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(d) All contracts awarded as a result of a conversion (whether or not a cost comparison was performed) shall comply with all requirements of the FAR and DFARS.

(e) Solicitations shall be restricted for preferential procurement when the requirements applicable to such programs (such as, small business set-asides or other required sources of supplies and services) are met, in accordance with the FAR.

(f) Solicitations will not be restricted for preferential procurement unless the contracting officer determines that there is a reasonable expectation that the commercial prices will be fair and reasonable, in accordance with the FAR.

(g) Contract defaults may result in temporary performance by Government personnel or other suitable means; such as, an interim contract source. Personnel detailed to such a temporary assignment should be clearly informed that they will return to their permanent assignment when a new contract is awarded. If the default occurs within the first year of contract performance, the following procedures apply:

(1) If the Government was the next lowest bidder/offerer, and in-house performance is still feasible, the function may be returned to in-house performance. If in-house performance is no longer feasible, the contracting officer shall obtain the requirement by contract in accordance with the requirements of the FAR, 48 CFR part 49. A return to in-house performance under the above criteria shall be approved by the DoD Component's central point of contact office. This authority may not be redelegated.

(2) If the contract wage rates are no longer valid or if the contracting officer, after a review of the availability of the next lowest responsible and responsive bidders/offerers, determines that resolicitation is appropriate, the Government may submit a bid for comparison with other bids/offers from the private sector. Submission of a Government bid requires a determination by the DoD Component that performance by DoD employees is still feasible and that a likelihood exists that such performance may be more economical than performance by contract. In such cost comparisons, the conversion differentials will not be applied to the costs of either in-house or contract performance.

(h) If contract default occurs during the second or subsequent year of contract performance, the procedures of §169a.8(b)(2)(i) of this part apply.

(1) Grouping of Commercial Activities. (i) The installation commander shall determine carefully which CAs should be grouped in a single solicitation. The installation commander should keep in mind that the grouping of commercial activities can influence the amount of competition (number of commercial firms that will bid or submit proposals) and the eventual cost to the Government.

(ii) [Reserved]

(2) The installation commander shall consider the adverse impacts that the grouping of commercial activities into a single solicitation may have on small and small disadvantaged business concerns. Commercial activities being performed wholly by small or small disadvantaged businesses will not be incorporated into a cost comparison unless consolidation is necessary to meet mission requirements. Actions must be taken to ensure that such contractors are not displaced merely to accomplish consolidation. Similarly, care must be taken so that nonincumbent small and small disadvantaged business contractors are not handicapped or prejudiced unduly from competing effectively at the prime contractor level.

(3) In developing solicitations for commercial activities, the procurement plan should reflect an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages to the Government that might result from making more than one award. The decision to group commercial activities should reflect an analysis of all relevant factors including the following:

(A) The effect on competition.

(B) The duplicative management functions and costs to be eliminated through grouping.

(C) The economies of administering multifunction vs. single function contracts, including cost risks associated with the pricing structure of each.

(D) The feasibility of separating unrelated functional tasks or groupings.

(E) The effect grouping will have on the performance of the functions.

(4) When the solicitation package includes totally independent functions which are clearly divisible, severable, limited in number, and not price interrelated, they shall be solicited on the basis of an “any or all” bid or offer. Commerical bidders or offerors shall be permitted to submit bids or offers on one or any combination of the functions being solicited. These bids or offers shall be evaluated to determine the lowest aggregate contract cost to the Government. This lowest aggregate contract cost then will be compared to the in-house cost estimate based on the MEO for performance of the functions in the single solicitation. The procedures in part IV of the Supplement to OMB Circular No. A–76 (Cost Comparison Handbook) apply.

(5) There are instances when this approach to contracting for CAs may not apply; such as, situations when physical limitations of site (where the activities are to be performed) preclude allowing more than one contractor to perform, when the function cannot be divided for purposes of performance accountability, or for other national security considerations. However, if an “all or none” solicitation is issued, the decision to do so must include a cost analysis to reflect that the “all or none” solicitation is less costly to the Government or an analysis indicating it is otherwise in the best interest of the Government, all factors considered.

(6) It is recognized that in some cases, decisions will result in the elimination of prime contracting opportunities for small business. In such cases special measures shall be taken. At a minimum, small and small disadvantaged business concerns shall be given preferential consideration by all competing prime contractors in the award of subcontracts. For negotiated procurements the degree to which this is accomplished will be a weighted factor in the evaluation and source selection process leading to contract award.

(7) The contract files shall be documented fully to demonstrate compliance with these procedures.

(i) If no bids or proposals, or no responsive or responsible bids or proposals are received in response to a solicitation, the in-house cost estimate shall remain unopened. The contracting officer shall examine the solicitation to ascertain why no responses were received. Depending on the results of this review, the contracting officer shall consider restructuring the requirement, if feasible and reissue it under restricted or unrestricted solicitation procedures, as appropriate.

(j) Continuation of an in-house CA for lack of a satisfactory commercial source will not be based upon lack of response to a restricted solicitation.

(k) The guidance of subparagraph E.3.f. applies to sumplified cost comparisons and direct conversions of military personnel CAs.

(l) To ensure that bonds and/or insurance requirements are being used in the best interest of the Government, as a general rule, requirements (for other than construction related services) above the levels established in the FAR and DFARS should not be included in acquisitions.

[50 FR 40805, Oct. 7, 1985, as amended at 56 FR 27901, June 18, 1991; 57 FR 29210, July 1, 1992]

§ 169a.18 Administrative appeal procedures.
(a) Appeals of Cost Comparison Decisions. (1) Each DoD Component shall establish an administrative appeals procedure to resolve questions from directly affected parties relating to determinations resulting from cost comparisons performed in compliance with this part. The appeal procedure will not apply to questions concerning the following:

(i) Award to one contractor in preference to another;

(ii) DoD management decisions.

(2) The appeals procedure is to provide an administrative safeguard to ensure that DoD Component decisions are fair, equitable, and in accordance with procedures in this part. The procedure does not authorize an appeal outside the DoD Component or a judicial review.

(3) The appeals procedure shall be independent and objective and provide for a decision on the appeal within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal. The decision shall be made by an impartial official at a level organizationally higher than the official who approved the cost comparison decision. The appeal decision shall be final, unless the DoD Component procedures provide for further discretionary review within the DoD Component.

(4) All detailed documentation supporting the initial cost comparison decision shall be made available to directly affected parties upon request when the initial decision is announced. The detailed documentation shall include, at a minimum, the following: the in-house cost estimate with detailed supporting documentation (see §169a.5(c)(ii) of this part), the completed CCF, name of the tentative winning contractor (if the decision is to contract), or the price of the bidder whose bid or proposal would have been most advantageous to the Government (if the decision is to perform in-house). If the documentation is not available when the initial decision is announced, the time alloted for submission of appeals shall be extended the number of days equal to the delay.

(5) To be considered eligible for review under the DoD Component appeals procedures, appeals shall:

(i) Be received by the DoD Component in writing within 15 working days after the date the supporting documentation is made available to directly affected parties.

(ii) Address specific line items on the CCF and the rationale for questioning those items.

(iii) Demonstrate that the result of the appeal may change the decision.

(b) Appeals of Simplified Cost Comparisons and Direct Conversions. (1) Directly affected parties may appeal decision to convert to contract based on a simplified cost comparison involving 11–45 DoD civilian employees or a direct conversion involving 10 or fewer DoD civilian employees. The appeal must address reasons why fair and reasonable prices will not be obtainable.

(2) Each DoD Component shall establish an administrative appeal procedure that is independent and objective; Installation Commanders must make available, upon request, the documentation supporting the decision to directly convert activities; appeals of direct conversions must be filed within 30 calendar days after the decision is announced in the Commerce Business Daily and/or Federal Register, and the supporting documentation is made available; an impartial official one level organizationally higher than the official who approved the direct conversion decision shall hear the appeal; officials shall provide an appeal decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal.

(c) Since the appeal procedure is intended to protect the rights of all directly affected parties, the DoD Component's procedures, as well as the decision upon appeal, will not be subject to negotiation, arbitration, or agreement.

(d) DoD Components shall include administrative appeal procedures as part of their implementing documents.

[50 FR 40805, Oct. 7, 1985, as amended at 57 FR 29210, July 1, 1992]

§ 169a.19 Study limits.
No DoD funds shall be available to perform any cost study pursuant to the provisions of OMB Circular A–76 if the study being performed exceeds a period of 24 months after initiation of such study with respect to a single function activity or 48 months after initiation of such study for a multi-function activity.

[60 FR 67328, Dec. 29, 1995]

Subpart C—Reporting Requirements
§ 169a.21 Reporting requirements.
(a) Inventory and Review Schedule (Report Control Symbol DD-A&T(A) 1540). See §169a.8(a) of this part.

(b) Commercial Activities Management Information System (CAMIS) (Report Control Symbol DD-A&T(Q) 1542). (1) The purpose of CAMIS is to maintain an accurate DoD data base of commercial activities that undergo an OMB Circular A–76 cost comparison and CAs that are converted directly to contract without a cost comparison. The CAMIS is used to provide information to the Congress, Office of Management Budget (OMB), General Accounting Office (GAO), OSD, and others. The CAMIS is divided into two parts. Part I contains data on CAs that undergo cost comparison. Part II contains data on commercial activities converted to contract without a full cost comparison.

(2) The CAMIS report shall be submitted in accordance with the procedures in Appendix C.

(c) Congressional Data Reports on CA (Report Control Symbol DD-A&T(A&AR) 1949) and Reports on savings on Costs from Increased Use of DoD Civilian Personnel (Report Control Symbol DD-A&T(AR) 1950). To insure consistent application of the requirements stated in 10 U.S.C. 2461 and 2463, the following guidance is provided:

(1) The geographic scope of section 10 U.S.C. 2461 applies to the United States, its territories and possessions, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(2) Section 10 U.S.C. 2461 applies to proposed conversions of DoD CAs that on October 1, 1980, were being performed by more than forty-five DoD civilian employees. 10 U.S.C. 2463 applies to conversions from contract to in-house involving 50 or more contractor employees.

(3) DoD Components must not proceed with a CA study until notification to Congress, as required by 10 U.S.C. 2461. DoD Components shall notify the ASD(ES) of any such intent at least 5 working days before congressional notification.

(4) DoD Components shall annotate announcements to Congress when a cost comparison is planned at an activity listed in the report to Congress on Core Logistics (see §169a.8(b)(1)(i)(2) of this part).

(5) The DoD Components shall notify Congress, at least 5 working days before sending the detailed summary report required by 10 U.S.C. 2461 to Congress. The detailed summary of the cost shall include: the amount of the offer accepted for the performance of the activity by the private contractor; the costs and expenditures that the Government will incur because of the contract; the estimated cost of performance of the activity by the most efficient Government organization; a statement indicating the life of the contract; and certifications that the entire cost comparison is available, and that the Government calculation for the cost of performance of such function by DoD employees is based on an estimate of the most efficient and cost-effective organization for performance of such function by DoD employees.

(6) The potential economic effect on the employees affected, the local community, and the Federal Government of contracting for performance of the function shall be included in the report to accompany the above certifications, if more than 75 total employees (including military and civilian, both permanent and temporary) are potentially affected. It is suggested that the Army Corps of Engineers' model (or equivalent) be used to generate this information. The potential impact on affected employees shall be included in the report, regardless of the number of employees involved. Also include in the report a statement that the decision was made to convert to contractor performance, the projected date of contract award, the projected contract start date, and the effect of contracting the function on the military mission of that function.

(7) By December 15th of each year, each DoD Component shall submit to the ASD(P&L) the data required by 10 U.S.C. 2461(c). In describing the extent to which CA functions were performed by DoD contractors during the preceding fiscal year, include the estimated number of work years for the in-house operation as well as for contract operation (including percentages) by major OSD functional areas in Appendix A to this part; such as, Social Services, Health Services, Installation Services, etc. For the estimate of the percentage of CA functions that will be performed in-house and those that will be performed by contract during the fiscal year during which the report is submitted, include the estimated work years for in-house CAs as well as for contracted CAs and the rationale for significant changes when compared to the previous year's data. Also, include the number of studies you expect to complete in the next fiscal year showing total civilian and military FTEs.

[50 FR 40805, Oct. 7, 1985, as amended at 57 FR 29210, July 1, 1992; 60 FR 67329, Dec. 29, 1995]

§ 169a.22 Responsibilities.
The responsibilities for implementing the policies and procedures of the DoD CA Program are prescribed in DoD Directive 4100.15 (32 CFR part 169) and appropriate paragraphs of this part.

[57 FR 29210, July 1, 1992]

Appendix A to Part 169a—Codes and Definitions of Functional Areas
This list of functional codes and their definitions does not restrict the applicability or scope of the commerical activity Program within DoD. Section B. of DoD Directive 4100.15 defines the applicability and scope of the program. The commerical activity program still applies to CAs not defined in this listing. These codes and definitions are a guide to assist reporting. As new functions are identified, codes will be added or existing definitions will be expanded.

Social Services

G001 Care of Remains of Deceased Personnel and/or Funeral Services. Includes CAs that provide mortuary services, including transportation from aerial port of embarkation (APOE) to mortuary of human remains received from overseas mortuaries, inpection, restoration, provision of uniform and insignia, dressing, flag, placement in casket, and preparation for onward shipment.

G008 Commissary Store Operation. Includes CAs that provide all ordering, receipt, storage, stockage, and retailing for commissaries. Excludes procurement of goods for issue or resale.

G008A: Shelf Stocking.

G008B: Check Out.

G008C: Meat Processing.

G008D: Produce Processing.

G008E: Storage and Issue.

G008F: Other.

G008G: Troop Subsistance Issue Point.

G009 Clothing Sales Store Operation. Includes commercial activities that provide ordering, receipt, storage, stockage, and retailing of clothing. Stores operated by the Army and Air Force Exchange Services, Navy Exchange Services, and Marine Corps Exchange Services are excluded.

G010 Recreational Library Services. Includes operation of libraries maintained primarily for off-duty use by military personnel and their dependents.

G011 Other Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Services. Operation of commercial activities maintained primarily for the off-duty use of military personnel and their dependents, including both appropriated and partially nonappropriated fund activities. The operation of clubs and messes, and morale support activities are included in code G011. Examples of activities performing G011 functions are arts and crafts, entertainment, sports and athletics, swimming, bowling, marina and boating, stables, youth activities, centers, and golf. DoD Directive 1015.1 1 contains amplification of the categories reflected below. (NOTE: commercial activities procedures are not mandatory for functions staffed solely by civilian personnel paid by nonappropriated funds.)

1 See footnote 1 to §169.1(a).

G011A: All Category II Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities (NAFIs), except Package Beverage Branch.

G011B: Package Beverage Branch.

G011C: All Category IIIa NAFIs.

G011D: All Category IIIb1, except Libraries.

G011E: Category IIIb2 Arts and Crafts.

G011F: Category IIIb2 Music & Theatre.

G011G: Category IIIb2 Outdoor Recreation.

G011H: Category IIIb2 Youth Activities.

G011I: Category IIIb2 Child Development Service.

G011J: Category IIIb2 Sports—Competitive.

G011K: All Category IIIb3 except Armed Forces Recreation Center (AFRC) Golf Bowling, and membership associations converted from Category VI.

G011L: Category IIIb3 AFRC.

G011M: Category IIIb3 Golf.

G011N: Category IIIb3 Bowling.

G011O: Category IIIb3 membership associations converted from Category VI.

G011P: Category III Information Tour and Travel (ITT).

G011Q: All Category IV.

G011R: All Category V.

G011S: All Category VI, except those converted to Category IIIb3.

G011T: All Category VII.

G011U: All Category VIII, except billeting and hotels.

G011V: Category VIII Billeting.

G011W: Category VIII Hotels.

G012 Community Services. DoD Directive 1015.1 contains further amplification of the categories.

G012A: Information and Referral.

G012B: Relocation Assistance.

G012C: Exceptionl Family Member.

G012D: Family Advocacy (Domestic Violence).

G012E: Foster Care.

G012F: Family Member Employment.

G012G: Installation Volunteer Coordination.

G012H: Outreach.

G012I: Volunteer Management.

G012J: Office Management.

G012K: Consumer Affairs/Financial Assistance.

G012L: General and Emergency Family Assistance.

G900 Chaplain Activities and Support Services. Includes commercial activities that provide non-military unique support services that supplement the command religious program such as non-pastoral counseling, organists, choir directors, and directions of religious education. The command religious program, which includes chaplains and enlisted support personnel, is a Governmental function and is excluded from this category.

G901 Berthing BOQ/BEQ. Includes commercial activities that provide temporary or permanent accommodations for officer or enlisted personnel. Management of the facility, room service, and daily cleaning are included.

G904 Family Services. Includes commercial activities that perform various social services for families, such as family counseling, financial counseling and planning, the operation of an abuse center, child care center, or family aid center.

G999 Other Social Services. This code will only be used for unusual circumstances and will not be used to report organizations or work that can be accommodated under a specifically defined code.

Health Services

H101 Hospital Care. Includes commercial activities that provide outpatient and inpatient care and consultative evaluation in the medical specialties, including pediatrics and psychiatry; the coordination of health care delivery relative to the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and disposition of medical inpatients.

H102 Surgical Care. Includes commercial activities that provide outpatient and inpatient care and consultative evaluation in the surgical specialties, including obstetrics, gynecology, ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology; the coordination of health care delivery relative to the examination, treatment, diagnosis, and disposition of surgical patients.

H105 Nutritional Care. Includes commercial activities that provide hospital food services for inpatients and outpatients, dietetic treatment, counseling of patients, and nutritional education.

H106 Pathology Services. Includes commercial activities involved in the operation of laboratories providing comprehensive clinical and anatomical pathology services; DoD military blood program and blood bank activities; and area reference laboratories.

H107 Radiology Services. Includes commercial activities that provide diagnostic and therapeutic radiologic service to inpatients and outpatients, including the processing, examining, interpreting, and storage and retrieval of radiographs, fluorographs, and radiotherapy.

H108 Pharmacy Services. Includes commercial activities that produce, preserve, store, compound, manufacture, package, control, assay, dispense, and distribute medications (including intravenous solutions) for inpatients and outpatients.

H109 Physical Therapy. Includes commercial activities that provide care and treatment to patients whose ability to function is impaired or threatened by disease or injury; primarily serve patients whose actual impairment is related to neuromusculoskeletal, pulmonary, and cardiovascular systems; evaluate the function and impairment of these systems, and select and apply therapeutic procedures to maintain, improve, or restore these functions.

H110 Materiel Services. Includes commercial activities that provide or arrange for the supplies, equipment, and certain services necessary to support the mission of the medical facility; responsibilities include procurement, inventory control, receipt, storage, quality assurance, issue, turn-in, disposition, property accounting, and reporting actions for designated medical and nonmedical supplies and equipment.

H111 Orthopedic Services. Includes commercial activities that construct orthopedic appliances such as braces, casts, splints, supports, and shoes from impressions, forms, molds, and other specifications.

H112 Ambulance Service. Includes commercial activities that provide transportation for personnel who are injured, sick, or otherwise require medical treatment, including standby duty in support of military activities and ambulance bus services.

H113 Dental Care. Includes commercial activities that provide oral examinations, patient education, diagnosis, treatment, and care including all phases of restorative dentistry, oral surgery, prosthodontics, oral pathology, periodontics, orthodontics, endodontics, oral hygiene, preventive dentistry, and radiodontics.

H114 Dental Laboratories. Includes commercial activities that operate dental prosthetic laboratories required to support the provision of comprehensive dental care; services may include preparing casts and models, repairing dentures, fabricating transitional, temporary, or orthodontic appliances, and finishing dentures.

H115 Clinics and Dispensaries. Includes commercial activities that operate freestanding clinics and dispensaries that provide health care services. Operations are relatively independent of a medical treatment facility and are separable for in-house or contract performance. Health clinics, occupational health clinics, and occupational health nursing offices.

H116 Veterinary Services. Includes commercial activities that provide a complete wholesomeness and quality assurance food inspection program, including sanitation, inspection of food received, surveillance inspections, and laboratory examination and analysis; a complete zoonosis control program; complete medical care for Government-owned animals; veterinary medical support for biomedical research and development; support to other Federal agencies when requested and authorized; assistance in a comprehensive preventive medicine program; and determination of fitness of all foods that may have been contaminated by chemical, bacteriological, or radioactive materials.

H117 Medical Records Transcription. Includes commercial activities that transcribe, file, and maintain medical records.

H118 Nursing Services. Includes commercial activities that provide care and treatment for inpatients and outpatients not required to be performed by a doctor.

H119 Preventive Medicine. Includes commercial activities that operate wellness or holistic clinics (preventive medicine), information centers, and research laboratories.

H120 Occupational Health. Includes commercial activities that develop, monitor, and inspect installation safety conditions.

H121 Drug Rehabilitation. Includes commercial activities that operate alcohol treatment facilities, urine testing for drug content, and drug/alcohol counseling centers.

H999 Other Health Services. This code will only be used for unusual circumstances and will not be used to report organizations or work that can be accommodated under a specifically defined code.

Intermediate, Direct, or General Repair and Maintenance of Equipment

Definition. Maintenance authorized and performed by designated maintenance commercial activities in support of using activities. Normally, it is limited to replacement and overhaul of unserviceable parts, subassemblies, or assemblies. It includes (1) intermediate/direct/general maintenance performed by fixed activities that are not designed for deployment to combat areas and that provide direct support of organizations performing or designed to perform combat missions from bases in the United States, and (2) any testing conducted to check the repair procedure. Commercial activities engaged in intermediate/direct/general maintenance and/or repair of equipment are to be grouped according to the equipment predominantly handled, as follows:

J501 Aircraft. Aircraft and associated equipment. Includes armament, electronic and communications equipment, engines, and any other equipment that is an integral part of an aircraft.

J502 Aircraft Engines. Aircraft engines that are not repaired while an integral part of the aircraft.

J503 Missiles. Missile systems and associated equipment. Includes mechanical, electronics, and communication equipment that is an integral part of missile systems.

J504 Vessels. All vessels, including armament, electronics, communications and any other equipment that is an integral part of the vessel.

J505 Combat Vehicles. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, and other combat vehicles. Includes armament, fire control, electronic, and communications equipment that is an integral part of a combat vehicle.

J506 Noncombat Vehicles. Automotive equipment, such as tactical, support, and administrative vehicles. Includes electronic and communications equipment that is an integral part of the noncombat vehicle.

J507 Electronic and Communications Equipment. Stationary, mobile, portable, and other electronic and communications equipment. Excludes electronic and communications equipment that is an integral part of another weapon/support system. Maintenance of Automatic Data Processing Equipment (ADPE) not an integral part of a communications system shall be reported under functional code W825; maintenance of tactical ADPE shall be reported under function code J999.

J510 Railway Equipment. Locomotives of any type or gauge, including steam, compressed air, straight electric, storage battery, diesel electric, gasoline, electric, diesel mechanical locomotives, railway cars, and cabooses. Includes electrical equipment for locomotives and cars, motors, generators, wiring supplies for railway tracks for both propulsion and signal circuits, and on-board communications and control equipment.

J511 Special Equipment. Construction equipment, weight lifting, power, and materiel handling equipment (MHE).

J512 Armament. Small arms, artillery and guns, nuclear munitions, chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) items, conventional ammunition, and all other ordnance items. Excludes armament that is an integral part of another weapon or support system.

J513 Dining Facility Equipment. Dining facility kitchen appliances and equipment.

J514 Medical and Dental Equipment. Medical and dental equipment.

J515 Containers, Textiles, Tents, and Tarpaulins. Containers, tents, tarpaulins, other textiles, and organizational clothing.

J516 Metal Containers. Container Express (CONEX) containers, gasoline containers, and other metal containers.

J517 Training Devices and Audiovisual Equipment. Training devices and audiovisual equipment. Excludes maintenance of locally fabricated devices and functions reported under codes T807 and T900.

J519 Industrial Plant Equipment. That part of plant equipment with an acquisition cost of $3,000 or more, used to cut, abrade, grind, shape, form, join, test, measure, heat, or otherwise alter the physical, electrical, or chemical properties of materiels, components, or end items entailed in manufacturing, maintenance, supply processing, assembly, or research and development operations.

J520 Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment. Test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) that has resident in it a programmable computer. Included is equipment referred to as automated test equipment (ATE).

J521 Other Test, Measurement, and Diagnostic Equipment. Test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment not classified as ATE or that does not contain a resident programmable computer. Includes such items as electronic meters, armament circuit testers, and other specialized testers.

J522 Aeronautical Support Equipment. Aeronautical support equipment excluding TMDE (and ATE). Includes such items as ground electrical power carts, aircraft tow tractors, ground air conditioners, engine stands, and trailers. Excludes aeronautical equipment reported under J501.

J999 Other Intermediate, Direct, or General Repair and Maintenance of Equipment. This code will only be used for unusual circumstances and will not be used to report organizations or work that can be accommodated under a specifically defined code.

Depot Repair, Maintenance, Modification, Conversion, or Overhaul of Equipment

Definition. The maintenance performed on materiel that requires major overhaul or a complete rebuild of parts, assemblies, subassemblies, and end items, including the manufacture of parts, modifications, testing, and reclamation, as required. Depot maintenance serves to support lower categories of maintenance. Depot maintenance provides stocks of serviceable equipment by using more extensive facilities for repair than are available in lower level maintenance activities. (See DoD Instruction 4151.15 2 for further amplification of the category definitions reflected below.) Depot or indirect maintenance functions are identified by the type of equipment maintained or repaired.

2 See footnote 1 to §169a.1(a).

K531 Aircraft. Aircraft and associated equipment. Includes armament, electronics and communications equipment, engines, and any other equipment that is an integral part of an aircraft. Aeronautical support equipment not reported separately under code K548.

K532 Aircraft Engines. Aircraft engines that are not repaired while an integral part of the aircraft.

K533 Missiles. Missile systems and associated equipment. Includes mechanical, electronic, and communications equipment that is an integral part of missile systems.

K534 Vessels. All vessels, including armament, electronics, and communications equipment, and any other equipment that is an integral part of a vessel.

K535 Combat Vehicles. Tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled artillery, and other combat vehicles. Includes armament, fire control, electronics, and communications equipment that is an integral part of a combat vehicle.

K536 Noncombat Vehicles. Automotive equipment, such as tactical support and administrative vehicles. Includes electronic and communications equipment that is an integral part of the vehicle.

K537 Electronic and Communications Equipment. Stationary, mobile, portable, and other electronics and communications equipment. Excludes electronic and communications equipment that is an integral part of another weapon/support system. Maintenance of ADPE, not an integral part of a communications system, is reported under functional code W825.

K538 Railway Equipment. Locomotives of any type or gauge, including steam, compressed air, straight electric, storage battery, diesel electric, gasoline, electric, diesel mechanical locomotives, railway cars, and cabooses. Includes electrical equipments for locomotives and cars, motors, generators, wiring supplies for railway tracks for both propulsion and signal circuits, and on-board communication and control equipment.

K539 Special Equipment. Construction equipment, weight lifting, power, and materiel-handling equipment.

K540 Armament. Small arms; artillery and guns; nuclear munitions, CBR items; conventional ammunition; and all other ordnance items. Excludes armament that is an integral part of another weapon or support system.

K541 Industrial Plant Equipment. That part of plant equipment with an acquisition cost of $3,000 or more, used to cut, abrade, grind, shape, form, join, test, measure, heat, or otherwise alter the physical, electrical, or chemical properties of materials, components, or end items entailed in manufacturing, maintenance, supply, processing, assembly, or research and development operations.

K542 Dining Facility Equipment. Dining facility kitchen applicances and equipment. This includes field feeding equipment.

K543 Medical and Dental Equipment. Medical and dental equipment.

K544 Containers, Textiles, Tents and Tarpaulins. Containers, tents, tarpaulins, and other textiles.

K545 Metal Containers. CONEX containers, gasoline containers, and other metal containers.

K546 Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment. Test measurement and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) that has resident in it a programmable computer. Included is equipment referred to as automated test equipment (ATE).

K547 Other Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment. Test measurement and diagnostic equipment not classfied as ATE or that does not contain a resident programmable computer. Includes such items as electronic meters, armament circuit testers, and other specialized testers.

K548 Aeronautical Support Equipment. Aeronautical support equipment excluding TMDE (and ATE). Includes such items as ground electrical power carts, aircraft tow tractors, ground air conditioners, engine stands, and trailers. Excludes aeronautical support equipment reported under code K531.

K999 Other Depot Repair, Maintenance, Modification, Conversion, or Overhaul of Equipment. This code will only be used for unusual circumstances and will not be used to report organizations or work that can be accommodated under a specifically defined code.

Base Maintenance/Multifunction Contracts

P100 Base Maintenance/Multifunction Contracts. Includes all umbrella-type contracts where the contractor performs more than one function at one or more installations. (Identify specific functions as nonadd entries.)

Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) Support

R660 RDT&E Support. Includes all effort not reported elsewhere directed toward support of installation or operations required for research, development, test, and evaluation use. Included are maintenance support of laboratories, operation and maintenance of test ranges, and maintenance of test aircraft and ships.

Installation Services

S700 Natural Resource Services. Includes those commercial activities that provide products or services that implement natural resource management plans in the areas of fish, game, wildlife, forestry, watershed areas or ground water table, erosion control, and mineral deposit management. Natural resources planning and management is a governmental function and will not be reported.

S701 Advertising and Public Relations Services. Includes commercial activities responsible for advertising and public relations in support of public affairs offices, installation newspapers and publications, and information offices.

S702 Financial and Payroll Services. Includes commercial activities that prepare payroll, print checks, escrow, or change payroll accounts for personnnel. Includes other services normally associated with banking operations.

S703 Debt Collection. Includes commercial activities that monitor, record, and collect debts incurred by overdrafts, bad checks, or delinquent accounts.

S706 Installation Bus Services. Includes commercial activities that operate local, intrapost, and interpost scheduled bus services. Includes scheduled movement of personnel over regular routes by administrative motor vehicles to include taxi and dependent school bus services.

S706A Scheduled Bus Services.

S706B Unscheduled Bus Services

S706C Dependent School Bus Services.

S706D Other Bus Services.

S708 Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services. Including commercial activities that operate and maintain laundry and dry cleaning facilities.

S709 Custodial Services. Includes commercial activities that provide janitorial and housekeeping services to maintain safe and sanitary conditions and preserve property.

S710 Pest Management. Includes commercial activities that provide control measures directed against fungi, insects, rodents, and other pests.

S712 Refuse Collection and Disposal Services. Includes commercial activities that operate incinerators, sanitary fills, and regulated dumps, and perform all other approved refuse collection and disposal services.

S713 Food Services. Includes commercial activities engaged in the operation and administration of food preparation and serving facilities. Excludes operation of central bakeries, pastry kitchens, and central meat processing facilities that produce a product and are reported under functional area X934. Excludes hospital food service operations (under code H105).

S713A: Food Preparation and Administration.

S713B: Mess Attendants and Housekeeping Services.

S714 Furniture. Includes commercial activities that repair and refurbish furniture.

S715 Office Equipment. Includes commercial activities that maintain and repair typewriters, calculators, and adding machines.

S716 Motor Vehicle Operation. Includes commercial activities that operate local administrative motor transportation services. Excludes installation bus services reported in functional area S706.

S716A: Taxi Service.

S716B: Bus Service (unless in S706).

S716C: Motor Pool Operations.

S716D: Crane Operation (includes rigging, excludes those listed in T800G).

S716E: Heavy Truck Operation.

S716F: Construction Equipment Operation.

S716I: Driver/Operator Licensing & Test.

S716J: Other Vehicle Operations (Light Truck/Auto).

S716K: Fuel Truck Operations.

S716M: Tow Truck Operations.

S717 Motor Vehicle Maintenance. Includes commercial activities that perform maintenance on automotive equipment, such as support and administrative vehicles. Includes electronic and communications equipment that are an integral part of the vehicle.

S717A: Upholstery Maintenance and Repair.

S717B: Glass Replacement and Window Repair.

S717C: Body Repair and Painting.

S717D: Accessory Overhaul.

S717E: General Repairs/Minor Maintenance.

S717F: Battery Maintenance and Repair.

S717G: Tire Maintenance and Repair.

S717H: Major Component Overhaul.

S717I: Material Handling Equipment Maintenance.

S717J: Crane Maintenance.

S717K: Construction Equipment Maintenance.

S717L: Frame and Wheel Alignment.

S717M: Other Motor Vehicle Maintenance.

S718 Fire Prevention and Protection. Includes commercial activities that operate and maintain fire protection and preventive services. Includes routine maintenance and repair of fire equipment and the installation of fire prevention equipment.

S718A: Fire Protection Engineering.

S718B: Fire Station Administration.

S718C: Fire Prevention.

S718D: Fire Station Operations.

S718E: Crash and Rescue.

S718F: Structural Fire Suppression.

S718G: Fire & Crash/Rescue Equipment Major Maintenance.

S718H: Other Fire Prevention and Protection.

S719: Military Clothing. Includes commercial activities that order, receive, store, issue, and alter military clothing and repair military shoes. Excludes repair of organizational clothing reported under code J515.

S724: Guard Service. Includes commercial activities engaged in physical security operations that provide for installation security and intransit protection of military property from loss or damage.

S724A: Ingress and egress control. Regulation of persons, material, and vehicles entering or exiting a designated area to provide protection of the installation and Government property.

S724B: Physical security patrols and posts. Mobile and static physical security guard activities that provide protection of installation or Government property.

S724C: Conventional arms, ammunition, and explosives (CAAE) security. Dedicated security guards for CAAE.

S724D: Animal control. Patrolling for, capture of, and response to complaints about uncontrolled, dangerous, and disabled animals on military installations.

S724E: Visitor information services. Providing information to installation resident and visitors about street, agency, unit, and activity locations.

S724F: Vehicle impoundment. Removal, accountability, security, and processing of vehicles impounded on military installations.

S724G: Registration functions. Administration, filing, processing, and retrieval information about privately owned items that must be registered on military installations.

S724S: Other guard service.

S725 Electrical Plants and Systems. Includes commercial activities that operate, maintain, and repair Government-owned electrical plants and systems.

S726 Heating Plants and Systems. Includes commercial activities that operate, maintain, and repair Government-owned heating plants and systems over 750,000 British Thermal Unit (BTU) capacity. Codes Z991 or Z992 will be used for systems under 750,000 BTU capacity, as applicable.

S727 Water Plants and Systems. Includes commercial activities that operate, maintain, and repair Government-owned water plants and systems.

S728 Sewage and Waste Plants and Systems. Includes commercial activities that operate, maintain, and repair Government-owned sewage and waste plants and systems.

S729 Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Plants. Includes commercial activities that operate, maintain, and repair Government-owned air conditioning and refrigeration plants over 5-ton capacity. Codes Z991 or Z992 shall be used for plants under 5-ton capacity as applicable.

S730 Other Services or Utilities. Includes commercial activities that operate, maintain, and repair other Government-owned services or utilities.

S731 Base Supply Operations. Includes commercial activities that operate centralized installation supply functions providing supplies and equipment to all assigned or attached units. Performs all basic supply functions to determine requirements for all requisition, receipt, storage, issuance, and accountability for materiel.

S732 Warehousing and Distribution of Publications. Includes commercial activities that receive, store, and distribute publications and blank forms.

S740 Installation Transportation Office. Includes technical, clerical, and administrative commercial activities that support traffic management services related to the procurement of freight and passenger service from commercial “for hire” transportation companies. Excludes restricted functions that must be performed by Government employees such as the review, approval, and signing of documents related to the obligation of funds; selection of mode or carrier; evaluation of carrier performance; and carrier suspension. Excludes installation transportation functions described under codes S706, S716, S717, T810, T811, T812, and T814.

S740A: Installation Transportation Management and Administration.

S740B: Materiel Movements.

S740C: Personnel Movements.

S740D: Personal Property Activities.

S740E: Quality Control and Inspection.

S740F: Unit Movements.

S750 Museum Operations.

S760 Contractor-Operated Parts Stores and Contractor-Operated Civil Engineering Supply Stores.

S999 Other Installation Services. This code will only be used for unusual circumstances and will not be used to report organizations or work that can be accommodated under a specifically defined code.

Other Nonmanufacturing Operations

T800 Ocean Terminal Operations. Includes commercial activities that operate terminals transferring cargo between overland and sealift transportation. Includes handling of Government cargo through commercial water terminals.

T800A: Pier Operations. Includes commercial activities that provide stevedore and shipwright carpentry operations supporting the loading, stowage, and discharge of cargo and containers on and off ships, and supervision of operations at commercial piers and military ocean terminals.

T800B: Cargo Handling Equipment. Includes commercial activities that operate and maintain barge derricks, gantries, cranes, forklifts, and other materiel handling equipment used to handle cargo within the terminal area.

T800C: Port Cargo Operations. Includes commercial activities that load and unload railcars and trucks, pack, repack, crate, warehouse, and store cargo moving through the terminal, and stuff and unstuff containers.

T800D: Vehicle Preparation. Includes commercial activites that prepare Government and privately owned vehicles (POVs) for ocean shipment, inspection, stowage in containers, transportation to pier, processing, and issue of import vehicles to owners.

T800E: Lumber Operations. Includes commercial activities that segregate reclaimable lumber from dunnage removed from ships, railcars, and trucks; remove nails; even lengths; inspect; and return the lumber to inventory for reuse. Includes receipt, storage, and issue of new lumber.

T800F: Materiel Handling Equipment (MHE) Operations. Includes commercial activities that deliver MHE to user agencies, perform onsite fueling, and operate special purpose and heavy capacity equipment.

T800G: Crane Operations. Includes commercial activities that operate and perform first-echelon maintenance of barge derricks, gantries, and truck-mounted cranes in support of vessels and terminal cargo activities.

T800H: Breakbulk Cargo Operations. Includes commercial activities that provide stevedoring, shipwright carpentry, stevedore transportation, and the loading and unloading of noncontainerized cargo.

T800I: Other Ocean Terminal Operations.

T801 Storage and Warehousing. Includes commercial activities that receive materiel into depots and other storage and warehousing facilities, provide care for supplies, and issue and ship materiel. Excludes installation supply in support of unit and tenet activities described in S731.

T801A: Receipt. Includes commercial activities that receive supplies and related documents and information. This includes materiel handling and related actions, such as materials segregation and checking, and tallying incident to receipt.

T801B: Packing and Crating of Household Goods. Includes commercial activities performing packing and crating operations described in T801H, incident to the movement or storage of household goods. (continued)