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(2) Those MTR facilities specifically designated as significant and substantial harm facilities by the COTP under §154.1016.

(d) An MTR facility owner or operator who believes the facility is improperly classified may request review and reclassification in accordance with §154.1075.

§ 154.1016 Facility classification by COTP.
(a) The COTP may upgrade the classification of:

(1) An MTR facility not specified in §154.1015 (b) or (c) to a facility that could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment; or

(2) An MTR facility specified in §154.1015(b) to a facility that could reasonably be expected to cause significant and substantial harm to the environment.

(b) The COTP may downgrade, the classification of:

(1) An MTR facility specified in §154.1015(c) to a facility that could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment; or

(2) An MTR facility specified in §154.1015(b) to a facility that could not reasonably be expected to cause substantial, or significant and substantial harm to the environment.

(3) The COTP will consider downgrading an MTR facility's classification only upon receiving a written request for a downgrade of classification from the facility's owner or operator.

(c) When changing a facility classification the COTP may, as appropriate, consider all relevant factors including, but not limited to: Type and quantity of oils handled in bulk; facility spill history; age of facility; proximity to public and commercial water supply intakes; proximity to navigable waters based on the definition of navigable waters in 33 CFR 2.05–25; and proximity to fish and wildlife and sensitive environments.

§ 154.1017 Response plan submission requirements.
(a) The owner or operator of an MTR facility identified only in §154.1015(b), or designated by the COTP as a substantial harm facility, shall prepare and submit to the cognizant COTP a response plan that meets the requirements of §§154.1030, 154.1040, 154.1045, or §154.1047, as appropriate. This applies to:

(1) A mobile MTR facility used or intended to be used to transfer oil to or from a vessel with a capacity of 250 barrels or more; and

(2) A fixed MTR facility specifically designated as a substantial harm facility by the COTP under §154.1016.

(b) The owner or operator of an MTR facility identified in §154.1015(c) or designated by the COTP as a significant and substantial harm facility shall prepare and submit for review and approval of the cognizant COTP a response plan that meets the requirements of §§154.1030, 154.1035, 154.1045, or 154.1047, as appropriate. This applies to:

(1) A fixed MTR facility capable of transferring oil, in bulk, to or from a vessel with a capacity of 250 barrels or more; and

(2) An MTR facility specifically designated as a significant and substantial harm facility by the COTP under §154.1016.

(c) In addition to the requirements in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, the response plan for a mobile MTR facility must meet the requirements of §154.1041 subpart F.

§ 154.1020 Definitions.
Except as otherwise defined in this section, the definition in 33 CFR 154.105 apply to this subpart and subparts H and I.

Adverse weather means the weather conditions that will be considered when identifying response systems and equipment in a response plan for the applicable operating environment. Factors to consider include, but are not limited to, significant wave height as specified in §§154.1045, 154.1047, 154.1225, or 154.1325, as appropriate; ice conditions, temperatures, weather-related visibility, and currents within the COTP zone in which the systems or equipment are intended to function.

Animal fat means a non-petroleum oil, fat, or grease derived from animals, and not specifically identified elsewhere in this part.

Average most probable discharge means a discharge of the lesser of 50 barrels or 1 percent of the volume of the worst case discharge.

Captain of the Port (COTP) Zone means a zone specified in 33 CFR part 3 and, where applicable, the seaward extension of that zone to the outer boundary of the exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

Complex means a facility possessing a combination of marine-transportation related and non-transportation-related components that is subject to the jurisdiction of more than one Federal agency under section 311(j) of the Clean Water Act.

Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) means the zone contiguous to the territorial sea of the United States extending to a distance up to 200 nautical miles from the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.

Facility that could reasonably be expected to cause significant and substantial harm means any MTR facility (including piping and any structures that are used for the transfer of oil between a vessel and a facility) classified as a “significant and substantial harm” facility under §154.1015(c) and §154.1216.

Facility that could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm means any MTR facility classified as a “substantial harm” facility under §154.1015(b) and §154.1216.

Fish and Wildlife and Sensitive Environment means areas that may be identified by either their legal designation or by Area Committees in the applicable Area Contingency Plan (ACP) (for planning) or by members of the Federal On-Scene Coordinator's spill response structure (during responses). These areas may include: Wetlands, national and state parks, critical habitats for endangered or threatened species, wilderness and natural resource areas, marine sanctuaries and estuarine reserves, conservation areas, preserves, wildlife areas, wildlife refuges, wild and scenic rivers, areas of economic importance, recreational areas, national forests, Federal and state lands that are research areas, heritage program areas, land trust areas, and historical and archaeological sites and parks. These areas may also include unique habitats such as: aquaculture sites and agricultural surface water intakes, bird nesting areas, critical biological resource areas, designated migratory routes, and designated seasonal habitats.

Great Lakes means Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, their connecting and tributary waters, the Saint Lawrence River as far as Saint Regis, and adjacent port areas.

Higher volume port area means the following ports:

(1) Boston, MA.

(2) New York, NY.

(3) Delaware Bay and River to Philadelphia, PA.

(4) St. Croix, VI.

(5) Pascagoula, MS.

(6) Mississippi River from Southwest Pass, LA. to Baton Rouge, LA.

(7) Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), LA.

(8) Lake Charles, LA.

(9) Sabine-Neches River, TX.

(10) Galveston Bay and Houston Ship Channel, TX.

(11) Corpus Christi, TX.

(12) Los Angeles/Long Beach harbor, CA.

(13) San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, Carquinez Strait, and Suisun Bay to Antioch, CA.

(14) Straits of Juan De Fuca from Port Angeles, WA, to and including Puget Sound, WA.

(15) Prince William Sound, AK.

Inland area means the area shoreward of the boundary lines defined in 46 CFR part 7, except in the Gulf of Mexico. In the Gulf of Mexico, it means the area shoreward of the lines of demarcation (COLREG lines) defined in §§80.740 through 80.850 of this chapter. The inland area does not include the Great Lakes.

Marine transportation-related facility (MTR facility) means any onshore facility or segment of a complex regulated under section 311(j) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA) by two or more Federal agencies, including piping and any structure used or intended to be used to transfer oil to or from a vessel, subject to regulation under this part and any deepwater port subject to regulation under part 150 of this chapter. For a facility or segment of a complex regulated by two or more Federal agencies under section 311(j) of the FWPCA, the MTR portion of the complex extends from the facility oil transfer system's connection with the vessel to the first valve inside the secondary containment surrounding tanks in the non-transportation-related portion of the facility or, in the absence of secondary containment, to the valve or manifold adjacent to the tanks comprising the non-transportation-related portion of the facility, unless another location has otherwise been agreed to by the COTP and the appropriate Federal official.

Maximum extent practicable means the planned capability to respond to a worst case discharge in adverse weather, as contained in a response plan that meets the criteria in this subpart or in a specific plan approved by the cognizant COTP.

Maximum most probable discharge means a discharge of the lesser of 1,200 barrels or 10 percent of the volume of a worst case discharge.

Nearshore area means the area extending seaward 12 miles from the boundary lines defined in 46 CFR part 7, except in the Gulf of Mexico. In the Gulf of Mexico, it means the area extending seaward 12 miles from the line of demarcation (COLREG lines) defined in §§80.740–80.850 of this chapter.

Non-persistent or Group I oil means a petroleum-based oil that, at the time of shipment, consists of hydrocarbon fractions—

(1) At least 50 percent of which by volume, distill at a temperature of 340 degrees C (645 degrees F); and

(2) At least 95 percent of which by volume, distill at a temperature of 370 degrees C (700 degrees F).

Ocean means the offshore area and nearshore area as defined in this subpart.

Offshore area means the area beyond 12 nautical miles measured from the boundary lines defined in 46 CFR part 7 extending seaward to 50 nautical miles, except in the Gulf of Mexico. In the Gulf of Mexico, it is the area beyond 12 nautical miles of the line of demarcation (COLREG lines) defined in §§80.740–80.850 of this chapter extending seaward to 50 nautical miles.

Oil means oil of any kind or in any form, including, but not limited to, petroleum, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse, oil mixed with wastes other than dredge spoil.

Oil spill removal organization (OSRO) means an entity that provides response resources.

On-Scene Coordinator (OSC) means the definition in the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (40 CFR part 300).

Operating area means Rivers and Canals, Inland, Nearshore, Great Lakes, or Offshore geographic location(s) in which a facility is handling, storing, or transporting oil.

Operating environment means Rivers and Canals, Inland, Great Lakes, or Ocean. These terms are used to define the conditions in which response equipment is designed to function.

Operating in compliance with the plan means operating in compliance with the provisions of this subpart including, ensuring the availability of the response resources by contract or other approved means, and conducting the necessary training and drills.

Other non-petroleum oil means a non-petroleum oil of any kind that is not generally an animal fat or vegetable oil.

Persistent oil means a petroleum-based oil that does not meet the distillation criteria for a non-persistent oil. For the purposes of this subpart, persistent oils are further classified based on specific gravity as follows:

(1) Group II—specific gravity of less than .85.

(2) Group III—specific gravity equal to or greater than .85 and less than .95.

(3) Group IV—specific gravity equal to or greater than .95 and less than or equal to 1.0.

(4) Group V—specific gravity greater than 1.0.

Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual means a person located in the United States who meets the requirements of §154.1026.

Response activities means the containment and removal of oil from the land, water, and shorelines, the temporary storage and disposal of recovered oil, or the taking of other actions as necessary to minimize or mitigate damage to the public health or welfare or the environment.

Response resources means the personnel, equipment, supplies, and other capability necessary to perform the response activities identified in a response plan.

Rivers and canals means a body of water confined within the inland area, including the Intracoastal Waterways and other waterways artificially created for navigation, that has a project depth of 12 feet or less.

Specific gravity means the ratio of the mass of a given volume of liquid at 15 °C (60 °F) to the mass of an equal volume of pure water at the same temperature.

Spill management team means the personnel identified to staff the organizational structure identified in a response plan to manage response plan implementation.

Substantial threat of a discharge means any incident or condition involving a facility that may create a risk of discharge of oil. Such incidents include, but are not limited to storage tank or piping failures, above ground or underground leaks, fires, explosions, flooding, spills contained within the facility, or other similar occurrences.

Tier means the combination of required response resources and the times within which the resources must arrive on scene.

[Note: Tiers are applied in three categories:

(1) Higher Volume Port Areas,

(2) Great Lakes, and

(3) All other operating environments, including rivers and canals, inland, nearshore, and offshore areas.

Appendix C, Table 4 of this part, provides specific guidance on calculating response resources. Sections 154.1045(f) and 154.1135, set forth the required times within which the response resources must arrive on-scene.]

Vegetable oil means a non-petroleum oil or fat derived from plant seeds, nuts, kernels or fruits, and not specifically identified elsewhere in this part.

Worst case discharge means in the case of an onshore facility and deepwater port, the largest foreseeable discharge in adverse weather conditions meeting the requirements of §154.1029.

[CGD 91–036, 61 FR 7917, Feb. 29, 1996, as amended by USCG–1999–5149, 65 FR 40825, June 30, 2000]

§ 154.1025 Operating restrictions and interim operating authorization.
(a) The owner or operator of an MTR facility who submitted a response plan prior to May 29, 1996, may elect to comply with any of the provisions of this final rule by revising the appropriate section of the previously submitted plan in accordance with §154.1065. An owner or operator of an MTR facility who elects to comply with all sections of this final rule must resubmit the plan in accordance with §154.1060 of this part.

(b) No facility subject to this subpart may handle, store, or transport oil unless it is operating in full compliance with a submitted response plan. No facility categorized under §154.1015(c) as a significant and substantial harm facility may handle, store, or transport oil unless the submitted response plan has been approved by the COTP. The owner or operator of each new facility to which this subpart applies must submit a response plan meeting the requirements listed in §154.1017 not less than 60 days prior to handling, storing, or transporting oil. Where applicable, the response plan shall be submitted along with the letter of intent required under §154.110.

(c) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section, a facility categorized under §154.1015(c) as a significant and substantial harm facility may continue to handle, store, or transport oil for 2 years after the date of submission of a response plan, pending approval of that plan. To continue to handle, store, or transport oil without a plan approved by the COTP, the facility owner or operator shall certify in writing to the COTP that the owner or operator has ensured, by contract or other approved means as described in §154.1028(a), the availability of the necessary private personnel and equipment to respond, to the maximum extend practicable to a worst case discharge or substantial threat of such a discharge from the facility. Provided that the COTP is satisfied with the certification of response resources provided by the owner or operator of the facility, the COTP will provide written authorization for the facility to handle, store, or transport oil while the submitted response plan is being reviewed. Pending approval of the submitted response plan, deficiencies noted by the COTP must be corrected in accordance with §154.1070.

(d) A facility may not continue to handle, store, or transport oil if—

(1) The COTP determines that the response resources identified in the facility certification statement or reference response plan do not substantially meet the requirements of this subpart;

(2) The contracts or agreements cited in the facility's certification statement or referenced response plans are no longer valid;

(3) The facility is not operating in compliance with the submitted plan;

(4) The response plan has not been resubmitted or approved within the last 5 years; or

(5) The period of the authorization under paragraph (c) of this section has expired.

§ 154.1026 Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual.
(a) The response plan must identify a qualified individual and at least one alternate who meet the requirements of this section. The qualified individual or alternate must be available on a 24-hour basis and be able to arrive at the facility in a reasonable time.

(b) The qualified individual and alternate must:

(1) Be located in the United States;

(2) Speak fluent English;

(3) Be familiar with the implementation of the facility response plan; and

(4) Be trained in the responsibilities of the qualified individual under the response plan.

(c) The owner or operator shall provide each qualified individual and alternate qualified individual identified in the plan with a document designating them as a qualified individual and specifying their full authority to:

(1) Activate and engage in contracting with oil spill removal organization(s);

(2) Act as a liaison with the predesignated Federal On-Scene Coordinator (OSC); and

(3) Obligate funds required to carry out response activities.

(d) The owner or operator of a facility may designate an organization to fulfill the role of the qualified individual and the alternate qualified individual. The organization must then identify a qualified individual and at least one alternate qualified individual who meet the requirements of this section. The facility owner or operator is required to list in the response plan the organization, the person identified as the qualified individual, and the person or person(s) identified as the alternate qualified individual(s).

(e) The qualified individual is not responsible for—

(1) The adequacy of response plans prepared by the owner or operator; or

(2) Contracting or obligating funds for response resources beyond the authority contained in their designation from the owner or operator of the facility.

(f) The liability of a qualified individual is considered to be in accordance with the provisions of 33 USC 1321(c)(4).

§ 154.1028 Methods of ensuring the availability of response resources by contract or other approved means.
(a) When required in this subpart, the availability of response resources must be ensured by the following methods:

(1) A written contractual agreement with an oil spill removal organization. The agreement must identify and ensure the availability of specified personnel and equipment required under this subpart within stipulated response times in the specified geographic areas;

(2) Certification by the facility owner or operator that specified personnel and equipment required under this subpart are owned, operated, or under the direct control of the facility owner or operator, and are available within stipulated response times in the specified geographic areas;

(3) Active membership in a local or regional oil spill removal organization that has identified specified personnel and equipment required under this subpart that are available to respond to a discharge within stipulated response times in the specified geographic areas;

(4) A document which—

(i) Identifies the personnel, equipment, and services capable of being provided by the oil spill removal organization within stipulated response times in the specified geographic areas;

(ii) Sets out the parties' acknowledgment that the oil spill removal organization intends to commit the resources in the event of a response;

(iii) Permits the Coast Guard to verify the availability of the identified response resources through tests, inspections, and drills; and

(iv) Is referenced in the response plan; or

(5) The identification of an oil spill removal organization with specified equipment and personnel available within stipulated response times in specified geographic areas. The organization must provide written consent to being identified in the plan.

(b) The contracts and documents required in paragraph (a) of this section must be retained at the facility and must be produced for review upon request by the COTP.

§ 154.1029 Worst case discharge.
(a) The response plan must use the appropriate criteria in this section to develop the worst case discharge.

(b) For the MTR segment of a facility, not less than—

(1) Where applicable, the loss of the entire capacity of all in-line and break out tank(s) needed for the continuous operation of the pipelines used for the purposes of handling or transporting oil, in bulk, to or from a vessel regardless of the presence of secondary containment; plus

(2) The discharge from all piping carrying oil between the marine transfer manifold and the non-transportation-related portion of the facility. The discharge from each pipe is calculated as follows: The maximum time to discover the release from the pipe in hours, plus the maximum time to shut down flow from the pipe in hours (based on historic discharge data or the best estimate in the absence of historic discharge data for the facility) multiplied by the maximum flow rate expressed in barrels per hour (based on the maximum relief valve setting or maximum system pressure when relief valves are not provided) plus the total line drainage volume expressed in barrels for the pipe between the marine manifold and the non-transportation-related portion of the facility; and

(c) For a mobile facility it means the loss of the entire contents of the container in which the oil is stored or transported.

§ 154.1030 General response plan contents.
(a) The plan must be written in English.

(b) A response plan must be divided into the sections listed in this paragraph and formatted in the order specified herein unless noted otherwise. It must also have some easily found marker identifying each section listed below. The following are the sections and subsections of a facility response plan:

(1) Introduction and plan contents.

(2) Emergency response action plan:

(i) Notification procedures.

(ii) Facility's spill mitigation procedures.

(iii) Facility's response activities.

(iv) Fish and wildlife and sensitive environments.

(v) Disposal plan.

(3) Training and Exercises:

(i) Training procedures.

(ii) Exercise procedures.

(4) Plan review and update procedures.

(5) Appendices.

(i) Facility-specific information.

(ii) List of contacts.

(iii) Equipment lists and records.

(iv) Communications plan.

(v) Site-specific safety and health plan.

(vi) List of acronyms and definitions.

(vii) A geographic-specific appendix for each zone in which a mobile facility operates.

(c) The required contents for each section and subsection of the plan are contained in §§154.1035, 154.1040, and 154.1041, as appropriate.

(d) The sections and subsections of response plans submitted to the COTP must contain at a minimum all the information required in §§154.1035, 154.1040, and 154.1041, as appropriate. It may contain other appropriate sections, subsections, or information that are required by other Federal, State, and local agencies.

(e) For initial and subsequent submission, a plan that does not follow the format specified in paragraph (b) of this section must be supplemented with a detailed cross-reference section to identify the location of the applicable sections required by this subpart.

(f) The information contained in a response plan must be consistent with the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (NCP) (40 CFR part 300) and the Area Contingency Plan(s) (ACP) covering the area in which the facility operates. Facility owners or operators shall ensure that their response plans are in accordance with the ACP in effect 6 months prior to initial plan submission or the annual plan review required under §154.1065(a). Facility owners or operators are not required to, but may at their option, conform to an ACP which is less than 6 months old at the time of plan submission.

§ 154.1035 Specific requirements for facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause significant and substantial harm to the environment.
(a) Introduction and plan content. This section of the plan must include facility and plan information as follows:

(1) The facility's name, street address, city, county, state, ZIP code, facility telephone number, and telefacsimile number, if so equipped. Include mailing address if different from street address.

(2) The facility's location described in a manner that could aid both a reviewer and a responder in locating the specific facility covered by the plan, such as, river mile or location from a known landmark that would appear on a map or chart.

(3) The name, address, and procedures for contacting the facility's owner or operator on a 24-hour basis.

(4) A table of contents.

(5) During the period that the submitted plan does not have to conform to the format contained in this subpart, a cross index, if appropriate.

(6) A record of change(s) to record information on plan updates.

(b) Emergency Response Action Plan. This section of the plan must be organized in the subsections described in this paragraph:

(1) Notification procedures. (i) This subsection must contain a prioritized list identifying the person(s), including name, telephone number, and their role in the plan, to be notified of a discharge or substantial threat of a discharge of oil. The telephone number need not be provided if it is listed separately in the list of contacts required in the plan. This Notification Procedures listing must include—

(A) Facility response personnel, the spill management team, oil spill removal organizations, and the qualified individual(s) and the designated alternate(s); and

(B) Federal, State, or local agencies, as required.

(ii) This subsection must include a form, such as that depicted in Figure 1, which contains information to be provided in the initial and follow-up notifications to Federal, State, and local agencies. The form shall include notification of the National Response Center as required in part 153 of this chapter. Copies of the form also must be placed at the location(s) from which notification may be made. The initial notification form must include space for the information contained in Figure 1. The form must contain a prominent statement that initial notification must not be delayed pending collection of all information.

Figure 1_Information on discharge *
[Involved Parties]
(A) Reporting party (B) Suspected responsible party
Name Name
Phones () - Phones () -
Company Company
Position Organization Type:
Address Private citizen
Address Private enterprise
Public utility
Local government
State government
Federal government
City City
State State
Zip Zip
* It is not necessary to wait for all information before calling NRC.
National Response Center_1-800-424-8802.

Were materials
Discharged (Y/
Calling for
Party (Y/N)
Incident Description
Source and/or
Cause of
Date - - Time:
Incident Address/
Location Nearest
Distance from
Storage Tank
ground (Y/N)
Below ground (Y/
N) Unknown
Facility Capacity
Tank Capacity
Latitude Degrees
Longitude Degrees
Mile Post or
River Mile
Discharge Unit of
Quantity Measure
Quantity in
Response Action
Actions Taken to
Correct or
Number of
Injuries Number
of Fatalities
Were there
Evacuations (Y/N/
U)? Number
Was there any
Damage (Y/N/U)?
Damage in
Additional Information
Any information
about the
Incident not
elsewhere in the
Caller Notifications

(2) Facility's spill mitigation procedures. (i) This subsection must describe the volume(s) and oil groups that would be involved in the—

(A) Average most probable discharge from the MTR facility;

(B) Maximum most probable discharge from the MTR facility;

(C) Worst case discharge from the MTR facility; and

(D) Where applicable, the worst case discharge from the non-transportation-related facility. This must be the same volume provided in the response plan for the non-transportation-related facility.

(ii) This subsection must contain prioritized procedures for facility personnel to mitigate or prevent any discharge or substantial threat of a discharge of oil resulting from operational activities associated with internal or external facility transfers including specific procedures to shut down affected operations. Facility personnel responsible for performing specified procedures to mitigate or prevent any discharge or potential discharge shall be identified by job title. A copy of these procedures shall be maintained at the facility operations center. These procedures must address actions to be taken by facility personnel in the event of a discharge, potential discharge, or emergency involving the following equipment and scenarios:

(A) Failure of manifold, mechanical loading arm, other transfer equipment, or hoses, as appropriate;

(B) Tank overfill;

(C) Tank failure;

(D) Piping rupture;

(E) Piping leak, both under pressure and not under pressure, if applicable;

(F) Explosion or fire; and

(G) Equipment failure (e.g. pumping system failure, relief valve failure, or other general equipment relevant to operational activities associated with internal or external facility transfers.)

(iii) This subsection must contain a listing of equipment and the responsibilities of facility personnel to mitigate an average most probable discharge.

(3) Facility's response activities. (i) This subsection must contain a description of the facility personnel's responsibilities to initiate a response and supervise response resources pending the arrival of the qualified individual.

(ii) This subsection must contain a description of the responsibilities and authority of the qualified individual and alternate as required in §154.1026.

(iii) This subsection must describe the organizational structure that will be used to manage the response actions. This structure must include the following functional areas.

(A) Command and control;

(B) Public information;

(C) Safety;

(D) Liaison with government agencies;

(E) Spill Operations;

(F) Planning;

(G) Logistics support; and

(H) Finance.

(iv) This subsection must identify the oil spill removal organizations and the spill management team to:

(A) Be capable of providing the following response resources:

(1) Equipment and supplies to meet the requirements of §§154.1045, 154.1047 or subparts H or I of this part, as appropriate; and

(2) Trained personnel necessary to continue operation of the equipment and staff of the oil spill removal organization and spill management team for the first 7 days of the response.

(B) This section must include job descriptions for each spill management team member within the organizational structure described in paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this section. These job descriptions should include the responsibilities and duties of each spill management team member in a response action.

(v) For mobile facilities that operate in more than one COTP zone, the plan must identify the oil spill removal organization and the spill management team in the applicable geographic-specific appendix. The oil spill removal organization(s) and the spill management team discussed in paragraph (b)(3)(iv)(A) of this section must be included for each COTP zone in which the facility will handle, store, or transport oil in bulk.

(4) Fish and wildlife and sensitive environments. (i) This section of the plan must identify areas of economic importance and environmental sensitivity, as identified in the ACP, which are potentially impacted by a worst case discharge. ACPs are required under section 311(j)(4) of the FWPCA to identify fish and wildlife and sensitive environments. The applicable ACP shall be used to designate fish and wildlife and sensitive environments in the plan. Changes to the ACP regarding fish and wildlife and sensitive environments shall be included in the annual update of the response plan, when available.

(ii) For a worst case discharge from the facility, this section of the plan must—

(A) List all fish and wildlife and sensitive environments identified in the ACP which are potentially impacted by a discharge of persistent oils, non-persistent oils, or non-petroleum oils.

(B) Describe all the response actions that the facility anticipates taking to protect these fish and wildlife and sensitive environments.

(C) Contain a map or chart showing the location of those fish and wildlife and sensitive environments which are potentially impacted. The map or chart shall also depict each response action that the facility anticipates taking to protect these areas. A legend of activities must be included on the map page.

(iii) For a worst case discharge, this section must identify appropriate equipment and required personnel, available by contract or other approved means as described in §154.1028, to protect fish and wildlife and sensitive environments which fall within the distances calculated using the methods outlined in this paragraph as follows:

(A) Identify the appropriate equipment and required personnel to protect all fish and wildlife and sensitive environments in the ACP for the distances, as calculated in paragraph (b)(4)(iii)(B) of this section, that the persistent oils, non-persistent oils, or non-petroleum oils are likely to travel in the noted geographic area(s) and number of days listed in Table 2 of appendix C of this part;

(B) Calculate the distances required by paragraph (b)(4)(iii)(A) of this section by selecting one of the methods described in this paragraph;

(1) Distances may be calculated as follows:

(i) For persistent oils and non-petroleum oils discharged into non-tidal waters, the distance from the facility reached in 48 hours at maximum current.

(ii) For persistent and non-petroleum oils discharged into tidal waters, 15 miles from the facility down current during ebb tide and to the point of maximum tidal influence or 15 miles, whichever is less, during flood tide.

(iii) For non-persistent oils discharged into non-tidal waters, the distance from the facility reached in 24 hours at maximum current.

(iv) For non-persistent oils discharged into tidal waters, 5 miles from the facility down current during ebb tide and to the point of maximum tidal influence or 5 miles, whichever is less, during flood tide.

(2) A spill trajectory or model may be substituted for the distances calculated under paragraph (b)(4)(iii)(B)(l) of this section. The spill trajectory or model must be acceptable to the COTP.

(3) The procedures contained in the Environmental Protection's Agency's regulations on oil pollution prevention for non-transportation-related onshore facilities at 40 CFR part 112, appendix C, Attachment C-III may be substituted for the distances listed in non-tidal and tidal waters; and

(C) Based on historical information or a spill trajectory or model, the COTP may require the additional fish and wildlife and sensitive environments also be protected.

(5) Disposal Plan. This subsection must describe any actions to be taken or procedures to be used to ensure that all recovered oil and oil contaminated debris produced as a result of any discharge are disposed according to Federal, state, or local requirements.

(c) Training and exercises. This section must be divided into the following two subsections:

(1) Training procedures. This subsection must describe the training procedures and programs of the facility owner or operator to meet the requirements in §154.1050.

(2) Exercise procedures. This subsection must describe the exercise program to be carried out by the facility owner or operator to meet the requirements in §154.1055.

(d) Plan review and update procedures. This section must address the procedures to be followed by the facility owner or operator to meet the requirements of §154.1065 and the procedures to be followed for any post-discharge review of the plan to evaluate and validate its effectiveness.

(e) Appendices. This section of the response plan must include the appendices described in this paragraph.

(1) Facility-specific information. This appendix must contain a description of the facility's principal characteristics.

(i) There must be a physical description of the facility including a plan of the facility showing the mooring areas, transfer locations, control stations, locations of safety equipment, and the location and capacities of all piping and storage tanks.

(ii) The appendix must identify the sizes, types, and number of vessels that the facility can transfer oil to or from simultaneously.

(iii) The appendix must identify the first valve(s) on facility piping separating the transportation-related portion of the facility from the non-transportation-related portion of the facility, if any. For piping leading to a manifold located on a dock serving tank vessels, this valve is the first valve inside the secondary containment required by 40 CFR part 112.

(iv) The appendix must contain information on the oil(s) and hazardous material handled, stored, or transported at the facility in bulk. A material safety data sheet meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200, 33 CFR 154.310(a)(5) or an equivalent will meet this requirement. This information can be maintained separately providing it is readily available and the appendix identifies its location. This information must include—

(A) The generic or chemical name;

(B) A description of the appearance and odor;

(C) The physical and chemical characteristics;

(D) The hazards involved in handling the oil(s) and hazardous materials. This shall include hazards likely to be encountered if the oil(s) and hazardous materials come in contact as a result of a discharge; and

(E) A list of firefighting procedures and extinguishing agents effective with fires involving the oil(s) and hazardous materials.

(v) The appendix may contain any other information which the facility owner or operator determines to be pertinent to an oil spill response.

(2) List of contacts. This appendix must include information on 24-hour contact of key individuals and organizations. If more appropriate, this information may be specified in a geographic-specific appendix. The list must include—

(i) The primary and alternate qualified individual(s) for the facility;

(ii) The contact(s) identified under paragraph (b)(3)(iv) of this section for activation of the response resources; and

(iii) Appropriate Federal, State, and local officials.

(3) Equipment list and records. This appendix must include the information specified in this paragraph.

(i) The appendix must contain a list of equipment and facility personnel required to respond to an average most probable discharge, as defined in §154.1020. The appendix must also list the location of the equipment.

(ii) The appendix must contain a detailed listing of all the major equipment identified in the plan as belonging to an oil spill removal organization(s) that is available, by contract or other approved means as described in §154.1028(a), to respond to a maximum most probable or worst case discharge, as defined in §154.1020. The detailed listing of all major equipment may be located in a separate document referenced by the plan. Either the appendix or the separate document referenced in the plan must provide the location of the major response equipment.

(iii) It is not necessary to list response equipment from oil spill removal organization(s) when the organization has been classified by the Coast Guard and their capacity has been determined to equal or exceed the response capability needed by the facility. For oil spill removal organization(s) classified by the Coast Guard, the classification must be noted in this section of the plan. When it is necessary for the appendix to contain a listing of response equipment, it shall include all of the following items that are identified in the response plan: Skimmers; booms; dispersant application, in-situ burning, bioremediation equipment and supplies, and other equipment used to apply other chemical agents on the NCP Product Schedule (if applicable); communications, firefighting, and beach cleaning equipment; boats and motors; disposal and storage equipment; and heavy equipment. The list must include for each piece of equipment—

(A) The type, make, model, and year of manufacture listed on the nameplate of the equipment;

(B) For oil recovery devices, the effective daily recovery rate, as determined using section 6 of Appendix C of this part;

(C) For containment boom, the overall boom height (draft and freeboard) and type of end connectors;

(D) The spill scenario in which the equipment will be used for or which it is contracted;

(E) The total daily capacity for storage and disposal of recovered oil;

(F) For communication equipment, the type and amount of equipment intended for use during response activities. Where applicable, the primary and secondary radio frequencies must be specified.

(G) Location of the equipment; and

(H) The date of the last inspection by the oil spill removal organization(s).

(4) Communications plan. This appendix must describe the primary and alternate method of communication during discharges, including communications at the facility and at remote locations within the areas covered by the response plan. The appendix may refer to additional communications packages provided by the oil spill removal organization. This may reference another existing plan or document.

(5) Site-specific safety and health plan. This appendix must describe the safety and health plan to be implemented for any response location(s). It must provide as much detailed information as is practicable in advance of an actual discharge. This appendix may reference another existing plan requiring under 29 CFR 1910.120.

(6) List of acronyms and definitions. This appendix must list all acronyms used in the response plan including any terms or acronyms used by Federal, State, or local governments and any operational terms commonly used at the facility. This appendix must include all definitions that are critical to understanding the response plan.

[CGD 91–036, 61 FR 7917, Feb. 29, 1996, as amended by USCG–2000–7223, 65 FR 40058, June 29, 2000; USCG–2001–9286, 66 FR 33641, June 25, 2001]

§ 154.1040 Specific requirements for facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment.
(a) The owner or operator of a facility that, under §154.1015, could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment, shall submit a response plan that meets the requirements of §154.1035, except as modified by this section.

(b) The facility's response activities section of the response plan need not list the facility or corporate organizational structure that will be used to manage the response, as required by §154.1035(b)(3)(iii).

(c) The owner or operator of a facility must ensure the availability of response resources required to be identified in §154.1035(b)(3)(iv) by contract or other approved means described in §154.1028.

(d) A facility owner or operator must have at least 200 feet of containment boom and the means of deploying and anchoring the boom available at the spill site within 1 hour of the detection of a spill to respond to the average most probable discharge in lieu of the quantity of containment boom specified in §154.1045(c)(1). Based on site-specific or facility-specific information, the COTP may specify that additional quantities of containment boom are available within one hour. In addition, there must be adequate sorbent material for initial response to an average most probable discharge. If the facility is a fixed facility, the containment boom and sorbent material must be located at the facility. If the facility is a mobile facility, the containment boom and sorbent must be available locally and be at the site of the discharge within 1 hour of its discovery.

§ 154.1041 Specific response information to be maintained on mobile MTR facilities.
(a) Each mobile MTR facility must carry the following information as contained in the response plan when performing transfer operations:

(1) A description of response activities for a discharge which may occur during transfer operations. This may be a narrative description or a list of procedures to be followed in the event of a discharge.

(2) Identity of response resources to respond to a discharge from the mobile MTR facility.

(3) List of the appropriate persons and agencies (including the telephone numbers) to be contacted in regard to a discharge and its handling, including the National Response Center.

(b) The owner or operator of the mobile facility must also retain the information in this paragraph at the principal place of business.

§ 154.1045 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for facilities that handle, store, or transport Group I through Group IV petroleum oils.
(a) The owner or operator of a facility that handles, stores, or transports Group I through Group IV petroleum oils shall use the criteria in this section to evaluate response resources identified in the response plan for the specified operating environment.

(1) The criteria in Table 1 of appendix C of this part are to be used solely for identification of appropriate equipment in a response plan. These criteria reflect conditions used for planning purposes to select mechanical response equipment and are not conditions that would limit response actions or affect normal facility operations.

(2) The response resources must be evaluated considering limitations for the COTP zones in which the facility operates, including but not limited to—

(i) Ice conditions;

(ii) Debris;

(iii) Temperature ranges;

(iv) Weather-related visibility; and

(v) Other appropriate environmental conditions as determined by the COTP.

(3) The COTP may reclassify a specific body of water or location within the COTP zone. Any reclassifications will be identified by the COTP in the applicable ACP. Reclassifications may be to—

(i) A more stringent operating environment if the prevailing wave conditions exceed the significant wave height criteria during more than 35 percent of the year; or

(ii) A less stringent operating environment if the prevailing wave conditions do not exceed the significant wave height criteria for the less stringent operating environment during more than 35 percent of the year.

(b) Response equipment must—

(1) Meet or exceed the operating criteria listed in Table 1 of appendix C of this part;

(2) Function in the applicable operating environment; and

(3) Be appropriate for the petroleum oil carried.

(c) The response plan for a facility that handles, stores, or transports Group I through Group IV petroleum oils must identify response resources that are available, by contract or other approved means as described in §154.1028(a)(1)(4), to respond to the facility's average most probable discharge. The response resources must include, at a minimum—

(1) 1,000 feet of containment boom or two times the length of the largest vessel that regularly conducts petroleum oil transfers to or from the facility, whichever is greater, and the means of deploying and anchoring the boom available at the spill site within 1 hour of the detection of a spill; and

(2) Oil recovery devices and recovered oil storage capacity capable of being at the spill site within 2 hours of the discovery of a petroleum oil discharge from a facility. (continued)