Loading (50 kb)...'
xH2OxCOmeas = 8.601 mmol/mol = 0.008601 mol/mol
xH2O = 34.04 mmol/mol = 0.03404 mol/mol
xCO = 28.3 µmol/mol
§ 1065.660 THC and NMHC determination.
(a) THC determination. If we require you to determine THC emissions, calculate xTHC using the initial THC contamination concentration xTHCinit from §1065.520 as follows:
xTHCuncor = 150.3 µmol/mol
xTHCinit = 1.1 µmol/mol
xTHCcor = 150.3 - 1.1
xTHCcor = 149.2 µmol/mol
(b) NMHC determination. Use one of the following to determine NMHC emissions, xNMHC.
(1) Report xNMHC as 0.98 · xTHC if you did not measure CH4, or if the result of paragraph (b)(2) or (3) of this section is greater than the result using this paragraph (b)(1).
(2) For nonmethane cutters, calculate xNMHC using the nonmethane cutter's penetration fractions (PF) of CH4 and C2H6 from §1065.365, and using the initial NMHC contamination concentration xNMHCinit from §1065.520 as follows:
xNMHC = concentration of NMHC.
PFCH4 = nonmethane cutter CH4 penetration fraction, according to §1065.365.
xTHC = concentration of THC, as measured by the THC FID.
RFCH4 = response factor of THC FID to CH4, according to §1065.360.
xCH4 = concentration of methane, as measured downstream of the nonmethane cutter.
PFC2H6 = nonmethane cutter CH4 penetration fraction, according to §1065.365.
xNMHCinit = initial NMHC contamination concentration, according to §1065.520.
PFCH4 = 0.990
xTHC = 150.3 µmol/mol
RFCH4 = 1.05
xCH4 = 20.5 µmol/mol
PFC2H6 = 0.020
xNMHCinit = 1.1 µmol/mol
xNMHC = 130.1 µmol/mol
(3) For a gas chromatograph, calculate xNMHC using the THC analyzer's response factor (RF) for CH4, from §1065.360, and using the initial NMHC contamination concentration xNMHCinit from §1065.520 as follows:
xTHC = 145.6 µmol/mol
RFCH4 = 0.970
xCH4 = 18.9 µmol/mol
xNMHCinit = 1.1 µmol/mol
xNMHC = 145.6 - 0.970 · 18.9 - 1.1
xNMHC = 126.2 µmol/mol
§ 1065.665 THCE and NMHCE determination.
(a) If you measured an oxygenated hydrocarbon's mass concentration (per mole of exhaust), first calculate its molar concentration by dividing its mass concentration by the effective molar mass of the oxygenated hydrocarbon, then multiply each oxygenated hydrocarbon's molar concentration by its respective number of carbon atoms per molecule. Add these C1-equivalent molar concentrations to the molar concentration of NOTHC. The result is the molar concentration of THCE. Calculate THCE concentration using the following equations:
xOHCi = The C1-equivalent concentration of oxygenated species i in diluted exhaust.
xTHC = The C1-equivalent FID response to NOTHC and all OHC in diluted exhaust.
RFOHCi = The response factor of the FID to species i relative to propane on a C1-equivalent basis.
C# = the mean number of carbon atoms in the particular compound.
(b) If we require you to determine NMHCE, use the following equation:
(c) The following example shows how to determine NMHCE emissions based on ethanol (C2H5OH) and methanol (CH3OH) molar concentrations, and acetaldehyde (C2H4O) and formaldehyde (HCHO) as mass concentrations:
xNMHC = 127.3 µmol/mol
xC2H5OH = 100.8 µmol/mol
xCH3OH = 25.5 µmol/mol
MexhC2H4O = 0.841 mg/mol
MexhHCHO = 39.0 µg/mol
MC2H4O = 44.05256 g/mol
MHCHO = 30.02598 g/mol
xC2H4O = 0.841/44.05256 1000
xC2H4O = 19.1 µmol/mol
xHCHO = 39/30.02598
xHCHO = 1.3 µmol/mol
xNMHCE = 127.3 + 2 100.8 + 25.5 + 2 19.1 + 1.3
xNMHCE = 393.9 µmol/mol
§ 1065.667 Dilution air background emission correction.
(a) To determine the mass of background emissions to subtract from a diluted exhaust sample, first determine the total flow of dilution air, ndil, over the test interval. This may be a measured quantity or a quantity calculated from the diluted exhaust flow and the flow-weighted mean fraction of dilution air in diluted exhaust, x dil. Multiply the total flow of dilution air by the mean concentration of a background emission. This may be a time-weighted mean or a flow-weighted mean (e.g., a proportionally sampled background). The product of ndil and the mean concentration of a background emission is the total amount of a background emission. If this is a molar quantity, convert it to a mass by multiplying it by its molar mass, M. The result is the mass of the background emission, m. In the case of PM, where the mean PM concentration is already in units of mass per mole of sample, M PM, multiply it by the total amount of dilution air, and the result is the total background mass of PM, mPM. Subtract total background masses from total mass to correct for background emissions.
(b) You may determine the total flow of dilution air by a direct flow measurement. In this case, calculate the total mass of background as described in §1065.650(b), using the dilution air flow, ndil . Subtract the background mass from the total mass. Use the result in brake-specific emission calculations.
(c) You may determine the total flow of dilution air from the total flow of diluted exhaust and a chemical balance of the fuel, intake air, and exhaust as described in §1065.655. In this case, calculate the total mass of background as described in §1065.650(b), using the total flow of diluted exhaust, ndexh, then multiply this result by the flow-weighted mean fraction of dilution air in diluted exhaust, x dil. Calculate x dil using flow-weighted mean concentrations of emissions in the chemical balance, as described in §1065.655. You may assume that your engine operates stoichiometrically, even if it is a lean-burn engine, such as a compression-ignition engine. Note that for lean-burn engines this assumption could result in an error in emission calculations. This error could occur because the chemical balances in §1065.655 correct excess air passing through a lean-burn engine as if it was dilution air. If an emission concentration expected at the standard is about 100 times its dilution air background concentration, this error is negligible. However, if an emission concentration expected at the standard is similar to its background concentration, this error could be significant. If this error might affect your ability to show that your engines comply with applicable standards, we recommend that you remove background emissions from dilution air by HEPA filtration, chemical adsorption, or catalytic scrubbing. You might also consider using a partial-flow dilution technique such as a bag mini-diluter, which uses purified air as the dilution air.
(d) The following is an example of using the flow-weighted mean fraction of dilution air in diluted exhaust, x dil, and the total mass of background emissions calculated using the total flow of diluted exhaust, ndexh, as described in §1065.650(b) :
MNOx = 46.0055 g/mol
x bkgnd = 0.05 µmol/mol = 0.05·10-6 mol/mol
ndexh = 23280.5 mol
x dil = 0.843
mbkgndNOxdexh = 46.0055 · 0.05 · 10-6 · 23280.5
mbkgndNOxdexh = 0.0536 g
mbkgndNOx = 0.843 · 0.0536
mbkgndNOx = 0.0452 g
§ 1065.670 NOX intake-air humidity and temperature corrections.
See the standard-setting part to determine if you may correct NOX emissions for the effects of intake-air humidity or temperature. Use the NOX intake-air humidity and temperature corrections specified in the standard-setting part instead of the NOX intake-air humidity correction specified in this part 1065. If the standard-setting part allows correcting NOX emissions for intake-air humidity according to this part 1065, first apply any NOX corrections for background emissions and water removal from the exhaust sample, then correct NOX concentrations for intake-air humidity using one of the following approaches:
(a) Correct for intake-air humidity using the following equation:
xNOxuncor = 700.5 µmol/mol
xH2O = 0.022 mol/mol
xNOxcor = 700.5 · (9.953 · 0.022 + 0.832)
xNOxcor = 736.2 µmol/mol
(b) Develop your own correction, based on good engineering judgment.
§ 1065.672 Drift correction.
(a) Scope and frequency. Perform the calculations in this section to determine if gas analyzer drift invalidates the results of a test interval. If drift does not invalidate the results of a test interval, correct that test interval's gas analyzer responses for drift according to this section. Use the drift-corrected gas analyzer responses in all subsequent emission calculations. Note that the acceptable threshold for gas analyzer drift over a test interval is specified in §1065.550 for both laboratory testing and field testing.
(b) Correction principles. The calculations in this section utilize a gas analyzer's responses to reference zero and span concentrations of analytical gases, as determined sometime before and after a test interval. The calculations correct the gas analyzer's responses that were recorded during a test interval. The correction is based on an analyzer's mean responses to reference zero and span gases, and it is based on the reference concentrations of the zero and span gases themselves. Validate and correct for drift as follows:
(c) Drift validation. After applying all the other corrections—except drift correction—to all the gas analyzer signals, calculate brake-specific emissions according to §1065.650. Then correct all gas analyzer signals for drift according to this section. Recalculate brake-specific emissions using all of the drift-corrected gas analyzer signals. Validate and report the brake-specific emission results before and after drift correction according to §1065.550.
(d) Drift correction. Correct all gas analyzer signals as follows:
(1) Correct each recorded concentration, xi, for continuous sampling or for batch sampling, x .
(2) Correct for drift using the following equation:
xidriftcorrected = concentration corrected for drift.
xrefzero = reference concentration of the zero gas, which is usually zero unless known to be otherwise.
xrefspan = reference concentration of the span gas.
xprespan = pre-test interval gas analyzer response to the span gas concentration.
xpostspan = post-test interval gas analyzer response to the span gas concentration.
xi or x = concentration recorded during test, before drift correction.
xprezero = pre-test interval gas analyzer response to the zero gas concentration.
xpostzero = post-test interval gas analyzer response to the zero gas concentration.
xrefzero = 0 µmol/mol
xrefspan = 1800.0 µmol/mol
xprespan = 1800.5 µmol/mol
xpostspan = 1695.8 µmol/mol
xi or x = 435.5 µmol/mol
xprezero = 0.6 µmol/mol
xpostzero = -5.2 µmol/mol
xidriftcorrected = 450.8 µmol/mol
(3) For any pre-test interval concentrations, use concentrations determined most recently before the test interval. For some test intervals, the most recent pre-zero or pre-span might have occurred before one or more previous test intervals.
(4) For any post-test interval concentrations, use concentrations determined most recently after the test interval. For some test intervals, the most recent post-zero or post-span might have occurred after one or more subsequent test intervals.
(5) If you do not record any pre-test interval analyzer response to the span gas concentration, xprespan, set xprespan equal to the reference concentration of the span gas:
xprespan = xrefspan.
(6) If you do not record any pre-test interval analyzer response to the zero gas concentration, xprezero, set xprezero equal to the reference concentration of the zero gas:
xprezero = xrefzero.
(7) Usually the reference concentration of the zero gas, xrefzero, is zero: xrefzero = 0 µmol/mol. However, in some cases you might you know that xrefzero has a non-zero concentration. For example, if you zero a CO2 analyzer using ambient air, you may use the default ambient air concentration of CO2, which is 375 µmol/mol. In this case, xrefzero = 375 µmol/mol. Note that when you zero an analyzer using a non-zero xrefzero, you must set the analyzer to output the actual xrefzero concentration. For example, if xrefzero = 375 µmol/mol, set the analyzer to output a value of 375 µmol/mol when the zero gas is flowing to the analyzer.
§ 1065.675 CLD quench verification calculations.
Perform CLD quench-check calculations as follows:
(a) Calculate the amount of water in the span gas, xH2Ospan, assuming complete saturation at the span-gas temperature.
(b) Estimate the expected amount of water and CO2 in the exhaust you sample, xH2Oexp and xCO2exp, respectively, by considering the maximum expected amounts of water in combustion air, fuel combustion products, and dilution air concentrations (if applicable).
(c) Calculate water quench as follows:
quench = amount of CLD quench.
xNOdry = measured concentration of NO upstream of a bubbler, according to §1065.370.
xNOwet = measured concentration of NO downstream of a bubbler, according to §1065.370.
xH2Oexp = expected maximum amount of water entering the CLD sample port during emission testing.
xH2Omeas = measured amount of water entering the CLD sample port during the quench verification specified in §1065.370.
xNO,CO2 = measured concentration of NO when NO span gas is blended with CO2 span gas, according to §1065.370.
xNO,N2 = measured concentration of NO when NO span gas is blended with N2 span gas, according to §1065.370.
xCO2exp = expected maximum amount of CO2 entering the CLD sample port during emission testing.
xCO2meas = measured amount of CO2 entering the CLD sample port during the quench verification specified in §1065.370.
xNOdry = 1800.0 µmol/mol
xNOwet = 1760.5 µmol/mol
xH2Oexp = 0.030 mol/mol
xH2Omeas = 0.017 mol/mol
xNO,CO2 = 1480.2 µmol/mol
xNO,N2 = 1500.8 µmol/mol
xCO2exp = 2.00%
xCO2meas = 3.00%
quench = -0.00888 - 0.00915 = -1.80%
§ 1065.690 Buoyancy correction for PM sample media.
(a) General. Correct PM sample media for their buoyancy in air if you weigh them on a balance. The buoyancy correction depends on the sample media density, the density of air, and the density of the calibration weight used to calibrate the balance. The buoyancy correction does not account for the buoyancy of the PM itself, because the mass of PM typically accounts for only (0.01 to 0.10)% of the total weight. A correction to this small fraction of mass would be at the most 0.010%.
(b) PM sample media density. Different PM sample media have different densities. Use the known density of your sample media, or use one of the densities for some common sampling media, as follows:
(1) For PTFE-coated borosilicate glass, use a sample media density of 2300 kg/m 3 .
(2) For PTFE membrane (film) media with an integral support ring of polymethylpentene that accounts for 95% of the media mass, use a sample media density of 920 kg/m 3 .
(3) For PTFE membrane (film) media with an integral support ring of PTFE, use a sample media density of 2144 kg/m 3 .
(c) Air density. Because a PM balance environment must be tightly controlled to an ambient temperature of (22 ±1) °C and a dewpoint of (9.5 ±1) °C, air density is primarily function of atmospheric pressure. We therefore specify a buoyancy correction that is only a function of atmospheric pressure. Using good engineering judgment, you may develop and use your own buoyancy correction that includes the effects of temperature and dewpoint on density in addition to the effect of atmospheric pressure.
(d) Calibration weight density. Use the stated density of the material of your metal calibration weight. The example calculation in this section uses a density of 8000 kg/m 3 , but you should know the density of your weight from the calibration weight supplier or the balance manufacturer if it is an internal weight.
(e) Correction calculation. Correct the PM sample media for buoyancy using the following equations:
mcor = PM mass corrected for buoyancy.
muncor = PM mass uncorrected for buoyance.
?air = density of air in balance environment.
?weight = density of calibration weight used to span balance.
?media = density of PM sample media, such as a filter.
?abs = absolute pressure in balance environment.
Mmix = molar mass of air in balance environment.
R = molar gas constant.
Tamb = absolute ambient temperature of balance environment.
pabs = 99.980 kPa
Tsat = Tdew = 9.5 °C
Using Eq. 1065.645–2,
pH20 = 1.1866 kPa
Using Eq. 1065.645–3,
xH2O = 0.011868 mol/mol
Using Eq. 1065.640–8,
Mmix = 28.83563 g/mol
R = 8.314472 J/(mol·K)
Tamb = 20 °C
?air = 1.18282 kg/m 3
muncorr = 100.0000 mg
?weight = 8000 kg/m 3
?media = 920 kg/m 3
mcor = 100.1139 mg
§ 1065.695 Data requirements.
(a) To determine the information we require from engine tests, refer to the standard-setting part and request from your Designated Compliance Officer the format used to apply for certification or demonstrate compliance. We may require different information for different purposes, such as for certification applications, approval requests for alternate procedures, selective enforcement audits, laboratory audits, production-line test reports, and field-test reports.
(b) See the standard-setting part and §1065.25 regarding recordkeeping.
(c) We may ask you the following about your testing, and we may ask you for other information as allowed under the Act:
(1) What approved alternate procedures did you use? For example:
(i) Partial-flow dilution for proportional PM.
(ii) CARB test procedures.
(iii) ISO test procedures.
(2) What laboratory equipment did you use? For example, the make, model, and description of the following:
(i) Engine dynamometer and operator demand.
(ii) Probes, dilution, transfer lines, and sample preconditioning components.
(iii) Batch storage media (such as the bag material or PM filter material).
(3) What measurement instruments did you use? For example, the make, model, and description of the following:
(i) Speed and torque instruments.
(ii) Flow meters.
(iii) Gas analyzers.
(iv) PM balance.
(4) When did you conduct calibrations and performance checks and what were the results? For example, the dates and results of the following:
(i) Linearity checks.
(ii) Interference checks.
(iii) Response checks.
(iv) Leak checks.
(v) Flow meter checks.
(5) What engine did you test? For example, the following:
(i) Manufacturer.
(ii) Family name on engine label.
(iii) Model.
(iv) Model year.
(v) Identification number.
(6) How did you prepare and configure your engine for testing? Consider the following examples:
(i) Dates, hours, duty cycle and fuel used for service accumulation.
(ii) Dates and description of scheduled and unscheduled maintenance.
(iii) Allowable pressure range of intake restriction.
(iv) Allowable pressure range of exhaust restriction.
(v) Charge air cooler volume.
(vi) Charge air cooler outlet temperature, specified engine conditions and location of temperature measurement.
(vii) Fuel temperature and location of measurement.
(viii) Any aftertreatment system configuration and description.
(ix) Any crankcase ventilation configuration and description (e.g., open, closed, PCV, crankcase scavenged).
(7) How did you test your engine? For example:
(i) Constant speed or variable speed.
(ii) Mapping procedure (step or sweep).
(iii) Continuous or batch sampling for each emission.
(iv) Raw or dilute sampling; any dilution-air background sampling.
(v) Duty cycle and test intervals.
(vi) Cold-start, hot-start, warmed-up running.
(vii) Absolute pressure, temperature, and dewpoint of intake and dilution air.
(viii) Simulated engine loads, curb idle transmission torque value.
(ix) Warm-idle speed value and any enhanced-idle speed value.
(x) Simulated vehicle signals applied during testing.
(xi) Bypassed governor controls during testing.
(xii) Date, time, and location of test (e.g., dynamometer laboratory identification).
(xiii) Cooling medium for engine and charge air.
(xiv) Operating temperatures of coolant, head, and block.
(xv) Natural or forced cool-down and cool-down time.
(xvi) Canister loading.
(8) How did you validate your testing? For example, results from the following:
(i) Duty cycle regression statistics for each test interval.
(ii) Proportional sampling.
(iii) Drift.
(iv) Reference PM sample media in PM-stabilization environment.
(9) How did you calculate results? For example, results from the following:
(i) Drift correction.
(ii) Noise correction.
(iii) “Dry-to-wet” correction.
(iv) NMHC, CH4, and contamination correction.
(v) NOX humidity correction.
(vi) Brake-specific emission formulation—total mass divided by total work, mass rate divided by power, or ratio of mass to work.
(vii) Rounding emission results.
(10) What were the results of your testing? For example:
(i) Maximum mapped power and speed at maximum power.
(ii) Maximum mapped torque and speed at maximum torque.
(iii) For constant-speed engines: no-load governed speed.
(iv) For constant-speed engines: test torque.
(v) For variable-speed engines: maximum test speed.
(vi) Speed versus torque map.
(vii) Speed versus power map.
(viii) Brake-specific emissions over the duty cycle and each test interval.
(ix) Brake-specific fuel consumption.
(11) What fuel did you use? For example:
(i) Fuel that met specifications of subpart H of this part.
(ii) Alternate fuel.
(iii) Oxygenated fuel.
(12) How did you field test your engine? For example:
(i) Data from paragraphs (c)(1), (3), (4), (5), and (9) of this section.
(ii) Probes, dilution, transfer lines, and sample preconditioning components.
(iii) Batch storage media (such as the bag material or PM filter material).
(iv) Continuous or batch sampling for each emission.
(v) Raw or dilute sampling; any dilution air background sampling.
(vi) Cold-start, hot-start, warmed-up running.
(vii) Intake and dilution air absolute pressure, temperature, dewpoint.
(viii) Curb idle transmission torque value.
(ix) Warm idle speed value, any enhanced idle speed value.
(x) Date, time, and location of test (e.g., identify the testing laboratory).
(xi) Proportional sampling validation.
(xii) Drift validation.
(xiii) Operating temperatures of coolant, head, and block.
(xiv) Vehicle make, model, model year, identification number.
Subpart H—Engine Fluids, Test Fuels, Analytical Gases and Other Calibration Standards
§ 1065.701 General requirements for test fuels.
(a) General. For all emission measurements, use test fuels that meet the specifications in this subpart, unless the standard-setting part directs otherwise. Section 1065.10(c)(1) does not apply with respect to test fuels. Note that the standard-setting parts generally require that you design your emission controls to function properly when using commercially available fuels, even if they differ from the test fuel.
(b) Fuels meeting alternate specifications. We may allow you to use a different test fuel (such as California Phase 2 gasoline) if you show us that using it does not affect your ability to comply with all applicable emission standards using commercially available fuels.
(c) Fuels not specified in this subpart. If you produce engines that run on a type of fuel (or mixture of fuels) that we do not specify in this subpart, you must get our written approval to establish the appropriate test fuel. You must show us all the following things before we can specify a different test fuel for your engines:
(1) Show that this type of fuel is commercially available.
(2) Show that your engines will use only the designated fuel in service.
(3) Show that operating the engines on the fuel we specify would unrepresentatively increase emissions or decrease durability.
(d) Fuel specifications. The fuel parameters specified in this subpart depend on measurement procedures that are incorporated by reference. For any of these procedures, you may instead rely upon the procedures identified in 40 CFR part 80 for measuring the same parameter. For example, we may identify different reference procedures for measuring gasoline parameters in 40 CFR 80.46.
(e) Service accumulation and field testing fuels. If we do not specify a service-accumulation or field-testing fuel in the standard-setting part, use an appropriate commercially available fuel such as those meeting minimum ASTM specifications from the following table:
Table 1 of § 1065.701_Specifications for Service-Accumulation and Field-Testing Fuels
Fuel type Subcategory ASTM specification \1\
Diesel................................ Light distillate and light D975-04c
blends with residual.
Middle distillate............. D6751-03a
Biodiesel (B100).............. D6985-04a
Gasoline.............................. Motor vehicle and minor D4814-04b
oxygenate blends.
Ethanol (Ed75-85)............. D5798-99
Methanol (M70-M85)............ D5797-96
Aviation fuel......................... Aviation gasoline............. D910-04a
Gas turbine................... D1655-04a
Jet B wide cut................ D6615-04a
Gas turbine fuel...................... General....................... D2880-03
\1\ All ASTM specifications are incorporated by reference in § 1065.1010.
§ 1065.703 Distillate diesel fuel.
(a) Distillate diesel fuels for testing must be clean and bright, with pour and cloud points adequate for proper engine operation.
(b) There are three grades of #2 diesel fuel specified for use as a test fuel. See the standard-setting part to determine which grade to use. If the standard-setting part does not specify which grade to use, use good engineering judgment to select the grade that represents the fuel on which the engines will operate in use. The three grades are specified in Table 1 of this section.
(c) You may use the following nonmetallic additives with distillate diesel fuels:
(1) Cetane improver.
(2) Metal deactivator.
(3) Antioxidant, dehazer.
(4) Rust inhibitor.
(5) Pour depressant.
(6) Dye.
(7) Dispersant.
(8) Biocide.
Table 1 of § 1065.703_Test Fuel Specifications for Distillate Diesel Fuel
Ultra low Reference
Item Units sulfur Low sulfur High sulfur procedure \1\
Cetane Number................. ............. 40-50 40-50 40-50 ASTM D 613-03b
Distillation range:
Initial boiling point..... °C....... 171-204 171-204 171-204 ASTM D 86-04b
10 pct. point............. °C....... 204-238 204-238 204-238
50 pct. point............. °C....... 243-282 243-282 243-282
90 pct. point............. °C....... 293-332 293-332 293-332
Endpoint.................. °C....... 321-366 321-366 321-366
Gravity....................... °API..... 32-37 32-37 32-37 ASTM D 287-92
Total sulfur.................. mg/kg........ 7-15 300-500 2000-4000 ASTM D 2622-03
Aromatics, minimum. (Remainder g/kg......... 100 100 100 ASTM D 5186-03
shall be paraffins,
naphthalenes, and olefins).
Flashpoint, min............... °C....... 54 54 54 ASTM D 93-02a
Viscosity..................... cSt.......... 2.0-3.2 2.0-3.2 2.0-3.2 ASTM D 445-04
\1\ All ASTM procedures are incorporated by reference in § 1065.1010. See § 1065.701(d) for other
allowed procedures.
§ 1065.705 Residual fuel. [Reserved]
§ 1065.710 Gasoline.
(a) Gasoline for testing must have octane values that represent commercially available fuels for the appropriate application.
(b) There are two grades of gasoline specified for use as a test fuel. If the standard-setting part requires testing with fuel appropriate for low temperatures, use the test fuel specified for low-temperature testing. Otherwise, use the test fuel specified for general testing. The two grades are specified in Table 1 of this section.
Table 1 of § 1065.710_Test Fuel Specifications for Gasoline
Low-temperature Reference
Item Units General testing testing procedure \1\
Distillation Range:
Initial boiling point......... °C........... 24-35 \2\......... 24-36............. ASTM D 86-04b
10% point..................... °C........... 49-57............. 37-48.............
50% point..................... °C........... 93-110............ 82-101............
90% point..................... °C........... 149-163........... 158-174...........
End point..................... °C........... Maximum, 213...... Maximum, 212......
Hydrocarbon composition:
1. Olefins.................... mm\3\/m\3\....... Maximum, 100,000.. Maximum, 175,000.. ASTM D 1319-03
2. Aromatics.................. mm\3\/m\3\....... Maximum, 350,000.. Maximum, 304,000..
3. Saturates.................. mm\3\/m\3\....... Remainder......... Remainder.........
Lead (organic).................. g/liter.......... Maximum, 0.013.... Maximum, 0.013.... ASTM D 3237-02
Phosphorous..................... g/liter.......... Maximum, 0.0013... Maximum, 0.005.... ASTM D 3231-02
Total sulfur.................... mg/kg............ Maximum, 80....... Maximum, 80....... ASTM D 1266-98
Volatility (Reid Vapor Pressure) kPa.............. 60.0-63.4 \2,3\... 77.2-81.4......... ASTM D 323-99a
\1\ All ASTM procedures are incorporated by reference in § 1065.1010. See § 1065.701(d) for other
allowed procedures.
\2\ For testing at altitudes above 1 219 m, the specified volatility range is (52 to 55) kPa and the specified
initial boiling point range is (23.9 to 40.6) °C.
\3\ For testing unrelated to evaporative emissions, the specified range is (55 to 63) kPa.
§ 1065.715 Natural gas.
(a) Natural gas for testing must meet the specifications in the following table:
Table 1 of § 1065.715_Test Fuel Specifications for Natural Gas
Item Value\1\
1. Methane, CH4.............. Minimum, 0.87 mol/mol.
2. Ethane, C2H6.............. Maximum, 0.055 mol/mol.
3. Propane, C3H8............. Maximum, 0.012 mol/mol.
4. Butane, C4H10............. Maximum, 0.0035 mol/mol.
5. Pentane, C5H12............ Maximum, 0.0013 mol/mol.
6. C6 and higher............. Maximum, 0.001 mol/mol.
7. Oxygen.................... Maximum, 0.001 mol/mol.
8. Inert gases (sum of CO2 Maximum, 0.051 mol/mol.
and N2).
\1\ All parameters are based on the reference procedures in ASTM D 1945-
03 (incorporated by reference in §1065.1010). See
§1065.701(d) for other allowed procedures.
(b) At ambient conditions, natural gas must have a distinctive odor detectable down to a concentration in air not more than one-fifth the lower flammable limit.
§ 1065.720 Liquefied petroleum gas.
(a) Liquefied petroleum gas for testing must meet the specifications in the following table:
Table 1 of § 1065.720_Test Fuel Specifications for Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Item Value Reference Procedure\1\
1. Propane, C3H8................... Minimum, 0.85 m\3\/m\3\.... ASTM D 2163-91
2. Vapor pressure at 38 °C..... Maximum, 1400 kPa.......... ASTM D 1267-02 or 2598-02 \2\
3. Volatility residue evaporated Maximum, -38 °C........ ASTM D 1837-02a
temperature, 35 °C).
4. Butanes......................... Maximum, 0.05 m\3\/m\3\.... ASTM D 2163-91
5. Butenes......................... Maximum, 0.02 m\3\/m\3\.... ASTM D 2163-91
6. Pentenes and heavier............ Maximum, 0.005 m\3\/m\3\... ASTM D 2163-91
7. Propene......................... Maximum, 0.1 m\3\/m\3\..... ASTM D 2163-91
8. Residual matter (residue on Maximum, 0.05 ml pass \3\.. ASTM D 2158-04
evap. of 100) ml oil stain
9. Corrosion, copper strip......... Maximum, No. 1............. ASTM D 1838-03
10. Sulfur......................... Maximum, 80 mg/kg.......... ASTM D 2784-98
11. Moisture content............... pass....................... ASTM D 2713-91
\1\ All ASTM procedures are incorporated by reference in § 1065.1010. See § 1065.701(d) for other
allowed procedures.
\2\ If these two test methods yield different results, use the results from ASTM D 1267-02.
\3\ The test fuel must not yield a persistent oil ring when you add 0.3 ml of solvent residue mixture to a
filter paper in 0.1 ml increments and examine it in daylight after two minutes.
(b) At ambient conditions, liquefied petroleum gas must have a distinctive odor detectable down to a concentration in air not more than one-fifth the lower flammable limit.
§ 1065.740 Lubricants.
(a) Use commercially available lubricating oil that represents the oil that will be used in your engine in use.
(b) You may use lubrication additives, up to the levels that the additive manufacturer recommends.
§ 1065.745 Coolants.
(a) You may use commercially available antifreeze mixtures or other coolants that will be used in your engine in use.
(b) For laboratory testing of liquid-cooled engines, you may use water with or without rust inhibitors.
(c) For coolants allowed in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, you may use rust inhibitors and additives required for lubricity, up to the levels that the additive manufacturer recommends.
§ 1065.750 Analytical gases.
Analytical gases must meet the accuracy and purity specifications of this section, unless you can show that other specifications would not affect your ability to show that your engines comply with all applicable emission standards.
(a) Subparts C, D, F, and J of this part refer to the following gas specifications:
(1) Use purified gases to zero measurement instruments and to blend with calibration gases. Use gases with contamination no higher than the highest of the following values in the gas cylinder or at the outlet of a zero-gas generator:
(i) 2% contamination, measured relative to the flow-weighted mean concentration expected at the standard. For example, if you would expect a flow-weighted CO concentration of 100.0 mmol/mol, then you would be allowed to use a zero gas with CO contamination less than or equal to 2.000 mmol/mol.
(ii) Contamination as specified in the following table:
Table 1 of § 1065.750_General Specifications for Purified Gases
Constituent Purified air \1\ Purified N2 \1\
THC (C1 equivalent)...................... <0.05 µmol/mol..... < 0.05 µmol/mol
CO....................................... <1 µmol/mol........ < 1 µmol/mol
CO2...................................... < 10 µmol/mol...... < 10 µmol/mol
O2....................................... 0.205 to 0.215 mol/mol...... < 2 µmol/mol
NOX...................................... < 0.02 µmol/mol.... < 0.02 µmol/mol
\1\ We do not require these levels of purity to be NIST-traceable.
(2) Use the following gases with a FID analyzer:
(i) FID fuel. Use FID fuel with an H2 concentration of (0.400 ±0.004) mol/mol, balance He. Make sure the mixture contains no more than 0.05 µmol/mol THC.
(ii) FID burner air. Use FID burner air that meets the specifications of purified air in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. For field testing, you may use ambient air.
(iii) FID zero gas. Zero flame-ionization detectors with purified gas that meets the specifications in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, except that the purified gas O2 concentration may be any value. Note that FID zero balance gases may be any combination of purified air and purified nitrogen. We recommend FID analyzer zero gases that contain approximately the flow-weighted mean concentration of O2 expected during testing.
(iv) FID propane span gas. Span and calibrate THC FID with span concentrations of propane, C3H8. Calibrate on a carbon number basis of one (C1). For example, if you use a C3H8 span gas of concentration 200 µmol/mol, span a FID to respond with a value of 600 µmol/mol. Note that FID span balance gases may be any combination of purified air and purified nitrogen. We recommend FID analyzer span gases that contain approximately the flow-weighted mean concentration of O2 expected during testing.
(v) FID methane span gas. If you always span and calibrate a CH4 FID with a nonmethane cutter, then span and calibrate the FID with span concentrations of methane, CH4. Calibrate on a carbon number basis of one (C1). For example, if you use a CH4 span gas of concentration 200 µmol/mol, span a FID to respond with a value of 200 µmol/mol. Note that FID span balance gases may be any combination of purified air and purified nitrogen. We recommend FID analyzer span gases that contain approximately the flow-weighted mean concentration of O2 expected during testing.
(3) Use the following gas mixtures, with gases traceable within ±1.0% of the NIST true value or other gas standards we approve:
(i) CH4, balance purified synthetic air and/or N2 (as applicable).
(ii) C2H6, balance purified synthetic air and/or N2 (as applicable).
(iii) C3H8, balance purified synthetic air and/or N2 (as applicable).
(iv) CO, balance purified N2.
(v) CO2, balance purified N2.
(vi) NO, balance purified N2.
(vii) NO2, balance purified N2.
(viii) O2, balance purified N2.
(ix) C3H8, CO, CO2, NO, balance purified N2.
(x) C3H8, CH4, CO, CO2, NO, balance purified N2.
(4) You may use gases for species other than those listed in paragraph (a)(3) of this section (such as methanol in air, which you may use to determine response factors), as long as they are traceable to within ±1.0 % of the NIST true value or other similar standards we approve, and meet the stability requirements of paragraph (b) of this section.
(5) You may generate your own calibration gases using a precision blending device, such as a gas divider, to dilute gases with purified N2 or purified synthetic air. If your gas dividers meet the specifications in §1065.248, and the gases being blended meet the requirements of paragraphs (a)(1) and (3) of this section, the resulting blends are considered to meet the requirements of this paragraph (a).
(b) Record the concentration of any calibration gas standard and its expiration date specified by the gas supplier.
(1) Do not use any calibration gas standard after its expiration date, except as allowed by paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(2) Calibration gases may be relabeled and used after their expiration date as follows:
(i) Alcohol/carbonyl calibration gases used to determine response factors according to subpart I of this part may be relabeled as specified in subpart I of this part.
(ii) Other gases may be relabeled and used after the expiration date only if we approve it in advance.
(c) Transfer gases from their source to analyzers using components that are dedicated to controlling and transferring only those gases. For example, do not use a regulator, valve, or transfer line for zero gas if those components were previously used to transfer a different gas mixture. We recommend that you label regulators, valves, and transfer lines to prevent contamination. Note that even small traces of a gas mixture in the dead volume of a regulator, valve, or transfer line can diffuse upstream into a high-pressure volume of gas, which would contaminate the entire high-pressure gas source, such as a compressed-gas cylinder.
(d) To maintain stability and purity of gas standards, use good engineering judgment and follow the gas standard supplier's recommendations for storing and handling zero, span, and calibration gases. For example, it may be necessary to store bottles of condensable gases in a heated environment.
§ 1065.790 Mass standards.
(a) PM balance calibration weights. Use PM balance calibration weights that are certified as NIST-traceable within 0.1 % uncertainty. Calibration weights may be certified by any calibration lab that maintains NIST-traceability. Make sure your lowest calibration weight has no greater than ten times the mass of an unused PM-sample medium.
(b) Dynamometer calibration weights. [Reserved]
Subpart I—Testing With Oxygenated Fuels
§ 1065.801 Applicability.
(a) This subpart applies for testing with oxygenated fuels. Unless the standard-setting part specifies otherwise, the requirements of this subpart do not apply for fuels that contain less than 25% oxygenated compounds by volume. For example, you generally do not need to follow the requirements of this subpart for tests performed using a fuel containing 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline, but you must follow these requirements for tests performed using a fuel containing 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline.
(b) Section 1065.805 applies for all other testing that requires measurement of any alcohols or carbonyls.
(c) This subpart specifies sampling procedures and calculations that are different than those used for non-oxygenated fuels. All other test procedures of this part 1065 apply for testing with oxygenated fuels.
§ 1065.805 Sampling system.
(a) Proportionally dilute engine exhaust, and use batch sampling collect flow-weighted dilute samples of the applicable alcohols and carbonyls at a constant flow rate. You may not use raw sampling for alcohols and carbonyls.
(b) You may collect background samples for correcting dilution air for background concentrations of alcohols and carbonyls.
(c) Maintain sample temperatures within the dilution tunnel, probes, and sample lines less than 121 °C but high enough to prevent aqueous condensation up to the point where a sample is collected. The maximum temperature limit is intended to prevent chemical reaction of the alcohols and carbonyls. The lower temperature limit is intended to prevent loss of the alcohols and carbonyls by dissolution in condensed water. Use good engineering judgment to minimize the amount of time that the undiluted exhaust is outside this temperature range to the extent practical. We recommend that you minimize the length of exhaust tubing before dilution. Extended lengths of exhaust tubing may require preheating, insulation, and cooling fans to limit excursions outside this temperature range.
(d) You may bubble a sample of the exhaust through water to collect alcohols for later analysis. You may also use a photo-acoustic analyzer to quantify ethanol and methanol in an exhaust sample.
(e) Sample the exhaust through cartridges impregnated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine to collect carbonyls for later analysis. If the standard-setting part specifies a duty cycle that has multiple test intervals (such as multiple engine starts or an engine-off soak phase), you may proportionally collect a single carbonyl sample for the entire duty cycle. For example, if the standard-setting part specifies a six-to-one weighting of hot-start to cold-start emissions, you may collect a single carbonyl sample for the entire duty cycle by using a hot-start sample flow rate that is six times the cold-start sample flow rate.
(f) You may sample alcohols or carbonyls using “California Non-Methane Organic Gas Test Procedures” (incorporated by reference in §1065.1010). If you use this method, follow its calculations to determine the mass of the alcohol/carbonyl in the exhaust sample, but follow subpart G of this part for all other calculations.
(g) Use good engineering judgment to sample other oxygenated hydrocarbon compounds in the exhaust.
§ 1065.845 Response factor determination.
Since FID analyzers generally have an incomplete response to alcohols and carbonyls, determine each FID analyzer's alcohol/carbonyl response factor (such as RFMeOH) after FID optimization. Formaldehyde response is assumed to be zero and does not need to be determined. Use the most recent alcohol/carbonyl response factors to compensate for alcohol/carbonyl response.
(a) Determine the alcohol/carbonyl response factors as follows:
(1) Select a C3H8 span gas that meets the specifications of §1065.750. Note that FID zero and span balance gases may be any combination of purified air or purified nitrogen that meets the specifications of §1065.750. We recommend FID analyzer zero and span gases that contain approximately the flow-weighted mean concentration of O2 expected during testing. Record the C3H8 concentration of the gas.
(2) Select or prepare an alcohol/carbonyl calibration gas that meets the specifications of §1065.750 and has a concentration typical of the peak concentration expected at the hydrocarbon standard. Record the calibration concentration of the gas.
(3) Start and operate the FID analyzer according to the manufacturer's instructions.
(4) Confirm that the FID analyzer has been calibrated using C3H8. Calibrate on a carbon number basis of one (C1). For example, if you use a C3H8 span gas of concentration 200 µmol/mol, span the FID to respond with a value of 600 µmol/mol.
(5) Zero the FID. Note that FID zero and span balance gases may be any combination of purified air or purified nitrogen that meets the specifications of §1065.750. We recommend FID analyzer zero and span gases that contain approximately the flow-weighted mean concentration of O2 expected during testing.
(6) Span the FID with the C3H8 span gas that you selected under paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(7) Introduce at the inlet of the FID analyzer the alcohol/carbonyl calibration gas that you selected under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(8) Allow time for the analyzer response to stabilize. Stabilization time may include time to purge the analyzer and to account for its response.
(9) While the analyzer measures the alcohol/carbonyl concentration, record 30 seconds of sampled data. Calculate the arithmetic mean of these values.
(10) Divide the mean measured concentration by the recorded span concentration of the alcohol/carbonyl calibration gas. The result is the FID analyzer's response factor for alcohol/carbonyl, RFMeOH.
(b) Alcohol/carbonyl calibration gases must remain within ±2% of the labeled concentration. You must demonstrate the stability based on a quarterly measurement procedure with a precision of ±2% percent or another method that we approve. Your measurement procedure may incorporate multiple measurements. If the true concentration of the gas changes deviates by more than ±2%, but less than ±10%, the gas may be relabeled with the new concentration.
§ 1065.850 Calculations.
Use the calculations specified in §1065.665 to determine THCE or NMHCE.
Subpart J—Field Testing and Portable Emission Measurement Systems
§ 1065.901 Applicability.
(a) Field testing. This subpart specifies procedures for field-testing engines to determine brake-specific emissions using portable emission measurement systems (PEMS). These procedures are designed primarily for in-field measurements of engines that remain installed in vehicles or equipment in the field. Field-test procedures apply to your engines only as specified in the standard-setting part.
(b) Laboratory testing. You may optionally use PEMS for any laboratory testing, as long as the standard-setting part does not prohibit it for certain types of laboratory testing, subject to the following provisions:
(1) Follow the laboratory test procedures specified in this part 1065, according to §1065.905(e).
(2) Do not apply any PEMS-related field-testing adjustments or “measurement allowances” to laboratory emission results or standards. (continued)