Loading (50 kb)...'

(6) Master plans for water control data systems (RCS DAEN-CWE–21). (i) A water control data system is all of the equipment within a division which is used to acquire, process, display and distribute information for real-time project regulation and associated interagency coordination. A subsystem is all equipment as defined previously within a district. A network is all equipment as defined previously which is used to regulate a single project or a group of projects which must be regulated interdependently.

(ii) Master plans for water control data systems and significant revisions thereto will be prepared by division water control managers and submitted to DAEN-CWE-HW by 1 February each year for review and approval of engineering aspects. Engineering approval does not constitute funding approval. After engineering approval is obtained, equipment in the master plan is eligible for consideration in the funding processes described in ER 1125–2–301 and engineering circulars on the annual budget request for civil works activities. Master plans will be maintained current and will:

(A) Outline the system performance requirements, including those resulting from any expected expansions of Corps missions.

(B) Describe the extent to which existing facilities fulfill performance requirements.

(C) Describe alternative approaches which will upgrade the system to meet the requirements not fulfilled by existing facilities, or are more cost effective then the existing system.

(D) Justify and recommend a system considering timeliness, reliability, economics and other factors deemed important.

(E) Delineate system scope, implementation schedules, proposed annual capital expenditures by district, total costs, and sources of funding.

(iii) Modified master plans should be submitted to DAEN-CWE-HW by 1 February, whenever revisions are required, to include equipment not previously approved or changes in scope or approach. Submittal by the February date will allow adequate time for OCE review and approval prior to annual budget submittals.

(iv) Division commanders are delegated authority to approve detailed plans for subsystems and networks of approved master plans. Plans approved by the division commander should meet the following conditions:

(A) The plan conforms to an approved master plan.

(B) The equipment is capable of functioning independently.

(C) An evaluation of alternatives has been completed considering reliability, cost and other important factors.

(D) The plan is economically justified, except in special cases where legal requirements dictate performance standards which cannot be economically justified.

(v) Copies of plans approved by the division commander shall be forwarded to appropriate elements in OCE in support of funding requests and to obtain approval of Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE), when applicable.

(vi) Water control data systems may be funded from Plant Revolving Fund; O&M General; Flood Control, MR&T, and Construction, General. Funding for water control equipment that serves two or more projects will be from Plant Revolving Fund in accordance with ER 1125–2–301. District and division water control managers will coordinate plant revolving fund requests with their respective Plant Replacement and Improvement Program (PRIP) representatives following guidance provided in ER 1125–2–301. Budget funding requests under the proper appropriation title should be submitted only if the equipment is identified in an approved master plan.

(vii) Justification for the Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) aspects of water control data systems must conform to AR 18–1, Appendix I or J as required. The “Funding for ADPE” paragraph in Appendixes I and J must cite the source of funds and reference relevant information in the approved master plan and detailed plan.

(viii) Division water control managers will submit annual letter summaries of the status of their respective water control systems and five-year plan for improvements. These summaries will be submitted to DAEN-CWE by 1 June for coordination with DAEN-CWO, CWB and DSZ-A, prior to the annual budget request. Summaries should not be used to obtain approval of significant changes in master plans. Sources of funding for all items for each district and for the division should be delineated so that total system expenditures and funding requests are identified. Changes in the master plan submitted 1 February should be documented in this letter summary if the changes were approved.

(7) Summary of runoff potentials in current season (RCS DAEN-CWO–2). (i) The Chief of Engineers and staff require information to respond to inquiries from members of Congress and others regarding runoff potentials. Therefore, the division commander will submit a snowmelt runoff and flood potential letter report covering the snow accumulation and runoff period, beginning generally in February and continuing monthly, until the potential no longer exist. Dispatch of supplemental reports will be determined by the urgencies of situations as they occur. The reports will be forwarded as soon as hydrologic data are available, but not later than the 10th of the month. For further information on reporting refer to ER 500–1–1, 33 CFR part 203.

(ii) During major drought situations or low-flow conditions, narrative summaries of the situation should be furnished to alert the Chief of Engineers regarding the possibility of serious runoff deficiencies that are likely to call for actions associated with Corps of Engineers reservoirs.

(iii) The reports referred to in paragraphs (m)(7) (i) and (ii) of this section will include general summaries regarding the status of reservoir storage, existing and forecasted at the time of the reports.

(8) Reports on project operations during flood emergencies. Information on project regulations to be included in reports submitted to the Chief of Engineers during flood emergencies in accordance with ER 500–1–1 include rate of inflow and outflow in CFS, reservoir levels, predicted maximum level and anticipated date, and percent of flood control storage utilized to date. Maximum use should be made of computerized communication facilities in reporting project status to DAEN-CWO-E/CWE-HW in accordance with the requirements of ER 500–1–1, 33 CFR part 203.

(9) Post-flood summaries of project regulation. Project regulation effects including evaluation of the stage reductions at key stations and estimates of damages prevented by projects will be included in the post flood reports required by ER 500–1–1, 33 CFR part 203.

(n) Water Control Management Boards. (1) The Columbia River Treaty Permanent Engineering Board was formed in accordance with the Columbia River Treaty with Canada. This board, composed of U.S. and Canadian members, oversees the implementation of the Treaty as carried out by the U.S. and Canadian Entities.

(2) The Mississippi River Water Control Management Board was established by ER 15–2–13. It consists of the Division Commanders from LMVD, MRD, NCD, ORD, and SWD with the Director of Civil Works serving as chairman. The purposes of the Board are:

(i) To provide oversight and guidance during the development of basin-wide management plans for Mississippi River Basin projects for which the US Army Corps of Engineers has operation/regulation responsibilities.

(ii) To serve as a forum for resolution of water control problems among US Army Corps of Engineers Divisions within the Mississippi River Basin when agreement is otherwise unobtainable.

(o) List of projects. Projects owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers subject to this regulation are listed with pertinent data in Appendix E. This list will be updated periodically to include Corps projects completed in the future. Federal legislation, Federal regulations and local agreements have given the Corps of Engineers wide responsibilities for operating projects which it does not own. Non-Corps projects subject to this regulation are included in Appendix A of ER 1110–2–241.

Appendix A to §222.5—References

1. The Federal Power Act, Pub. L. 436–83, approved 10 June 1920, as amended (41 Stat. 1063; 16 U.S.C. 791(a))

2. Section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved 22 June 1936, as amended (49 Stat. 1571; 33 U.S.C. 701(c))

3. Section 9(b) of Reclamation Project Act of 1939, approved 4 August 1939 (53 Stat. 1187; 43 U.S.C. 485)

4. Section 7 of the Flood Control Act approved 22 December 1944 (58 Stat. 890; 33 U.S.C. 709)

5. Section 5 of Small Reclamation Projects Act of 6 August 1956, as amended (70 Stat. 1046; 43 U.S.C. 422(e))

6. Section 9 of Pub. L. 436–83d Congress (68 Stat. 303)

7. The Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act of 1958, Pub. L. 85–624

8. The Federal Water Project Recreation Act Uniform Policies, Pub. L. 89–72

9. The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, Pub. L. 91–190

10. The Clean Water Act of 1977, Pub. L. 95–217

11. Executive Order 12088, Federal Compliance with Pollution Control Standards, 13 October 1978

12. 33 CFR 208.10, Local flood protection works; maintenance and operation of structures and facilities (9 FR 9999; 9 FR 10203)

13. 33 CFR 208.11, Regulations for use of Storage Allocated for Flood Control or Navigation and/or Project Operation at Reservoirs subject to Prescription of Rules and Regulations by the Secretary of the Army in the Interest of Flood Control and Navigation (43 FR 47184)

14. AR 18–1

15. ER 11–2–101

16. ER 15–2–13

17. ER 500–1–1, 33 CFR part 203

18. ER 1110–2–241, 33 CFR part 208

19. ER 1110–2–1400

20. ER 1110–2–1402

21. ER 1110–2–1941

22. ER 1125–2–301

23. ER 1130–2–303

24. ER 1130–2–334

25. ER 1130–2–415

26. ER 1130–2–417

27. ER 1130–2–419

28. EM 1110–2–3600

Appendix B to §222.5—Summary of Corps of Engineers Responsibilities for Prescribing Regulations for Non-Corps Reservoir Projects


1. (a) “Regulations for Use of Storage Allocated for Flood Control or Navigation and/or Project Operation at Reservoirs subject to Prescription of Rules and Regulations by the Secretary of the Army in the Interest of Flood Control and Navigation” (33 CFR 208.11) prescribe the responsibilities and general procedures for regulating reservoir projects capable of regulation for flood control or navigation and the use of storage allocated for such purposes and provided on the basis of flood control and navigation, except projects owned and operated by the Corps of Engineers; the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico; and those under the jurisdiction of the International Joint Commission, United States and Canada, and the Columbia River Treaty.

(b) Pertinent information on projects for which regulations are prescribed under Section 7 of the 1944 Flood Control Act, (Pub. L. 78–58 Stat. 890 (33 U.S.C. 709)) the Federal Power Act (41 Stat. 1063 (16 U.S.C. 791(A))) and Section 9 of Pub. L. 436–83d Congress (68 Stat. 303) is published in the Federal Register in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11.

Publication in the Federal Register establishes the fact and the date of a project's regulation plan promulgation.

2. Section 7 of Act of Congress approved 22 December 1944 (58 Stat. 890; 33 U.S.C. 709), reads as follows:

“Hereafter, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to prescribe regulations for the use of storage allocated for flood control or navigation at all reservoirs constructed wholly or in part with Federal funds provided on the basis of such purposes, and the operation of any such project shall be in accordance with such regulations: Provided, That this section shall not apply to the Tennessee Valley Authority, except that in case of danger from floods on the Lower Ohio and Mississippi Rivers the Tennessee Valley Authority is directed to regulate the release of water from the Tennessee River into the Ohio River in accordance with such instructions as may be issued by the War Department.”

3. Section 9(b) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939, approved 4 August 1939 (53 Stat. 1189, 43 U.S.C. 485), provides that the Secretary of the Interior may allocate to flood control or navigation as part of the cost of new projects or supplemental works; and that in connection therewith he shall consult with the Chief of Engineers and may perform any necessary investigations under a cooperative agreement with the Secretary of the Army. These projects are subject to 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.

4. Several dams have been constructed by State agencies under provisions of legislative acts wherein the Secretary of the Army is directed to prescribe rules and regulations for project operation in the interest of flood control and navigation. These projects are subject to 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.

5. There are few dams constructed under Emergency Conservation work authority or similar programs, where the Corps of Engineers has performed major repairs or rehabilitation, that are operated and maintained by local agencies which are subject to 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.

6. The Federal Power Act, approved 10 June 1920, as amended (41 Stat. 1063, 16 U.S.C. 791 (A)), established the Federal Power Commission, now Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), with authority to issue licenses for constructing, operating, and maintaining dams or other project works for the development of navigation, for utilization of water power and for other beneficial public uses in any streams over which Congress has jurisdiction. The Chief of Engineers is called upon for advice and assistance as needed in formulating reservoir regulation requirements somewhat as follows:

a. In response to requests from the FERC, opinions and technical appraisals are furnished by the Corps of Engineers for consideration prior to issuance of licenses by the FERC. Such assistance may be limited to general presentations, or may include relatively detailed proposals for water control plans, depending upon the nature and scope of projects under consideration. The information furnished is subject to such consideration and use as the Chairman, FERC, deems appropriate. This may result in inclusion of simple provisions in licenses without elaboration, or relatively detailed requirements for reservoir regulation schedules and plans.

b. Some special acts of Congress provide for construction of dams and reservoirs by non-Federal agencies or private firms under licenses issued by the FERC, subject to stipulation that the operation and maintenance of the dams shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations of the Secretary of the Army in the interest of flood control and navigation. Ordinarily no Federal funds are involved, thus Section 7 of the 1944 Flood Control Act does not apply. However, if issuance of regulations by the Secretary of the Army is required by the authority under which flood control or navigation provisions are included as functions of the specific project or otherwise specified in the FERC license, regulation plans will be prescribed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 regulations.

7. Projects constructed by the Corps of Engineers for local flood protection purposes are subject to conditions of local cooperation as provided in Section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved 22 June 1936, as amended. One of those conditions is that a responsible local agency will maintain and operate all works after completion in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. Most such projects consist mainly of levees and flood walls with appurtenant drainage structures. Regulations for operation and maintenance of these projects has been prescribed by the Secretary of the Army in 33 CFR 208.10. When a reservoir is included in such a project, it may be appropriate to apply 33 CFR 208.10 in establishing regulations for operation, without requiring their publication in the Federal Register. For example, if the reservoir controls a small drainage area, has an uncontrolled flood control outlet with automatic operation or contains less than 12,500 acre-feet of flood control or navigation storage, 33 CFR 208.10 may be suitable. However, 33 CFR 208.11 regulations normally would be applicable in prescribing flood control regulations for the individual reservoir, if the project has a gated flood control outlet by which the local agency can regulate floods.

8. Regulation plans for projects owned by the Corps of Engineers are not prescribed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11. However, regulation plans for projects constructed by the Corps of Engineers and turned over to other agencies or local interests for operation may be prescribed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11.

9. The Small Reclamation Projects Act of 6 August 1956 provides that the Secretary of the Interior may make loans or grants to local agencies for the construction of reclamation projects. Section 5 of the Act provides in part that the contract covering any such grant shall set forth that operation be in accordance with regulations prescribed by the head of the Federal department or agency primarily concerned. Normally, 33 CFR 208.11 is not applicable to these projects.

Appendix C to §222.5—Procedures for Developing and Processing Regulations for Non-Corps Projects in Conformance with 33 CFR 208.11

1. Sequence of actions. a. Discussions leading to a clarification of conditions governing allocations of storage capacity to flood control or navigation purposes and project regulation are initiated by District/Division Engineers through contacts with owners and/or operating agencies concerned at regional level.

b. Background information on the project and conditions requiring flood control or navigation services, and other relevant factors, are assembled by the District Engineer and incorporated in a “Preliminary Information Report”. The Preliminary Information Report will be submitted to the Division Engineer for review and approval. Normally, the agency having jurisdiction over the particular project is expected to furnish information on project features, the basis for storage allocations and any other available data pertinent to the studies. The Corps of Engineers supplements this information as required.

c. Studies required to develop reservoir regulation schedules and plans usually will be conducted by Corps of Engineers personnel at District level, except where the project regulation affects flows in more than one district, in which case the studies will be conducted by or under supervision of Division personnel. Assistance as may be available from the project operating agency or others concerned will be solicited.

d. When necessary agreements are reached at district level, and regulations developed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 and EM 1110–2–3600, they will be submitted to the Division Commander for review and approval, with information copies for DAEN-CWE-HW. Usually the regulations include diagrams of operating parameters.

e. For projects owned by the Bureau of Reclamation, the respective Regional Directors are designated as duly authorized representatives of the Commissioner of Reclamation. By letter of 20 October 1976, the Commissioner delegated responsibilities to the Regional Directors as follows: “Regarding the designated authorization of representatives of the Commissioner of Reclamation in matters relating to the development and processing of Section 7 flood control regulations, we are designating each Regional Director as our duly authorized representative to sign all letters of understanding, water control agreements, water control diagrams, water control release schedules and other documents which may become part of the prescribed regulations. The Regional Director also will be responsible for obtaining the signature of the designated operating agency on these documents where such is required. Regarding internal coordination within the Bureau of Reclamation, the Regional Directors will obtain the review and approval of this office and at appropriate offices with our Engineering and Research Center, Denver, Colorado, prior to signing water control documents.”

f. In accordance with the delegation cited in paragraph e, 33 CFR 208.11 regulations pertaining to Bureau of Reclamation projects will be processed as follows:

(1) After regulation documents submitted by District Commanders are reviewed and approved by the Division Commander they are transmitted to the respective Regional Director of the Bureau of Reclamation for concurrence of comment, with a request that tracings of regulation diagrams be signed and returned to the Division Commander.

(2) If any questions arise at this stage appropriate actions are taken to resolve differences. Otherwise, the duplicate tracings of the regulation diagram are signed by the Division Commander and transmitted to the office of the project owner for filing.

(3) After full agreement has been reached in steps (1) and (2), the text of proposed regulations is prepared in final form. Copies of any diagrams involved are included for information only.

(4) A letter announcing completion of action on processing the regulations, with pertinent project data as specified in paragraph 208.11(d)(11) of 33 CFR 208.11, and one copy of the signed tracings of diagrams are forwarded to HQDA (DAEN-CWE-HW) WASH DC 20314 for promulgation and filing. The office of the Chief of Engineers will forward the pertinent project data to the Liaison Officer with the Federal Register, requesting publication in the Federal Register.

g. Regulations developed in accordance with 33 CFR 208.11 and applicable to projects that are not under supervision of the Bureau of Reclamation are processed in substantially the manner described above. All coordination required between the Corps of Engineers and the operating agency will be accomplished at field level.

h. Upon completion of actions listed above, Division Commanders are responsible for informing the operating agencies at field level that regulations have been promulgated.

2. Signature blocks: Some 33 CFR 208.11 regulations contain diagrams of parameter curves that cannot be published in the Federal Register, but are made a part thereof by appropriate reference. Each diagram bears a title block with spaces for the signature of authenticating officials of the Corps of Engineers and the owner/operating agency of the project involved.

3. Designation of Corps of Engineers Representatives. Division Commanders are designated representatives of the Chief of Engineers in matters relating to development and processing of 33 CFR 208.11 regulations for eventual promulgation through publication of selected data specified in paragraph (d)(11) §208.11. Division Commanders are designated as the Corps of Engineers signee on all letters of understanding, water control agreements and other documents which may become part of prescribed regulations for projects located in their respective geographic areas, and which are subject to the provisions of 33 CFR 208.11.

Appendix D to § 222.5_Sample Tabulation
Bardwell Lake, Monthly Lake Report, May 1975
Elevations 0800: Storage Evap Pump Release Inflow Rain,
Day 2,400 feet-MSL 2400 A-F DSF DSF DSF adj. DSF inch
1.................................... 421.30 421.31 55979 28 2.0 0 84 0.00
2.................................... 421.32 421.37 56196 5 2.0 0 117 .00
3.................................... 421.43 421.44 56449 23 1.9 0 152 .14
4.................................... 421.45 421.47 56558 1 1.8 0 58 .00
5.................................... 421.49 421.34 56088 1 2.0 324 50 .00
6.................................... 421.20 421.01 54902 14 1.9 632 50 .00
7.................................... 420.88 420.89 54473 4 2.0 269 59 .09
8.................................... 420.89 420.91 54544 5 2.3 0 44 .00
9.................................... 420.90 420.89 54473 11 1.5 0 38 .00
10................................... 420.90 420.90 54509 28 3.0 0 27 .00
11................................... 420.91 421.35 56124 26 1.8 0 824 .00
12................................... 421.54 421.65 57213 31 2.1 0 582 1.61
13................................... 421.70 421.75 57578 29 2.2 0 216 .00
14................................... 421.78 421.76 57614 34 1.9 249 303 .03
15................................... 421.69 421.52 56739 22 1.9 643 225 .57
16................................... 421.39 421.28 55871 39 2.1 535 138 .00
17................................... 421.19 421.09 55188 10 2.2 393 119 .00
18................................... 421.03 421.05 55045 46 2.0 143 60 .00
19................................... 421.04 421.07 55116 17 2.3 0 55 .00
20................................... 421.06 421.30 55943 21 2.1 0 440 .21
21................................... 421.39 421.47 56558 20 2.1 0 332 .97
22................................... 421.50 421.39 56268 42 2.1 247 145 .00
23................................... 421.37 424.91 69726 31 2.0 328 7146 .22
24................................... 425.61 426.15 74825 22 2.0 0 2595 2.38
25................................... 426.15 426.55 76523 18 2.3 0 876 .11
26................................... 426.72 426.80 77598 42 2.1 0 586 .00
27................................... 426.95 427.00 78465 23 2.0 0 462 .00
28................................... 427.14 427.15 79116 31 2.1 0 361 .19
29................................... 427.31 427.70 81528 61 1.9 0 1279 .20
30................................... 427.94 428.05 83082 11 2.0 0 796 1.02
31................................... 428.20 428.22 83837 7 2.1 0 389 .00
Monthly total:
(DSF).............................. ................ ......... 700 64 3763 18626 7.74
(A-F).............................. ................ 27966 1389 126 7464 36945 .......

Appendix E to § 222.5_List of Projects
Elev limits feet Area in acres
Project Storage M.S.L. --------------------
Project name \1\ State/county Stream \1\ purpose \2\ 1,000 AF -------------------- Auth legis \3\
Upper Lower Upper Lower
Lower Mississippi Valley Division
Alligator_Catfish FG......... MS Issaquena.... Little F 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 FCA Jun 36.
Arkabutla Lk................. MS Desoto....... Coldwater...... F 525.0 238.3 209.3 33,400 5,100 FCA Jun 36.
Ascalmore_Tippo FG & CS.. MS Tallahatchie. Ascalmore...... F 0.0 136.0 118.0 0 0 FCA Jun 36.
Bienvenue FG................. LA St Bernard... Bayou Bienvenue F 0.0 2.0 2.0 0 0 PL 298-89
Big Lk Ditch #81 CS.......... AR Mississippi.. Ditch 81 C 0.0 0.0 230.0 0 0 FCA Oct 65.
Big Lk Div CS................ AR Mississippi.. Little R....... C 0.0 0.0 230.0 0 0 FCA Oct 65.
Big Lk North End CS.......... AR Mississippi.. Little R....... C 0.0 0.0 230.0 0 0 FCA Oct 65.
Big Lk South end CS.......... AR Mississippi.. Ditch 28....... C 0.0 0.0 230.0 0 0 FCA Oct 65.
Birds Point_New Madrid Div MO New Madrid... Mississippi.... F 0.0 330.5 328.5 131,000 71,000 FCA May 28.
Bodcau Lk.................... LA Bossier...... Bayou Bodcau... F 35.3 199.5 157.0 21,000 110 PL 74-839.
Bonnet Carre Div Spillway.... LA St Charles... Mississippi R.. F 0.0 24.0 20.0 0 0 FCA May 28.
Bowman Lock.................. LA Vermilion.... GIWW........... I 0.0 1.2 1.2 0 0 PL 79-14.
Caddo Lk..................... LA Caddo........ Cypress Bayou.. N 128.6 182.7 168.5 59,000 26,800 FCA Oct 65.
Cairo 10th & 20th St PS.. IL Pulaski...... Ohio........... F 0.0 310.5 299.0 0 0 PL 90-483.
Calcasieu SW Barrier & LA Calcasieu.... Calcasieu R.... I 0.0 1.2 1.2 0 0 RHA Oct 62.
Lock. PL 79-525.
Calion L&D............... AR Union........ Ouachita....... N 0.0 77.0 77.0 12,200 12,200 RHA 1950.
Calument FG East & West.. LA St Mary...... Wax Lake Outlet FN 0.0 3.0 3.0 0 0 FCA Jun 36.
Bayou Teche.
Cannon Re-reg................ MO Ralls........ Salt R......... PCA 5.8 528.0 521.0 1,020 460 HD 507.
Carlyle Lk................... IL Clinton...... Kaskaskia R.... F 699.0 462.5 445.0 50,440 24,580 SD 44.
NMCAR 233.0 445.0 429.5 0 7,100 .......................
Catahoula Lk CS.............. LA LaSalle...... Catahoula Div.. CR 118.0 34.0 27.0 25,000 94 RHA 1960.
Catfish Point CS............. LA Cameron...... Mermentau R.... FN 0.0 1.2 1.2 0 0 FCA Aug 41, RHA Jul 64.
Charenton FG................. LA St Mary...... Grand Lk....... FN 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 RHA Jul 46, FCA May 28.
Cocodrie FG FG............... LA Concorida.... Bayou Cocodrie. F 0.0 46.0 13.0 0 0 FCA Aug 41.
Collins Cr................... MS Warren....... Collins Cr..... F 0.0 84.0 67.0 0 0 FCA 1941.
Columbia L&D............. LA Caldwell..... Ouachita....... N 0.0 52.0 52.0 7,070 7,070 RHA 1950.
Connerly CS.................. AR Chicot....... Connerly Bayou. FCR 0.0 116.0 106.0 0 0 FCA Aug 68.
Courtableau Drainage CS...... LA St Landry.... Bayou F 0.0 18.0 16.0 0 0 FCA May 28, PL 391-70.
Darbonne CS.................. LA St. Landry... Bayou Darbonne. FI 0.0 18.0 16.0 0 0 FCA May 28, PL 391-70.
DeGray LK.................... AR Desoto....... Caddo.......... FNPMRA 881.9 423.0 345.0 23,800 6,400 RHA 1950, WSA 1958.
DeGray Rereg. St............. AR Clark........ Caddo.......... NMRA 3.6 221.0 209.0 430 90 RHA 1950. WSA 1958.
Ditch Bayou Dam.............. AR Chicot....... Ditch Bayou.... FCR 0.0 106.0 93.0 0 0 FCA Aug 68.
Drainage Dist #17 PS......... AR Mississippi.. Ditch 71....... F 3.0 236.0 228.0 4,100 0 FCA Aug 68, PL 90-483.
Drinkwater PS................ MO Mississippi.. Drinkwater F 20.6 315.0 307.0 4,000 700 FCA May 50, PL 516.
Dupre FG..................... LA St Bernard... Bayou Dupre.... F 0.0 2.0 2.0 0 0 PL 298-89.
East St Louis PS............. IL St. Clair.... IDD............ F 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 FC Act 36.
Empire FG Hurr Prot & LA Plaque mines. Mississippi R.. F 0.0 5.0 5.0 0 0 PL 874-87.
Enid Lk...................... MS Yalobusha.... Yacona......... F 660.0 268.0 230.0 28,000 6,100 FCA Jun 36.
Felsenthal L&D........... AR Union........ Ouachita....... N 32.5 70.0 65.0 46,500 17,500 RHA 1950.
Finley Street PS............. TN Dyer......... Forked Deer.... F 0.5 269.0 257.0 94 22 FCA 1948, PL 85-500.
Freshwater Lock.............. LA Vermilion.... Freshwater I 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 PL 86-645.
Graham Burke PS.............. AR Phillips..... White.......... F 2,805.0 174.8 140.0 149,000 2,500 FCA May 28, PL 85-500.
Grenada Lk................... MS Grenada...... Yalobusha Skuna F 1,357.4 231.0 193.0 64,600 9,800 FCA Jun 36.
Huxtable PS.................. AR Lee.......... St Francis..... F 2,863.0 207.2 165.0 18,500 1,400 FCA May 50.
Jonesville L&D........... LA Catahoula.... Black.......... N 0.0 34.0 34.0 7,120 7,120 RHA 1950.
Kaskaskia L&D............ IL Randolph..... Kaskaskia R.... N 1.1 368.0 363.0 1,300 1,200 SD 44.
L&D 1.................... LA Catahula..... Red R.......... N 0.0 40.0 40.0 0 0 PL 90-483.
L&D 2.................... LA Rapides...... Red R.......... N 0.0 71.2 64.0 0 0 PL 90-483.
L&D 3.................... LA Rapides...... Red R.......... N 0.0 95.0 91.5 0 0 PL 90-483.
L&D 4.................... LA Natchitoches. Red R.......... N 0.0 120.0 119.6 0 0 PL 90-483.
L&D 5.................... LA Red R........ Red R.......... N 0.0 145.0 140.2 0 0 PL 90-483.
L&D 24................... MO Pike......... Mississippi R.. N 29.7 449.0 445.0 13,000 12,000 R&H Act, Jul 3/30.
R&H Act, Aug 30/35.
L&D 25................... MO Lincoln...... Mississippi R.. N 49.7 434.0 429.7 18,000 16,600 R&H Act, Jul 3/30.
R&H Act, 8/30/35.
L&D 26................... IL Madison...... Mississippi R.. N 107.1 419.0 414.0 30,000 27,700 R&H Act, Jul 3/30.
R&H Act, 8/30/1935.
Larose to Golden Meadow Hurr LA LaFourche.... Bayou LaFourche F 0.0 3.0 3.0 0 0 FCA Oct 65, PL 89-298.
Prot FG.
Little Sun flower CS......... MS Issaquena.... Lit. Sunflower. F 0.0 85.0 60.0 0 0 FCA 1941.
Lk #9 Culvert & PS....... KY Fulton....... Mississippi.... F 6.5 286.0 282.0 0 0 FCA Oct 65.
Lk Chicot PS................. AR Chicot....... Macon Lk....... FCR 0.0 118.2 90.0 0 0 FCA Aug 68.
Lk Greeson................... AR Pike......... Little Missouri P 0.0 563.0 436.9 0 0 FCA 1941.
FP 407.9 563.0 504.0 9,800 2,500 .......................
Lk Ouachita.................. AR Garland...... Ouachita....... P 0.0 592.0 480.0 0 0 FCA Dec 44.
Long Branch DS............... LA Catahoula.... Catahoula Div.. F 0.0 32.5 32.5 0 0 FCA May 50.
Mark Twain Lk................ MO Ralls........ Salt R......... F 894.0 638.0 606.0 38,400 18,600 HD 507.
PMCAR 457.0 606.0 567.2 18,600 5,900 .......................
Marked Tree Siphon........... AR Poinsett..... St. Francis.... F 0.0 229.0 198.3 0 0 FCA Jun 30.
Morganza Div CS.............. LA Point Coupee. Morganza F 0.0 59.5 49.0 0 0 FCA May 28.
Muddy Bayou CS............... MS Warren....... Muddy Bayou.... FC 30.0 76.9 70.0 4,350 2,860 FCA Oct 65.
Old River Div CS Low Sill LA W. Feliciana. Old R.......... F 0.0 70.0 5.0 0 0 PL 83-780.
Overbank & Aux.
Old River Lock............... LA W Feliciana.. Old R.......... N 0.0 65.4 10.0 0 0 FCA Sep 54, PL 780-83.
Port Allen Lock.............. LA Port Allen... GIWW........... N 0.0 46.1 2.6 0 0 RHA Jul 46.
Prairie Dupont East & IL St Clair..... IDD............ F 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 FC Act 62.
West PS.
Rapides-Boeuf Div Canal CS... LA Rapides...... Bayou Rapides.. F 0.0 66.0 62.2 0 0 FCA Aug 41, GD 359-77.
Rend Lk...................... IL Franklin..... Big Muddy R.... F 109.0 405.0 410.0 24,800 18,900 HD 541.
MA 160.0 405.0 391.3 18,900 5,400 .......................
Sardis Lk.................... MS Panola....... Little F 1,569.9 281.4 236.0 58,500 10,700 FCA Jun 36.
Schooner Bayou CS & Lock. LA Vermilion.... Schooner Bayou. I 0.0 1.2 1.2 0 0 FCA Aug 41.
Shelbyville Lk............... IL Shelby....... Kaskaskia R.... F 474.0 626.5 599.7 25,300 11,100 HD 232.
NMCAR 180.0 599.7 573.0 11,100 3,000 .......................
Sorrell Lock................. LA Iberville.... GIWW........... N 0.0 29.7 3.5 0 0 FCA May 28.
St Francis Lk CS............. AR Poinsett..... Oak Donnick C 0.0 0.0 210.0 0 2,240 FCA Oct 65.
Steele Bayou CS.............. MS Issaquena.... Steele Bayou... F 0.0 68.5 60.0 0 0 FCA 1941.
Tchula Lk Lower FG........... MS Humphreys.... Tchula Lk...... F 0.0 110.0 84.0 0 0 FCA Jun 36.
Tchula Lk Upper FG........... MS Humphreys.... Tchula Lk...... F 0.0 108.0 92.0 0 0 FCA Jun 36.
Teche-Vermilion PS & CS.. LA St Mary...... Atchafalaya R.. MI 0.1 18.0 16.0 0 0 PL 89-789, FCA May 28.
Tensas-Cocodrie PS........... LA Cocordia..... Bayou Corcodrie F 0.0 37.0 23.0 0 0 FCA Oct 65.
Treasure Island PS........... MO Dunklin...... Little R....... F 23.4 252.0 235.0 7,800 180 FCA Jul 46.
Wallace Lk................... LA Caddo........ Cypress Bayou.. F 96.1 158.0 142.0 9,300 2,300 RHA Mar 45, PL 75-761.
Wappapello Lk................ MO Wayne........ St Francis R... F 613.2 394.7 354.7 23,200 5,200 HD 159.
Wasp Lk...................... MS Humphreys.... Wasp Lk-Bear Cr F 0.0 111.6 88.5 0 0 FCA Jun 36.
West Hickman PS.............. KY Fulton....... Mississippi.... F 0.0 302.0 296.0 9 4 FCA 1948.
Wood R PS.................... IL Madison...... IDD............ F 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 FC Act 38.
Yazoo City PS................ MS Yazoo........ Yazoo.......... F 0.0 96.0 69.0 0 0 FCA Jun 36.
Missouri River Division
Bear Creek Dam & Res..... CO Jefferson.... Bear Cr........ F 28.8 5,635.5 5,558.0 718 109 PL 90-483.
FCR 1.9 5,558.0 5,528.0 109 17 SD 87-90.
Big Bend Dam & Lk Sharpe. SD Lyman Buffalo Missouri R..... F 61.0 1,423.0 1,422.0 61,000 60,000 PL 78-534.
FNPIMCAR 117.0 1,422.0 1,420.0 60,000 57,000 SD 247-78.
Blue Springs Dam & Lk.... MO Jackson...... Little Blue R.. F 15.8 820.0 802.0 982 722 PL 90-483.
FRC 10.8 802.0 760.0 722 0 HD 169-90.
Blue Stem Lake & Dam 4... NE Lancaster.... Olive Br. Salt F 7.2 1,322.5 1,307.4 660 315 PL 85-500.
FCR 3.0 1,307.4 1,277.0 315 1 HD 396-84.
Bowman-Haley Dam & Res... ND Bowman....... No Fk Grand F 72.7 2,777.0 2,754.8 5,131 1,732 PL 87-874.
FMCR 15.5 2,754.8 2,740.0 1,732 565 HD 574-87.
Branched Oak Lk & Dam 18. NE Lancaster.... Oak Creek trib. F 71.6 1,311.0 1,284.0 3,640 1,780 PL 85-500.
Salt Creek.
FCR 26.0 1,284.0 1,250.0 1,780 0 HD 396-84.
Bull Hook Dam................ MT Hill......... Bull Hook Cr F 6.5 2,593.0 2,540.0 283 0 PL 78-534.
Scott Coulee.
Cedar Canyon Dam............. SD Pennington... Deadman's Gulch F 0.1 3,545.0 3,526.0 11 2 PL 80-858.
Chatfield Dam & Res...... CO Douglas...... S Platte....... F 204.7 5,500.0 5,432.0 4,742 1,412 PL 81-516.
FQ 26.7 5,432.0 5,385.0 1,412 12 HD 669-80.
Cherry Cr Dam & Res...... CO Araphahoe.... Cherry Cr...... F 80.0 5,598.0 5,550.0 2,637 852 PL 77-228.
FR 14.0 5,550.0 5,504.0 852 0 HD 426-76, PL 78-534.
Clinton Dam & Lk......... KS Douglas...... Wakarusa R..... F 267.8 903.4 875.5 12,891 7,006 PL 87-874.
FMCAR 129.2 875.5 820.0 7,006 0 SD 122-87.
Cold Brook Dam & Res..... SD Fall River... Cold Brook..... F 6.7 3,651.4 3,585.0 198 36 PL 77-228.
FR 0.5 3,585.0 3,548.0 36 0 HD 655-76.
Conestoga Lake & Dam 12.. NE Lancaster.... Holmes Cr Trib F 8.0 1,252.0 1,232.9 620 230 PL 85-500.
to Salt Cr.
FCR 2.6 1,232.9 1,197.0 230 1 HD 396-84.
Cottonwood Springs Dam & SD Fall River... Cottonwood F 7.7 3,936.0 3,875.0 214 44 PL 77-228.
Res. Springs Cr.
FR 0.2 3,875.0 3,868.0 44 30 HD 655-76.
Fort Peck Dam & Res...... MT Valley, Mc Missouri R..... F 977.0 2,250.0 2,246.0 249,000 240,000 PL 73-409.
Cone Garfield.
FNPIMCAR 13,649.0 2,246.0 2,160.0 240,000 92,000 PL 75-529, HD 238-73.
PL 78-534, SD 247-78.
Fort Randall Dam, Lk Francis SD Gregory Missouri R..... F 985.0 1,375.0 1,365.0 102,000 95,000 PL 78-534.
Case. Charles.
FNPIMCAR 3,021.0 1,365.0 1,320.0 95,000 41,000 SD 247-78.
Garrison Dam, Lk Sakakawea... ND Mercer McLean Missouri R..... F 1,494.0 1,854.0 1,850.0 382,000 365,000 PL 78-534.
FNPIMCAR 17,440.0 1,850.0 1,775.0 365,000 129,000 SD 247-78.
Gavins Point Dam, Lewis & SD Yankton...... Missouri R..... F 61.0 1,210.0 1,208.0 32,000 29,000 PL 78-534.
Clark Lk.
NE Knox......... FNPIMCAR 95.0 1,208.0 1,204.5 29,000 25,000 SD 247-78.
Glenn Cunningham Lk, Dam 11.. NE Douglas...... Little F 14.0 1,142.0 1,121.0 922 392 PL 90-483.
Papillion Cr.
FRCA 3.9 1,121.0 1,085.0 392 0 HD 349-90.
Harlan County Lk............. NE Harlan....... Republican R... F 498.0 1,973.5 1,946.0 23,064 13,249 PL 77-228. (continued)