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(continued) ting State standards or criteria, changes to local comprehensive plans or zoning maps that are inconsistent with State standards or criteria, or inadequate monitoring and enforcement, as described in paragraph (a)(3)(i)(A) of this section.

(D) Ineffective implementation of Federal consistency authority. Indicators of ineffective implementation could include: Not reviewing Federal activities, Federal licenses and permits, including offshore oil and gas exploration and development, and Federal financial assistance to State and local governments for consistency with the approved CZM program or employing review procedures that are not in accordance with State and NOAA regulations.

(E) Inadequate opportunity for intergovernmental cooperation and public participation in management program implementation. Indicators of inadequate opportunity could include: not carrying out procedures necessary to insure adequate consideration of the national interest in facilities which are necessary to meet requirements which are other than local in nature, not implementing effectively mechanisms for continuing consultation and coordination, not providing required notice that a management program decision would conflict with a local zoning ordinance, decision or other action pursuant to section 306(d)(3)(B)(i) and 15 CFR 923.57, or not providing opportunities for public participation in permitting processes, consistency determinations and other similar decisions pursuant to new section 306(d)(14) after November 5, 1993 and after states have been given reasonable opportunity to comply with NOAA's implementing guidance.

(F) Non-adherence to the terms of a grant or cooperative agreement, including the schedule for funded activities. The Assistant Administrator will also consider the extent to which priorities for expenditure of Federal funds reflect an appropriate priority for activities necessary to implement and enforce core program authorities effectively.

(G) Not submitting changes to the approved program for Federal approval on a schedule developed pursuant to 15 CFR 923.81(a) and 923.84(b)(1)(i) or developing and implementing changes to the approved program without Federal approval which are inconsistent with the Act or the approved program or which result in a reduced level of protection of coastal resources.

(ii) The Assistant Administrator may consider whether an indication of non-adherence is of recent origin (in which case the State may be given a reasonable opportunity to correct it) or has been repeatedly brought to the State's attention without corrective action in determining whether to invoke interim sanctions.

(b) Withdrawal of program approval and financial assistance. (1) As required by sections 312(d) and 312(e) of the Act:

(i) The Secretary shall withdraw approval of the management program of any coastal State and shall withdraw financial assistance available to that State under this title as well as any unexpended portion of such assistance, if the Secretary determines that the coastal State has failed to take the actions referred to in paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(A) of this section.

(ii) Management program approval and financial assistance may not be withdrawn under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, unless the Secretary gives the coastal State notice of the proposed withdrawal and an opportunity for a public hearing on the proposed action. Upon the withdrawal of management program approval under paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, the Secretary shall provide the coastal State with written specifications of the actions that should be taken, or not engaged in, by the State in order that such withdrawal may be canceled by the Secretary.

(2) Requirements. (i) If the Assistant Administrator determines that the State has not taken the actions required in §923.135(a)(2), the Assistant Administrator will provide the Governor and the State CZM program manager with written notice of this finding and NOAA's obligation to withdraw program approval and financial assistance under this title. The State will be given 30 days from receipt of this notice to respond with evidence that it has taken the actions specified pursuant to §923.135(a)(2). During this 30-day period, the State may request up to 30 additional days to respond, for a maximum of 60 days from receipt of notice.

(ii) If the State does not respond satisfactorily within the time allowed, the agency will notify the State of intent to take the proposed action. This notice will be published in the Federal Register and will inform the State of its right to a public hearing.

(iii) If the State does not request a public hearing or submit satisfactory evidence that it has taken the actions specified pursuant to §923.135(a)(2) within 30 days of publication of this notice, and the Assistant Administrator determines that the State has failed to take the actions specified pursuant to §923.135(a)(2), the Assistant Administrator will withdraw program approval and financial assistance and will notify the State in writing of the decision and the reasons for it. The notification will set forth actions that must be taken by the State which would cause the Assistant Administrator to cancel the withdrawal.

(iv) If the State requests a public hearing within 30 days of publication of the notice of intent to withdraw program approval and financial assistance, the Assistant Administrator will publish 30 days advance notice of the hearing in the Federal Register and the newspaper(s) of largest circulation in the State's coastal zone. The hearing will be held in a location convenient to the citizens of the State's coastal zone and a record of the hearing will be maintained. Within 30 days of the completion of the hearing, the agency will make the determination as set forth in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section.

(3) If program approval and financial assistance are withdrawn pursuant to this section, a notice will be placed in the Federal Register and Federal consistency under section 307 of the Act will cease to apply to the State's CZM program.

[47 FR 21021, May 17, 1982, as amended at 57 FR 31114, July 14, 1992. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 33818, June 28, 1996]