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(i) Data used as input to AERMET should possess an adequate degree of representativeness to insure that the wind, temperature and turbulence profiles derived by AERMOD are both laterally and vertically representative of the source area. The adequacy of input data should be judged independently for each variable. The values for surface roughness, Bowen ratio, and albedo should reflect the surface characteristics in the vicinity of the meteorological tower, and should be adequately representative of the modeling domain. Finally, the primary atmospheric input variables including wind speed and direction, ambient temperature, cloud cover, and a morning upper air sounding should also be adequately representative of the source area.
(ii) For recommendations regarding the length of meteorological record needed to perform a regulatory analysis with AERMOD, see Section 8.3.1.
(3) Receptor data: Receptor coordinates, elevations, height above ground, and hill height scales are produced by the AERMAP terrain preprocessor for input to AERMOD. Discrete receptors and/or multiple receptor grids, Cartesian and/or polar, may be employed in AERMOD. AERMAP requires input of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) terrain data produced by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), or other equivalent data. AERMAP can be used optionally to estimate source elevations.
c. Output
Printed output options include input information, high concentration summary tables by receptor for user-specified averaging periods, maximum concentration summary tables, and concurrent values summarized by receptor for each day processed. Optional output files can be generated for: a listing of occurrences of exceedances of user-specified threshold value; a listing of concurrent (raw) results at each receptor for each hour modeled, suitable for post-processing; a listing of design values that can be imported into graphics software for plotting contours; an unformatted listing of raw results above a threshold value with a special structure for use with the TOXX model component of TOXST; a listing of concentrations by rank (e.g., for use in quantile-quantile plots); and, a listing of concentrations, including arc-maximum normalized concentrations, suitable for model evaluation studies.
d. Type of Model
AERMOD is a steady-state plume model, using Gaussian distributions in the vertical and horizontal for stable conditions, and in the horizontal for convective conditions. The vertical concentration distribution for convective conditions results from an assumed bi-Gaussian probability density function of the vertical velocity.
e. Pollutant Types
AERMOD is applicable to primary pollutants and continuous releases of toxic and hazardous waste pollutants. Chemical transformation is treated by simple exponential decay.
f. Source-Receptor Relationships
AERMOD applies user-specified locations for sources and receptors. Actual separation between each source-receptor pair is used. Source and receptor elevations are user input or are determined by AERMAP using USGS DEM terrain data. Receptors may be located at user-specified heights above ground level.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) In the convective boundary layer (CBL), the transport and dispersion of a plume is characterized as the superposition of three modeled plumes: The direct plume (from the stack), the indirect plume, and the penetrated plume, where the indirect plume accounts for the lofting of a buoyant plume near the top of the boundary layer, and the penetrated plume accounts for the portion of a plume that, due to its buoyancy, penetrates above the mixed layer, but can disperse downward and re-enter the mixed layer. In the CBL, plume rise is superposed on the displacements by random convective velocities (Weil et al., 1997).
(2) In the stable boundary layer, plume rise is estimated using an iterative approach, similar to that in the CTDMPLUS model (see A.5 in this appendix).
(3) Stack-tip downwash and buoyancy induced dispersion effects are modeled. Building wake effects are simulated for stacks less than good engineering practice height using the methods contained in the PRIME downwash algorithms (Schulman, et al., 2000). For plume rise affected by the presence of a building, the PRIME downwash algorithm uses a numerical solution of the mass, energy and momentum conservation laws (Zhang and Ghoniem, 1993). Streamline deflection and the position of the stack relative to the building affect plume trajectory and dispersion. Enhanced dispersion is based on the approach of Weil (1996). Plume mass captured by the cavity is well-mixed within the cavity. The captured plume mass is re-emitted to the far wake as a volume source.
(4) For elevated terrain, AERMOD incorporates the concept of the critical dividing streamline height, in which flow below this height remains horizontal, and flow above this height tends to rise up and over terrain (Snyder et al., 1985). Plume concentration estimates are the weighted sum of these two limiting plume states. However, consistent with the steady-state assumption of uniform horizontal wind direction over the modeling domain, straight-line plume trajectories are assumed, with adjustment in the plume/receptor geometry used to account for the terrain effects.
h. Horizontal Winds
Vertical profiles of wind are calculated for each hour based on measurements and surface-layer similarity (scaling) relationships. At a given height above ground, for a given hour, winds are assumed constant over the modeling domain. The effect of the vertical variation in horizontal wind speed on dispersion is accounted for through simple averaging over the plume depth.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
In convective conditions, the effects of random vertical updraft and downdraft velocities are simulated with a bi-Gaussian probability density function. In both convective and stable conditions, the mean vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Gaussian horizontal dispersion coefficients are estimated as continuous functions of the parameterized (or measured) ambient lateral turbulence and also account for buoyancy-induced and building wake-induced turbulence. Vertical profiles of lateral turbulence are developed from measurements and similarity (scaling) relationships. Effective turbulence values are determined from the portion of the vertical profile of lateral turbulence between the plume height and the receptor height. The effective lateral turbulence is then used to estimate horizontal dispersion.
k. Vertical Dispersion
In the stable boundary layer, Gaussian vertical dispersion coefficients are estimated as continuous functions of parameterized vertical turbulence. In the convective boundary layer, vertical dispersion is characterized by a bi-Gaussian probability density function, and is also estimated as a continuous function of parameterized vertical turbulence. Vertical turbulence profiles are developed from measurements and similarity (scaling) relationships. These turbulence profiles account for both convective and mechanical turbulence. Effective turbulence values are determined from the portion of the vertical profile of vertical turbulence between the plume height and the receptor height. The effective vertical turbulence is then used to estimate vertical dispersion.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are generally not treated by AERMOD. However, AERMOD does contain an option to treat chemical transformation using simple exponential decay, although this option is typically not used in regulatory applications, except for sources of sulfur dioxide in urban areas. Either a decay coefficient or a half life is input by the user. Note also that the Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method (subsection 5.1) and the Ozone Limiting Method (subsection 5.2.4) and for point-source NO2 analyses are available as non-regulatory options.
m. Physical Removal
AERMOD can be used to treat dry and wet deposition for both gases and particles.
n. Evaluation Studies
American Petroleum Institute, 1998. Evaluation of State of the Science of Air Quality Dispersion Model, Scientific Evaluation, prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Lexington, Massachusetts, for American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., 20005–4070.
Brode, R.W., 2002. Implementation and Evaluation of PRIME in AERMOD. Preprints of the 12th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, May 20–24, 2002; American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Brode, R.W., 2004. Implementation and Evaluation of Bulk Richardson Number Scheme in AERMOD. 13th Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, August 23–26, 2004; American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Environmental Protection Agency, 2003. AERMOD: Latest Features and Evaluation Results. Publication No. EPA–454/R–03–003. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Available at http://www.epa.gov/scram001/.
A.2 Buoyant Line and Point Source Dispersion Model (BLP)
Schulman, Lloyd L., and Joseph S. Scire, 1980. Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP) Dispersion Model User's Guide. Document P–7304B. Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, MA. (NTIS No. PB 81–164642; also available at http://www.epa.gov/scram001/)
The computer code is available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site and also on diskette (as PB 2002–500051) from the National Technical Information Service (see Section A.0).
BLP is a Gaussian plume dispersion model designed to handle unique modeling problems associated with aluminum reduction plants, and other industrial sources where plume rise and downwash effects from stationary line sources are important.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
(1) The BLP model is appropriate for the following applications:
• Aluminum reduction plants which contain buoyant, elevated line sources;
• Rural areas;
• Transport distances less than 50 kilometers;
• Simple terrain; and
• One hour to one year averaging times.
(2) The following options should be selected for regulatory applications:
(i) Rural (IRU=1) mixing height option;
(ii) Default (no selection) for plume rise wind shear (LSHEAR), transitional point source plume rise (LTRANS), vertical potential temperature gradient (DTHTA), vertical wind speed power law profile exponents (PEXP), maximum variation in number of stability classes per hour (IDELS), pollutant decay (DECFAC), the constant in Briggs' stable plume rise equation (CONST2), constant in Briggs' neutral plume rise equation (CONST3), convergence criterion for the line source calculations (CRIT), and maximum iterations allowed for line source calculations (MAXIT); and
(iii) Terrain option (TERAN) set equal to 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
(3) For other applications, BLP can be used if it can be demonstrated to give the same estimates as a recommended model for the same application, and will subsequently be executed in that mode.
(4) BLP can be used on a case-by-case basis with specific options not available in a recommended model if it can be demonstrated, using the criteria in Section 3.2, that the model is more appropriate for a specific application.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: point sources require stack location, elevation of stack base, physical stack height, stack inside diameter, stack gas exit velocity, stack gas exit temperature, and pollutant emission rate. Line sources require coordinates of the end points of the line, release height, emission rate, average line source width, average building width, average spacing between buildings, and average line source buoyancy parameter.
(2) Meteorological data: surface weather data from a preprocessor such as PCRAMMET which provides hourly stability class, wind direction, wind speed, temperature, and mixing height.
(3) Receptor data: locations and elevations of receptors, or location and size of receptor grid or request automatically generated receptor grid.
c. Output
(1) Printed output (from a separate post-processor program) includes:
(2) Total concentration or, optionally, source contribution analysis; monthly and annual frequency distributions for 1-, 3-, and 24-hour average concentrations; tables of 1-, 3-, and 24-hour average concentrations at each receptor; table of the annual (or length of run) average concentrations at each receptor;
(3) Five highest 1-, 3-, and 24-hour average concentrations at each receptor; and
(4) Fifty highest 1-, 3-, and 24-hour concentrations over the receptor field.
d. Type of Model
BLP is a gaussian plume model.
e. Pollutant Types
BLP may be used to model primary pollutants. This model does not treat settling and deposition.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
(1) BLP treats up to 50 point sources, 10 parallel line sources, and 100 receptors arbitrarily located.
(2) User-input topographic elevation is applied for each stack and each receptor.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) BLP uses plume rise formulas of Schulman and Scire (1980).
(2) Vertical potential temperature gradients of 0.02 Kelvin per meter for E stability and 0.035 Kelvin per meter are used for stable plume rise calculations. An option for user input values is included.
(3) Transitional rise is used for line sources.
(4) Option to suppress the use of transitional plume rise for point sources is included.
(5) The building downwash algorithm of Schulman and Scire (1980) is used.
h. Horizontal Winds
(1) Constant, uniform (steady-state) wind is assumed for an hour.
Straight line plume transport is assumed to all downwind distances.
(2) Wind speeds profile exponents of 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, and 0.30 are used for stability classes A through F, respectively. An option for user-defined values and an option to suppress the use of the wind speed profile feature are included.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
(1) Rural dispersion coefficients are from Turner (1969), with no adjustment made for variations in surface roughness or averaging time.
(2) Six stability classes are used.
k. Vertical Dispersion
(1) Rural dispersion coefficients are from Turner (1969), with no adjustment made for variations in surface roughness.
(2) Six stability classes are used.
(3) Mixing height is accounted for with multiple reflections until the vertical plume standard deviation equals 1.6 times the mixing height; uniform mixing is assumed beyond that point.
(4) Perfect reflection at the ground is assumed.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are treated using linear decay. Decay rate is input by the user.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is not explicitly treated.
n. Evaluation Studies
Schulman, L.L. and J.S. Scire, 1980. Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP) Dispersion Model User's Guide, P–7304B. Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, MA.
Scire, J.S. and L.L. Schulman, 1981. Evaluation of the BLP and ISC Models with SF6 Tracer Data and SO2 Measurements at Aluminum Reduction Plants. APCA Specialty Conference on Dispersion Modeling for Complex Sources, St. Louis, MO.
Benson, Paul E., 1979. CALINE3—A Versatile Dispersion Model for Predicting Air Pollutant Levels Near Highways and Arterial Streets. Interim Report, Report Number FHWA/CA/TL–79/23. Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC (NTIS No. PB 80–220841).
The CALINE3 model is available on diskette (as PB 95–502712) from NTIS. The source code and user's guide are also available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site ( Section A.0).
CALINE3 can be used to estimate the concentrations of nonreactive pollutants from highway traffic. This steady-state Gaussian model can be applied to determine air pollution concentrations at receptor locations downwind of “at-grade,” “fill,” “bridge,” and “cut section” highways located in relatively uncomplicated terrain. The model is applicable for any wind direction, highway orientation, and receptor location. The model has adjustments for averaging time and surface roughness, and can handle up to 20 links and 20 receptors. It also contains an algorithm for deposition and settling velocity so that particulate concentrations can be predicted.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
CALINE–3 is appropriate for the following applications:
• Highway (line) sources;
• Urban or rural areas;
• Simple terrain;
• Transport distances less than 50 kilometers; and
• One-hour to 24-hour averaging times.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: up to 20 highway links classed as “at-grade,” “fill,” “bridge,” or “depressed”; coordinates of link end points; traffic volume; emission factor; source height; and mixing zone width.
(2) Meteorological data: wind speed, wind angle (measured in degrees clockwise from the Y axis), stability class, mixing height, ambient (background to the highway) concentration of pollutant.
(3) Receptor data: coordinates and height above ground for each receptor.
c. Output
Printed output includes concentration at each receptor for the specified meteorological condition.
d. Type of Model
CALINE–3 is a Gaussian plume model.
e. Pollutant Types
CALINE–3 may be used to model primary pollutants.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
(1) Up to 20 highway links are treated.
(2) CALINE–3 applies user input location and emission rate for each link. User-input receptor locations are applied.
g. Plume Behavior
Plume rise is not treated.
h. Horizontal Winds
(1) User-input hourly wind speed and direction are applied.
(2) Constant, uniform (steady-state) wind is assumed for an hour.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
(1) Six stability classes are used.
(2) Rural dispersion coefficients from Turner (1969) are used, with adjustment for roughness length and averaging time.
(3) Initial traffic-induced dispersion is handled implicitly by plume size parameters.
k. Vertical Dispersion
(1) Six stability classes are used.
(2) Empirical dispersion coefficients from Benson (1979) are used including an adjustment for roughness length.
(3) Initial traffic-induced dispersion is handled implicitly by plume size parameters.
(4) Adjustment for averaging time is included.
l. Chemical Transformation
Not treated.
m. Physical Removal
Optional deposition calculations are included.
n. Evaluation Studies
Bemis, G.R. et al., 1977. Air Pollution and Roadway Location, Design, and Operation—Project Overview. FHWA–CA–TL–7080–77–25, Federal Highway Administration, Washington, DC.
Cadle, S.H. et al., 1976. Results of the General Motors Sulfate Dispersion Experiment, GMR–2107. General Motors Research Laboratories, Warren, MI.
Dabberdt, W.F., 1975. Studies of Air Quality on and Near Highways, Project 2761. Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1986. Evaluation of Mobile Source Air Quality Simulation Models. EPA Publication No. EPA–450/4–86–002. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 86–167293)
Scire, J.S., D.G. Strimaitis and R.J. Yamartino, 2000. A User's Guide for the CALPUFF Dispersion Model (Version 5.0). Earth Tech, Inc., Concord, MA.
Scire J.S., F.R. Robe, M.E. Fernau and R.J. Yamartino, 2000. A User's Guide for the CALMET Meteorological Model (Version 5.0). Earth Tech, Inc., Concord, MA.
The model code and its documentation are available at no cost for download from the model developers' Internet Web site: http://www.src.com/calpuff/calpuff1.htm. You may also contact Joseph Scire, Earth Tech, Inc., 196 Baker Avenue, Concord, MA 01742; Telephone: (978) 371–4270; Fax: (978) 371–2468; e-mail: JScire@alum.mit.edu.
CALPUFF is a multi-layer, multi-species non-steady-state puff dispersion modeling system that simulates the effects of time- and space-varying meteorological conditions on pollutant transport, transformation, and removal. CALPUFF is intended for use on scales from tens of meters from a source to hundreds of kilometers. It includes algorithms for near-field effects such as stack tip downwash, building downwash, transitional buoyant and momentum plume rise, rain cap effects, partial plume penetration, subgrid scale terrain and coastal interactions effects, and terrain impingement as well as longer range effects such as pollutant removal due to wet scavenging and dry deposition, chemical transformation, vertical wind shear effects, overwater transport, plume fumigation, and visibility effects of particulate matter concentrations.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
(1) CALPUFF is appropriate for long range transport (source-receptor distances of 50 to several hundred kilometers) of emissions from point, volume, area, and line sources. The meteorological input data should be fully characterized with time-and-space-varying three dimensional wind and meteorological conditions using CALMET, as discussed in paragraphs 8.3(d) and of Appendix W.
(2) CALPUFF may also be used on a case-by-case basis if it can be demonstrated using the criteria in Section 3.2 that the model is more appropriate for the specific application. The purpose of choosing a modeling system like CALPUFF is to fully treat stagnation, wind reversals, and time and space variations of meteorological conditions on transport and dispersion, as discussed in paragraph 7.2.8(a).
(3) For regulatory applications of CALMET and CALPUFF, the regulatory default option should be used. Inevitably, some of the model control options will have to be set specific for the application using expert judgment and in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authorities.
b. Input Requirements
Source Data:
1. Point sources: Source location, stack height, diameter, exit velocity, exit temperature, base elevation, wind direction specific building dimensions (for building downwash calculations), and emission rates for each pollutant. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying point source parameters may be entered from an external file.
2. Area sources: Source location and shape, release height, base elevation, initial vertical distribution (sz) and emission rates for each pollutant. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying area source parameters may be entered from an external file. Area sources specified in the external file are allowed to be buoyant and their location, size, shape, and other source characteristics are allowed to change in time.
3. Volume sources: Source location, release height, base elevation, initial horizontal and vertical distributions (sy, sz) and emission rates for each pollutant. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying volume source parameters may be entered from an external file. Volume sources with buoyancy can be simulated by treating the source as a point source and entering initial plume size parameters—initial (sy, sz)—to define the initial size of the volume source.
4. Line sources: Source location, release height, base elevation, average buoyancy parameter, and emission rates for each pollutant. Building data may be entered for line source emissions experiencing building downwash effects. Particle size distributions may be entered for particulate matter. Temporal emission factors (diurnal cycle, monthly cycle, hour/season, wind speed/stability class, or temperature-dependent emission factors) may also be entered. Arbitrarily-varying line source parameters may be entered from an external file.
Meteorological Data (different forms of meteorological input can be used by CALPUFF):
1. Time-dependent three-dimensional (3–D) meteorological fields generated by CALMET. This is the preferred mode for running CALPUFF. Data inputs used by CALMET include surface observations of wind speed, wind direction, temperature, cloud cover, ceiling height, relative humidity, surface pressure, and precipitation (type and amount), and upper air sounding data (wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and height) and air-sea temperature differences (over water). Optional 3–D meteorological prognostic model output (e.g., from models such as MM5, RUC, Eta and RAMS) can be used by CALMET as well (paragraph CALMET contains an option to be run in “No-observations” mode (Robe et al., 2002), which allows the 3–D CALMET meteorological fields to be based on prognostic model output alone, without observations. This allows CALMET and CALPUFF to be run in prognostic mode for forecast applications.
2. Single station surface and upper air meteorological data in CTDMPLUS data file formats (SURFACE.DAT and PROFILE.DAT files) or AERMOD data file formats. These options allow a vertical variation in the meteorological parameters but no horizontal spatial variability.
3. Single station meteorological data in ISCST3 data file format. This option does not account for variability of the meteorological parameters in the horizontal or vertical, except as provided for by the use of stability-dependent wind shear exponents and average temperature lapse rates.
Gridded terrain and land use data are required as input into CALMET when Option 1 is used. Geophysical processor programs are provided that interface the modeling system to standard terrain and land use data bases available from various sources such as the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Receptor Data:
CALPUFF includes options for gridded and non-gridded (discrete) receptors. Special subgrid-scale receptors are used with the subgrid-scale complex terrain option. An option is provided for discrete receptors to be placed at ground-level or above the local ground level (i.e., flagpole receptors). Gridded and subgrid-scale receptors are placed at the local ground level only.
Other Input:
CALPUFF accepts hourly observations of ozone concentrations for use in its chemical transformation algorithm. Monthly concentrations of ammonia concentrations can be specified in the CALPUFF input file, although higher time-resolution ammonia variability can be computed using the POSTUTIL program. Subgrid-scale coastlines can be specified in its coastal boundary file. Optional, user-specified deposition velocities and chemical transformation rates can also be entered. CALPUFF accepts the CTDMPLUS terrain and receptor files for use in its subgrid-scale terrain algorithm. Inflow boundary conditions of modeled pollutants can be specified in a boundary condition file. Liquid water content variables including cloud water/ice and precipitation water/ice can be used as input for visibility analyses and other CALPUFF modules.
c. Output
CALPUFF produces files of hourly concentrations of ambient concentrations for each modeled species, wet deposition fluxes, dry deposition fluxes, and for visibility applications, extinction coefficients. Postprocessing programs (PRTMET, CALPOST, CALSUM, APPEND, and POSTUTIL) provide options for summing, scaling, analyzing and displaying the modeling results. CALPOST contains options for computing of light extinction (visibility) and POSTUTIL allows the re-partitioning of nitric acid and nitrate to account for the effects of ammonia limitation (Scire et al., 2001; Escoffier-Czaja and Scire, 2002). CALPUFF contains an options to output liquid water concentrations for use in computing visible plume lengths and frequency of icing and fogging from cooling towers and other water vapor sources. The CALPRO Graphical User Interface (GUI) contains options for creating graphics such as contour plots, vector plots and other displays when linked to graphics software.
d. Type of Model
(1) CALPUFF is a non-steady-state time- and space-dependent Gaussian puff model. CALPUFF treats primary pollutants and simulates secondary pollutant formation using a parameterized, quasi-linear chemical conversion mechanism. Pollutants treated include SO2, SO4=, NOX (i.e., NO + NO2), HNO3, NO3-, NH3, PM–10, PM–2.5, toxic pollutants and others pollutant species that are either inert or subject to quasi-linear chemical reactions. The model includes a resistance-based dry deposition model for both gaseous pollutants and particulate matter. Wet deposition is treated using a scavenging coefficient approach. The model has detailed parameterizations of complex terrain effects, including terrain impingement, side-wall scrapping, and steep-walled terrain influences on lateral plume growth. A subgrid-scale complex terrain module based on a dividing streamline concept divides the flow into a lift component traveling over the obstacle and a wrap component deflected around the obstacle.
(2) The meteorological fields used by CALPUFF are produced by the CALMET meteorological model. CALMET includes a diagnostic wind field model containing parameterized treatments of slope flows, valley flows, terrain blocking effects, and kinematic terrain effects, lake and sea breeze circulations, a divergence minimization procedure, and objective analysis of observational data. An energy-balance scheme is used to compute sensible and latent heat fluxes and turbulence parameters over land surfaces. A profile method is used over water. CALMET contains interfaces to prognostic meteorological models such as the Penn State/NCAR Mesoscale Model (e.g., MM5; Section 12.0, ref. 86), as well as the RAMS, Ruc and Eta models.
e. Pollutant Types
CALPUFF may be used to model gaseous pollutants or particulate matter that are inert or which undergo quasi-linear chemical reactions, such as SO2, SO4 =, NOX (i.e., NO + NO2), HNO3, NO3-, NH3, PM–10, PM–2.5 and toxic pollutants. For regional haze analyses, sulfate and nitrate particulate components are explicitly treated.
f. Source-Receptor Relationships
CALPUFF contains no fundamental limitations on the number of sources or receptors. Parameter files are provided that allow the user to specify the maximum number of sources, receptors, puffs, species, grid cells, vertical layers, and other model parameters. Its algorithms are designed to be suitable for source-receptor distances from tens of meters to hundreds of kilometers.
g. Plume Behavior
Momentum and buoyant plume rise is treated according to the plume rise equations of Briggs (1975) for non-downwashing point sources, Schulman and Scire (1980) for line sources and point sources subject to building downwash effects using the Schulman-Scire downwash algorithm, and Zhang (1993) for buoyant area sources and point sources affected by building downwash when using the PRIME building downwash method. Stack tip downwash effects and partial plume penetration into elevated temperature inversions are included. An algorithm to treat horizontally-oriented vents and stacks with rain caps is included.
h. Horizontal Winds
A three-dimensional wind field is computed by the CALMET meteorological model. CALMET combines an objective analysis procedure using wind observations with parameterized treatments of slope flows, valley flows, terrain kinematic effects, terrain blocking effects, and sea/lake breeze circulations. CALPUFF may optionally use single station (horizontally-constant) wind fields in the CTDMPLUS, AERMOD or ISCST3 data formats.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speeds are not used explicitly by CALPUFF. Vertical winds are used in the development of the horizontal wind components by CALMET.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Turbulence-based dispersion coefficients provide estimates of horizontal plume dispersion based on measured or computed values of sv. The effects of building downwash and buoyancy-induced dispersion are included. The effects of vertical wind shear are included through the puff splitting algorithm. Options are provided to use Pasquill-Gifford (rural) and McElroy-Pooler (urban) dispersion coefficients. Initial plume size from area or volume sources is allowed.
k. Vertical Dispersion
Turbulence-based dispersion coefficients provide estimates of vertical plume dispersion based on measured or computed values of sw. The effects of building downwash and buoyancy-induced dispersion are included. Vertical dispersion during convective conditions is simulated with a probability density function (pdf) model based on Weil et al. (1997). Options are provided to use Pasquill-Gifford (rural) and McElroy-Pooler (urban) dispersion coefficients. Initial plume size from area or volume sources is allowed.
l. Chemical Transformation
Gas phase chemical transformations are treated using parameterized models of SO2 conversion to SO4= and NO conversion to NO3-, HNO3, and NO2. Organic aerosol formation is treated. The POSTUTIL program contains an option to re-partition HNO3 and NO3- in order to treat the effects of ammonia limitation.
m. Physical Removal
Dry deposition of gaseous pollutants and particulate matter is parameterized in terms of a resistance-based deposition model. Gravitational settling, inertial impaction, and Brownian motion effects on deposition of particulate matter is included. CALPUFF contains an option to evaluate the effects of plume tilt resulting from gravitational settling. Wet deposition of gases and particulate matter is parameterized in terms of a scavenging coefficient approach.
n. Evaluation Studies
Berman, S., J.Y. Ku, J. Zhang and S.T. Rao, 1977. Uncertainties in estimating the mixing depth—Comparing three mixing depth models with profiler measurements, Atmospheric Environment, 31: 3023–3039.
Chang, J.C., P. Franzese, K. Chayantrakom and S.R. Hanna, 2001. Evaluations of CALPUFF, HPAC and VLSTRACK with Two Mesoscale Field Datasets. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42(4): 453–466.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1998. Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling (IWAQM) Phase 2 Summary Report and Recommendations for Modeling Long-Range Transport Impacts. EPA Publication No. EPA–454/R–98–019. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Irwin, J.S., 1997. A Comparison of CALPUFF Modeling Results with 1997 INEL Field Data Results. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, XII. Edited by S.E. Gyrning and N. Chaumerliac. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Irwin, J.S., J.S. Scire and D.G. Strimaitis, 1996. A Comparison of CALPUFF Modeling Results with CAPTEX Field Data Results. In Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, XI. Edited by S.E. Gyrning and F.A. Schiermeier. Plenum Press, New York, NY.
Morrison, K, Z–X Wu, J.S. Scire, J. Chenier and T. Jeffs-Schonewille, 2003. CALPUFF-Based Predictive and Reactive Emission Control System. 96th A&WMA Annual Conference & Exhibition, 22–26 June 2003; San Diego, CA.
Schulman, L.L., D.G. Strimaitis and J.S. Scire, 2000. Development and evaluation of the PRIME Plume Rise and Building Downwash Model. JAWMA, 50: 378–390.
Scire, J.S., Z–X Wu, D.G. Strimaitis and G.E. Moore, 2001. The Southwest Wyoming Regional CALPUFF Air Quality Modeling Study—Volume I. Prepared for the Wyoming Dept. of Environmental Quality. Available from Earth Tech at http://www.src.com.
Strimaitis, D.G., J.S. Scire and J.C. Chang, 1998. Evaluation of the CALPUFF Dispersion Model with Two Power Plant Data Sets. Tenth Joint Conference on the Application of Air Pollution Meteorology, Phoenix, Arizona. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. January 11–16, 1998.
A.5 Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS)
Perry, S.G., D.J. Burns, L.H. Adams, R.J. Paine, M.G. Dennis, M.T. Mills, D.G. Strimaitis, R.J. Yamartino and E.M. Insley, 1989. User's Guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS). Volume 1: Model Descriptions and User Instructions. EPA Publication No. EPA–600/8–89–041. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 89–181424)
Perry, S.G., 1992. CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources near Complex Topography. Part I: Technical Formulations. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31(7): 633–645.
This model code is available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site and also on diskette (as PB 90–504119) from the National Technical Information Service (Section A.0).
CTDMPLUS is a refined point source Gaussian air quality model for use in all stability conditions for complex terrain applications. The model contains, in its entirety, the technology of CTDM for stable and neutral conditions. However, CTDMPLUS can also simulate daytime, unstable conditions, and has a number of additional capabilities for improved user friendliness. Its use of meteorological data and terrain information is different from other EPA models; considerable detail for both types of input data is required and is supplied by preprocessors specifically designed for CTDMPLUS. CTDMPLUS requires the parameterization of individual hill shapes using the terrain preprocessor and the association of each model receptor with a particular hill.
a. Recommendation for Regulatory Use
CTDMPLUS is appropriate for the following applications:
• Elevated point sources;
• Terrain elevations above stack top;
• Rural or urban areas;
• Transport distances less than 50 kilometers; and
• One hour to annual averaging times when used with a post-processor program such as CHAVG.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: For each source, user supplies source location, height, stack diameter, stack exit velocity, stack exit temperature, and emission rate; if variable emissions are appropriate, the user supplies hourly values for emission rate, stack exit velocity, and stack exit temperature.
(2) Meteorological data: For applications of CTDMPLUS, multiple level (typically three or more) measurements of wind speed and direction, temperature and turbulence (wind fluctuation statistics) are required to create the basic meteorological data file (“PROFILE”). Such measurements should be obtained up to the representative plume height(s) of interest (i.e., the plume height(s) under those conditions important to the determination of the design concentration). The representative plume height(s) of interest should be determined using an appropriate complex terrain screening procedure (e.g., CTSCREEN) and should be documented in the monitoring/modeling protocol. The necessary meteorological measurements should be obtained from an appropriately sited meteorological tower augmented by SODAR and/or RASS if the representative plume height(s) of interest is above the levels represented by the tower measurements. Meteorological preprocessors then create a SURFACE data file (hourly values of mixed layer heights, surface friction velocity, Monin-Obukhov length and surface roughness length) and a RAWINsonde data file (upper air measurements of pressure, temperature, wind direction, and wind speed).
(3) Receptor data: receptor names (up to 400) and coordinates, and hill number (each receptor must have a hill number assigned).
(4) Terrain data: user inputs digitized contour information to the terrain preprocessor which creates the TERRAIN data file (for up to 25 hills).
c. Output
(1) When CTDMPLUS is run, it produces a concentration file, in either binary or text format (user's choice), and a list file containing a verification of model inputs, i.e.,
• Input meteorological data from “SURFACE” and “PROFILE”.
• Stack data for each source.
• Terrain information.
• Receptor information.
• Source-receptor location (line printer map).
(2) In addition, if the case-study option is selected, the listing includes:
• Meteorological variables at plume height.
• Geometrical relationships between the source and the hill.
• Plume characteristics at each receptor, i.e.,
—Distance in along-flow and cross flow direction
—Effective plume-receptor height difference
—Effective sy & sz values, both flat terrain and hill induced (the difference shows the effect of the hill)
—Concentration components due to WRAP, LIFT and FLAT.
(3) If the user selects the TOPN option, a summary table of the top 4 concentrations at each receptor is given. If the ISOR option is selected, a source contribution table for every hour will be printed.
(4) A separate disk file of predicted (1-hour only) concentrations (“CONC”) is written if the user chooses this option. Three forms of output are possible:
(i) A binary file of concentrations, one value for each receptor in the hourly sequence as run;
(ii) A text file of concentrations, one value for each receptor in the hourly sequence as run; or
(iii) A text file as described above, but with a listing of receptor information (names, positions, hill number) at the beginning of the file.
(3) Hourly information provided to these files besides the concentrations themselves includes the year, month, day, and hour information as well as the receptor number with the highest concentration.
d. Type of Model
CTDMPLUS is a refined steady-state, point source plume model for use in all stability conditions for complex terrain applications.
e. Pollutant Types
CTDMPLUS may be used to model non-reactive, primary pollutants.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
Up to 40 point sources, 400 receptors and 25 hills may be used. Receptors and sources are allowed at any location. Hill slopes are assumed not to exceed 15°, so that the linearized equation of motion for Boussinesq flow are applicable. Receptors upwind of the impingement point, or those associated with any of the hills in the modeling domain, require separate treatment.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) As in CTDM, the basic plume rise algorithms are based on Briggs' (1975) recommendations.
(2) A central feature of CTDMPLUS for neutral/stable conditions is its use of a critical dividing-streamline height (Hc) to separate the flow in the vicinity of a hill into two separate layers. The plume component in the upper layer has sufficient kinetic energy to pass over the top of the hill while streamlines in the lower portion are constrained to flow in a horizontal plane around the hill. Two separate components of CTDMPLUS compute ground-level concentrations resulting from plume material in each of these flows.
(3) The model calculates on an hourly (or appropriate steady averaging period) basis how the plume trajectory (and, in stable/neutral conditions, the shape) is deformed by each hill. Hourly profiles of wind and temperature measurements are used by CTDMPLUS to compute plume rise, plume penetration (a formulation is included to handle penetration into elevated stable layers, based on Briggs (1984)), convective scaling parameters, the value of Hc, and the Froude number above Hc.
h. Horizontal Winds
CTDMPLUS does not simulate calm meteorological conditions. Both scalar and vector wind speed observations can be read by the model. If vector wind speed is unavailable, it is calculated from the scalar wind speed. The assignment of wind speed (either vector or scalar) at plume height is done by either:
• Interpolating between observations above and below the plume height, or
• Extrapolating (within the surface layer) from the nearest measurement height to the plume height.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical flow is treated for the plume component above the critical dividing streamline height (Hc); see “Plume Behavior”.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Horizontal dispersion for stable/neutral conditions is related to the turbulence velocity scale for lateral fluctuations, sv, for which a minimum value of 0.2 m/s is used. Convective scaling formulations are used to estimate horizontal dispersion for unstable conditions.
k. Vertical Dispersion
Direct estimates of vertical dispersion for stable/neutral conditions are based on observed vertical turbulence intensity, e.g., sw (standard deviation of the vertical velocity fluctuation). In simulating unstable (convective) conditions, CTDMPLUS relies on a skewed, bi-Gaussian probability density function (pdf) description of the vertical velocities to estimate the vertical distribution of pollutant concentration.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformation is not treated by CTDMPLUS.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is not treated by CTDMPLUS (complete reflection at the ground/hill surface is assumed).
n. Evaluation Studies
Burns, D.J., L.H. Adams and S.G. Perry, 1990. Testing and Evaluation of the CTDMPLUS Dispersion Model: Daytime Convective Conditions. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns, 1990. An Analysis of CTDMPLUS Model Predictions with the Lovett Power Plant Data Base. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns, 1992. CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources near Complex Topography. Part II: Performance Characteristics. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31(7): 646–660.
A.6 Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model (OCD)
DiCristofaro, D.C. and S.R. Hanna, 1989. OCD: The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model, Version 4. Volume I: User's Guide, and Volume II: Appendices. Sigma Research Corporation, Westford, MA. (NTIS Nos. PB 93–144384 and PB 93–144392; also available at http://www.epa.gov/scram001/)
This model code is available on EPA's Internet SCRAM Web site and also on diskette (as PB 91–505230) from the National Technical Information Service (see Section A.0). Official contact at Minerals Management Service: Mr. Dirk Herkhof, Parkway Atrium Building, 381 Elden Street, Herndon, VA 20170, Phone: (703) 787–1735.
(1) OCD is a straight-line Gaussian model developed to determine the impact of offshore emissions from point, area or line sources on the air quality of coastal regions. OCD incorporates overwater plume transport and dispersion as well as changes that occur as the plume crosses the shoreline. Hourly meteorological data are needed from both offshore and onshore locations. These include water surface temperature, overwater air temperature, mixing height, and relative humidity.
(2) Some of the key features include platform building downwash, partial plume penetration into elevated inversions, direct use of turbulence intensities for plume dispersion, interaction with the overland internal boundary layer, and continuous shoreline fumigation.
a. Recommendations for Regulatory Use
OCD has been recommended for use by the Minerals Management Service for emissions located on the Outer Continental Shelf (50 FR 12248; 28 March 1985). OCD is applicable for overwater sources where onshore receptors are below the lowest source height. Where onshore receptors are above the lowest source height, offshore plume transport and dispersion may be modeled on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: Point, area or line source location, pollutant emission rate, building height, stack height, stack gas temperature, stack inside diameter, stack gas exit velocity, stack angle from vertical, elevation of stack base above water surface and gridded specification of the land/water surfaces. As an option, emission rate, stack gas exit velocity and temperature can be varied hourly.
(2) Meteorological data (over water): Wind direction, wind speed, mixing height, relative humidity, air temperature, water surface temperature, vertical wind direction shear (optional), vertical temperature gradient (optional), turbulence intensities (optional).
(2) Meteorological data:
Over land: Surface weather data from a preprocessor such as PCRAMMET which provides hourly stability class, wind direction, wind speed, ambient temperature, and mixing height are required.
Over water: Hourly values for mixing height, relative humidity, air temperature, and water surface temperature are required; if wind speed/direction are missing, values over land will be used (if available); vertical wind direction shear, vertical temperature gradient, and turbulence intensities are optional.
(3) Receptor data: Location, height above local ground-level, ground-level elevation above the water surface.
c. Output
(1) All input options, specification of sources, receptors and land/water map includinglocations of sources and receptors. (continued)