determination
describing the Agency actions
that are necessary to protect
human health or the environment.
Any required action described in
the Regional Administrator's
determination shall become
effective immediately, unless the
Regional Administrator provides
General Motors Pontiac, Michigan Waste water treatment plant
Corporation, sludge, F019, that is generated
Pontiac East. by General Motors Corporation at
Pontiac East, Pontiac, Michigan
at a maximum annual rate of 3,000
cubic yards per year. The sludge
must be disposed of in a lined
landfill with leachate
collection, which is licensed,
permitted, or otherwise
authorized to accept the delisted
wastewater treatment sludge in
accordance with 40 CFR part 258.
The exclusion becomes effective
as of July 30, 2003. The
conditions in paragraphs (2)
through (5) for Ford Motor
Company_Michigan Truck Plant and
Wayne Integrated Stamping
Plant_Wayne, Michigan also apply.
Delisting Levels: (A) The TCLP
concentrations measured in any
sample may not exceed the
following levels (mg/L):
Antimony_0.494; Arsenic_0.224;
Cadmium_0.36; Chromium_3.71;
Lead_5; Nickel_67.8; Selenium_1;
Thallium_0.211; Tin_540;
Zinc_673; p-Cresol_8.55; and
Formaldehyde_63. (B) The total
concentrations measured in any
sample may not exceed the
following levels (mg/kg):
Mercury_6.34; and
Formaldehyde_535. (C) The sum of
the ratios of the TCLP
concentrations to the delisting
levels for nickel and thallium
and for nickel and cadmium shall
not exceed 1.0.
Geological Morrisville, Wastewater treatment sludge filter
Reclamation Pennsylvania. cake from the treatment of EPA
Operations and Hazardous Waste No. F039,
Waste Systems, generated at a maximum annual
Inc. rate of 2000 cubic yards, after
December 4, 2001, and disposed of
in a Subtitle D landfill. The
exclusion covers the filter cake
resulting from the treatment of
hazardous waste leachate derived
from only ``old'' GROWS and non-
hazardous leachate derived from
only non-hazardous waste sources.
The exclusion does not address
the waste disposed of in the
``old'' GROWS' Landfill or the
grit generated during the removal
of heavy solids from the landfill
leachate. To ensure that
hazardous constituents are not
present in the filter cake at
levels of regulatory concern,
GROWS must implement a testing
program for the petitioned waste.
This testing program must meet
the conditions listed below in
order for the exclusion to be
(1) Testing: Sample collection and
analyses, including quality
control (QC) procedures, must be
performed using appropriate
methods. As applicable to the
method-defined parameters of
concern, analyses requiring the
use of SW-846 methods
incorporated by reference in 40
CFR 260.11 must be used without
substitution. As applicable, the
SW-846 methods might include
Methods 0010, 0011, 0020, 0023A,
0030, 0031, 0040, 0050, 0051,
0060, 0061, 1010A, 1020B, 1110A,
1310B, 1311, 1312, 1320, 1330A,
9010C, 9012B, 9040C, 9045D,
9060A, 9070A (uses EPA Method
1664, Rev. A), 9071B, and 9095B.
(A) Sample Collection: Each batch
of waste generated over a four-
week period must be collected in
containers with a maximum
capacity of 20-cubic yards. At
the end of the four-week period,
each container must be divided
into four quadrants and a single,
full-depth core sample shall be
collected from each quadrant. All
of the full-depth core samples
then must be composited under
laboratory conditions to produce
one representative composite
sample for the four-week period.
(B) Sample Analysis: Each four-
week composite sample must be
analyzed for all of the
constituents listed in Condition
(3). The analytical data,
including quality control
information, must be submitted to
The Waste and Chemicals
Management Division, U.S. EPA
Region III, 1650 Arch Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19103, and the
Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection, Bureau
of Land Recycling and Waste
Management, Rachel Carson State
Office Building, 400 Market
Street, 14th Floor, Harrisburg,
PA 17105. Data from the annual
verification testing must be
compiled and submitted to EPA and
the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection within
sixty (60) days from the end of
the calendar year. All data must
be accompanied by a signed copy
of the statement set forth in 40
CFR 260.22(i)(12) to certify to
the truth and accuracy of the
data submitted. Records of
operating conditions and
analytical data must be compiled,
summarized, and maintained on-
site for a minimum of three years
and must be furnished upon
request by any employee or
representative of EPA or the
Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection, and
made available for inspection.
(2) Waste Holding: The dewatered
filter cake must be stored as
hazardous until the verification
analyses are completed. If the
four-week composite sample does
not exceed any of the delisting
levels set forth in Condition
(3), the filter cake waste
corresponding to this sample may
be managed and disposed of in
accordance with all applicable
solid waste regulations. If the
four-week composite sample
exceeds any of the delisting
levels set forth in Condition
(3), the filter cake waste
generated during the time period
corresponding to the four-week
composite sample must be
retreated until it meets these
levels (analyses must be
repeated) or managed and disposed
of in accordance with Subtitle C
of RCRA. Filter cake which is
generated but for which analyses
are not complete or valid must be
managed and disposed of in
accordance with Subtitle C of
RCRA, until valid analyses
demonstrate that the waste meets
the delisting levels.
(3) Delisting Levels: If the
concentrations in the four-week
composite sample of the filter
cake waste for any of the
hazardous constituents listed
below exceed their respective
maximum allowable concentrations
(mg/l or mg/kg) also listed
below, the four-week batch of
failing filter cake waste must
either be retreated until it
meets these levels or managed and
disposed of in accordance with
Subtitle C of RCRA. GROWS has the
option of determining whether the
filter cake waste exceeds the
maximum allowable concentrations
for the organic constituents by
either performing the analysis on
a TCLP leachate of the waste or
performing total constituent
analysis on the waste, and then
comparing the results to the
corresponding maximum allowable
concentration level.
(A) Inorganics Maximum Allowable
Leachate Conc. (mg/
Arsenic................. 3.00e-01
Barium.................. 2.34e+01
Cadmium................. 1.80e-01
Chromium................ 5.00e+00
Lead.................... 5.00e+00
Mercury................. 7.70e-02
Nickel.................. 9.05e+00
Selenium................ 6.97e-01
Silver.................. 1.23e+00
Cyanide................. 4.33e+00
Cyanide extractions must
be conducted using
distilled water in
place of the leaching
media specified in the
TCLP procedure.
(B) Organics Maximum allowable Maximum allowable
leachate conc. (mg/ total conc. (mg/
l) kg)
Acetone................. 2.28e+01 4.56e+02
Acetonitrile............ 3.92e+00 7.84e+01
Acetophenone............ 2.28e+01 4.56e+02
Acrolein................ 1.53e+03 3.06e+04
Acrylonitrile........... 7.80e-03 1.56e-01
Aldrin.................. 5.81e-06 1.16e-04
Aniline................. 7.39e-01 1.48e+01
Anthracene.............. 8.00e+00 1.60e+02
Benz(a)anthracene....... 1.93e-04 3.86e-03
Benzene................. 1.45e-01 2.90e+00
Benzo(a)pyrene.......... 1.18e-05 2.36e-04
Benzo(b)fluoranthene.... 1.07e-04 2.14e-03
Benzo(k)fluoranthene.... 1.49e-03 2.98e-02
Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether. 3.19e-02 6.38e-01
Bis(2- 8.96e-02 1.79e+00
Bromodichloromethane.... 6.80e-02 1.36e+00
Bromoform 5.33e-01 1.07e+01
Butyl-4,6-dinitrophenol, 2.28e-01 4.56e+00
Butylbenzylphthalate.... 9.29e+00 1.86e+02
Carbon disulfide........ 2.28e+01 4.56e+02
Carbon tetrachloride.... 4.50e-02 9.00e-01
Chlordane............... 5.11e-04 1.02e-02
Chloro-3-methylphenol 4- 2.97e+02 5.94e+03
Chloroaniline, p-....... 9.14e-01 1.83e+01
Chlorobenzene........... 6.08e+00 1.22e+02
Chlorobenzilate......... 4.85e-02 9.70e-01
Chlorodibromomethane.... 5.02e-02 1.00e+00
Chloroform.............. 7.79e-02 1.56e+00
Chlorophenol, 2-........ 1.14e+00 2.28e+01
Chrysene................ 2.04e-02 4.08e-01
Cresol.................. 1.14e+00 2.28e+01
DDD..................... 5.83e-04 1.17e-02
DDE..................... 1.37e-04 2.74e-03
DDT..................... 2.57e-04 5.14e-03
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene... 5.59e-06 1.12e-04
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 3.51e-03 7.02e-02
Dichlorobenzene 1,3-.... 9.35e+00 1.87e+02
Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-... 1.25e+01 2.50e+02
Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-... 1.39e-01 2.78e+00
Dichlorobenzidine, 9.36e-03 1.87e-01
Dichlorodifluoromethane. 4.57e+01 9.14e+02
Dichloroethane, 1,1-.... 1.20e+00 2.40e+01
Dichloroethane, 1,2-.... 2.57e-03 5.14e-02
Dichloroethylene, 1,1-.. 7.02e-03 1.40e-01
Dichloroethylene, trans- 4.57e+00 9.14e+01
Dichlorophenol, 2,4-.... 6.85e-01 1.37e+01
Dichlorophenoxyacetic 2.28e+00 4.56e+01
acid, 2,4-(2,4-D).
Dichloropropane, 1,2-... 1.14e-01 2.28e+00
Dichloropropene, 1,3-... 2.34e-02 4.68e-01
Dieldrin................ 6.23e+01 1.25e+03
Diethyl phthalate....... 2.21e+02 4.42e+03
Dimethoate.............. 6.01e+01 1.20e+03
Dimethyl phthalate...... 1.20e+02 2.40e+03
Dimethylbenz(a)anthracen 1.55e-06 3.10e-05
e, 7,12-.
Dimethylphenol, 2,4-.... 4.57e+00 9.14e+01
Di-n-butyl phthalate.... 5.29e+00 1.06e+02
Dinitrobenzene, 1,3-.... 2.28e-02 4.56e-01
Dinitromethylphenol, 4,6- 2.16e-02 4.32e-01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4-..... 4.57e-01 9.14e+00
Dinitrotoluene, 2,6-.... 6.54e-03 1.31e-01
Di-n-octyl phthalate.... 1.12e-02 2.24e-01
Dioxane, 1,4-........... 3.83e-01 7.66e+00
Diphenylamine........... 3.76e+00 7.52e+01
Disulfoton.............. 3.80e+02 7.60e+03
Endosulfan.............. 1.37e+00 2.74e+01
Endrin.................. 2.00e-02 4.00e-01
Ethylbenzene............ 1.66e+01 3.32e+02
Ethylene Dibromide...... 4.13e-03 8.26e-02
Fluoranthene............ 5.16e-01 1.03e+01
Fluorene................ 1.78e+00 3.56e+01
Heptachlor.............. 8.00e-03 1.60e-01
Heptachlor epoxide...... 8.00e-03 1.60e-01
Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 9.61e-03 1.92e-01
Hexachlorobenzene....... 9.67e-05 1.93e-03
Hexachlorocyclohexane, 4.00e-01 8.00e+00
Hexachlorocyclopentadien 1.66e+04 3.32e+05
Hexachloroethane........ 1.76e-01 3.52e+00
Hexachlorophene......... 3.13e-04 6.26e-03
Indeno(1,2,3-cd) pyrene. 6.04e-05 1.21e-03
Isobutyl alcohol........ 6.85e+01 1.37e+03
Isophorone.............. 4.44e+00 8.88e+01
Methacrylonitrile....... 2.28e-02 4.56e-01
Methoxychlor............ 1.00e+01 2.00e+02
Methyl bromide 1.28e+02 2.56e+03
Methyl chloride 1.80e-01 3.60e+00
Methyl ethyl ketone..... 1.37e+02 2.74e+03
Methyl isobutyl ketone.. 1.83e+01 3.66e+02
Methyl methacrylate..... 1.03e+03 2.06e+04
Methyl parathion........ 1.27e+02 2.54e+03
Methylene chloride...... 2.88e-01 5.76e+00
Naphthalene............. 1.50e+00 3.00e+01
Nitrobenzene............ 1.14e-01 2.28e+00
Nitrosodiethylamine..... 2.81e-05 5.62e-04
Nitrosodimethylamine.... 8.26e-05 1.65e-03
Nitrosodi-n-butylamine.. 7.80e-04 1.56e-02
N-Nitrosodi-n- 6.02e-04 1.20e-02
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine.. 8.60e-01 1.72e+01
N-Nitrosopyrrolidine.... 2.01e-03 4.02e-02
Pentachlorobenzene...... 1.15e-02 2.30e-01
Pentachloronitrobenzene 5.00e-03 1.00e-01
Pentachlorophenol....... 4.10e-03 8.20e-02
Phenanthrene............ 2.09e-01 4.18e+00
Phenol.................. 1.37e+02 2.74e+03
Polychlorinated 3.00e-05 6.00e-04
Pronamide............... 1.71e+01 3.42e+02
Pyrene.................. 3.96e-01 7.92e+00
Pyridine................ 2.28e-01 4.56e+00
Styrene................. 6.08e+00 1.22e+02
Tetrachlorobenzene, 9.43e-03 1.89e-01
Tetrachloroethane, 4.39e-01 8.78e+00
Tetrachloroethylene..... 8.55e-02 1.71e+00
Tetrachlorophenol, 1.81e+00 3.62e+01
Tetraethyl 3.01e+05 6.02e+06
Toluene................. 4.57e+01 9.14e+02
Toxaphene............... 5.00e-01 1.00e+01
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- 7.24e-01 1.45e+01
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-. 7.60e+00 1.52e+02
Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-. 7.80e-02 1.56e+00
Trichloroethylene....... 3.04e-01 6.08e+00
Trichlorofluoromethane.. 6.85e+01 1.37e+03
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5-. 9.16e+00 1.83e+02
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-. 2.76e-01 5.52e+00
Trichlorophenoxyacetic 2.28e+00 4.56e+01
acid, 2,4,5-(245-T).
Trichlorophenoxypropioni 1.00e+00 2.00e+01
c acid, 2,4,5-(Silvex).
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- 7.69e-04 1.54e-02
Trinitrobenzene, sym-... 6.49e+00 1.30e+02
Vinyl chloride.......... 2.34e-03 4.68e-02
Xylenes (total)......... 3.20e+02 6.40e+03
Table 1_Wastes Excluded From Non-Specific Sources
------------------------------------------------------------------------ (continued)